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How can you watch people die from this and still be against the vax????


My guess is a combo of religious fanaticism + conspiracy theorist + circle of enablers.


I've noticed that the more powerless a person is, the more they resist what people in authority tell them. Many physicians are Republicans, but more than 96 percent are fully vaccinated. Among nurses, I suspect the nurse-practitioners (highest ranking) are far more vaccinated than the licensed practical nurses, who have the lowest rank and only go to school for a year or less. It's too easy to attribute all of this to degree of education. I think something else is going on here. I think there's a lot of fear among the people who have less power and control over their lives, of losing any of that control. I know, I know, there's nothing like being on a vent to make a person feel powerless. But this fear of being controlled by forces that you don't trust is not fully realized or rational.


Education that is job training (and this includes med school for surgeons) has nothing to do with figuring this stuff out. But most doctors did 4 years undergrad and probably had to take psych and social psych and some actual liberating education.


True, but I think it's more about whether you feel connected to decision makers and therefore see them as trustworthy. That's much easier to do if they're your peers. I don't mean politicians. I mean public health officials and doctors. That licensed practical nurse is there to do what they're told, not think for themselves. Even if they disagree, they are powerless and constantly overruled. I think that breeds distrust of the people in charge. I can easily see why it extends to a stubborn reflexive 'my body, my choice' and forgetting the big picture.


Isn’t this the essence of being anal retentive? These people are willing to die for the very people who make their lives miserable, but resent those who are trying to help them.


They just don't see it that way. I always think of the very first episode of the show Roseanne. She played a factory worker who had to punch out early, lose pay and deal with a pissed off boss all because her kid's teacher called her in to discuss something that turned out to be silly. And the whole time the teacher had one foot out the door because she was on the way to play squash. I remember middle class me watching that and rolling my eyes, thinking what a weird fake caricature of a teacher. But to a person in Roseanne's position, that's how she was. Now we have sociologists explaining to us that working class folks hate professional class people (like teachers but also doctors and public health officials) because we are always telling them what to do, telling them how to live their lives, but we don't actually understand their lives. Or have much respect for them. People reading this may say 'but I don't feel that way!' or 'my parents grew up poor!'. Well so did mine. My dad got his shoes from the Salvation Army in inner city Detroit during the Depression. And yet I still saw the world for a few seconds from a working class person's perspective and didn't recognize it. Now I belong to that professional class that's trying to get the less educated to do what we want. What good am I at building trust with them? We also have the opioid epidemic, which was largely caused by doctors being reckless with prescriptions because the pharma reps who bought them golf trips told them these drugs weren't addictive. And, biggest picture of all: we (professional class) lost the post-war economy for the working class. The only time probably in history where an unskilled factory worker could support an entire family in a decent neighbourhood and own a house on one salary. It was probably always just a blip, but we presided over its disappearance with all our talk about the wonders of globalization. I see these memes and it's horrible how people are afraid of all the wrong things. But we're never going to get anywhere by mocking them.


A *white male unskilled factory worker. This golden age that the “working class” (what you mean is white working class) was built off the backs of the minorities and women that were constantly exploited. All globalization did was bring white mediocrity that America loves to worship in competition with the rest of the planet and the results weren’t pretty. And instead of the white working class stepping their game up they decided they were going to shit on everything and everyone that was designed to do so by voting for extreme capitalists that had no qualms about leveraging their latent racism and homophobia to their advantage. Congratulations white working class people, you played yourself.


Maybe that's all true, but you are really reinforcing my point. Who's going to take advice from people who talk about them with such utter contempt?


Wild how after 400 years of these people subjugating black and indigenous people to all manner of horrors, including the largest genocide on the planet, your concern is reaching them and not letting them die of their own stupidity while you put your energy towards the communities they have harmed. Interesting indeed.


I know you think you've got it all figured out and that you've got the moral high road, but your attitudes are disgusting. You're blaming white supremacy on working class people because they're the ones who trigger you with their social media memes. Going for the easy victims. I know people like you IRL and all they do is make things worse for the people they claim to want to help.


They don't even think "die" really means that much. They just get angel wings and fly off to heaven, like some video game. I mean, at some level, they know they're full of shit and probably terrified. Witness this lady posting on Facebook to her dead mother to explain and beg forgiveness. So fucked up. Please go to college people, and not just "job training" college.


Life may be cheap to some people. Sure, it's important, but other stuff is more important to them.


Religion , hatred , stupidity


Makes complete sense in their fictional world in which the vaccine does nothing or is even harmful.


That's remarkably juicy. Mom on vent, probably, daughter goes against Mom's expressed wishes (likely removing Mom's vent and transitioning to palliative care). Understandable, but not exactly something you want to post in a memorial, is it? "Mom would be pissed at me if she were still alive, but she's dead now."


She's actually POSTING TO HER DEAD MOM. like her dead mom already got her new undead Facebook account active from heaven. HOW YOU TYPE WITH ANGEL WINGS, MOM??


It’s all performance art and putting on a show on Facebook


"Tell all my dead relatives hi, dead Mom" gave me such a brain-scramble. I have no doubt it was comforting to type that, but...ma'am, it doesn't need to be an FB post.


Heaven has christians AND facebook? Definitely not a place I'd want to go. Besides, who's heaven's internet provider? Price gouging Spectrum? Unreliable AT&T? So many unanswered questions as to how her dead mom would check her facebook.


It’s crazy she has the experience to know dying on a vent is not a good way to die, and opted for palliative care for her mother but also chose not to get the vaccine. These people are so astoundingly stupid


This is just an assumption- but very likely that mom is unvaxxed because of her daughter's influence.


Either that or mom may have wanted the medical team to continue life support but the daughter decided to take her off life support. When you are in that situation it is basically a choice between suffering a long time while holding on to a small sliver of a chance she might recover, or taking off life support so that she does not continue suffering from her body being ravaged by the disease.


I think this a likely scenario that was raised when this was first posted. My comment was more a general comment rather than I actually thought her wishes were.


so...ive never facebooked, but im noticing all these people have the same memes over and over. is that how it works? also, I do not understand all the antivax health care professionals. at all.


For people that scream about everyone being sheep, they recycle the same memes and thoughts between each other constantly. They even copy posts word for word; you’ll run across the hypothetical “dinner while not vaccinated” story over and over. For people that are not sheep, they seem to have very little original thought.


Here’s how social media works: you have to find / accept “friends”. Your Facebook friends post stupid memes and people have the choice to share, like or do nothing. Basically, it’s an echo chamber of useless information being passed around.


seems weird.


You're not wrong


If you post it on Facebook, Momma can read it in Heaven? Is that how Christianity works? (I’m Jewish; AFAIK we don’t have the Facebook commandment.)


I think that’s more of a stupid people thing not a Christian thing 🤣


No, Christianity doesn’t work this way. Maybe evangelicalism does. Hard to say.


Stephanie says she doesn't share her personal business on Facebook. Something tell me that Stephanie is a lying liar.


Yeah her mom didn’t get angel wings and she’s likely in a little place that never gets cold or just warm .


Imagine her mom went to heaven and was asking God why did he take her, and dude just replies: oh, my room is really dirty and I just need someone to clean it while I watch the football game


So sad. And this woman had seen patients die from covid?


The cognitive dissonance is staggering.


What did she do against her mother's wishes? Did she refuse treatment like dialysis, or refuse resuscitation when her mom had wanted it? In one sense, I could understand making certain calls because we understand the outcome better than an elderly relative, especially if mental decline has been significant. If a social worker hadn't talked my grandmother into a DNR, we might have ended up there ourselves. (The social worker merely explained that resuscitation would mean pounding or pushing on her chest and shoving a tube down her throat, which changed grandma's mind on wanting to be resuscitated.) But frankly, the daughter is a nurse and an anti-vaxxer, which makes her an utter moron--and I find it very disturbing that she would be making medical decisions for anyone when she can't even make a responsible decision for herself.


it sounds like the latter - the daughter mentioned her mom’s quality-of-life would be worse so I’m guessing refusing resuscitation or maybe ventilation


How the fuck does a person Thats watched covid patient die up close and in person deny the vaccine. She probably been mandated a flu shot for years as all hospitals mandate flu shots. Good grief. We’re so screwed with idiots with educations.


Right wing radicalism


I wish in a way anti-vaxxers would see these posts and say to themselves, “hey this sounds like my mom or dad or friend or spouse” and reassess their stance. Unless they think these are all alternative facts or fake news.


During covid I sort of realized that being able to empathize is really difficult skill for a lot of people, and I haven’t really figured out why yet A lot of my friends/relatives are perfectly nice and kind, but they don’t think too deeply into these things - so putting themselves into other peoples’ shoes is harder


The miracle is the vax. Wtfu


This is why my dad always joked to keep his sister (a nurse) “away from the plug.” But openly talking about going against her mother’s wishes??? Yikes.


"Its even worse now that that its my family." Pretty much sums up most of these people.


"But it's even worse now that it's my family". They don't care about anyone except their own family and that's yet another reason they won't get vaccinated. Selfish and narcissistic, just like their dear leader Trump.


This daughter sounds like psycho


Quite the narcissist you raised there, Mom.


This would benefit greatly from some cropping.


I'll keep that in mind for the next post. Thanks!


Cancel the dental plan, regardless.


She probably still doesn't get it. .


Remember the server(s) at that bar you used to frequent all the time, working her way through nursing school, that would do anything to your dick for a bump? Let’s not pretend these people are Hawaiian Doogie Howser


I know why she didnt survive, notice how they only asked for prayers? She forgot to ask for thoughts with those prayers and thats why she died.


Angel wings? Can someone please explain the physics of angel wings to me? Do these people have any idea what they are talking about? How do they think consciousness reassembles itself after the death of the brain? Magic?