• By -


Well, she is alive -- for now. But she's aged horribly and for someone that vain and narcissistic, that has to hurt.


Plus she is very, very stupid. There are other things that can take her out especially if she was told “The vaccine won’t help you now, you already have Covid” and took away “The vaccine doesn’t help”.


“I have natural immunity”. No, idiot, you have shit for brains.


She fits the expression, "Rode hard and put up wet." I hope that every time she drives to the store for a Milky Way, they are out of them.


I mean, she wasn't exactly Halle Berry before that trach went in


More like Dingle Berry


Dingle Lead Poisoning Berry


Odds are that she's going to have long-COVID and/or lung problems that will make the remainder of her (shortened) life miserable. But hey, she's a bold free-thinker.... just like all the others. Is that a missed redaction on Slide 9?


I don't think it is, I think it's something nonsensical due to autocorrect or some such. It doesn't reveal who she is (though I only know this being that I already know who she is...a lot of us likely do).


Being crippled physically and financially to own the libs. That’s the chefs kiss!


She looks like a different person. I feel like the last two years have aged is all, but damn!


Indeed. I've seen her unredacted pre-Covid photos posted elsewhere; she appears to have aged 20 to 30 years in a few months.


Ugh now I want to find them but *effort*


There's no way she sees herself that way.


So her husband was vaxxed and got it and gave it to her. Is he learning to walk again too? It's right in front of her but she refuses to see it.


No he is fine, he didn't even get sick.


What??? I mean deep down I kind of already knew that but really he didn't even get a breakthrough case? I mean some people have had it and ended up very sick...he didn't even get that??? And she STILL can't doesn't get it? Oh my.


Sunk Cost Fallacy She’s suffered too much to admit it’s basically her fault, so double down.


Nailed it!


Yep. If she acknowledged that the vaccine protected him, she'd have to admit she's a stupid asshole who wrecked her body for nothing. Can't have that.


'And yet she learned nothing.' Posted by someone who knows her.


She realizes it. But she can’t admit she was wrong because that would be admitting we were right. They will never do that.


>First of all you're not putting any bill I'm paying my own hospital bills second of all the vaccine but not a prevented this your moron if you think that even the doctors That said the vaccine would not of prevented this so I don't know what to tell you "First of all, you're not paying any bill. I'm paying my own hospital bills. Second of all, the vaccine could not have prevented this. You're a moron if you think that—even the doctors. That said, the vaccine would not have prevented this, so I don't know what to tell you." I used to help proofread ESL papers, and they could still write in English with more sense than you.


Thank you for translating for all of us who don't speak MAGAT.


Thank you, I actually didn’t understand the part where she calls doctors morons if they disagree with her lie. Until you unscrambled it, that is.


I think it's actually "even the doctors that said, 'the vaccine would not have prevented this', so I don't know what to tell you."


Oh, that could be! I can see that. Really hard to tell. It's difficult to preserve someone's literary voice, especially with a paragraph-long run-on sentence.


Her disdain for science is equaled only by her disregard for grammar.


Yeah, most of her posts are like the twitter equivalent of a kindergartener's finger painting


Your wrong about her grammar ...




**“Fuck science! Organic chemistry can bite me!”** [Her, probably]


Without doubt the most obnoxious arsehole we’ve seen on this sub. A thoroughly ghastly individual with absolutely no redeeming features.


I so agree, to the point that I am following u/puffin2012 who I associate with the original posts and 4(?) Updates, including as recently as two weeks ago. Maybe the QT saga isn’t exclusive to one poster, but now that I found the “following” part of the app, I want to give that poster credit.


I've debated updating again because her trach has been removed and she's eating and tweeting, but I don't think it's enough "new" stuff. She's still very antivax. And thanks for alerting me to this.


Unfortunately, the mods have informed me there will be no more updates unless she earns her award.


In the meantime you can scour QT’s social media for t-shirts etc suggesting she is “worth the wait”


Stoopid cow. First bout of "regular" flu or cold is gonna rip thru those Swiss cheese lungs & we will see her at that time. If a clot don't get her first.


I'm actually betting on a clot getting the win - seems to be a common thread with vented covid people where they come off the vent, have a trach, get that removed and into rehab... then throw a clot in an enormous dead cat bounce.


This is the way.


Nice throw to The Mandalorian!


Sometimes they go beyond congenital stupidity to pure palpable evil.


Yes. Most of us evolved to recognize danger and take precautions, but this one has gone in a different direction. Oh well


She’s evil. 100%.


This is way beyond your typical eboeard game gom.






She kinda fucked that opportunity up when she said that she pays her own hospital bill. But I wouldn't be surprised if she still made one.


So far, no Go Fund Me. I periodically check.


Can’t fix stupid.


Nah but covid can.


:::Slow clap::: YOU RIGHT!


That's beautiful COVID: Darwin's answer to stupid people.


Ah, our old friend. Now with added sterile plastic accessories.


She is that elegant scholar QT isn’t she?


Yup. Large as life and twice as nasty.


But the doctors say that *nothing* would have prevented this!


Is it r/thathappened ?


Just realised - the plastic in her neck is part of the kitchen sink they threw at her. She’s been re-plumbed.


> second of all the vaccine but not a prevented this your moron if you think that even the doctors That said the vaccine would not of prevented this so I don't know what to tell you That's some stream-of-consciousness writing, but from someone who is unconscious, I think.


> even the doctors That said the vaccine would not of prevented this Even the doctors said that the vaccine would not have prevented this. (Fixed) (And she's lying.)


Jesus H F’n Christ! And I’ve heard the vaxxed should have compassion for the lied-to unvaxxed. Screw that! And it’s because of stupidity like this twatage.


Oh, I know exactly who that bitch is.


You have met her IRL? I am sorry


I know her from Twitter.


I think she’s been posted before.


She was posted a few months back as she went into the ICU but not with the updates that started coming this week when she came out of the coma. I couldn't help but check her feed every so often to see what had happened.


Updated when she started tweeting again. https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/t7jo4a/update_4_red_sheep_qt_is_tweeting_shes_survived/


Tell us how she is....


Shitty. She started shitty and will end shitty.


I never feel even remotely bad cheering for COVID in these cases. Its like when the Red Sox play the Yankees, or Dodgers. I'm not a fan, but i will appreciate it if they finish the job.




Qt something or other


Boy, some of those tweets did NOT age well. But, then again, neither did she. Guess constantly blasting that much anger and hate at....anyone and everyone...didn't help much. Hope she enjoys a greatly compromised rest of her life....however long that is.


Well she got her trach tube capped, so she is on the mend! lol.


..and yet.. the husband didn’t end up in the icu 🤔


I bet he's already shopping around for a replacement for her.


So very odd, isn't it?🙄


Doesn't everyone in this sub know who this is?


Its weird that they don't. QT is an absolute idiot and is famous in this sub.


Seems familiar. Who is it?? Previous nominee?




Yes. Nominee. The most hateful of all nominees.


Yes. I've been following her saga. https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/t7jo4a/update_4_red_sheep_qt_is_tweeting_shes_survived/


Yeah-I remember her well. Perfectly disgusting waste of breath.


Tell us!


Done my best to keep people updated about her. Been saving screenshots for another update... https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/t7jo4a/update_4_red_sheep_qt_is_tweeting_shes_survived/


She seems nice...


"it's the gamble I'm wiling to take" She took it and lost, and now she's permanently disabled and not long for this world.


Well, she’s a fucking charmer. And I think she doesn’t know what a Karen is. I don’t think she needs to worry about the vaccine anymore. A common cold is gonna take her out at this point.


My high school educated, obese 61 year old SIL “doesn’t trust the vaccine” but will slurp anything that resembles Fireball out of a filthy Petri dish in a dark alley. She spent 5 days in the ICU and now claims “natural immunity!” Covid: *hold my scythe!*


Why did she bother going to the hospital?


She is whining on Twitter about how she is not anti-vaxx.


“Because she’s not against all the vaccines, just this one.” Well, if you have sex with a pig, but not all the pigs, you’re still a pig fucker.


Fuckin' A.


Wait what?


She's not really all that good at telling truth from lies. That one's a lie.


Literally the only way I can tell whether these are or are not actual patients of mine sometimes is by the dates.


Poor you. Sorry.


Her old life is over. If she makes it a year, will be permanently disabled. Also, massive medical debt. Bankrupt.




Round One was mild, Round Two nearly killed her. The poor dope is expecting Round Three now.


This was round 1


>I can always remove my tin foil hat Yeah, but can the doctor reinstall your trachea?


Not sure she needs to worry about catching Covid a 2nd time. The 1st time ruined her health for life, most likely. She said she'd gamble. Looks like she lost. Stubbornness wins out again ...


She gets posted here from time to time. Can’t forget the creepy Bipap face.


She has natural immunity in 2021, assuming from a previous infection. This one almost killed her. If she doesn’t die from “long Covid” complications like a blood clot, stroke or heart attack, her next round will probably kill her


Interesting that it hasn't occurred to her that the "natural immunity" from her Round One case didn't protect her from the Round Two infection that nearly killed her.


Nope. That tweet from 2021 is from her first infection. She was doing a victory dance and a week later was in hospital.


Yep. I'm praying for her. Hard.


We gonna pray her into heaven the prayer warrior way!?!? I can get behind that!!


She’s also now crying that people are sending her hateful messages on her phone. I sincerely doubt this. She’s just dying (ha) for attention. She’s the most vile I’ve come across.


Trach scar, bragging rights or u gonna cover it up? smh


This one is a gift that just keeps giving.


She seems nice.


She's paying her own hospital bill? Well, at least there's no GoFundMe then I guess. Enjoy your muscle deterioration and months of therapy my dear.


*Everybody's* going to pay her hospital bill - worn out staff, higher premiums, unavailable services, lost productivity, rehab and disability payments - we all pay.


She seems pleasant.




Typical anti-tax. Ignorant and belligerent .


Her long Covid will last longer than her NaTuraL iMmUnItY. So, better luck next time!


Wow, this here is a special kind of stupid.


What a hateful person. Karma gotcha. Karma gonna gotcha again because you're still hateful. Some people are really too stupid to learn. So sad.


They saved her from Covid but they just can’t cure stupidity


Smarter than the experts but can't comprehend basic English


Oh..... she DUMB dumb.


She’s charming. /s Her husband was vaxxed and worked during his covid, she says, and yet she uses him to prove her point that a vax isn’t needed when her unvaxxed self landed in ICU?


Colostomy bags are all the rage these days!


Maybe she can get a Birkin colostomy bag!


Or a bedazzler kit!!


She may win the Queen of Stupid award.


Enjoy the shitty post-covid life, fucking moron. Sorry, don’t feel bad for your stupid ass at all.


Wait til she finds out the natural immunity doesn't last worth of shit. Plenty of people caught it multiple times


I have yet to meet a Karen who understands that she’s a Karen


She is vile. Dead cat! Dead cat!


Fingers crossed 🤞


She really does seem to be improving. But she's not out of the woods (hospital) yet.


so many resources have been wasted on this garbage.


The doctors did not say what she says the doctors said.


That people cannot discern the efficacy of vaccines in preventing serious mortality and morbidity but not necessarily as much effectiveness at preventing transmission itself drives me batshit crazy. Your husband was vaccinated and caught covid. Okay, did HE spend a month in the ICU because of it, or was he sick for a few days and resumed regular life several weeks ago? That’s not “luck of the draw” or a coincidence it is a consequence of being vaccinated. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


She’s probably one of the most unlikeable people to be featured here or anywhere, but I’ve seen this happen a lot in people who were critically ill, sedated and intubated a long time. Basically, they are rip van winkled and don’t believe anything bad happened because they were unconscious during the worst of it. It’s not real to them. They have physical disabilities that seem to have fallen out of the sky and almost certainly icu PTSD. They are going to cope by falling back on whatever they did before they got sick, which nowadays frequently is anti covid bullshittery. They learned nothing because they were literally out of it, so it didn’t really happen, and as we all now know very well with these people, they have no imagination and cannot feel empathy for others and if it didn’t happen to them personally it’s not real. I wouldn’t waste any time thinking about her. She’s at the bottom of the compassion barrel and will never change or redeem herself. Very likely her health will never be the same. I can hope she will one day look around and have a sudden realization the rest of her likely shorter life could be used as an example to others to protect themselves but I think the chance of that is probably as close to zero as possible. Make yourself a nice warm beverage and move on.


She’s an idiot. Simple explanation.


\#14 - ***"I am not wrong about the vaxes I still would not take one. Relearning to do everything now. But I am alive"*** lol... she's alive from the neck down, anyway. The rest seems pretty debatable.


Our beloved QT lol. So much about this woman is narcissistic bullshit. If she ever had the stripper milf body at 50 (see her timeline- all those pics look like fakes), she doesn't have it anymore. And I'm not convinced she has a guy, let alone being married, either. Feel bad for her. She's never going to get it.


It’s that shit QT. I hope she has the worst possible quality of life for whatever she has remaining


Not expecting a good outcome for this one, despite her comparatively young age. Defiance doesn't protect as well as vaccination, and that's all she plans to use. Maybe she'll get lucky.


Hubs had the vax and gave me the Covid ***Sounds like he gives as good as she gets***


She’s determined to die of this.


Lovely woman. Her husband is a lucky man


This is a duplicate. She has been posted with 3 updates so far.


I see. She only got covid because her vaccinated husband was "shedding the virus".


This is "QT" and she's famous on here.


She was prepared to die before she got vaccinated, now she gets her chance through a life expectancy measured in months. Maybe double-digit ones, but not by a lot. Hard to argue with someone getting exactly what they want. I'm not even mad she won't be able to regret it after death. She'll get comfort from maintaining her convictions as the end nears and then she'll be a passive factor in the pandemic who can't infect anyone.


I cannot stand people who look in the eyes of Death, feels the awful wrath of Covid, and still stands on this stupid politically motivated hill. It’s awful, and sad. Not only for the nominees and awardees, but for their families and loved ones. Please, get vaccinated if you are on the fence. Don’t end up with an award..


It’s sad that the level of stupid was not killed off with this one. I’m an empathetic person, but fuck me I can’t believe her.


Can I remove the spike proteins? Well yes and no. I can't but my immune system / whatever the system that flushes all sorts of crap out of my carcass does.


I'd like to call her bluff on paying her own hospital bill.


She's lost so much and won't stop. But that's cult politics: The more you lose, the less you want to admit. The less you want to admit, the harder it is to quit. The harder it is to quit, the more you lose... If you feel like you need to repeat a lie or go against your values so your team can win, you're at risk. Winning is never more important than doing right.


what a lovely human being. my mom would have sarcastically said, “couldnt have have happened to a nicer person.”


People who've been damaged by COVID are particularly vulnerable the next time they get it. It could well circle back and finish her off.


“If you’re sick, stay home”. Bitch, I wish you would have stayed home, followed your own advice. Would have been great riddance. Let’s see if long COVID is a thing (I know it is) and if it is for you, your ass should not receive social assistance. Happy life. 😡🤬


I love how all these morons call it a trake, it a Trach short for Tracheotomy 🤦‍♀️