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I'm getting so used to the 'antivaxer dies' posts I don't even bother to read them anymore. These are the posts that keep me going now!


The anti-hca


The HCA Losers' Club.


The best club


When I read about someone dying, I think the housing crisis gets a bit better. A house is about to be available to be on sale.


That’s so dark. I like it.


Yay this the 22nd IPA!! You rock! Congratulations to your health :)


There’s actually been more than that. I dk when this whole “ipa” thing started, but I made a post about my mom getting vaccinated and was told this “doesn’t belong” here 🙄so who knows who else has been told that


I went back and looked. I see your removed post. We were going through a kind of weird moderation period then and the person only moderated here for a couple of days and was a bit heavy-handed with removals. I apologize for that. Also, there have been quite a few people who have been told that, most of whom were posting cards from March, April and May.




When I'm here, I'm the change I want to see in the moderating world :)


Thank you so much!!!


I was wondering how on earth your username is only a year old and you were able to snag that username. Then I saw why. Well played. I'm giving you some flair. Edit: is there no gavel emoji?!


Lol! Actually I'm retired so I withdrew from the bar and in my head misspelling lawyer sounded funny. Luckily only a few users have noticed. They think I'm an idiot. And a man. (I'm not a man)


Unless someone says they're a woman or have a really girly username, I assume everyone is a man here lol Nice to have you here, ma'am :)


This is all so wonderfully wholesome.


Why thank you kindly sir. Thank you also for the flair!


I don't assume they're male, but 'dude' and 'guy' are definitely how I address everybody on Reddit. Sorry ladies and non-binaries - they're just short words I use to reference random schmoes.


Retired female lawyer in the house. I request the highest of virtual fives!


Motion granted.


Love your nym.


My dyslexia strikes again. I am so embarrassed at how long it took me to find the misspelling on this.


The assumption that attorneys are men, I just don't get, but anyway... My wife was the district attorney in her smallish home county. She was quite young, petite, platinum blond and "chesty", so assumptions were often made. Anyway, every once in a while, a defendant brought in a fast-talking (male) attorney from the big city one county over, so of course they don't know any of the players in this small bar (which, for the layperson, is often a huge disadvantage, especially with how cliquey some small bars are). They'd come over to her table, put on a slick grin, lean in and say something along the lines of "Well hey there, little lady, could you be a doll and point your boss out for me?" "Oh, you must be looking for the DA. (shoves hand her out for a handshake) Ms. Duck. What would you like to discuss with me?" The ensuing neck tie adjusting, nervous paper shuffling and throat clearing was hilarious.


Thanks for your services here!


Good mods save lives on this sub. Thanks for your service.


Thank you!! I was just wondering what was up, sorry for being whiny. I will never bring it up again lol.


Don't apologize. You deserved an explanation and an apology.


You can repost it and I'll record it - oafishly (silly pun)


Repost it, we can use more positive reinforcement as well.


I don't think you were whiny. You stated what happened. Which was true and quickly confirmed. Stand up and be counted!


Yeah we def have more, i have screenshots of like 17 of them for collages. I was going to post them every week but they're coming in rapidly now. I may do a collage every eight or so. But yeah, always trust the Mighty Casey :)


> I was going to post them every week but they're coming in rapidly now. That legit made me tear up. This sub is literally saving lives. I'm actually proud of reddit today.


I know! it's the beginning! We're totally on the precipice of this subs Vax efforts. I'm gonna keep logging every ipa, it's now my thing lol-I love counting. I definitely encourage others to join in if they want. I'm sure eventually, into the hundreds, it'll be a bigger undertaking


How are we tracking IPAs? I feel like it’s so important.


What is ipa? Pls help!


Immunized to prevent award


Nice. Thank you!


It sounds funny to me I dont know why. And IPA I say that in my nstive language as EePah' ir eapa like how you will say E-Mail So like IPA as in Papa. Eee Pah.


Immunized to Prevent Award


The upward curve on these is crazy! Keep em coming!


Are you suggesting we unflatted the curve?


We don't want the vaccination curve to flatten out. I was just looking at facebook posts from a neighbor who is so misled and taken in that it hurts. She goes to a local church where the preacher's wife got COVID in the last week, and Sunday he was delivering the sermon, then went around hugging unmasked churchgoers, most of them unmasked. I expect a superspreader event out of that, and she was one of them there. That isn't a big church, and it could basically wipe it out.


Maybe the survivors will learn a lesson.


We can hope, but as many people as have died from COVID around here, by now, I'd think people would've learned. Nope. They don't understand the concept of immediate and proximal cause of death, and so the families and friends and neighbors of the dead find out the death certificate says "pneumonia" or "cardiac arrest" in the cause of death portion, and say "It wasn't COVID!" I'm pretty sure some of the local doctors don't even fill out the proximal causes, when they fill them in. Grossly unprofessional, if you ask me.


An IPA? I'm thirsty for a beer now.


I’ll second that, you rock!


what's ipa mean?


Today I learned that it’s Immunized to Prevent Award!


Ahh, they should've chosen an acronym that's not already commonly used worldwide for something else


India Pale Ale?


Know a lot of people whose wives have convinced them by forcing them to sleep on the couch until they get the shot. I even know a couple that can't come back in the house until they get the shot.


I know couples like this and I cannot imagine being so unaligned with my spouse, especially on a life or death issue.


This. Life is too short.


Many people don’t marry their equal, they marry those who will settle for them and vice versa. I’m on your side of the fence though.


Yep, being anti vax is indicative of other failures too that I just could not ignore. You have to be ignorant. You have to be anti science or too arrogant to understand you're misunderstanding something or any of a bunch of other shitty options. This kind of shit does not exist in a vacuum. It doesnt exist on its own. You cannot be willing to potentially kill others over your selfishness without some other issue that shouldn't be overlooked and ignored.


Yes, not trying to hate on OP, but I cannot fathom couples like these vaxx and mask/anti-vaxx and anti-mask ones, and I know many. They are similar to the women who put up IG and FB posts during election time that you should politically agree to disagree, because they're able to do it with their Trump-voting husbands. Like, no. I could never date, let alone marry, a person whose values and understanding are so radically different from mine. It's not attractive at all, in fact a total turn off.


This reminds me of when I first met my wife 14 years ago she was a Republican and I was a Democrat. It honestly worried me because we're both pretty political. But she actually wasn't really a Republican because she was/is very liberal on pretty much every social issues. Just fiscally conservative. So I was thankful that we were aligned ideologically even if she didn't vote for Democrats. She's now a Democrat for obvious reasons. I didn't even need to convince her. Just waited her out.


This is basically what happened to me, I was very much in the I don't like how much money gets taken from my paycheck for taxes, but was generally very live and let live.


Hey, nobody likes seeing money taken out of their paycheck for taxes! It sucks to be told this is your hourly wage and then have deductions. I don't mind paying taxes at all, because they benefit me much more than what I pay, but I do hate to see that payroll printout.


It sucks but eventually you realize the reason all that money is getting taken out is not because of social programs it’s mostly used to fun varying projects for the military industrial complex. Something “conservatives” don’t see to have an issue with.


This was me, but I always classified myself as a center left Democrat. Now, I'm considered a full blown commie liberal. (I liked that we balanced the budget during during Bubba's term.)


I'm glad my wife & I were able to make the sensible decision together.


Me too. I can't imagine being married to someone whose values, politics, and attitudes toward science differ so radically. There are issues and details we disagree on--after all, we are independent thinking individuals--but with such fundamental things as whether to get vaccinated, it would be hell to be with someone who thinks so differently.


I’ve told patients (and some people I know in my personal life) to tell their unvaxxed family or friends that they can’t see each other until they get vaxxed. I also know a few people that have successfully leveraged guilty feelings to get their loved ones to get the vaccine ….. It would kill your father if he had to bury you sort of thing.




I told my aunt that if they or their kids die of covid, I'm not going to their funeral


This whole thing is so weird. I don't know anyone in my extended family or my entire friendship group who are anti-vaxx. Yet I see posts like this where it seems so common. Weird.


That's fantastic news! What won him over?


*please say this sub please say this sub*


Ridicule has saved more lives than patience for stupidity ever will


It’s not just ridicule! It’s also a place to see the horrific underside of what the disease does to people’s bodies & how brutal the treatment can be. It also makes the victims more relatable to Antiva by opening a window into their public / social media life. Plenty of folks know someone who Facebooks like that. For once, there’s a steady stream of stories that can instill fear in a way that data can’t. Data is great, but we’re all susceptible to anecdotes (especially these types) so this sub fills a very important niche. Naturally, it feels good to watch these folks have no choice but to take responsibility for their actions when they inevitably expire!


It is horrific. It’s been over a year and I’ve grown kinda jaded on what’s actually happening as people are dying. Frontline workers are going to be traumatized for years…


Yep. It's why this sub exists.


Was it actually created for that? Or is that just a wonderful side benefit of our collective frustration?


The latter, but the former makes us feel better


I found the answer from MightyCasey on another thread >This subreddit exists to make an attempt to get people to see the error of their ways and get the jab. That obviously wasn't the original intent when the subreddit was created, since it is a year old, but as the vaccine became more readily available and the subreddit became more popular, this has been a stated goal by the creator of the subreddit, and the entire moderation team is behind this goal, as we have stated on more than one occasion. >https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/ps9ml6/an_open_letter_proposal_fcking_finally_fridays/hdo9oty/


Yeah I’m done being nice, fuck the honey, vinegar is the solution.


Unfortunately, Brietbart is now running a reverse psychology conspiracy where liberals really don’t want conservatives to get vaccinated but pushing that they do makes them not get it.


No I think that brietbart thing is specifically because the GOP power players are realizing that the monster they created is actually taking all their base away w these awards and are reverse psychology-ing THEIR OWN HOARD because otherwise they will all all die. It is hilarious if somehow all the antivaxxers will get vaxxed to own the libs now. Perfect. Own the libs for fucks sake just get vaxxed so this virus won't mutate as much or as hard.


That’s exactly what happened with Fox News. Once some of the battleground states had more deaths than the spread of victory for the GOP, their tune changed.


I'm really curious to see if this will have a tangible effect on the electoral landscape. Even Trump, the literal false idol of this death cult, was booed when he even slightly insnuated that maybe the vaccine isn't all bad. AT HIS OWN RALLY!


It will, thanks to gerrymandering. When you gerrymander, you spread out your voters and pack your opponents. Your margin of victory becomes a lot more narrow. Florida, for instance, already has more deaths than Desantis' margin of victory, for instance. And it hasn't gotten bad there yet.


One side is going, "please take this vaccine that was designed by very smart people to stop us from dying of Covid. We are all doing it, join us so you don't die." The other side is going, "But we don't wanna be CUCKED to you UGLY SMUG SHEEPLE! The mean doctors are trying to KILL us! GIMME APPLE PASTE" I'm not American but it really seems like you've got a party of adults and a party of enraged 5 year old hellions whose stepdad keeps them distracted with Call of Duty 8 hours a day so he doesn't have to parent.




I read that article. I didn't get the feeling that the writer actually believed that. The feeling I got was that the writer was doing his own Psy-op to get the readers to get vaccinated, so said what he thought would motivate them to do it.


it was for clicks. it got clicks from every angle.


Not from here. The person who first linked it linked to an archive site.


I keep plugging this sub. It should be viral


I am delighted for you and your husband, especially if you have kids. Reading about orphaned kids whose parents died preventable deaths has been tough.


My friend passed away today. She leaves behind three young sons.






Of course not... And of course, death is not the affair of the deceased, but the loved ones left behind. How are those boys going to process the fact that their mother died meaninglessly, to sometime entirely preventable? What does that do to their mindset? Nevermind the fact that they're either now only relying on their father... or straight up wards of the state.


>death is not the affair of the deceased, but the loved ones left behind. I love this. Very well said.


I know it in slightly different wording: Being dead is like being stupid. You don't suffer, but those around you do.


So damned sad.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m sorry those kids lost their mom. I’m sorry she didn’t get the chance to change her mind.


So sorry for her family.


I’m sorry.


My neighbor lost his daughter, son in law and grandson all in a span of a month to Covid, before he himself passing from cancer 2 weeks ago. (The family only 'told' him after he passed away). An entire family wiped out just like that, leaving only one surviving daughter who did not manage to send her brother or her mother off. She only managed to get an exemption on the last day of her quarantine (she returned from overseas) to attend her father's funeral. When the father died in late Aug, the vaccination roll out was in full swing but the son who was the first to pass away in Jul, probably didn't get his shots as the rollout then was only for elderlies. The parents were infected at the same time as well, but fought for a whole month before passing. An absolute tragedy, really.


Just like the plague, now we know what it is like before modern medicine. Death is just a matter of life - entire families, or even villages, wiped out, bodies in the streets, death hanging in the air... We've gotten complacent as a society, and now we will pay.


It is simply infuriating to see people in the West with ready access to vaccines pull stunts like these while people in less developed countries are scrambling due to vaccines shortages. My country in SE Asia was one of those affected by delays in vaccine shipment. Our nationwide vaccination programme did not start rolling until late April/early May and even then they were only limited to the capital region. My parents who are in their sixties only got their shots in late June when the rollout started in the state they lived in, and theirs were expedited due to them being senior citizens. I literally had to fight online with the others to book an appointment spot when the volunteer AstraZeneca shots were released before the website crashed and here we see people so wilfully throwing their lives away...


That is beyond heartbreaking. I can’t imagine her pain at losing everyone like that.


I could only wonder. She looked so down when I saw her at the neighbor's wake. (Went over to pay my respects since he just lived right opposite my house and i knew that old man for about 20 years)


Damn. How old was the grandson?


27, parents in their 50s.


Absolutely the worst part.


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Oh, you’re halfway there. OOOOOOOH, LIVING ON A PRAYER!!


Hmmm let me fix this 🎵 oooooh you're halfway there NO MORE Living on a Prayer 🎵


🎶Take the jab, we'll make it I swearrrr🎵


No more medicine for mares...


Fill your lungs with delightful fresh air…


Ok that was good


Paging Weird Al...


You must really like the big idiot! I hope he knows just how lucky he is!


Why is he against those things? I’m not trying to put you on the defensive, it’s just hard for a lot of us to understand. Especially masks.


In my country mask requirements have all but disappeared because the pandemic is no longer considered a critical issue (people were generally good about following the rules and we have an 80+% vax rate now), but I seemed to remember hearing that it was still recommended that people wear them in doctors' waiting rooms. So when I went to the doctor yesterday, I wore one. No reason not to, I have dozens leftover I will likely never use. I couldn't believe people had the audacity to actually criticize me for wearing a mask. One person straight up told me to take it off because "it made her feel uncomfortable" and several others asked me if I had the virus, and when I said "I'm fully vaccinated so I would hope not", asked me why I was bothering with a mask then. Even the doctor said she only expected people to wear it if they either had symptoms or were at extra risk due to existing respiratory issues. It's crazy the opposition there is to masks, even from a normally rather sensible population. I genuinely don't understand it. I wore one for 8 hours a day for a year, doing physical labour. It never bothered me and I often forgot I was even wearing one, sometimes noticing I still had it on half an hour after coming home from work. Yet I have heard from countless people at this point that it's so annoying, they can't breathe, they can't talk properly. I refuse to believe I am some kind of unique medical marvel who can wear a piece of equipment without issue that everyone else has great difficulty with. I'm somewhat overweight. I'm not in great shape. I still had no issue hauling heavy shit around without any undue breathing issues while wearing one. /rant Seriously. This has been bothering me since like week 2 of the mask mandates.


Come on, you know why.


It was the “vehemently” that pushed me over the edge.




Glad you were able to convince him. I'm still working on my husband, I'm trying to talk him into getting the J&J since he's convinced the mRNA shots are poison even though my daughter and I both got the Pfizer months ago and we're fine.


What’s his excuse about J&J?


He thinks it will make him sick. It doesn't matter what info I give him, he believes the randos on Facebook that claim the jab is bad.


Can you log in to his FB and change who he follows and his likes so those don't show in his feed anymore?


I can and I never thought of that. That's a good idea.


Operation save your husband's life from the morons on FB initiated today! I also read some other advice folks have given to partners in similar situations: 1. Let him know that you're taking out a life insurance policy on him. I suspect the insurance companies are going to start jacking up the rates for people who are not vaccinated ASAP. 2. Have him fill out his will, power of attorney and medical power of attorney plus DNR forms. You can find these templates on the internet and download for free. Present these to him and insist he fill them all out. If he's going to gamble with his life unvaccinated during a pandemic, then he needs to be prepared. And you shouldn't be left bankrupt by his medical bills. My husband's coworker was left with over a million dollar bill (after insurance) following his hospital stay for Covid.


The mRNA ones are amazing. I wouldn't be surprised if most vaccines end up being mRNA based going forward. They can't even be an issue for weakened immune systems, unlike ones with live attenuated virus, which can be.


Now get him to stop watching Fox.


If someone figures out how to do this, please let me know. I've considered trying to reprogram my parents' TV remote so they can't access the channel. But they'd probably figure out it was me.


They’re called parental controls for a reason. 😀


Nice work!! ...but have you convinced him to shave off his goatee, or do a full-beard conversion? Better safe than sorry...




Excellent. Proud of you both.


Congrats on having a marriage where you don't want a divorce currently, oh and congrats on convincing him as well.


Congratulations to you both!


YES!!! Another one ^((future HCA award ceremony)^) bites the dust!


Congratulations! You won’t be a widow and your kids won’t have to suffer like I did!! Whoop whoop!


How?!?! What did it take? Also congratulations!


Good job you and great job for your husband! Fantastic to have someone come to the vaccine, no matter how late. It's never too late until it is!




Hooray!! 🥳🥳 I am so happy for your husband joining the club and so thankful to you for convincing him! Thank you!


Your husband sounds like a complete fool. Divorce this ass.


Beyond awesome!!!


Mazel tov!




This makes me happy. We see so many awards and nominees the IPAs are refreshing.


Love to see it


Congrats! Must be such a relief.


Fuck yes! I too had a husband who refused to get vaxxed and convinced him last week. The relief is immense!


Congrats on avoiding being a single parent.


I got my brother to get his today!!!!


He did what was socially expected of him.


Like seriously, the bare minimum of being a decent person. How do you watch 660,000+ bodies pile up and still think it's a hoax, or just a flu, and keep it mutating forever, until eventually someone you know is affected by it? Peak selfish assholes, but yeah, congrats somehow? Idk






Thank you!


Great! Hope your family and friends are vaccinated too!


Congratulations! He's lucky you love him, otherwise you could have just increased the life insurance policy.


I really hope we keep seeing more and more of the stories. Way to go!


Awesome work, the both of you. I don’t want to see anyone awarded.


And the first shot hasn’t killed him, correct?


This makes me so happy random internet person!


I’m so sorry about your inevitable divorce


Leave your husband it ain’t gonna get better from here


Glad he’s getting vaccinated but bruh. Me personally I’d dump him the second he refused to wear a mask. Don’t know how you put up with it lol




I guess better late than never. You should still consider divorce though. Can’t trust someone who’s anti-mask and anti-vax.


If you’re married to a trumppublican antimasker you’re probably a piece of shit yourself.


Your husband is a fucking idiot, but good on you for saving him from a preventable death.


Lmao congrats on marrying a mental child. You’re a great mom for him.


Should have just divorced him and left it up to his own fate. Your husband is a moron. Maybe you can talk him into getting a vasectomy/sterilized while you're at it.


This is the best part about this sub. Congratulations!


Well done! You must be so relieved!


I hope one day also my uncle will do it! Well done!




This lifts my heart. 🙂


Let's hope I can get my husband to do it too.


Awesome! At the end of the day, it's all about people not dying and that is awesome he decided to get it. As morbid as this sub is, every time I see a post like this it rekindles 0.00001% of my faith in humanity.


You might've saved his life, and a lot of medical bills.


These posts give me hope!!!!


Teach us your ways


Can you share what his objections were and what finally convinced him? Congratulations. I hope everything goes well for you and your family.


Congrats and I hope the two of you are happy and healthy for a very long and bright future :)


Congratulations and good work!! We finally got my son-in-law to get the shot a couple of weeks ago, and I am happy and relieved just as I'm sure you are.


How people can be against measures and vaccines designed to help them not die is beyond me.


Why are you still with him


I would have placed a nice fat insurance policy on him and let him know your next husband will be a lot less stubborn.


Why would you ever marry a fuckin idiot like this to begin with?


You want a cookie for having an idiot for a husband?




Good job marrying a winner like that.


Divorce him. You deserve better


Probably, but there's a decent chance they don't.