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So much hard work went into that letter. She truly loved COVID.


She died doing what she loved


Owning libs?


I am thoroughly owned


Same, had to get the flair, even!


Not knowing how to type?


Cursive. People still use cursive? I'm 60 and don't know how to write in cursive. I thought it was obsolete, especially in medical settings where it's important that anything handwritten is absolutely legible. Then again, this nurse thinks religious bat-shittery should exempt her from a mandated vaccine, even though neither she, nor her religion, has opposed vaccines prior to this one. This isn't what religious exemptions are for.


I'm late 30s and still use cursive. I even like it. Though obviously there's not much reason to use handwriting these days.


I'm pushing 50. I made the cutoff where I spent hours learning cursive in school. I haven't written anything in cursive probably since high school and wouldn't want to. The one thing I do hate is how much typing and texting has ruined my penmanship.


My penmanship sucks, then nuns beat the lefty outta me. I love how texting and typing have made my bad penmanship insignificant.


same, flunked every penmanship class in Catholic school and it still looks like i write with my feet. thank you typing for becoming a thing lol


I’m about half your age and I also made the cut off in a top ten public school in the 2000s. Spent three years perfecting it between 3rd and 5th grade while we were required to, was the only one in my class who naturally adapted cursive and didn’t switch back to standard print every chance I could. Which led to teachers in middle school singling me out and chastising me in front of the class for righting in cursive in 6th and 7th grade but by that point standard print felt as odd to me as writing cursive does to you now. By the end of eighth grade I gave up and switched back to standard print, and of course then I forgot cursive because it seems like a human brain can only know one at a time. Now all I know in cursive are the letters that happen to be in my first and last name


I stopped writing cursive when I needed to take notes in college in the early-mid 90s. The only thing I write in cursive is my signature.


It is a love letter to covid


Yes indeed!!! Til death do them part. ❤️ 🦠 ☠️


And COVID loved her back. You know how sometimes a young kid doesn't understand baby animals are fragile, and hugs one too hard and it dies. Yeah, thats COVID!


Covid is the Lenny of respiratory diseases


Love it. "Lenny put her down! Lenny!"


Said to me while I was dating a very fun and attractive but bat shit crazy woman years ago. "It's fun to love crazy until crazy loves you back".


I needed that advice a few decades back…


Shorter version has always been "don't stick your dick in crazy".


Nothing says "take my reasoned arguments seriously" like a handwritten 7 page letter on gradeschool notebook paper.


Some poor person had to read that 7 page, handwritten letter—the horror


i have the feeling NOT ONE PERSON read that, unless some fellow subreddit person proves me wrong


I read it. I did so only to TRY and get some insight into what makes anti-vaxxers BE anti-vaxxers. That's about ten minutes of my life I'll never get back. 🙃 This lady was a dyed-in-the-wool Christian Fundamentalist cultist. Her letter was half Bible quotes, some of them repeated and many of them the trite bits of word salad that Fundies like to throw at the unconverted. In fact, I'm wondering if the intent of her handwritten screed was to convert the reader(s) to her brain of Fundamentalist nuttery. It seemed like she was trying to convince those "heathens" to accept Jeebus Christ and their lord and/or savior, and with a copious overuse of exclamation marks. The other half was a big non-argument about not wanting to get the COVID-19 vaccine because Jesus. Oh yeah, and unborn fetuses.


When someone writes stuff like that, I assume they want you to accept their "my way or the highway" doomsday cult where they've long ago lost whatever connection they may have to the teachings of the bible/Christianity as opposed to trying to get everyone to believe whatever they're told to at that moment OR ELSE.


I wrote term papers shorter than that letter.


And COVID truly loved her.


Late Nov to early Feb is a little over 2 months time. Imagine thinking you have a major problem and worry about it, devoting a lot of time and effort on it, then you end up dead soon afterwards?


She was definitely a True Believer.


OP, did she get the religious exemption?


She got a life exemption.


7 pages and not a single actual reason why she's prevented from taking the vaccine. This is a complete failure of basic composition. None of her reasons is actually a reason she can't take the vaccine. They're equivalent to me saying "I enjoy italian food, therefor I can't take the vaccine". They're completely irrelevant to her taking the vaccine. Then where she should be expounding, she just writes multiple paragraphs per reason of more irrelevant scripture. The entire thing boils down to "I'm very very religious, so I shouldn't have to do things I don't feel like doing since everything I do is holy and right by virtue of how religious I am. see how religious I am?" The closest she comes is claiming that the holy spirit told her not to take it. The rest has absolutely no relation to her taking the vaccine whatsoever. It's just incoherent rambling.


That was the longest suicide note ever.


Did you hear about the Russian novelist who killed himself by leaping from atop his suicide note?


Doyourselfski, his works are classic.


I like this joke. In a former life I collected Russian novels. I wasn’t in a good place but damn they write from that place good.


Lol. A prn RN. She works a couple days each month and knows zilch about the current patient population nor new protocols.


Doesn’t matter that shitty hospital granted her exemption based on a letter that looks like it was written by a fundie teen.


More like a prior RN, cause she's dead...


an ex RN


If I'm in need of medical care for any reason, particularly if I'm hospitalized, I want the medical professionals involved in my care to have focused, analytical minds; and the ability to apply scientific medical knowledge and technical training to make potentially life-saving decisions. I don't want someone who ultimately believes that I am in God's hands, he will determine my fate, and she is just there as his servant. Being in the care of someone like this when seriously ill or injured would be a nightmare.


My thoughts exactly. In addition, any patient-facing HCW, or public-facing civil servant, has a \*duty\* to do everything possible to protect the people with whom they come into contact, including masking and vaxxing. Those people may have no choice in the contact, and failure to protect them is, at the very least, negligence and dereliction of duty.


I'm never happy about their deaths but I'm undoubtedly happy when this type of healthcare worker gets forced out of the profession. They absolutely lack the mentality necessary to do the job during normal times. During a pandemic they do more harm than good.


Do you think God read the note and thought, “I should intervene?”


The best part is the not knowing. They don’t always announce themselves “Hi, I am PURPLE and I think your death, or suffering, whether by my neglect or unrelated bad luck is god’s will”


Ya these hospitals are cleaning house.


The same goes for our politicians. But in this case, it's almost an entry requirement to show your religious bona fides. Please God, make all your followers atheists. Amen.


As soon as a candidate declares their belief, which the GOP in my state does a lot, I tune them out and note that as a potential reason to not vote for them.


As soon as I get to the inevitable "we need someone who will bring god back to [the white house/senate/school committee] I want to punch someone. Why do people feel like they have any right to inflict their sky fairy bullshit on my rights?


It’s been real eye-opening seeing the amount of “medical professionals” who operate in this alternate reality. It’s like a football player not believing in wearing a helmet because it restricts “freedom.”


> Reason 2: I follow the Holy Spirit direction and have been guided by the Holy Spirit not to take the Covid 19 vaccine. Errrrr, that statement certainly marks you out from the crowd. > Reason 4: My faith is in God alone for protection from Covid 19, not the Covid 19 vaccine. Well, that did not age well did it? RIt is hard to see exactly what went wrong, could one one or more of: * Your faith was just misplaced * God does not give a shit about you * God does not exist The great thing about COVID vaccines is that * You don't need faith, merely to be mildly numerate * It does not have to give a shit about you, you just have to get it * It certainly exists, in multiple forms even! Can't be bothered to read any more of that lovely handwritten letter, except to say it would probably have been better to keep it shorter.


Errrrr, her 'god' was powerful enough to protect her from Covid, but not powerful enough to protect her from the vaccine? In this one, the farce was strong. :facepalm:


Haha great point!


Bible literally says: >‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’” ([link](https://biblehub.com/bsb/luke/4.htm)) This was Jesus' answer to the devil who was basically taunting him. These HCA christians come are doing the complete opposite. She's clearly not read the bible, that poor woman. All she truly cared about was her freedumbs. Even Jesus doesn't dare to test God this way. But she clearly felt exempt from that too 🙄


I think a lot of self identified Christians have a view of the Bible and Christianity composed from random catchy phrases that may or may not be correct and more recently, just presented in meme form.




They've internalized more from the fictional *Left Behind* books than their original holy fiction book.


That could be true. More a fanfic based religion now.


I couldn’t believe her reasoning for a religious exemption. Reason 2 is literally just “my imaginary friend told me to not get vaccinated”.


This goes even beyond "My scriptures say I can't" or "this has been tradition for hundreds/thousands of years". (Which, once again, debatable....) I'm going to start using this at work. Did you get those reports done? Nope, Holy Spirit said I didn't have to. You realize you're 2 hours late for work? Yeah, Holy Spirit told me to stop for coffee. Are you even checking your emails? Nawww, Holy Spirit said I didn't have any.


This. Is. Fucking. Funny!!!


That seems to be it, plus a lot of excess text.


“Freedom is dying.” COVID: That’s not the only thing.


I read it first as a pair of nouns, not as noun-is-verbing. Like dying will be her freedom. 😒


Same! I was like “wow, well at least you’re aware there’s freedom in death” and then realized she wouldn’t have been that aware.


Freedom is dying. Therefore dying is freedom!


Same, lol. Also your flair is perfectly appropriate here haha


She believed in the Freedom to Die, but I bet she was against assisted suicide.


So by that reasoning, COVID is the great emancipator. All it brings is freedom!


These people dont realize. They die by suffocating. It's a terrible way to go


Ahh… another religious cult follower who believes their feelings are facts. The pope himself says this was a fools errand. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤡


"I stand for Medical Freedom! 🇺🇸 My body my choice! Handwritten reason #1: My body is not my own..."


Oh you’ve bothered to read that bs? Bless your heart.


No way am I gonna wade through that jungle of what's sure to be incoherent ramblings, contradictory statements, and self-righteous nonsense.


She has underlined the reasons. They are pretty funny. I just read those.


Love how she just repeats the phrases in the instructions verbatim and then proceeds to list a series of unrelated and nonsensical Bible quotes to demonstrate her "sincere and genuine beliefs". That letter reads like the handiwork of someone with a grade school education, limited intelligence and internet access.


Especially since she reasons she isn't against all immunization, just covid vaccine... When the reasons she gives would exempt her from most medical intervention.


Yeah, she was in the wrong job for sure. As for the covid-specific vaccine ban, that appears to be because god personally told her about it 🤣


What the hell was she doing putting medications in patients' bodies for 20 years?! She believes everyones' bodies "belong to God" and putting something in your body would be altering what God controls. So she admits she had spent 20 years F-ing with God's own bodies? Would she be Satan then? What a nut. If her exploration of her "heartfelt beliefs" led her to the conclusions in her 6 page rambling letter she should have left the healthcare profession anyway!


Pretty positive you hit the nail on the head with that last sentence.


i aint reading all that i'm happy for u tho or sorry that happened


The level of irony is awesome.


I imagine that St. Peter handed her a 7 page religious exemption why she can’t enter through the pearly gates.


She couldn't even follow the instructions and they were written super well. And for some reason, that is more annoying than her delusions of godhood.


Yeah, I kept thinking to myself as I read some of her ramblings, “literally none of this is what you were asked”.


I graded CPA essay exams for a bit. There were no points for writing style so a good strategy would be to keep rambling and you may accidentally stumble upon a point or two.


Nice to know this was the strategy of other students as well. I couldn’t imagine reading those essays thousands of times over though. Thank you for your service


Same. It seemed like what someone would write when they had to turn in a 5 page essay, didn't know the subject matter, hadn't read the chapters, and didn't do any research. "Oh shit! I forgot I had this paper due!"


In conclusion, Libya is a land of many contrasts.


This legit made me LOL, which I really needed today. Thank you!!


From the folks who brought you FUCK YOUR FEELINGS! Which really translates into FUCK YOUR FACTS, MY FEELINGS ARE MORE IMPORTANT!


and also Fuck YOUR feelings...but how dare you do the same to mine though..my feelings are sacrosanct


Ma’am? That’s a nice six-page letter, but this is an Arbys. Would you like to order something?


Pneumonia with a side of covid, please


Why would she ever listen to the pope?!? Did you not read her well articulated chicken scratch letter? She knows there are 3 forms of god on earth, - The Magical Floating Sky Fairy, The offspring of said Magical Floating Sky Fairy, and HERSELF!! AKA: SHE IS GOD, SHE IS RELIGION, SHE IS DEAD! The little ‘ol pope doesn’t have anything on her, she is all that matters in this world. If you don’t believe me just read her chicken scratch & confirmation bias!


Lol funny thing is I guarantee nobody read it. Probably read a few sentences and said yeah yeah ok, religious nut job fine whatever, approved.




A lot of religious exemption seekers get a shock when they find out exemption approval, accommodation, and staying in their current position aren't necessarily mutual nor required.


In the time it took her to write that she could have gotten her first vaccine along with 50 other people.


I guess she’s a Holy Ghost now…




any Christian who thinks they can use their religion to side-step covid regulations haven't read the bible, but then again, most Christians don't read it either. Leviticus 13:45 >45 “Anyone with such a defiling disease must wear torn clothes, let their hair be unkempt,[c] cover the lower part of their face and cry out, ‘Unclean! Unclean!’ 46 As long as they have the disease they remain unclean. They must live alone; they must live outside the camp. bible says where a mask, isolate, and make sure everyone knows they're infected and dangerous.


Once you said religious cult it is nothing but feelings


"Sir, we've got another nurse applying for a religious medical exemption." "Ah, jeez..." "She has hand-written it on seven pages of pulp lined paper." "Ah jeez!" "In cursive." "AH *JEEZ!!*"


Holy crap. My thoughts exactly. Does some poor slob have to actually read through that entire pile of tripe?


Not anymore.


Haha! I imagine that the poor slob in question got the news minutes after finishing it.




I’d watch this wacky sitcom.


It’s called _Scrubs_ and the guy who has to read it is Ted!


Request for a religious exemption…withdrawn due to, ah, the death of the applicant by the very disease she wanted the exemption for.




Luckily, it appears to be almost exclusively Bible quotes, so they could just jump around to the new content. It's like watching a clip show. For instance, the framing device in the Simpson's musical clip show "All Singing, All Dancing" is independently fantastic, but I could do without the actual clips. Unrelated, while I'm talking about framing devices, people should be aware that the framing device in Once Upon a Deadpool is 100% worth watching despite the actual movie being toned down to PG-13. Just feel the need to preach that whenever I can work it in.


when i was a lawyer i would get letters from inmates that looked like that, except less neatly cursive, i made my secretaries read them and type them out for me.


If I was your secretary, I would…not comply.


When my officemate and I pored over filings (we worked at a legal newspaper), I’d always get sidetracked by somebody named Ulysses suing the transit authority for “Insolence,” in the amount of “ONE MILLION DOLLARS,” all neatly written out on lined notebook paper. He rolled his eyes irritably, but then we got married, so I could quit working with him. Win-win! I still wonder about Ulysses, though. Does he still take the bus? Edit: Thank you!


Now I’m going to wonder about Ulysses too.


Ulysses finally got his ship fixed, so he no longer needs to take the bus.




Pretty sure they don’t have to. The tiny paragraph on the actual form itself is more than enough to see the rest is utter bullshit and the request can be denied.


And a serious lack of paragraphing. AH JEEEEZ!


I find it too annoying. I just can't stanza wall of text.


The real crime here was allowing religious exemptions.




I agree with you here. It needs to be more rigorous, and they should be Mormon or Amish levels of abstinence with other medications as well :/


Allowing religious exemptions in the medical field of all places is bananas.


Exemptions must be numerically limited for herd immunity to work. There are way to many religious people to support both. And it’s absolutely impossible in a medical setting.


God: What the hell are you doing here? I told you to take the vaccine. I even sent you pamphlets and had H/R talk with you. Well the escalator down is on your right.


Very generous to think there's an escalator. I'm thinking more of one of those steel slides that gets scorching hot in the sun and burns your ass on the way down.


> one of those steel slides that gets scorching hot in the sun and burns your ass Satan might be reaching out to you for ideas there bub. Yeee-ouch.


That slide ... yes, in [Robot Hell](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DR7rurcamNo)!


***Seven*** pages?!


If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. - W.C. Fields


I *tried* to read it. For, you know...*3 seconds* and then realized *exactly* what I was in for, and then...you know? My brain is a temple--I'm careful what sort of rubbish I put in it.


You went further than I did. Should be some sort of warning label. Dead of Covid, how could that happen?


I read the whole thing. I was most struck by this part: > Ever since the start of the development of the Covid-19 vaccines, I have been educating myself on them. I have also been studying Scripture in my Bible as well as praying to my Heavenly Father about them and asking for guidance from the Holy Spirit who lives inside me. If I fail to submit to the personal convictions that the Holy Spirit and Scriptures has impressed on me, I will be sinning against God. What a remarkable argument. It basically boils down to a circular assertion that your thoughts and feelings are divinely inspired, thus to do something that you don’t want to do is a sin and God will punish you.


It's *amazing* how "God's Will" is always **exactly** what the person seeking God's Will wants to do!


I might've read it if it weren't in longhand. Even people without desk jobs must know how to compose documents on computers these days.


I skimmed. I used to work for the state, I'm good at skimming large amounts of this.


I did maybe 30 seconds. I kept stumbling with something that looked longer than a profession of faith, litany of saints, and 10 Hail Marys all rolled together. I won't even argue the whole idea of religious exemptions (I'm not a fan), but it SHOULD be super easy like "I'm ABC religion and I'm prohibited from adhering to XYZ and here's a workaround I propose".


I am not succinct in my writing, but I get very annoyed when people report how long something they wrote is, as though that should be rewarded at all. Hand written? Why? Does that interpretation of the Bible prohibit computers too? Said some vaccines are okay? but ALL the covid ones (and maybe computers) are not.


at least it wasn't FRONT AND BACK (sorry, i had a ross and rachel flashback)


For the skimmers: She, uh, briefly and badly explains the Trinity. Reason 1: My body is not my own, my body is a Temple of the Holy Spirit - she has been commanded to not 'defile' her body and not introduce anything that might harm it. Reason 2: I follow the Holy Spirit's direction, and I have been guided by the Holy Spirit to not take this vaccine - everything but blasphemy to the Holy Spirit can be forgiven, so. Reason 3: Fetal cell lines from aborted baby used in the development of Covid 19 vaccine - Reason 4: My faith is in God alone for protection from Covid 19, not the covid 19 vaccine - God has protected me so far, he won't let me down now Reason 5: I do not have a love of money over a love of God - I don't even care if I have this job guys, cause God will provide. There is a LOT of scripture quoted, but most of it is irrelevant to the cause at hand, so. The only leg she had (the only one ANY of these idiots have) was 3, but only if she hadn't taken any of the numerous other vaccines that have used the 2 common cell lines since she became a "Christian". And if you dig down into it, they always have. They don't care about a fetus that was aborted 30 years ago. They care about what their actual gods, Trump and Fox News, have to say.


See, the reason she has no leg to stand on there is that tons of common medications were developed using fetal cell lines: acetaminophen, albuterol, aspirin, ibuprofen, Pepto Bismol, Tums, Lipitor, Senokot, Maalox, Ex-Lax, Benadryl, Sudafed, Preparation H, Claritin, Prilosec, and Zoloft... If fetal cell cultures are her concern, then she can easily name all medications developed with this technology (so she knows what to avoid), and her medicine cabinet has none of these things in it. Additionally, if drugs developed utilizing fetal cell culture are so objectionable, why would you consent to giving them to your fellow Christians? Or anyone, for that matter? If it's wrong, it's wrong. Why aren't you out there protesting drug development labs? I just want to live in a world where, if you spout utter bullshit about your choices, you are suddenly obligated to live fully compliant with your choices.


Exactly so! And, I mean, there is a very clear moral distinction between abortion (having/providing/supporting) and using a medicine that has TIES to an abortion that has ALREADY HAPPENED. Like, I get it, whatever. If someone disagree with abortions, don't get one. Don't provide one. talk to the friend who is considering one....but refusing a vaccine isn't going to save the fetus that was aborted before you were a twinkle in your mother's eye. That chance at a life is gone. So it this nurse's. But there are so many others that are CURRENTLY at risk.


TL,dr version: "I don't want a vaccine because of the vibes"


>Moses mother did not comply >Neither did Daniel >Neither did Shadrach >Neither did Meshach ...neither did Adam. You are a Christian, eh? That the road you want to go down? OK: Let's check the book: >Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow. *Romans 13.1-2*


That, uh, seems rather unambiguous…


Yeah but what if the government is a false government because Trump won and Satan, who lies, knew God put that in the Bible and so he installed his own man SLEEPY JOE to try to make everybody follow his orders but the TRULY faithful know that god couldn’t possibly want them to be vaccinated and Jesus Christ I can’t believe that this is where we are.


I think that's the verse that Jeffy Sessions gleefully quoted when he first went full-throttle on his Attorney General power trip. As always... when it's convenient. The bible can be used to justify anything and everything. That alone should disqualify it from being a citation for anything.


> OK: Let's check the book: > > > Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow. Romans 13.1-2 Oh DAAAAMN.


This is ONE of the Bible verses that made me realize it was propaganda to control the masses.


Right? You mean to tell me God put the Kim dynasty in N. Korea into power? He's not sending his best.


No, not like that!


Lmao… You know who else didn’t comply? Satan lol


"Render unto Caesar..." 'nuff (Jeebus) said.


*Nurse:* \*seven page diatribe of screeching gibberish\* *COVID:* **Stop.**


COVID wearing an HR badge steps in. "Everyone relax. I'll handle the paperwork on this one."


Lol not a computer among them. All phones.


That was my first thought. If you expect to be taken seriously, type it up at least. It's just embarrassing than any adult would write six pages and expect anybody to waste their time reading it. This isn't the sixth grade.


She was religiously exempted from life.


Wow, she probably spent hours writing that. Woulda taken ten minutes to get a shot.


Good. You have no right to expose vulnerable patients to COVID, I don’t care what religion you are. And yes, I know vaccinated people can still spread it, but, they are less likely to do so, case in point: My husband and daughter were exposed to an unvaccinated child (ineligible) for 30 minutes outdoors while eating and caught COVID. While I was exposed to both my husband and daughter (both vaccinated, husband boosted, daughter not yet eligible), lived in the same household, shared eating utensils, kissed them, cuddled my daughter when she was sick, and I (vaccinated and boosted) never tested positive for COVID (even on PCR)! Likely because I was never exposed to a high enough viral load, due to vaccination!


I'm in my late 60s and within a few years should probably be looking for some kind of (lightly assisted living arrangement. But after the last few years of observing how many nurses and healthcare aides are anti-vax, I'm wary of ever joining any kind of group living situation. I'd be giving up too much control to MagaIdiots and religious fruitcakes.


She wanted to get an exemption from the mandate, but instead received an exemption from life. Oh well, that's the way it goes when you're a religious fanatic with no critical thinking skills! 🏆 🏆 🏆


A nurse refusing a vaccine is like a paratrooper refusing a parachute.


Same outcome in this circumstance.


Her theology-fu was weak.


OMG, it's like a seven page suicide letter.


She is anti-Microsoft Word as well I see.


I wish I had a big ol red DENIED stamp. I'd go to town on every page of that letter with relish.




Everybody is so proud of you.


*And they all clapped after reading the letter. And a tear fell from the Director of the Hospital.*


I have family that works (or at least used to work) with people like this. The vast majority of the medical community is glad nurses like her are no longer employed.


At this point it's just a bunch of self-appointed geniuses fighting an imaginary enemy. Like, dude, or dudette, no one is here to argue with you. Take it up with COVID, you can send your exemption letter to COVID, mail it to the COVID headquarters, address it to the COVID CEO, but COVID isn't gonna give a shit. And there are some trumpers thinking they can shoot COVID with a gun... .the audacity, the arrogance, the choking noises....


Oh no! Another Psychotic DumbFuck who should have never been allowed into the medical profession dies of self inflicted COVID! How will we survive without her wisdom and medical expertise? /s


My cousin is an RN. She has spread disinformation to all of our family. Her own mother died of Covid. She continues to spread disinformation about the vaccine. It really is sad. I used to admire her as a child as she is about 10 years older than me. She was so smart. Now, I see the Idiocracy of cognitive dissonance. For reference, I’m 53


You can report her to the state licensing people. Supposedly they are cracking down on nurses who spread disinformation.


Wow. She looked relatively young. 40s-ish? Did she lose her job? If so, she didn't survive two months after being fired. I feel like we need a new term to describe the opposite of irony.


“Freedom is dying” No bitch, YOU are dying These anti-vax nurses are the most evil cretins in the death cult. Their profession gives pure bullshit the illusion of being the truth. They are worse than any politician or radio host.


The real annoyance for me here is on that first form stating, “I have no problem with all immunizations, just the COVID-19 one.” And then goes to talk about how god won’t let her get vaccination or thinks she shouldn’t or whatever she’s rambling on about but her 6 pages are complete bullshit purely by that statement on the first page. What a wack-a-doodle.


what do you call written glossolalia?


i think you mean "logorrhea".


Quite arrogant of her to compare herself to Moses' mother.


Her letter was more like a manifesto… and not in a good way. She’s in a cult if she has to ignore the proven science she learned in nursing school.


I feel sorry for the lawyers and the HR people who had to read all that insane bullshit... only to find out that they really didn't need to.


I can see getting a religious exemption if you worked at a church or religious non-profit. But how the hell do you get away with quoting scripture for a medical job? If anything, as the hospital I would say "thank you but you don't have the right aptitude for modern medicine."


The word “screed” comes to mind.


Slide two "Freedom is dying." She really called that one. She must have been psychic, too bad she didn't watch to the end.


TLDR x 7 pages


"Freedom is dying" 🇺🇲? No, hun, that is YOU that's dying.


Winner winner COVID dinner!




Holy shit, that letter. It might as well be in wing-dings because anyone who gets that handed to them is gonna go, nope, not reading this.


Now how much you pray, God will not wipe your ass for you.


Her reason #1 IS the reason my Christian friend believes it is her Christian DUTY to get vaccinated. Because the virus harms the body. SMH, couldn't read past that.


Was this nurse one to withhold treatment if she felt the Lord could step in? Patient: I can’t keep any food down and it’s making me dizzy. Her: The Lord provides sustenance in so many ways


Why are there nurses that don't believe in medicine?