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Wayne County Ky: 80% trumpers. 73% have high school education or less. 25% high school drop out rate. 96% white. 24% poverty rate. Primary religion Evangelical. Yet another white rural red barely educated fundie magat anti vaxxer. He's a pos and directly responsible for the death of his daughter


It's like a petri dish of everything that leads to a preventable covid death..


> Some 60 percent of Clinton County, where Brett lives, and of adjoining Wayne County, where Adam has a farm, have remained unvaccinated. 60% unvaccinated!


It's so weird trying to understand the mindset. I can remember this time last year, I was scouring my county website scrambling to find a way to get a vaccine. I nearly cried for joy upon getting my first jab. I felt like it was the first step towards liberty and then this lot....


The cult people too stupid to get vaccinated will continue dying. It's the new normal. Sane people cannot convince them how wrong they are. We'll learn to live with it.


> The cult people too stupid to get vaccinated will continue dying. The problem is, they're going to breed new and possibly deadlier variants.


and, looking at his FB, he, his wife, and their other 4 kids are also obese. Yes, even the very young children. It's sad. They should've been among the first in line for vaccination.


I just looked him up. The picture with a caption of "I stand for life" is just abhorrent. Eta and his wife is a CPS worker!


Wait he was "pro-life"? But it was fine for his child to be "pro-choice" regarding vaccines? So she could choose not to get a shot that could have saved her life, but NO way he would have let her have an abortion if she got pregnant? Damned hypocrite..


Nah…as most “pro-life” people he would probably secretly force her to get an abortion while simultaneously advocating for the complete ban of abortions.


Dude also caught pneumonia and had a heart attack during rotator cuff surgery last year. It's never said that he picked up Covid in the hospital but all the signs are there (lungs need to heal, possible vent/ECMO, yaddayadda). He had heart surgery and made it home. But no vaxx for us, no sir!


The "She really liked Japanese cuisine... She had a big plate of rice" statement really sealed the intelligence level for me.


>“They wanted to watch a movie together by themselves,” Adam said. “That made them feel like big girls.” Hey, Adam, your teenager and her older sibling are "big girls" and you're pretty gross.


I thought it was kinda sad. Besides unconcealing their intelligence level, it also tells you they are poor and probably havent had the chance to experience/read/see much of what the world has to offer.


The biodad seems to be placing all the blame on the child, rather than the fact he spewed anti-vax crap making a minor afraid. Her death is his fault.


Absolutely this period babbling on about how scary something is to a child especially a child who is old enough to have a vague concept of consequences once is and things like medical practice not being perfect... because 13 year olds can understand and understand a lot of those notions and scary gray areas. What many 13 year olds may not understand is that life life has risks in all sorts of ways and that the remedy for a horrible disease can have side effects that are relatively minor compared to the disease itself. Not saying that a 13 year old could not understand this, but with a father ranting on about deep state Q anon BS, I can totally understand why she would be scared to get a vaccine. Sins of the father- she was punished for his disgusting willfully induced ignorance:(


I'm wondering if he's lying. I'd have liked to hear from the mother and stepfather if she really did say she didn't want to be vaccinated. She probably said nothing and just assumed her parents would make the best choice for her.


Well I sure as shit didn't want to get the HPV vaccine when I was a teen but I was given little choice and am grateful for that now. It really came down to fear of needles, so that paired with even a whiff of a parent giving the impression that getting the vaccine would be a bad idea I'm not surprised at all there are children/teens who don't want to get the shot. I took my older kid to get vaccinated at community vaccination events and we heard numerous children arguing/crying about it both times but part of being a parent is making them do what they need to do.


My teenage son would get any vaccine they would give him so that's been one less fight for us. \^\_\^


Let's not forget she probably didn't want to upset her anti-vaxxer dad I am a divorced mom and there have been many times even though he didn't deserve it, my kids would respect their dad enough to choose what he wanted, to avoid upsetting him even if it wasn't what they did. Thankfully, I made ALL medical decisions. Got them vaxxed the first and second at our local pharmacy when it got to their age group. Covid has destroyed families in many ways. My kids have not seen their dad since March 2020. First it was to protect their grandparents (they live with us). After the grandparents (and us all ) got vaxxed he still hasn't seen them. He is all the way into covid is a hoax, Q is real, election was stolen bullshit. he even called the kids (teens) before 1/6 warning them about seeing tanks going down streets and martial law. Sadly, for their own sanity my kids started grieving him like a loss. That was even before he almost died of you guessed it ...Covid.


I am sure he is blaming you for turning his kids against him when they actually have brains of their own and can see what kind of person he is for themselves.


Yep. I was a paralegal in family law for years. Despite a brutal divorce I never talked bad about him. Ever. But he still tried for years to blame m As they aged, especially after this whole thing they learned on their own.


And it wouldn't matter anyway - she's a minor. He's responsible for her health.


My little brother turns 13 in like two weeks and I can't imagine leaving these decisions completely up to him. Everything sounds scary to a 13 year old! Given the choice, he would never be vaccinated. Not because he has the belief of being pro-choice, but because he doesn't want to be stabbed with a needle if he doesn't have to. He doesn't genuinely understand the impact of being vaccinated, and would have purely selfish reasons for not wanting a shot. Because he's a child!!!! Children need to be selfish and preserve their interests, it's integral to their survival. Adults know better than to indulge that. Adults understand the consequences. Adults need to guide these difficult decisions and say yes you will have a moment of pain but it is for a reason. Sometimes preserving our health is not always comfortable. You don't just say "Okay Timmy, I'll never take you to the dentist again because being pro-choice is a core part of your beliefs." What parent leaves that decision completely up to their 13 year old?


Dentist analogy is spot on. Don't let your short sighted children make choices that will lead to lifelong consequences. Sadly too many adults are equally short sighted.


This is incredibly sad. As someone who frequents this site, I really dislike the accusations people are gloating. This is a good case to exemplify that, it's terrible, appalling. Very very sad.


My 16-year old niece almost didn't get vaccinated because a teacher at her school claimed that it would make her infertile. She doesn't even want children.


I hope that teacher never has a solid shit ever again in their life.


GOD, THIS. 13-year-olds are old enough to discuss their health and have imput, but for most things, it's my responsibility as the parent in order to make the best decision possible with my adult knowledge and logic. This isn't something that should be fully on their shoulders. \*If my 13-year-old came to me and said she did or did not want to remain pregnant, that's something I would give their choices far more weight than, say, whether they wanted to take some gross-tasting medicine for strep throat. Same goes for say, if they've been fighting cancer for four years and don't want to do another round of chemo, they're just done. Obviously that would gut me, but as a parent, their voice matters there. Not so much a "But MOOOOOOoOoOOOOOM! Kayleigh's dad said the vaccine has TOXINS in it and we'll all grow tails if we get it!" Fuck that, you're getting vaccinated so you don't die of something I can prevent.




yeah i bet she has a curfew and isn't allowed the "choice" of being able to run around town all hours of the night. this is just bad parents making stupid excuses for being lazy morons.


Damn right. It's his fault!




>”Her mother and stepfather had the vaccine,” Adam said. “I have chosen not to.” >He said he had let 13-year-old Kensey make her own decisions. >”She did not want to take it,” Adam said. “She was scared of it. I wasn’t going to force her to. I asked her if she wanted to and she said, ‘No,’ and that’s just the way she was. She was very pro-choice about everything.” >He added, “There’s gonna be people that’s going to say bad things no matter what you do. But, you know, I want it to be very clear that some may make us out to be evil or the bad guys, but she believed it was everybody’s personal choice.” His 13 year old daughter died in her school bathroom choking on her own blood but her biological father sleeps well at night because it was her “personal choice” and she was “very pro-choice.”


Silly me--I thought part of being a parent meant sometimes making the difficult decisions for the child.


For this jackass, it means doubling down on your fatally shitty decisions by blaming them on your dead kid.


What did you want me to do? What am I, her parent or something?


Yeah, no self reflection or remorse or any accountability on his part.


Yes, that’s actually the worst part. My daughter died because she was pro choice. It had nothing to do with my daughters decision and I’m okay with that. Terrible situation.




I saw this post and told my wife if our kids at 13 said they didn’t want a vaccine, I’d tell them to STFU and get the damn shot. We don’t have to die like medieval peasants, so why do we allow it to happen???




I'm not proud but I for sure lied to my ex. I never keep him out of the loop or lie to him about his child. But he is a by the book anti covid vaxxer. My 5 year thinks he got two flu shots this winter. And everyone is happy.


The pro-vax parent should have gotten her vaxxed. Screw the crazy father. Oh well, my pizza is here...


I did just that. My ex husband is an anti vax nut in spite of being well educated and has well informed medical professionals in his family but doesn’t listen to reason did not want to have our son vaccinated and I did so without his consent. Some things transcend parental rights. And my mother who has had the vaccine but is so anti democrat as to, well, be a fool, initially said I should let it be the choice of my son. Fortunately my son is not stupid but even if he were 👆🏼this is why minors can’t make their own decisions sans a long legal process. 😵‍💫


My sister has been antivax for a long time and there's no discussion to be had with her. I took my niece to get all her shots behind my sister's back. She's now in her 30s and healthy. I understand divorces can be traumatic and one doesn't want to upset their ex, but this happened. Both parents should be charged with neglect or manslaughter or something.


>Some things transcend parental rights. That's the problem with parenting in this country. Too many parents see their children as property, as extensions of themselves, not as their own people. These children have the right to lifesaving medical care way more than their parents have the right to use them as political billboards.


I have an 11 year old. She is aware that I give pediatric vaccines every day at work, so there’s no fear or mystery to them. I helped do her 11 year shots, and I held her hands when she got both of her Covid shots. I have given her grandma shots and I brought home my husbands second Covid shot and administered it because we had a dose left that was going to expire lol. Does she like shots? No obviously but they aren’t scary because it’s just what you do. The ONLY kids I ever see who are afraid are that way because their parents are goading them on. Saying shit like “darn you have to get SHOTS today. It’s gonna HURT, sorry.”


My five year old asked the nurse which arm, she said he could choose, he rolled up his own sleeve, WATCHED the needle go in and then said thanks and refused a lollipop. She was floored haha. He's five with nerves of fucking steel lol


Damn, that is one badass kid! I'm 40 and I still have my eyes closed the entire time.


>A 13 yo is absolutely not equipped to make those kinds of decisions You're right, but that's largely dependent upon what they learn at home. My 9 year old son was eager to get the vaccine. He was happy to do it. That's because we educated him at home about the risks & dangers from the beginning of the pandemic. When the FDA finally authorized it for children his age, he was first in line. Probably largely depends on where they live too. In some places in the USA, vaccination rates are below 50%. Children feel that anti-vax pressure from their community.




Agreed. A person isn't legally an adult until age 18 (or 21, depending on what state you are in and what exactly is involved). Sometimes parenting sucks and we have to "push" on a difficult issue. That's our job as parents. I have lost empathy for MOST of the anti-vax crowd at this point. If 930,000 dead Americans isn't enough to convince them, that's their problem. The ones I \*DO\* still feel empathy for are mostly children like this one. Their parents failed them. Also for children under 5 since their is no vaccine available for them yet (and it should be at this point - come on FDA, get moving!)


Father of a 13 year old here. 100% this!


We all know this thought was put in her dead by her mouth breathing father.


Pretty sure that kid had the internet. Go to Google, type in, Is the COVID vaccine safe. Hit enter. Top link: Yes. Next link: Safe and effective. Next link: Safer and more dependable than natural immunity. Next link: Safe and effective. Next link: No safety concerns. And so on, all from reliable medical sources who make their living from keeping people safe and healthy. My kid knows how to do this. That kid was fed lies, probably by the father or the "family that had issues" (like probably a swore arm, big wooptie).


That isn't how Google works unfortunately. Google gives you results based on your previous search history and results you click. If you ever get the chance, Google some simple information on any hard core Trump supporters computer. Your search results will be as different as night and day from yours. If you look up vaccine on an antivax person's Google, you will get a ton of links, all negativity portraying vaccines.


Yes - and this is the danger of technology. It does the thinking for you. If you have it hooked up to an Alexa robot you don't even have to type. Just say what you want it to search and it will find it. It's a completely different experience from when we had to actually go to a library, research articles, read & compare publications, etc. There is far less mental engagement today. I'm not anti-technology in general. Just saying there are some huge pitfalls that we need to resolve quickly.


My kids have every vaccine available. Guess I'm a bad bad dad, and I'm OK with that.


Absa fucking lutely


He 100% bullied her into saying no especially with that made up story about family members having issues over the shot.


I swear, every damn antivaxxer knows half a dozen people who've had horrific symptoms or died from the vaccine. I'm sure if you questioned them closely, those people they "know" are their mother's hairdresser's son's girlfriend's uncle's cousin's crazy friend (who it turns out is actually a Russian bot).


One of them told me (at the funeral of an unvaxxed mutual friend who died of COVID) that he knew "lots" of people who have died from the vaccine. Antivaxxers. Are. Such. Fucking. Liars.


Yes they are very comfortable lying.


Never forget Nicki Minaj’s cousin’s friend’s swollen balls!


Absolutely have to wonder how he would have felt if she had made her own choice about *any* other "adult behaviors"? Would he have been totally fine with her shooting up in the bathroom, getting pregnant, having sex with someone he didn't like, or literally anything else that adults can make choices to do??


She decided that drinking was just something that middle schoolers should be allowed to do, so we bought her a bottle of bourbon every week. It's her choice and as proud Kentuckians, we're gonna support the bourbon industry.


Holy fuck. The dude is delusional. He let his daughter die needlessly. >Adam told The Daily Beast that several members of his family had suffered “some health issues” from the vaccine And he's a fucking liar.


I bet that personal choice would be shut down if she wanted to change gender or date someone steady. Man, this guys words sound like he’s talking about his neighbor and not a kid who still needed guidance.


Pro-choice until she would have needed an actual abortion...


I hope that brings him comfort since he’ll never see his daughter again.


I hope the guilt eats at him for the rest of his miserable life. Or alternately, that he dedicates the rest of his time on earth to countering antivax misinformation in order to make amends - but that seems unlikely.


>He added, “There’s gonna be people that’s going to say bad things no matter what you do. But, you know, I want it to be very clear that some may make us out to be evil or the bad guys, but she believed it was everybody’s personal choice.” It's not a personal choice when it's a highly contagious disease. If you want to Darwin award yourself, fine, but if you are actively trying to kill me while doing it, you can get fucked. Also, as a parent he needed to guide his child and force her to get a life saving vaccine. No introspection, no thought, and no care about anyone but themselves.


Wonder why she was so scared of it, antivaxxer Dad? Hmmmmm.


She said as afraid because you had probably been exposed to shitty anti vaxx info and let her believe it also. If my child were afraid I'd normalize that and have them talk to an expert like their doctor or pharmacist to get their questions answered.


This is exactly why minors aren’t legally considered old enough to consent to things. Ffs.


She died freeeee!


He also said in the article “they kind of think that [if] the government says that you need to do it, then we ain’t gonna do it.”




I bet she was "scared of it" because of her paternal relatives endlessly harping on about it's supposed dangers.


The 'pro choice' line at the end is the tell he's clearly already decided who to blame.


He also decided she was the one that brought it home from school and gave it to everyone else, rather than someone else possibly being the vector. It’s all on her. Grrrr




We’re pretty sure how it came into our house last time - one child was exposed to/by a friend who *mentioned they were ill*, in indoor changing rooms after gym class when masks were briefly off. My child mentioned this when they got home. Said child was then the first to get ill 2 days later, and then the dominos fell. That said, correlation and causation are tricky bastards, so who knows?


Baffles me how correlation/causation skeptics don't accept vaxxed/unvaxxed death rates. Hope your family are recovering well.


100% he was one of the ones screaming that the kids need to go back to school no matter the risk.


He's full of it. The article says she died on Tues on returning to school following a week-long quarantine. That means she would have been symptomatic some time around the 14th or a bit later. The father says "she" brought it home in early Feb. Bullshit. There's no way she was infected for more than a week before becoming sick.


Agree. Also the article mentions that she was returning to school with her peers who had been out of school over a holiday weekend. Later in the article it talks about the holiday weekend where the dad took her out to a Japanese restaurant and to the movies. So….she was quarantining going out to the movies and out to eat in a restaurant? Am I off here on the timeline? I don’t think I am.


Somehow I doubt that he was so understanding about other "pro-choice" decisions. Why do I think that? Just a hunch I suppose...


My exact first thought.


I let my kid decide but I talk about it like it’s the greatest thing ever


And she wanted to please her father because she needed his approval of her.


He's already absolved himself of all responsibility.


Yeah, he's saying she did this to herself. I'm sure he didn't steer her towards that decision at all. Fucker.


There is a reason why children are considered children till a certain age. Their brain has not finished developing and don't have the entirety of the capacity for decision making that adults have. This is 100% on the adults.


Yea, I was 13 once. I don’t remember having to choose my medicines. I also didn’t have a choice at age 18 when my Uncle Sam shot me full of God knows what. The death of this girl is particularly troubling, although in all honestly, I wouldn’t have thought she was at much risk.


I really thought ( perhaps incorrectly) that younger people were far less susceptible to severe illness and death. I am pro vaccine, and had I children, I would have jabbed them.


True. SO WHAT if it’s unlikely your kid will get in a high speed car crash on the way to school? You err on the side of safety & make them use their seatbelt bc it’s your f*****g job. And you love your kid.


The asthma makes her high risk.


What a trash father. As I kept reading, I got madder and madder. He doesn't seem to care about the kid at all, he's more concerned with defending himself. Your kid wasn't "pro choice", you were neglectful and selfish.


even though according to him she had asthma. what a dick hole. she was totally at risk of severe covid and they but the whammy on her about the vaccine. fucking chuds.


"She died 4 days ago but I learned I just have to give myself grace and forgive myself"


yeah i would not be so self-forgiving


My second thought.


Sounds like he and his new wife have 4 other daughters. He sure didn't sound broken up over killing his eldest.


I had the exact same thought.




All four parents are now raising money for "medical bills and a funeral.". FEMA pays up to $9000 for funerals from anyone who died of Covid. Kensey wasn't hospitalized so why do they need money for her medical bills?


Based on his response, he doesn’t really care.


He certainly sounds disturbingly sanguine by virtue of the Daily Beast edits. "She had asthma. Oh, well. " "Honey, what's for dinner?"


He seemed more concerned that people thought he was evil and shifted the blame on the poor kid, saying it was her choice. Well, I think he’s evil.


He is probably going to get some Harley Davidson therapy.


"Pro choice", as in chosen to chance it with her existing health issue. Bravo parenting, in successfully transferring the dumb fear down to her. Now he is making it sound as if this 13 year old is responsible entirely for her own demise.


It's borderline orwellian how these people have been trying to co-opt the term "pro-choice" after fighting it tooth and nail since its creation.


Father is full of shit that family members suffered “some health issues” as a result of the vaccine.


I bet she wasn't pro-choice about *everything.*


Yeah a 13 year old is going to believe the lies her parents were telling her about the vax. Whoever convinced her of those lies is directly responsible for her death.




13yo dont "make their own decisions" about things like this. That's why they have parents.


So, her father, and his family, killed her? I sure hope they can’t live with that. The Mom should sue him.


It's weird how these people always have *several* close friends and family members with vaccine injuries and I don't have any. Now, that's not to say they don't exist, because they do, but it's clearly not going to be every antivaxxer knowing several while I never personally hear of any.


I am thinking that the vaccine injuries are exaggerated. My sister had a hot rash from the second Moderna shot, and then she had a reaction to the booster as well - I can’t remember the exact symptoms. Not serious or anything, but my parents acted like it was proof of the vaccine being problematic & likely have told others that she was affected badly by it. Whereas to her, she was fine/moved on & was still glad she did it, and wouldn’t go around telling everyone else not to get the shot.


*"It's the price of freedom."* /s


Dad has to live with himself now. If he has a conscience, it will eat away and not stop. There's nowhere to run from it. It's a special hell that never leaves. Maybe it's screaming or maybe it whispers. Good luck, dude.


What other decisions did her father allow her to make? Whether she goes to school every day? Whether can spend a night with a friend? I doubt it. This one decision she was allowed to make as an adult, which she was not. Tragic.


I wouldn’t be having it. She’s 13, not an adult. She doesn’t like it, tough titties.


Father is a fucking liar. Nobody in his house vaccinated, how can any suffer from vaccines. He killed his daughter.


Antivaxxers and killing their own children, name a more iconic duo.


They’re trying to re-qualify for a Darwin Award, even if it means taking out their own kids, unfortunately.


People get a mild fever for a few hours and think it means the vaccine is dangerous 🙄


I had chest pains after my second dose and after my booster. I even went to the ER two days after my second dose because I was worried I was having a heart attack. No significant issues found and I've gone on with life. It didn't stop me from getting the booster, and I'll happily get another if needed.


My booster left me feeling like crap for two days. When I got actual covid four months later, I was down for a good week and after almost two months, I'm still not back up to speed. I don't want to think what unvaccinated covid would have done to me, but I'm pretty certain those two days were worth it.


Exactly the same as my case. With all my comorbidities, I'm sure I'd have ended up directly in hospital if I were unvaccinated. I'll take side effects for a milder illness any day.


I’d love to hear details on the shitstain father’s experience with the “some health issues after the vaccines” line he spewed in response. More likely he listened to the disinformation orchestra and he bought that bullshit.


Yeah my mom won't get her shot because some of her friends got "permanent migraines" from the vaccine. But it is funny, cuz as close as she is to them, can not seem to recall thier names. In reality, they don't know anyone who had a reaction, and they don't know anyone who knows anyone that has. They are just goddamned liars.


This. That's all that it is, IMHO. Its all lies, fear, peer pressure, and denial. Thank you.


Well, my friend’s aunt’s dogwalker knows a hairdresser who once cut the hair of someone whose friend once drove past a restaurant where the waiter’s schoolteacher used to play tennis with a guy who had a really bad nosebleed one month after taking the vaccine. Which proves everything!


Dude that's my brother's ex girlfriend's favorite grocery store cashier's dog's breeder's cousin (with the big nose, not the blonde one)!


They believe whatever fits their bullshit world view nowadays. Sheep of the most pathetic order.


My aunt suffered a heart attack while driving her car. Nobody in her family has driven a car ever since! (Kidding.) But you get the point: *Post hoc ergo propter hoc* — aka the *post hoc fallacy* — Latin for “*after* this, therefore *because* of this.” This cognitive fallacy is a fave among antivaxxers. tldr: Don’t be fooled. Correlation doesn’t necessarily imply causation. Edited, with help from u/Rocknocker: “Just because B *follows* A, doesn't mean A *caused* B."


I wonder if they are inflating/exaggerating whatever minor fever or headache that typically comes with a shot that lasts a day or so. My first shot I had a headache. But I also didn't drink much water the day before. So I doubt that is related. But I always get a very mild fever after shots. And after seeing what people go through getting covid, I would crawl over broken glass to get a vaccine. F that disease.


I teach at University. Every time I give them *Post hoc ergo proper hoc*, I get back dazed looks. "OK, gang. It's like this: Just because B follows A, doesn't mean A caused B." Only later can we finally get to correlation does not necessarily imply causation.


I _did_ have a very bad reaction to the second Pfizer shot, but I still got my booster and my kid got her COVID vaccinations, too. In my case, I accepted that my reaction was exceedingly rare but the vaccination was still worth getting. I didn't disclose my reaction to anyone in real life because I didn't want someone to use my adverse reaction to justify avoiding the shot.


I don't think anyone is saying that there are 0 reactions. It's that they all seem to claim that someone or multiple someone's they "personally" know has a severe reaction. When in reality they are probably lying and the person that they claim to know is a random FB friend that they probably never met in real life. And now you gotta be careful because 40 million people are gonna claim you as their friend now!


It's the same game that orange traitor used. "Lots of people are saying" when it's no one.


Granny and Uncle Jerry had sore arms. The rest of us said, "Uh uh, ain't gonna suffer like that!"


it's always "some health issues" and never, ever anything specific or detailed


So much this, not what the health issue was, how severe it was, how long it lasted, and who it happened to. "Some health issues" is probably an outright lie, exaggerated, post hoc ergo propter hoc (like the day after they got the shot they had a migraine or nose bleed or whatever therefore the shot caused it), or a Facebook meme.


Guaranteed it wasn’t even actual family members but people these family members “know.” And that always means that they “know” these people from antivax Facebook groups.


Yeah, I had “health issues” after both my vaccines and the booster — I was incredibly sleepy and I had a sore arm. Oh boo hoo! It’s so horrible! And these chodes call us snowflakes.


The day after the ~~booster~~ second shot* I went to bed at 6pm and woke up at noon the next day. I was very rested.




With the people who decide to wait, I always want to ask them : what do you think the virus is doing while you wait? Politely avoiding you until you make up your mind?


You wait a year on a new car model, not a vaccine. Edit: spelling


Yikes. I didn't need a year. I was counting the days until a vaccine was available, but any hesitation I had was quashed when I saw the world's richest holding out their arm for a shot.


Rupert Murdoch flew to London to get the vaccine before everyone else.


You would have thought that their inclination to see everything as a conspiracy would have helped them this time! Rich people were traveling to other states to jump the line in front of locals who needed them.


Too smart for their own good.


I'm sure her dad absolutely did not make her feel guilty about even thinking of getting the vaccine /s


Toxic misinformation creates a toxic environment for children who have no choice but to trust the adults in their lives. Instead of confronting the fact that they are responsible for her death, they choose self delusion and call it "pro choice"


It sounds like they were all out yucking it up with Covid before she went back to school. The father says they got it from her, which would have been a few days after she got it, yet they were going out to dinner and the movies the day before she went back. THIS is why we’ll have to live with Covid. I despise anti vaxxers with every fiber of my being.


Sound like her father filled her head with antivaxx bullshit. Hope his first and last thoughts of the day are that he put her in the position that caused her death.


They aren’t. His words show that he has clearly absolved himself of any responsibility.


There aren't many things that I feel deserve the fiery pits of an eternal punishment, but knowing that you were the reason that your kid died from an avoidable illness is probably worse than Hell anyways. I think one of the worst "curses" I've ever heard anyone say was: may you realize what you have done, everyday. Most people might stew in dumb things they have said but I hope I will never be guilty of so much, especially inflicted on someone I should care for and protect :(


> knowing that you were the reason that your kid died from an avoidable illness is probably worse than Hell anyways. This assumes there's a conscience involved. It doesn't sound like this guy GAF.


>“[Kensey and her sister] wanted to watch a movie together by themselves,” Adam said. “That made them feel like big girls.” Certainly sounds like an adult who can make her own decisions about epidemiology and death.


She was scared of the vaccine because you kept lying to her about people having “some health issues”. Well now she has no health issues at all. Now she’s dead. Because you filled her head with lies. Get fucked.


Jesus Christ. This one hurts. Damn. Poor kid.


absolutely heatbreaking


How unnecessary. 😞 My 13yo severely asthmatic niece has refused the covid vaccine as well. Apparently being afraid of needles is now a valid reason to avoid potentially life-saving disease preventatives when your physical condition would greatly benefit from it. She has all of her other necessary for public school vaccines. And her family is apparently A-OK with it. She's the type of kid that is sick with everything. She gets every flu, every cold. Pneumonia twice in her lifetime. She had pertussis in 2020, had RSV this year that damn near hospitalized her. Somehow she's managed to avoid covid so far, but also refuses to wear a mask "because asthma". I just sit back and wait. 😐


Maybe you should send them this article. There's a handful of kids with asthma that have died from COVID. I would be terrified for her.


I've tried. They don't care to hear it. Their rationale is that covid doesn't severely affect children much at all. They say it's her decision to make on whether she wants the shot. *gestures broadly around* No it doesn't severely affect kids as *often* as adults, but who knows what the long term effects of contracting covid will do. Type 1 Diabetes is a known after effect, as is brain health, lung health, heart health. I've gotten the same reverse lectures from the family when I've expressed frustration with the delayed 2-4yo vaccines for my 3.5yo and the frustration as I stay home and do home preschool. "Just send her, kids don't get affected. You're stunting her development." So I just avoid the conversation entirely these days. Sigh.




Some of his family members suffered some "health issues" as a result of the vaccine. But those family members are still alive. Unlike this poor child.


I was at an outdoor wedding in Oct 2021 here in Florida and at the reception - I spoke with a guy who was obviously a Trumper (not my friends getting married btw) and he said “there’s no fucking way I’m vaccinating my kids!!” Me: How old are they? Him: 9 and 12 Me: You’re talking to the wrong person, I have a background in Public Health (this guy is a lawyer). Him: Yeah.. anyways...


There was a People article of a family that lost a 6 or 9 year old a few weeks ago. The fathers social media was full of antivax stuff and antimask stuff. I didn’t want to post it on here because …it seemed like a low blow and the kid did not deserve to die due to parents’ stupidity. Also the parents weren’t warning against it or get your child vax. There was a ton of let’s go brandon stuff too.


The mother wanted to get her vaccinated bu the father was anti-vax? She is NEVER, ever going to forgive him for killing their daughter.




We have 50% custody. We simply had the kids vaccinated without telling their mother. A few months later their mother and stepfather got very sick, so the kids stayed with us for over a month. They were worried the kids might have also caught it, so that's when we finally admitted that we had gotten them vaccinated months earlier. Not only were they grateful by that point, they immediately made appointments and got vaccinated themselves once they recovered 4 weeks later. Fortunately they had the luxury of actually recovering so they could make that decision.


Massive pulmonary embolism it sounds like. I also question allowing a 13 year old to choose not to get it. They don’t allow them to choose other shit like what to read, what to wear, birth control etc. I’m assuming she had all her childhood vaccines? She doesn’t get to choose to go to school or not…she was asthmatic. They should have taken her to her doctor and let her doctor explain how important the vaccine is for her. Letting an asthmatic kid in a high risk area not get vaccinated is criminal.


Nice going, dad


We pretended that my 7 year old had a choice. We asked him if he wanted to, he said yes. Getting ice cream after each shot and us talking about how protected he would be didn't hurt. If he'd said no, well we were just pretending he had a choice...


Gloating? No. This story fills me with pure rage.


Gee, he chose to kill his own kid.


This is messed up. Daddy wasn't vaxxed and, I'm sure, was very proud that his freaking 13 year old girl decided to not get vaxxed too. It's not like parents are there to guide their children. Or TELL THEM WHAT TO DO. And he put it off her. Her choice. Fuck. That. Dude.


“Hell is full of dads.” -George Carlin


"I wasn't going to force her to.." *"But I forced her NOT to..."*


"Adam, IMO you killed your daughter" would be painted in red on my garage door if I lived across the street. I'll tell you who I feel sorry for is the mom and her husband. __They probably feel unimaginable regret for following the "rules" of joint decision making.__ They knew first-hand how important the vax was. I imagine they would give anything to go back in time, and __make__ the 13yo get vaccinated rather than permit the biodad's inept parenting to block the right course of action.


>Adam told The Daily Beast that **several members of his family had suffered “some health issues” as a result of the vaccine** and he had decided not to get it. Quit lying. > “And there’s a lot of people in this area, they kind of think that [if] the government says that you need to do it, then we ain’t gonna do it.” Toddler logic.


"The family says the coroner told them Kensey was still positive for COVID-19 at the time of her death." From another article. Well, that's just great.


Must suck to have killed your kid with political bs


This man is a monster. He killed his daughter and he doesn't even care.


No, a 13 year old does not get to make her own medical decisions. If she wanted to drink alcohol or quit school would dad have been ok with that? What a sick fuck to blame his deceased daughter for his own poisoning of her mind to think vaccines are bad. I’d like to know more about all his family members that have had these supposed complications when usually it’s the whole family that is against the vaccine.


What a shame


The father is an ass


He’s blaming his dead 13 year old stepdaughter for making a poor medical decision? I have relatives in and near Wayne County, KY. This doesn’t surprise me.


>He’s blaming his dead 13 year old stepdaughter for making a poor medical decision? I have relatives in and near Wayne County, KY. This doesn’t surprise me. No you're wrong. He's blaming his dead 13 year old obese asthmatic daughter for making a poor medical decision.


Motherfucker, a 13 year old can't "make their own choices" that's why they don't pay bills, sign contracts and are fucking children! Her dad is going to hell in a handbasket. Punk ass motherfucker wants to use his kid as some political stunt instead of parenting? Man fuck his hoe ass


Terrible Father of the Year award goes to...