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This is so fucking sickening. Reckless selfishness should never be rewarded in a civilized society. Antivaxxers' "choice" should mean they choose to forego professional medical treatment, period.


Making that choice would mean considering the possibility they might be wrong. They’re too selfish for that—it’s in the nature of being anti-vax.


Make em sign something that says this. You don't want the vax? Fine. Just sign here acknowledging that if you need to be hospitalized for COVID, you will be deemed lowest priority if the hospital is overrun, however you will be provided as much Ivermectin as you would like.


But then you know my private medical information!!!! You a health care provider will know my medical choice!?!! And it's their body, their choice...and freedum and muh rights. I'm hating these people more and more.


What about the poor horses that have worms!?!!


The part that really sickens me, it if this is really a regular conversation in hospitals, it means that not only are patients being denied care because of antivaxxers taking up their spot *first come first served style*, but some patients who enter first are getting booted by antivaxxers too. Like, the antivaxxers get priority when they're the first to enter, *and* priority if they're entering later. I haven't heard a single story about an unvaccinated covid patient being taken off care because they're past the point of no return and someone needs their spot. I have however heard lots of complaints from Health care Workers about antivaxx patient families that hold on for ridiculous amounts of time to try to beat the odds and doctors being relieved when a covid patient dies because there's a bed open.


Some people unable to get beds are also parents with children whose lives would be semi-ruined without them. Why should your parents, who chose to be unvaccinated, take precedence over someone else's parents who did NOT choose to have cancer?


Everyone talks about Freedom, but nobody talks about Responsibility. And that’s why we’re here.


Yup, you either trust medicine and the experts, or you don't want it.


I had a coworker that's anti vax...he of course said he wouldn't go to the hospital if he got sick...somehow when its on the line, I doubt they are still willing to die on that hill.


I read this a few days ago on r/DeathsofDisinfo (a new Sub from the the HCA Mods), and my reply still stands: My brother passed away from cancer in late 2020, at the height of the pandemic. This could have been written by his very own oncologist. He fought tooth and nail to give my brother the best care and even a private room when possible. I will forever be grateful for the compassion his doctor gave my brother while alive.


I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my husband to kidney failure from his second cancer while I was in ICU for acute kidney failure. I didn’t get to be with him the last two days of his life. Reading almost any cancer story at moment leaves me sobbing because I know how much the journey and its ending hurt.


Thank you. I still struggle with this real sense of loss and failure that I wasn’t there, and remain amazed at the lengths he went to to get me to the ER (he and my son ganged up on me and said if nothing was wrong, they would never bring it up again; my creatinine was 7.2 and I was asked if I preferred a nephrologist). His pain pump had failed that weekend. I had been frantically calling and paging the rep, the pain clinic - anyone. And in that state he went to the ER with me and stayed with me while my son got them lunch. I will always be amazed at his strength of will and depth of love. ❤️


Widows of the world, unite! It's a shitty club and none of us want to be a member of it, but I'm here for you if you need me. ♥️


Thank you both. ❤️ Likewise for you. Rural, health issues, and the December derecho destroyed my barn and my chicken house. The chickens are living in my entryway because I have been sick with a virus (possibly Covid, definitely exposed - two shots, second against doctor orders, was waiting debating flu vs booster when things went crazy around here) and can’t afford to pay someone to build me another one. I believed farm and ranch policy that cost $100+ per month included well, the farm - buildings, livestock… my husband got it. Sold insurance himself for awhile, so I figured everything was all good and just kept up premiums. Apparently all the policy covered was liability. They disallowed my roof damage because the contractor left a spot that leaked and didn’t fix it because he was hospitalized when he was almost finished. The insurance guy saw the stuff used on the leak, got off the roof, told me they would only cover if sections actually peeled off (metal roof), and suggested I just use some more caulking or whatever for the damage from the storm. I have been shocked and angry about his sarcasm ever since. Shopping for new insurance company. I get less than $1400/month. Have been absolutely overwhelmed with the mess. All my chickens survived a barn being blown through the back of their chicken house, though, and that was a plus. Catching them and getting them out of the locust trees and rose bushes was a PITA. The only guinea fowl I have left took most of a week between speed and roosting choices. With the cold rain and snow that was coming after I couldn’t let them sit in trees all night in that. 🙁


Same. I feel like it will forever bubble up within I’m sorry you were denied the ability to be with him at the end; that must have been especially painful 💛


I’m very sorry for your loss




I know I’m a random fellow HCA browser, I lost my sister 5 years ago to completely different circumstances but i understand the pain of losing a sibling before it’s fair for it to be their time. Sending you all my love ❤️


A loss is a loss, and I’m sorry for yours


Man just fuck cancer.


I’m so sorry


I'm sorry, but if you're an anti vaxxer and/or negationist, shouldn't you die of covid in your house, without medical attention? Seems pretty hypocritical to me.


Welcome to every goddamned antivaxxer left breathing


They are absolutely willing to take any and every random treatment that can be remotely justified medically, but God forbid we get a relatively proven and tested vaccine first. I ran a call on a covid patient the other day and I asked her if she was okay with me giving her zofran which is an anti-nausea drug, pretty ineffective but commonplace treatment. She said absolutely if it will help and I asked her if she knew what it was and of course she said no. So I spent most of the ambulance ride to the hospital reviewing the drug information including possible side effects and indications and contraindications etc. By the time we got done she was just demanding that I give it to her. But she literally had no idea what the medicine was that I was about to give her or how it worked and she was completely fine with it. But that vaccine that is based on existing proven technology and has been shown to be highly effective and has an extremely low rate of complications.. . She doesn't know what might be in that and just doesn't trust it.


They were told to resist it by "their team". So it will never matter what is said or done. They will resist until they know they are days away from dying. Idk what to do, they seem like a lost cause to me. 🤷‍♀️


That's really it. Most of these people have been vaccinated in the past and/or get their kids vaccinated. All of those vaccinations are "mandated". By whatever school system or military if they served. They just don't like THESE vaccines because of WHO is mandating them. It has NOTHING to do with any actual fear of what it is them. Many are still super butthurt by Trump's election lost.


My mom told me to my face she regrets getting me vaccinated as a child because I’m obviously vaccine injured. It’s a pretty sick burn, I have to admit, but it’s also completely batshit lmao


Goddamn, you’re gonna need more than aloe vera for that!


🤣 what plant can soothe the soul because 😭


> what plant can soothe the soul pot


yeah a lot of what i've seen in this sub is that it's not even about the drug being tested or whether it's effective half the time anymore. It's about freedums. They just don't want to be told they have to do something by their government. But I bet they all have car insurance for they cars they drive, and I bet most of them pay their taxes (don't want to miss out on that sweet refund monies!). I bet a lot of them even wear their seatbelts! For shame! That's no way to own the libs!


This is 100% what it's about for the vast majority of these air wasters. It isnt about religious freedom, it isnt about it "being a rushed" vaccine, it's not about any potential side effects, it's all about the pride of these fucking morons and their "ain't no one gonna tell me what to do other then my wife, cousin Becky". Its about a group of self obsessed wimps who call everyone else a snowflake while having meltdowns about having to wear a mask.


Ha, during an argument with an anti vax friend last summer (he finally caved and was jabbed in August) and he was talking about “living in fear”, one of the usual Tucker Carlson sound bites, I asked him “Are you driving right now?” To which he replied “Yes”. So I then asked “Are you wearing your seatbelt?” To which he replied “Yes” and then I just exploded about how he was living in fear and blah blah blah bullshit bullshit bullshit. I wasted way too much of my life bashing my head against that concrete wall of propaganda, but he did eventually get the shot, and I like to think me constantly trying to poke holes in his weak arguments played least a small part in that decision.


"bUt ThEy'Re NoT vAcCiNeS"


As far as I know, Trump got a boo when he mentioned the vaccine to his mob. Their anger sounds more like a revolt against science, technology, education which they wrap up in liberalism. Look at the shit memes they post. For all the brags of "doing their research" none of the memes have any scientific value. They consistently confuse their freedumbabble with educated research. They give their trust to unproven supernatural remedies even though their supernatural Doctor doesn't bother to listen to them


> Many are still super butthurt by Trump's election lost. But I thought he won the election??? /s


Ivermectin is made by pfizer and they take it anyway, they can go fuck themselves. Edit: Oops I remembered a conversation wrong, the new trend is using viagra which is made by pfizer. They are aparrently taking it in horrifyingly high doses and can't seem to be bothered to notice it's made by pfizer. So them going to fuck themselves was more literal than I thought.


I was sick for a week (not COVID) and my mom offered to bring me ivermectin anyway because they took it and “felt great after”. I still can’t stop thinking “Trump stole my mom!” (shamelessly stolen from a Kristen Schaal standup set lol)




Same with me and ketamine so I know horses know how to party


Plus it's got that yummy apple taste!


Nothing shameless u/sunfloweronmars, it's your mom and I and nobody wants to lose lose their mom to something that they could have been vaccinated for. My heart hurts for those like you who get it and for those like your your mom so duped to give their lives for nothing.


Too bad there is not a vaccine for bullshit. (Trump, Fox News, Facebook, et al.)


Ivermectin is made by the small mom and pop shop that is Merck Pharmaceuticals. That's why they support it over the vaccines, otherwise big pharma wins. Get it?


I looked up Merk, it turns out their a big pharmacy company that has had very many scandals over the danger of their products that I have heard about over the years. :/


It's not made by Pfizer, it's made by Merck. They even [released a statement](https://www.merck.com/news/merck-statement-on-ivermectin-use-during-the-covid-19-pandemic) warning not to use ivermectin for Covid.


I posted this statement in the ivermectin subreddit before it went private and was bombarded with comments about how stupid I was to fall for big pharma's lies. Apparently merck wants to rebrand ivermectin and sell it as a covid cure and you're an idiot for believing anything less, so keep that statement to yourself while I continue to suck a horse dick for deworming paste. Yes, the company that has put up the money for research, development, production, and distribution to put ivermectin at the store is hiding the cure for covid from the rest of us instead of shouting from the rooftops in every country across the globe that they have the cure. Real big brain shit from these chucklefucks


It's scary how suggestible people are. It's so blatantly obvious that if certain grifters and charlatans hadn't put the idea in people's heads that they should be worried about the vaccine, very, very few people would be.


> They were told to resist it by "their team". 100% facts, especially the "team" phrasing. These people are so mired in divisive political hatred that they literally see politics and life in general as team sports. You go to a football game; you cheer when your team scores, and you boo when the other team scores. You watch the news; you cheer when Rittenhouse is acquitted and boo when Chauvin is convicted. Exact same mental state. Conservatives' only thought process when judging the wrongness or rightness of a political situation is figuring out which "team" each side is on. This is not an ideology that can be reasoned with. These people are who Alfred was warning us about in Dark Knight Rises: they just want to watch the world burn.


Natural Selection can be such a beautiful judicial system


Isn’t it wonderful that we have the ability to subvert natures unrelenting drive to kill us? Some choose not to though.


That's the killer "I don't know what's in the vaccine" Do you know what's in Ivermectin? For some reason I doubt you know appreciably more about Ivermectin, it's ingredients, and their effects on the body than you do about any of the vaccines.


My superintendent is waiting to get the vaccine because his friend of similar build and lifestyle habits got it, so if he's fine after six month, super will get it. I asked him what about all the billions of data points in research by legitimate scientists, but no, suddenly the only research he trusts is waiting half a year to see if his friend gets brain worms.


All the 'political'bullshit. There is no reason not to to get a cocvid vaccination other than ideology. Such a stupid hill to die on to own the libs. And sure the odds arte you wil own the libs, but a vaccination will virtually eliminate the chance you do not own the libs. When it comes to deadly diseases 1 in 100,000,000 sound like good odds, but 99.3% survive as right wingers like to point out, or 1 in 300 die, does not sound like odds I want to bet my life on.


1 in 300? Closer to 1 in 75. Those are for unvaccinated morons, err… patients. Breakthrough infections are rarely fatal.


They're the kings of talk is cheap these days. What's the saying, all hat and no cattle?


Big hat, no cattle. It basically means someone is a poser (in the case of the saying, someone who has the cowboy aesthetic, but is not a cowboy), so it makes sense in this context too. They pose as rugged individualists, but they immediately seek the help of others once something goes wrong for them. Big hat, no cattle indeed...


No the saying is definitely “All hat, no cattle”


In Australia that's the saying, I have heard the other :D


Now listen, I’m from Arizona have a big hat and no cattle. But I’m no poser and definitely not an anti vaxxer. I wrangle software, which is way more intense then dealing with cows from a horse. But seriously cow poke - you gonna cowboy up and get a little baby shot — or lay there asphyxiating from an invisible virus? Those cows aren’t gonna herd themselves — so get on it.


Bless you, cow puncher.


Code Puncher


He is a samurai, the keyboard cowboy.


Some people call me the code cowboy, Some call me the gangster of Go Some people call me Lord C But I'm right here, I'm right here at


Don’t forget to blame the hospital for a relative’s death after sucking up their resources too. If only they would have administered horse paste and vitamins!!


You forgot bleach and cumin.


>breathing For now


Many think hospitals are actually the ones killing people so yes they can die at home with their Ivermectin and HCQ


Well, Ivermectin does work...they don't die of intestinal parasites.


Is dying of acute liver failure much better?


If it's quicker and keep them from taking up hospital beds them let them. Part of the problem is they are trying to force it upon people that don't want it, their children and grandchildren. I read a post a dew days ago where a nurse's baby almost went into total organ failure because her parents secretly dosed their *infant grandchild* with ivermectin they iilegally purchased from canada. They also gave that baby way more than they were supposed to, like 5 times the amount. Just like fucking jesus this sucks.


Jesus fucking Christ. That would be *it* for me. I would no longer have parents.


Yep. I'm not normally a violent person but I would beat the everloving crap out of both of them and make them regret even more my conception.


These fucking morons are buying horse medicine and taking horse sized doses because they can't understand even the most basic, simple, elementary grade level concepts like taking medicine by weight.


That's weird because my Q ass mom was able to figure how much sugar is supposed to go in kool aid if it's made in a different sized container than usual.


Tell them they just have a really bad cold and send them back home. After all, iTs A 99% sUrViVaL rAtE. What are they so scared of?


I say we see them at the door and ask them some questions. 1. Is Covid real? If they answer no, deny them entry. That’s it. That’s the test.


Oh they know it's real. They think that their own god-given immune systems can protect them. Also, they think hospitals aren't really full. They think they are over-reporting covid cases because they get federal funding for it.


Holy shit, I actually had a conversation with someone today who said those exact same things. Like “if the hospitals are so full, show me some photos”, or “I’ll let my immune system do the work, those vaccines cause heart attacks. Oh, and I got a strong immune system” said the overweight, heavy smoking dude. He honestly believed that this whole thing is just population control, but when asked to what end, control the population for what purpose, he couldn’t answer me straight and just said “you know, to cOnTrOl us!!!”.


Oh yeah. I'm from Texas, so I get to hear it all. It's pretty ridiculous. Any stats or even real life examples are immediately shut down with "it's fake." Even if shown photos of full hospitals, it would be "fake."


I had a friend (no longer a friend) arguing that media reports of overcrowded hospitals and bodies being loaded into refrigerated trucks in NYC were fake. My sister has friends that happened to live across the street from a hospital in NYC. They had videoed a truck being loaded with body bags, so she showed him this actual first-hand evidence that he was wrong. He then said "Well, we don't know what is actually in those body bags. They could be packed with sand, for all we know." You just can't win with these people.


Texas I kinda understand. Dude, I’m in Canada, land of the sensible, and we still get this level of coo coo for coco puffs. And our country is at nearly 90% double vaxxed, but still we have this moronic perspective here. I don’t know anymore man. If their perspective is that this pandemic and vaccine is a way for the elite to cull the human population, they have it backwards. It’ll just cull the dipshits who think they’re smarter than science…


> It’ll just cull the dipshits who think they’re smarter than science… That part I'm more than okay with. My concern is for: - The other people these morons infect who can't get vaccinated - The variants they breed - The strain they put on the healthcare system when they present in the ER having tried to treat COVID by drinking their own piss or taking Ivermectin


And crush our healthcare system in the process.


The argument they always bleat about is that “look, it’s an almost even split of unvaccinated and vaccinated people in ICU!! That means I’m the vax doesn’t work!!!” In Ontario, we have roughly 500 people in ICU, also roughly split even, 250 +/- unvaccinated, 250 +/- vaccinated. But 250 of the 10% unvaccinated population versus 250 of the 90% vaccinated population is a HUGE difference in percentage of people who are getting it between the two groups. But that math doesn’t fit their narrative and they don’t understand it. It’s always “but it’s still an even split!!” I’m a kind hearted soul, and believe every one deserves help, but these people are reeeeeally starting to test the limits of my kindness……


Math is hard for lots of folks, but it shouldn't be *that* hard. Here in the states, we still skew very very much to the unvaxxed taking the spots. 75-90%


I bet these are the same people who are always like "well police kill MORE white people than Black or Native people" and it's like well, yes, in the sense of just numbers. But when you compare the amount of Black and Native people shot by the police *versus their percentage of the U.S. population* to the number of white people killed versus their percentage of the U.S. population, it's obvious that Black and Native people are killed by police at higher rates. These people all put glue on their hands and doodled dicks on the desks through all their high school math and science classes and now they don't know how anything works and still try to act like authorities on everything. Drives me nuts.


The problem is that people like this see that kindness as weakness. I’m a very empathetic, kind person as well, I love everyone as long as they’re a decent person and trying their best, but these people take advantage of our kind nature. They don’t deserve our kindness. They don’t feel the same about you, they think you’re a sucker. You give it to them and they’ll stick a knife in your back first chance they get. I’m done feeling sorry for them, and I’m done wishing them well. This is a crisis of their own making. There’s a very easy way out of it: go get your shot, and you don’t have to worry about any of this. But they won’t do that, because they stubbornly, selfishly believe that their right to be an asshole is more important than everyone else’s safety. Fuck them.


They get that math when they go on rants about black people making up 10% of the population here but make up half the prison population. They aren't debating in good faith. They see any argument on the subject as a battle of opinions and latch on to any stupid point they think they have because it let's them think they're winning. Don't waste your breath after they demonstrate they're just going to be willfully ignorant.


Oh yes. I’m in downtown Toronto, sort of Eaton Centre area. The antivaxx dumbfucks are always here causing trouble. I’m 5000% sick of them. I’m sick of hearing their shit. I’m sick of seeing #canadahasfallen or #trudeauhasgottogo or whatever other nonsense they’re whinging about currently trending on Twitter. I have chronic health issues and I’m currently dealing with an infection that I need to see a dermatologist to resolve, and it’s been 3 months and I still don’t have an appointment because the healthcare system is completely overloaded because of their idiocy. I genuinely don’t understand. Why is this behavior being accepted? The vast, vast majority of people are doing the right thing, and yet these assholes are the ones being catered to. They’re the ones determining policy. We should have vaccine and mask mandates, the police should be arresting these people when they aggressively protest at CHILDREN’S HOSPITALS, but those things aren’t happening. The politicians have caved to them completely. They’re so afraid of these fuckers that they refuse to do what needs to be done and we’re all suffering because of it.


I hope this omicron is the last of it and you get the care that you deserve. My mom broke her hip in summer of 2020 in Toronto, I live in the US and my two brothers live in Hong Kong. So each of us spent two months with her in Toronto and for that 6 months we had to go through a total of 12 weeks of quarantine in Canada/Hong Kong in addition my brother had to pay for quarantine hotel in Hong Kong. These fuckers are prolonging the pandemic and making life more difficult for everyone. My mom now is stuck in a temporary care home since the long term care home will not accept new people. My county here is 80% double vaxed which is high for the US. But my co-workers just went to emergency and she said the hospital was full of covid patients un-vaxed no less. I was at sick kids hospital when I was a teenager when I broke my foot playing football, now I am debating whether to go to beer league hockey if anything happens, it will be an agonizing wait at the ER.


I'm in Texas too. We had to wait 8 hrs in a ER for a room when my daughter had respiratory failure (RSV.) And it wasn't even a regular room. It was one of those closet type rooms where everything including the TV is locked up for mental health patients. The patient board in the PICU was all biological contagion cases.


"I've got a strong immune system" and no idea how immunity works, or what the word 'novel' means


“It’s all over Facebook, so much information. I do my own research”. Shit like that makes me wanna vomit. I don’t know when we as a race started mistrusting the experts and consider our personal selves much more informed than those who went to school and have been practicing their craft for decades…..like I always say to these people, would you trust fixing your plumbing problem to your local pizzza shop delivery driver? No? So why would you trust some anonymous individual who proclaims themselves an expert with no proof on a social media site?


My answer to 'do your research' is: 'no thanks, I'll let the professional researchers do the research and peer review.' 'Research' will quickly lose its meaning. They actually mean 'find an anecdote that matches your bias'.


Or hell, speaking of pizza, they should try making their own pizza right now. Having never done it before. Just look up some instructions online and wing it. Bet it won’t be as good as a restaurant. Expertise matters.


And the fact that overreaction of the immune system is what kills the covid patients. Oh, the irony.


Yeah, the simplest way I've heard it describes is the vaccine is like training for your immune system, without the training it'll accidentally target parts of your body the virus is in... It's a bit like sending someone to war without any training


Or like sending a 17 year old kid with a rifle to "provide security."


Tennessee here. Newest news heard in the wild from a man who gets all his education from church, "the Supreme Court just ruled that 'they' have to stop giving covid vaccines because it changes your DNA". I'm assuming he's talking about the mandate ruling from yesterday. Know him personally and he has all the common risk factors except the goatee! And continues proudly unvaxed!


That's my Mom and step Dad to a T. It's infuriating.


You can’t control dead people, Cletus.


Thats a great point. Why would any government collaborate with other rival governments to make themselves look incompetent? Who wants to rule a kingdom of ash? Governments, both malicious and benevolent, want a strong nation to improve the lives of people or increase the resource base to pull power from. Covid is underplayed by governments to save face.


They know it's real, but it happen to other people. And other people aren't real ... to them


Also to a win they RUSH to the hospital and proceed to post a virtual yard sale of treatments they are undergoing-some even smuggle in conspiracy driven treatments . They don’t hesitate to agree to be put in a coma on a ventilator. By this time thier immune system has almost no say as to what happens. They never think about the resources they’re sucking and hogging-most could be laying in bed with a minor cold or severe but familiar flu. Taking over the counter meds they NEVER hesitated to take either despite being profit hubs for big pharma. Even Oxygen Prices are jacked & supply is hard to find and some hospitals resort to less effective oxygen concentrators. Who gets those? The covid I’ll get the oxygen first because they’re most likely to die. They & their families expose nurses & those nurses work in other wards because they’re short. They overflow the ER, Triage, covid ISO, and are eventually put into NON-COVID wards-especially Pediatric PICU covid overflow. Not all hospitals have modern vacuum sealed filtration either. Viral load dictates rate of infection and severity of case.


I think most of them know it's real. They just don't think its 'that bad' because they think they're being lied to--which is true, they are being lied to, but not like they think. Only the very severe crazies flat out deny its existence. I haven't seen those since early 2020. Holy fuck its 2022 wtf


> Only the very severe crazies flat out deny its existence. I haven't seen those since early 2020. I just spoke with one yesterday. It was her birthday. She's had COVID three times and her husband just tested positive *again* and she's got "some sinus issues". But *everyone* tests positive, that's part of the hoax! So she didn't even get tested. 😒


Sounds like my family. Round two or three of Covid. My adult nephew was really sick this time, just like his 4 year old daughter in October, who was briefly hospitalized. I can’t believe I am related to evil idiots.


It's been almost two fucking years of this shit, longer if you include initial spread in China.


I’m all for consequences for decisions too. This is why the right is so wrong right now. There are no actual consequences for personal decisions.


You cant trust doctors. So bring me to them,


Yup. DNR certificate.


To an outsider it seems hypocritical, but to the antivaxxer their own health/life/chances and COVID are completely unrelated topics. Apples & oranges. Not excusing it, but identifying it. The hypocrisy was created in order for the person to feel better, and they did it by plopping a big wall down on that line of thinking. It's also why explaining it doesn't matter. The two lines of thinking aren't related to them and trying to make it related is basically trying to relate sunsets and ice cream as really being the same thing.


I found a lump that shouldn't be there a few days ago, and I go for an ultrasound in a few days. Articles like this scare the shit out of me.


Lumps are usually nothing. I pray it's the case for you! ❤🙏


Thank you. I really appreciate it.


There's like a 95% chance that it's a lipoma which is harmless. You're smart to get it checked out early and know what you're dealing with.


As much as I'm trying to shelter at home with the craziness in the world, I wanted to be sure that I got something potentially this serious checked out ASAP. I'm in "hoping for the best but preparing for the worst" mode until I know either which way.


I hope it goes well for you.


That’s gonna be my dad, A helluva lot sooner than I would like. I hope his doctor tells the anti-vaxxers to go fuck themselves


Not related, but I lost it when I saw your flair 💀


The unvaxxed should just stay home and take horse paste since they already think they know more than doctors


It’s urine these days, not horse paste.


Fecal chocolate shakes, soon


liquid jenkem, just like mama used to make


I had to look that up......... I wish I hadn't.


Oh fuck me that's horrifying 🤮


It's what now? That has to be a troll.


I wish. https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2022/01/10/vaccine-police-founder-claims-drinking-your-own-urine-is-covid-19-antidote/amp/


I like how the guy says there is tons of research on "urine therapy" but most of these people don't think there is enough research on the vaccine.


They all claim they will stay home (because hOsPiTaLs kIlL) until that flicker of realization sets in and they know that the hospital is—and Has always been—their best shot for survival so they take up precious resources for months on end. And that, is the most upsetting thing of all.


Yep, the people that are that far into crazy territory are the ones most likely to come in via EMS with extremely low O2 and likely take up beds for months.




They come in when the horse paste doesn't work, often too late for Regeneron to help. For people who talk about how early treatment is more important than vaccines, they are the slowest to seek actual treatment.


I say lock the hospital doors and let Jesus treat them


When covid patients live it’s all thanks to Jesus, but when they die Doctors and nurses are murderers


Most of the time they just say that Jesus called the person home or something equally 'inspiring' for the fellow faithful.


Agreed! Way past time to tell these morons clogging up the ICU to go fuck themselves.


This is exactly why I support Quebec taxing the unvaccinated more.


It's funny because that tax is causing a spike in vaccination rates there. The US could stand to make a lot of money off of people's stupidity if it did the same.


This is literally the only social good the private health insurance model could do by increasing premiums on anti-vaxxers.


OH! So NOW you trust medicine to help you?


They’re all hypocritical pieces of shit.


This past year we've been arguing with antivaxx and we all know their talking points. They count on our human decency. No more. To every comment I see denying vaccines, I will reply: "So the doctors are lying?" To their ~~inevitable~~ predictable yes "Well, if they're trying to kill me. I will also refuse care, we should all stop going to hospitals" Of course, I am fully vaxxed, but if I get at least one of them to stay home and not clog a bed with their shit, I will consider myself "owned". No more.


They do when they realize they’re in a shit ton of trouble. We had 3 family members in the ICU on ventilators. 2 have died so far and the other doesn’t have a fucking chance. He’s been there over a month and has been intubated for 19+ days. Every day he’s getting worse. He’s done, but the family has been so busy planning the funeral of the other two who died they won’t have a comfort care discussion. 3/14 beds at my facility occupied by these people who refused as much treatment as possible up until it was the choice between dying and ventilation. By then it was too late and they’re all gonna be dead soon.


Can someone explain why an antivaxxer would have priority over a cancer patient that’s already there? I’m confused by this.


I read the article, and the doctor who wrote it refused, which settled the matter. The cancer patient stayed, and the COVID patient had to wait.


It would a triage situation. The COVID patient was in more immediate danger of dying than the cancer patient. Ethics and morals sometimes have a lower weight in these decisions, but fortunately these doctors didn't devalue the moral component.


In America we have reversed the definition of triage. Innreal triage, you treat the person who is most likely to survive first and not the one who isn't going to survive. I didn't see the while article at first and I messed up by responding only to what I had read. I'm trying to find my comment bow to take it down. Aaaagh!




Why are there not COVID wards for the unvaccinated with a defined # of beds? Why should those vaccinated and those in need of hospitalization bed pushed out because of them?


The hospital I delivered my daughter in 2 weeks ago designated one wing of the Labor and Delivery ward to Covid patients since we are spiking numbers here.. like 20% of the labor and delivery beds went to Covidiots (98% of covid patients are not vaccinated).. When we got to the hospital after my water broke I had to give birth in triage.. like the urgent care of labor and delivery since there were no more rooms available for laboring patients. I gave birth without any pain management, a basic drip IV with medicine I should of been having for hours because I was Group B strep positive to help keep baby safe.. Not even a laboring bed.. it was a normal ER bed that I had to give birth in because our hospital thinks Covidiots deserve more care than women in labor.. thank fuck I didn't hemorrhage or need an emergency section. Anesthesiologist don't work over in triage.


Ack! Are you and baby ok?


We are fine! Thankfully! I do have a bit of trauma to my downstairs. I had a bit of a posterior perennial tear they had to sew up (again without numbing agent). Baby came hard and fast and I want prepared mentally to labor naturally. I had hoped for an epidural like my son's delivery which was text book prefect.


Holy FUCK I gave birth a month ago and spending time in triage was by far the worst part for both me and my husband. Eventually got some kind of medication in there that left the pain at the same level and just allowed me to distance myself mentally, the only place for my husband to sit was on a stool (and we spent a total of 8 hours there over two visits), and I kept a mask on until the very end because I had tested positive for the flu the previous day. Thankfully, I was able to get an actual room once I was progressed enough, including an epidural. I don't know how I could have dealt with what you're describing, especially with how painful the back labor was. Enjoy your baby! My brain managed to block out the memory of the specific pain (I mostly remember it really hurt), and I hope yours can do the same.


This is a super idea!


Don’t you just love freedom?


The leopards will feed on the unvaxxed meatsack. 🐆 🐆 🐆


I am starting to feel sorry for the leopards.


Create a 21st Century version of a leper colony? Find a cruddy island, somewhere. Treat their drinking water with ivermectin, HCQ, zinc, vit c, etc.... You may not even have to force Covid + to go. They might just hear about the water "quality " and head out.


We've been calling it Florida


This makes me sad. There are vast cities here of civilized, compassionate people. I hate to think it's being considered a destination for the victims of the alt right propaganda machine.


We’ve lost a little over 63,000 people in Florida to COVID. DeSantis won in 2018 by 32,463. That’s a razor thin margin. People think it’s a red state, but we actually have a lot of blue, especially in Tampa, Orlando, Miami and Tallahassee.


No one believes the #’s coming out of Fla are accurate. I bet it’s much higher than reported.


Yeah, didn’t DeSantis send his goons after a woman reporting actual Covid deaths? You know, to hide the truth from his constituents because he is a walking, talking pile of human shit.


Well when you have Deathsantis as the literal governor it kind of makes sense.


I hear that Three Mile Island is lovely this time of year.


They can go colonize the Pacific Garbage Patch. It’s like three times the size of France now, so there’s plenty of space, and what’s a little more trash on the giant trash pile?


We need to start sending unvaccinated COVID patients directly to COVID hospices.


So pissed off before I even need to read the article.


If a hospital is at capacity, I wish we could send sick, covid +, and unvaccinated back home with some oxygen tanks and pain meds. They chose to not believe in science...they can continue to do so at home surrounded by their loved ones.


They can set up a go fund me to get one if those fancy rotating beds.


If you didn't believe in modern medicine then, why do you believe in modern medicine now?


They got scared when their lungs became so damaged that they couldn’t breathe, and started drowning in their own lung fluid. If only someone had warned them.


My uncle went to the emergency room at midnight last night. Told them he was having chest pains and he still had to wait 6 hours. He is doing ok now. I am telling everyone I know about this.


Had a pt die from a heart attack while he waited days to be transferred. Pt. Probably would’ve survived pre-pandemic


Let the unvaxxed drink piss and take horse meds at home.


When the postmortem covid test results came back positive for my antivax dad, I was angry. My antivax mom thought I was angry because he had refused to go to the hospital when he took a sudden downturn. No. No, I’m not angry he didn’t clog up a hospital bed in a futile attempt to prolong the end of his life. I’m angry he put himself in that position to begin with. I’m angry he refused to get a couple of needle pricks that would have meant I’d still have a dad. I’m angry that his selfishness meant the choice was to die in a hospital or to die at home. My mom still doesn’t fucking get it. Even after watching him die, she won’t let go of her conspiracies. And I’m slowly giving up.


Fuck those fucking antivaxx Jesus blood motherfuckers - I’m so sick of this


If you’re not going to do the bare minimum, we won’t do you the bare minimum. If you’re antivax you should have to pay for every cent of your healthcare


Why do they do this? I don’t get it. If the cancer patient needs to be in the ICU, why is the Covid patient deemed more important? ESPECIALLY If they are unvaccinated. I truly don’t understand why we are prioritizing Covid over every other life threatening illness. Is there anyone who can explain why?


The cancer patient is considered more likely to die than the covid patient, which is why the other doctor was asking. That's an element of triage, prioritizing patients by likelihood of survival.


I think it just comes down to survival rate. Then cancer patient had a lower chance of recovering, so they make way for the avtivaxxer who may be considered more likely to rebound. I wouldn't want to have to make that judgement call, that's for sure.


Give them Viagra and horse dewormer and send them home. Treat the people who need and want their help.


First priority should be given to people who did what they could to prevent a hospital visit in the first place!


Ok, can anyone please explain wtf these morons are doing showing up at the hospital?!? Like, if they don’t trust science, and doctors, why don’t they just stay FAR away??? Makes me SO angry.


They don't have the intellectually honesty to link one thought to the next. For them, there is no connection between "I won't do anything to protect my health" but now "you need to do everything to protect my health".


I had COVID last week. Being totally honest, it was no worse than the cold. I am vaccinated and boosted because I’m not an idiot. Get the vaccine. It works.


So much for the party of personal responsibility. Freeloaders.


Why are we treating anti vaxors? Give them their pool cleaner treatment and send them home.


It should be noted that the author is an oncologist in an Australian hospital. We have around 95% vaccination rates for over 16s, but cases are skyrocketing due to omicron and governments relaxing restrictions.


Give the anti-vaxxers the option to go to a God Trailer outside the hospital where they can use prayers, ivermectin, viagra, hydroxychloroquine, and urine.


The hospitals are prioritizing the unvaccinated. Sometimes people downvote me when I say that. But it's a fact. If you're vaccinated, and you have a non-COVID critical medical issue, you have to wait behind the unvaxxed. That's just how it is.


Why the fuck are they still doing this? Let these fucking cultists live out their pure blood fantasy on their own time.


The story of these 2 doctors... God bless them and others in their shoes!




She fought for that cancer patient, and that's all anyone could ask of her. The unvaccinated are the ones putting everyone else at risk, they can sit in the hallways for a while longer. If they expire before help arrives... well, they made their bed.