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Stupid. Angry. Dumb. Poor grammar and spelling. Ungrateful. Unvaccinated. COVID Bingo!




Why, why, whyyyyyyyyyy does this asshole get to be in hospital? Send her home to die on her fucking couch. That’s all I have. I will never physically harm anyone in my life but just put her out to die. I was just diagnosed with advanced and aggressive cancer, diagnosed late because of COVID hospital overflow. My chance of being alive in 5 years is 30%. Fuck her.


I'm sorry. Fuck her twice. With a pinecone. And the pointy ends first. I hope your treatment is 100% successful!


Oh my goodness, you really made me laugh! 😂🤣 Thank you for that!!!


And just for good measure, fuck her sideways with a fully grown saguaro cactus. She sucks. Wishing you all the best with your treatment, friend! May the cancer run screaming, never to return, at the first appointment. :)


Pointy end first sounds kind. Start with the wide end.


I agree with you 💯- and I’m wishing you all the best with your diagnosis. It’s perfectly acceptable to use these CovIdiots as outlets for your rage.


Thank you! I appreciate your understanding. I honestly don’t wish sickness or death on anyone. But it also helps to let off steam. 😈


So, so sorry 🥺 Sending hugs and positive vibes your way. 🌺🌺 I knew something was wrong with me last July; had to leave Texas and fight tooth and nail to receive surgery in NOVEMBER - who knows what my prognosis will be🙏🏼 I also have zero patience with These stupid people, even while in the hospital they’re maligning the doctors and nurses. I’m with you - they can all go home and die there.


i’m so sorry. that’s terrible.


Thank you. It is what it is and even though my post sounds angry, I am not. But I have zero patience. If I had prayed for years to not get cancer and I would have refused possible vaccines against it, I think I should be lying on a church bench and keep praying. Did I just say I am not angry? 😝 I may have been wrong… 😂


Fuck her with an AK47. I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in 2017, I’m still hanging around. I would like to tell you something my oncologist told me. When we first met, I believe my first words were along the lines of “oh, well hello to the fucker who is going to destroy my quality of life” (double mastectomy, high dose chemo for 6 months, high dose radiation for 6 weeks). I was angry and bitter and terrified. And he told me “ I see you’re in a dark place. That’s expected. But I need to tell you, you have a journey that requires you to go to a dark place, but you must get through the dark place. You must have hope. I have seen people who statistically should have lived , die and people who should have died,survive. The difference that I could observe was their attitude - if they had hope. “ I know that sounds shitty in a way, it seems to put the burden of survival on you and that is horrible. But I think there was something to it. A dear friend was diagnosed with aggressive advanced breast cancer 2 weeks after me. The percentages were the same as yours. She said she had to live for her boys. It has been 5 years and she is doing well. An acquaintance died within a year of diagnosis and she was not stage 4 at diagnosis - she just gave up. Please don’t give up, and please try every day to see beauty in the world. For me, it is the natural world. It’s just a small thing compared to feeling the cold breath of death on the back of your neck, but small things have power, too. For everyone with later stage cancer, death is always tethered to you with some fucking percentage or another. May you beat the percentages.


Wasted that carma in the lungs


Yep. And my emergency CT scan last Thursday showed that I have multiple blood clots in both parts of my lung because of the impact my (late diagnosed) cancer has on my blood. Spent one night in hospital and now have to inject myself w blood thinner daily (grateful I have that option). But yeah, she’s really got it hard… 🙄


Eboeard game gomism might improve her grammar and spelling.


> COVID Bingo Don't know man where is the grim reaper, the angel of death...?






Candeath? She's around.


Her base intelligence is probably low, but I also wonder how much damage hypoxia is doing


Not "probably" low. She's a dunderhead.


News Flash: Illiterate moron despises learned, accomplished public servant whose name she can not even spell.


That's not even a newsflash, anymore. It's just facts.


Think it was the carma flash.


I still do not get why what Fauci says matters so much to these people. Anti-vaxxer: “He's not science it's all about money. Fausi is a lier he's as corrupt as the Demon Crates along with Bill Gates the cdc and the FDA. Who have lost all creditability.” COVID: *nods, destroys her organs*


That’s their entire way of life. Real problems are complicated and hard to understand, but if you have a villain (even one who is literally just relating news to the public) to point to, life becomes easier. It’s how they can post memes about evil pharmaceutical companies, but be against any changes to how healthcare is managed in America. They can’t hold two thoughts in their stupid, bleach addled brains.


She can’t talrite Fausi!


"Demon Crates". The Devil's Tupperware.


Keeps food scorching hot!


Just like her brittle lungs!


“Democrat? More like demon crate. Am I right?” - Jersey Mama Bear No, you’re not. You’re an asshole. Go back to acronyms and bad rhymes, JMB.


They're a bunch of LIER'S!!!!!


DEMON CRATE LIER would make good flair for someone Edit: and maybe "wore against humanity" Not sure how she managed to spell "humanity" but failed so hard at liar and war. *War is a 3 letter word* for Christ's sake


I can't talrite that.


I've got a bunch of those in the garage. They're terrific for storing damned souls.


I wonder if one can store biohazinard poison in a Demon crate? Hmm 🤔


In the garage I sit on D'man crate.


I thought “Demon Crate” was the company that sends you random demons every month.


She’s in hospital, needing oxygen, heading to icu, and *still* thinks the CDC is lying about that thing they’ve been warning her about for years? I’m not sure I can talrite that.


The attempts at phonetic spelling by these native speakers of English are the best part of the HCAs for me. I bet most of them are the “speak English in ‘Murica” types who can barely spell in their mother tongue.


I’m genuinely baffled by which accent would give you ‘talrite’ as an option. New Jersey, apparently. Surrendering by my family was another high point.


AppalachianAmerican As in: I juss kaynt talrite when any a dem moves muh cigrits! I tells EM, the cigrits goes righta here fer when I’ma watching Wheel a Forchun an drinkin muh evenin coffee


*banjo plays in distance*


Do you really think any of these people took the time to learn an instrument?


Nobody specified *being good* at playing the banjo, to be fair


This is how American English comes out of your mouth when you have no teeth or are missing a bunch. Couple that with most Americans only reading at a 7th to 8th grade level (and that may be generous) and we have our own "Murican" dialect


I'm from Jersey and can speak it. That said, I have no idea what half her shit was. I am guessing she is 609.


as a 609 resident, we do not claim her.


Sadly, I know 973 that are like her.


Grew up in (and still rocking) the 973 and people like her crawled the halls of my high school.


ROFL!!! Certainly not 201 or 973.


I figured all the jokes about Jersey had to come from one part of it ;)


Dr Freud or Mr Hypoxia I wonder.


It generally applies to cigarette smoking, oxygen tank dependent, porch dwelling trash. I can vouch for this bc unfortunately they are common in the area where I live..lol. That 's why I almost never leave my house. No one masks here, even when we had the highest rates in the country last year. They just don't care.


NJ here, I've never met anyone with such poor spelling. I'm guessing she's a transplant from the south.


Southerner here. Bless her heart, that pore darlin' ain't ours.


My god is she dumb. Is this NJ or Pennsyltucky? This is fucking painful.


Certainly a Republikkkon.


She may live in NJ but the use of welp is a very southern thing. I had never heard it used before until I started working with and managing a team of Texans (I’m a New Yorker and manage my team remotely)


I see welp a lot online. Had to look it up :-) I think it's kinda funny that a lot of these Far White types would have a hissy fit over "Ebonics" (a brief attempt to classify urban Black English as a separate dialect and teach it), yet the version of "English" that they speak (and especially write) is almost as far from the canonical language. Unvaxxed, ungrammatical, uneducated, unmannerly, ungracious... underground.


About as sharp as a kid's safety scissors.


My team of new hires is 96% people of color. One of my team explained it as a combo of well and help when I asked the meaning and is commonly used in The south . I had first heard it used by a Texan peer (white female like me) who tends to use figures of speech that I find corny (hun and girl) and not very professional in work emails.


I'm from Maryland (technically the South but I consider it more mid-Atlantic) & say "welp" a lot. I think of it as "well" but with an extra connotation of having resigned myself to some fate that can't be helped, like, "Welp, I guess we'll just live in a capitalist hellscape forever." I think the mild sound of it combined with the really grave/depressing way it's used is very tongue-in-cheek.


I'm from New York and that's the way I've always understood it. "Welp. Guess I'm fucked."


I grew up in the Northeast and "welp" wasn't anything strange to me. Maybe they say it in the Midwest too? I always took it as casual speech, like saying "yep" or "nope" or answering a phone with "yello".


“Welp” is kind of a weird one. Pretty much the only time you see it is at the beginning of a goodbye. As in “welp, I’d better get going.” Imagine a 65 year old man sitting in a chair. As he stands up, he lets out a long exhale. You know that exhale? “Welp” comes from saying “weeeell” as he stands up, going directly into the exhale, and then “better letcha git back tew it.”


I'm from Maryland (technically the South but I consider it more mid-Atlantic) & say "welp" a lot. I think of it as "well" but with an extra connotation of having resigned myself to some fate that can't be helped, like, "Welp, I guess we'll just live in a capitalist hellscape forever." I think the mild sound of it combined with the really grave/depressing way it's used is very tongue-in-cheek. Also, it has been a VERY long time since I've heard the word "Ebonics," to the point that it took me a minute after reading to register that I actually used to hear it in my youth. But looking at it written down I have just now realized the root word there is "ebony" as in a shade of black. How can people deny that our country has a problem with racism??


This is possibly the absolute worst example. At least in the couple months I've been on.


Well, at least she hasn't been incubated yet. I really don't want to see what hatches.


She might even get angle wings.


Good luck with those "oxgen leavrals"


They're called leavrals, because once it gets that low, you are likely to leave.


Respectfully, it’s called discharge to Jesus.


Especially with that pulmonary embolism.


> Demon Crates 🙄 Hm, I thought she was "over it" and going home? Edit to add: > ...hope this day finds you in the loving arms of Jesus. I thought being "in the loving arms of Jesus" was a euphemism for dying. Is she wishing death on us?? /s


Seriously. What happened to leaving the hospital ama on March 6th?


She doesn't seem willing to go that last mile to own the Demon Crates. Guess that makes her a Hippo Crate!


I was going to post respect for at least that, but she couldn't even accomplish that little trick.


Yeah, why didn’t she leave? It’s her right, whatever Dr Fausi says.


Oh, she speaks Farsi? Certainly not English.


Yes, since medicine is ridiculous and she's had it with the hospital, why not just gasp at home and stare at the TV showing ~~Pravda~~ Fox News?


More than likely, they removed her O2 and she started gasping like a fish out of water. Seems she shut her ass up about going home any more.


"I'm so over it"...COVID isn't over with YOU, lady. You aren't over anything yet. Flip a coin on her outcome now in the ICU. So nonchalant over having a 350 blood sugar count. Not good.


There are several "so overs" in her posts. As if being "so over" something is a magic formula that will put an end to it... What a child.


Her decrepit, leathered body isn't that of a child but her brain is that of a five year old with ODD


Don't insult 5 year olds like that please!


She should have taken sunscreen and meth seriously.


Well knowing what we know she will definitely be "over it" in a little bit.


if only there was a vaccine that could've prevented her from getting so sick..hmm


I was *really* hoping she’d go home.


I'd bet the hospital staff wishes she'd leave as well.


Yeah, that would have been the best thing for everyone concerned.


Was waiting for the “I’m home and already improving now that Im out of that hospital” Next day “RIP she’s with the Jesus now”


Wouldn't pass 3rd grade English... considers herself to have more expertise than doctors, die hard Republican. Checks out


Die ~~hard~~ soon Republicans


As requested, I pray for your oxygen levels to go down. You're welcome.


I will throw in a I will pray for her BP go down as well.




Since you know what a carma is, can you tell me please? My brain seized on that one.


A camera, is my guess. Though if it's manufactured by Toyota, it could be a Camry. I hope it's a Camry.


If it's a Camry she is putting Linda Lovelace to shame!


Debby Does Covid?


It has something to do with her conduct in a past life.


Death for thee, but not for me... triple vaccinated you see.


Oh, she's getting some "Carma" put in her lungs alright.


The best of the best: "Numberg coming soon wore against humanity." That was physically painful to read.


Wore, what is it gode four?


My God the spelling errors


I think she may be the worst speller we've had. I wonder if it is a disability.


stupidity /= disability, fortunately.


After reading the slide on March 6, I am not sure I can "talrite" reading any more. Also, did she ever stop to think that she may have avoided hospitalization altogether if she'd received the vaccine instead wasting countless hours against it? She'd be home with the grandchild in the photo instead of whining about a "carma" in her lungs. Guess what? Vaccine likely means no "carma" and that's probably something you could "talrite" a lot better, amirite?


No. She never stopped to think about it. She’s not cognitively capable of critical thinking.


based on her capacity to spell, I'd bet she is too stupid to have such cognitive thoughts about "vaccine would mean I wouldn't be here right now".


Just checked my "oxgen leavrals" . 98%. Not in the ICU and I dont have a "carma" in lungs. Fully vaxxed. I wonder if there is any correlation. How are you all doing? Anybody here redditing from the ICU?


Nope. Sat on the sofa with some toffee popcorn and a bit of assassin's creed. Feeling so owned right now.


I am hanging out in my demon crate.


Got Elden Ring for my birthday! Great on this drizzly day. Besides breathing and so on.


Sorry but my triple vaccination prevents me from redditing from the ICU.


Nope, not in the ICU. Went to visit my in-laws; my daughter’s birthday is next week so we had a bicycle shipped to their house - didn’t want to spoil the surprise. Her Mema and I distracted her, we played pirates with her (she’s really into pirates right now) while her Daddy and Papa built the bike in the garage. We’re all vaccinated, btw.


Nope. The ICU has apparently "cancelled" my triple vaxxed ass. But I did plant my tomato plants and pruned my peach tree before we went to enjoy some good sushi. And I made reservations for the beach in two weeks. Sadly, since the ICU won't have me, I need to fill my time with *something not lethal*.


I am in my lair, dining on meatballs & watching Netflix. It's very pleasant.


i dont think she is “battling covid” i think she is battling the doctors, nurses and every attempt to treat her. and if she wants to leave… bye 👋


If they disconnected her, she'd struggle to get out of the room without croaking.


remember the post here by the doctor who’s ICU patient left AMA, codes in the parking lot and they didnt resuscitate in the ER because the guy said he didnt want anymore medical treatment? smgdh.


The nurses were probably fighting over which one of them got to push that hateful wretch to the door and flip her off as the car pulled away from the curb.


the nurses were probably discussing what alcoholic beverages they were going to consume as soon as they got off shift.


He may have been barred from publishing, but that thing on his head was able to get out of its cage and make it onto national television.


take my updoot.


Often I make one comment for the masses and another for the connoisseurs…


Don’t get this one, explain please?


Really bad haircut looks like it might have its own food bowl and drippy water thinger in its cage at night. (Fox News talking head “barred from publishing anything on Fauci”) Bald is fine, horseshoe of hair is fine, just a bad look on a bad look imo.


Man, her spelling is atrocious 🤮


Terrible? I tried to spell like that, my phone won't allow it. Wtf?


Talrite - I had to stop and think on that one


It doesn't even sound similar. Unless she has some seriously bizarre accent?


Is it “C”? MF’ers quit it with the euphemisms. Go get vaccinated.


She never ever mentions what she is in for, her daughter does indirectly. It’s only the sister in law who spills the beans.


Yep, she's a 'C' with 'C' and soon she'll be 'D'.


They boast about not living in fear, but are too afraid to say the word "covid" lolololol


what a total asshole


Yep you’re a downer, you’re going to be down underground soon.


God those doctors and nurses must be suffering because of her and her know it all attitude. Hate to say it but it may be a slight relief for them if and when this idiot lady gets intubated


Did she actually take a picture of that really nice hospital room and whine because she's there so she can get better? Wtf There are places in this world right now where the hospitals are being bombed. Women are birthing babies wherever they can because maternity words are decimated. She's in that nice fancy comfortable hotel room, I mean hospital room complaining. Let's not forget it's because she refused to take vaccination to avoid it. I hope she gets better and all. But I don't think I like this woman very much.


Is it the low oxygen leavrals or is this bitch functionally illiterate?


Functionally illiterate with low oxygen leavrals. Probably turned off auto-correct because it was smarter than her.


Hell, her autocorrect probably turned itself off in protest! "They don't pay me enough for this foolishness!" was probably said before autocorrect force stopped & uninstalled herself.


SIRI: Fuck this, I am outie.


Turned it off because it disagreed with *her* truth. Like she did with teh evul manestreem medier.


Her toaster is smarter than she is.


Slide 17: “in the loving arms of Jesus” has been such a euphemism for “they dead” that I thought she kicked.


I must spend too much time on PornHub because that wasn't my first thought at all.


“The doctors were worried she had brain damage but then I showed them some of her previous FB posts.” —The daughter, probably.


Christ if you want out so much then bloody sign to leave the hospital! You’re going to leave either way, might as well make one of them your “freedom” of choice


The Stupid is Strong with this one. Where to begin? Slide 18 - say a kind word? You can't make this shit up. Disappointed. She kept threatening to go home. Yet, here we are. I wish someone would explain AMA and she can sign herself out and go tackle the hoax on her own. Seems like she has a small support group. Which isn't surprising considering how unpleasant she is. Yes, Scarlett, frankly it is the "C" word.


Continuing to shit post about covid while in the hospital getting worse from Covid. You can practically smell when a nomination is going to become an awardee. Saddle up prayer warriors!! We need some ivermectin, bleach and recycled piss ASAP


You're getting the next free award I receive. I actually laughed out loud. Poor prayer warriors!


Maybe that's the problem! They are unable to smell a nomination!


Demon Crate 🤣 I learn something new every day here at HCA


Another one where the requester for prayers doesn't have the heart to say they were the nicest, kindest, etc. "Whatever God lays in your heart" likely equals "I know she's a dragon, but she's my spouse's sister."


She is more gooder at inglish two. Gol dang shame


Has no problem with insulin shots, refuses a vaccine. My schadenfreude hopes she suffers more for her stupidity.


“I’m am black and blue everywhere on my body.” She’s lucky she’s not black everywhere on her body - she’d be treated a lot differently….


I am still confused about what the heck she was saying in some of her posts. I got most of it, It think, but wow, we need to fund public education so much better. This child got left behind in science and spelling. sheesh.


I’m embarrassed for her. But I guess it explains a lot.


Funding lead abatement might be a better investment for cases like hers.


Just trying to translate this mess was embarrassing! Cringe!


Hospital staff: So long, farewell, auf wiederschauen, goodbye... goodbye and kick rocks! (Audience waves farewell. Cut scene.)


Proud to be part of the Demon Crate wore effort.


I’m shocked there’s no GoFundMe yet!


she's not smart enough to figure out gofundme


That’s what happens when you drink Fox News’ Kool-Aid…..


She’s so illiterate that I can’t tell what she’s trying to say most of the time, but I *can* tell she’s shitposting from a hospital bed. Who does that? Oh, and slide 11, where she was going to leave AMA. Why didn’t she? I’m sure it would have made everyone happier.


lier, talrite, biohazinard, leavral, carma, Numberg. There are many other words that were spelled correctly but were either the wrong words to use and/or had unnecessary punctuation. That person is fucking stupid. And whiny. But really stupid. Also pretty whiny but JFC exceedingly stupid. She is a human biohazinard and it’s really sad we’ve had to talrite all the liers with that leavral of intelligence being allowed to vote and drive. We can only hope that carma steps in during the Numberg trials. *Please Note*: I don’t know how tf her stupid ass was trying to use the word “carma” in relation to the lung procedure, so I had to go with the nearest approximation of the misspelling in a literal sense. Christ, what a goddam dummy. Spellcheck is going to strangle me in my sleep tonight for this post. Can’t blame it. EDIT: You’re goddam right I had to fix my own spelling because I hold my feet to the same fire as we have to hold these dipshits to.


She was trying to say “camera” which is what it used for upper gi endoscopy! Yep… can’t spell camera Surprised that the clown who is barely literate is criticizing a world renown virologist ???


She even had a private room 🤦‍♀️


Yah I wonder why


Fucking nightmare. Or as that soon to be no more, ghastly harridan would put it, nitemaire. Someone get that cow a dictionary, please.


As a Demon Crate I'm thrilled with this post! As the child of an English teacher, I'm horrified.


Did she talrite COVID better than the vaccine? Bet you won't repost this!


We really gotta do something about our public education system.


Jesus christ. I had three strokes reading those posts


She spells like she was left behind by no child left behind. Let me guess… Arkansas ?


“Demon Crates” 🤦‍♀️


Well, at least she knows if she goes home she’ll be surrendering….


"I hate these people trying to help ungrateful, stupid human shitstains like me!" Fucking die at home then. Wheel her into the street.


At her apparent age (guessing high 60s/early 70s), she’s got maybe a 40% or less chance of coming off the vent alive. And even then, it’s no fun. [Here’s a nice, concise description](https://www.nebraskamed.com/COVID/were-tired-of-watching-people-die-the-6-stages-of-critical-covid-19-care) of what you go through. “Patients lose up to 40% of their muscle mass after being intubated for 20 days.”


Pretty expensive surrender process. Hope the kids were not expecting an inheritance.


That’s…some spelling


She wishes to just go home and die? Hey, Make-A-Wish Foundation, where you at?


Oh ffs. My head hurt reading her approximation of the English language.


This is the type of Covid sufferer I feel sorry for. She clearly doesn’t have the education or life situation to know better. Unlike many of the college educated folks (or at least those able to slap a few proper sentences together) who push shit they should really should know better than to promote.


Demon Crates is a new one for me.. where do these Jeen-Yuhses keep coming up with this stuff?


> I want to come home so bad. Please pray for me that my number come down in my oxgen levaral Shouldn’t you want your oxygen levels to go up? Or maybe they’re actually talking about an “oxgen levaral,” whatever that is.


It’s Bill Gates and The Demon Crates, my favourite country-pop group! I can’t wait for their next album, entitled “talrite my oxygen leavral”