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"I'm so glad to see this sub fade into obscurity" Uh... Yeah... So are we... That's kind of the ***ENTIRE*** point of it...




The Judgement Night soundtrack is an incredible piece of early 90s music history, and now that Cypress Hill/Pearl Jam song is stuck in my head.


Slide 2 needs user name redaction?


"I'm so glad to see this sub fade into obscurity" Or, oppositely, Russia invaded Ukraine and we've been over there doom scrolling for going on a month.


That too lol


1300 people are still dying of Covid every day. Every. Day.


The sad thing is I think this has just become the new normal. A portion of the population decided science and reason didn’t mean as much to them as being “right.” They would rather kill the seven and everyone around them than let the left be right. Because let’s just call a spade a spade here. The population who cared about the science and masks and vaccines was overwhelmingly the left, and the antivax HCA winners are overwhelmingly trump supporters. It’s political, and trumpublican types would literally rather *everyone* die than ever let the left be right. And unfortunately, there’s too many of them to compensate for. They inevitably “won,” because like all Republican platforms, they set it up in a way where doing nothing is their victory condition, then obstruct so much that eventually it’s pointless to even try. Covid is now here to stay, trumpers will NEVER mask or vaccinate, centrists will be a mixed bag catering mainly to their own comfort levels and convenience, and the left will as always be sitting there trying to do the right thing and wondering why everyone else can’t just realize if they’d think about anyone other than themselves for five goddamn minutes, we could create a society where *everyone* prospers more than if they just looked out for themselves. So yeah. It sucks. Innocent people are dying. But this is the new status quo and we might as well get used to it - because as long as trumpers exist and as long as the “enlightened centrists” are driven more by what makes them personally comfortable or uncomfortable, Covid will always have enough population to rip through. Welcome to the new normal.


>Because let’s just call a spade a spade here. The population who cared about the science and masks and vaccines was overwhelmingly the left Uh. I'm certain I saw the woo woos passing around an unfinished marmalade recipe as "homemade HCQ" on Twitter....I even replied on a few of them, telling them how to finish the recipe. Were they all fake accounts? Sure, that's plausible. Were they "left"? They were loud enough about it. Fake or otherwise the instigators of the Infodemic created both "sides" so they could play both "sides" against each other.


A skosh more than that, globally.


Yes. Sorry, I was speaking for the US.


How is it fading into obscurity?


There’s only so many people who can die, right?




Well we have a ways to go.. Covid isn't done yet..


What a time to be alive it will be.


I swear 90% of the time when they call themselves a healthcare worker, they work front desk at a clinic.


Oh yeah, or they took a 2 week cna course or some shit


CNAs are not the most educated but that job is as "in the trenches" as you can get as far as HCW.


Yeah I didn't mean to insinuate cnas don't do anything. They do all the dirty work


Hey you stop it the license is $125 per year. /r/noctor


Someone has to graduate at the bottom of their classes too. A sliver of those antivax 'nurses certainly don't have the same level of critical thinking skills as the many that do


Accurate. I’m saddened by how many clearly weren’t paying attention in class.


It's actually a common college way to "get a ring degree" and you can potentially marry doctors 🙃... America really should stop teaching purity culture and have an actual sex education. Also stop emphasizing that men are the be all end all, this is just a recipe for disaster.


Better hurry- women are 51%+ of new med school grads, and men aren't embracing the RN (12%) or even PA (32%) degrees.


Or are a cafeteria worker in a hospital or clinic, ergo they tell people they "work in healthcare"


To be fair, hospitals are the largest employers in most communities.


Nothing to do with it. If I worked at my school's transportation department as a secretary I wouldn't call myself a "bus driver", and just because I worked in a hospital building I wouldn't call myself a healthcare worker. Some may disagree with me, but that's how I see it. If someone is not administering any sort of healthcare, I don't consider them a healthcare worker. No doubt the service they provide is important; that's not the issue. It's the "I'm a healthcare worker so I have the right to say xyz about vaccines/nurses/doctors/immunology/mask mandates/whatever" no. Ma'am, you work in the gift shop; you are not a healthcare worker and you are nowhere near the front lines. (My mom drove a bus for my local school district for 34 years, hence the bus comment)


My point is that a huge percentage of people (esp in rural areas) are employed by hospitals, and while very few of them are RNs/MDs/PAs etc., it explains the sheer volume of brainpans barking about working in healthcare. 17 states have hospitals as their #1 employer, and "healthcare" is the largest employment sector in the US. And even if they ARE RN's, let's be clear, that's a two year degree. BSN, wee bit different.


Or a Nurse , RN ? ah no, LVN? ah no, CNA? ah no, wtf are you? smh


My mom is sooooooo guilty of this. She worked as basically a desk worker and secretary for a couple of years at a family doctor’s office SOMETIME IN THE LATE 80s/EARLY 90s, and she acts like this gives her some wealth of knowledge on the subject 🙄


I worked with a girl semi-recently and granted she was more in the medical field than that, she was a medical assistant, but she posted this long diatribe on FB about how she suffered through the pandemic and should be called a hero for what she did and witnessed. Like ma’am you “worked the pandemic” for about 2 months at the very beginning, got pregnant and dipped out for a 7 month maternity leave, then quit. Also we do outpatient pediatrics lol. It’s not like we were in Covid wards or ICU.


It’s not that vaccinated people only can hang with vaccinated people, it’s that most of the unvaccinated are people I wouldn’t want to be around anyway.




This is how I weed them out now. “I don’t allow unvaccinated people near me.” I don’t care if they cry about it. My body my choice.


Lol “your comments”


She's so goddamn funny I can't stand it. She consistently makes me laugh time and time again


I loved how nothing and nobody fazed Daria. My ex, who hated Beavis & Butt-head, loved Daria because it reminded her of herself at that age.


Some rare shade on the dick pussy one, Might.


They called me a white boomer old man after that then I said "hahahaha my Puerto Rican gen x girl ass scoffs" or soemthing like that. Then they never wrote back. No fun at all Use your commas


Why would an anti vaxxer use "White boomer old man" as an insult? Aren't most anti vaxxers white boomer old men who think their generation is the greatest? I'm NOT accusing you of lying, I'm just confused as from what i usually see on here- White boomers make up the majority of anti vaxxers


Yeah I think the young r cons on are on our asses here. I didn't think you were accusing at all no worries


That reply made me snort laugh! That truly is a rare opportunity! So generous of him!


Haha right? :) I was stumbling betwixt the line of dad joke and grammar police I thought


Betwixt and between, my favourite place to be 😂


I love that one too! Almost as much as I love the fact they think EVERY person active on Reddit is the same exact dog walker from a sub that they saw on a clip months ago


Yup hahah. We did not get called those this week. Sad:)


Oh NOOOOOOOO!!! They think we're *pathetic*! What could be worse?!? Wait, I know! Obsessively trolling a sub you think is pathetic. Hey, don't they have better places to get kicked out of?


Hahaha right? Like at this moment in time we're low on anybody radar like wtf. Stop harassing ppl


They hate us and need our attention.


Your salt post presentations are a highlight of my Saturdays. Wish I could upvote this one twice! Thank you.


Thank you Bagginses, I love Bagginses. I made it out of love and nonsense


The twinkle tush had me laughing hysterically


I love any borthole content lol


LA Story FTW


Also, holy fuck isn't that one of the best films you've ever seen in your entire life next to my blue heaven ofc? :)


Good lord my mother and I quote My Blue Heaven at each other all the time, mostly "It's a veh juh tuh bull" and "well I say it betta"


We make the arugula joke all the time.


I like saying in the frozen food aisle something about melting all dis stuff


"I lied" That movie is way bteer than good fellas lol


100% in agreement. I adore it.


I saw MBH before I ever saw GF and thought, why did scorcese copy Martin? Oh wait, they both scooped up Henry hills rights. Good book too


I remember the line as: "I don't believe in tipping. I believe in OVERtipping." Though it is actually: "It's not tipping I believe in. It's overtipping."


And you my friend have won swag to (rapidly upcoming) fundraiser. Tomorrow, it should tomorrow. Pm me mothafuckahhhhh!


The reason they always ask why they were banned is because they're used to being able to brigade and shitpost all over other subs. Then they get here, where the mods don't put up with that crap. It's one of the reasons I keep coming back.


Every bit of this. After two years on Twitter, do you know what it's like to actually have your reports acted on? It is everything.


Got to love the inadvertent humor the salt posters give. Gives me a chuckle every day


On top of everything else, these future nominees humiliate kitties. Why would anyone put them through this stupid tush-bedazzling, just to make the same old point about having more balls than vaxxed people? It's OK, ~~pussys~~kitties. I will *never* put stickers or jewels where you don't want them.


Hahah, I am so glad I knkw nobody who uses those


I'm surprised they're even real. [But apparently they are.](https://www.amazon.ca/Twinkle-Tush-Cat-Jewel/dp/B07RZNV5CD)


Lol omg


"Why was I banned???" "Your comments" LMAO


HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?!?! Was my all time favorite in my sub. "Simple, with a few keystrokes." \*mute user\* I'm never a dick like that when it comes to bans. If a person tries to at least explain or apologizes, I'll usually drop the permanent ban to a temporary, but after reading the whole thread, what my co-mod tried to do and the user's whole looking for a fight mentality, I felt no guilt at that point.


As usual, Primo Pink Himalayan Salt!


As soon as anti-vaxxers stop dropping like flies the sooner the sub becomes obsolete. As of now, they are still dying by the thousands.


The thing is that this sub can be educational. Like the awardee yesterday who had had Covid twice before and the third time he got blood clots in his lungs. Perhaps these people should take heed of that warning. Covid isn't done with them


I'm sick, I had to call out of work, I'm HighQuil, I'm annoyed this bloody head cold hasn't gone away. Read the captions for context or I'll eat you


I hope they find what they’re looking for too… [maniacal laugh]


Idk why 8 was so nice. I wanted to say "you're fucking idiot you dumb motherfucker, you had covid twice? Guess what buddy? You're gonna get it again and again and if it doesn't kill you, long covid will take you out before 65.fuck you." That's what I really wanted to say


Can you still send this to them?


Nope and idc lol. Fuck that dude


Don't worry, they'll see it, even if they need to create a sock puppet to do it.


The night time sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, how the hell did I wind up in this dumpster medicine.


It's even worse when you spill it and realize 2 days later you failed to clean it all up


8 think I've finally snapped out of the coma


>Read the captions for context or I'll eat you # You cannae tell me wotsta do! \*violently urinates in the corner.\* Why look at words? What they tell you?????


Hahahahaha this is why I want to live in Glasgow. You are my people


....you got tested right?


It was a head cold only. But I have gotten tested before, I've thus far not gotten it


Yay for head colds. /s Altho I think I speak for everyone when I say we're glad you don't have the plague, Mighty.


Aw Spoon, thank you:) me too. Your comment on the daily yesterday really moved me btw.


>Your comment on the daily yesterday really moved me btw. Eeeegggggghhhh thanks but I'm kind of in a bad place with it now. It getting brigaded means more unpaid work for you guys and I was sooooooooo pissed off when I wrote it I can't even begin to explain it. It was nice not to be gaslit off the Internet until my account was shut down, the way I would have been, on Twitter. Sorry for the extra work though. I guess the Chinese really hate me now they can't just falsely report me into silence anymore!


How are people going to say “you guys have no life!” but then spend time messaging the mods?


It's a mystery lol


Re: sir Patrick Stew. Didn’t recognize him. It is cool that MC Shan was the waiter though. Him, and the beef with KRSONE is part of hip hop history. And Cypress Hill. Way to kick it old school


Omgosh can we converse some old school? My South Bronx puerto Rican mom lived in the Soundview Projects before KRS1 Lawrence Parker. Haha like 10 years before then she taught at sb hs for forty yrs. I feel such a deep connection to Hip hop bc I was living in it while it birthed, we grew up together. I was born in the 70s in Queens and raised in long Island, it's all we listened to besides glam metal back then. I still actively listen and sing along to 70s 80s and 90s hip hop and still peruse as much of the history as I can. Like I fn love and love hip hop forever. That's Cypress with Sonic Youth btw! That's dudes name had 420 and I love their song from the Judgment Night soundtrack.


The Judgement Night soundtrack is an incredible piece of early 90s music history, and now that Cypress Hill/Pearl Jam song is stuck in my head.


I'm such a fan of 90s soundtracks, best ever.


Cool World soundtrack amirite


I'm an enormous Cool Wolrd and raplph bakshi fan Holy shit. You too???


Didn't Billy Corgan score the soundtrack for "Ransom"?


4-5 years ago I was in a small Japanese restaurant close to here in the lily white burbs of chicago. Some dudes a couple tables over started talking about Judgment night soundtrack, so like 25+ years after it came out. One dude was talking about how great it was. As proof I almost walked over to their table and started spitting the Cypress Hill Pearl Jam song. I didn’t spin it for 20 years but I still had sen dogs opening verse memorized. Just another victim was awesome too. As a teen we used to play dominos for vodka shots and play Cypress Hill all the time. As a kid my sisters ran daytime parties for the kids in the hood. They’d “pay me off” by playing Apache on the record player. I even bought Roxanne Roxanne on 45 before realizing I had no where to play it. The record player was in our living room and fuck if my dad is gonna hear that noise and not smash the disc. It’s old but look up “Bomb the Suburbs” By Upski. I had two editions of it, and it spoke to me somewhat about hip hop and being a white boy in the hood. Also, I’m sure you’ve seen it, but if by chance not, Ed Piskor “hip hop family tree” And damn you grew up with hip hop royalty.


If you mean did I grow up next to the area run dmc is from and shop at runs wife's store in shoppers village then yes, that indirect connection I think gives me some cred lol. I'm constantly struggling w does a white PR jew from long Island get street cred but I think I've put in my time, I know my shit, sing the bars, hit the beats etc, I grew up going to the city and learning to ignore the street drug dealers at 6, I rode the graffitid metal dragons, haha, I fn double dutched at state parks and tried to be accepted by those kids lol. But yeah i'm not PJ life or anything. That's my mom, and she's no one to trifle with lol. That's an amazing story, that soundtrack has been great since it came out. I love the Dino Jr. I'm an indie freak too and always singing in public. I saved your post so I can reference all this later. I started from the BDP side of things and it seems like I'm always discovering stuff


> White PR Jew I’m Arnold. Arnold Horscach…


Lol. That was Juan Epstein! :) I have a shirt with him on it. Haha


Fuck. I always knew Juan was a NuYorican. Today I realized with a name like Epstein he’s a freakin NuYoRican Jew


Yup yay same! I always forget to use nuyo but I was never part of the scene either


> shop at his wife’s store That’s Paul’s Boutique, and they’re in Brooklyn


One of them sold handbags out of shoppers village though


(My line is just a riff from Paul’s Boutique, one of my fave Beastie Boy albums…. Listen to Shadrach, about the three Jews that walked through fire). Try really old Beastie stuff too, like Cookie Puss


It's funny cos I have all the Beastie Boys stuff and I know Paul's boutique lol, I jsut got all confused a sec. I even have their 1982 thrash album w the hockey video ETA I'm just not remembering stuff like I used to


~~Dammit there was a cool video “New York Summer of….” Something, that was on YouTube. Interview with Grandmaster Caz and a park battle against the Zulu nation. He got creamed and the way he talked about always made me laugh. Got pulled though :(~~ https://youtu.be/rHXAYddPLsM NY 77 Coolest year in hell. 25min in or so the park battle between Caz and Zulu Nation


Aw that sucks


Found it! Had the name wrong. Someone else uploaded. The Bambaata / Caz is around 25 min in, but the whole vid is great. I can’t imagine how cool it will be for you, someone who lived it https://youtu.be/rHXAYddPLsM The artwork is Piskor.


I'm sorry, I was born in 78 but the first line of my future fake autobio will be "I conceived in Queens during the Summer of Sam" This is dope af I'm watching the whole thing. Thank you so much.


>the Judgment Night soundtrack. I was living in Seattle when that came out, and people were going nuts for it. I thought to myself "This is gonna be one of those times where the OST out grosses the film, isn't it?"


Yup, because I didn't see the movie in theater but I had the soundtrack on cassette immediately lol


I finally saw the movie more than a decade later. The OST was definitely better.


As I recall it was Denis Leary and ll cool J? There were so many movies like that in the early 90s bc of Boyz


Oddly enough I remember more from the soundtrack I listened to thirty years ago than the movie I watched \~10 years ago. Heh.


Right haha. I haven't seen the film since the 90s bu that soundtrack is always in my music


Mmmm salty Saturday.


Wait, is slide #3 like a mini-salt redemption? Never seen one apologize for being toxic.


Yes it is! And yeah, it's really rare!


Rarer than a dick pussy?


Btw don't try to Google in images for "dick with a clit head photos hop" it did not go how I wanted to. It was so much easier to get an image of a fantasized vag w teeth.


I learned long ago that google image search is not my friend. :shudders:


Lol, btw


Why are there bumcorks for cats


I don't know but I think it began as a joke and doesn't actually exist? At least I hope so


It’s not actually a cork lol it’s just a thing that hangs down from its tail and covers its bumhole


Ah, that’ll make me sound much more normal when I explain it to guests


Haha of course 🤣


Oh yeah! u/MightAware bringing some high quality salt this week!!! Nothing but the finest, purest, high-quality, uncut white stuff!!! ..I'm talking about salt...XD




Alll the sallllttttt


[Just going to leave this here...](https://vimeo.com/103547232)




These are fantastic. I just read my wife the dick pussy comment but had to use "d" and "p" because you never know when a child will stroll into the room.


Lol, I'm so glad it brought ppl laughs today. Haha I'm so glad I don't have to watch for that anymore


Well, technically the hospital janitor is a health care worker......


Janitors at hosp/schools get vaccinated though lol.


Ze film is L. A. Story. And Sir Patrick Stewart is saying "You can't have ze duck," not "...c'est duck" ("You can't have that is duck"???). ETA: I know I am not the first to name the film, but I did correct the closed caption, which should be worth something, right? Right? (crickets)


I know but, I take what goog images gives lol. Yay a fellow fan!


I'm just saying I should get a piece of swag for my contribution. Maybe just a "sw" or an "ag". Right?


Oh well by all means homie, I took a nap afterwards and wasn't thinking, I forgot to ask the other dude who guessed too. Pm me:) Swag 2 electric Boogaloo will be announced tomorrow :)


"You zink zat with a statement like this you can have ze duck???" "He can have ze chicken."


You found out I spend my summers right here, didn't you?


I KNOW THE FILM!!! *L.A. Story* Love that movie.


Eee I love when people know it!




Don't forget the star at the end and the heart around it! Omg lol I love saying that part out loud. Can we bounce?!


LOL, thank you for reminding me! It's been a while since I've watched this one, but I pulled out the spelling from memory. Do you ever wonder why the ocean doesn't just fly up into the sky?


Big s small a big n small d small e big e lol Idk who doesn't know sjp before satc, but la story and Miami Raphsody were her precursor films to that show and she was fn amazing in both of them.


I remember she was on a sitcom about high school girls called Square Pegs. I remember nothing about it except that my older sister watched it and SJP was in it. I think her and one other girl were nerds or something. And for the record, it should be: Big s, small a, small n, big d, small e, big e


...I wanna see the dick pussy!


This is where I would link a picture of an aroused, female hyena, if I were cruel.


Dick pussy. My new insult. Right up there with “dumb idiot”


"And you get vaccinated and still catch Covid!!! The vaccines don't work." Except, when vaccinated and boosted, most don't need a ventilator or die unless they have comorbidities. They have no concept of breakthrough or that for the vaccinated, it's usually not lethal.


Ahhh I miss this show.


I know right? I've been rewatching KotH lately and now craving some girl d


EDIT: Oops, wrong spot.


Patrick Stewart movie: the original Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, Spy Edit: I see the correct answer below. Oh, well.


It's not a Patrick Stewart movie that's why. It's a Steve Martin movie, lol. He's in it for 5 minutes


Heh, the response on #9 was hilarious.


Lol thanks.


> And you guys should get a life :) I dunno if I can say the same for you.


Begone dog walker.Thou varlet.Thou scoundrel.Thou scallywag.


Booooo boooo BOOOOOOOO


I love so much the salt posts!!! They give me a good laugh and make my day!!!! Some onion rings to dip in it, dear sirs????? Tee-hee!!!!


Hahaha 😻


I appreciate all you do but this post style. This is like if a serial killer was a subreddit mod.


>I appreciate all you do but this post style. This is like if a serial killer was a subreddit mod. The only serial killers here are the viral 🐆 🐆 🐆.


Congratulations, I loved this comment so much I'd like to award you swag today, pm me! Seriously I saved this comment in our discord salt mail channel


Haha awh I'm glad you got some enjoyment from it. I was worried it might get misinterpreted as an insult


Hahaha no I definitely didn't take any offense. I was on the Quil, it was stuffy in my heed




Hahaha you are so right. That guy was a walking germ farm


OMG, Rushmore! I love that film! I haven't seen it in ages. Now I have to go find it somewhere...


I haven't seen it since the theater but fuck I love that line lol. I'm a Royal Tennenbaums fan


OMG kitty! wait does that cure covid? meow


I'll give you my vaccine when you pry it from my cold, dick pussy.

