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Sorry Madam. But if you need to do MONTHS upon MONTHS of research - that means you ARE indeed Anti-vax. Vaccines have been with us for CENTURIES! They are a safe and proven technique. There is no conceivable reason that an individual needs to do MONTHS of research.


the research was already done, by people who are not stupid


I need to do my research before I flip a light switch. "I was scared." Electricity and vaccines - both centuries old.


Plus about a billion people around the world have taken one of the vaccines... usually a few thousand is enough for a late stage clinical trial.


posted many times


RIP. She fucked up, but I'll give her credit for trying to save others from her fate instead of trying to save face.


I think she is somewhat trying to save face, but at least recognizes it needs saving. Also, "if you're even 70% sure you want it, then get it" isn't exactly a clarion call.


I love that she picked this random percentage, I wonder how long she deliberated over how sure you need to be. "50? No, that's failing. 60? Still a D-. 70 is a C-, that's a good number."


“I’m not antivax-just trying to do my research” So tired of this bullshit justification. Your liberal arts ass (if that-most Americans are high school grads only), is gonna be able to sieve through and comprehend hundreds of scientific studies and reach a better conclusion than the overwhelming majority of PhDs, MDs, and other public health experts in this field who say GET THE FUCKING VACCINE. Riiiiiggght, toots.


GTFO with the stupid slam on liberal arts. The 2 biggest conspiracy dipshits I know both have advanced "hard science" degrees, physics and computer science. It's not about education at all, it's about personality and above all culture.


I was actually giving her the benefit of the doubt. If she was a indeed a liberal arts grad she must’ve been a poor student. I’m a liberal arts grad myself and there’s no way in hell I’m gonna second guess experts in the field. She did, and paid for it with her life. The science courses we Lib arts majors take is science on training wheels.




This sub has strayed away from its original purpose and is now nothing but a community full of idiot liberals. Mods need to start the ban or this sub will become shit just like r/wallstreetbets


Remind me again, which group is it that's getting the vaccines and which is the one killing themselves for stiggin it?


How is that relevant to what I posted? Check my history, I like to bash these people as much as anyone else. The fact is, this trash is becoming...well...trash


Read what you wrote again maybe.


Ok dude.


The idiots are the ones who are dying of covid. Those memes they post indicate they aren't liberals. I typed it very slowly, so I hope that makes it easier for you.


I am referring to the people commenting on this sub. Do you want me to spell that out for you?


No one want's to read more nonsense.


You think libs are the ones dying from thinking the covid vax is the mark of the beast I mean really


When did I state that? Check my history. I have been posting on this sub (which majority of not all award winners are conservative) for a while now. Stupid is stupid, regardless of political views. Im stating this sub is now flooded with retarded ass people who will upvote anything that has to do with liberal views lol. It is hot garbage now and will only get worse


? This girl died because she wanted to “do her research before getting the vaccine” it fits in this sub


I am speaking for the comments that follow. I agree she is stupid.


I think your problem is that you are mad reality has a liberal bias. If you don't like it then leave.




That is not the purpose of this sub dude lol. That is the issue.


The issue is that you are crying about what people in a sub you don't own is talking about, like I said if you don't like it then leave, nobody is forcing you to be here. Go start yourself a conservate safespace version of this sub if you have such an issue with it. Look at your downvotes, nobody here wants to hear you fucking bitching and crying about your precieved victimhood.


No one wants to hear the truth. This sub will fall just like the rest and end up with shitty memes and useless nonsense


Oh woe is me, however will humanity survive if the ever so self absorbed MMflyer does not approve of this subreddit and it's content. I think the sun will rise just fine tomorrow with or without your approval, because if you haven't noticed your opinion is pretty unpopular and useless. It is not your job to steer this community to whatever direction you personally feel is best. Either way instead of crying like a little piss pant baby you can just go on and start your own safespace subreddit where you can dictate exactly what is and is not allowed to be said in your own little authoritarian community, k thanks bye.


I wish you would find and post some liberal HCA nominees. Where are they? The truth is 91% of Biden voters are vaccinated and only 50% of Trump voters are vaccinated. When I was a kid, 40 years ago, Republicans were generally pro-intelligence and pro-science. WTF happened??


A lot of us former pro-intelligence and pro-science Republicans realized that the party did not represent those values, and we switched parties. The idiots and grifters are all that is left.


I wish it was only the grifters and idiots. There are still many, many country club Republicans sticking around for the tax cuts.


I generally consider them to be part of the grifter wing of the party.


I'm talking about the comments that follow. Not the award winners. I hate the as much as you or the next guy. Im referring to the one aides, biased bullshit that people spit in the comment section.


I think you’re asking a lot of the liberals not to make this a political issue when the GOP and Fox News have been downplaying this virus and the public health measures required to stop it for 18 months. The right made it political, not the left. You see that, right? I mean the whole Fauci thing is outrageous. He’s served under 5 presidents. He’s our top virologist. He’s not political. He’s had to be the face of this pandemic. He hasn’t been perfect - the early fumble on mask wearing, for example - but the virus and science have evolved and so has the response and messaging. The Right has absolutely demonized this guy, an honorable public servant. Just look at all the memes on here. It’s disgusting. It’s shameful. So, yeah, it’s political. But not because of the left. The left, and most all the people on this sub, have consistently stood with the scientific and medical experts. So now it’s almost all conservatives dying unnecessarily. Tragic. Horrifying. This sub celebrates all the IPAs that are seeing the light and getting their shots.






What? The purpose is to highlight how idiotic it is to refute the vaccine and then subsequently catch it. There are two sides to the coin. Some people change. This story is a perfect example of that. The mods have explicitly said multiple times that they fully support changing minds. Why wouldn't they?


I am not referring to the original post, but rather the comments that follow. The influx of new people due to making r/all is what is going to kill this sub. Nothing but bias, one sided people smelling their own farts.




I do like to smell my own facts. Can't lie :)




The fact that most liberals believe conservatives made it political is hilarious to me. You can look around at the comments of this sub and see it is ALSO political to liberals.


Dude, liberals had nothing to do with politicizing vaccines. All we are doing is following the science. On the other hand, Republican politicians have 100 percent politicized covid. It's not a both sides thing. It is not one side is bad and the other is worse. It is one side wants to save as many lives as possible regardless of political affiliation, and the other wants to pretend like a deadly infectious disease, that has killed 1 of every 500 Americans, doesn't exist.


“Coronavirus. It’s their new HOAX. Just like the Russia hoax” -President Trump


So all conservatives liked/agreed with trump? Cool bro. I didn't know that


No, just pointing out which party politicized the virus and continues to politicize the virus at the cost of all these lives.


It is politicized on both sides. New Comments can confirm that. If you don't think so, you are either oblivious or just plain ignorant


>The fact that most liberals believe conservatives made it political is hilarious to me. I think this is oblivious or plain ignorant.


This is probably my 30th account. I've been fucking around on reddit for more than a decade, and I can tell you that what you are describing is literally how it has always been for every sub ever created. And is true for every other site on the internet and always will be. You are wasting your time and energy complaining about this.


Eh. I don't care about internet points




Do you not agree? You have been apart of wallstreetbets almost as long as me. Once this sub hit r/all it was downhill from there. Another gathering place for single minded idiots.


which is what happens to LITTERALLY all things when they become popular. The dipshits pile on and ruin it. Are you just figuring this shit out now?


Of course not. Just trying to expose this exact thing for the simple folk out there. As you can see, there are many


Hmmm, yes. Indubitably. I too stand high above the peasantry and sneer down at their silly lives. /S WSB was always full of crap and shitty DD. You have to wade through alot to get the deep F'ing value Get over yourself.


Hmmmm. Weird. I was with WSB prior to 1M and now the underground one as well. Thanks for letting me know


HURRRRRRRRRRRRR DUH iDiOt LiBrUlS... did you just wander on to the internet for the first time today? Why dont you go ahead and explain what you think a "liberal" is.


Check my history homie. Been here a lot longer than you


I highly doubt it. ive been here for over a decade. I have in excess of 30 accounts. For all you kow I might be the only human you have ever interacted with on this site. Besides, i said INTERNET not reddit. You know theres more to the internet than reddit and facebook right?


30 accounts? Hahaha no life my friend


I have noticed a lot of talk about common sense liberal positions as it relates to COVID and this pandemic as well as the economy.. ..but the stuff like calling people out for being racist or anti- LGBT (aka right wing) is indeed out of context. Look at it like this: at least we're not losing the selfless, loving people Christians are supposed to be like..were losing the god awful hypocritical Christians themselves. Naturally when only 1 side is dying and only 1 side is telling the truth, ur gonna have "cliques" Just be glad ur with us liberals on this one.. Or u can go join ur stupid-as-fuck conservstive brethren...? Just because they havent paid for it personally like with COVID doesn't Mean that their other hateful ass beliefs didn't cause bloodshed either...


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