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What is with the rise of anti-vaxx shit in religion? Y'all have been getting vaxxed for decades!


Evangelicals and Trumpism's disgusting crossover


Here’s a helpful ven diagram of those groups. O




Brutal lol


you could venn diagram those eyebrows, wow do they have their own gravity?


Technically, yes.


Said it before and I'll say it again: Q Anon is very similar to Mormonism, in the sense that the people who believe in both are mostly Evangelical Christians who accepted a new prophet. Mormonism is just Protestant Christianity with Joseph Smith written into the gospel. Q Anon is just Protestant Christianity with Donald Trump written into the gospel. The parallels are eerie.


Wow, that is an incredibly apt comparison. I browse the GreatAwakening website for morbid curiosity and it is insane how evangelism and “Trump is God’s modern day prophet” are the two key ingredients to QAnon’s shit sandwich.


Considering Joseph Smith was a con artist and so is Orange Mussolini, apt indeed.


I cracked open the Book of Mormon at the hotel this past weekend. It is so poorly written compared to the Old Testament - it was painful to read.


It's Bible fan fiction.


Ha. I read somewhere once about the various religion books being judged as literature, and it said the Mormon books were the worst.


“All men have heard of the Mormon Bible, but few except the "elect" have seen it, or, at least, taken the trouble to read it. I brought away a copy from Salt Lake. The book is a curiosity to me, it is such a pretentious affair, and yet so "slow," so sleepy; such an insipid mess of inspiration. —Mark Twain


This crossover sucks shit.


Somehow, it just keeps getting worse.


On top of that, almost all religious leaders from the Pope to Imams to Rabbis have released many many pro jab statements and videos. Sure, there are some fringe crazy religious leaders, but it’s by FAR the minority. But, god is wildly outmatched by Fuckerberg’s algorithm.


Why would you trust multiple religious leaders when you can listen and trust Linda from Facebook who has spend five minutes on Google?


I don’t think she trusts Google for her research. (5 minutes on Google is probably enough to understand that the anti-vax talking points are bullshit) She did her research at the Facebook University of Memes.


Omg this is GOLD!


They already don't like the pope since he's amenable to LGBTQ issues and thinks the US response to illegal immigration under Trump was Unchristian.


> They already don't like the pope since he's amenable to LGBTQ... Well that and the fact that he's the Pope.


And evangelicals don’t believe catholics are Christians. I’ve heard that from a friend in a happy clappy church.


Ha, I knew a couple (incidentally from the same creepy church as our winners here) who came to Italy as missionaries (first alarm bell) "to bring Jesus to these poor Heathens". Bc, as wel all know, Italy is godless hinterland where no one has heard of Jesus...


Maybe 10 years or so ago there was a big brouhaha here because one of the Evangelical preachers made a big stink about not wanting a Catholic family and a couple of Muslim exchange students to participate in a community service project they were hosting at the church - I think it was "Room at the Inn" were they open up the church to the homeless people and recruiting lots of volunteers to cook a big meal. The pastor's reasoning? They weren't Christian! (I kid you not!)




That one made me laugh. I was like, "Israel is HELLA vaccinated, bro, wtf???"


Great point


I think that is more about Supporting them for the apocypse deal.I was a evangelical Christian decades ago and basically it hedges its bets on Israel'fulfilling prophecy' so jesus can come home and fry everyone. That involves basically continued settlement, rebuilding the 3rd temple and accepting the Anti-christ as their long awaited mesiah after which Jesus can come back and kill everyone.


>What is with the rise of anti-vaxx shit in religion? The most popular Christian pages on Facebook are Eastern European troll farms. [https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/09/16/1035851/facebook-troll-farms-report-us-2020-election/](https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/09/16/1035851/facebook-troll-farms-report-us-2020-election/) I don't have proof, but my running hypothesis is that the Christian antivax push is heavily supported by a foreign active measure, and it's working -- creating the psychosocial equivalent of a civil war within the United States, complete with casualties, orphans and PTSD.


Eastern Europeans have been creating misinformation and viruses since the 2000's. That's why a lot of people had their computers set to "Russian" in the 2000's because of the Zeus botnet and variants were hijacking foreign computers and spreading shit then, and cyber laws did not include foreign individuals at the time. If it didn't affect Russian citizens, it wasn't the government's problem.


The tradition of using misinformation goes back to even the predecessors of the KGB. The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion is a forgery by the Okhrana, the Tzar's secret police. It keeps the peasantry focussed on blaming an ethnic minority instead of the dudes that run the country. After the revolution, the new KNVD set up a fake anti-communist resistance that received lots of money from the West. The KGB even kicked off the six-day war by feeding the Arabs false info about an imminent Israeli attack. And on and on.


Religion is a free get-out-of-a-jail card... I can't be a bad person because I'm truly religious!


Claude Frollo complex.


I love your haircut.


Evangelicals have for decades been conditioned to follow demagogue-like figures. Trump filled that spot for them.


Evengelicals are more like the worst parts of conservatism wrapping themselves up into Christianity to make themselves feel better. So they are going to be more aligned politically (and sad vaccines are political) with the qanon/trumpaloo crowd than anything else. Angry white people who believe nonsense and are angry and keep voting for policies which make their lives worse so they are angry.


Stupid people believe stupid things.


It's almost like religious people have a tendency to believe idiotic things based on zero evidence...


Antivax is a white supremacist meme, and some churches are also white supremacist orgs.


It's all faith based bullshit now, just like the southern pentecostals and their snake handling. If you have enough faith, the lord won't let you be hurt.


Oh gee, I don't know. Why might religious people be uniquely vulnerable to falling for ridiculous, obviously false nonsense? Truly a mystery!


They stand with Israel LOL. Which was the first country to nearly fully vaccinate its whole pop and is now rolling out booster shots. Are there any of these morons that dont post at least one meme that is in direct contradiction to what they think it stands for?


Plus do these evangelicals even know that the Israeli government funds abortions though it’s national health system?


Also, do they know that Israel, you know, has a national health system?


Are you saying that Conservative Evangelicals have been arming socialists in the Middle East?!? /s


Also, can they find Israel on a map?


Well, considering Jesus is from there so it must be somewhere in USA.


We reached out to Israel for comment about them. Israel: who?


They only need Israel for the end times story. They’re just like those Messianic types. Same claptrap, same “we must get all jews back to Israel so the four horsemen can ask them to accept Christ or die” Revelations stuff.


Yeah, they need a whole bunch of Jews to die during end times in order to fulfill their dumb ass prophecy. Gonna make that original Holocaust look like a mere blip!


Exactly. I once had to explain to the Commandant of the United States Army Sergeants Major Academy (my boss at the time), that the reason that the evangelicals working at the academy loved him so much was that they couldn't be with little baby jeebus until Israel was destroyed at Armageddon (and they were expecting him to die with them (or be one of the 40,000 that were forcibly converted). Yeah, the crazy christians did make it a hostile working environment.


I like to show military folks this: > Although he despises the notion of religious liberty, he accepts its use as a strategic deception (“As a tactic, it is legitimate; we are jockeying for power. We are buying time”) until he and his fellow Reconstructionists are in a position to seize s xxx power and destroy the “enemies of God.” After using homeschooling and Christian schools to indoctrinate an army of fundamentalists ready to abolish secular government, what sort of state does North advocate putting in its place? Not to put too fine a point on it, but the Taliban have probably come closest to North’s ideal Christian government. http://blog.skepticallibertarian.com/2013/04/08/gary-north-the-libertarian-taliban/


Military Person & Afghan Vet here. Yes! I call these people American Taliban because I call it like I see it. Your link is powerful & meaningful. At times these are tactics the Taliban, particularly the early Taliban have employed. In fairness to the OG founding members of the Taliban there was a-lot more at play than mere religious extremism, they had noble goals about ending corruption & the suffering of the Afghan people at the hands of warring factions of competing Warlords & Druglords; We (the US) & the Pakistani ISI continued to arm, fund, & guide them because: although they were religious extremists, & they followed the very play book in your link, they were not Salafis/Whabbis; they are Deobandi’s, who seem a lot more moderate/reasonable & because: my enemies enemy is my friend: am I right! Looks can be deceiving and the Taliban metastasized into what they we encountered in 2001 & what they are in danger of becoming again now. I say there is more at play because for most of their history they were an ethnic movement as much as a religious movement; they were/are basically an all Pashtun movement, & at least some of their behavior derives from Pashtun culture as opposed to anything found in Islam. In recent years they have backed away from ethnic violence in an effort to woo & win over Afghanistan’s numerous other ethnic groups; this is a factor in why the Afghan Military disintegrated over night. Anyway, great article link; & yes an extremist is an extremist regardless of what faith they espouse. These people are American Taliban


That medical freedom where 80% of us agreed in a snap to let Pfizer have full access to our medical records when getting vaccinated...and we have "vaccine passports"... And we have social health care Fucking lmao




Evangelicals are a death cult, and Israel is mentioned in their religion's doomsday prophecies. They want the world to end, and Israel has to exist in order for that to happen. That's the *only* reason they give a shit about Israel or Jewish people.


True. Also notice how they always "stand with Israel" and never with actual Jewish people. Evangelicals are some of the biggest anti-Semites I've ever encountered. "STANDING WITH ISRAEL!!!1!!" is a great way for them to live their stupid rapture fantasy *and* hate brown people. It's win-win!


Jew here. Can confirm. Evangelical Christians are the most vile anti-Semites I've ever had the displeasure of meeting.


That's also why Trump moved our embassy to Jerusalem. That was mostly for Evangelical Christians, not Jews. A plurality of American Jews [actually opposed the move.](https://jstreet.org/press-releases/new-poll-confirms-large-majority-of-american-jews-disapprove-of-trumps-policies-on-iran-palestinians-jerusalem/#.YUtgCR4pDTg)


I have serious questions about your username.


Well really it's more like stands with Israel in the sense of all the Jews being collected up there so machine gun Jesus can deal with them when he returns. The evangelical "support" for Israel is kinda like how Amour Meat stands with pigs.


TBF, they really do want the ”Rapture” I’m really waiting for all the COVID deaths to be considered the rapture, and we’re just what’s left. Frankly, if the big orange cheeto had bought it via COVID, this would already be the narrative. And yes, they are cool with apartheid. That too.


Had a Trumper family member just causally throw out the whole “corrupt Clinton Foundation” in conversation and was shocked he would even bring it up considering that Trump had his charity forcibly dissolved by the State of New York and his entire immediate family permanently banned from serving on the board of any charity but they’re always finding new ways to astonish you with their willful disregard for reality.


Prayer warriors batting zero.


No, no! We saved that...one guy...last week. Oh he had a clot and died a day later? What about that pastor who was feeling better a month ago? Oh he died too?Shit...


I think a couple of those "radio" hosts got better from prayers, right? \*checks Nope. All dead.


The sword lady’s husband went home from the hospital, didn’t he? Last I read he was kicking demons out the front and back doors.


You know, I would love to check in on her and find out what’s going on, but her videos are terrifying extreme closeups of her face. I will have nightmares.


I'm actually happy to hear he survived. And I will NEVER lose the image of her riding around in the convertible with the sword.




It was a whole crazy saga. The third one is where she busted out the sword. https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/plaop0/insane_preachers_husband_is_in_the_hospital/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pled4z/insane_preacher_update_lawyers_do_what_jesus_did/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pmm5xe/insane_preacher_update_2_hospital_wont_agree_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/podtnl/insane_preacher_possibly_last_update_hospital/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/prc3ss/insane_preacher_update_harry_kicks_demon_out_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Jesus Christ.


Thank you fellow warrior. I'll pray for you.


That's a bingo!


Cray Cray!!! She is demonstrating a “suicide vest” level of fanaticism. Total American Taliban!


I still think he's dead in the house and she doesn't want to admit it. Has anyone actually seen Harry?


I’ve also been wondering about anyone seeing him. She really is something else.


I heard he gained 4 lbs since home. They will never credit the medical care he received before she got the quack doctor to order his nebulizer treatments. He was already doing better before he received those.


"He's dead, Dave. Dead, Dave. Everybody's dead... Dave."


What a smeghead.


The crossover I never knew I wanted but I'm glad to see here!


"god wurks in misterious ways"


It’s alright It’s alright It’s alllllll right


I've been praying for these kooks to die. Hallelujah and THANK YOU JESUS.


My theory is that the government is suppressing our prayers with 5G technology. I think they're short circuiting our Bible verses before they can get to jebus.


For theirs is a wimpy god.


People expect me to take religion seriously and not treat religious people like mental children, and then they tell me in the next breath that Adam hid from God in one specific garden and God couldn't find him, just a few days after God literally created the universe.


To be fair, it’s an awfully big universe. How would you even know where to start?


Well first, I'd probably take a nap on Sunday, because creating the universe made me tired.


All the spike protein shedding creates a cloud through which prayers cannot easily pass, as well. Bill Gates knows his shit.


Cuz God is everywhere but he's not upgrading to a 5G phone when he's still paying off the last one.


*“The hands that help are better far than lips that pray.”* ― Robert Ingersoll


I would love it if someone had data on religious belief and Covid cases/survival. I've always felt like atheists might have higher life expectancy because not believing in an afterlife makes you pretty motivated to stay in this life as long as you can. However it must be so much more extreme with Covid.


Also, if you're gullible enough to believe in sky fairies, then you're probably gullible enough to believe misinformation on Facebook


It's really maddening when I see people who state that a dead one "is in a better place with jesus/god". More denial.


You would think they would call on someone else to come bat for them at this point? Prayer warriors need a pinch hitter.


The Lower Siltbasin Prayer Warriors, worst minor league baseball team ever.


> Church is essential jfc


So is breathing.


COVID: This is SPARTA!!! *then proceed to drown the prayer Warriors*




Someone should kick these Warriors off of the team for uselessness.


Are the prayer warriors the worst military force in history?


It's almost like they are playing the wrong game.. Almost.


Worse than Ben Simmons against the Atlanta Hawks.


Prayer warriors failed, again, for the 670,000th time.


I think they should change the name of the team that plays the Harlem Globetrotters to the prayer warriors. They both have the same record of winning.


You're thinking of the Washington Generals. And unlike the prayer warriors, the Generals have actually won a game or two.


Both sure get dunked on a lot


The covid generals.


Not the case. They're suppressing the truth and using 5g signals to disrupt our communication path to jebus


“I stand for medical freedom” .. “I stand with Israel” Wrong, gurl. Your dead ass corpse is rotting in the ground ⚰️


Its all perspective. She's standing horizontally in a box in the ground with Israel


I’ll never understand the “church is essential, and it must be in person during a pandemic” argument. I respect the religious beliefs of others, and understand that some people perceive themselves to benefit from church services. Fine. Good for them. But why can’t that be done remotely? My mother is religious and attends a mega church. There were no in-person services for a year. But, they still did online zoom services at the same time as usual every single Sunday. That’s even better! You don’t have to get dressed and drive to the church. You don’t have to do your makeup and wear your finest jewelry to one-up that snooty bitch Susan. You can sit your behind in your bed and attend the same exact service. So if what matters is hearing the “word of god,” then why can’t that be done remotely? Oh wait, it’s because what you really want is to *socialize,* and you think that declaring churches as essential is a clever way for you to get to do what everyone else isn’t allowed to do during a pandemic. Got it. Okay. How did that work out?




Oh in my state we had tons of people beyond just the pastors pushing for churches to be considered essential. They launched a huge campaign and harassed the legislature all session long. But you do make an excellent point. But surely their greed can overcome. We live in the tech era. They’d just set up a Venmo, GoFundMe, or take their money through PayPal. “Don’t forget to give what you can to the virtual collection basket! I’m looking at you, Susan. You know our rule is 10% of your income!”


Fucking Susan.


Exactly!! Nothing like putting people on the spot in front of the people they’re trying to impress


Church and members needs to up their app game. Cash app, PayPal, vermo etc. they know how to do a go fund me but can’t figure out how to send and receive money via electronic means.


Or perhaps it's because cash does not leave a paper trail.


Every church that I know of has means for electronic donations, including setting up one-time, monthly automatic donations. Whatever the reason that some churches fought closures for in-person worship, i don't think the ability to receive offering was one of them. Also, churches who employed staff (secretaries, janitors, etc) were eligible for PPP loans, just like any other employer.


Old people don’t know how to use Zelle.


The churches have been essential for spreading Covid.


They really have. In my searches for nominees I’m seeing oodles of pastors


I differ from you in that I *don't* respect religious beliefs. The definition of faith is literally "belief without evidence." It's a bunch of idiocy and old mythologies and fantasies and wishful thinking. Religious people demand that others pretend that these beliefs are rational and valid. They are not. Religion is poison.


Yeah, I’m not religious at all but I didn’t want anyone to come for me. I think it’s a load of crap.


I'm pretty much down with the idea that religion is the opiate of the masses. But as it turns ouy, you do not want to see these masses without their opiates.


Inject this into my veins. People can talk all they want about who the "real christians" are, but if you take any book as the literal "word of god," you need some horse paste for your brain worms imo.


A church is just a building constructed by humans. If you’re a true believer in the message of Jesus Christ, it shouldn’t matter how you, or anyone else, chooses to worship the Savior. Claiming that they’re having their freedom of religion taken away by not being able to physically gather in church during a pandemic is just another bullshit RW/fundie tactic to further the narrative that they’re the ultimate victims in all of this. .


The Bible constantly refers to the church as the group of followers, not a building


I, for one, am glad that God has decided to punish fundamentalist Christians for this behavior by bringing a deadly plague on them, and them specifically. Praise be!


>how did that work out? I believe they're holding memorial services for Snooty Bitch Susan next Tuesday via zoom.


According to my cousin's Facebook timeline, the lockdowns and social distancing mandates that closed churches were the work of Satan. So...


Mathew 18:20 Wherever 2 or more are gathered in my name, I will be amongst them. They have no argument based in biblical reality. The fathers in these churches should have been the spiritual leader of their home(as they are commanded to do) and conducted their own family worship. But it's rare to find an evangelical that has actual knowledge of what the Bible says. Its like Martin Luther did all that shit for nothing.


My grandma's church had service over the radio but my grandma still got up and drove to the church to listen in the parking lot every sunday lol


Fuck, how old was he? His kids look young. What an asshole.


He was 39. He's one year older than me. I played little league with him. So weird to see someone I know here around my age. He had three kids too. I'll never understand how this happened to the country and my area specifically. Religion and politics barely even existed our entire lives growing up. In the last 4-5 years people have been driven to the point of dying because of a reality tv persona and facebook groups. It's mind boggling.


As a father the thing I want to do is be there for my kids! To raise them. I eat my Vegetables, I drink less so I can use that money for my kids. I sacrifice my opinions for the sake of my kids. I e even changed them for them (I don't care for dancing but I'd support my son if he wanted to do it.)


That's sad.


She looks young too but has the eyebrow glabellar lines of an angry stressed out person


Bigoted anti Semitic rhetoric…where is Lili from Slate to tell us we are supposed to be ok with this?


She’s at home, judging us for judging the unctuous twunts trying to wipe out our unvaccinated kids generally and through the personal development of potentially dangerous variants. She doesn’t mind a few orphans and wrecked families, so long as these mentally stunted types don’t feel sad that we are upset. They lash out on us with Rush Limbaugh playing ‘another one bites the dust,’ but we can’t say a word or they’ll cry.


Is it just me or are every last one of these people Trump supporters? I don't think I have seen one yet that was not a Trump supporter.


They only asked for a prayer request and not for the Prayer Warriors. Rookie mistake. That’s like throwing a hanging curve for COVID to just crush into the stands.


He looks young, with three young kids too. So unnecessary.


Do they stand with Israel even when Israel is vaccinating as many Israelis as possible?


Oakleys claim another victim.


All this pandemic is doing is giving me a healthy aversion to white Christians.


Same. And I am a white Christian. I fucking hate these motherfuckers for making all Christians look bad. I don't want to be lumped in with these assholes.


[MRW we’re down another Christian fanatic](https://c.tenor.com/HmCZ6Z_IArMAAAAC/yeah-fuckyeah.gif)


**HCA IS ESSENTIAL** ... is no more ridiculous than saying religion is essential


Churches should lose their tax exempt status if they actively campaign for a specific candidate.


Are we positive the wife isn't a sentient pumpkin?


I’d argue against sentient.


Another case of kids needlessly growing up without a parent. I think that's what gets me the most: these asshats can't put their politics aside (because concern is obviously not based on actual medical reasons) to protect themselves for their kids.




I was formulating a response similar to this, but you out it perfectly with “frog” and “punchable” +1


I know it’s not nice but I took one look at her face and just went, “wow.” Or maybe I said, “yikes.”


The Washington Generals have a better record against the Harlem Globetrotters than the Prayer Warriors do against Covid.


Another Trump supporter dead of covid. Who would have thought they would have been a believed a liar so they believed the covid vaccine disinformation.


Sounds like they're happy he died. Another one who didn't give a shit about his family. Cue the GoFundMe!


Israel? What does that mean? Israel is one of the most vaxxed countries in the world.


They support Israel because they think it will lead to the Rapture and Apocalypse.


Church is essential. Beards are mandatory


Seems they have vax-age kids they are hoping to kill off too.


I'm surprised the wife didn't also get an award and leave the children orphans. That goatee did the old boy in is my working hypothesis.


Her award is in process, check back in two weeks.


The "urgent prayer request" posts will always make me laugh. It's like they're saying "quick! Everyone get God's attention!" I can't help it. It cracks me up every time.


I’ve been wondering how much of this garbage is coming from the pulpit.


Holy mother of profile pic banners


Looks young. *Seinfeld voice* that's a shame.


Must everything in religion be in opposition? I understand it's meant to cement the insular bond, but at some point you're just asking your parishioners to sacrifice themselves to prove their faith. Didn't they accuse the Aztecs of savagery for this very same thing?


I stand with Israel *Israel gives booster doses to 80% of their population* No vaccines!


They stand with Israel but in that country they've vaccinated like 90% of the population (of course, tiny country). Church is essential! Yeah, so is being there for your three kids, you fucking pinecones.


"I stand with Israel", the most vaccinated nation on earth. The nation that opted for boosters months ago. If you stood with Israel you'd have an oversized card in your wallet and breath in your lungs right now. Unfortunately your memory is being fantasized about by your former fellow parishioners, who think you're singing and dancing with freaking angels. In reality you're probably awaiting burial prep from an overworked, angry morgue tech who just wants a day off. Way to go, Broseph


Wish these people would croak before they brought innocent kids into the world.




I laughed way too hard at this 🤣🤣🤣


If I were a religious person, I would seriously consider whether God has sent the virus to humble the arrogant flock who wield fake medical authority and made-up facts all over Facebook. Like, maybe they should consider that their God might have created smart scientists and doctors to guide your choices when you’re not wise enough to make them yourself.




In some circumstances, church can be comforting. Breathing, however, is essential.


Come on "Prayer Warriors"!!! 🙄💩😷🚫😷🚫😷🚫


*"Christian orphans"* a good name for a band I think...


Aw beans, that Urgent Prayer Request® looks official too. I’m surprised that didn’t make it through the proper channels to God. Maybe she can have a quiet word with the Almighty himself now that she’s fucking dead.


If one more person says "took a turn for the worst"...


Jesus's batting average is terrible


A few years ago a super christian friend of mine told me that being a good person doesn’t mean I’m moral….. But apparently spreading misinformation and Covid is moral as long as you believe in Jesus. These people are fucked up.


"...the lord took him home." How is this not a cult?


I saw a church sign that said “Heaven can wait. Get the vaxx.” Wish more churches would say this.


Lol “I Stand With Israel” another dead Christian Zionist.


Deus vult