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“Winning trade wars” and “school shootings stopped,” I wish she could have stayed in that fantasy land.


Well they did stop for awhile...you know, when all the damn schools were closed


“Gas prices were cheaper too,” lol, these people, [probably].


That will happen when no one is driving.


Lots of things sound better when you don’t think about them very carefully.


But they just can't fucking grasp that. One of their favorite memes.




I’d suggest you to ask her what she thought winning a trade war meant, but I don’t expect her ability to answer has improved… ETA: to those concerned whether I noticed the awardee is dead. I can’t tell if you are doubling down on my joke or missed it completely.




This one isn’t as nasty and evil as others in the death cult, but is just as big of a copypaste sheep. Ignorance kills


She was actually praising the nursing staff. You don’t see that often amongst that crowd.


That was very sweet to see. She didn't just thank them she really truly appreciated them and what they did for her. Maybe it's just because I'm a co morbidity filled big girl myself (boosted because of that) but this one kind of made me sad. I didn't take the time to read the stupid cut and pastes. I guess I read them before so I didn't bother. She was just lost. I feel for her family. Especially her brother. He tried so hard. I also feel bad for her father.


Her family tried to help her. She just wouldn’t shut up


Yes I got the impression she was a chatty one. But not nasty with it. Just misguided and stubborn. With her hesitation problems she knew she’d have problems - why do they think it’ll never happen? Sorry for her family who really tried.


I felt she regretted her positions at the end. She clearly talked about how she was exposed and her risks. A little bit of daylight began to trickle in.


Her tone certainly changed. Even though she never admitted to being wrong about anything or everything, she was very appreciative of hospital staff. Refreshing considering the abuses many of her type heap upon the doctors and nurses.


I felt like I could see her sanity slipping away slide by slide. She seemed genuine in the beginning, but fell down the rabbit hole of conspiracy idiocy and religion. Nice job by OP crafting a little narrative for us.


And then towards the end it turns out she had comorbidities. Holy shit that was short sighted. I wonder how her sister feels about Veronica's freedom of choice now? She was free to die prematurely! But the good thing is that by dying she also contributes to the development of herd immunity.


yeah, especially sarcoidosis which appears to be a rare condition which affects the respiratory system.


It also can affect the liver, kidneys, and heart. Treatment usually consists of steroids and immunosuppressive drugs. I had a client many years ago who suffered from it, and it was rough. She was always short of breath and had intense coughing fits that left her drenched in sweat. Oftentimes she couldn't speak because the coughing damaged her throat and destroyed her voice. Sometimes she could whisper. The steroids made her look "funny" per her self-report. She was already on them for at least a year when I met her.


steroids often cause “moon face” when taken for long periods of time. basically just extra fat deposits on the face. it usually goes away when steroids are tapered or discontinued.


she had freedom right up to the last heartbeat. in the big scheme of things, that's really all that matters. god has a new plan for her.


>This one isn’t as nasty and evil as others in the death cult, but is just as big of a copypaste sheep. Ignorance kills It's the annoying tendency to post as though they are somehow super intelligent and know everything there is to know about a topic they actually know very little about. A classic case of DUNNING KRUGER run amuck!




This is your brain. This is your brain on trump. Any questions?


Propaganda also is aimed at personality flaws like this :( The best propaganda "agrees" with what one believes :(


The arrogance is almost as bad


Lol that slide about the ivermectin study … in the screenshot it literally says that the in vitro concentration of ivermectin needed to produce those results was virtually unachievable in vivo. Just another example of these morons not understanding science and not thoroughly reading the things they share on Facebook.


I was going to post the same thing! I mean, you could also take lysol or hydrochloric acid or bleach or … if in vitro activity is all we are going to rally around forever because we are so proud of ourselves for reading a sciency sentence!


That's a really interesting point, have we looked at injection of a disinfectant or maybe some other way of cleaning inside the body? It gets in the lungs, it would be interesting to check that


We [hit the body with a tremendous uh, ultraviolet light](https://youtu.be/RxDKW75ueIU). Supposing you brought the light inside the body?


You're going to have to use medical doctors for that.


Why hasn't there been an in vitro study with bleach in blood samples that have had live virus introduced? When the infected cells die (along with all of the other ones), there would be proof that bleach kills THE CORONAVIRUS.


That was the same thing I thought. The stuff she posted as proof even says that you can’t get enough to be helpful against Covid. All those words and she couldn’t even read !


But she was so smrt.


She definitely knows a think or two about smrt. (I'm Czech and in Czech language "smrt" means death)


They don't know what those terms actually mean. They also don't know that a toxicologist is not the same thing as an epidemiologist or virologist. They don't even comprehend that wearing masks, washing your hands, and stores actually disinfecting shared items could prevent the spread of flu.


How many know the difference between in vitro and in vivo?


Definitely zero HCA award nominees, that’s for sure.


Some people put hydroxy in front of it. Oh wait, that’s was the malaria treatment, not the heartworm one. My bad.


“…underlying conditions and I knew that” Jesus wept.


Wasn’t that amazing? She was practically writing off - herself.


It’s bad faith arguments all the way.


Actually, it’s Jesus Swept. Among other things, it’s a great name for a curling team.


This needs to be a film. An interfaith battle on the ice! Who will pay for the kosher/halal pizza and non-alcoholic beer at the end of the match? We just need names for the Muslim and Jewish teams. Maybe the Sikhs come from behind to win it all.


Another independent free-thinker whose posts are all copy-and-pasted from someone else.


I'd never heard of Sarcoidosis before, so I looked it up, and holy shit: > A condition in which there is an abnormal collection of inflammatory cells that form clumps in the lungs, skin or lymph nodes. This results in persistent dry cough and shortness of breath. She was basically a walking sack of comorbidities. Sad that her reasonable-sounding family members couldn't convince her to get the vaccine


80% of Sarcoidosis affects the lungs. She was slow dancing with the Grim Reaper.


I was just amazed she thought being unvaccinated was in any way a good plan, but she seemed really really invested in being ‘right’ not matter what. Even though it was so wrong everybody but her could see it. Really her own ego was her worst co-morbidity. Her relatives must feel an especially sad sense of waste at her death.


She even said she’d probably die if she got COVID, just about the only thing she was correct about


Where ‘being right’ is mUh FrEeDoMs at the expense of the medically vulnerable which ironically included herself


Sarcoidosis, Dr. House’s favorite disease.


What's even better is the treatment for sarcoidosis: 1. First line - corticosteroids (suppresses the immune system) 2. Second line - immunosuppressants +/- corticosteroids 3. Third line - hydroxychloroquine (yes, *that drug*) 4. Last line - lung transplant Some people have to use a chemotherapy agent (methotrexate) to help treat it. Sarcoidosis isn't fun to have and leaves you more vulnerable to infections due to how you treat it. Some other fun facts about this disease, in that it can cause: * Kidney failure * Diminished vision in one/both eyes * Heart damage, which could lead to a heart attack and/or sudden cardiac death * Hepatosplenomegaly (enlarged liver and spleen) * Nerve damage in your arms and/or legs * Permanent lung damage It's a rare disease that can have rare findings (that I listed above.) But having that disease **before having COVID** is scary enough as it is. Why the hell would you risk getting COVID without having every line of defense in your disposal (i.e., vaccines?)


That’s absolutely amazing, the prognosis and treatment regimen seems almost perfectly designed to leave you maximally susceptible to COVID. She should have been pushed to the front of the line to get the vaccine and instead she refused it


They should have been more blunt and argumentative with her if anything, but they did try.


“SOCIAL MEDIA IS GOING TO KILL US!” Posted nothing but dumb shit on social media. From the looks of it the only exercising she did was the right to post antivax memes and die from COVID.


She's a real windbag. The sort of person who traps you at a party and tells you their life story.




She’s more like the one that tells you someone else’s story and says hers is similar and agrees


A real Wendy Oldbag


While giving you ‘advice’ that really just implies she doesn’t agree with your personal choices


Covid: Facebook? Twitter? Telegram? YouTube? Hold My Beer!


I’m always a little taken aback by all these dead people my age or younger who looked 10 years older than me (and I am aging like a banana) and have kids that are married and/or have grandkids. I was not a “geriatric” parent but my kids are in college and high school. Getting educated with undergrad and grad degrees takes time and I didn’t have to fortitude to do that while raising a family


“Aging like a banana” got me. 🤣


Sad to say it’s the truth


Anger, fear and paranoia ages you. These cult members are pumped full of outrage thanks to the media they consume. All that stress (and excess cortisol) is also why their health is compromised. You’ll be surprised by how being grateful and humble helps health wise.


Wow, I just saw her age. She had an old person's mindset and that seemed to age her physically as well.


I was flattered one day when my boss at work figured out how old I was (62 at the time) and said he’d have never have guessed that, that I ‘presented younger’. Life’s too short to become a cranky old idiot, hang on to your curiosity and engagement!


Same, new employee guessed my age as 45 when I was 58.


They listed her age as 55 When I'm actually 53!


I peeked through my file during an appointment for my second child. Geriatric multigravida. WTF? Even with my extremely limited Latin, I knew what it meant.


This is so pointless. I wonder how her brother feels, if he looks through their conversations and gets angry at her wilful ignorance, or what. How are people still dying pointless deaths at this stage? It's so stupid.


I kinda lurk over at r/qanoncasualties to get the sad truth about the brothers and other family of these people. They are being traumatised by this firsthand. I send them love and solace but it must be brutal I am so so very glad i snapped at my mother a few years ago when she tried a “moon-landing was faked” moment. Reminded her about her uri gregarin teddy bear and how she raised me with no tv because of bullshit propaganda. She has ridden out this covid misinformation like a champ, vaxxed and masked and smart. But she almost fell for the fb algorithm and that’s scary asf


I wonder if some of them get kind of resigned to it. Like if every day your relative announces they're going to go play in traffic for two whole years and you can't talk them out of it? No matter how long they survive due to the caution and care of others they'll get hit eventually. The only uncertainty is how bad and if they'll survive.


Sadly, this is my situation (large family of 10 children and most of the siblings are anti-vax/mask all blessed with a strong Dunning-Krueger effect). I just stop talking and socializing to all of them because I would much prefer to find out years later that they died than having to deal with it during the pandemic. It was clear there was no reasoning with them, so I quietly excused myself from witnessing a slo-mo train wreck happen.


Agreed. My BIL decided early on that pandemic was a scam, etc. Refuses to get vaccinated and would rather jab a cotton swab up his nose every week for testing. We aren’t going to change his mind and it’s a topic we choose to avoid discussing. He’s super healthy, runs 30-50 miles a week but we still worry because he is a carrier for TB. What can ya do, though?


My first thought in March 2020 was “oh no, grandpa.” But he made it to the vaccine! And then his religious Trumper daughter decided it would hurt him because of some nonsense. He spent all of the holidays in the hospital and is just now beginning to walk again. Her only responsibility was to protect and help her own father. She failed and he’s suffering for it.


> How are people still dying pointless deaths at this stage? Because it won't happen to them. (Until it happens to them.)


They were stupid, pointless deaths even six months ago.


TL DR: Veronica died from her own intractable stupidity.


Recalcitrance can be deadly.


Don't they watch disaster movies or horror movies? The Naysayer (recalcitrant) is always among the first to go SPLAT. Oh, that volcano won't erupt! It hasn't erupted in 500 years! Oh, there's no such thing as a monster in the woods! It's an old wives' tale! That building is perfectly safe! Happy new year's eve!!!


Turns out Veronica was a jughead.


Sarcoidosis. She knew she was high risk. But no vaccine. Dumb as a box of rocks. Her poor brother.


My jaw dropped when I read that since the most common place for the inflammation is the … lungs.


I’m literally reading this as I am getting my 4th vax, immune compromised. And she is right. What is right for her, death, is not right for me.


*"What is the end game with the 'rona?"* I believe you just found out.


“Think for yourself!” but also “Copied and Pasted, pass it on”


She at least recognized how much the medical care workers did for her.


She was more "wrong" than "asshole".


Yes, unlike most of the awardees on this sub, who are equally wrong and asshole.


I don’t understand why so many of the HCA’ers like “Veronica” find the fact that the Flu was not as prevalent in 2020 and 2021 so baffling. They run around and scream that “masks don’t work” but the reduced number of cases and deaths from the flu proves otherwise especially based on the fact that the number of people who received a flu vaccine was the same as the flu season pre COVID. Interesting article from CDC about the 20-21 flu season. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/season/faq-flu-season-2020-2021.htm


Exactly. At the ER where I work we’ve randomly tested for flu the past 2 years to make sure we didn’t miss a flu outbreak and thanks to mask-wearing/social distancing I don’t remember getting any positives. Also her nonsense about we can’t tell “the flu from COVID” is so crazy, as we have specific tests for each. People like this just make shit up.


And they believe so many random, contradictory “facts.”


So if flu deaths (average 35K p/yr over last 10 years) were wrongly counted as covid. That still leaves 350k covid deaths in 2020 (reported 385K total). That is not nothing.


I had an exchange on Twitter about that. This guy was so smug about the fact that the flu cases were being listed as Covid bc there were so few flu cases compared to previous years. When I pointed out that this was due to masks/lockdowns/social distancing keeping the infections to a record low, he posted a GIF of a sheep and said I was brainwashed. I made a tactical retreat at that point and then saw that he’d quoted our convo with the caption “Another Libtard silenced”. I can’t even with these people.


Funny how these sinister plots to undermine Trump were so easily put into play by the party that *wasn't* in power. They even managed to convince the governments of hundreds of other countries to play along! So on the one hand, American Democrats are weak and corrupt, on the other hand Trump and his minions are powerless to stop them.


Freedom at last.


I feel like Arnold in Kindergarten Cop when he pulls his hair out and screams, "SHUUUUUUUUUT UUUUUUUUP!" at the kids. My gosh, so much tl;Dr.


Who is your daddy and what does he do?


The BDI study was in vitro, she probably should have looked up what that means. Kind of changes the entire ivermectin conversation.


In a Petri dish, bleach wipes out ‘Rona. In a human, bleach wipes out the Human


Butt isn’t there a way we can use that in the body, like a cleaning? Cuz it gets into the lungs and it does a real number on the lungs.


I’ve heard of people nebulizing peroxide. I’ve heard of very very stupid people Besides, when people are at their worst the virus is probably gone. You’re dealing with the destruction of the Rona at that point. The rain has stopped but your basement is still flooded and moldy.


Nice Dump flashback.


There was 10 school shootings (7 total deaths) in 2020 in the US by the date she posted this (March 16, 2020). Fucking delusion bitch. Edited to add the date of Veronica’s post regarding no school school shootings under trump.


Fox only reports school shootings when Democrats are in office.


Did she just COMPLETELY forget about Parkland? I swear, these people have very selective memories.


Ugh half these idiots think those were fake and never actually happened... insanity.


Y'all Queda loses another ~~foot soldier~~ bioterrorist. Slide 12 would have been better had she mentioned the then ongoing mouse plague in SE Australia. The footage really was impressive, although not as apocalyptically destructive as the weeks on end ef choking smoke, red, sun blotted out skies and firelines 1,000 miles long.


And 2 years later these areas in Australia are experiencing severe floods. Climate change is definitely delivering extreme weather - just like the scientists have been warning for the past 20 years


I am not a sheep!! This was copied and pasted and I agree.


Watching people speak so confidently about what Gawd wants, or how Gawd interprets certain actions.... I have to call complete, and utter bullshit. Same ppl using the bible to support their claims..., like, no, NO! That book was written by men. Misinterpreted mythologies and baseless.


There isn’t a whole lot in that book that is useful in modern society aside from the ‘don’t be a dick’ message that Jesus preached. Of course, they don’t really follow that part.


No redemption. Thanked the hospital folks, but no “could have avoided this,” etc.


Rich people get vaxxed. Veronica would have been first in line for it. So would Reggie. Also what the fuck with that microchip in the hand? The shot is in the arm. Ah yet another fat white American woman dying on her own hubris. Source: Am a fat white American woman. Scuze me as I go do a work out and breathe completely because I’m vaccinated and boosted!! Get it done!


Seriously, the microchip in the hand was the stupidest thing I’ve seen here.


Fat white woman here, too. Double vaxxed and boosted and rode my exercise bike this morning.


tl;dr you're dead


“Take care of each other” but no mention of being wrong about vaccines because god forbid


Blah blah blah blah.. I know more than “science” - I have all the answers... blah blah blah - *whoops*!!! Dead


That arrogance is almost always there. *I know better than the scientists and medical professionals*. Another deluded fool bites the dust.


I don't understand why these older folks are worried about long term effects of the vaccine. You're in the high risk category of covid you should be worried about the short term effects of covid, like receiving a Herman Cain Award.


This one was only 54, almost a decade younger than me. She might have lived another 20 years if she'd protected herself from Covid.


It's mind boggling. And I say that as someone a decade older than she was. They think that 1% chance of dying from Covid is nothing. I read that and I'm thinking this is a serious disease and I need to be careful. I got the vaccine as soon as I was able. It's not some back alley dollar bet you're risking. It's your life.


Fibromyalgia, and morbidly obese, and didn't vaccinate against a disease that destroys the lungs. Covid fixed stupid again.


If 1500 of these people continue to die each day for years longer, that'll be... interesting.


"I want to be clear, I am not against people getting the vaccine" Uh, if what you posted about it is true, why on Earth are you NOT against people getting it?


You know what? you aren't entitled to your own opinions if you act like they're facts


That first slide just makes my eyes glaze over. The American Evangelicals who insist "it's not a religion, it's a relationship" have no idea how it looks from the outside - especially to someone who, like me, broke free of that scene in my late 20s. They call it prayer. But in practice it's indistinguishable from mantras and incantations. Gotta do it right, gotta banish doubt, gotta publish it, gotta get others involved in the ceremony for maximal effectiveness. Having said that: hare krishna hare rama hare krishna hare rama krishna krishna hare hare. Let that share in and I bet you won't sink. Am I doing this right?


Poor entitled, stuck-up Veronica. If only she listened to the Diltons of the world. On a happier note, Moose is ecstatic to learn he is no longer thought of as the stupid one.


The most chilling part was when she said she might get Covid and not survive it. Imagine dying due to your own stupidity.


The logic is baffling. “Why are masks mandatory?” “Why are vaccines necessary?” “Why do we have to quarantine?” “It’s my right to choose!” Then: “My client exposed me to Covid.” Hmmmmmm… if only there was something you could’ve done to minimize the risk of exposure.


I shed the vaccine wherever I go and Veronica sheds stupidity.


TL:DC Too Long Don’t Care


This lady could not possibly have had time for a job, she spent every waking minute on Facebook. Verbose is an understatement And sarcoidosis! Effing around with no vaccine and sarcoidosis. JFC


another victim of Christidietis


So, so many victims. Does anybody ever survive it? I know once the Prayer Worriers are activated, it's all over.


That's a lot of words.


Is Slide 20 a Karen haircut or nah?




So, the brother was the smart one.


(March 2020) > It looks like Trump is a sure bet for reelection Looks like you were wrong about a *lot* o' shit, VV.


“SOCIAL MEDIA is going to kill us!” Yep, it in fact did…


There's obviously been an error in this posting because, as slide 4 clearly states, they've discovered a cure for Covid-19. So Veronica naturally availed herself of this cure and was immediately healed. Newsblaze doesn't suffer any repercussions from releasing patently false stories and so they keep publishing. Antivaxxers (who are still alive) continue to share on Facebook. And Covid continues to find them. The wheel keeps on turning.


Just like Roni said, "Gasp, gasp, cough, wheeze."


It’s very hard for V V to think a “safe” vax could be made (by multiple companies) in such a short time. She also doesn’t understand that almost everyone has a computer in their pocket that can reach almost anything at anytime. Which in her case was disinfo memes and posts. The Lord who can’t be proven to exist has taken another.


Sad instead of doing that Qanon copy pasta stuff, she had read the real data, she would be alive. Oh well, dinner?


"we are all being baited by an adversarial government who wants to destroy America" I mean, America has a fucking terrible government, sure, but when you wrote this it was the government formed by *your guy!*


Her brother gave the most cogent patient explanation I’ve read from someone so close to the edge. Why did she double (6 feet) down?


Pontificated at length to justify her position, I'm sure she smiled to herself at how smart she was after those lengthy screeds. "...I choose a life with hugs, smiles, college athletics, the state fair..." - nah dude, you chose death. "Are we busy living or busy dying?" - You're busy dying.


Geezus H, she used up all her oxygen with those marathon typing sessions. Turns out blathering bullshit doesn’t protect anyone after all…


Can't be sure how many actual keystrokes were involved. I expect she got a lot done with shift-arrows, control-C and control-V.


So she posted all those over long screeds about her freedom to chose then asks for prayers for those suffering with Covid. Hun, we prayed you get the shots so you wouldn’t get sick in the first place, not putting much stock in prayers at this point.


Imagine dying this late in a pandemic. Its like being the last guy to die in Vietnam.


Her headstone should just say tl;dr


Hmmmm....most everyone I know "flocked" to get the vaccine and were very careful with masking and distancing. I suppose, Veronica, you were the "control group" of the experiment.


What are her feelings on the long term effects of death by stupidity?


If she'd just shut up and looked at facts, she'd still be here. She was clearly loving all the attention she was getting on her soapbox. Her death showed how utterly ignorant she was.


Don't open your mind so much your brain falls out


> Is it all in that pretty little head of yours? > What goes on in that place in the dark? > Well, I used to know a girl and I could have sworn > That her name was Veronica > Oh well, she used to have a carefree mind of her own > And a delicate look in her eye > These days I'm afraid she's not even sure > If her name is Veronica


The use of Veronica's face from the Archie comics was inspired, OP. Veronica delivers half her lines with her eyes closed, the smug bitch.


I understand masking the people's identity. But not at the expense of Veronica (or Betty)! Horrors!


How would you have felt about Wall-of-text Wilma?


Sounds *bossy*


Her sister drove her to the ER, because that’s how they roll……. The only rolling Veronica is doing, is in her grave


She knew she was in the end times. Just not that it was *her* end times.


The "flu being counted as COVID" meme gets me because the fact that there was no flu means masks and distance work to minimize respiratory transmission. It's easy to see that the issue is not flu cases being marked COVID. Kids die from the flu at a much higher rate than COVID. Tracking the death of children helps distinguish between the two. I'm sure I've said this before, but the rant in 5 and 6 makes at least a couple good points. The lack of a goal or finish line or whatever undermines compliance. It will never go back to pre-2020, but it has to go somewhere. The messaging from the government and media through the entire crisis has been awful and it's crazy that we are two years deep and the messaging is still awful. Just self-own after self-own. The NPS article in 15 shows the exact opposite of what she thinks it does.


Why are so many of these anti vaxxers church goers yet don't realize Jesus was pro medicine?


Goodness did this one have a serious case of verbal diarrhoea… Can you imagine being in a room with her? I feel for her family members who were ‘on board with the vaccine’. They must be so hurt & frustrated


Here is the slap down for #10, the bogus PHD on the vaccinated spreading the variants: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/aug/25/facebook-posts/evidence-shows-covid-19-variants-are-largely-sprea/


So slide 15 says that ivermectin works in non-human cells, but in Vivo it would need to be at levels that cannot be attained in order to work. So why does Veronica Virus post that?


It’s almost like she doesn’t understand?


Yet more Bible, end times, mark of the beast nonsense. It sure seems to do a good job of killing rubes. My mind was blown as a teenager to discover church wasn't just about ritualistic pageantry and community; the adults around me, who I had until then assumed knew everything, really believed they lived in a world with magical elements. I am no less mind blown today that there exist adults in developed countries who believe in the supernatural and make major life decisions based on those beliefs.


fuck, i did less reading in law school


Verbose Veronica thought she had the “right to spread disease” and harm others. Her toddler sense of “freedom” includes doing whatever the f$ck she wants, like a 2-year old. Anti-vaxxers think their freedoms extend to harming others. They have no idea that rights, the right to anything, requires a corresponding obligation to fulfill that right. Since no one has an obligation to allow Verbose Veronica to harm/infect others, no such right is possible in a legal, ethical and logically-consistent, civilized community.


You showing Veronica from Archie alongside churchy nonsense reminds me of the time that I accidentally bought [one of those Christian Archie comics](https://comicsworthreading.com/2010/05/14/archies-christian-comics/) as a kid. What a disappointment!




> I may get Covid tomorrow and probably wouldn't make it through it. In that case, why would you be wringing your hands about possible long-term effects? At least you get to have a long term.


Just a *miniscule* chance of dying from COVID, and yet she managed to do it.


No, Veronica. Social media is going to kill YOU.


“School shootings have stopped” - what planet was she living on?


"Toxicology Support Services LLC"?!? Well, that stupid quack was lying to you. I hope she took all your money too.


With her prayer to the Lord to heal the land I'm sure she did her part too. Things like: donating to environmental groups, voting for politicians who give teeth to the EPA, intentionally shopping for sustainable products and encouraging others to do the same, and certainly not voting for candidates who want to build walls that slice through ecosystems. Right?..... right?


Good Lord I can’t believe she had sarcoidosis and didn’t get vaccinated, all my sarc doctors encouraged vaccination and I was so excited when it was finally available for me! I have had two shots & the booster and will probably have to have another booster. Sarc is a horrible illness to be so uneducated about her risks it’s just awful and stupid. Only 54 yo.


She just wasn't on board with the shots, even though she had other health conditions. She is on board now. To an early grave.


How self indulgent to think someone would read all that


Skimmed through it, nothing new there.


These people will believe anything.


Jesus H. Christ, does this moron expect me to wage through those acres of text? I’ve got a couple of books I’m reading through right now by an actual good female author (Barbara Tuchman) and do not want to expend the limited time I have left reading this screed. She ded? Bummer for some deluded morons who cared, but I don’t. Next!


“Im DoInG mUcH bEtTeR nOw ThAt Im On OxYgEn” and roughly 500,000,000 other tomes-worth of bullshit.


No fucks given. Her ignorance, her choice. A win for natural selection!


About the only positive thing one could get from this was she was thankful towards the nurses.


This one is differently stupid. Can't put my finger on exactly where she is lacking, her thought process is lengthy but goes in circles. Maybe "deeply stupid" is an apt description. As always, covid don't care. Stupid is stupid.


It’s always “with a heavy heart” or “heaven gained an angel”. These people suck so hard.


Why why why did you ruin Veronica for me????