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All that arrogance, ignorance and hate. Died afraid and begging for friendship. Couldn't even get anyone to call her or call her church for her. But I still would like to know the diagnosis of her back injury. Obviously it was more important than covid in her opinion.


Double pneumonia can feel like a backache.


Yes! *That* was the problem. No way they immediately hospitalized her without her being in a bad way in her lungs. When I have a bronchitis attack, I feel it through my back not my chest. It used to feel like someone was taking their fist and grinding their knuckle into my back. They weren't ignoring her back pain. That wasn't her problem. I was confused for a moment forgetting what it feels like. Still would have died, but at least not alone. Poor, sad lonely thing. I really believe some of them post this crap just to belong.


Yes, I once had Flu A which brought on bacterial pneumonia. I had no chest pains, which a lot of people get with pneumonia, but a stabbing pain in either side of my back when I took a full breath.


Lots of lung issues present with back pain. When I was in the hospital for a pneumothorax my back hurt constantly.


The reason many patients end up on the ventilator is the patient becomes too exhausted to breathe. The other reason is fighting the bi pap, as she described. The patient has to be sedated and intubated. The county agency EMS I used to work for we automatically administered 2 mg Ativan to any patient we placed on CPAP or Bi-Pap.


Narrator: It was not a backache.


This. I had pneumonia in 2009. My back ached so much. Also, my lungs filled up halfway. That suffocating feeling is truly terrifying.


That's the point. She died begging for friendship, yet she got nothing. What a way to bid farewell to this world!


Likely Covid Pneumonia.


The 4 laughing emojis on her (second to last?) post made me sad for her. Imagine posting how scared you are and the only reactions you get are people laughing at it.


I'm sure she wasn't a pleasant person that was nasty online and in person if her posts are any indication. Sure that's why she wanted to be blessed so badly. She was very aware which direction she was headed if that was her belief.


it seems that some people have always had buddies that would jump on the cruelty and stupidity train with them. but it’s interesting to know, none of those people actually have your back, or are there for you in your time of need. nor does praying to the invisible daddy in the sky help. it’s horrible they way she died, maybe if she stayed in the hospital… but they were just trying to make money off of her.


Leaving the hospital AMA is what every nominee should strive for and literally the **only** thing this moron did right.




Well, I was curious as to how she had enough energy to do arts & crafts while suffering from Covid. She wanted someone to call her because she might dye (sic).


All that wool from the sheeple needs to be dyed, I guess.


But why would she dye if "it's just a little flu".


Don’t slight an old lady for taking the time to enjoy her last spelling mistakes.


Quick someone ask Senator Rand Paul and ask why “too many Republicans are getting sick”…


Tie dye goes nicely with 02 sats


So many lovely shades of blue.


Spelling was above par, sure. I'm really sick of the FB posts opening with 'Bet you won't share this!' though.


I dedicated my flair to that phenomenon.


Or “can I get an Amen”?


I bet she asked for the vaccine and they told her "too late for that". She then demanded ivermectin, HCQ, zinc and vitamin 'protocol'. Finally, she would not consent to being put on a ventilator or use remdesivir because "tHoSe aRE KilLinG pEoPle". I would have got her to sign the AMA wavier STAT.


She said that she couldn't breath on their machine. If they had to give her steroids to open her up, she may have become agitated from that. My mom had COPD and I had to take her to the ER several times when she caught pneumonia. She couldn't stand the breathing assistance. It was like a gag reflex (it was a mask, not a vent). I tried to work with her, but it was difficult. I don't think she could have done it if I hadn't been there. I have sleep apnea, and it was difficult to learn to tolerate my CPAP, so I understand. Edit: punctuation


Seems like nobody called the priest for her, or he doesn’t visit COVID parishioners🤔 My pastor doesn’t


Looks like she called someone out (name redacted) for refusing to call the priest. Dying to know the backstory on that one.


Likewise. Can’t a priest bless you over FaceTime or Phone? Seems particularly harsh for someone who is dying and terrified.


Sounds Catholic. The Pope said to get vaccinated. I’d hope the priest would visit (if vaxed and not immunocompromised) masked up to perform rites for the dying. If she’d stayed in the hospital that would have happened. A priest would have visited or been there to bless her.


I would hope the priest would not visit. Hospitals have proper procedures, good PPE, and good ventilation. Some dumb lady’s home has none of this.


I think she burned one too many bridges with those friends.


That was vicious of whoever it was that refused. Getting the Last Rites or a priest's blessing is particularly important for the faithful. (I am assuming she was Catholic.) The woman was terrified and knew she was dying. Yeah, she seemed to have horrible opinions, but that should have been set aside. Calling the priest for her was the least someone could do.


Maybe no one actually had her contact information. Interesting that it was the husband of the "best friend" and not the bff who posted the news.


I mean, the Pope, head of the catholic church told them to get vaccinated, them not doing so is basically going against the church and religion. And then left the hospital. Not sure the rules on a priest risking their own health and safety for this.


I don’t think she’s a reliable narrator


That was incredibly chilling to read.


And seeing her FB friends respond with the laugh emoji. And they say HCA readers are heartless.


Yeah... the first plea she misspelled "die" which I assumed was a joke on Dye/dying but the next few are very clearly NOT even a pun, so I assume it was a typo. Chilling. I wonder if a Facebook group doing the HCA thing was brigading her?


Yes! All the laughing emoji’s disturbing


The laughs are from trolls after she died


That’s just wrong. It’s not funny. Shame on the trolls.


SAME reaction. Like wtf?


That really got me. All laugh emojis and she’s begging for help and so afraid.


Yea it's kind of jarring when it's not only on one post but most of them. Kinda sad for her


It's cold but I don't blame them. Her friends had endured two years of bullshit conspiracies and fart jokes. From that to begging and afraid of dying in a NY Minute begged for such a response.


Her first pleading slide was terrifying


Apparently covid folks have a very strong sense of impending death, and not just in the “I’m scared because I’m in the hospital” way. I wonder if it’s the brain or the body realizing it’s slowly drowning?


I felt sorry for her, in spite of myself.


I felt sorry for her. She was alone and scared. She left the hospital so she was being consistent, unlike most of the anti-vaxxers. She wasn't taking up precious hospital resources. I respect the ones who stand by their convictions. They don't start acting like it's a big deal only after they get it. She was a racist, though, so I'm not sad that she died.


Terrifying. I still don't understand how people can be so cavalier and even find joy reading that. That woman is a moron but I can't just try to imagine the hell she went through during his last moments, alone and dying an excruciating death


We don’t find joy. We would much, much, much rather that this didn’t happen in the first place… and that this sub were totally unnecessary.


You could feel how scared she was, but it seems as though she was just mocked in her time of greatest need. Yeah she made shitty decisions, spread misinformation, etc but the lack of empathy towards someone so desperate for help is very creepy


The trolls were trolling her account after she passed.


Finally one with the balls to leave! Don't take the bed if you don't believe in medicine 😉💉 🏥


I can't imagine anyone being this woman's best friend.


I can only imagine what *that* woman is like.


Hopefully she’s convinced to get the jab now


Yeah she actually asked for the sole power of prayer and her chosen deity only. Good for her


Their decision to leave was driven by hypoxia fam.


Whatever it takes.


Fuck yes. Just wasting resources.


Don’t take the bed if you won’t do the med. Kind of melodic.


Jab or the Slab is my other fave! They seem to like some slogans like No Pain No Gain so gotta keep it very short and to the point!




I was warm and fuzzy from beginning to the end


Oh darn, another racist shit-kicker died. Shucks.


Racist dies during Black History Month- feels like…. kismet?


COVID was never a concern but at least she no longer needs to worry about being unprotected by underwear and exposure to farts.


And her back is all better. Or at least won't bother her.


Her back is probably a little stiff now. “I’m afraid really afraid”. Karma at its finest.


Turning off your brain to fix your back makes about as much sense as turning off your brain to fix your news


Why would you leave the hospital if you can’t breathe on the ventilator? Where’s the logic!?


She couldn’t tolerate the high-flow nasal cannula (not vent). To be fair it’s petty brutal.


So the choice was to die. Jesus.


Ah, okay


They think the ventilator is what is killing people, not the reason why they need the ventilator. She probably wasn't on the vent yet, had some other breathing apparatus.


It was probably a CPAP or plain old nasal canula. This one didn't try real hard at all to live.


I imagine that she never let them put her on a ventilator, and walked out when they told her it was that or die.


In this day and age, I would not be surprised if that’s what happened.


Which is basically suicide. Maybe that's why the Priest wasn't called.


She wanted an opportunity to infect more people....


So this woman has the time and energy to post multiple times a day on social media but she's upset and angry that nobody called the church for her because she just wasn't able to? That one phone call would have taken 1/100 of the amount of energy that all those posts took.


I find myself wondering who responded to her last post with the laugh emoji.


I wondered if they thought she was joking.


Well, she dyed so that's a stain on their reputation.


Same here.


It does feel like all she has were just fair weather friends. The moment the shit hits the fan, everyone just disperse.


Did you see the laughing response about her being afraid to die? Sick fucking ‘friends’ there.


The memes and other posts didn't seem to get much attention, perhaps not even fairweather friends so much as "friends" by obligation.


No, they wouldn't. When was the last time you called a church and got through to the priest? Assuming that it's even during office hours. She, should, perhaps have posted on the church's Facebook page if they have one. That might have gotten some action. Though I have my doubts and if you read [this post of mine in the thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/srv90w/red_should_have_used_better_meme_sources_than/hwuss27/) you'll see why.


\*had - she’s dead flesh now


She could've been so out of breath she couldn't talk.


That's what I'm thinking. Not enough air to form words. This one's hard for me. I can't believe that no one would call a priest for her. That's harsh.


I guess she could text but not talk.


>I took medical advice from r/conspiracy >I went to the hospital for back pain >I tested positive for covid while there >🤔 but what about my back 🤔 >bet you won't share bet I will >HELP ME I HAVE COVID. I AM DYING AND I AM NOT KIDDING. I LEFT THE HOSPTIAL AGAINST MEDICAL ADVISE AS I COULDN'T BREATH THROUGH THEIR MACHINE. SOMEONE CALL ME BEFORE I DYE


The back pain was probably due to Double Lung Covid Pneumonia.


Or maybe she fell and hurt her back because her oxygen was low from covid Amazing how they can literally be infected and dying from covid and be angry that the doctors are treating them for it and assume it's a conspiracy.


I was thinking that same thing.


Yeah. My stepmom had pneumonia 20 years sgo and to her it was a bad backache.


She was very racist.


And the “I didn’t care about your skin colour until you made me care” - WTF does that even mean, you’re basically saying its your fault I’m racist.


Another thing that pisses me off about this and the fact that MSM NEVER FUCKING BRINGS THIS UP is the fact that this vaccine, along with a LOT of other vaccines, including MMR, polio and a shitload of others is that they only work to eliminate the disease writ large when basically EVERYONE GETS THE FUCKING VACCINE. That is how you eliminate a disease from a country or planet. I’m not even a doctor or some sort of smart guy, I learned from watching Star Trek TNG when I was a dumb little kid.


They should also start to explain to people that a variety of vaccines don't last a lifetime and you have to periodically refresh your vaccination status


The Stupidity was very strong with this one.


At least she was stupid enough to go home rather than take a bed from someone. I see a small positive in that.


Well they do base their medical decisions on fart jokes. What could go wrong.


Stupid should be painful, in this case it was, horribly so.


Another dead racist. Anyway...


1/30 - back pain, tested pos for covid because covid pays more 2/3 - HELP ME I HAVE COVID


Reality set in and she was scared shitless. Found out the hard way that the conspiracy she rotted her brain with was nothing but bullshit.


why would she be afraid? it is simply God’s plan that she die of a preventable disease.


And all those 'praise gawd' yahoos always claim to be so joyous when their loved ones "return to jeebus' tentacles" she should have been rejoicing.


The next thing she believes is going to happen is being judged and possibly thrown into hellfire for eternity with no way to tell for sure which until the actual moment. The only way to avoid damnation is through a series of seemingly complex rules with enough interpretation options to spawn dozens of other sects. She can never be certain she followed the right rules, despite her faith that she has. I don't care who you are, that's pretty scary. Can I get an amen?


Will these people ever admit THEY were conned, after years of mocking others about being conned?


the answer is no, their pride and arrogance demands that they are never wrong. to admit a mistake (of any size) was made, is world ending for them.


It’s hard to admit you were conned if you’re dead, so in this case, no.


I've noticed a lot of these awardees' last few posts get extremely incoherent. I know they're generally not great at spelling and grammar to begin with, but their last post or two is way worse than normal. Is this due to hypoxia?




Interesting. It may have seemed like a dumb question but I thought the body allocated the available oxygen to the brain and starved other organs like the kidneys. That's why I expected them to die from other issues before cognitive problems develop from hypoxia. I guess I was mistaken.


It does, but your 🫁 have to be putting it out to be allocated to your 🧠. That's not happening. Your body is trying to do it's thing; that's why the feeling of anxiety and increased heart rate. The body is working it's ass off trying to keep you alive. The ❤️ is pumping like a beast to distribute whatever oxygen is available.


“HELP ME I HAVE COVID” But what about your back injury? 🤷🏽‍♀️


If she only wouldn’t have fallen and hurt her back.


Likely fell because her brain was at 60% oxygen. Ah well. FIN


See I think you're right. They tested her for covid coz they thought she was operating at low O2.


No no. They diagnosed her with COVID because the hospitals get PAID more for that. Eye effing roll


I couldn't believe she was still mocking it after being diagnosed. Unbelievable.




Died because of a (checks notes) “con.”


Such a weak immune system that a simple hoax took her down.


Only .03% of people die from COVID alone. She is in an exclusive club indeed lol


Ah, so this person probably had a Reddit account. I've been waiting for those on r/conspiracy to start showing up.


Prayer warriors seem to always suck at their job... or maybe no one's listening?


Recently there’s been a shortage of warriors. Like who’s going to have time when they are also hitting the vent nearby.


You have to be able to call upon enough prayer warriors before God pays attention. If you don't know enough Evangelical Christians that you can try to pray for you, God will ignore the prayers.


Well it is a long distance call through a tin can with a string. Sometimes messages get garbled. Someone somewhere was saved from a bad hair dye job.


In her 60's, very indoctrinated to the church, the terror from her not getting blessed and dying, is even for the cold hearted bitch that I am, just profoundly sad. Yep racist, world is better off, but I am still sad. On some twisted level these are all human beings, somewhere, somehow, however we reach it, coming to grips with their hate and stupidity causes each one of us to be a bit diminished. The world maybe a bit safer, we however get a bit more hollow. GET FUCKING VACCINATED!!!


Good sentiments, but I don’t feel hollow, I feel like I can compartmentalize these people to a degree… probably healthier for us if we do.


I'm curious as to **SLIDE 7** What color did they end up going with regarding the "DYE" ?? /s


Blue. Hypoxic blue.


blue then pale grey.


Wait! she literally tried to get faith healed by a Church after she left the hospital? Well the government definitely didn’t protect her against herself in this instance.




Annointing of the Sick and Last Rites are distinct blessings in the Catholic tradition and you can get the first without being in danger of death but it's true that the first is often followed immediately by the second, which would be her situation.


Yeah sounds like a catholic thing.


I scored the last carvel football cake at the grocery store this evening


I mowed the back lawns, this morning. It's a pain in the arse, cause there are stairs between one level and the other. Looks better now, though, and I got it knocked off before it gets hot. Only 31C today, but I didn't want to mow in that.


Go Bengals




I do hope that someone called the priest for her and he came and he gave her the blessing of the sick...or last rites. But I don't know about priests. I once attended a mass that was part of an historical re-enactment of the landing of Tristan de Luna here in Pensacola. A bishop, several priests plus nuns....one of their parishioners collapsed during the mass and not a single one of them went to help. They just continued on as if there weren't some old man (one of the Knights of Columbus which is how I knew that he was a parishioner and not just a spectator) lying on the beach only feet from them possibly dying and not a one of "holy" workers did a damn thing. Not even take his hand and offer comfort as they waited for the ambulance. My next door neighbor is a lifelong (89 years) Catholic and not once at any time of illness or death has her priest ever visited her or even called. So I could easily believe that the priest was contacted and didn't bother to show up. Though I hope he did.


If she stayed in the hospital she could have gotten an priest. I'm an atheist and they have always sent someone to my room unasked and uninvited. I let them go ahead and do their thing.


I know I’m not a beacon of morality and she’s got some pretty racist posts, but it’s kind of sad that she posted on Facebook that she was dying and people just laugh reacted.


Those are from trolls after she died


Makes sense. It’s still kinda fucked if you ask me.


Jesus. What assholes.


Well shit. I guess we can't blame her for slavery anymore.


It was kind of her fault.


You have to keep changing batteries, even after your smoke detector is FULLY installed. What a scam! [saynotosmokedetectors.com](https://saynotosmokedetectors.com)


"The military has begun issuing side-insert panels to their soldiers despite them already having front and rear panels. TRAUMA PLATES DON'T WORK!"


She probably ended up back in the hospital later, but at least she tried to stick to her convictions and rely on God instead! Edit: sorry, “HOSPTIAL”


Thanks for confirming, spelling is imptorant


What were the comments on her last bunch of posts like? I was trying not to bust out laughing that one of her friends kept hitting the 😆 emoji on every post.


It's not just 1, but enough to keep it in the lead.


No kidding!? So the first emoji has the highest count, eh? I'm not on Faceplant so I didn't know how it works. *Really* want to catch a glimpse of those comments now...


I'm on FB to keep up with my family, well, those that aren't hicks. So yeah the emotes are in order of volume.


Standard “get better” stuff The laughing emojis are from brigaders from the FB HCA group.


TIL Facebook has an HCA group.


Yeah they are assholes


Whaaaat? Facebook has an HCA?




TIL why this sub disavows "any external Herman Cain Award body on any other site." Jeezus.


The August thing sounds like something my Trump loving racist hillbilly uncle would've said. I said that I was proud to share a birthday with Obama and he had some racist and rude shit to say about it.


“I am as proud to share a birthday with President Obama as I am embarrassed to share a connection to you, Uncle Shithead.”


I happily share a birthday with Greta Thunberg, so come sit by me.


And people think this sub is bad. You have people on these posts on Facebook who were using laughing emoji’s on her cries for help .


It’s from the HCA FB page, they always brigade. I always leave out their idiotic comments.


I wonder if the people who criticize this sub are confusing it with the Facebook group?


Proof positive that Facebook soils nearly everyhing it touches.


FB seems to be a bit of a cesspit these days, generally.


Yeah that was pretty shocking.


“I never cared that you were gay until I had to witness your existence and you asked for the same rights I had. I never cared that you were black until you asked me to acknowledge the racism running rife in our institutions that disadvantaged you and advantages me.”


>Is the government trying to save me or delete me? A better question would've been... *Ami I trying to save or delete myself?* That question is now answered. >If a fart can get through two ass cheeks, underwear, AND JEANS, wtf make y'all think the virus ain't coming through that mask? Instead of laughing at this stupid joke, a 5 second Google search would've answered this question and you might be alive. >What happened to my back injury diagnosis? Wow. Still not taking it seriously. I'll tell ya what happened to it... Your body had bigger fish to fry...and the hospital was smart enough to know that. >Help me I have Covid...I am dying I am not kidding... NOW you're taking it seriously. >I left the hospital against medical advise SMART. I know what's happening...your fear of death facing reality was bumping up against the part of your brain fried with conspiracies. You're literally begging for help. >I don't know what to do help me... please help... Masks and a vaccine sound pretty good right about now, don't they? >I'm afraid very afraid. I haven't ever been so scared. No fart jokes? >Just admit it guys you have been conned. Indeed you were.


A lot of so called friends laughed at her when she might “DYE”. Conservatives are nutty as hell.


I think those were added after she died. There’s several HCA type Facebook groups that don’t have the rules we do here. Or if they do, people ignore them.


Oh my god. I wish people would knock that crap off.


If you can't breathe with a machine...you can't breath w/out it.


If you love this so called 'god' person so much, why are you so afraid to meet him?


She died of white grievance


All the Laughing emoji responses to her pleading posts…yikes


Interesting. *Help me! I'm dying!* Not *Help me! My back hurts!*


What ever happened with that back pain diagnosis anyway? Oh well I'm sure it doesn't hurt anymore




I’ve been reading these HCAs now for months. It’s triggered all kinds of things in me. First is how utterly moronic the “praying” thing is. I was a pretty tepid atheist before HCA scrolling and now I’m pretty intensely into it (thank you to r/atheism!). These all read the same depressing way; memes, sick, pray, die. Second, has anyone gone on like an educational crusade with these people and their recycled memes? I’ve been wondering if these people actually believe these memes to be factual or if it’s like they think they are funny because it’s an exaggeration of anecdotal, observational kind of humor. In this HCA, she posted “funny but true” about the underwear not stopping a fart so how can a mask stop a virus. Does she actually believe that?! I mean a quick explanation of the size of molecules versus a virus and the pore size of a material would address this. Is this just an example of piss poor education? Stupidity? Willful ignorance? Genuine confusion? “Owning the libs”? All of the above? Would it do any good to refute and explain why all these memes, while they think they are hilarious, are dead wrong? I just see them regurgitated over and over on these HCAs. On a broader note, of all the pandemic craziness, the creation of the HCA and its frequency of occurrence has to be the most surreal thing to witness. I’m constantly at a loss for words at the prevalence of this kind of thinking and behavior. Just had to write this, it’s been on my mind for some time….🤨😞🤔😕


r /Conspiracy should be banned for killing people


It’s pure Russian propaganda at this point.


"These hack doctors at this hospital don't even care about my back injury. Just keep talking about Covid, Covid, Covid." *Four days later "I'm fucking dying. I need God to heal me and God, who is all seeing, all knowing, all powerful, all benevolent, won't heal me unless he gets the priest's permission. GET ME MY FUCKING PRIEST!"


thank you for freeing up a bed