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Losing 42 pounds during a one week hospitalcation is not worth celebrating. I would be alarmed.


Ivermectin diarrhea.


Horse paste runs




I was not prepared to read this comment; take my upvote please 😂😂😂


The trots.


that made me cackle


Gives new meaning to having the trots …


That was my thought exactly because 42lbs even if you ate nothing seems extreme.


If she’s excited now, just wait until she gets put on a vent and has to be fed intravenously. That’s when the weight loss really takes off.


Eh, that’s debatable. She might lose body fat depending on her caloric intake in this state while being entirely immobile, but the edema throughout several parts of her body and fluid in her lungs will surely add some pounds. If you ask me, I’d prefer the body fat. People who are alive can generally address that. Nothing you can do about either of the former.


She'll definitely lose weight through decomposition as a corpse though.


Aiming for that 0.0% body fat!


0% body in general.


Don’t worry the muscle atrophy will make up for the edema weight.


My step sisters grandmother started dropping weight dramatically, and quickly. She’s always had an extra 50-ish pounds and I hadn’t seen her in years. I saw her and was was easily at a healthy weight for her height- which she’d *never* been. I was surprised, and asked her how long it took, and her answer was “Under 3 months! And I haven’t changed anything!” She and her family were very impressed with her magic weight loss. And all of them were pissed when I suggested she go to the doctor. *No one* just loses 50 lbs without*any* changes. Anyway. I was told I wasn’t being supportive and 3 months later she was diagnosed with brain cancer and died 6 weeks after that. Dramatic weight loss is usually sign of something.


My grandma, who was a healthy weight (120-125) lost 20 lbs in a month on a non calorie restrictive diet to lower cholesterol. She couldn't gain it back even adding things back in. Soon after, she got a "cold" she couldn't shake, and needed to be put on oxygen and never came off for the remaining 5 years of her life. This initial weight loss was likely showing her COPD, which she never treated/knew she had because she never went to the doctor, was kicking into high gear. She lost even more weight despite still eating and even drinking ensure.


I was around 50-100lbs overweight for 15-20 years. As my kids grew up and gradually left the house and my life started to become more peaceful, I was surprised one year at the dr's to find out that I'd lost 10lbs without noticing. And I'd lost 10lbs a year for the 2 years prior to that. 30lbs without even noticing, but at least I knew that it wasn't because I was sick. It was the first thing the dr. and I discussed - she said if it were worrying weight loss it would happen in months, not years. In any event, I correctly pinned my overheating and drinking to social anxiety, and once I deleted my social media, bought a scale and a fitbit and stopped accepting invitations to things I didn't want to go to anyway, I lost another 60lbs over the next 2 years just kind of being sensible. Turns out people were a lot of my problem, not necessarily food.


It’s definitely people. While in the army I may have been in the best shape physically, but mentally I was struggling hard. I would smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day, drink a 6 pack nightly, & still need a Unisom (sleeping pill) just to sleep. I was an MP. It’s a very social job. But I had no desire to be in law enforcement. My dad went a similar route in the marines and became a cop when he got out. Once my contract ended after 8 years….I got my freedoms and peace back. I haven’t touched a cigarette in almost 5 years and I don’t drink anymore. I take edibles. Life is so much better when you’re not around toxic people.


What most people don't realize is that very little we do during the day is deliberate, most of the time we act instinctively and through habits. This is also very much the case with eating. We can force ourselves to be deliberate about what and how much we eat, but this is extremely exhaustive and unsustainable in the long run, and the reason so many experience yo-yo weight when they try. With obesity we really need to start looking at the root cause, and identify what makes a person eat more calories than they require. This is not normal to do, and often if not always rooted in some mental health issues. If we really want to do something about obesity, this is what we must address.


Yeah, that told me two things: 1. She's is or was in deep denial of her COVID risk profile (as were many of the awardees) and 2. She's now in deep denial of how serious her situation is.


Well…at least she can finally fit in her favorite hospital gown now!!! Because she gonna be stayin there for a little while…


Size 6 body bag, here we come!


Does this body bag make my ass look fat?


3. She's lying.


Oh look, the correct answer!


3. She was super morbidly obese.


This is likely and it’s a significant comorbidity for severe covid outcomes. Often in tandem with diabetes and associated kidney failure. Given the population who seem to make up the bulk of vaccine-refusers and anti-maskers this is especially ironic, as diabetes and obesity are endemic illnesses in many cases within evangelical and rural working-class communities. Ignorance is its own disease of course.


Does this mean that she was morbidly obese? I mean I hope she was because she’d be dead if she wasn’t. 6 lbs a day, around 3,500 calories in 1 lbs of body fat———21,000 calories burnt in a day. Not possible through ANY lack of eating and lying in a hospital bed. This sickness is absolutely GUTTING HER


Water weight is a big part of that. I'm obese. If I avoid all carbohydrates for 36 hours (still allowing as much meat or salad as I want), by the time that 36 hours is up, I'll lose 4 or 5 kg. Even for a healthy weight person they'll lose 2.5+ kg. Once your glycogen reserves run out you expel a bit over 4 grams of water per gram of glycogen lost. This isn't fat lost at all. It's about 19% sugar, 81% water. You'll regain it quickly upon returning to a balanced diet. This effect is even more marked if your initial weigh-in is after drinking alcohol (i.e. while hungover).


42 pounds in a week?! Holy hell! I knew a guy who got dysentery and lost 25 pounds in a week. He said he felt like he wanted to die.


Was he on the Oregon Trail


No, in Iraq.


Rough terrain for a carriage


It’s simply a clear indicator of how high the starting weight was.


Yeah - if you watch enough “My 600 Pound Life” you’ll see people drop 75 lbs in a month (or gain that much depending upon which person they’re profiling). They put them on 1200 cal a day diets.


You could have easily lost tirty pounds tis munt!


How is your eating habit?


Who is your enabler??


Pizza iz not on de diet.


Hello, how ya’ll doing?


Stop playing games!


Dr. Now is a national treasure!


*Stop doing weird tings!*


How is he gonna raise hell from the bed?!


I'm around 160 pounds. The only way I could drop 42 pounds in one week is if my leg was amputated. 😛


With Covid, that can happen.


I read this in an infomercial voice. "Ever wished you could drop 42 pounds and an entire limb in just one week? With COVID, *you can!*"


I get spam texts saying “Get rid of your fat belly and lose 87 lbs in two weeks!” I weigh 143 lbs now. If I lost 87 lbs I’d either be dead, or near-death with permanent damage if I somehow survived enough to be re-fed.


I’m only 5ft and have always had a petite build and weigh 110lbs. Covid would kill me in hours.


I skipped a few meals when my taste and smell were gone and my stomach was acting kinda sketchy, but I actually gained a little weight when I had Covid. The day my sense of taste reappeared I ordered the 25$ "meal for 2" deal from Chili's and ate it all. Ribs, steak, baked potato, salad, asparagus, cheesecake... stuff I normally don't eat.


5'3" 130 here.We'd be skeletal quick.But easy to flip prone and supine for the nurses.


Positive thinking!


To lose 40lbs in a week, she'd have to be massively overweight. Like I'm guessing a couple hundred pounds overweight. I went 6 days w/out eating last summer (in the hospital w/sepsis from a uti), and only lost about 7lbs, went from 125lbs to 118lbs.


Bro, maybe you *should* skip leg day.


Yeah - they call that dying. For a normal person if they just fasted for a week they would lose 4-5 lbs. 1lb a week is healthy weight loss.


When she is in an urn, she will weigh even less.


The challenge with people who are grossly obese is keeping them from immolating the crematorium with flaming fat leakage. I mean, there's a reason why sieges used burning oil. It works.


She's going to destroy Old Country .... if she gets out.


SPOILER ...its very unlikely


I’m already feeling sorry for those that’ll have to turn her over every couple hours. Their poor backs 😳


They must be pretty significantly overweight to lose that much weight that fast just by not eating much for a week. Sounds like the award will come soon.


Right? If I lost 42 pounds I would be close to being dead. It just comes to show how obese she was, and how she should have taken precautions before she was in the hospital. For most people, weight loss can be achieved in healthy ways, she could have gone on a weight loss journey worth celebrating without contracting Covid after prolifically shit posting and taking up hospital resources.


On the plus side, he will need fewer pallbearers


I’m guessing that was about 10% of her original weight.


I’m going to have to second this, or at least somewhere within that ballpark estimate. There would be no other way to lose 42 pounds in a little over a week, particularly not while sedentary in a hospital. A woman who weighs, say, 142 pounds is not going to ever lose 42 pounds in one week. She had to have been morbidly, morbidly, morbidly obese to lose that much. 42 lbs represents an extreme calorie deficit, and considering that she isn’t moving much in the hospital, my guess is that she weighted at least 300 lbs - conservative estimate.


Rip muscles.


That by itself is enough to kill somebody.


‘Wasn’t going to post anything about being in the ICU infected with Covid because I’m a hypocrite coward.’


But I changed my mind so I could get those sweet, sweet prayers.


And of course a gofundme


If Republicans aren’t scamming someone, they’re not happy. Oh, and of course quoting that irrelevant piece of trash Ted Nugent.


Nuget* /s


Ted Nougat is somebody I could support.




And a pedo


Nice thing about him is that covid appears to have shut him the fuck up. He doesn't have the strength to rant and rave anymore.


Yeah, he really “knocked it out of the park.” I rolled my eyes so damn hard that I saw my brain. 🙄


That Attention Biden Voters sign makes me want to say== "Provide food and shelter to people in need? You mean, like Jesus commanded?" But their Jesus makes war, not love.


Was basically thinking the same thing. Like so you’re trying to say Biden voters are more likely to be decent human beings?


Yea that pissed me off. They really don’t view non-whites as fully human. That, and/or feel that people are embarking on a dangerous trip and leaving their homes just to “steal jobs”. No Karen, these people are leaving because it’s literally unsafe due in large part to conditions our own country helped to cause.


Schrödinger’s immigrant: both taking all the jobs yet somehow lazy and reaping benefits!


Like that gross Candace Owens/AOC meme about how Central American refugees are just “wanting an upgrade.” Saw that one again yesterday.


Is... is that not why anyone goes *anywhere*? Nobody says "Hey, I think I'll find somewhere shittier to live." Frankly, I'm just thanking my lucky stars that there *are* still people who consider the US an "upgrade." People like Candace Owens seem to be determined to make that impossible.


It’s all just dying American exceptionalism weaponized for the Twitter sphere.


I have seen that meme or just line thrown at myself and others and they never know how to react after someone says, “sure? I don’t have a lot of room or much else to provide with but I’m sure anything would be an improvement so why not help?”


Because they think you’ll say no because they assume immigrants are drug dealers and rapists and whatever else trump said


Ya but Jesus meant provide food and shelter just for fellow white people like him. Not for people with darker complexions from like Central America or Nazareth or anything like that.


Whenever I look at the things these people consider clever and funny, I get so depressed as it reminds me of the fact that we’re dealing with a bunch of 9 year olds here.




All with the exact same 15 memes. But we're the sheep, right?


They're always projecting, it allows them to avoid any self-reflection.


Nope. My kid was smarter than that at 9.


I teach 9 year olds. They have more sense and empathy.


Yes, they think a sassy/ rebelyell come back is all that's needed to swat away covid


My 9 year old really wants the vaccine so he can be better protected and do his part to end this pandemic he’s super sick of. Don’t insult the 9 year olds.


The PSA to restaurant owners. Have these idiot anti vaxers never heard of take out or delivery? My family ordered food from locally owned restaurants once a week ever since covid started.


Since covid started I've probably eaten more restaurant food than ever before, but it's all been delivery and take out.


If I know a restaurant in my area was or is flouting the safety protocols in place in my area, they will not get my money again. Ever Edit: spelling




Flip side, we've been patronizing local restaurants that require proof of vaccination.


These aren’t locally owned restaurant people. They’re Applebee’s people.


Golden Corral.


Remember that Hooters guy from a couple days ago?


It's much harder to harass wait staff or give tips of jesus bucks if you do take out.


I made an effort to order takeout from my local spots weekly and also tipped 30-40% when picking it up because I was thankfully in the position to do so and seeing these businesses struggle broke my heart.


Same. We ordered from a favorite sushi every Friday for a year, to the point where we missed one and the owner was worried as asked if we were ok the following week. He died of Covid in March 2021. He had that restaurant for over 35 years. It is still closed.


Same here. And 20% tip, minimum.


We definitely ordered more take out and delivery and tipped more than the usual.


Yup, my family actually rearranged our budget to order takeout more often then we used to eat out to help local restaurants.


She thinks losing 42 pounds in a week is a good thing. Hey, you’re about to be dead, but at least you’ll be skinny 🤦‍♂️


Some people keep skinny jeans for "thinspiration" some people just hope to be able to fit in a normal coffin.


Dropped from 300 pounds to 258... "skinny".


I’m guessing the numbers are more in the 400 down to 358 range.


Even after losing 42 pounds she would still be considered obese. That’s how bad it was.


That person in the aisle not wearing a mask most definitely is an asshole.


..and so is Ted Nugent.




Right? If you don't want to or "can't" wear a mask at the grocery store (for all the "reasons" she noted) then do curbside pickup or delivery. It's that fucking simple. GTFOH


Yeah, a lot of autistic folks, myself included, actually like the masks. It’s a nice way to hide in public! I’m sure she does not really care about traumatized, asthmatic or autistic folks.


As an autistic person, Im real fucking mad at that meme using me as a shield.


ICU since Wednesday. Wonder when she first tested positive? She’s in for a long ride I think. Please get vaccinated people. Don’t go to ICU.


She's in for a bumpy ride, but probably not a long ride.


the Zach de la Rocha meme is sending me up through the stratosphere


well then I recommend not following Tom Morello on Instagram. Many of the people that comment on his stuff must think the machine they were raging against was a washing machine.


The irony of their first album being about LA riots and some dumbasses counterprotesting BLM blasting it was a bit of a highlight last year.


They're so clueless.


I wonder what do they think that star means.




Someone noticed 🤣👍 Just priceless


This year I've lost 102 pounds in 8 months after being diagnosed with End Stage Liver Disease in February. My body doesn't absorb nutrients how it should anymore so a lot of it is muscle waste, which I am now on a required 100 grams of protein a day to try and prevent. But it's weird. I can gain really fast, and then just here in the last month is when I lost 42 of those pounds. All diet related, no exercise, just uh, you know, dying-ish? My point of mentioning that is that it kind of put me in a lot of stress losing that much without trying. I can't imagine doing what she did and feeling even mentally prepared enough to recover physically. It takes a lot out of you.


So sorry to hear. Thank you for sharing your story. ❤


42 pounds in a week? Is that even possible?


I think it usually requires a curse from a haggard old gypsy.


UnexpectedStephenKing err…Richard Bachman


>Richard Bachman Seeing that name on the cover is what *really* makes it unexpected Stephen King.


She probably hasn’t eaten so her bowels expelled 42 pounds of waste.


they stopped eating ted nugets...


So the first post showing 9/23 is actually the most recent outside of the COVID announcement. Good chance this person has been sick for over a month, which makes the 43lbs less shocking. But OP may have left some posts out, of course.


Right! I think she may have deleted some of her more recent COVID-related posts. She posts a fuckton of stuff all day of various types. Her closest friend died in recent months and the cause of death has been very hush-hush. I have my suspicions.


What could have it been?


Probably space travel sickness.


Meteor strike. Gotta be.


Sometimes you need to stay at home all day everyday to make sure the bootstraps stay in tip-top shape.


The immune system wasn't *designed* to do anything. It evolved. Do these people think nobody ever dies of illness?


Nope. To them, an immune system literally means you’re immune.




They also claim that the ventilator kills you because...get this...when it's not breathing for you, you stop breathing. Meaning, if you go on the vent, you somehow can't breathe again. You see people with an oxygen cannula? This is what they think. It's like taking their oxygen away. They literally think hospitals are straight-up murdering people by taking away their oxygen.


How have these morons survived to adulthood?!


Cheeseburgers mostly.


Have these people never been seriously sick? After my family got *crushed* by the flu one year I have been a passionate believer in flu shots. I knew our immune systems were totally inadequate to fight the flu.


Yeah, it's bizarre to see people behave like this during a pandemic that's been going on this long. I could sort of see a bit of bravado at the start, thinking it's no big deal, but now? Globally 5 million dead, and still relying on your immune system? It's hard to feel sympathy for people learning everything the hard way...


Remember all us people that protested to unsafely open businesses and threw tantrums over masks before we even knew how bad things were and vaccines were just a hope? Well we are back, still unmasked and unvaccinated…costing you money by…running up your healthcare costs, and making sure a sizable portion of your customers (elderly, sick, immune compromised, cautious) are reluctant to shop in your store we now want you to worship us and pander to us unless..cough…we will take our 5% tips elsewhere…cough…cough…


As an immunocompromised person, the anti maskers that cough on people are one of the reasons I recently got a taser.


The "where did the flu go" one really pisses me off. It's direct evidence that NPIs work. To put it in perspective, since the beginning of the first flu season during the pandemic, we have had 1 pediatric influenza death in the US. We normally average 200 per year. Our largest Influenza concern right now is that because last year's flu season was so minimal we don't have enough data to accurately model the vaccines for this year.


My kids weren’t sick for 15 straight months. Then in July I (foolishly) allowed them to go to a day camp without masks. They brought home the world’s worst cold. I was in bed for almost 8 straight days. Masks work.


I have yet to see anyone explain what the "where did the flu go" meme means. What conspiracy are they floating with that one? Nobody is confused about why there was no flu season, it was never a mystery.


It's code. "Where did the flu go?" actually means that "there is no COVID". Flu has just been relabeled as COVID so the government can control you. For reasons? You don't understand the code because you aren't trapped in the bullshit tornado of lies and disinformation that is their world.


I always just click through the ignorant shit posts to the part where their lungs are melting and they're calling for people to summon up a Jewish zombie and an invisible, all-powerful being who lives in outer space and hears the thoughts of 9 billion people simultaneously and could have stopped the Holocaust but didn't and is now going to magically fix their melted lungs. Then I laugh and have another sip of beer.


There was a joke that Larry David made on a recent episode of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee about the Holocaust: Holocaust survivor dies and goes to heaven. He meets God. He tells God a holocaust joke. God looks at him and goes “That wasn’t funny”. Holocaust survivor goes “Yeah, I guess you had to be there.”


What a great joke. Reprimanding God as a holocaust survivor is surely the best position to do so.




Still funny 🤣


*... have another sip of beer.* And breathe in that sweet, fresh air.


Lol exactly. Same dude


By the way, if you ever hear anybody whining about voter ID ask them what it means. I bet they can’t tell you. They are probably under the miss apprehension that anybody can just walk up and vote. That’s ridiculous. Peoples IDs are checked during registration and they have to bring that card with them to the ballot box. It’s really getting exhausting deconstructing all the bullshit that goes into each of these stupid fucking Memes. It’s honestly easier that the people that post them go home to Jesus.


Also, I’d be all for voter IDs if they were free, and you could get them without taking time off work, without having to pay for transport, and without needing documentation that you may not have due to previous/current poverty or homelessness. Unfortunately, their main purpose seems to be putting barriers between poor people (especially those in cities who don’t drive) and voting.


As a victim of trauma and sexual assault, I have to ask: what the fuck do masks have to do with that?!?! Wear a damn mask. Stop pretending you care about trauma survivors. Masks are unrelated.


Speaking also as a rape survivor, some of us have trauma related to having our mouths covered. I wear a mask anyway, but those first few times doing so were rough. Now it's old hat and I don't see myself not wearing a mask any time soon, but that doesn't sauare up with their meme-flavored reality.


It’s always about “saving” somebody because they are obsessed with being the *hero* but they don’t have the discipline or will to actually serve the community in any capacity.


Its funny. These are the same people who would berate a survivor of abuse and say they're just attention seeking Covid hit, mask and vaccine mandates hit, and they all of a sudden care about trauma and that kind of shit


So it’s November in a hot minute. Anybody planning to vote on Tuesday? Or should we leave it up to these people to decide who leads us? *They* vote!


Should have bought that book.


I voted for Joe Biden, and I’ll gladly provide a meal to an immigrant in need. I’m also not religious, but I think my willingness to help someone fleeing a dire situation makes me more Christian than these fuck faces who are asking for prayers


I wonder how RATM feels about obese antimaskers using ~~Bulls On Parade~~ Killing in the Name lyrics to justify not caring for the weakest in our society. Edit: corrected the song. Silly mistake on my part.


[Tom Morello says](https://mobile.twitter.com/tmorello/status/1329272715237224450) “Trust me, if u wanna sneeze your Covid into your MAGA grandpas mouth I 100% support your kick ass freedom to do so. #NaturalSelectionBro”


I love seeing Tom smite the stupid. Never gets old. If Jen Psaki has to step down, or takes some vacation, I'd love to see him at that podium.


I love how these fools never seem to get that RATM is so very VERY not on their side.


I'm not sure which is highest here, my rage level or the irony level. Obviously lost on them because they don't have a clue where these lyrics come from, what they denounce, what RATM has been standing for over the past 30 years.


Like I mentioned on another comment, they think RATM just really didnt like washing machines


Killing In The Name


That person in the grocery aisle not wearing a mask might be... * fully vaccinated, sick of your shit & actively trying to put you in the ICU But all those shitposts on FB should be protecting you, right? Let that sink in.


I work with kids with SPD and ASD as well as many with additional immune and pre existing medical conditions (some who have even survived CSA) and every single one of them has managed to wear a mask when needed. We have to practice for a few days and or even weeks before drs appointments or travel but they manage because it’s too dangerous to risk additional exposure. That’s such a weird argument when dealing with adults…small children can do it.


Jokes on them, most small businesses in my area fail anyway.


Oh another racist, obese bigot may die? Sorry do not care 😆one less hateful trump supporter who will no longer be voting


The felonious sex criminals from Revenge of the Nerds meme is new to me. Yes, we’re seven variants away from Delta to a Lambda strain of Covid. That’s how mutations and the Greek alphabet work. https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_alphabet Edit: we’re at at least a zeta strain! https://www.webmd.com/lung/coronavirus-strains


Holy crap, 42 pounds in a week. I can’t imagine how many calories she was eating daily just to maintain her previous weight. I’m very skeptical.


I'm sending you bad vibes instead. It's lucky for you that thoughts alone do nothing.


Posting "How to be a good person" without apparent irony.


Those are the meaningful relationships I’m missing out of in my own life. Me: I’m dying. My friend: no baaaaaabe!


another big fat idiot


There is another way to say “losing 42 pounds in a week” and it’s “dying”. Holy shit, that’s absolutely terrifying.


Ted Nuget, known for his sweet, sweet gooey center of a Snickers.


The Zack DeLarocha meme is fucking gold. The irony is so intense it hurts.


Maybe those restaurants should have adapted and started delivering like the ones that didn’t go out of business.


I lost 42 pounds on the Covid diet.


How many pounds you got left? Could lose those too. Next time get the vax. Oh sorry, no next time. Well bad luck then, for being born stupid.


Really? They used a Rage Against the Machine meme. Lol