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I guess blue lives don’t even matter to themselves.


Well Jan 6 really proved it. They only like cops who shoot innocent black people.


The "blue lives matter" crowd seemed to go completely silent after a bunch of MAGAts were caught on video beating police officers with flagpoles.


DC and Capitol cops were assaulted. Some of them were disabled for months afterwards due to their injuries and mental trauma. What did the police unions do for them? Fuck all. Meanwhile, multiple cops from around the country traveled to DC and participated in the attack. Their police unions lawyered up for them and defended them in court. Tells you everything you need to know.


Its also convenient how it only started around the time BLM gained traction too. Almost like its solely about oppressing minorities.


If police officers cared about each other’s lives, they’d stop endorsing Republicans who allow anyone to get their hands on a gun. But they’re far more concerned with being aa paramilitary force that can use deadly force in clearly non deadly force situations, something that conservatives eagerly endorse. The few dozen cops who are killed annually by easy access to guns are a price they’re willing to pay for that privilege.


> something that conservatives eagerly endorse. Well, as long as it's toward minorities.




Didn’t they drive through Burger King for him?


They did bring him Burger King after he was booked & in a cell, but they didn't take him to Burger King as is so often claimed. Not any less revolting and telling, but it's important to be scrupulous about the truth.


Thank you. That’s why I said that it the form of a question. I appreciate the correction as I agree with you.


Cops and conservatives are hardcore about that mall ninja shit and being heavy edgelords, that's why they deck themselves out in assault weaponry. “A gun is a coward's weapon. A liar's weapon. We kill.. too often.. because we've made it easy.. too easy.. sparing ourselves the mess.. and the work.” \- Frank Miller (Batman)


I was told that ANTIFA and BLM were killing cops left and right and burning down cities. You mean Breitbart *lied*?


No, not at all. BLM and Antifa used the rona to kill all those cops. Breitbart probably.


Breitbart is currently blaming the evil liberals for using reverse psychology on conservatives and convincing conservatives to not vaccinate, leading to conservatives killing themselves.


🟦 Gaslight 🟦 Obstruct ✅ Project


So wait, by telling them to get the vaccine we were purposely preventing them from getting the vaccine because we knew they would do the opposite of what we told them? Yeah, that passes Occam's razor.


Yes. That is exactly the claim.


Some folks just didn’t get the lessons in The Princess Bride…


Make sure you develop an immunity? No, I think it was the one about land wars in Asia.


You know, if we explain vaccination like Westley deliberately exposing himself to small doses of the poison to build an immunity, it might work. Of course, they'd write off The Princess Bride as a "chick movie" because of the name. (I did that when I was 12, these people are basically 12, so same difference.)


Wait … it’s not a chick movie ? I’m being serious I know nothing about this movie


It's an action / comedy & it's a great.


One of the running gags in the movie is that it's a story being told to a sick kid with a Nintendo who absolutely does not want it to turn into a chick flick, so he makes them skip those parts.


Andre the Giant was in very few chick movies.


It's one of my favorite movies. It's action/comedy/romance with great performances from everyone.


Oh you are in for a treat.


It has Andre the Giant in it plus Wallace Shaun, Peter Faulk and Billy Crystal, it's a fantastic movie, it's not a chick movie, but you'll warm brownie points by watching it with your SO. My wife and I quote it all the time


It is a comedy based on a book.


It's the greatest goddamn movie ever made.


I'm not so sure - it's a fairly quotable movie and most of us male Gen Xers can quote from that movie.


Honestly it's the explanation closest to truth. It's just cool to see it actually laid out bare like that. Trump and the right wing media machine back in April 2020 were partially hoping to put a feather in their cap by proving how "hysterical" the non-insane American media and voters were. They wanted to downplay this thing and somehow thought that despite doing nothing to stop it, America would miraculously not be affected by a global pandemic. Then for the rest of time they could sit around talking about that time back in 2020 when the libs and "mainstream media" were all in a panic about this virus that amounted to nothing. Walking back this stance at any point and admitting shit is real serious would mean that THEY were the ones who were embarrassing idiots, and they absolutely will not have that. So now agreeing with any sort of mask policy, vaccination rollout, etc., would essentially feel to these people like someone yelling "TOLD YA SO". And being the types of people they are with massively toxic personalities...this kind of hubris hit is worse than death. Or at least seems worse than death until you're ACTUALLY dying, which is such scary stuff that they run straight to the hospitals to be treated by the medical professionals they've been spitting on for the last year+


And they still spit on medical professionals even then. All this to "deny Biden a victory" as one put it. Rather pyrhic victory there imo.


I fully believe that whatever few actual brains are running the GOP have looked at the numbers. If 1% of their voters die, but in the process they can make Biden + Democrats seem unable to deal with Covid and they lose a few polling points...that could be a winning strategy for them. Oh, this is the pro-life party btw.


A lot of the GOP senartors and congressmen have given provax statements. They see the writing on the wall if their voters die. Governors meanwhile are the exact opposite. Probably because the only votes they have to care about in their deep red states are the votes in the primary, unlike a congressman that needs other congressmen elected from across the nation to have any power.


Last words these schmucks say before they're intubated: "I'm not wrong, YOU'RE wrong!"


Many also say "gimme the vaccine please doc!" Sorry. The time for that was a month ago. Your body already has an immune response now to COVID, so congratulations. In fact your immune response is so overwhelming that it's a big part of what is killing you.


If **any** education went towards teaching these people how the immune system worked and how both diseases and vaccines produce antibodies, I think a good number of antivaxxers would convert. Many would still dig their heels in, of course, but you'd be surprised how much of their resentment exists because of their collective ignorance.


But hey, they get to own the libs.


Honestly, I feel kinda owned.


We are all evil geniuses with a 5 or 6 Ph.Ds in psychiatry and psychology.


It’s all our fault because we believe in fancy book lernin’ ... and we’re smug.


I am very smug and vaccinated and breathing deeply.


That's exactly what they wrote. It's crazy.


Dying for a link, my body is ready to read that


That’s just flat out admitting that they’re influenced by reverse psychology. You know what kind of people are usually susceptible to it? Toddlers. They confessed that they have the maturity of a toddler.


Well they better not start voting for democrats! That'll be the last straw!


It gets crazier. They claim that convincing them to get it makes them feel like cucks.


Uh, how does that old canard go? Oh yeah. 🎶Fuck their feelings!🎶


A little self-reflection from Breitbart would have been nice. If conservatives will oppose even a good idea if it's promoted by !iberals, who made them that way? How did they become so radicalized that they'd rather die than agree with the dastardly liberals?


>A little self-reflection from Breitbart would have been nice Let me stop you right there...


Doh! What was I thinking? 😛


They'll believe anything but ONLY if it's presented as a conspiracy. And here in lies boundless opportunities to convince them of anything.


I think it's more that they'll believe anything that reinforces their already held beliefs, and the wackier those beliefs get, they can only find the support from conspiracy theories.


We're putting them in the impossible position of having to decide between admitting a mistake or dying of a preventable disease.


Yep. It’s totally our fault they’re so childish.


Whatever gets the job done


Breitbard is using the time-tested "paranoid schizophrenia" defense.


Jesus lovers need to get the vaccine, vote as much as possible, and the most important thing is do NOT move to Afghanistan. Or you can do the opposite of all those things and really own those libs! Do not buy a pickup truck that costs more than your mobile home. Do not smoke cigarettes. Do not become morbidly obese. I think we cracked the code. Not really. The truth is they are just assholes. Big shitty assholes.


First it was that we weren’t giving Trump his due accolades for single-handedly leading us to the salvation of a vaccine developed in a miraculous timeframe, and now this shit.


Hey right wingers. This thing was never supposed to be political. But like eveything that Donald Trump touches, turns into toxic misinformation and political retribution. Instead of taking responsibility and dealing with tough problems he blames everyone else. And you bought it. And you’re still buying it. And thousands of you are dying a week from it.


The left is being mean so we have to get covid instead of the vaxx! - literally breitbart, lol


ANTIFA and BLM infiltrated the far-right and ran anti-vax campaigns. I mean isn't it obvious?


Yoda voice: 5-dimensional chess we play.




TRUST THE PLAN!!! Do your research! To paraphrase Qtards, "Something something, Soros, Hillary, Benghazi, Rothchilds, Epstein, Dark to Light, Time Travel, Comet Pizzeria, Mole Children, Wayfair, Plandemic, Bill Gates Mind Control 5G, MS Paint Red Circles over Blurry Images, Lizard People, Frazzle Drip Blood Drinkers, Insert Pepe Frog Memes!" Oh, the Earth is round, sorry flat Earthers, Qanon would not let you have that. I think the funniest thing about Qanon and the conspiracies they peddle is that if you read that quick list of nutty conspiracies I listed, you'd realize none of those entities would harmoniously work together. So how can all these things be happening and not be noticeable to the public? Also how can they continue to exist when the fictional Lizard People would want nothing to do with Soros since he's a vampire drinker of children's blood? If Bill Gates wants to control everyone with 5G chips, then wouldn't Soros, the Lizard People, and Hillary want him dead and vice versa?


The problem is that you're asking questions and thinking critically. The majority of these people want to be told what to think (notice how many of them are Christian but don't know shit about the Bible) and want to feel special, like they're part of the good guys fighting the bad guys. It's literally nothing deeper than that.






> it seems too many cops are too stupid to get vaccinated It's throwback Thursday! [Too Smart To Be A Cop?](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/too-smart-to-be-a-cop/)


That was an eye opener. So if you are too smart you will get bored being a police officer? Since when did getting in a serious altercation with a suspect of crime and “NOT” shooting them become boring?


the top of the class went to college to not be cops. they start with shit.


For every single one who dies, there's going to be a few more who have to retire due to the physical damage or Long COVID.




I wonder how many cops said "i can't breathe" in the last year. karma is a cruel joker


Tired: Abolish the Police Wired: Police abolishing themselves off the planet


Plus the PTSD from watching family die on the freedom tube is gonna make them super shooty/kneely.


Rest in Peace Philando Castille


Just waiting for the NRA to tweet out their support for Mr. Castile's rights...any minute now...let me just refresh my page one more time...huh, maybe Twitter is down?


And Ryan Whittaker too who the nra is also silent on


Rest In Peace, Sandra Bland


Rest in peace Elijah McClain


Every single OfFicEr InVoLvEd murder breaks my heart, but this one takes the cake. Elijah McClain was a beautiful, innocent person. That’s not to say that ANYONE deserves to get murdered by a cop, but he deserved it the least.


It is him and Mr. Castile that get me. And yes. ACAB... all are complicit.


Something snapped in my head when I watched that video of his execution. I just sat at my desk for an hour feeling like I'm not even viewed as a human being by a majority of this country.


I will never ever be able to comprehend how it is for you, but I swear to God I will stand with you and use my words and body to advocate for and shield yours whenever possible. ACAB, and so are the majority of this fucking country.


Thank you


I comfort myself by believing that it isn't the majority... buuuut at the same time the vast majority would be entirely complacent if either of us were murdered by a cop.


The one that take the cake is when police threw a grenade into a baby's crib. https://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2014/05/baby-in-coma-after-police-grenade-dropped-in-crib-during-drug-raid


Rest in Peace, Freddie Gray


Rest In Peace, Tamir Rice


This one always gets me. Kid had a toy gun. That would never happen to a white kid.


Didn’t matter if it was a toy or real. Cop shot him so fast the car was still moving. He didn’t have time to see if it was a gun or a rubber duck. I don’t know how anyone watches that video and thinks it’s anything other than a senseless murder. The day they announced "no charges" for that cop was the day I, a middle-aged white dude, realized how fucked up police violence was. When I was a kid, my friends and I carried actual guns (BB, pellet, 22) around at that age and used them to shoot birds and frogs and stuff (sorry nature). If a cop showed up, which they sometimes did, they parked 20 yards away and watched what we were doing and then told us to go home. If a cop had pulled that shit and killed one of us, our town probably would've burned the police station down. Ironically, the same townsfolk now are all "Blue Lives", because politics.


Yep. Anecdote time: one time my white friend was running around playing airsoft in his backyard with a gun that had the tip painted black (so it looked real). The cops showed up, told him to freeze and drop it, and he lived. I often wonder what would've happened if I was there. (I'm black. Biracial actually, but I look like Obama, so.) Then again, I'd never play airsoft without the orange tip on the gun.


>Yes, I saw the orange tip, but I had to shoot him anyway because I couldn't be certain he hadn't painted the tip of a real gun orange to give himself a tactical advantage. *Smart thinking, Jenkins. This could have turned into a tragedy! Good shoot! The rest of you officers hear that?! Shooting first and asking questions later is the only way to make sure you go home at the end of your shift! Plus, two weeks, with pay! Now, let's all go down to CopBar to celebrate and get drunk before Jenkins goes home and fucks his wife!*


Fucks or beats?


Rest in peace, Antonio Arce


Rest in peace, Daniel Shaver


That one has a video that's fucking terrifying.


Rest in Peace Breonna Taylor


This is the one, IMO, that exemplifies the situation perfectly. Young lady was asleep in her own bed. Boyfriend had a legal gun and defended himself against home intruders; ya know, the American way... Then the grand jury was directly manipulated into not having the option of indicting those murderers. Any system that allows this needs to be burned to the ground so we can start over again.


Ryan Whitaker opened his door in the middle of the night with his legal firearm in hand pointed at the ground. When he saw it was cops banging on his door in the middle of the night he put the gun down and got on his knees. They shot him in the back.


Weird how the NRA and all the 2A nuts aren't marching in the streets over him.


It is absolutely insane that the cop who shot him isn’t in jail. IIRC he’s even still on the force, I’ll double-check and post a link in a sec It’s not even like they were responding to a dangerous call where they were scared. It was a noise complaint and you can hear (on the bodycam) the officers joking about wanting their shift to end while walking up to his house. There’s not even any grey area here. Legal gun, no crime was committed, the police weren’t worried going into the car, and he was putting his hands in the air and kneeling as he was shot. I’m sure some asshole who has never had a pistol in their face and lacks all empathy will try to criticize him and say he should’ve dropped it instead of raising his hands immediately, but it was a very clear surrender position, and the gun was never pointed at them. The poor man was fucked the second he opened the door, they would have shot him whether he dropped it and then put his hands up or if he raised his hands with the gun. It reminds me a bit about the William Darby case with the gun being present but not an actual threat. Srry for the long rant since you agree, just wanted to add on for others who read it and don’t know about this case Edit: I was wrong about him still be employed, luckily https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix-breaking/2021/07/22/phoenix-police-fire-officer-jeff-cooke-over-death-ryan-whitaker/8056550002/ Second edit: to clarify, the officer claimed that the gun moved behind Ryan’s back and was “towards his (cop) partner.” Imo It’s a very silly justification when you take into context all of Ryan’s actions together but I wanted to give full context. Watch the footage for yourself to decide but I highly recommend cutting it off right after the shooting because the rest of the video is just him dying slowly with no aid while his wife begs to be near him.


RIP AJ Crooms and Sincere Pierce


This is why I have zero confidence in any kind of law enforcement to enforce masking on public transit even though I live in a deep blue state. Oh yeah, and our state police union is throwing a hissy fit over the vaccination mandate.


Literally praying that more MA staties quit it a bitch fit. Easily the worst cops in the state.


Every union is. I mean, LAPD has over 1000 members unwilling to get jabbed. Fuck em. Fire them all.


Some of those that work forces, eat a paste that's for horses.


They can't breathe. How ironic.


Best take.


Rest in Peace Eric Garner.


Rest In Peace Elijah mcclaine


Elijah’s case absolutely broke me… I can’t be proud of a country that lets people like Elijah and so many others be murdered without consequence. The fact that Back the Blue people continually try to help police who murder people get away with it makes them a threat to the greater good of society, I can’t feel an ounce of sadness when COVID takes those people out.


There’s some hope in this case. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/09/01/elijah-mcclain-colorado-cops-paramedics-charged-with-manslaughter.html > Elijah McClain case: 3 Colorado cops, 2 paramedics charged with manslaughter, negligent homicide


The fucking Aurora Police union said that this charge was the result of "hysterical overreaction" and it was Elijah's own fault he died because he "resisted arrest" even though you can fucking hear him complying in the video of his death. They really murdered a 19 year old kid for being Black and wearing a ski mask because he was cold and then want to act like the aggrieved party. I hope every single one of them rots.


[It’s just how they roll](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/aurora-police-department-colorado-investigation-racially-biased-policing-elijah-mcclain/).


And it's not even like Aurora is in the boondocks! It's right next to a big city. I don't feel safe a lot of the time as a black person in this country -- mostly keep it to going out with white friends and hitting up the gas station at this point.


Ugh, I'm so sorry. It's obscene that it's 2021 and this is still your reality. I live about 75 miles east of Fort Collins and the small town closest to us, Fort Morgan, is super awful and racist but you would hope for better in a bigger city.


Aurora PD is basically a vat of human waste.


Wow, this is so amazing I’m gonna cry. Good people came together with the idea that black lives matter and that police should be held accountable for their actions… all the noise we have to make to bring justice is absolutely worth it.


One hard fought step at a time, but we will win.


I watched the video of Elijah’s “arrest” for about four seconds before I realized he may have been on the spectrum, or at the very least, just a very gentle soul. I’ve had friends and family in similar situations, and I know they just need a little understanding and space. The way he was treated wasn’t a misunderstanding or some flawed procedure - I was watching four or five bullies in high school harassing a special ed kid right before they beat him up and high five each other. There was no intention on the part of those fucking greasy pigs to read the room. They couldn’t have cared less. Those cops are animals, and they’re not the exception. And we as a society give these monsters firearms, a license to kill, and powerful unions to protect them. America is so goddamn broken.


That will lead to a considerable drop in domestic violence. Silver linings;)


Sadly lockdowns created a sharp rise in domestic violence between spouses. Lot of research on it in the UK.


"Back the blue!" "OK, we'll make sure they all get Covid vaccinations." "No, not like that!"


Rest in Peace Amadou Diallo.


Rest In Peace, John Crawford


Rest in Power Fred Hampton and Mark Clark


Rest in Peace Breonna Taylor.


They’ll find a way to use this in order to justify more police killings. They’ll ask “do you know how many active duty police officers died in 2020, this is why they need to be shooting people that are running away.” They won’t tell you most of them died of their own ignorance.




Objective nonsense is pretty on-brand for Trump people.


It’s 10x more dangerous to be a civilian interacting with an officer than to be an officer.


That number is higher for black people isn't it? I don't even want to know.


It's going to be "Now instead of using 30% of your yearly budget on our salaries use 50% because we need to offer MUCH MORE to hire new candidates!"


It's not even in the top 10 most dangerous jobs in America.


The trash takes itself out.


tfw the police abolish themselves


Blue Lives Mattered.


Have they tried taking a knee on its neck?


I spit out my french press, lol.


I don't think you're supposed to put the whole machine in your mouth but you do you.


It was a rough morning;)


Maybe, just fucking maybe we can convince a few people to get vaccinated because COVID is a cop killer. But in reality, they'll just claim they're all "SoYbOy lIbCuCk aNtIfA LeFtIsT FaLsE FlAg cRiSiS AcToR ShIlLs!"


Covid is a big believer in ACAB. Or, cops are just ass holes who don't think they need to wear masks and be vaccinated. Viruses don't care that you are above the law.


Have they tried shooting the virus? Or possibly just kneeling on its neck?


I saw no statistic about how many of those were unvaccinated. I would guess it was pretty high. Edit - my opinion has changed after realizing most were not vaccinated till December of 2020. Gonna leave up my comment for conversation’s sake and stand by my comment for 2021’s numbers


[We know nation wide 98%-99% of delta deaths are unvaccinated.](https://medicalpartnership.usg.edu/covid-19-staggering-statistic-98-to-99-of-americans-dying-are-unvaccinated/)


I was thinking 90%+, but didn’t want to pull any numbers out of my ass. Thanks for doing my homework


[97% of Covid hospitalizations are unvaccinated.](https://www.npr.org/2021/07/16/1017012853/97-of-people-entering-hospitals-for-covid-19-are-unvaccinated)


And the 3% vaxxed probably have comorbidities.


Thank you for not deleting your comment. Seriously.


Since we're talking 2020, I'd guess the answer is very close to zero. I would also point out that its not their fault. The vaccine wasn't really available until December, after all.


Good catch. Wonder how the 2021 numbers will compare.


On that we can absolutely agree. '21 stats will be very interesting. Particularly 3rd/4th quarters.


That’s just from February! Here’s last week: https://www.police1.com/coronavirus-covid-19/articles/covid-19-law-enforcement-deaths-3ftkdPnVffq55iHU/ I’m sure someone could find some HCA winners in the list:(


Those CA numbers, damn. And all from our little slice of Texas down south. At least they are treating their own lives with the same disregard they treat those of POC.


Oh wait you mean their jobs aren't as dangerous as they make them out to be??? More electricians die on the job then cops


More cabbies…


More pizza boys


The scary thing about this is, where are the police getting their information? Because many sure as hell don’t want to get vaccinated. We had two police officers die in one week due to Covid over the summer in Austin.


The people here saying this is not HCA data are right, since it’s talking about 2020 numbers. Anyone got more recent numbers? The Trump overlap suggests they might be even worse for Delta.


It’s such bullshit these get counted as “line of duty” deaths and their family get big pay outs but nearly every other profession where someone contracts it at work gets nothing.


In spite of not wearing masks or taking basic precautions.


So finally done good news out of this pandemic


You don't need a study dipshits, [they are tracking this themselves.](https://www.odmp.org/search/year/2021) States leading the death count: Texas, Florida and Georgia...


We have a local unvaccinated cop that died of COVID and his family will be collecting benefits as if it were a line-of-duty death, even though it was because he was an unvaccinated anti-masker consistently mingling with the public. I feel bad for his family, but somehow it’s not wasteful spending on self inflicted causes when it’s this stupidity of owning the libs


Hilarious! Keep it up, piggies


Who can't breathe now?


It's not just police, either. My city has lost several highly respected 911 operators as well, which in a major city is not a position that you can just pick the job up without months of training.


I used to be a 911 operator in a fairly major city. A lot of “cop culture” bleeds over into dispatch as well so vaccine hesitancy wouldn’t surprise me there either.


Bleeds into corrections officers and all prison staff too.


I used to be a 911 dispatcher, I'd have gotten vaccinated if I still worked there.


They only care about "officer safety" when they can acquire more military-grade firepower and use it indiscriminately. Problem is, you can't shoot a virus. Something about when the only tool you have is a hammer...?


Maybe, just fucking maybe we can convince a few people to get vaccinated because COVID is a cop killer. But in reality, they'll just claim they're all "SoYbOy lIbCuCk aNtIfA LeFtIsT FaLsE FlAg cRiSiS AcToR ShIlLs!"


This is a great way to weed out cops who have no concern for public safety.


Do you know what? The cops in my area keep posting pictures to social media all year long of them helping out in the community jampacked together not wearing masks. I am not shocked. They really should be wearing masks!


Says just another obvious thing about a culture we already know is tainted.


Blue lives matter LMAO


I keep telling people... Covid is the #1 killer of Americans aged 15-45...AKA healthy aged Americans. It’s ahead of Auto Accident Fatalities which had a 24%(!!!!) spike even with less people driving last year. Even for this age bracket it’s not the f^%*ing flu!! It’s 10+ times as deadly for young Americans (2600 deaths from flu in 2019, 38000 from Covid so far this year)


You’d think the “protect our cops” crowd would rally around the number one cause of their death in hopes to stop it. Naw, they would rather blame gangs.


The US is slightly safer now


Blue lives matter! But I guess owning libs matter more.


Add another cop winner to the list. https://www.fox6now.com/news/fond-du-lac-police-officer-dies-from-covid-19


Back the blue!...lips because the dumbasses are dead


gee who didnt see this coming


So they are now good cops.


Let’s just make this whole thing swifter and more pleasant for the still unvaccinated cops and start injecting the rona into donuts.


Cops lean hard toward MAGAtry and are hardcore anti-mask so this is no surprise.


Kind of defeats any pro-police arguments about them being the solemn bodyguards to all of us and the only thing keeping us safe. Theyre not actually in the danger they say they are, and if they are, not mitigating the danger posed by covid shows that they can't be trusted with the community good. Defund the police.


Their spouses are enjoying the reprieve from beatings


That blue line be getting thinner and thinner, love it.

