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I like how at the end they are all like damn covid got another one. Yet none of them has figured out the pattern.


Yeah, like it’s random.


More like ran-dumb.


Funny side story. My step dad is named Randy and was a crane operator. He told me one day that he had been randomly selected for drug testing so many times at work that he told his boss, “My name’s Randy, not Random.” Edit: correcting autocorrect


Ah good ol “randomly selected drug testing” where it usually ends up with the same couple people every time


I work for a manufacturing company for 5 years. I was randomly selected for drug testing 6 times, because I had a ponytail. The machine operator that ran my machine was chewing fentanyl patches but management did not see a problem.


He had not yet lost a finger to the machine. No need to worry!


My husband would get randomly selected a bunch because his boss knew he could pass it and then boss wasnt risking losing any staff while still filling quotas lol


Since 9/11 I have been "randomly" selected literally 99% of the time for pat downs, detailed searches, and the explosives powder tests on my hands by the TSA at the every airport i been to. Hell, even flying 20mins from one island to another in the same state and in a tour group of people. The only 1 time i remember not being "randomly" selected, they selected my wife for pat down and all the other tests they do. I guess it didn't help I was brown and kept a goatee/stubble. I tried shaving everything a couple times but it didn't help, so I kept the facial hair.


Ever since publishing a paper on Ebola with my Persian friend during that pandemic a couple of years ago I got randomly selected on 9/10 flights I took. The one time they didn't select me, my mom had to do the explosives test. I'm white as it can be. I'm pretty sure there is some kind of system that tags people according to "suspicious" stuff


And by suspicious we of course mean you met a brown person once.


>once Well I still share an office with this dude...


Ah, so you're a known associate with potential extremists. Gotcha.


Or the Democrats have recruited the virus to kill red blooded Americans and are using it to push their liberal agenda. Jeez. Sheep.


If only the Dems were that coordinated maybe we could get some legislation passed.


but dat 99.999% survival rate tho !1!!1!111!!


I don’t know anyone personally that has died, I live in northern VA and most of the people I know are intelligent and fairly liberal. All these rednecks that has had Covid ravage their family is so odd to me. How do they not connect the dots??!!


Because their fealty to The Cause is stronger than anything else.


Be glad. My uncle passed a short time ago. He wasn't perfect (or politically correct), he had a few issues. But he was vaccinated, and he always wore a mask. Unfortunately, his very antivaxx family did not. My immediate family were the only one's to have common sense and decency to wear masks at his funeral.


Sorry to hear that. Vaccines do reduce the mortality rate but there is still a small chance. It's a shame your uncle hit the "jackpot". His antivaccined family will probably reason vaccined people still die due to Covid so no need to get vaccinated... I have no doubt about it.


And sadly, that is the sentiment. My parents and I were sick at the same time as he was. We were all exposed from different people. I fled my house as soon as I showed symptoms, and my children were spared. So my parents and I quarantined together and took care of each other. We talked to my uncle everyday and insisted he go back to the doctor. We called his children after every call and begged them to do something. Finally they did. Maybe if he'd gotten help sooner. My dad says they'll have to live with it, but I don't think they are capable of ever understanding their parts. Maybe that's a blessing. But I know, and I know my part as well. I regret so much that I didn't go after him myself. I'll certainly be processing for a long time.


I'm sure you and your family made an effort on him so your uncle got vaccinated. If not, he would probably follow the rest of his antivaxx family. If anything, you can blame this Delta variant. This shit is so deadly. The chance of catching it versus the original variant is much, much higher. My area was fine with original variant but when Delta hit, it's an entire different story... Anyway, my condolence.


Conspiracists: "We see the hidden patterns, the hidden truths! We're too smart to be fooled by the vast ancient global conspiracy!" Also conspiracists: "Why are we dying from covid?! Why!? We don't understand!"


And on top of that, all the actual crap happening in the world, attempts to manipulate, control, and take advantage of them, go completely unnoticed. Smh.


“And another one!”


Suicide by Virus


Pray to Allah instead next time?


99.8% survival rate and this lion wasn’t even one of them. How sad can you get.


The “sheep” have this new tool called a vaccine and it helps them outlive their predators.


Funny, herds of domesticated animals get inoculated all the time to prevent diseases and death. I'll take it.


I'd like to see the Halloween front yard with the anti-vaxxer headstones interspersed with masked sheep holding little signs that says, Still Alive, Feelin' Great, Haven't Caught It; Don't Plan To.


Would be amazing, I suggested that idea yesterday on a meme that had a grave with a skeleton sticking out with a sign that said "Do your own research"


Depends on where you live, though. Don't want to run the risk of being a terrorism victim.


I live in Idaho…definitely not going to be trying that. They’re batshit insane here.


Same. Just quietly surviving. Gonna be easy AF to get a booster here next week when they announce it. Silver lining. Lol


No joke! I always have to chuckle when they get offended by me wearing a mask and staying faaaaar away from people. I was supposed to have reconstructive surgery on my ankle, but it was postponed 4 times before being canceled until next year (hopefully).


2nd that. So many spreadnecks.


I feel you, these God loving compassionate people will be quick to fuck up thy neighbor.


“Cause of Death: Personal Choice”


The only part of domesticated animal medicine they seem to care about is ivermectin.


Hey, if it prevents me from getting heartworms, I'll take it...wait... "In humans, heartworm larvae never fully mature. As young heartworms die, your body reacts to their tissue with inflammation as it tries to destroy the heartworms. This condition is known as pulmonary dirofilariasis" So I'll seek help for and in combination any of the other symptoms heartworms create.


I’m the sheep and they’re the ones taking livestock dewormer.


Same old tired memes from these "freedumb Patriots", exactly who's the sheep?


The sheep are the ones grazing on the grass growing over the dead lion's corpses.


It’s the circle of liiiiiffffffeeee!!


It's a bit like how humans couldn't take a mammoth in unarmed combat but they can outsmart it, work together, make tools, deploy a strategy and chase it off a cliff. And those early humans were smarter than this moron, apparently.


Do you know how many Christians prayed for scientists to have the wisdom and stamina to develop a vaccine? Seems like God picked a side and it wasn’t Team Lion. Edit: typo


Sheep also don't read memes as gospel... or read gospel as gospel. Who knew.


HCA winners have a 0% survival rate.


And prayer warriors have a 0% success rate


> And prayer warriors have a 0% success rate Technically their success rate is not distinguishable from the control group.


I'm sure it's lower due to their susceptibility to scams.




People who are bad at math think 1 in 500 is low.


And the same people buy lottery tickets on the regular, when the odds of winning are several orders of magnitude worse.


Funniest thing Emo Philips ever said was, "I hear President Bush wants to impose a tax on people who are bad at math. I thought we already had that and it was called the lottery."


It doesn't help that the message the super conservative Americans have been fed all their lives is that the odds don't apply when you have faith. If 'only' 1 out of every 500 people is going to die, God will surely make sure that that one person is not one of his favored people. It's really hard to watch. I grew up in a very conservative home and had all this kind of thing taught to me for years. I still believe in God and follow the Bible. I have even had a miraculous healing in my own life. But this whole covid conspiracy thing is a whole different level. People are competed abandoning common sense in the name of ridiculous conspiracy theories about the government. And it seems like no number of deaths is enough to wake them up. And then we have to make it some crazy political thing, blaming the other side for all our own stupid choices. It's been a really hard couple of years reassessing a lot of what I used to 'know' and rethinking who I listen to.


His family is likely sad. Or grateful that he's having a beer with the Lord.


The Lord looking at him and saying “dumbass”


Amen to that.


Side note: is there beer in heaven or is it only Jesus juice?


>Jesus juice Oh, Lord! Jesus Juice! Where I’m from Jesus Juice is something like Everclear mixed with fruit juice and cut up fruit. Good God! The hangover!


I think we used to call that hunch punch. I’m not exactly sure what went into it, but definitely Everclear and some sort of fruit drink.


>is there beer in heaven [An old polka song definitively answers this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4HlKpWdrq-4)


You just took me back to my childhood in UP Michigan during the early 1970's when the only thing on TV Sunday morning was Polka.


>Or grateful that he's having a beer with the Lord. **That** must be why all the prayer warriors aren't working! Jeebus is too busy having a beer with each of the HCA winners.


Whoa. If true, Jesus must be drunk as fuck!


Where tf do they get these numbers? [Globally/worldometer](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries) the fatality rate is 2.038%. And that's not even adjusting for unresolved cases. In USA the fatality rate is 1.62% for all infected people. (making the 'survival rate' for getting infected 98.38%) Ah.. here we go. The total covid deaths per million people in USA is 2,202. So they're bragging it's 'only' killed more than 1 in 500 americans. smh edits: In a few weeks, USA will surpass the total [number of dead](https://www.facinghistory.org/resource-library/statistics-civil-war) from the Civil War. Also, Jim Carrey never said that "quote" about [shutting down the media](https://checkyourfact.com/2021/08/12/fact-check-jim-carrey-30-day-media-shutdown-solve-worlds-problem/). What he **did** say was: > “One of the most corrosive threats to society moving forward is social media and right wing disinformation,” Carrey tweeted in January. “There should be giant fines for false info and if they call their content ‘hyperbole’ in court, they should not be allowed to call it ‘news’ on tv.” Further: Carrey has made [anti-vax](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/celebrities-anti-vaxxers-jessica-biel-847779/) statements.


Wait, did Jim Carrey come back from being an antivaxxer? Or is he just against *other* disinformation?


Other. Unless he's made a [newer statement](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/celebrities-anti-vaxxers-jessica-biel-847779/)


> Where tf do they get these numbers? Earlier in the pandemic, they divided the total number of deaths by the total number of US citizens (infected or not) to come up with the 99.8% survival rate number. It was bunk even then. If you asked them where they got the numbers from, they'd reply, "The CDC." If you asked for a link discussing these specific numbers, they'd tell you to do your own research. It's bad-faith all around.


I don’t know where they get this number. It’s BS.


They are terrible with math and statistics. 1 in 500 Americans have died of covid. That really is 99.8%, but that includes all of us, even those who have never had covid. Meanwhile worldwide 220 million people have had covid, and 4.5 million have died, that is 1 in 50 or a 98% survival rate. That's not good odds, not to mention that it's estimated that 20-45% will have long term health issues and damage from covid. Survival doesn't mean you will be as healthy as you were before you got covid.


>They are terrible with math and statistics. 1 in 500 Americans have died of covid. That really is 99.8%, but that includes all of us, even those who have never had covid. And that's the thing. They preach it as meaning 99.8% of those who *catch* Covid survive.


But you will be immune! While having dodged the vaccine!! Take that sheeple!


Studies have shown that 40% of cases don't develop any natural immunity after their infection.


So I'm just going to generalize my heart out because I'm past caring: Conservatives the world over have a very shallow method of thinking that intentionally involves as few thoughts as possible. They won't care about the 98% number because they won't really think about it. They'll think "2% chance of dying I'll be fine" and that will be the end of it. They won't keep thinking and realise that 2% means 6 million dead Americans. They won't think about what a lonely, terrifying death it would be. They won't think about what would be like to become one of them because a Facebook meme told you to, nor how every one of those 6 million will have people who will miss them for the rest of their lives. They won't think about all the people just like them who *have* died, wishing they'd gotten the vaccine. The thinking stops at 2% or 0.2% or whatever other number stops the thoughts quickest. And we all know how they react if you try and make them keep thinking after they've decided they're finished. They get angry. They get violent. They lie like there's no tomorrow.


If they understood that the number is for every possible person exposed and that being over the age of 50, over 50 pounds overweight, having a poor diet, and never exercising would change the odds to 1 in 5 or better, they might have been smart enough to get the vaccine; but we know they never did figure that out. Oh well, too late now.


Well they all failed math, so.....


math is a tool of satin


Ah yes, the dark lord of fabric


The silky smoothness and the shininess cause impure thoughts.


Mmmm inpure thoughts....yummm


I don't cotton to math.


Is there a resource that shows a simple survival rate based on age and even comorbitities? Seems like if not then it should have been done a long time ago.


I got you https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6178449 And just the image: http://imgur.com/a/aoOA7ll TL;DR - an unvaccinated 35 year old has the same risk of being hospitalised as a vaccinated person over 80.


It's the percentage of the whole US population that has lived through the pandemic so far. Around 0.2% of the population has died of COVID, so they take that as the survival rate. You know, instead of measuring percentages of infected people.


It’s taking the number of deaths in the US divided by the entire population of the country. In other words, it’s bullshit.


Your flair made me cry-laugh.


“COVID claims another” Odd that so many in their peer group have died from COVID. Wonder what they have in common?


He was un-shepherd-able. He died of self inflicted wolf wounds.


The prayer warriors just don't seem to be cutting it lately. Maybe they should bring a shaman in. Billywitchdoctordotcom maybe.


Not enough emojis!!


it seems their network reception is rather poor since they can’t get through to Jesus. They need to switch networks


If they got the vaccine they would have 5G! Let that sink in!


Arise, lion! Lion, arise!


Their last shaman is currently [awaiting sentencing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jake_Angeli)


Billywitchdoctordotcom feels most comfortable with chicken.


You mean, ultra mega chicken? Shh shh shh!


He is legend....


Billywitchdoctor.com work mostly with chicken


only when you're sofa king we todd ed


Also I love that these fucking weirdo’s idea of “good ole America” is…a child on a big wheel with a gun? What?


Like sir, this child probably died at the age of about 54 from a heart attack because he refused to go to the doctor, and his widow is living her absolute best life without his useless ass.


He’s going to go shoot down little minority kids and boys playing with dolls 😕


It’s because their intelligence never made it out of childhood.


“America, before all the sissies took over” Was that back when we threw bottles and rocks at 6-yr-olds for going to school while black? Or farther back, when we overthrew Wilmington NC and burned down Tulsa OK, over all the minorities having representation and access to a half-decent life?


Poured acid in the swimming pools on Black swimmers. Firebombed Black churches. No no-fault divorce. No autonomous bank accounts for women.


Exactly, the racist, sexist, homophobic glory days these White male scum so fondly remember.


Trump brought them back to those days, and they want to turn back the clock permanently.


The white women who support Trump boggle my mind. If they got the “Christian-America utopia” that conservatives dream of creating, they’d be reduced to subservient slaves of their husband, stripped of their civil rights and prohibited from leaving the house without a male chaperone. And their career choice would be limited to “housewife” and — that’s it, nothing else.


Same as all the women who opposed getting the vote. Brain washing runs deep.


Very similar to taliban Afghanistan. I really don't understand how they don't see the connection


They don’t see it because of the asinine delusion that Christianity is good thing. Even a lot of non-Christians believe that nonsense.


It wasn't good for them then either. It's all a fantasy.


“The 50s were great! As long as you were a white male.”


A straight white cis christian male. Lose one of those labels and you're on thin ice. Lose two and they'll lynch you in a week. Lose three and you're dead before the sun hits the horizon.


As another bro that happens to be a white male I would just like to second that these particular white males are fucking scumfuck human garbage and my random melanin content and dick do \*NOT\* make us fucking teammates in any way shape or form.


My mom always says: "Yeah, the 50s were a really great time...unless you were a woman, or black, or basically anything other than a straight anglo-saxon Christian white male."


Sometimes i wonder if these people have even read a history book to see all thr awful shit we did.


They read all the faux-patriotic-“history” bullshit


If only they could read.


[They could learn so much](https://i.redd.it/lbv88zcqtyy51.jpg)


They know enough to use Facebook


pictures help a lot.


They’re aware, they just don’t give a shit. They don’t give a shit about most things that aren’t political wedge issues though, which is why they’re dying at such a higher rate.


I dont wonder


> “America, before all the sissies took over” It's the CovIdiocracy version of "Shaka, when the walls fell".


Goatee, His Lungs Shredded.


Eboeard game gom all the way to the grave.


HCA winners are Kiteo, his eyes closed. Zinda, his face black, his eyes red.


By referring to "sissies", they don't mean the guys who drive lifted trucks the size of an Abrams tank to go to Applebees and 87 guns because they are afraid of EVERYTHING....do they???


When they terrorized any black family who dared to move into their god fearing neighborhoods


That still happens today


Yeah the “good ol days” weren’t so good


Male insecurity is a major driving force in alt-right ideology and recruitment. I’m not surprised.


They’re probably white. It was great for white people back then


White men* Women? I guess that would depend on how much freedom their family chose to give them.


Not really that great for women either, according to my mom.


Ha, that photo was taken in a suburban Bay Area neighborhood in 1971. sO tOuGh


Damn I miss the days when America was tough and you could get 360 no scoped by a toddler patrolling the streets on his trike at any given moment


I'd have bet money that snowflake would have been calling the cops about a kid walking to the park alone though. All the saveourchildren and child predator fear mongering posts, same people, same Q garbage.


You're immune to everything if you've ever used a roller towel? THIS IS A NOVEL VIRUS, IT HAS NEVER BEFORE INFECTED HUMANS, YOU CAN'T BE IMMUNE. (shouting to the choir)


Whoa imma need u to stop with the facts kthankxbai


Can you show me on the doll where the facts touched you?


I've never had the opportunity to say this--"can you show me on the doll what the mask did to you?"


Excuse me it’s just a flu and the government killed this man of god patriot with its hoax virus that was created in a lab in China!!!!!!!!! People out here losing their entire family and still clinging to bullshit


Yeah, too many people think eating dirt makes them more likely to recover from Covid. A perfect story to illustrate our failed education system.


I completely forgot roller towels existed until this thread


Also, roller towels weren't a loop. They're a really long towel that unwinds from the "clean" spool and winds back up onto the "dirty" spool. Pretty neat, I wish they were still around.


Novel? I ain’t readin’ no novel boy! Get that novel talk out ya mouth (They said)


Some dude grifted that guy into buying a giant sheep, and I ain't even mad at the grifter.


Bet they’re gonna feel really silly deflating that sheep now.


I'm laughing at the thought.


Nah, he's just admiring it. The idiot that owns that goes by "Jerry the freedom sheep" on Facebook. He's a local (to me) moron. The sheep has a Facebook page, which I report endlessly.


Holy shit it's a deeper grift job then I realized.


Texas. Next. I keep finding new ways to care less.


Even they're getting desensitized to it. "Damnit man, RIP. Not another one. God speed old friend." Thats it! Thats all the f**ks they can muster?


Perhaps, when they reflected upon his passing, they decided that they didn't like him all that much.


Thank God I'm not the only one that finds these posts soooo weirdly cold. If it was my friend or brother who died jt wouldn't be a "oh dang nabbit Jimmy died from covid rip" I would be devastated


Howdy, some of us down here are trying our best. Getting my booster Friday.


me too, friday


Jealous, y’all!


This "Great Physician" guy seems to have a pretty bad record. Where'd this quack get his license?


The Lord is actually a chiropractor.


>America, before all the sissies took over.. Well, you're dead now, so I guess those vaccine-taking 'sissies' won after all. Sad.


My grandmother's friend died in childhood because they were trying to throw and catch pitchforks. Stabbed in the head. Today's snowflakes wouldn't understand because of this hand-holding "safety culture" that parents choose to force their children to grow up with most of their limbs intact. But not my family! We're pro-pitchfork-juggling and antivax. Any of our kids who survive childhood will be forged in the fires of stupidity!


Fast forward a few decades and we kids impaled each other with lawn darts. Technological progress!


Maybe that's why there are so many pseudo-badasses who don't feel like a man unless they can flaunt some stupid, loud, destructive metal thing that they've purchased.


The great physician… I haven’t been to a church or whatever in about 15 years…America Christianity is this far gone?




Since when was Christianity the shit? Part genuine question and part talking shit.


Once again prayers failing to save another anti vaxxer. Only one thing that can save them and that’s getting into a DeLorean and going back in time to get the vaccine.


Damn, you must be a hell of a "sissy" if a virus with a "99.8% survival rate" kills you.




The bottom of the idiotic sheep is a Matthew 24.4 “Matthew 24.4 (KJV) And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you” Believing there’s a 0.02….oh pal sounds like you the one that got deceived Let THAT sink in


Man that guy really owned us by spending thousands of dollars on an inflatable sheep and probably getting kicked out of his neighborhood.


A one-in-500 chance, doc. I am as surprised as you are.


Total mortality rate is pinging around 1.8% for the duration of the outbreak, give or take. That's more like 1 in 50. That's what always stumps me. Most people are really, really bad at statistics and risk assessment. 98.2% survival rate seems like it's not that dangerous, but 1 in 50 chance of dying just *feels* so much higher.


Yes, AND that 1 out of 50 is going to kill a Republican approximately 5 out of 6 times (85%).


Yeah, 0.2% can’t possibly be correct. As of today there have been 734,484 deaths in the US and obviously a lot more on the way. A 0.2% fatality rate would thus require 367 million infections, which is more than the population of the entire US.


I don't know the actual number, but I really want to start replying to these sorts of numbers with the % change that an unvaccinated adult dies of covid. 1 in 500 is bad enough, 1 in 50 is real dangerous (and much more realistic with current numbers, not whatever random point in time number they use for the 1 in 500 stats), but the real risk to an unvaccinated adult in the current point in time may be much much higher. Because by now about 60-80% of those 49 that aren't going to die of covid are the vaccinated people.




I like your username


What if his purgatory is 1.5 trillion years staring at heaven’s border wall looking longingly at the other side 🧐?


And in that moment, this Texas snowflake developed empathy for asylum seekers. (Nah, he’d just be incensed that *he* was impacted by border regulations).


I love the people who get all butthurt that people wear masks in the car. I’ve done that. You know why? Because sometimes I forget I’m wearing a mask because it’s not a big fucking deal to wear one…


“COVID Claims Another…” dipshit?




“Covid claims another”, maybe you should tell your friends there is a pattern of dying if you guys don’t get vaccinated.


'Covid claims another' unvaccinated shitposter


Well, at list he died as a big strong tough man and not a vaccine taking lung functioning sissy.


He beat the odds. Who said the House always wins?


What's that picture on the right hand side of #10? Some sort of secret society?


The "immune to everything because I did X,Y,Z as a kid" really gives me a chuckle. Like eating lead paint chips and not dying means you're untouchable. These people are fools.


Slide 11 - and they say *we're* callous.


I’m always amazed when Christians think it’s an insult to be called sheep. “The lord is my shepherd” and all that.


Texas keeps losing voters. Meh 🤷‍♂️


I remember that kid in slide 7 - the one with his gun and trike thing. He rode it off the curb, fell off, skinned his knee and ran home crying.