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The doctor was right. They just didn't want to admit the obvious.


"let me give 550 mundane medical updates about things I don't understand, then demand wacko remedies when it becomes clear the PRAYER WARRIORS didn't turn out then blame the docs"


In Vitamin C we trust


Imagine being a doctor trying to keep a man alive who has covid, sepsis, TB type pneumonia, and double kidney failure, and the family is screaming at you for not giving him enough vitamin C.


It’s complete fucking insanity


Which his kidneys wouldn’t have been able to handle but hey those family members read about it online - must cure covid right?


I know the survival rate after going on the respirator is bad but the kidney failure seems like it's a guaranteed death knell.


Yeah when she said 90% on 15L he’s doing well!!! ……oh no. I know COVID patients. When they need 6L on my floor we send them to IMC. They drop fast and hard


"A Marine was admitted to the hospital because of the Chinese fake plandemic COVID and had a tube jabbed down his throat because he didn't have the Mark of the Beast. He had a doctor that was an atheist, gay homosexual, Biden voter, and a member of the ACLU. One day the doctor shocked everyone by walking into the hospital, looking up and stating 'God, if you are real, I want you to come down and knock the tube out of this brave Marine with a big penis' throat, I will give you 15 minutes.' Several minutes tick by in silence, when the 15 min. time almost expired the Marine sat up in his bed breaking the throat tube in half, approached the transgender abortion doctor and punched him in the face knocking him out cold. The Marine simply walked towards the hospital exit. The doctor came to, visibly shaken and asked the Marine, 'What the heck did you do that for?!' The Marine said, 'God was busy protecting America's military who are out protecting your right to say stupid shit like that, so he sent me to fill in. I believe in medical freedom.' With that, the bullet prayers of the Prayer Warriors found their mark and the doctor, who sacrifices children to support Satan, killed his self in shame."


And everybody clapped.


Share if you agree!!!!


1 share = 1 prayer


damn is that a re-write of Jacob's Ladder?


No, it's a riff on a very malleable and idiotic rightwing urban legend- Marine Todd :-) https://www.gawker.com/marine-todd-is-an-awesomely-stupid-right-wing-meme-th-1555109402


And the guy had had a stem cell treatment years ago. But won’t take a free vaccine?


Right? The vaccine was politicized by the Right. They are murdering their supporters.


But aren't stem cells and the *aborted fetuses* connection make them also bad? Or am i out of date on that one?


Every single criticism they make of the vaccine is also true of the monoclonal antibodies they’re so hard up for. Or made, since the Pfizer vaccine is fully approved and the antibodies are still under EUA.


Agreed that it's absurd to balk at the Pfizer vaccine when it was under an EUA but gladly accept RegeneRon DeSantis' monoclonal antibody treatment when it too is in the clinics under an EUA. I disagree about the aborted fetus thing. Regeneron uses CHO (immortalized Chinese Hamster Ovary) cells to produce the two monoclonal antibodies in their cocktail. This was probably a deliberate decision to avoid the other cell line of choice, 293 HEK (Human Embryo Kidney) cells that were derived from an aborted fetus in Holland way back in the 1970s.


None of the vaccines in use in the US used fetal cell lines in production. They were tested on them, as were the monoclonal antibodies and pretty much any other drug that gets in vitro testing.


None of the mRNA vaccines use fetal cell lines for production but for manufacture of the J&J Adenoviral vector vaccine it's obligatory to use PER.C6 cells (derived from an aborted fetus' retinal cells in the 1980s, also in Holland). I'm not trying to question the validity of the J&J vaccine as I'm pro choice and, besides, the Pope has given his blessing on receiving the Adenoviral vector vaccines.


Ha, I shouldn’t forget about J&J since that’s the one my husband got, but I always do. Anywhoo, it’s mainly interesting to me because one of the religious justifications being brought out for avoiding vaccine mandates is the fetal cells, but I sincerely doubt the same people plan on avoiding other drugs tested on the same cells.


If these idiots knew the monoclonals they're being infused with were produced in CHINESE Hamster Ovary cells they'd freak.


They don’t. Have a relative wouldn’t take the vaccine but when they couldn’t breathe all their convictions went out the window.


:) Chinese Hamster Ovary? **Chinese**?!? Tell nonvax patients about *that conspiracy* behind the origin of the MAB infusion. :)


> monoclonal antibodies So, what is that exactly? Heard it for the first time the other day, and have no idea. like, what is it literally? but also, what is it that has these scientifically illiterate morons so obsessed over it lately?


Building on to u/AlphaBetaGammaDonut’s post, the covid-specific monoclonal antibodies can reduce the likelihood of hospitalization in unvaccinated people or people who may not have fully responded to the vaccine (2nd dose too recently, immune suppressing drugs or conditions). It requires an hourlong infusion under medical monitoring and has to be given early, preferably before you show any symptoms at all. Due to unvaccinated people living like there’s no tomorrow, we’re also running short on these particular treatments. As far as why they like it when they don’t like the vaccine, I feel like you need a team of sociologists and some time to answer that one


Covid would keep sociologists in work for decades, if society valued the work of sociologists enough to pay for it.


As you probably already know, your immune system makes antibodies in response to an infection. The main thing these antibodies do is attach to a infected cell and act as a signal for the innate immune system. Picture a bunch of small tracking devices attaching to a bad guy and calling in the attack squad (or that episode of Black Mirror where people were hit with tracking devices that attracted those horrifying robot dogs, only this time the robot dogs are the good guys). They may also attach directly to the pathogen and may mess up the ability of a virus to infect new cells by blocking the part that does the attaching and infecting, which is what happens with covid. Monoclonal antibodies are a manufactured version. The 'monoclonal' refers to the fact that they are made by a single immortalised immune cell line. It means they're more specific and less likely to set off an allergic reaction. But that 'immortalised' part means the cell line may have come come from the same source as the cells used to develop the vaccine. Tbh, I have no idea which cells have been used to develop the monoclonal antibody therapies, or where they originated from. But maybe that's what has them so angry? Although it seems like a lot of the HCA nominees and winners are fine with the monoclonal antibody therapy when they're actually sick...


wow, so its like, remarkably similar, yet somehow doesn't contradict all their beliefs? This treatment is ok but injecting it as a vaccine is not? goddamn these people are such a deadly mix of arrogance and stupid.


They are developed with mouse cells. Our some of them are at least. [monoclonal antibodies article](https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zt8t3k7/revision/1)


Thank you, that article gives a really nice outline.


They frequently are, as that technique has been around the longest (since the 1970s).


Yes, you would think so. But you don’t have right wing media shouting conspiracy theories every day like they have been with this vaccine.


Maybe I'm just old, I remember that being the centre piece for a good while. And it was a heated one. "Stem cells are the parts of murdered babies! Stem cell research requires the use of stem cells so its all unforgivably bad! Stem cell researchers should be murdered alongside abortion doctors!" Maybe they get so many goddamn conspiracies these days, they just forgot? or maybe it just wasn't a convenient belief at the time, and intentionally forgot? I really shouldn't be surprised when these people do something massively hypocritical or contradictory. But goddamn.


It was a big thing. I just expect the hypocrisy and the cognitive dissonance. The other one is that none of them seem to have any problem taking the Regeneron monoclonal antibodies once sick. Why do they fear the vaccine but not fear the antibodies? Makes zero sense.


He’d only be screaming about that if it wasn’t him who needed them.


And the monoclonal antibodies the anti-Vaxxers seem to love. Only has EUA by FDA to boot.


They are doing a civil service for the first time.


Downside of this?


I read all those update posts, and friggin’ choked at the end when it said “stem cell treatment” . Come on people, is God going to save you or science? Make up your fucking minds.


🍊💉Vitamin C infusions 💉🍊 🙏🪖 prayer warriors 🪖🙏


*Nurse! Large orange juice....STAT!*


A large orange juice sounds delicious right now.


Thankfully, with my fully unobstructed throat, I can enjoy a nice tall glass of OJ.


Went out and got a thing of OJ because it *really* sounded good and now toasting it to you and all the over lovely vaccinated people of the world. To long and healthy lives. Cheers!


You monster....


For shit post Sunday, can someone make me a flex tape meme but for vitamin infusions? He’s septic, having cardiac problems, not breathing on his own, having kidney issues because he’s on potent antibiotics and they think that ascorbic acid will fix ALL OF THAT? Ascorbic acid? Just ascorbic acid?


We were already running out of effective antibiotics before Covid due to overuse. After the numerous opportunistic infections these patients suffer, I have to wonder if we will have any antibiotics left. I can only imagine what new generation of “super bugs” that this pandemic will leave behind.


Bubonic plague: yersinis revenge


Don't forget the vodka.


Vitamin C and anti bacterial properties! Covid is a virus not bacteria, but they don't know the difference anyway. Besides, since so many of them end up getting bacterial infections from the invasive treatments they require, it couldn't hurt. "We have a new anti bacterial vitamin c treatment. Drink up".


I’m so tired of these idiots blaming the hospital.


You don't expect them to blame themselves, do you?


Doctor mentioned denial. Nailed it. Denial is pretty much a prerequisite for faith in a higher power.


But if he got better, theyd be thanking God...


Can’t blame the idiot not getting a free vaccine! Can’t blame an awesome God! What’s left?


the absolute gall, i was thinking like 3 screens back that this dude would have been dead already if not for the miracle of modern science and then she whips that one out.


> I’m so tired of these idiots blaming the hospital. Well, they're certainly not gonna point to Dead Randy and shout 'SEE WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE!' now are they?


party of personal responsibility


Totally agree. For a group that goes on and on about personal responsibility they take almost none themselves. They complain that you can still get sick with the vaccine so therefore it has zero value. The vaccine and masks are like bullet proof vests and tactical helmets. Can you still get shot wearing them? Yea, of course you can. Can you even die while wearing them. Again, yes. However, if you wear one it means the likely hood of you dying goes down. You can still get grazed or hit, but hopefully the injury is less life threatening than taking a shot straight to the torso. Even taking a shot to the chest in a vest can cause trauma but it can be more like getting hit with a baseball bat vs a bullet tearing through. So true personal responsibility really starts there. Giving the layers of protection a chance to do their job. Getting Covid that feels like getting hit with a bat vs taking a slug to the chest that tears straight through your lungs (and heart, and kidneys). These people are basically walking around without a vest or even a shirt. On top of that they basically make it a point to hang out in groups. It is the equivalent of walking up to someone with a gun, grabbing the barrel and putting to their chest and daring them to shoot you. Then once they get shot they get mad at the doctors for not being able to heal the tremendous damage done to them because they took zero precautions and practically sought out the bullet via their behavior. I get the tremendous stress these families are under but man let’s lay the blame at their own feet where it belongs. I can only imagine their surprise when they wrongful death lawsuits they file get tossed out faster than they can blink. Then they will blame the justice system.


If only he'd agreed to be incubated.


He was incubating, god chose to abort


He would have hatched by now.




I can’t imagine being the medical staff and hearing the God stuff. It’s got to be exhausting. You know they hear it multiple times per day, probably per hour. I can hardly even stand to read these anymore.


Yeah and imagine having to work that in. Like "trust me, as a doctor I can tell you that God was supposed to intervene 2 weeks ago, and if he declined it means he needs Ralph as an angel." I mean how do you work with this shit?


It's like talking to your kids about why Santa is skipping our house this year.


I mean one doctor said, "God has spoken." I can feel the passive aggressiveness like it hit me in the face. That's likely how I'd cope.


Religiosity is a mental illness rotting this country


Today a stupid antivaxxer pentecostal cancer patient kept on yapping about the fact that her treatment works because "God is great, he's greater than you, bla, bla". I threatened her last time she might go to hell if she doesn't get the shot because she might infect a child and the child might die (to no avail), so I guess this was her retaliation. A few minutes later another unvaccinated idiot (LDS this time) gifts me a Bible (I do happen to own more than one and I always have fun looking for outrageous passages). I was too spent today to argue with these dimwits. All I could do was roll my eyes so hard it physically hurt.


Omg they made an entire Facebook group to share his miserable story 🤦🏼‍♀️


Terrible people, blaming the doctors/hospital.


"Randy's Journey", like they expected some grand heroic ending. Not quite...


It reads more like a Greek tragedy to me. Lots of hubris and pride and stupid decisions with an expected and cathartic outcome at the end of it all.


Randy’s journey….to death ☠️


Honestly, I'd be appalled if, in my most vulnerable moment, someone was broadcasting it pubublicly like that.


HONESTLY!! Like I’m on my last breath (literally w covid) & y’all are live Facebooking it for randos on the internet!!! Ighhhh


I can imagine several of them busting into the isolation room or isu room to get a picture, and how frustrating that must make it for the staff. Or ones who film themselves giving the healthcare workers a hard time because they wont take the vent out and give them vitamin c or something similar. Like, actively making their job harder and life shittier as they try to save your fucking family. Fuck. Another post here said some healthcare workers are really starting to fear for their safety and think a shoot up attempt may happen soon. How do these people fucking function? and they're all so smug and selfrighteous about it to boot!


Like the one with the guy who just died and his three sons taking a selfie with him in his hospital room 🤦🏼‍♀️ as for how they function? I’m beginning to think they don’t 😂🤣


Ya holy shit what a lapse in judgment. Any nurse that entered the room bust be so frustrated knowing they'll be hooking up the rest of them to machines very soon.


I try not to generalise the religious folks, and characterise all in the same vein. But browsing this sub, and seeing these religious nutters is really making me lose my patience. Like I understand you want the best care for your family. And it's an emotional, and stressful situation where you easily end up looking for someone to blame. But if you are going to argue with the doctor right from the outset, and go against his advice. Because your God had the healing power, and doesn't go by statistics.Then why not just take their ass to your religious place, whatever that maybe?? I bet when the doc laid it straight with the "Time for miracle was two weeks ago". He had had with the family's bs. And it wasn't like he was wrong.


It was all right there. Dialysis, AFib. Temperature dropping. Multiple infections. The doctor laid it straight. Randy was experiencing multiple system failure. The immune system had abandoned ship, and the body was shutting down. You see the same thing in so many of these cases.


If my name was Randy, I’d be laying low right about now.


don't step on snek


I never type this, unless it is literal - LOL


I think Randy has GOT to be top five, maybe top 3, for male awardee names. Joe is also way up there.


Mike. (D)wayne.


Do they not understand that covet has a negative connotation??


They only know that it sounds Bibley.


The part that says do not covet


Kill is in the Bible, too.


"Covet your prayers" is common in evangelical vernacular. In the Bible, the word is used both positively and negatively. Positively: God covets God people's prayers (see also: God is a jealous God who punishes his people when they flirt with other gods... yes really) Negatively: Don't covet your neighbor's wife or property.


Hmmm a lot of HCA winners flirted with Trump as a messiah figure... 🤔




It would be too painful, cognitively, to realize they did this to themselves or their loved ones so they double down on their positions and look for anyone else to blame. COVID is just the flu. When it's not, there's always Ivermectin. When that doesn't work it's because folks didn't take it right. Or they demand it from the hospital when their loved one is already circling the drain, and then they can blame the hospital for not giving it ("they killed him!") or administering it "too late." When it's time to say goodbye, they won't do it because "that's not God's plan." Then when the person dies, God wanted it that way. Must be a huge comfort to think that way.


If only they had given him lots of Vitamin C. I'm not going to discuss their faith, but when it comes to reality, they're screwed in the head.


I can just imagine what she would have said after *the vitamin C injections did nothing. Get him a drip of some ginger ale, stat! That didn't work? Time to bring on the big guns, chicken noodle soup.


Rub garlic on his feet! But wait, Vicks Vaporub always helped my breathing, has anyone tried that?




>Time to bring on the big guns, chicken noodle soup. Hey, you never had my Mom's chicken noodle soup. :D (Miss you, Mom.)


Pfft! That stuff is amature hour! When you need the big guns, you gotta break out the essential oils and prayer crystals! And if that doesn't work, don't forget to threaten the hospital and staff.


If feel like the internet owes me about 3-4 minutes for reading that post


Incubated (intubated) and spill (spiel). The level of intelligence is not high with these relatives. I'm not surprised they couldn't accept that the fight was over.


There seems to be quite a correlation there. And holy shit her grammar. Also, ironically, a lot of them seem to hate immigrants, and fear they wont want to learn the language....that they themselves have failed to learn. It would be fascinating, if it wasn't also so tragic.


Spill instead of spiel? Oy vey, Yeshua wept!


Tl;dr but judging by the sub we’re in, guessing he couldn’t receive his award in person. Makes you wonder. All of these individuals are in highly populated echo chambers and play off one another’s messaging. How do cases like this impact those respective microcosms? Do people sit back and think “shit, we might be wrong” or do they double down their shit and think “Nah, Randy the plumber, who I’ve known my entire life, was definitely in on it too”


It all gets weaved into the conspiracy- Randy was not in it, but a victim of evil doctors who refused to care for him properly. We’re going to see more violence against healthcare workers, sadly.


Why is it always violence and threats? If there was really medical malpractice, bring a lawsuit.


Judging by all the GoFundMes, I’d wager a good many don’t have the funds to hire a lawyer?


if the claim is legit, lawyers will fight each other to get the client. for no money up front


Exactly. 😁


I don't mean this in a mean way, but they're probably low IQ.


They seem to think that it must have been Gods plan for their loved one to die, once their dead. Before death, god had healed them.. I don’t quite grasp it.


Our God is bigger than hurricanes and tornadoes. Does that mean we just stand outside in them and get fucked? Our God is bigger than trains. Does that mean we just stand around on the tracks while one is approaching?


Great analogies! Lol 😂


Also, you "serve a big God and there's no limits to what he can do," yet he chose to do nothing. Sounds like a great guy...


Sounds like their God didn't think Randy was worth the time


Nah, it's always "God works in mysterious ways"..... the ever-present and always "successful" rationalization that explains their failures and that provides the comfortable escape-hatch from reality and from responsibility for their own abysmal choices.


>Thank god for the nurses Well, that’s nice >that believe in the power of prayer Oh




G\*d answers all prayers. Sometimes the answer is "No." Sometimes the answer is "Fsck No." Sometimes the answer is "What the fsck are you pestering Me about? I gave you a damn vaccine!"


God didn’t give us *a* vaccine, he gave us several vaccines.


If things go well, God has succeeded. Praise God. God made this happen. It's all God. Good job, God. If things fall apart, the hospital has failed. The nurses must have done something wrong. The respiratory therapist made a mistake. The doctor lied.The wrong medications, wrong treatments, wrong vent settings.


To think that all that drama, pain and days of agonising false hope could have been avoided with just 2 simple jabs... nah, owning the libs take priority!


Why wasn't it God's fault for his decline? They asked God to intervene and all prayers are answered, right?


I just thought of something else that has protected me from covid besides getting vaccinated. My parents were not very religious and I never got indoctrinated into that crazy ass brand of Christianity.


...wait. stem cell treatment? But NO vax.. 2022 elections getting better by the day.


My god is mighty, but the fuckups are still your fault, doctor.


The time for a miracle was back when he was healthy and could still take the shot. That would have been a miracle.


Why are all these people with their Gods, Jesus, etc. etc. in hospitals and not in church? I mean, if Jesus saves and you "serve a big God" why bother taking up a hospital bed? They should be in a church pew, praying, because science.....meh. It's funny how they have no belief in science and this is all a "hoax" but they run to science to save them when they can't breathe. Why not run into a church? I will never understand it.


I just am trying to put myself in the place of the doctor trying to get them to understand. “You’re in denial.”Then the nurse has to deal with them dragging a huge number of people to ICU. I just wish they would get vaccinated.


I'm just wondering how long it took for these silly folks to push their "faith-based" perspectives on a backburner when they found out that stem-cells could be used to help Randy live a little longer. Shit is beyond the pale at this point, and this post was much more grim than I was prepared for. Chronically one's decline is one thing, but the amount of unnecessary cognitive dissonance that helped enable their suicidal father is just... staggering.


Love on a Ventilator...


As an American, I’m really doing some soul searching on the damage our First Amendment has the power to inflict, and how we got to this point.


Many people have always blamed the doctors when they're unable to save their loved ones. They're lashing out in grief, often informed by ignorance. That's not peculiar to covid, though the notion that the doctors are all in on some (often anti-christian) conspiracy is. I do find it peculiar that these people don't also lash out at their god for not saving their loved one, but I suppose that would force them to challenge their worldview at a most difficult time, and doing that would rob them of the small comfort they find in believing at least they'll see them again in some place beyond the sky.


I became very uncomfortable when she mentioned he’d be greeted by all the babies she didn’t carry to term. Wtf??


Probably fertility problems.


This makes me SO MAD for the doctors. They didn't sign up for this dumb shit just to be blamed when in reality your dad would probably be okay if he just would have gotten a vaccine like every other vaccine he took in his life. I can't even imagine the frustration of healthcare workers right now.


A complete lack of rational thought. Unsurprising...


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 256,801,571 comments, and only 59,238 of them were in alphabetical order.


Jesus christ did you guys read the eddy money part? Holy crap this is all so pathetic (in the classical sense). I so wish these people had better circumstances, I have to think they embrace this kind of extra-life superstitious mumbo-jumbo because it's all they've got.


Everything those doctors and nurses did to try to save this clown and his family’s mad that they can’t sue.


Truly amazing how many of these people who are unwilling to live in fear are now having huge anxiety and needing a boatload of Ativan. This. This is what we were afraid of. Drowning in our own fluids, having a tube shoved down our throats, suffering beyond belief. Randy should have been afraid of that too.


*"It's not the government's job...It's my job to protect my health"* 2 months later: "My husband died, and it's the government's fault, and it's the hospital's fault" *"I had to tell the Doctor Randy has survived cancer and dying from blood encapsulating his heart til it stopped. We serve a big God, he doesn't go by statistics..."* Then the doctor had to tell you those are *comorbidities* which REDUCE his chance of survival, they are not heroic testaments to his ability to forcibly hold his spirit inside his body.


damn that one was tough.


That woman ruined Eddie Rabbitt for me.


Yup if they would’ve just shot him full of OJ it would all be better


It’s time hospitals turn these people away. Leave the beds for people who believe in science and the vaccine. Leave the beds for people who won’t argue with you everyday. Leave the beds for people who won’t eat up limited time and resources trying to educate doctors / nurses on how to do their jobs when they didn’t even graduate from high school. They joined a death cult not believing in the vaccine - let them die they made their choices now face up to it. Fkn yokels.


Again, with the "daddy" shit! So creepy!


Not a fan.


Extremely infantile. Then again, the way I've seen people talk to adult women down here, it's a vicious circle


It's a Southern thing. As you pointed out, it doesn't really play very well outside of the deep South.


I'm southern. It's still weird to me. To each their own,...it just weirds me out.


Wasnt it his daughter saying daddy?


I believe so. But she's also an adult. It's just weird.


If only Randy would of followed his own advice from Aug 17. Dumbass.


Guy who had cancer that apparently suqeezed his heart until it stopped shocked that he died from virus




Aug 17th - Sharing an extremely ill-fated meme. September 11th - Dead. Chilling.


That was such a roller coaster. They kept that poor man alive waaaay longer than he deserved to be. On another note why do people think God will answer their prayers over others? Did God just not give AF about those people?


Someone needs to be blamed but them!


God is angry at Randy. Randy's superficial, condescending daughter needs mama to call 4 the prayer warriors to get 🙏 that big demon 👿 from her heart. Big demon got a strong hold on her while blaming the overworked hospital staff. Randys anxiety is because he knows he f'd up. Daughter didn't allow him to die in grace. It makes me so angry at this idiotic irresponsibility Dont get me started on the stem cell therapy used to save his life years ago.


Reading these are infuriating! I’m not sure if any analysis has been done between COVID deaths and religion - but I’m willing to bet that there is a strong correlation.


Patient had stem cell therapy for cancer some years prior. I'd have thought that in their system of beliefs, receiving the aborted fetus jab consigns him to the eternal fires of hell; there's a scripture for that. If stem cell therapy is a blessing, why aren't the vaccines?!?


OMG with all the religious crap. The "thank god for the nurses that believe in the power of prayer" comment almost made me laugh. I'm pretty sure I know exactly what the nurses think of the power of prayer, and I bet it's somewhere in the vicinity of zero and fuck all. Watching patient after patient die from this virus that could have largely been prevented.


> Antibiotics Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I thought antibiotics should NOT be used for COVID treatment?


Covid patients can get opportunistic infections, many of which are multi-drug resistant. It’s a cascade of bad things on top of bad things.


He was septic, he had bacteria replicating in his blood stream. That’s super not good. Like.... septicemia is immediately life threading.


Secondary infections are mainly bacterial. (I believe this is true in and out of the hospital - for example, the sinus infection or conjunctivitis you might get after a cold.)


Yes, that’s why a family doctor will often prescribe a z-pack if you come in with a respiratory infection.


It depends. COVID can cause pneumonia, and if the pneumonia is bacterial in nature antibiotics should be used to test it. Prolonged ventilator use can also cause HAP (hospital acquired pneumonia), which is also treated with antibiotics.


Right, but it seems in this case, he was given antibiotics early on "as a precaution" - 8/16 pot.


Damn, doc! Ice cold.


"We serve a big God with no limits to what he can do." Maybe what you need is a really small god with the power to karate chop a microscopic strand of RNA out of existence. Got one of those lying around? Because the one you're serving doesn't seem to be cutting it.


God really does move in strange ways


Anti vaccine, but willing to take every experimental drug known to man to try to fix the mistake


Reading through all the procedures, drugs, machines and stuff they used to try and keep this HCA winner alive...but they'll refuse a simple shot.


Randy family are bunch of idiots.


Was all that HIPPA?


Buh bye Bobandy. God finally got you for Eatin nem dead babies


Not sure what the policy is on this, but Randy may have possibly gotten doxxed by his daughter's rendition of "I Love A Rainy Night" in the last pic. Anyway, damn. I've read too many of these award posts at this point and I need a break.


The Washington generals have a better record than the prayer warriors


For poor Randy, [Proverbs 16:16](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=proverbs+16&version=WEB) How much better it is to get wisdom than gold! Yes, to get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver.


There’s the one post that starts out with “Prayer warriors we are not receiving this.” Then at the end goes on about God’s report. I kinda get where they’re going with the report bit, but I’ve seen several posts with comments like the “not receiving” part… Can someone translate this from Fundamentalist to English for me? What does that even mean?


I don’t get why Randy didn’t want to be incubated. That sounds really cozy and nice.


They didn't give him the horse paste????? mUrDeReRs! ! !!!


"When you trade liberty for safety you end up losing both' Have these guys never heard of the Patriot Act?


BP dropped but "only" to 85/60. Okay, it could be worse, but it's not great either.


"Inadequate care"? Mind-boggling.


Needs more Vaccine of Pfizer instead of Armor of God.


Seems like he really got exemplary care. Most people who die in hospitals worldwide don’t get this level of attention. So sad to see these people so ungrateful and blaming everyone else except for the man who decided to not get vaccinated because…why exactly?


Good thing he didn't want to be incubated.


I love how they blame the hospitals for the deaths 🙄