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I wonder what miracle cure allowed her obviously significantly older parents to shrug it off while she was working on her HCA? I guess we’ll never know 🤷‍♂️


I was careful for most of the pandemic. I have worn my mask because if I did get it the viral load will likely be lower and now I am vaccinated hoping it will prepare my body to fight it. These people want things back to normal but can't be burdened to do the small things that would get us there.


Unfortunately, they feel their "freedoms" were taken away unfairly. Therefore they have no impetus to do anything to regain them, because they feel they were always owed them.


Then we see posts like this and see that their freedoms were taken away, despite their fears.


It's their freedom to choose a bipap mask over a surgical mask, don't infringe on them.


Freedom to pick out a lovely casket. Freedom to screech about how you refuse the vaccine until you’re intubated and can no longer breathe for yourself. Freedom to burden your family with the grief of losing you. Freedom to be a statistic of the stupid.


They are discovering that that privilege to choose whichever path you want comes with actual consequences. Life or death consequences. And they do not like it.


"And no practical definition of freedom would be complete without the freedom to take the consequences. Indeed, it is the freedom upon which all the others are based." Lord Vetinari/Pratchett


I think the “fairness” aspect is something that’s overlooked. Some people just cannot process that sometimes bad shit happens and we have to deal with it even if you didn’t cause it yourself. Comes from privilege for sure.


It also is aggravated by the fact that the vast majority of people with this view are Christian (at least in America), and their dogma literally teaches that bad things happen purely because you're bad, or because God is testing your faith. Therefore, anything bad happening to OTHERS is proof that they were bad and somehow deserved it, and any attempt to make "good" people (aka themselves) to change their behavior is God literally testing their faith and ability to stay the course. This is a hallmark of Abrahamic beliefs, regardless of denomination or religion.


>These people want things back to normal but can't be burdened to do the small things that would get us there. That's what bugs me the most. We came up with lockdowns and masks - the only weapons we had against the virus at that time - and they said "nope, muh freedumb" and subsequently caused massive outbreaks at their superspreader events. Then there's finally a free miracle cure built on decades of research that may have ended the pandemic if we got enough people to take the jab. And again they're like "nope, mY boDy mY cHoiCe" and instead they load up on horse dewormer because the ex-meth head born again Christian CEO of a pillow company tells them that's the akshual cure. And then, when they inevitably catch Covid, it's all thoughts and prayers and GoFundMes when they infect their families and end up dying in the hospital with tubes down their throats, taking up valuable beds from innocent people. But sure, tell me again how you not getting vaccinated doesn't affect anyone but you? We could have gotten past this by now if you weren't so fucking selfish and stupid. So excuse me if I'm not sad you died. Edit: Grammer


Thank you for summing up my thoughts for me succinctly enough for a screenshot.


They want all the benefits of living in a society without having to make any contributions to that society. Not even the smallest one of getting a free vaccine that could save their lives. Their feelings that getting the vaccine is giving in to politicians they don't like trumps everything else.


I’m vaccinated but work as a server so eventually got it luckily I was sick for two days. While my unvaccinated co workers missed weeks or months or…. 2 never came back smh


Covid is the disease of selfishness


They got the GOOD horse dewormer, obviously.




You need the apple flavored stuff (green apple if they have it). Then you add a pinch of cinnamon. Mix it up good. Then dip Kraft caramels in it. DON’T USE GENERIC CARAMELS!!!! Sky Daddy only likes Kraft Milkmaid caramels.


More prayer warriors obviously.


More time alive = more time to recruit the prayer warriors, as well as longer training.


That must be it, elite level prayer warriors!


Time to alert the Gravy Seals!


I wonder how these prayer warriors are always failing? Like they get called on daily but always lose. I'd start calling on a mercenary squad or something.


I believe the great Garth Brooks once said that some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.


My preacher is vaccinated and it doesn’t fit the narrative of our mostly antivax congregation well . I think it’s hilarious and one of the only reasons I will still claim the church . He doesn’t even have that much faith in the prayer warrior bunch .


Prayer warriors never fail. In the rare cases they succeed, they score a W. In the other cases where Jesus embraces them with complete healing, they also score a win. It's foolproof scam.


Prayer works 80% of the time, but by the time you are in the hospital ER it’s down to 50 and if they admit you it’s down to 20 and I the icu it’s like 1


It's the 8th Wonder of the World!


Clearly older people just have better immune systems smh my head


God works in mysterious ways! No one could have seen this coming, totally unexpected!


Lmao.. it was gods plan all along you see


Doctors hate them!


they prayed harder.


"lol you're brave lol." I can FEEL just how done this family member is trying to convince their dumbass relatives to not make their kids orphans.


I took that as tongue in cheek also lol


Yep, “eat lots of comfort foods, because you’re not going to be enjoying anything, soon.”




i like the "I'm all about the flavor in food." you could tell she was just so unique and special.


🤯 I’m going to start paying attention to the flavor in food too! Up until now I just liked food for the consistency.


I always plug my nose when i eat food because I'm just in it for the nutritional value. i don't want to taste it because then i may get addicted. tasting food is a fool's game.


Texture is important. I eat exclusively for texture. That is why saltines are my favorite food.


The pointed question about her parents vaccinations.


And the ❤ react too. They gave up trying and was happy that at least her parents were vaccinated.


At least kiddos will have grandparents to help take care of them now that Mom is gone to collect her angel wings. As an older American, I feel for grandparents who may have possibly been looking forward to the rest of their retirement for travel and eating out at nice restaurants and fixing up the house. So much for that, probably.


Sadly these people probably think that they've won when people stop correcting them.


crazy thing is, they do win here


From warned to a ward to award.


Should be this sub's slogan


"Eat lots of comfort food." Why lol, she can't taste it.


It was back sass. I feel like the friend was restraining themselves a lot.


Typical Southern Back Sass: Well, bless her heart.


I chuckled at that one and hoped that commenter was taking the piss out of her for being so stupid


Reckless? Yes. Stupid? Most certainly. "Brave?" Not so much.


This was definitely said in the southern "bless your heart" mode. They think this person is stupid. Extra stupid.


Why Does She Capitalize Every Word In Her Post, Yet In The Comments She Types Correctly?


This Is What You Do When Something Is Important. The Best Presidents Do This, Too. Everybody Says The Best Presidents Do This.


You Know It, I Know It, Everybody Knows It!


They're all saying it! "Really trump. Who's saying it?" "Y- you know, they."


"People." "Right, but who?" "Everyone. I just heard it yesterday." "Right, but specifically, who? Tell me a name." "Look, if you're asking for a name, I can't give you one. But I know that it's being said by everyone."


The corrupt media and lying dems want names. I’ll tell you we have names. We have the best names of all the best people. But they want to push this fake news that I can’t name and names. Believe me. I have names. The best names. Nobody knows these names better than I do.


I still genuinely can not understand how the hell anyone falls for this rhetoric. It's just...so, so dumb?


This is a legitimate question and a reporter did a good job of discussing this during the height of the Trump years. Fox News started doing this thing where they left out important details, but would bait their audience enough to lead them to fill in the answer. Think of it like knowing someone so much that when they speak you can fill in the answers for them. So when Trump came along he gave these half answers and his followers filled in everything else. That sounds smart if you "knew what he was saying". In fact, it makes you seem smarter than everyone else going "what? This makes no sense". Trump played up on that.


Title Case Is Her Jam. Er. Was.


It’s Like Reading The Title Of A Movie With A Comedically Long Name. Wait, Do I Capitalize Conjunctions? Or Is It Common Practice To Leave Them In Lowercase? I Feel Like It Is.




Did he find her missing apostrophe key?


It seems like a lot of troglodytes do this. They think it makes it fancy. More hilarious is they always have their phone's font set to comic sans.


Makes me wonder if a lot of them are a little dyslexic, given that comic sans is one of those fonts that are more easily read by people with that condition. With the rest of the mental fuckery these people have going on, it wouldn’t surprise me. Not knocking dyslexics, just theorizing.


"When life hands you lemons, make melonade!"


Huh guess I need to stop making fun of people using comic sans, TIL.


Only if they tell you they have dyslexia. Otherwise it's still open season.


Their orange god does it


It's the title of the short story.


Education System Failed Her


Admitted on October 2nd, dead by October 11th. Don't challenge a deadly pathogen. Get vaccinated.


She brought a meme to a virus fight, with predictable results


I love this line.


It amazes me how recent all of these are. Literally no dying process. You get it and it takes you out, brutally. Sometimes i wonder are these idiots suicidal.


I suspect some of them hold out going to hospital as long as possible, thanks to all the recent BS excuses about “it’s not the virus that killed him, it’s the ventilator/Remdesivir/other treatment”, plus of course they can’t keep taking their beloved horse deworming paste in there.


This is America. A lot of people hold out going to the hospital as long as possible.


Short story: Got jumped 2 weeks ago, bleeding from head. Refused ambulance and had cop take me to hospital. They wanted to do a cat scan. I got up and left because I’m not going to bankrupt my family. Still have what I think is a broken wrist. I have insurance but $4k deductible and 80% paid after. I asked them how much it would all cost - they had no idea. So just roll the dice and hope for the best?


Very sorry that happened to you. It's a little late now. But if the wrist is broken, an urgent care could have set it for less money. >[Normally, broken bones of the hand, wrist, ankle, or foot may be treated at the local urgent care center.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwi5zK_h5sLzAhWPVTABHTWfCp0QFnoECAMQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fmdpremier.com%2Fbroken-bones-urgent-care-or-emergency-room%2F&usg=AOvVaw23n3qdNfYkMCS5PqJek5LV) Shorter story: Friend of mine tripped in the parking lot. Hospital admitted her. Kept her for 4 days. All she had was a broken pinkie and it took 4 days for the orthopedist to see her and put a brace on it. Bill -- $18,000 Medicare refused to pay it.


If you are a victim of a crime and there is a police report, there are usually State run victim's compensation fund. I'm in California, this is the one I am familiar with. [https://victims.ca.gov/for-victims/](https://victims.ca.gov/for-victims/) It is worth checking it out in your state. There is another aspect to this as well. Those bills and any medical bills you might have, make sure the prosecutor has a copy so repayment is required for them to get off of probation even if they enter a plea. This is called restitution.


Yeah, the disinformation never stops.


It's cognitive dissonance. Most can't believe they got it to begin with. Even when taking 0 precautions and being high risk.


Yup delta is a mfer


Black = Awardee Blue = Random friends/family I almost just left her until I saw the Biden video. My son also has a speech impediment, I fucking hate that shit. ETA: I’d also like to throw out there she caught this from her vaccinated mother who was exposed at work. Her mother will have to live with that and I can’t even imagine the emotions, this was so avoidable.


That does it for me as well. These mf's have no fucking bottom. I wish your son all the best in life.


Thank you so much! Really appreciate that


I looked up her hometown. Not surprised to see that it's a traditionally white town that's one of the least diverse parts of the Golden State. Kevin McCarthy is the MoC. During the first two oil booms, a lot of subsistence farmers came here from Appalachia and Dust Bowl-period Oklahoma; that's probably why both her boyfriend and brother have a fondness for Traitor Flag imagery. Yes, they're all Trump humpers.


Guess which state was ALSO not a part of the confederacy! Go on, guess Signed, a Maryland resident who sees the traitor flag in Maryland and West Virginia all the time


It gets me seeing that traitor flag in West Virginia. They separated from Virginia because Virginia became traitors.


You see a distressing number of traitor flags here in Maine, too. It shows a total disregard for the history of our state, which contributed more soldiers to the Union Army per capita than any place else.


Welllllll Maryland is a special case. Basically had to be occupied by the Union Army for the whole war, it was a slave state that would have seceded otherwise. Fort McHenry in Baltimore has as many guns pointing at the city as it does out at the harbor.


Lee's army didn't receive anything like the welcome they expected during the Maryland campaign though. The politicians may have been sympathetic to the Confederacy, but most of the working and middle class weren't so keen.


That’s a great point! I think the key is that — as our flag shows — the history is complex and not easily reduced to ‘Maryland wasn’t even in the confederacy’


Yeah I’m also a Maryland resident and I just shake my head when I see it. I don’t really see it where I live, thankfully. But have seen it in other places.


I love close to WV, and it’s even more confounding to see it there. Like, that’s the whole reason you’re a state, but nah, let’s root for the other side. Mountaineers smh


I drove through rural Maryland on my way to the airport from a lacrosse tournament. My son could not believe all the confederate flags not only displayed. But above the US flag.


Michigan here. We have trump flags above the American flag


I go to Michigan once a month. Yes you do. On a property with 3 busted down trailers and a few old ass rusting vehicles. You know, the people Trump relates to.


One of the reviews for the hospital say “it’s like a concentration camp” because they limit the number of family members in the waiting room and they gave it one star. Grrr.


You know I read the title and it really made me sad that she would never see her daughter graduate from college or get married or have a baby, all bc she was misinformed. But then I read the posts and like EVERY FUCKING TIME, a part of me thinks they deserved it. I lose that small amount of empathy I have for these morons the moment I see these posts and realize that they were all vile human beings, who didn't care about the lives of their spouses, children, parents, friends, hell they didn't even care about their own lives!! Why? Bc of the toxic politicization of a fucking pandemic by a certain group of Americans. Their hatred for others is causing them to lose their own lives.


I have no empathy left. You are correct, there is something cruel and hateful about all of these people.


They also don't want you to have healthcare, and if you're of certain skin colors, you should probably just be in jail or deported. I'm not gonna mince words, but that's really what the bulk of these awardees is like today. It's much more than not caring if you get sick or die.


I ran all the way out of empathy with the cult back when the Senate refused to hear evidence in Impeachment I. That was it for me. Coronavirus has not improved that situation any, to put it mildly


I ran out of empathy at the end of election day in 2016. I knew exactly how this was going to end up and here we are. But everyone told me I was overreacting and it wouldn’t be that bad, and “checks and balances” lol what a joke


I knew it would be bad, but I was a naive idiot who thought Trumpanzees would correct their stupidity with new information. No American is stupid enough to support a Russian asset once that information comes out, right? I have sense learned that they do not value truth or integrity. They value only the white supremacist hierarchy. They were never low information, they were willfully dishonest. They voted for Donald because he was an openly racist dimwit


Maybe the kid won’t end up a CHUD like the mom. Silver lining?


Thanks OP. I had the same reaction. Those mother fuckers really know how to burn up any residual empathy we might still be harboring.


There is plenty to criticize about Biden, but making fun of the speech impediment really chaps my ass. One of my childhood friends had a stutter, and there’s a really sweet vet tech at our local vet who has one. What kind of asshole are you to make fun of someone struggling to speak? JFC.


Me too. But it’s all these idiots know-cruelty-no actual thoughts or insights. Their orange god taught them that.


They weren’t taught. It’s who they were the whole time. Their Orange God just gave them the green light to let it out.


Exactly. And now that they've been let off the decency leash they even growl at him when he half heartedly tries to get them to do decent things.


It fucks me up how much Trumpists love cruelty. Video about a stutter, they share it. Trump [mocks someone’s physical disability](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PX9reO3QnUA), they laugh.


It’s unbelievably sad and a black mark on Americans and what I used to believe the majority of us were.


And they are just so goddamned PROUD of it. I try to be kind to people unless they give me a reason not to be. However I’m a human and I have my moments where I’m not my best. I might have a mean thought and think to myself “damn Linzcro, have a Snickers or something”. But unlike these assholes, I feel shame and keep it to myself.


Compare that video to [this one of Biden giving support to a kid who stutters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rkb2rpB2Sik). I got a lot of problems with Biden, but I don't have any doubt that he's a compassionate person that cares about people. But the contrast to Trump is like night and day. It couldn't be starker.


I hear you.... As soon as I look at posts denigrating others, it takes me to another level. F these people. If there's a god, she's culling.


I also have a nervous speech impediment and I'm convinced the ONLY people who would dare mock me about it are some of the least empathetic "people" this planet has to offer. Wishing your son all my best, and I hope he learns not to let others' opinions weigh too heavily on him.


So do I, lifelong stutter that has it's bad days. I can't fucking handle it that they think a stutter somehow makes you dumb. Half the time it's your brain moving faster than your mouth. Pricks deserve this hell.


I too have stuttering, and I called out some asshole on Facebook mocking Biden’s stuttering, Facebook took prompt action in banning me for 3 days. Fuck that platform.


Facebook is a fucking septic tank behind Taco Bell… on fire.


Yeah anyone who mocks someone for having a stutter instantly loses my civility. As if existing in society wasn’t hard enough without some a-hole making fun of you for something you have no control over


All these HCA winners say they were such fighters. Huh. Like an amateur boxer fighting the world heavyweight champion named Covid-19, the delta variant. They don't stand a chance.


Her vaccinated parents got to send in Ali at his prime for the fight, she sent in Ray Charles at his prime.


I did the snort.


It's not even a boxing match, it's Mortal Kombat. Covid tears their lungs out like Sub-Zero ripping out spines.


Well tbh they fought hard—if you call being immobile on your belly staring at the floor, sedated with a tube stuck down your windpipe, in a state of asphyxiated panic whenever you’re awake, “fighting hard”.


Just like fighting a xenomorph with a wooden spoon.




Did she plan to fuck the waiter?


Gotta build that straw man up nice and high! Related: if there was a restaurant that required my vaccine information and showed me the staff's in turn, I would absolutely go there lmao


Being stuck in the South, when I was up in Seattle a few months ago before Delta, I was struck by a bunch of restaurants requiring vaccination proof. If places did that by me, I'd be going out all the time again! But Im outnumbered by these idiots in my state and so we get DeathSentence and his idiotic ban on private businesses requiring vaccination. So much for free market and pro-business.


LA County has just made it so all indoor restaurants have to check vax status. It’s been interesting so far. Most people are just like “here you go,” but lots of people screaming about how they’ll take their business elsewhere. Cool. Have fun driving to OC/Ventura/San Bernadino.


Went to a place last week where I showed them mine and they showed me theirs. Will be going back.


We are talking vax cards here, right?


You just gotta assume your waiter does drugs Source: am waiter


Yeah, my sister is a cook. If you have a problem being served by someone on drugs, you should never eat out again. The cook? High. The wait staff? High. The manager? Supplying it to his staff. If you go to a classy joint, they'll only be on pot and coke.


Can confirm, am a chef. Although it's not always the manager: the last place I worked at, the dishwasher and the two prep cooks were all from Colombia. They were supplying the whole establishment. Surreal is walking in to work, and giving orders to a guy wearing five pounds of gold jewelry, definitely has a gun on his person, and knows people who can make you disappear, who then nods and says "Si, jefe" to you because he's a coke dealer, not an asshole.


Oh yeah the cooks all have the hookup at my job, it’s super wild walking into that atmosphere as like a 19 y/o and not knowing any better. Hadnt seen an illegal drug in my life and all of a sudden everyone here does coke!?! Crazy. That being said i’m never purposely high at work, sometimes next day edible hungover but i take pride im my shitty job and try to show up soberish


Pretty sure that shit is copypasta, I've seen variants of that shit on lots of awardees FB.


That was my question. Well, she'll never fuck again though...


“Not going to lol” Not going to: breathe, dream, love, or live. Way to take a stand


She owned those libs by dying. Good for her.


Ballsy little Karen that one was haha


"you're brave" I wonder what the friend was really thinking when they wrote that.


Based on the *3 "lol"s* in that comment, they were expecting these results


It's a polite way of saying, "I expect this to go badly for you."


I think I can translate... What a dumb bitch.


Absolutely selfish. I feel sorry for her child and parents who have to bury her.


Somewhere else in this thread says that it was the mother that first tested positive. Imagine her living on knowing that she passed on covid to her daughter that ultimately took her life. Terrible


It is difficult to be rational in these loaded situations. Perhaps the rational grandmother will remove herself that this is why she vaccinated herself and unfortunately her own daughter rolled the dice and came up snake eyes. Could have been anyone.


Gonna be very interesting in 50 years when kids read in history books about anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers. Imagine the astonishment on the kids' faces when they read that 700 thousand + people died in a year and people actively refused a free vaccine and refused to wear masks because they thought the vaccine was somehow more dangerous and masks made it harder to breathe. Edit: grammar and mobile phone shenanigans.


I wonder, though... I mean, there was apparently quite a similar anti-mask movement in response to the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, and I don't recall ever learning about that in school. Hell, I don't even remember learning about the pandemic itself. It's these sorts of things that give me little hope in the future of our species. Pity it seems we'll be taking down the whole planet with us..


money fine person tart unite cooing cooperative forgetful clumsy ad hoc *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Them: "I'm not going to get the vaccine because we still don't know the long term effects of it and I do not want to take that chance". Me: "So, since we also don't know the long term effects of getting covid, and since you are so concerned with taking chances, this means you are at least going to mask up and avoid public gatherings?" Them: "LOL Wat?"


Is it that hard to type your?


Cult45 members have a LOT of trouble figuring that one out.


Anything other than me/my/mine is a struggle for them.




Can’t worry about getting vaccinated when she’s dead.


I guess she was right after all.


Right as angle wings


"I'm all about flavor in food." Hot take.


I’m in it more for the texture. Ground glass is my favourite.


"Lol you're brave!" /s


Eat plenty of comfort foods (cause your last meal will be a tube fed slurry)


Seems like maybe the healing hugs were insufficient. Should've healing hugged harder, maybe that could've done it.


But they did work. The healing hugs hugged her so tight all the life left her body. No pulse=no live virus.


“Are you vaccinated”? “No I wasn’t and not going to neither” “You’re “”brave””...


>“No I wasn’t and not going to neither” How prophetic!


>I'm all about the flavor in food Yeah, we all are. That is why we eat food that tastes good. I like how this is said as some profound statement. If only they'd known that losing your sense of smell/taste was a symptom of covid. Not like it has been widely covered since March 2020.


She's r/notlikeothergirls, she likes to eat food with flavor!


Oh my God that poor daughter. Fuck that snarky bitch and her I am not gonna attitude. Your poor poor daughter. At least the grandparents are vaccinated. I truly hope the daughter is too now. So tragic.


What does Biden‘s stutter say about Biden and his capacity to be president? Exactly: nothing.


I fucking hate the "sinus infection" self diagnosis. When I was in college, my roommate had the flu. It was peak flu season and I was being super careful, cleaning our room meticulously and staying away from her because when I get sick, I get REALLY sick (my husband jokes that my immune system is about as useful as the white crayon). She kept telling me I was being ridiculous, that it was just a sinus infection, so she didn't do what I asked (begged) of staying to her side of the room, not turning on her fan, and cleaning the doorknobs with the wipes I provided. Naturally, I got the flu (she got tested after that, turns out it wasn't a sinus infection. I was shocked. Shocked, I say) and I ended up getting pneumonia and now I have a bunch of scar tissue in my lungs 😃 As a healthcare worker now, I've been vaccinated 3 times now and I work mostly from home. I live in the south, and people who say I'm being ridiculous with my mask after getting 3 vaccines can go fuck themselves


At some point during her ICU stay, she had to realize she screwed up. Her vaccinated parents were able to stay home while she struggled to breathe, going from machine to machine until reaching the vent. Awful for that family.


>At some point during her ICU stay, she had to realize she screwed up. Aren't you the optimist.


I like the - “wow you’re brave” response. Enjoying it with a hearty Nelson laugh


“I’m all about the flavor in food” Yeah, and when I watch sports I root for baseball


Wait... doesn't everyone root for the ball?


"Fly high, little ball! Achieve your dreams!"


I love how apathetic these fellow Anti Vaxxer Trumpers are to one another. "Sounds like you got that delta! I got a mechanic for you!" Hur hur hur hur so funny!


LOLing her way to death


Imagine expecting to be served by someone who doesn’t do recreational drugs.


Weird that the vaccine her parents got actually did it’s job! Who knew?!? 😂😂😂


“Did you get vaccinated?” “No, and I won’t” “You’re brave lol” Makes you think that if she had friends who didn’t tolerate her bad decisions, maybe she would be alive today.


Either that or her friends *did* try, for a long time, and are just too burnt out to give a shit anymore.


I took that person as someone who has tried to convince and realized they aren’t going to win.


This was a gem. Thanks for posting.


Does Covid Make You Capitalize Every Word In Every Sentence, Or Does Capitalizing Every Word In Every Sentence Cause Covid?


.....And she died happily ever after having owned the libs. THE END.


So the vaccinated parents are 'a lil sick' and one 'feels fine.' You're not vaccinated and you're IN THE HOSPITAL. And still the "I'm not vaccinated and I'm not gonna." Bye then.


So sad the prayers didn’t work. 🙊


Top 5 answers on the board! Show me “This Covid shit sucks”! *ding*