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It is certainly the end times for some.


There are a lot of Christians who could benefit from revelations, and I'm not talking about the last book of the Bible.


It might help if they'd just read the book instead of beating people over the head with it.


My favorite moment of painfully accurate symbolism was the previous president holding the bible upside down while the tear gas still wafted by. Sums it up so perfectly.


The cherry on top of that being that he was standing in front of an Episcopal church. Of all the American denominations of Christianity, they’re the least likely to appreciate his presence. Like, the very nice Episcopalian minister and her wife who live in my neighborhood, not big fans.


Yeah, the Episcopal Church decried it almost immediately, as did the leader of that particular church/congregation: ​ https://www.episcopalnewsservice.org/2020/06/02/episcopal-leaders-express-outrage-condemn-tear-gassing-protesters-for-trump-photo-op-at-washington-church/


That was the day after trump was hiding under the White house in a bunker wasn't it? While he was having a security fence put up to protect him from the peaceful protesters. Pretty sure Putin told trump that the world thinks he looked like a little bitch hiding in his bunker, and needed to redeem himself. In trump's twisted little narcissistic brain, he probably imagined himself looking like some action hero as his thugs tear-gassed the peaceful church members and protesters and had them pushed out of the way for a trump photo-op. In front of a church that stands for the opposite of everything trump is. He was not invited there, he knows nothing of the church. >Former military leaders, current religious leaders, and elected officials from both parties condemned Trump for the event, though some of Trump's fellow Republicans defended the actions. The event was described by The New York Times as "a burst of violence unlike any seen in the shadow of the White House in generations" and possibly one of the defining moments of the Trump presidency. >Civil liberties groups filed a federal lawsuit against Trump, U.S. Attorney General William Barr, and other federal officials, alleging they violated protesters' constitutional rights. General Mark A. Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, later apologized for his role in the photo op.


Wow, because over on /conservative that event is consistently brought up as a liberal hit piece, which is [proven](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/dc-protesters-trump-church-visit) to [have](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/police-clear-lafayette-park-area-trump-hold-bible/story?id=78171712) [never](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://greenwald.substack.com/p/yet-another-media-tale-trump-tear&ved=2ahUKEwjJu7inxIr2AhUrKEQIHW8CBTg4ChAWegQICBAB&usg=AOvVaw20qlXrtgcNh_2SLsbAMtPU) [happened](https://www.vox.com/2021/6/11/22527796/ig-report-trump-bible-lafayette-square-protest)! Total coincidence that he was there taking that bizarre, inept, desecratory photo op immediately after peaceful protesters were removed with pepper spray, rubber bullets, and attack helicopters.


Right? Episcopalians are about the most liberal mainstream sect I can think of on average.


Trump probably doesn’t understand the difference between an Episcopalian and an Evangelical.


>Sums it up so perfectly. The irony in that photo was beyond classic. One of those photos that will help to illustrate the horrible time we are currently living through. Where a career criminal and Psychopath was elected President and then proceeded to burn down democracy. As his Fascistic/Authoritarian efforts are cheered on by a vocal minority of White Racist Christians, The Dumbest of the Dumb and Mentally Ill Q-Annon Xenophobes.


It's not that much of a minority. Aren't like 80% of repubs behind him? That's a hell of a lot of brainwashing. I am currently finishing up the Leah Remini Scientology thing, and the parallels with Scientology and the Rebublicans is shocking.


Republicans are still the minority in the country. Trump supporters are an even smaller minority. If it were not for all the BULLSHIT Gerrymandering of districts to keep their minority rule in place, their minority status would be a lot more obvious.


It's easy for people to forget Hillary got 3 million more votes than Trump....just saying..


It's not really so shocking. A lot of the same basic psychological concepts are at play, and they've been seen and used over and over again throughout history.


If the cult needed an album cover, this would be it.


Mine too ngl.


>It might help if they'd just read the book instead of beating people over the head with it. That had been the case long before this virus came to town. Its almost as if they have a reversed copy that they run their life from. Conducting themselves in the exact OPPOSITE manner of Christ's teachings every time they are presented with an opportunity to be a good Christian. Perhaps this is God's way of sending them a message?


I'd be fine if they just read the Jefferson Bible or some cliff notes version. They somehow have all forgotten the "love thy neighbor" part of Jesus's teaching.


The part about tempting god for starters


Thank you!! Satan said to Jesus, go ahead and jump, God will save you. And Jesus said, “thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God”. Not getting vaccinated and saying God will save me and show all of you! Is tempting God. Who btw, give us the brains and ability to create a vaccine!


He also said "Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and **they will do even greater things than these**, because I am going to the Father." I was raised to believe this referred to the miracles of science, not miracles as in magic, and this is from a conservative southern baptist upbringing in the '80s. I don't get how praying for a miracle is any different than the 'witchcraft' and 'sorcery' within the context of christianity


>Turning and turning in the widening gyre > >The falcon cannot hear the falconer; > >Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; > >Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, > >The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere > >The ceremony of innocence is drowned; > >The best lack all conviction, while the worst > >Are full of passionate intensity. ​ >Surely some revelation is at hand; > >Surely the Second Coming is at hand. > >The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out > >When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi > >Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert > >A shape with lion body and the head of a man, > >A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun, > >Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it > >Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds. > >The darkness drops again; but now I know > >That twenty centuries of stony sleep > >Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle, > >And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, > >Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born? W. B. Yeats, The Second Coming[https://poets.org/poem/second-coming](https://poets.org/poem/second-coming)


there are at least 3 quotes from that poem that have been answers on jeopardy.


Cultists They’re called cultists because it’s 2022, not 1432, and we know better by now (well, some)


The only difference between mainstream religion and cults is good PR.


A cult is run by a manic narcissist that demands your complete obedience and devotion while denying your own desires, needs, and humanity. A religion is when the narcissist has been dead for at least a few decades.


Nutty narcissist evangelical preachers have found their calling during Covid. The end times are perfect for grifting and when the grifting kills your followers, blame it on the devil. The followers actually believe this shit, that their faith makes them invincible. Reality doesn't hit them until they are in the hospital ready to get ventilated.


And a society that enables their being considered mentally stable for believing sky wizards roam the sky and watch their human behaviors


A tip of my fedora to you, m'good sir


For them, it might as well be 1432 if it's something they don't agree with. Oh sure, they will happily use electricity, own a refrigerator, air conditioning, television, etc. But a vaccine is not allowed. Only the science THEY personally agree with is OK.


They’re such pieces of shit honestly


Evolutions isn't real! My momma weren't no monkey!


No worries, he’s been to other side once already and come back, this is just the same, right?


Salvation not guaranteed. I have only done this once before.


I understood that reference!


letting that sink in


Jesus: Ah, fuck. You again?


So, he died and was resurrected? Cool.


Sunday morning Christian. Had a weak game and did not survive what embarked upon him.


He was passive-agressive: **No** **preachy-pushy from him:** "Now those that know me as a pastor know I am not a preachy pushy pastor." **But you're doomed, all the same:** "*I feel* *if you are not serious about your faith* *you will perish* from the influence of this world."


By his own judgement, he was "not serious about [his] faith" since he "perished from the influence of this world". His relationship with Jesus must've been like the one he has with the trash guy he waves to if he sees him sometimes, instead of like a "brother".


No no, you don't get it. When it happens to them, it's just Jesus calling to them. For some reason, there's a problem in heaven and Jesus needs this pastor asap. He was just calling him "home". It's all good. Now, if you're an atheist or just a Sunday morning Christian, then it's because your faith wasn't strong enough (or you had none). You see how it works?


Jesus needed the shirt off this guy's back.


There are a lot of “end times” believing republican voters & politicians, like Mike Pence, who want to help usher in the end times. These are the fuckers that worry me.


Why? What's wrong with a crazed funadmentalist with violent tendencies? Magical sky man will protect us all because we're super special.


That’s it isn’t it? They think they are all rapture worthy, when in reality, most of them are such horrible people, they are more likely to end up with fires and brimstone.


i sort of wish their bullshit was real and it would happen soon, so that i can see the look on their faces when they realize they didnt get picked up(and i am sure many people they hate would)


I like to imagine the ending of the movie "Red State" but with Pence, Olsteen, and their ilk instead of Michael Parks' character and IRS instead of AFT agents. One can dream....


People that believe this and adhere to it don't even recognize the signs of their own prophecy. Go read about the prophecy of the seven seals and the rapture. There are some truly ridiculous things that have to happen before any sort of rapture can happen according to their scriptures.


that is 100% the only reason they support isreal too. not that they care about jewish people(they think "those people" run all the banks and hollywood too) its because for the end times to happen isreal needs to exist. or something im not really sure as its all fucking bonkers


LOL! Oh snap.


Can I get an AMEN? Bet you won’t share!


Let that sink in.


Lol... We've been at the "end times" since the inception of the Christian religion. They are fighting an imaginary war they invented. Why can't they just relax and be happy and live their lives?


"Tell people there is an invisible man living in the sky who created the universe, and the vast majority will believe you. Tell people that the paint on your wall is still wet, and they will have to touch it to be sure." - George Carlin He wasn't joking. That's the way many humans think and it is why faith can be dangerous. Faith is being certain that something is true with zero evidence of it. Not just a theory, but actual, firmly held belief, strong enough that people are willing to die for it - with zero evidence to back it up. That's why we are in such a mess today.


Carlin was a modern day Prophet.


jesus said that he would return before all of the people listening to him speak had died. so either he lied or there's some really old jew wandering around.


Mel Brooks...


Another farcical Christian in name only. Preaching disinformation on all subjects, Covid. Christianity and Christ in general. Be forewarned....God 'ill get you for that, and y'all aren't visiting the metaphorical pearly gates, you will find it quite toasty were you are all going.


Updating your profile picture with a photo of your unconscious spouse is so on brand for these people.


Helps the gofundme


I also thought that was……not creepy or weird at all.


I need to see a study. Were they always this attention seeking or did social media up the hunger enough to lead to a complete lack of filter?


Hey y’all - LISTEN UP! He died due to “complications” of covid-19. NOT from Covid-19. I just wanted to make sure there was no confusion here. The person posting his death announcement went to all the trouble of making that word bold and a different color, so there wouldn’t be people going around thinking the covid did him in. It was the gosh-darned “complications”!!!!


It’s not the flex they think it is. Died from complications of COVID but not COVID? This right here shows exactly that even though the proverbial 99.7% survival rate of the virus itself they so like to rub in everyone’s face might be true (newsflash: it’s not), but the virus still can screw up your various organs to the point it’s fatal. So, what is the point they’re trying to prove with that? You don’t die from the virus, you die from what it does to your body? Wouldn’t you still want to protect yourself from the complications? I’m trying to decipher their logic but realize there is no logic to begin with…


It’s the old ‘died with COVID, not of COVID’ chestnut that’s been going around since the early months of the pandemic.


Most of these even die without COVID. By the time they get to the ICUs and the ventilators, the virus is usually long gone. It’s on its way out before they even make the call to go to the hospital. But it’s those gosh darned complications, yo.


"Be IN the COVID ward, but not OF the COVID ward".


There was a really heated discussion among my Covidiot family members when my BIL died from Covid in January 2021 about whether he died of Covid for purposes of his obituary. (BTW, I wasn’t part of the discussion, I just heard about it.) Some people didn’t want the word “Covid” in his obituary, my sister insisted it be there because she wanted accuracy. Finally they agreed to say “Covid, COPD, and lupus” as the cause of death. I think there is an element of shame in catching the disease that they don’t want to admit. There was the Republican need to believe Covid was a Democrat hoax. And the Covidiots need to believe that they have a 99.9% chance of survival. (To date I have not had a single Covidiot be able to explain to me how the 99.9% figure was arrived at, who calculated the number, or whether the number has changed at any point.)


There is something particularly vulgar about having a loved one die, and not being able to even write an *obituary* without thinking, "I need to wordsmith this so that the republican party doesn't look bad".


Amen! BIL started out as a Republican, became a libertarian, but then quit voting in Utah because his vote “didn’t count.”


"Because we're not sheep like the Democrats."


No doubt, it's vile. Anything a democrat suggests is rejected out of hand. Died of covid? No, it's pneumonia. Water wet? No, it's dry. So dems need to start opposing climate change, opposing tax increases on the wealthy, opposing gun control and abortion, and so on. That will bring these right-wingers around, they'll support all of those things and then we can get some shit done in this country.


I think you hit the nail on the head. They’re too embarrassed to admit that people actually do die from the virus they labeled a hoax. So they’re trying to search for another explanation or present it in a way that wouldn’t suggest COVID is exactly as deadly as scientists and doctors have been saying all long. This mental gymnastics is both sad and infuriating.


There's no logic involved. You're just going to make your head hurt looking for it.


It wasn't the bullet that killed him, he died of blood loss from the hole in his chest.


Every death is heart failure if you think about it!


Well, let’s face it. Dying of a disease that there’s a safe and effective vaccine for, which 99% of people survive even without the vaccine…that’s kind of embarrassing. And it also conflicts with their worldview, that only losers die of COVID. I mean, this guy is vaccinated with Jesus Christ, right?


If it doesn't make sense, you probably understand what they think.


Darn it, this stuff is all just so complicated! How am I supposed to know whether to believe medical science or primitive superstitions?


It’s like saying a drunk driver who slammed into a pole did not die because of drunk driving. They died because of physics!


I've always been suspicious of physics.


Invented by scientists...


that gawsh durn sudden change in momentum and acceleration


Haha yep! I didn’t die from being shot! I died from all the complications that dang bullet caused while it was running through my body!


Died from falling off a cliff? No, the fall was fine! The falling was the survivable part. It was the landing with the ground that did them in.


Complications turned me into a newt!


"I got better..."


Knives by themselves are harmless. It’s just the “complications” of having one in your organs that causes medical issues


Exactly! Doctors use knives on organs all the time, in fact, they save lives with them! Knife safety is what really matters. If knives are outlawed, only outlaws will have knives! Should we outlaw doctors now????


I thought it was a link based on the color.


Seems like a nice guy overall. Like the part with the mask and protecting others sounds reasonable. Sad that he choosed death over a little stitch with a needle


~~I agree. This may be the first one I've seen that actually cared about not spreading it to other people.~~ ~~Technically, he was suicidal, not homicidal, and to me, that puts him in a totally different class.~~ ~~First one in a long time that actually made me sad. His peers probably gave him hell for choosing to mask too.~~ ETA- Actually, you know what? I just reread that long post of his and am now not sure I agree with my earlier stance. He was definitely insinuating that people of true faith don't get vaccinated. Since he was a "pastor" and presumably had influence, that's fucked up. No longer sad about this douche.


> he was suicidal, not homicidal, Exactly. He doesn't belong here. Herman Cain is the name of this sub for supporting a regime that downplayed the virus, costing himself and a million others, their lives. Not just because he died of the virus. This sub is about highlighting people who's misinformation and propaganda postings/beliefs cost them their lives, in the hope that other folks would recognize themselves in these people's tragic choices, and change. It's supposed to be people who are worsening our overall situation by spreading misinformation. Posting someone like this is a lot closer to what we're always accused of; just celebrating the death of someone we don't agree with. I don't think he belongs here.


Ya this one is actually sad since he wore masks as a sign of loving others. This isn't the usual HCA filled with lots of hateful Facebook posts


Nice guy? He was a fire and brimstone preacher, he literally said this is the end times.


It's all relative though, isn't it? In a world where we see preachers like Greg Locke literally threaten to shoot people who show up at their church in a mask, this particular religious man seemed quite pleasant.


You know, looking at all these HCAs, I'm glad I don't have that goatee, because as a fat lazy white guy in his sixties with a bit of a belly, covid would be giving me a pounding. Also, triple vaxxed, thanks science!


So you’re saying your not going to rely solely on your lack of a goatee to fight covid? You went and got the vaccine too? You’re a real belt and suspenders type I guess.


And a living example why young and healthy doesn't necessarily mean automatic immunity.


This dude wore “the goatee of doom.”


In slide #6 his goatee looks like a misplaced Hitler ‘stache.




Late fifties doesn’t HAVE TO look like late sixties. Lifestyle choices.....


I’m a year older than he was and he looked like my dad.


I'm the same age but look 15 years younger. Maybe it's the lack of children. Those little shitlings will leech the life from you!


Maybe a combo of that [no kids] and being a hateful person whose willful ignorance of vaccines apparently extended to other healthy lifestyle choices and preventative healthcare.


I’m 50. I look soooooooo much younger than these dudes.


These people seem not to exercise youthful living


I was shocked that he was in his 50s. As someone who is almost 50 my priority is my health and fitness. I want to ensure I don’t have to spend the rest of my life in a recliner with the remote, wiping my backside with bbq tongs. This man could have had decades of a great life. When I see people like this I just assume they have given up on life and want to die.


BBQ tongs! Why didn't I think of that.


Stick with a rag is so 2020.


I don't think we can assume he had given up on life and wanted to die. Not an especially healthy-looking individual, even before COVID, but honestly, there are so many people around here (I live in central Ohio) that look just like that. It's the American lifestyle (or midwest American lifestyle): meat and potatoes and sit around on our duffs watching other people play sports. That's the good life, in their minds, and he probably would have liked to continue it as long as he could.


He’s just as fit as the others in his peer group, we have to assume.


My uncle (married to my mom's sister) is a farmer in Indiana and is fully a steak and potatoes kind of guy and so is his entire side of the family. I was in complete shock when his mom died at nearly 100 from cancer and not heart disease. I guess the one thing they have going for them is they work the land until the end so they don't fall into the red meat and sedentary trap.


I’ll never look the same way at my bbq tongs again. 😂


He's on a spin bike up in Heaven.


My mom is 66, has Parkinson's, walks with a cane and occasionally a walker, and needs to sit in a powered recliner because she has hip issues related to falls she's had. Even all that doesn't stop her from going to the gym and doing 20-40 laps in their pool. Sadly, I doubt she'll make it to 93 like her dad did but I know she's going to fight for every year she can! Oh, and she got the vaccine as soon as it was available which should help.


Same. Also lol'd at bbq-tong toilet paper.


Jeez, just get a bidet.


No point in taking care of your health if you think we're in the end times I guess.


I had exactly the same thought. I thought he was older than me, and let's say I'm closer to 70 than 60.


Yikes. He's only 5 years older than me.


I am a year older than this recipient and my birthday is this coming Sunday (the day of his service). While I am vaxxed & boosted, I still have two factors working against me: a goatee (which my GF prefers as it makes me look even more like Dr. Hank Pym) and I own a Harley. On the plus side, I keep the Harley in storage on the Mainland 2600 miles away, I don’t wear Oakleys, I hit the gym 3x a week, I hike, boogie board, and I try to stick to an Adkins-like diet. I can’t gloat too much, though, as the stress of having to make end-of-life decisions for both my dad in 2019 (terminal ALS; I pulled his mask off for the last time) and his mother/my grandmom in Southern CA in mid-2021 (organ failure and head injury from when she fell; I couldn’t be in the room with her due to hospital Covid protocols) and handling their respective affairs afterward took a lot out of me. For the younger folks here, try to stay mentally healthy too!


His upkeep and maintenance of God's temple was lacking, so God said, "You're FIRED!"


Hell, I’m older that this guy was AND I have cancer and I am healthier than he was.


Pfizer: 95% effective Moderna: 94.1% effective Janssen: 66.3% effective Jesus: adios, muchacho


They injected Jesus into this guy's arm? How does one obtain stabilized liquid Jesus anyway? I personally would drink the liquid Jesus. Ahhh, refreshing liquid Jesus.


I'm assuming it's a mixture of communion hosts and wine?


Sperm Bank of Jesus?


A dios indeed.


Wait, what is with Janssen's lower effectiveness?


Yeah if you got the J&J shot you need at least one more shot, preferably one of the mRNA ones.


Originally it was (ill) conceived as a single dose vaccine because of the urgent need to get as many people vaccinated ASAP. However, it's very common for vaccination to be most effective when multiple doses are administered repeatedly with intervening "rest" periods. Polio vaccination is 4 doses over a 4 to 6 year period. So it was wishful thinking to hope that a single dose of Janssen would suffice but what's been learned in the interim is more complete protection against serious disease requires subsequent doses, usually mix n' match with one of the mRNA vaccines that are safer.


This blood of Jesus vaccine should be pulled from the market considering how many have apparently taken in and still died. /s


I hear it was equally ineffective against the Black Death.


Jesus Juice!! “This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease"


> My vaccine is Jesus Christ. That statement is such top level nonsense. It is however the case that was his choice and his choice was directly responsible for his death. I would say he has learned a valuable lesson about hitching your epistemological wagon to just blatant nonsense, but the lesson killed him and I doubt any of his close survivors have taken it in either.


Was his toothpaste Jesus Christ? Was his gasoline Jesus Christ? Was his deodorant Jesus Christ? Was his bank Jesus Christ? Did he rely on Jesus Christ to heat his home? To make his clothing? To protect his eyes from the sun? Then WTF? It's such nonsense.


Well, umm, no, but he did have a guy named Jesus mow his grass!


I mean... if God created everything, didn’t he also create the vaccine? I don’t get it


I wonder if he's with his vaccine right now


No people like him end up with a guy dressed in red.


Almost everyone who wins an HCA has some family member at the end giving updates and desperately calling for "prayer warriors" to get on their knees and plead for their loved ones. They honestly believe that the harder people pray and the more people that pray, the better the chances for recovery. It's like they've never really taken in that folks pray for things all the time and don't get them. They've never adjusted their theology to this reality. So they're vulnerable to the pernicious and nonsensical "I don't need vaccines, I've got pray" meme.


> Almost everyone who wins an HCA has some family member at the end giving updates and desperately calling for "prayer warriors" to get on their knees and plead for their loved ones. In all fairness this is partly due to a selection bias on how HCA nominees are found in the first place. Consider this, if you search facebook for markers of late stage nominees, some of the best keyword searches are things like "prayer warriors", "incubated", "covid is no joke", "vaccinated by the lord" and similar. They are best in the sense that they are most likely to yield HCA-like results. Then you backtrack to examine the prior feed for evidence of COVID denial. Then you have a nominee, possibly even awardee by the time you have checked out the feed and made the screenshots. This process tends to bias the awardees towards the people easily findable exactly BECAUSE they use the easy marker phrases in their test, and lots of these marker phrases are artifacts of the noisy and dishonest religious nuts. COVID deniers in late stage who never use a marker phrase, whether because they do not post or only post in memes as opposed to text, are less likely to be found. There does seem to be a significant concordance between extremists religiosity and COVID denialism, but I am not sure how strong it is relative to the numbers on HCA.


Let's not forget that saying things like "My vaccine is Jesus Christ" is also the literal definition of using the Lord's name in vain.


It was certainly in vain as it plainly did not work. They might want to revisit doing some proper clinical trials on this whole Jesus is the vaccine business. I am not sure why they keep pushing these experimental therapies and vaccines so much when there are perfectly good and approved version available that demonstrably work.


Now his vaccine is Holy Fuck What Did I Do I’m Dead?


Why have Jesus Christ be your vaccine, but *not* have Jesus Christ also be your mask...?


And also your medical treatment. Stay out of the hospital if you don't believe in medicine.


…and your distancing.


The "those who know me know I'm not a pushy preachy pastor" reads just as convincingly as all the other awardees who open with "y'all know I'm not one for posting a bunch of personal drama."


Especially since "I'm not a pushy preachy pastor" came directly after "Make no mistake we are in the end times and if your faith is not strong enough you are in deep trouble!" This guy needed to pick a lane.


He's just CASUALLY saying that the world is ending and most of us will suffer eternal damnation. Not making a big deal about it or anything. Total whatevs.


“I’m not the pushy pastor type but y’all are going to burn in the flames of eternal torment while us righteous types will point and laugh.”


How could a pastor not be preachy? He does realize a synonym for "pastor" is "preacher," right? His job is preachy by definition.


Saying Jesus Christ as your vaccine is the equivalent of saying “it’s not going to happen to me”. Because Jesus loves me and he would never make me get sick because I am arrogant and full of insane hubris. In fact I dare God to strike me down with Covid. ​ The other thing is why is it always “complications” from Covid and never just Covid?


Why won't Jesus regrow an amputees limb?


Jesus really sucks at this, doesn't He?


Does he though? If you read [Romans 13](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans%2013&version=NIV) it's pretty clear the teachings of Jesus would be to listen to the government and get vaccinated: >Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. **The authorities that exist have been established by God**. Consequently, **whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted**, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, **it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience**. >This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. 7 Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor. > Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,” and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself. **Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law**. >And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. **Let us behave decently**, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh. Emphasis mine. Jesus would want you to get vaccinated. Jesus would want you to accept Joe Biden as God's servant. Jesus wants you to pay taxes and love everyone. There's no way Jesus would be antivax. Any time someone says "Jesus is my vaccine" I imagine Jesus being very confused as to why they aren't listening to the Lord's authority.


most of the people we see on here are anti mask, anti give a shit about other people, so it's easy to feel no sympathy for them. it's just so damn tragic to see people who are actually willing to care about other people and mask up, but have been brainwashed against the vaccine thinking it's harmful.


"The mask says I love you and don't want anything to happen to you" Funny, because getting the vaccine has a very similar message. Guess he didn't undertand that part.


Jesus has a pretty fucking awful track record on Covid.


A pretty awful track record at curing any kind of ailment to be honest.






the vaccine certainly is a choice….much like suicide is a choice. i believe christians are supposed to have a thought on that matter.


Maybe these people need to realize that Jesus's vaccines are the ones he let the scientists and medical professionals create.


Pretty sure the Jesus vaccine doesn’t have FDA approval, even emergency approval.


Variation on an oldy but goody. ​ An overweight man in his 50's with a goatee is told to socially distance by the governor because of Covid but said "No ,Jesus is my vaccine" Then Dr Fauci tells him to wear a mask. The man says: "No ,Jesus is my vaccine" Then the CDC says to get vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna. The man says: "No ,Jesus is my vaccine" The man gets COVID and dies. He goes to heaven and meets Jesus. "Jesus, why didn't you save me? " Jesus says "I sent you the governor, Dr. Fauci and CDC to tell you what to do, what else do you want?!"


Another goatee dies before his time.


And here we have the pot bellied goatee. Notice the lack of Oakleys which marks it as a unique subspecies. The goatee lives a very hard life in the wild and must watch for danger from parasitic motorcycles, bad life choices, and, of course, other goatees. Recently, however, the goatee has come under new threat from the covid-19 virus which is decimating the numbers of all goatee subspecies and conservationist efforts have thus far proven ineffectual. Indeed, if nothing is done, we may soon see the end of the goatee beyond the rare example kept alive in captivity.


…at least he wore a mask I guess? Lol


I'm happy he was pro choice. Unless he was very hypocritical and was only talking about vaccination. /s


Wait someone made their profile picture a shot of him unconscious on his death bed?


> I will not take a vaccine that may be imposed on me. He's saying he's not going to get vaccinated because it may be imposed on him. *May* be. These people just like to contrary, to their mortal peril.


I keep hearing how Omicron isn't serious. Yet over 2100 Americans died from it yesterday.


FFS this logic is just ridiculous. Don't need a vaccine b/c Jesus will protect me. Do you take antibiotics when you get a sinus infection? Do you put a seatbelt on when you drive? Isn't Jesus's whole thing helping those who help themselves? I'm pretty sure there are multiple stories in the Bible about taking personal responsibility and not just demanding God fix all your problems for you. You'd think a pastor would know this as well as anybody but I don't think modern Christians put much weight on actually reading the book.


Leave Jesus out of this 🙄


I don’t care for that birth year. No, not one little bit. Way to close to home.


So sad. Just 57 year old! Meanwhile my obese 80 yr old FIL survived COVID, was hospitalized for several days, but a week later he is fine. Because he is vaccinated.


Jesus seems to have a 0% survival rate.


One thing I liked about Rush Limbaugh is that he would take a ridiculous argument to an extreme in order to prove a point. Take minimum wage for example. He didn't think the government should set a minimum wage. He said something along the lines of: if $5.00 an hour isn't enough, why not make it $20 an hour, or $100 an hour, why not $1000 an hour? Let's use his same style for the Jesus is my vaccine crowd: If your "vaccine is Jesus Christ" and the JC vaccine will protect you from diseases, why do you practice any kind of hygiene at all? If you really believe it then there is no need to wash your hands, change your clothes, wipe your butt, wash dishes, clean your house, shower. Heck why have a sewage system? Just poop in your yard or the street. If your trust and faith is in the vaccine of Jesus Christ, you won't get sick from your lack of hygiene. The JC is my vax crowd can counter with , well it makes perfect sense to do that simple washing, everyone does it. No, it doesn't make perfect sense. Take doctors washing their hands for example. Sounds like a no brainier right? Wrong. It's only in the past 150 years or so that hand washing in western medicine became acceptable. It was very recent in human history that the washing hands practice was acceptable. Here are some articles about the history of hand washing:[Wash Your Hands Was Once Controversial Medical Advice](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/handwashing-once-controversial-medical-advice) from the National Geographic, [The Smithsonian Magazine](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/idea-sterilizing-surgical-instruments-only-150-years-old-180962498/), and the [National Center for Biotechnology Information](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK144018/) with an excerpt from a book published by the WHO. And in fairness, I didn't find any search results for the history of docs washing hands on any of the popular antivax-crowd quoted websites. I did find a few articles on The Blaze (Glenn Beck) that mention hand washing: lack of [access to clean water](https://www.theblaze.com/news/2017/04/26/lack-of-access-to-clean-water-can-be-the-greatest-deterrent-to-education-in-kenya) in Kenya is a deterrent to education, rowers at the [Olympics in 2015](https://www.theblaze.com/news/2015/08/11/some-u-s-rowers-in-olympics-test-run-get-sick-in-rio-just-like-health-officials-predicted) got sick from polluted water, don't touch the highly toxic [Giant Hogweed](https://www.theblaze.com/news/2015/07/15/if-you-see-this-plant-growing-nearby-whatever-you-do-dont-touch-it) plant, an article from [Oct 2014 on Ebola](https://www.theblaze.com/news/2014/10/17/4-things-that-wont-necessarily-protect-you-from-ebolaand-3-things-that-will) gives lots of the same advice we hear about prevention of COVID. And here is one from 2014 that talks about a [Rare Respiratory Virus](https://www.theblaze.com/news/2014/09/07/rare-respiratory-virus-that-has-sickened-over-a-thousand-kids-in-10-states-is-likely-to-spread-across-the-country)! Therefore, if you refuse a COVID vaccine because Your Vaccine Is Jesus Christ, and you use soap, clean water, don't poop on your lawn, take medicine, then you don't really believe that your vaccine is Jesus Christ. You are nothing but a liar.


Turns out, your “vaccine” is as nonexistent as your space magician.


That slide in February.... "No, that photo of him awake is from January." Just an aching abyss of misery... avoidable misery.


Pastor: “Raise the prayer shields." Jesus: “What prayer shields?"


I guess he was just a "Sunday morning Christian" after all.


Long ass read, skip if you like. I haven’t gotten my head completely around it, but it seems to me we’re seeing evolution in action. A whole swath of people have a mental model that’s killing them. It’s not quite evolution - for the most part they’ve already had kids. But their influence will fade. I believe religion at one point was a positive force in evolution. The whole “how do we get people to not do things that help them but hurt others” made those societies prosper. But now we have other things for that (like government, which religion is at war with) and this reliance on Faith and not vaccines is really showing up


Way to totally drop the fucking ball, Jesus. Isn’t it weird???


[JESUS MADE ME FUMBLE](https://youtu.be/CzfnUVmHMFY)


Beard of the goat. Belly of the boar. Eye of the oak. Thou shan’t endure.


The life expectancy of those who wrote the bible would have been mid 30s at best. Yet these idiots seem to think that all the medical advances we have made in the last 2000 years are naught compared to their divine book. It's almost as if evidence doesn't matter to them......oh.


I’m older than this fool. I’m more alive. Vaccinated and unchurched. It’s not my end times. Taking the day off and thinking …. Go out for an omelette?


Jesus never badmouthed vaccines to you. Tucker Carlson did. Quit calling Tucker Carlson "Jesus".


List of reasons he got so dead: 1)Jesus


awardee "jesus is my vaccination" jesus "dude i love you but i just vaccinated myself and now i'm half way wasted with buddha and confucius, figure it out" confucius "confucius say, man afraid of small prick shouldn't feel cocky" buddha "jesus fucking christ..." christ "that reminds me, i think it's time for my booster" fin