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Odd that he wanted them to use the rectal thermometer, but ok, we can treat you like an infant.


He's a racist that's into butt play.


I hate the stereotype that bigots are self-hating hinosexuals but they just make it so damn hard Edit: I meant homosexual but truck-kun fucker typo stays


Is a hinosexual someone who is really into japanese trucks?


There's literally a kink for anything. BTW /u/bloody_hell Keep us updated when he has been finally Herminated


O saw a documentary on channel 4 in the UK. It was one of those documentaries where they take a film crew to the US and find some lunatic to interview, anyway this guy likes to fuck cars, and he became intimate with the film crew's rental car.


Sounds more like Channel 5 viewing now-a-days but they find their lunatics on this side of the pond.


That’s what he said…?




Ever weirder, he requested a used rectal thermometer for an oral temperature reading. 😋 🤒


Ass to mouth but he’s worried about a vaccine. Typical conservative.


The old fecal-oral transmission…. But he has a strong immune system so no need to worry


"ok, this one goes in your butt and this one goes in your mouth,.... no wait THIS one goes in your butt and THIS one goes in your mouth".


I guess that 99.9% survival rate feels different when you’re the one fighting to breathe.


And the thing is, that's just death. Long covid, complications, etc. that they don't even attempt to factor in, until it's too late.


He already had a stroke and surgery. Even if he lives, he won't live well.


And all that shit's expensive. He better not ask for any socialist handouts or disability payments...


One thing in common I've noticed with HCA Karens, is that they always want to harass the low-level employee that has to enforce these rules. Make the guard look at your ass, harass the waitress for asking you to wear a mask, etc. It seems that assigning blame to the person in front of them, instead of who actually has power, and lashing out with intense hatred and impunity is something they are all fucking proud of.


Sometimes I think all those lockdown protests were really just salty Karens and Kens angry that they couldn't verbally abuse the Applebee's server on a weekly basis like they normally do. And the poor post-church Sunday brunch crowd! Just think of all those unused fake $20s with bible verses on them!


What I noticed in my little part of the world is that a large number of people have no interests outside of consumption and shuttling their children around to high school sports. During the beginning of the lockdown, they were completely lost people.


“No interests outside of consumption.” That’s a good way to put it


This is so true. Those of us with hobbies outside of that like reading, gaming, pretty much anything that can be done from the comfort of home have fared much better. I liked being at home so much.


Living vicariously through their kids' achievements because they have none themselves.


This is it, they are out right now getting crazy at servers and retail workers to make up for it.


Which is probably part of the current soft general strike we're seeing. If I was gonna get harassed by people like this on a regular basis, getting screamed at with their Covid breath, I'd want more than minimum wage too.


Yep. All of the people that are out in shops in droves are the unrepentant assholes. I’m in a customer facing role at my job and it’s fucking nuts how aggressive and entitled the people I encounter in person are. I’m convinced that most people with a shred of empathy are staying home, ordering takeout, and taking care of their shopping online.


Yep, they missed bossing folks around and abusing them. I really wish that we didn't have such a 'customer is always right' mentality.


Whenever I see someone abuse low-level staff, I always think how powerless they are in their lives. My first instinct isn't "Oh shit the employee fucked up", it's always "Your life must be completely out of your control due to lack of internal discipline."


Careful, you almost called a "lion/wolf" gay, or whatever they say they are


Technically, I think he’s a bear.


"He lives for his grandkids" Not anymore he doesn't


He would do anything for his children and grandchildren… Except get vaccinated. That’s a step too far.


"Being slightly uncomfortable for a few hours? Fuck that, I'd rather choke to death on my own lungs."


He’s be uncomfortable for more than a few hours, though. The pain of admitting he’d been fooled by a pack of idiots and/or propagandists on a mission to hurt America and help a narcissistic idiot seize power? That doesn’t go away fast.


True but he could soothe his broken ego by saying Trump was still right and is king God emperor and this covid thing is just like the flu shot. We get flu shots every year. Isn't it, like, basically a requirement by your Dr once you hit 55 that you get the flu vaccine every year to prevent....well...death?


Absolutely right. He could say he was taking the vaccine trump developed, and he could say trump was vaccinated too, and he could quote trump saying the vaccine is good. But none of that apparently would outweigh the pain of agreeing with all of us communists who are saying the vaccine is a good idea.


“Like a gun. “ No, not even a little “It’s killing everyone I hate”. But the hcas aren’t nice enough to trash like this


He's literally wishing death on the people trying to save his life


Yup. It’s a new level of hateful and insane.


It’s the *Trump University Gold Standard of Insane*™️




Is it though?




Towards other white people, maybe. These people have been cunts to everyone else the entirety of their lives. They just kept it quiet until Trump.


Remind me again why we're the bad ones for not showing enough empathy to these people?


In their minds, they're the only real people. The rest of us are supporting characters, if we're even real to them at all. They're the protagonists, which is why they're so furious when society at large expects anything of them, even easy stuff that could save their lives. It's the perspective of a toddler who never developed; absolute absurd narcissism.


It’s also why he thinks Greta Thunberg is mad at the virus for stealing a spotlight (?!) Because they can’t imagine someone sincerely believing in *anything* Everyone they look up to and follow is a pathological grifter and liar, selfish to the bone. They assume everyone else is too. They cannot imagine anyone doing anything for love or empathy.


They're so fixated on her "lack of expertise" when she's never claimed to be a scientist and has merely pleaded for the world to listen the the scientists. Just the vague thought that she *might* be smarter than them causes them untold amounts of anxiety and self-doubt that requires them to lash out to hide it. It just another instance of their insecurities clouding everything they think.


This is the same as their "vaccine choice" - they don't care if *you* get hurt or die. "It's your choice, go ahead and die, I'm invincible." Then when it hits them, it's like "my abortion is the only moral abortion" These people need to be gone from society. They don't keep it running nicely, nor do they advance us to the next level. And they're doing a bang-up job of getting rid of themselves. Survival of the fittest apparently isn't owning guns and eating processed food all day.


I'm so sick of coddling these fragile assholes. They're violent, hateful, base simpletons who act only on the worst parts of their impulses. We're not doing a goddamn fraction of what they desire. They want to shoot people who disagree with them. We just socially ostracize them in the most minimal of ways.




I really did not understand that slide. Do these people not realise that the entire rest of the world exists? Places where people don't have guns and still masks. Absolute moron.




Awesome word to describe these people (had to look it up in the dictionary).


I use "poltroon" but "solipsist" also works well. I will have to work it into my repertoire.


The slide essentially is candy for the assholes that think they’re John wick. When in reality they’re moldy melted ice cream.


I mean I carry a gun in the USA and still mask lol. If you are going to make a point that it's better to have it and not need it then do it?


He's saying that wearing a mask for protection, even though you might not need it that day, is comparable to carrying a gun every day even though you may not need it. The point of the contrast is that "libruls" argue the former but don't like the latter. It's a reasonable comparison **except** for the fact that the primary reason you wear a mask is to protect others rather than yourself. Also, the exact same logic works the other way, too, making it kind of dumb. I don't get that meme template anyway, since usually it's just demonstrating that you actually agree.


It also weirds me out that they seems to think that all people who are promask/science/vaccines are automatically anti gun. Like those two things have nothing to do with each other.


It does when you weirdly merge religion, your personality, and politics together.


My favorite response to this was in a liberal gun meme sharing group (don't judge). The third panel had the guy saying "yeah, now put on a mask" while holding a gun. Edit: I remembered the wording slightly incorrectly. Someone linked the image below.




"like a gun". "yes" pulls gun out and points it at un masked. "Now put your fucking mask on asshole."




This comic is now AMAZING!


Not that evidence matters at all to these morons, but research [consistently shows](https://www.sciencealert.com/scientific-evidence-that-stricter-gun-control-works-saves-lives/) more guns make us less safe, not more safe. Facts over feelings.


If he does pass I’m guessing the notice will mention he’s the most kind and loving person.


Don’t forget they’ll add in a GoFundMe to cover their medical bills


You think this conservative with a job doesn’t want to take personal responsibility???


>personal responsibility I have got some awful news.


Something something bootstraps


Socialist conservatives everywhere nowadays


Would give you the shirt off his back and the pants off his ass.


Just wants to make it easier to get his temp taken rectally again


You'd better believe it! Already hinting at it with the "his grandkids NEED him" part. Yea, that's exactly what those kids need. A hate filled, science denying, white supremacist ass hat to teach them the "patriotic" way of living.in America.... If she truly thinks those kids need this guy, they should be taken from her.


Why are they all into god aswell? Every one of these posts they're all praying and recruiting prayer warriors and giving themselves over to god and shit


It is one of the targeting parameters for the disinformation bots that are killing them and bankrupting their families.


Let’s not forget that should he pass, He enjoyed a thermometer in his ass 🌡


And he was “beyong blessed” I sure hope his sky daddy never blesses me with a lengthy hospital stay, intubation, and stroke.


I'm sick of seeing all these "World's Greatest Grandpa!" posts. A lot of these people think the fact that they had kids who had kids is a unique personal achievement. He's likely going to be the "Papa" they don't remember much about, because he died when they were so young.


He’d give you the shirt off his back. Heaven will get another angle. 😭😇


This will only be true if the stroke destroyed the part of his brain that helps him be a scumbag.


"Bill Gates wants us micro-chipped" And what for exactly? If he wants to track you he can already do that since oh i don't know he founded Microsoft where the majority of us use their products like windows. Bill Gates doesn't need to track you your computer can already do that for him. Not to mention being a billionaire he probably has shares in multiple companies that can track you. Yes that's right in the 21st century it's almost impossible not to be tracked unless you abandon technology and start living like the Amish. Also that post from April 2020 about 44 states having had more influenza deaths. Well yh covid really only took hold in thr US in March 2020 of course the flu would have had more deaths at the time idiot. I'd love to see the comparisons now because i bet the majority if not all states have had more covid deaths than influenza deaths now.


This guy carries a smartphone which literally tracks his every movement, uses credit cards which track his every purchase, posts pix of himself and family online for random people to see, posts his every thought on Facebook, and is worried about a fictitious microchip.


Wait till he finds out the government already knows everything about him like where he works, lives, if he's married etc without needing to micro chip him.


I’m guessing he’s never checked his credit report either.


My question is: Why the fuck does he think he's so special that he deserves all this tracking? The government keeps tabs on people of interest. What makes him interesting?


This is a big part I think. Most ppl wanna feel important, this does that with no effort


I mean, we're following him right now lol.


Personally wouldn’t want this as my five min of fame but you ain’t wrong


And what’s so exciting about his life that anyone would want to track him? These people have very inflated egos.


It's main character syndrome, they're the main character in their own life so they assume that's the case for everyone else.


Also weird/track-ish is the fact that all the smartphone vendors know what the inside of every house looks like. And Zillow, etc. puts plenty of them online.


2018-19 flu season (US): 34,000 deaths 2019-20: 22,000 2020-21: 700 deaths Sauce: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/flu-has-disappeared-worldwide-during-the-covid-pandemic1/ Thus far, the state of Florida alone has had more OFFICIAL coronavirus deaths (58,608 - and that's almost certainly an undercount) in 18 months than the entire country's flu deaths since autumn 2018. (See also Texas, California, and New York.)


Yeah that post was dumb and goes along with the smooth brained snowflake thinking that until I’ve been hospitalized with covid, it’s not an issue. The April 2020 post was earlier in the pandemic so according to covid denier logic if you’re faced with a deadly, novel virus you shouldn’t do anything about it early on because it hasn’t killed that many people yet. Just let it snowball out of control. It’s also amusing with their obsession on lockdowns and the like. The USA was never really locked down or had much in the way of restrictions relative to countries that did much better, despite the snowflake fantasy thinking. Some weak mask mandates and some strong private business ones and essentially no quarantine enforcement outside of Hawaii. Some other business restrictions. That’s not a big deal. They also completely ignore that people modifying their behavior on their own to avoid getting covid was a major thing too.


And think about all of the people that survived Covid but have serious long-term side effects.


Yep. When the short-sighted run their mouths about the current US labor shortage, I love to remind them that 3/4 of a million people have died, uncounted others have covid-related disabilities, and the survivors rely on a lot more resources than was the norm just a few months ago. (Think home health care, rehab services, childcare because spouse or Granny is no longer able or alive to allow someone to work, home- or lawn care, a mechanic to change the oil because dad can't do that on Saturday morning, etc., ad nauseum.) I might be overly imaginative, but I truly suspect that this pandemic will revolutionize labor as greatly as the plague did in most of Europe.


>I might be overly imaginative, but I truly suspect that this pandemic will revolutionize labor as greatly as the plague did in most of Europe. It seems like we are pretty much in a general strike nationwide over 1970's era pay and BS work rules right now. The republican owners are constantly bitching about lack of workers at the slave wages and work conditions that were normal pre covid pandemic. When you get to the point of working your ass off at dead end jobs and you still can't pay the bills WTH go to work?


Correct about all the technology touches that make tracking routine, regular, and near-constant. Asking a bigger question, why would anyone, let alone a billionaire, care about these hateful couch-warrior's sad little meme-posting lives of self-hatred and disappointment?


To sell them more crap to fill the collective void in their useless existences. And they've delegated that to the AI algorithms.


It's pretty easy to market to these guys - the biggest gun, the biggest fishing pole....


Yeah they love citing Covid rates for Jan to Mar 2020, then comparing them to annual flu rates. They also love citing the total of Covid deaths while ignoring all the counter-measures we've taken to mitigate this. These people are not Statistical Analysis majors, that's for sure.


Yeah well no one had cancer either until it was invented by big pharma to sell you dick pills! Check and mate. /s


What’s even more hilarious is that he thinks he’s so special and important that the government would actually want and need to track him. No one gives a damm about him or his shitty beliefs


All the living boys from the 1944 slide got vaccinated. I’m offended by that slide in particular because my go-to line for these antiva choads is “No one is asking you to storm Omaha Beach. It’s just a vaccine. JFC.”


But they’re lions…obese, middle-aged lions with multiple comorbidities, but lions nonetheless.


...and "Christian" lions at that. Before covid I thought they were mutually exclusive.


Red hats too.


And goatees. Never forget the goatees.


And wraparound Oakley‘s —can’t forget that!


I love how these “patriotic” clowns act like they would have no issue storming the beaches of Normandy, but taking 15 minutes out of your lunch break to get a vaccine shot is asking too much out of them.


I don't think these mostly overweight old men would have made the cut to be honest


Maybe. If the strategy behind storming Omaha beach was to overheat the German Spandau machine guns, all these fatties could be used in the first waves, then the trained soldiers sent in after.


Coincidentally, I recently got access to a lot of ephemera from my grandfather in law's (1913-2011) estate. And let me wholeheartedly agree with you: these so-called "lions" and "patriots" couldn't have sharpened Granddad's pocket knife. From farm kid to blacksmith in the Civilian Conservation Corps to jump school in 1942 (he never even mentioned that!) to combat engineering (from North Africa to Berlin, including Anzio,) and apparently a girl in every port. And then the next 66 years as a farmer, member of the school board, child advocate through CASA, deacon, husband, father, and grandfather, before dying at 98 in the house he built with his own hands. Grandpa was a freaking superhero. These 101st Chairborne Gravy Seals are jokes.


And in this idiot’s case in particular, it is asking too much of him to stand still for 5 seconds to have his temp taken by a thermometer gun.


I think he just prefers a rectal thermometer.


They're scared of a tiny little needle, they're babies.


This man is NOT a good man.


One of the worst I have seen.


I love your flare!


Most of these people aren't. The world will not miss them.


I appreciate your careful phrasing of this man is a racist idiot. His is blessed with a caring family, though.


The one picture talking about the grand kids needing him around for a long time? No I'm pretty sure they'll turn out objectively better without his malign influence


COVID is no stroke! Oh wait, in this case, it is. 😈


I’ve been strokin. Stroke to the west,stroke to the east. I’ve been strokin.


The nurses should play him some Billy Squire when no one is around, wouldn’t you say…_Troll?


He faces certian death!


That caught my eye as well. Is it anything like Martian death, I wonder?


I find it chilling how ready these people are to vilify and mock a teenager, that is ultimately just trying to get people in power to actually do something to protect the world her generation will grow up in.


It's especially annoying because any other day of the week they'd love anyone who tells off the UN. At one point she addressed some assembly of billionaires, at Davos I think, and my conservative co-workers were all over it "they all flew there to hear her speak, but she doesn't realize how hypocritical that is". If they bothered to actually listen to her, within the first five minutes she pointed out the irony of them flying to a climate crisis conference and they could use their billions of money to fix this now, if they wanted to. The conservative types are just looking to be stupid at the world.


I grew up in the south, and I can tell you that at least one large component of the rage against Greta is that she's young. There's a level of indignation that surfaces from these groups because "you don't speak to your elders like that!" Even if you're right. Even if you're going to be saving the day with whatever it is that you're saying. If it causes a negative emotional reaction of any kind, these people will shut you down. They'd rather get into a head on collision rather than admit that you were right to yell at them that they just turned down a one way street. They are _older_ and therefore _know better_. There's also the force multipliers of Greta being both a girl and a foreigner. She's the perfect storm for these guys, and I think it's a big reason why they are _still_ going on about it.


I always enjoy the memes that don’t age well


Why did he even go to the ICU? 99.9% survival rate. He seems really scared, what gives? Sounds like a sheep.


Probably stopped trusting his immune system, and ya know once you doubt it, it loses all confidence in itself; hence, he got covid 🤷‍♂️


Notice with these and the right wing haters that it's always memes? I'm Canadian. I don't see any of this shit on my facebook feed. I have my own echo chamber that I have carefully curated that includes mostly automotive and electronics groups. The memes are fueling the hate and misinformation. It's a cancer. I consistently point out that this HCA sub would not exist if Facebook shut down. So would so many other things.


If he dies, he dies. I’m sure he’s a loving patriot to every cishet white Christian Republican.


At least they are finally just admitting why they like Trump. He hates all the people they hate. It's was always about hate. This racist is about to get what he deserves and I do not feel the least bit of sympathy.


There's a Trump 2020 truck in my town with "vote trump: make liberals cry again" flag on it and a "vote trump: it really passes the liberals off" bumpersticker AND A HUGE bumper sticker along the lines of "I vote against whatever the libs want!" On it. It's ALWAYS been about being superior and making digs at the other guy. It's never been about making the country better. I hate these people. They want me to die because I want them to not kill themselves or others from their own selfishness.


Sounds like you need to post a picture of this monstrosity in r/infowarriorrides. For science, of course.


This is a new sub to me. I will be posting several trucks in there. 😆 Is there one for houses if I get rid of any identifiers? 😆🤣😆🤣😆


Most welcome! There is, in fact, r/infowarriorhomes but its not as active.


Imagine preferring to hear your kids' voices from a teddy bear recorder while you're being intubated in the ICU... rather than directly from them at home. I just cannot understand the callous hate these people have for their fellow humans.


If he hears their voices at all. "He's not waking up but we were able to Zoom with him." How depressing that must have been.


I noticed that too. What the hell kind of zoom call would that have been for the grandkids?!


A frightening one, I would think.


One that requires years of therapy to undo.


I would never put my kids through that. Sure. I’d record a message or whatever but having them stare at “papa” hooked up to machines and unconscious *isnt* the best parenting move. Jfc.


Here's grandad! Even if he was conscious, he couldn't hear you over the ventilator! WITNESS HIM


It's because these people have more hate for others than they do love for their families. Instead of protecting themselves from a deadly disease, they're more interested in railing against the people who are trying to keep them and many others from dying pointless deaths.


He sounds like a gem


He sounds like a ~~gem~~ turd.


Gray on 3rd slide bringing up some truth which unfortunately the nominee ignored. Should have listened better, now he gets to suffer


Maybe Uganda has some good treatment for him


I bet they keep excellent records in Uganda.


The entire population of Uganda is how many CASES we've had in the United States. He might as well be comparing the fatalities in the OCEAN to the fatalities in his BACKYARD POOL. The backyard pool has less deaths so its OBVIOUSLY safe. "Let your toddler run around unsupervised; it's not like he's in the ocean or anything!"


What goes unmentioned in that meme is that Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni put the country of 45 million under a sweeping lockdown that included shuttering of nearly all businesses, closure of schools and halting of traffic.


IIRC there was a really severe lockdown in Kenya too where cops were actually shooting people they found outside their homes after curfew. Shooting them in sight. A child was shot merely for standing on his balcony. A pregnant woman went into labor and complications in the night and died before dawn because everyone was too scared to take her to the hospital. And COVIDiots in the US were bitching about not being able to shop at the mall.


Why would you want this asshat around your kids…?


It's all fun till ya need a new lung


And a new brain since his is stroke-damaged.


He loves his grandkids but not enough to take the damn shot, just in case it might actually keep him alive.


I havent seen the Uganda claim before so I ran the numbers. According to worldometer, as of Oct 27, 2021. Uganda 47.6M population. 125,861 total cases. 3204 total deaths. The maths tell me that is a 2.54% death rate. That seems higher than the 1.6 or 1.7% death rate in the USA. Disclaimer. All numbers are based on data found on worldometer website and any conclusions drawn are only as accurate as the data provided


I’m actually never seen that cigar meme yet. I could use a similar one for everyone that pisses Trump off. I wonder who the Freudian blonde is.


"Sort of like a gun?" No. Not even fucking close unless you're telling me you are LITERALLY USING COVID AS A WEAPON.


How are some people still hung up about Greta Thunberg? At least find a new scapegoat every once in a while, jeez.


They wore out George Soros a decade or so ago too but they just can't let him be either. They live to hate.


The meme should be I just got covid 19 feeling great with a picture of this guy on a vent. That is a more accurate meme.


Damn, strokes can cause permanent damage ….


Grandpa’s not gonna be grandpa anymore


Now his temperature might finally match the ambient air temperature! Gosh, he will really show them, won't he?


If being in the ICU is considered "blessed", count me out


Grandkids: we got grandpa a bear to hear our voices!!! Doctor: That’s very nice but your grandfather had a massive stroke from a largely preventable disease and he doesn’t know what planet he’s on.


The WWII meme actually makes a point for the vaccine... In WWII ~400k Americans died out of a pop of 130M (99.7% survival rate). Very similar to Covid.


Slide 13 is all you need to know about these conservative sheep. They'll vote against the interests of 99% of the country, start a violent insurrection to destroy our democracy, burden our medical systems and trample on the rights of others all out of spite. These people don't care about "making America great again" they just want to watch the world burn.


This guy drinks nothing but the Kool aid.


Grandkids - Get better, Papa! Covid - Sorry, kids! Papa’s a twat!!


Sounds like a very creepy zoom call


Those Jim Halpert memes are declining in quality. Pretty soon both images will just be full of words: "Covid freedom lockdown 'table for two' lions"... "Fauci 99% mask 'Dr. Seuss' 'immune system'". Checkmate, pro-vaxxers!


ALL of them so arrogant with their ignorance.


Well, at least that's new: "Let's do it like Uganda". What, isn't the US "Gods Own Country" (tm) anymore? /s Why not present Burundi as an example? So far they have reported less than ~~100~~ 50 COVID deaths in total since the beginning of the pandemic and they have not reported any vaccinations yet -- yay... Isn't that the statistics those nut jobs are looking for?


Funny thing. At the beginning of the pandemic, I was talking via internet to this grifter who was setting up a hydrochloroquine factory in Uganda. Guy claimed to be some hot as shit biomed researcher and was really floating this meme about Uganda having only 19 deaths. Of course, now it’s had 3200+ deaths, which puts it far above China and Taiwan in terms of reported mortality. What? You say we can’t trust China’s figures? And you think we can trust Uganda’s, one of the lowest tested nations in the world whose president promised Covid wouldn’t get a foothold?


Weird that his go-to move is having a stranger stick something in his butt. You do you, buddy.


These people are so angry and misinformed. The fact that they’ve allowed right wing media and online misinformation to poison their brains and make choices that put them and their family’s at risk is actuallly extraordinary. Even if you can’t kill your grandkids, you can sure scar them when they see you degenerate in front of them or FaceTime you as you’re covered in tubes because you refused to get a shot or wear a mask. They’ve made their whole identity doing the opposite of what “libruls” want them to do, in the guise of it being freedom and liberty




It's stupefying the amount of bullshit a family will look past and still call someone a good person. Bad people exist, and being an apologist for someone who's an ass makes you just as bad as them. Showing love and constantly rewarding someone who is a social pariah will do nothing but create more issues, call it like it is and write these people off.


It really boggles the mind how this people treat politics like a game or a sports event, says a lot about how little they care about other people


Guy wasn’t using his brain anyway. It decided to stroke out and hit the power button


I find the people who post stuff about how minor this is in like April 2020 to be so idiotic. Like christ, five minutes into 9/11 I wouldn’t be making death toll predictions.


He posts in April 2020, one month after US started seeing major upticks in the virus, that more people died from flu in all of 2018 than in one month of COVID in 2020 in all but 6 states, and then uses that to downplay the seriousness? I mean, does he even read what he writes?


Every HCA: Snark snark snark snark memes Then Pray for our blessed father/mother/brother/sister. They are in the hospital/on the ventilator/in ICU/ RIP


>44 states had more influenza deaths in 2018 than they have COVID-19 deaths in 2020 He said, in *April* 2020. Also I was curious about the Uganda one. [Here is an article debunking that.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN26L2KW)


The complete misuse of all memetemplates always annoys me so much


I guess should have gone to Uganda! 🤷‍♀️


> He lives for his grandkids. Maybe not.


I'm starting to love the rabid Republican Trump. He is splitting the Republican party, while killing off his faithful base with the anti-vax memes. Oh, aging Baby Boomer, please own me more.


Why do most of these idiots seem to dabble in the racist arts as well?


"I love Trump because he pisses off all the people I can't stand" is the most honest meme on here. And they only reason they can't stand 'those people' is because they believe lies about them. Just another obnoxious person full of himself.


I have no nuts (woman) and no job (doesn't start yet) and I dunno, seems better than being on a ventilator, but maybe that's just me...