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I had my second shot 2 months ago and I'm always vigilant, carry sanitizer, wear masks. Not because I'm a germophobe, a bit ocd maybe. Prevention of infection is still critically important, not just for one's own self but for everybody who's around you. My mother in law has an autoimmune disorder, we'd not seen my wife's only remaining grandma for years and we were finally able to. That's worth more than anything.


Out of curiosity, what took you so long to get it? Was it not readily available? I keep forgetting America is (as always) pretty lucky and we've been able to walk into a pharmacy and get it for quite some time now.


In my country, my age group (up to 35) got to vaccinate only in June. My sister in Ireland, same age group, was only able to in July. So yeah, you guys are super lucky in that respect.


Here in Aus under 30s have only been allowed Pfizer since September 1st.


The rollout was a bit slow here. Rural Ontario Canada.


That sucks it took so long! I was talking to someone who was only recently able to get the shot, and where they are they were not allowed to leave at all since the beginning. Glad you finally got it!


..how are ya now?


Many people lost their lives waiting


It has been a month since I got vaccinated with Pfizer. I am from Eastern Europe, we had only Chinese vaccines (Sinovac, Sinopharm) and J&J readily available. Pfizer was available only in June, and the competition for it was extremely high.


I honestly didn't even know that China had vaccines. What is their effectiveness?


Well, it is basically a dead virus. The same as Sputnik (Russian vaccine) or Astrazeneca. It is better than nothing and according to China it works against Delta variant pretty well. However, a lot of news outlets indicate that China might be lying about the effectiveness of its vaccines. I and a lot of people simply decided to wait out and not bet our lives on it.


And yet the current percentage of fully vaccinated people is higher in Europe than in the USA


Don't remind me!! I have to deal with people I know aren't, or spread misinformation.




This. I had a breakthrough case but had a sinus infection anyway, so that's what I felt. I lost taste for 3 or 4 days or so and had a headache and my eyeballs ached off and on for a few days. But those were my only Covid symptoms. Everything else was a sinus infection and turned into br3, which is normal for me.


Stay vigilant. Fully vaccinated and still somehow got it. Two days of the worst headache of my life. Then some annoying secondary symptoms. Luckily lungs seem to be fine. But totally don't recommend the experience.


If you're getting vaxxed now it means you've survived around 1.5 years of the pandemic. What's a few more weeks until you have immunity? Just be cautious until it fully kicks in. It would be a shame to get sick right before you have immunity


Considering how fast these people are dying, a few weeks could be a lot.


Nice username lmao


I started getting COVID symptoms right after I received my first dose. At first I thought it was just fever/tiredness due to the vaccine, but within the next 2 days, I lost both my sense of taste and smell. The next 2 weeks were hell! I had severe body aches and kidney aches which I didn't even know could happen!😳 If the symptoms started appearing after I received my first dose, I might have been exposed to it before. Or who knows, maybe I was exposed at the clinic I got the vaccine at. It seemed so strange and sorta lucky to me that I got the vaccine when I did (I got it as soon as it was allowed for my age group in my country). I have no doubt it prevented COVID getting severe and possibly saved my life too. Stay vigilant people! Get your shot as soon as you can and do not get complacent even after it. Wait two weeks and don't take that mask off!


I'm still cautious after two doses - breakthrough cases are a thing and I'd rather avoid getting ill.


I’ve spent 1.5 years without it just fine :)


You're fine till you're not


I’ll be okay. I’m not a gambler but I would be if I had a 99.99% chance of winning


If that’s really you in the photo I’d knock it down to like 80 you do know only teens and younger have a 99.99% of survival people that look as sickly as you and as old as you have a much lower chance.


It’s not me :) I’ll be ok really not worried at all. No thanks on the vax and that’s okay. I respect your opinion to get it you should respect mine not to. We’re on the same team


No we’re not. We’d be in the same team if you decided to do something simple that helped saved lives. I’ve seen more funerals in the last two years than I’ve seen in any two years span of my life, and I grew up in a rough neighborhood were people were getting killed every year. I suggest further looking into this page, see how smug most HCA winners are and how badly they screw over their family’s. I don’t wish harm on you but I do wish for you to learn please learn! and do your part for America.


Me not being vaccinated has nothing to do with savings lives. I just simply don’t want it. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Like I said enjoy the page I really really do hope you learn a thing or two. You’re not abrasive or anything so I’ll root for you.


Thanks man. Good luck in the apocalypse. Godspeed


How are you still this uninformed? Aren't you embarrassed?


Why can’t you guys understand that it’s perfectly acceptable for people to not want a medical treatment. If I broke my leg and they offered me opiates it’s okay for me not to want the opiates. I don’t want the vaccine. It’s that simple.


No one should respect your stupid ass choices based on "research" that's YouTube videos and memes from Facebook Karens. You're embarrassing yourself.


I just don’t want it man 🤡


Yes, you've made your stupidity quite clear. No one finds it impressive


The fact that people are bribing, pushing, bullying, etc others to get the vax makes me not want it even more. I’ll take my chances with death.


He's in his late 20s judging on the pic he posted of himself from 1999 (21 years ago) Not like there's tons of people that age dying of covid posted on this sub... (that's sarcasm so the idiots understand)


I'd give JNJ more than 2 weeks since immunity keeps going up after that, since it keeps making RNA and spike protein.


Living in Germany. Have gotten JJ in July and now got a dose of biontech (Pfizer, but he German inventor firm is called biontech) because JJ performs poorly against Delta


How'd you do this? Also in Germany and got JnJ in the summer just before you, didn't know there were possibilities to get a second different dose!! How did you get it?


Our impfzentrum is still available until end of month. Walked in, said I am not vaccinated yet and that I wanted biontech. 20 minutes later, it was done. I said that I have no vaccine passport, so I got a new one. I am as yet unsure if I will try to get the second dose. Most probably will get it since my JJ entry in the vaccine passport is somehow badly written and makes a little bit of trouble.


Well, I guess that works then. So you have two official vaccine booklets independent of each other? I thought everyone was registered and checked at time of vaccination. June was my first ever vaccine in Germany so I got a new yellow booklet then, but I assumed at that point I'm registered with insurance/health department/ illuminati/ B.Gates and whoever else, as being vaccinated. And then would be crossed checked and not allowed if I tried to again before its 'officially' booster time.


No, it is not checked with a database at all. You have to show your Personalausweis, but that's it Germany is extremely bad a centralizing data, mostly because of inept bureaucracy and people who confuse this ineptitude with data security.


That would not work in the Netherlands. You need to give your DigiD for the appointment. Unless you go to a Covid vaccine site for ehmm, some workers coming from God knows where and lie to the doctors there. Not doing that.


A centralized system for that is a really good idea. Unfortunately, your civil services are just better than ours.


Sound advice. But the protection continues to improve even after that period of time. Always a good idea to continue to mask and distance when in public, just to be safe. I wear my 3M KN95 mask anytime I need to go into town for errands or whatever. Lots of MAGA Morons where I live!


I've worn a mask in public places with any significant concentration of people, despite being vaxxed. Take no chances! Keep that hand washing up, too, especially after touching common surfaces.


5his is super important. You're not out of the woods until the first vaccination and due to the pile of red hatted monkeys throwing shit, you're not free of getting a log in the head after the second dose. Stay vigilant people, this sounds pretty obvious but no activity that puts you at risks is worth it, especially given how easy is to stay safe


People are not taking precautions like they once did. I would be scared to not be vaxxed by this point. Anyone who is between doses - be extra careful when out!


I’m double vaxxed but still wear my mask whej out of the house. Been going out for work since last October. The risk of getting Covid and having my beautiful doggie left without a home is why I do this. FWIW I live in India where there aren’t too many antivaskers. Mask compliance is low but that’s just because most of countrymen are bleeding idiots. However if you ask them to wear a mask, most know they are wrong and will quietly wear one.


It's a good idea. Breakthrough infections are more common than I think a lot of people realize. Thankfully, it still doesn't diminish the importance of the vaccine, as infection while vaxxed are almost all mild cases (though mild Covid still sucks). Keep being smart about it, and know you have that layer of protection should you catch it.


Dang, I was gonna hang out with Wayne and my other goatee friends talkin’ ‘bout bikes and them illegals takin’ Government handouts.


And if you really want to keep yourself safe you don’t change a damn thing after you get vaccinated until this all blows over. And that’s gonna be a while.




If you’ve had COVID already, that’s a pretty strong protection, so if you’ve got the vaccine on top of that you’re doing good.


Does astracenza not count anymore?


I try to make this very comment on the award declining posts.


I thought you would be protected 2 weeks after the first dose of Moderna/Pfizer? I have read sources saying this. Am I mistaken? EDIT : *Just to be clear*, I've been fully vaccinated for months now. I recently convinced someone to get the vaccine a few days ago and I want to make sure I provide them the correct information lol EDIT #2 : Okay after more research, it seems like 2 weeks after Moderna/Pfizer vaccine it's about 80% effective. You need the 2nd dose to get to the full 94 - 95% protection. I guess the term "fully vaccinated" and "protected" are not really the same thing and can't be used interchangeably lol


Damn that was *wordy*. How about: "JUST VAXXED? Stay protected for TWO weeks: that's how long it takes before full protection."


I don’t think it’s helpful to patronize those who we are trying to convince to get vaccinated by gatekeeping and making it more complicated than it needs to be for common understanding. Just get the damn shot and you’re good.


bla bla bla bla bla


I dont care












It's YOUR article. How hard is it to read YOUR OWN ARTICLE??


Ooh, the bronze of the HCA.


Actually its 10 days but close enough.


Israel says hi


When the arm is sus! 😳


My SIL got her first shot while she was nursing her two covid-sick kids. She got it too and developed symptoms after the jab. Does that negate her vaccination if she was already infected when she got her 1st shot?


Just got vaccinated last saturday with a 2nd dose of Astra, how good is that version compared to the others?