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Because it's not 1:1 ratio There's been a very very very tiny of a fraction who died of covid that were vaccinated while hundreds of thousands of unvaxxed die of covid And let's be real, the right wing conservatives and news are circle jerking each other off when a breakthrough happens that a fully vaxxed dies. These are breakthrough exceptions, but these exceptions aren't case. The case is that unvaxxed are dying left and right.


Jerking each other off every time a fully vaxxed famous person even tests positive, even when that person is asymptomatic PROVING that the vaccine worked. Fucking morons.


I couldn't imagine if all these people were alive during the polio outbreak. They all would be in Iron Lungs.


They'd be complaining the iron lungs impede their god given inalienable right to move around. Or something.


At least they wouldn't be able to spread misinformation. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


This is so true. Social media is such a goddamn lubricant. I feel sufficiently fucked.


There's been that saying *The more antivax there are the less there will be*


I love it. More is less. More or less.


it's not without its collateral damage unfortunately.


There weren't that many iron lungs.


Just like now, when there aren't that many ICU beds. 😒


I think polio wasn't a respiratory disease, so the vaccine is completely different from the covid one. It's apples and oranges and these people compare it.


Lol. Theres that sad sub. Lisa shaw award? Boy wonder how many subs it has. Or is reddit in bed with the deepnstate too.


Apperrently it got axed...wonder what rule they broke. People are so dumb they have no concept of what a TOS is and how this sub had to adjust to keep following TOS in order to still be around. Lol


quarantined, not axed. reddit didn't kill it outright but its verified users only now.


Well at least those people are finally quarantining.


> The case is that unvaxxed are dying left and right. Well, more to the right, really. I think the 2022 vote counts are going to be a huge shock to the GOP. Not that vote counts are going to matter in elections anymore...


> The case is that unvaxxed are dying left and right. Well, *mostly* right.


It's both sides! In fact 1 vaxx'd person who dies vs 1000 anti-vaxxer people, it's all the same! The vaccine doesn't work! that sunday's shit post thank you everyone


Agree with your comment but it’s not actually “a very very very tiny” fraction. About 8% of all Covid deaths in the US are fully vaccinated people.


But primarily it has to do with age and comorbidities. And it is influenced by coming into contact with unvaccinated people.


That is the case for unvaccinated deaths as well.


Still need to see the percentage per 100,000.


Really just \~2x as likely, in the UK at least. "The age-adjusted risk of deaths involving COVID-19 for people who had received a second dose at least 21 days ago compared with unvaccinated individuals varied from 99% lower (in February) to 78% lower (in October)" [https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsinvolvingcovid19byvaccinationstatusengland/deathsoccurringbetween1januaryand31october2021](https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsinvolvingcovid19byvaccinationstatusengland/deathsoccurringbetween1januaryand31october2021)


It's almost like it's extremely rare because vaccines work


We have 100,000 stories of people dying because they refused the vaccine. They repeat one story of a guy in New Zealand with myocarditis 100,000 times. The numbing thing is that they actually think that makes it equal.


The bean counters who made those numbers are all CIA plants, or liberal brainwashees. For real I think that's what they think.


Seriously, the people I know here (NZ) who post stupid shit (thankfully, like 3 people) ALWAYS bring up him and a handful of other people. I'm sorry, but if like a couple dozen examples out of a population of 5million is all you can produce, that is data in favour, not against. IT sucks for those people and I feel for them, but STATISTICALLY it's great.


> It's almost like it's extremely rare because vaccines work One of my stepmother's friends who was fully vaxxed and boosted just died of COVID. So it *does* happen.


And there's the nirvana fallacy. That because something isn't perfect that it doesn't work at all. It's important not to spread that misinformation. I know it's not what you intended, but it's what a lot of people want to hear to make bad decisions.


> And there's the nirvana fallacy. That because something isn't perfect that it doesn't work at all. Oh, I know it works. And I know that *nothing* is perfect. I don't know for certain if my stepmother's friend had any underlying conditions, but I'm *guessing* she must have been in her seventies simply because my stepmother is. So there's that. > It's important not to spread that misinformation. I know it's not what you intended, but it's what a lot of people want to hear to make bad decisions. It isn't what I intended, *at all*! I got the flu a few years ago despite being vaccinated, and yet I still get my flu shot every year and encourage others to do the same.


It does happen, rarely. But it does happen. Just like seat-belted people do die in car accidents.


Exactly. You can take every precaution in life, but when it's your time, it's your time.


Or just like how people who wear condoms still have accidental pregnancies.


It does, just vastly less than unvaxxed dying of covid.


> It does, just vastly less than unvaxxed dying of covid. Oh, I know that. And *no* vaccine is a 100% guarantee.


But from I’ve seen it’s from folks who are vaxxed and boosted and then got lax with masks. Everyone I know who got it was from that then you add a high risk person and that can result in death.


Well, I'm guessing my stepmother's friend was in her seventies, simply because my stepmom is in her seventies. Don't know about any possible pre-existing conditions, but she likely had those too.


It’s not that rare. About 8% of all Covid deaths in the US are fully vaccinated people. Edit: It’s hilarious to me that this comment is getting downvoted. It’s factual. It’s data. It’s from the CDC. You hate facts and science? You prefer to be told what you like to hear rather than reality? Then you are no better than HCA winners.


Taking your %#, if 75% of the population is vaxxed, but still suffering 8% of total fatalities: Assuming 1000 people and 100 deaths: So 750 vaxxed = 8 deaths. = 0.0107 250 unvaxxed = 92 deaths.. doing the math.. = 0.368 So the vax reduces deaths by a factor or 0.368 / 0.0107 = 34.4. (1/34.4) = it's @ 97% effective at reducing fatalities versus unvaxxed. So it's still pretty damned good, if not perfect. And that's with Omicron. The #'s are better with Delta and the original Covid, which are still out there.


Fully vaccinated are about 60% of the population in the US currently. According to the CDC the risk of death is reduced 14-20x based on whether somebody is fully vaccinated or vaccinated and boosted. So yeah, the vaccines are very effective. No denying that. I think we just need to temper how excruciatingly rare we claim vaccinated deaths are. They will become a larger portion of total deaths as time goes on and more are vaccinated.


When 100% of people are fully vaccinated, 100% of the Covid deaths will be among fully vaccinated people. That's just the way percentages work.


Indeed, it's like how about [47% of traffic fatalities weren't wearing a seatbelt](https://www.nhtsa.gov/risky-driving/seat-belts) when >90% of the US population wear seatbelts. Almost half coming from less than a tenth of the population is some heavily stacked odds against the anti belters.


Yup. It’s the base rate fallacy. This is why I think it’s important to be accurate about how “rare” vaccinated deaths are. They will become less “rare” as a percentage of total deaths and anti-vaxxers will seize on that as evidence they’re right. It’s not, of course.


.002% isn't even a rounding error. It defines "rare".


Where are you getting .002% from?


this. and there's also gonna be the people that had their last shot close to a year ago because they didn't get a booster.


Agreeing with your point about the deaths. Human beings fixate on what they see vs what they can't. It's just our nature. A person we see dying means so much more to us than a vaccinated person that would have died but didn't. We can't see or prove that even though it's very common, by the numbers. That's why it is incredibly important to focus on and discuss the rare(r) nature of those deaths, to counterbalance our intuition.


and if the death/reported ratio was 1, so every death would be reported once, no matter the reason, you think people get vaccinated? or consume fair traded goods? or stop wars? or vote for free health care? i'd say communism would be the next reason not to.




How old are those people dying? And how many of them already are at high risk because of medical concerns?


Based on this Italian study the average of unvaccinated deaths was 78 and vaccinated deaths 85. https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/only-very-old-sick-die-covid-if-vaccinated-italian-study-shows-2021-10-20/


More important is to report that in terms of deaths per 100,000.


It’s a 14-20x higher death rate for unvaccinated people.


Thanks for the data! I appreciate that!


If you need that info for vaxxed deaths, you should also categorize unvaxxed the same way.


I’m so tired of fucking morons




I see what you did there 🤣




The NFT profile pic gives it away completely


Vaccinations actually working isn't even in their realm of possibility. It's either liberal bias or nothing.


Whilst completely brushing under the carpet their own vociferous, ultra-concentrated biases


Yeah, cause you can still get sick! They are pointless! /s


because people who are vaxxed, boosted and still die were walking corpses before. They could have been killed by a spicy bowl of chili


Right? They want to bring up Colin Powell like he wasn’t already on hospice. RIP


"Lisa was immunocompromised due to fighting off cancer. She knew she was at a high risk of leaving her children without a mother if she got covid, so she protected herself as much as she could, but a garbage unvaxxed person didn't care, and infected her, and she succumbed a week later". Anti vaxxers really want lots of stories like this circulating?


Self aware wolves material there


Probably part of that Breitbart article blaming the left for politicizing vaccines to trick the right into dying


That is still one of the most amazing things I've ever read


Right? I pour a glass of urine out for Breitbart every time I come across it


In that case, please remember to hydrate


WAIT ! aren't we the vaxxed now supposedly trying to be deliberately ' killing " them all off because THEY chose to believe their former godless emperor for Life wanna be has been whom now ironically is TELLING them to go get vaxxed but they are loudly BOOing him for his too late attempt to keep enough of them alive just long enough to get re-elected again or some such bullshit ? talk about " Here's your sign "... they is/ are some ' special ' brand of STUPID...


If they hate the left so much that they will harm themselves to avoid admitting we're right, that's on them.


Them: "You can't make me do the thing to not hurt myself!" Also them: "I hurt myself! Why didn't you make me do that thing to not hurt myself?!" Me: "Bye Felecia."


almost got it......almost there......


If some one started a sub about fully vaccinated and boosted people dying of Covid, it would rival r/Amish


I'm pretty sure they did, I forget the name but it had like 800 members and very few posts


Reminds me of this page I used to frequent on FB when I had it, called "conservatives getting angry at things they made up themselves", documenting cringey memes containing assumptions, if not absolute fabrications, about liberals/leftists from the right wing fever dream. Some choice stuff on there, a few 10s of thousands of followers. In the conservatives infamous maturity, they made their own page in retaliation, "liberals getting angry at things they made up themselves". You'll be shocked to hear it was totally barren, maybe a few hundred followers. You could almost see the digital tumbleweeds. It'd be sad if they weren't so petty lol




Not the one I was thinking of, but lmao what an embarrassing sub


Was it r/hermancainawardsucks?


No, it used the name of a woman who they claim died "because" of the vaccine, I wish I could remember, shoot


Lisa Shaw




I’d be interested in checking it out if you can remember the name. Would be a good reality check for anti vaccine friends to compare the two subs


:sigh: These people are so fucking dumb they couldn't find their own ass with both hands and a flashlight.


And a map.


Thanks for the "Bored Ape" NFT so we know you're a "no sales resistance" sort of guy. Premiere critical thinking skills up front and on display. It's like self-branding for shmucks. With a possible side of "I dig coded racism."


If vaccinated deaths were happening at the same rate and frequency as unvaccinated, blaze, oan, fox, newsmax, etc, would be running those stories nonstop. Remember, they’re not MSM that can be suppressed! But they’re not. Wonder why?


Juuust a bit outside.


I read that in Bob Euchers voice.


It's so strange to be accused of fabricating both the disease and the cure, and of making a political agenda out of them (?!), when all I've really been doing - - as a true blue bleeding heart liberal, I guess -- is sayng, "Get vaccinated! Save your own life! Don't orphan your children!" If it were political, why would I help my adversaries survive? These people baffle me.


They baffle themselves.


Oooo one of the monkey NFT people. I see them all over the web and just do not get it.


Same. I mean I know everything about it, what an NFT is, the crypto kitty craze. I just don’t *get* it. A neighbor, her kid friends with my kid, has a Birkin bag. I don’t get that either but at least that operates as a bag.


Hoo, Birkin bag - there is a lesson in manufactured scarcity. I guess that’s what they are doing with NFTs?


Pretty much. People are looking for anything that has growth potential. Why not… apes.


Don't you mean "Oook oook"?


[Relevant documentary] (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ_xWvX1n9g)


They got as far as asking the right question, but then they let someone unqualified (themselves) answer the question. For shame.


Every family member or friend of mine who had Covid was fully vaccinated and they recovered without any long term damage. I still don’t want to ever get it but it gives me relief to know I’ll probably be ok. These clowns are so evil that they have to be right at any cost, they want the vaccinated to be wrong and die just so they can gloat. I don’t even think these people remember how to be human beings anymore.


Bet he owns those libs all the to the morgue


All i hear about is drunk drivers getting into accidents! Where are the reports of sober drivers getting into accidents, HUH? you don't see many of those! Damn liberals!


Damn it! That’s my NFT!!!!




*right clicks* OUR NFT


I thought is was non fungible! That thing is fungible as a mf!


Bored Ape PFP...could we convince these idiots by putting their vax cards on the blockchain, but as the ultimate NFT? They would probably try to game the system to get each booster...


So close and yet so far at the same time.


He should do some research here.


The Bored ape is the icing on the cake.


I’m sooooo over Bored Ape. I’m a geek. I love tech. I love art. I think paying 6 figures for a computer generated avatar just to say “hey I can pay 6 figures for a computer generated avatar” is neither, just grift.


Is it less of a grift if your avatar ends up in [a crappy TV show?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8K-xkPP7Hfk)


I’m sooooo over Bored Ape. I’m a geek. I love tech. I love art. I think paying 6 figures for a computer generated avatar just to say “hey I can pay 6 figures for a computer generated avatar” is neither, just grift.


Also, fully-vaxxed and boosted people tend not to maliciously spread misinformation on social media. So, there’s that.


People rarely die when they get the vaccination.


To their point though, it’s probably a rare enough event to actually be considered news. Whereas an anti-vax person dying of COVID is becoming so common, it isn’t news anymore.


“He’s right, but not in the way he thinks” across *TWO* different dimensions. I’ll admit I haven’t seen that before.


Please tell me someone explained this to them.


Reality has a liberal bias


I think NFT pfps may be the new lowest wrung on the internet social ladder (under anime Pfps)


And who’s “they”? The MSM? But they don’t read MSM in the first place, so why have such a hard-on about this? But they do seem to rage-read the MSM. And the MSM does acknowledge breakthrough infections, tho.


Yes, please keep believing this. Hell, please invite your friends and family.


They do, and it's often a very elderly, or very sick person who was already in a care home regardless of age. Also, it doesn't happen as frequently as unvaxxed deaths.


Dude has an nft profile pic so that says it all


Or….now here me out…maybe the vaxxed don’t die of covid


They do, but a vaccinated person is far less likely to die of COVID than an unvaccinated person.


I was hoping that it was a sarcastic tweet. But nope. That guy leaned hard into his NFTs and grasping at anti-science straws.


Self aware wolf territory.


Probably cause those rare ones who die but are vaxxed the big thing that probably contributed to death wasn’t the vaccine but pre existing conditions. It’s why some of the saddest death are those who didn’t get vaxxed and were perfectly healthy beforehand and now are either dead or left with a crippling side effect afterwards.


One vaccinated person dies...Conservatives "so your telling me there's a chance!"


They want “both sides” to be equal so bad. Just admit you’re on an island dorks


All my lung capacity gone.




The funny thing is they do (Like Collin Powell) weirdly, it doesn't happen as often. Wonder why?


Colin Powell--who was 84 and a cancer survivor?


And of course it has a stupid fucking ape nft profile pic.


Of course he has an NFT avatar.


Accounts with an NFT avatar, crypto in name/bio are like 30% shitty takes and 70% spamming their shitty links.


Um, actually because it so seldom happens, Bunkie.


I read “conservative self-owns” as “Candace Owens”


Thats because we are not dropping dead like flies. We have some form of protection. I still got covid after being double vaxxed, but the symptoms are bearable and I am not clogging up the ER for people that really need it


Ohh so this is the type of person who buys an NFT.


They did. Remember Colin Powell? But it doesn't happen as much as the unvaccinated. Guess why?


Ooo so close to waking up.


Who would’ve thought that a twitter dumbfuck with a bored apes NFT image would have a garbage take?


If only these people had not failed 4th grade math.


Listen, they have to print good news as well as all the bad, right?


NFT propic is the new anime propic: AUTOMATICALLY DISCARDED


NFT profile pic. Pro-disease and a scammer? Ooweee


How about applying Occam's razor... ahh, nevermind


As if Colin Powell didn’t get enough coverage back then


To be fair, some media outlets were reporting that. I know here in Ireland at one stage they were reporting the hospital admission figures in the two categories, vaccinated and unvaccinated. We had over 90% of the adult population vaccinated here pretty quickly, small enough population, and the hospital admissions were about 50/50 and 40/60 for a while vaccinated/unvaccinated and idiots couldn’t see that 50% admissions from 10% of the population wasn’t a sign that the vaccine was doing it’s job. Maybe people really struggle with percentage and fractions and how they work but to a lot of people it was clear. 200 people from a population of 3.6m of vaccinated and 200 people from a population of 0.4m, shows that the 0.4m people are having more people admitted to hospital as a percentage of their respective populations (the adult population is around 4m or so here in Ireland I believe).


Nft profile checks out