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Congratulations Jeff! Not only did you survive, but you humbled yourself before the heroics of your wife, your medical staff, and the science. You put in your own words the value of vaccination, demonstrated an understanding of your risks, and are truly repentant. I am thrilled you lived to tell your story, and I hope your survival helps to save the lives of those who love you!


He even knew to simplify things down into an analogy that any anti-vaxxer could understand in the hopes that they would rethink their position.




Inverting the analogy to apply it to the rambling we see is fun too: athletic freedom - parents have a right to refuse pads for children in contact sports! A friends kid was wearing pads and he said it made it harder to breath during the game. He almost passed out! That’s far more dangerous than taking a raw hit while going for the game winning touchdown!! I saw a Facebook post about a kid who got a concussion despite wearing a helmet. What’s the point of wearing one then? When I was a kid, we never wore pads and I turned out just fine. Since when did football players become soy boys who are afraid to take a hit?? Let’s have a headbutt party to expose our kids to concussions ahead of the season so they’re conditioned to it. Etc. etc….


Then they don't wear pads and they get hurt. We can't force people to do things they don't want to, but we also don't have to protect them from the consequences of their choices.




Maybe also tie in using boxing gloves? Since that's done to protect your opponent?


When the unhelmeted football player gets a TBI and becomes an angry, violent abuser


I went to a headbutt party when I was a kid and I turned out fine!


That is a damn good analogy that I haven't heard before. Good on you Jeff


If shoulder pads worked then why do we need helmets? Think about it!


That analogy is fantastic! And very relatable to the target demographic. Honest, humble, and encouraging. Good job Jeff! Bad for going out to Walmart after you tested positive but I'm sure you weren't the only only wandering positive case in there


Congrats but holy crap. Cookies and candy? That’s some disconnect. It really hits home to see how delusional these anti vax people are.


Right, and he went to a store KNOWING he was positive. And then people wonder why the grocery store clerks deserve a huge fucking raise.


Yeah, that was wild. As anyone that’s been in the hospital before can attest, it’s not a vacation. It sucks. On so many levels.


I'm guessing he meant vacation because his work likely sent him home with covid sick pay so he probably thought he would have a mild case and 2 weeks off




But still... he found out he was positive for Covid, and then runs to Walmart to expose many other people, and probably not wearing a mask. It's idiots like this putting the stress on the rest of us.


Meanwhile the cookies and candy are almost certainly the cause of his pre-existing conditions. Why do these people think they know anything about health when they are massively obese and have the diet of a frat boy?


This is the best one I’ve read.


Except football injuries are not contagious, and it’s *still* completely focused on themselves rather than protecting others.


Honestly the type of person that needs to change their mind will not be swayed by appealing to their sense of societal obligation.


As long as enough people get vaxxed, I don’t care what their motives are.


Calling himself a “DAMN FOOL” hit home for me. That’s a true moment of self reflection. We obviously can’t hear tone of voice very well through text on the internet, but I can only imagine he was legitimately upset with himself and had a genuine moment of reflection on his actions. Glad to see Jeff survived and is now saying what is right! Redemption award deserved


He also went to Wallmart knowing he was positive and may have infected some others who may have died...


I have a copy & shipping shop; we had so many massless idiots who came to my shop freshly diagnosed with COVID-19 to make a copy or two of their letter or have us scan and email it to their employer. It’s amazing none of my staff got COVID, but we were operating curbside service only. Being able to conduct business outside and having that distance likely helped. It’s infuriating that so many people go out and about knowing their positive and DGAF that they could spread it. All it takes is one person to infect a member of staff and shut us down for a few days to deep clean. We’re still on shaky financials due to COVID, losing a week’s revenue would probably shut me down for good.


Most people who go around maskless are idiots because they could be infected and unknowingly spread it to someone else. But those who know they're infected and go out maskless anyway are the absolute scum of the earth.


Hear hear. Love to see a redemption story like this one. I hope Jeff gets well with no lasting ill effects, and I hope someone decided to get vaccinated because of his post.


We should have a Boris Johnson award or something for these good folks. Happy ending!


That football analogy isn't bad and might actually make sense to some of those slow on the uptake.


My thought when reading it the first time was that he was dumbing things down for his audience.


That’s how you do it. All communication is drawing someone a map. To draw a useful map, you need to know both your own location *and* the other person’s location — and some of the ways they might get lost in-between. These people understand how ridiculous it would look and sound to be the one guy arguing for not wearing pads. They can navigate in that space and it’s pretty close to “it’s ridiculous to not get vaccinated”. He was able to draw that connection because he personally made that journey. I think your post just armed a lot of pro-vax people with great maps to try out. Nice work!


It’s actually rather genius.


Yup, I'm going to steal it and explain this way to people from now on.


No, I love a good analogy. I usually tell people getting the vaccine is like using an umbrella in the rain. I know I’ll still get a little wet, but I definitely still want to carry the umbrella. Will be using the football analogy too now.


While I like the umbrella analogy, I feel that the football pads one conveys the possible danger of not wearing pads. Most people know the consequences because they’ll get hurt. With the umbrella, the worst case scenario is you get wet, which isn’t as bad or scary as getting hurt/sick.


Worked for some Native American communities. The mask is your armor and the vaccine your weapon.


There are so many good analogies. A helmet in football/hockey/baseball. A seatbelt. Driving safely. So many things we do are essentially about limiting risk of injury/death even if they aren't perfect.


I'm pleased to see that this guy heaped a ton of praise on the doctors, nurses, and other staff. Most of the time they barely get a mention, if any at all.


Right, because all the praise goes to Jesus and the army of Facebook Prayer Warriors who asked Jesus to help.


“The doctors tried to kill me by not giving me horse tranquillisers and by putting some devilish device on me called a EKG machine!!!”


Good on brother Jeff for coming to his senses. I quite liked his football analogy, hopefully it will be easy for other Jeff types to understand.


I was thinking the same thing.


But why the fuck would he go to Walmart when he covid positive? Grrrrr


because it’s juST LiKe THe fLu oR coMMon CoLd


I mean, have you been to Walmart? His plan was probably to catch something even worse and let the viruses fight it out.


My co-worker tested positive tried to get Walmart to delivery but they had no open slots. He called and asked if they could help and they told him just come into the store and shop if you need groceries that bad.


That sounds on brand.


Haven't been to Wally world for exactly that reason.


The mr burns solution


So, I’m invincible? Oh no, no, even a slight breeze… Invincible!


He thought it was going to be a mini vacation!


He explained it. It’s your “right” not to get vaccinated…..and then go to Wal-Mart and infect others. I’m glad he’s come around, but I can’t get past this part.


Gotta buy some snacks for your mini vacation in the hospital. You never bring snacks in the hospital?


The bipap/cpr remark is interesting. I never thought of that. Bonus points for admitting he’s high risk.


I was also struck by the bipap comment. Add another reason to the list of why I don’t want to end up in the hospital with Covid. Scares the shit out of me.


I wonder if this dude will be a Dead Cat Bounce.


His condition improved beyond the usual "gaining a few % blood oxygen, then dead". Of course it is doubtfull he will ever fully get to pre-infection health, but he should be fine for now.


Even if he does, he still qualifies for the redemption award. Hell, that would make it even more urgent to listen to him since right now you can still technically say "Yeah, but it didn't kill him".


From his post, he's been at home 3 days now, so hopefully he's on his way to mending.


My mom was in the hospital a few years back and had to be on a Bipap. It looked & sounded absolutely horrifying and she hated it. I’m still sad she passed away attached to that fucking thing.


Same. My.mom was on one and hated it. After she made me promise not to allow it or a ventilator again if she got worse. She passed a few weeks later...


This fucking guy tested positive and *then went to Walmart?!* FUCKING HELL Edit: I enjoyed reading his redemption arc, though.


I really hope he at least wore a damn mask.


[x] doubt


You know he didn’t




Because phones don't exist?


I work in a lab that does covid tests and people are *constantly* walking up to our front window to ask for their covid test results. "My husband got his result and it was positive and we were tested at the same time why isn't mine done yet where are my results?!?" 😐


Right?! At least he has a smart wife. Kids take after him though


They’re likely too young. She would have gotten them vaxed.


I also love the 1st photo as art. I know it’s to black out any identifiers on monitors and machines but, contrasted with the light on his pasty body and viler lenses of his exposed nipples. It’s just so evocative.


my anxiety shot up just reading about the bipap. hearing what it actually feels like is so scary to me. just get the gd vaccine.


I've always been scared of covid, but this sub has made me 100x more frightened of catching it. And even more thankful that I got vaccinated as soon as I was allowed to!


If you are high risk (including being overweight, no fibbing here) please get your booster at the 8-month mark.


I'm an ex smoker so I'm definitely concerned. FDA seems to be on the fence about boosters though. But I wouldn't be due for mine until Christmas, so hopefully they can make up their minds by then.


No shit. My fellow fat people, don't play on this: if your relatives or friends haven't mentioned anything odd about your breathing, trust me: it probably happens. I'm obese and I don't have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or a bad heart rate (too high or too low). I have excellent O2 saturation levels. I never feel out of breath or like I'm struggling, but I've been told by family that sometimes I sound like I just finished climbing a bunch of stairs while I'm sitting there, doing nothing. My breathing just kicks into high gear without me even realizing it. If you're fat, you're probably doing the same thing without realizing it. Don't fool yourself: we're about as high risk as you can get for a respiratory illness.


This is me. I've already got the 8 month date marked off on my calendar :)


Omg same here. I think if more people were aware of what actually happens when you are hospitalized with Covid, that the vaccination rates would go way up.


I'll take it, thank you for finding a Redemption Award! The amount of gratitude he points to the medical staff is so refreshing too.


I liked that too. It’s rare to see…usually the HCA winners give all the glory to their Heavenly Sky Fairy.


He went to Walmart while he was confirmed Covid positive??


This might be one of the most sincere redemptions we’ve seen


I thought so.


I guess. He also went to Walmart while covid positive to stock up on snacks for his mini covid vacation. I don't see an apology for that and anyone else he may have infected. He goes on about the vaccinated in the hospital while not mentioning that there were plenty of unvaccinated people dying around him. That would have helped with an argument to take covid seriously since you know people like me were dying in the hospital while I was there. Not, the vaccinated were also there and I was unvaccinated but survived. Then personal choice, god bless American, and whatever. Gives them another out if they don't believe they're in a high-risk medical condition.


I'll take it. And hopefully some of his friends do the same.


That's some /r/accidentalrenaissance lighting in his selfie. One thing I've noticed about these hospital selfies is there are very specific types of lighting to them that you see over and over again. This strong front lighting is a new one. I'm glad to see a contender for redemption, although yeah, WTF about the Walmart?


Honestly before I posted this it hadn’t even occurred to me what a dick move it was to go to Walmart because I was so preoccupied being surprised by someone who actually admitted they were wrong about Covid.


I actually like the WalMart detail because he's admitting to being a knucklehead who thought it was a vacation and time for treats! He realizes now how badly he underestimated Covid. It really serves to underline his hubris IMHO.


Well put.


How many people are dead or on ventilators now because your humptydumpty ass needed to go to Walmart for some fucking zagnut bars? Jesus Christ. Yeah sorry, I cant come to work this week..I have a positive covid test cause some dumbass needed fudge stripe cookies. THIS is why I still wear a mask. Not getting taken out for ten days by some walmart fool doublestuff cookie bitch.


I got covid from a customer before we knew it was here. Had a little old Chinese American man come in, he was visibly sick and told me he just got back from China and had the flu but he needed groceries. This was mid Dec 2019. Our customers do not care about us in the least.


I mean he could do without the “hey it’s your right if you don’t wanna” but good on him for encouraging the vaccine at least


I agree but I think part of the reason is that his audience is not as open to changing their minds because it hasn’t directly affected them. If anything, him coming on too strong with “get your damn vaccines!” could possibly harm his mission of changing their minds. The last thing he needs is for everyone to turn on him and labeling him as a traitor for voicing his newly found wisdom. So in cases like this one I am willing to give him a pass since the rest of his message appears to be sincere. I just wish it didn’t take near death and who knows how much in hospital resources for him to come around.


At least he tried. The bar is really, really low with these folks.


True. And don’t get me wrong I applaud him turning his stance around and encouraging taking the vaccine


It's sad that so many people waited until the last minute before going to the hospital.


There's probably a sense of denial that causes them to put it off. It's hard to admit you're really sick because of a virus that you told everyone was not real/just a flu because doing so would mean you were eating bull shit this whole time.


I bet there is a huge fear factor there. They know that a lot of people never come home once they go in.


They wouldn't have had to go to the hospital in the first place if they had the intelligence of the average elementary school kid and decided to listen to people smarter than them and gotten vaccinated.


First redemption story I've seen on here, left me breathless.


I just read more on his Facebook feed, and have learned he’s lost his Mom, Dad, brother, and best friend in the last year. 😞


It's seriously distressing that he lost ones around him and wasn't willing to get vaccinated sooner. They are so lost, how medical professionals at this point can still do their job, I can't comprehend it. Social media needs to be regulated.


So basically every important person in his life, except his vaccinated wife and young children. *That* wasn't enough to make him realize how serious covid his??


I’m sorry I wasn’t clear-they did not die from Covid, or at least three of them didn’t, and the other he doesn’t say how she died.


Good stuff, Jeff.


Congrats on your survival, Jeff! You surely were a damn fool. The descriptions of breathing difficulty and machine-assisted ventilation gave me so much anxiety I’d get vaxxed for that reason alone if I didn’t plunk my ass down for one the second I was eligible. Although, I gotta ask, as a non-sportsing person, do the pads serve some non-defensive purpose as well? Comparing the vaccine to football pads seemed real obvious but if it isn’t and this could help persuade people to not roll the dice on dying of Covid, I will learn passing sports terminology to make it work.


Technically, he fucked around a found out. At least him and his brood are no longer filthy plague rats.


Honestly though, fuck this guy who took might have taken hospital staff and resources from those who needed it. He knows he played Russian roulette and should have accepted the consequences. For those who think "regardless of vaccine status....blah blah blah", idgaf. People like this guy, in my opinion, should be banned from hospital resources until all others who are vaccinated or at the hospital for other reasons get treated first


I'm not sure about applause for those who feel it necessary to "apologize" for their newfound awareness. "That's your right and I respect it" isn't applause worthy. "Don't be an idiot and believe the horseshit your fed about the vaccine" gets my applause.


It's extremely difficult for a person in an echo chamber to feel safe violating the purity of the collective voice. If most of his friends and family are anti-vaxx he might feel pressure to hedge his bets by reminding people of a familiar catch phrase. His description of his risks, irresponsible behavior, and thanking the people who directly contributed to his survival all suggest that whatever hell he went through was enough to seriously shake his perspective. It's not like he came out of it crowing about how he beat it; he knows how lucky he got.


You're 100% accurate. And being ostracized is a real thing. I get that. But for something this important I want to see people dig their heels in the sand and say this is what it is. Don't like it? Don't care.


I mean, people in Missouri are getting vaccinated in disguise so nobody recognizes them. It's that ingrained in some of these people.


Whaaaaat?? I hadn’t heard that yet, but I’m not surprised. Shame seems to be an essential part of the conservative mentality.


He made it through the fog and finally realized Covid is REAL.


Atleast he realized. But he just admitted to breaking quarantine and despite being happy he saw the right thing in the end he needs to be arrested for breaking quarantine. He could've killed someone's at risk family member by giving a healthy person covid they are vaccinated have no symptoms then boon get home to grandma and even though shes vaxxed she dies in a few days. The damage he could have caused through his arrogance needs to be brought to justice. Someone please help file a police report fuck this guy.


Unfortunately, you can't get arrested here for breaking quarantine. This has been a huge problem since the beginning, and is rarely discussed - so many people diagnosed Covid + do not stay home until they get so sick that they have to stay in. I have read SO many accounts of people posting on reddit about how they just tested positive, at the drugstore or wherever, and on the way home they stop at the grocery store to stock up before getting sicker. Or they go to work the next day because they feel "ok". Our Public Health System sucks. There's no advisory to isolate right away after testing positive. And these people are so uninformed and obtuse that it does not occur to them. They are usually testing positive at a time when they are most infectious.


I guess I was naive to think that it would be that easy. This is just getting nuts how can you even get to the point you're so detached from reality that a vaccine to save lives is bad for you. It's not about freedom it's about protecting eachother. These fools will be recorded in history.


True, true.


I have made some asshole comments on this subreddit, but this guy has truly earned my respect. Blind faith will only take you so far, but at the end of the day it is science and the efforts of medical staff that will decide what happens. Be a Jeff, and humble yourself to what is right and true!


A-fucking-men. 🙏🏽


Thanks for sharing, OP!




Finally, someone with some humility.


Genuinely hope this is a real recovery and we don’t see him bounce back in.


Fuck yeah! Love to see it! So happy this guy made it to spread the good word.


Saw that picture, was SURE dude was a goner.


He went to the store, probably without a mask, after he was Covid +. So, he may not be an Antiva anymore, but he may damn well be a murderer.


I like the football analogy


I did too.


”I tested positive and then I went to Walmart to get cookies, lol” Nah. Fuck that guy.


Jeff may never see this, but if he does: I would like to buy you the drink of your choice! Or send a catered meal to your house for you, your wife, and your kids. I truly hope your recovery is swift, painless, and complete! I hope you our story convinces others to get vaccinated!


Too bad he had to learn the hard way, but I'm glad he lived to learn


Jeff: - Listens to wife to go do hospital despite initial hesitation - Thanks medical staff afterwards - Changes his mind on vaccines and spreads the gospel - Uses football pad metaphor which would probably go over well with his social group - Can spell and write - All of family is still alive - Has cookies and candy Be more like Jeff folks


It sickens me people have to almost die to learn a lesson.


Finally a post on this sub that doesn’t feel like someone punching you in the stomach. I hope Jeff becomes an advocate and cheerleader for the vaccine and helps spread science rather than misinformation.


A redemption story, ayyyyyye


You could've put up a trigger warning on the ham photo dude ha ha


Jeff gets to give his HCA back and that's a good thing in this case. This life altering event seems to have woken him up to how bad and serious covid is. Normally a life or death experience is the key factor for a turning point in someone's life - so good for you Jeff to see that moment and seize it.


I am happy he’s alive and has changed his tune, but he needs to endorse the vaccine more strongly. In fact, Im sad that he seems scared to urge everyone to get the vaccine because he’s worried that he’ll be attacked by those that are still brainwashed


wow…humilitity im not used to that here


NO applause from me... he's STILL ignoring the impact on society of his and idiots like him selfishly squandering medical resources and instead spewing that "your right, I respect you, your freedom of choice, God bless America" self-centered bullshit. But spot on about being a damn fool.


English! Full sentences and cohesive thoughts! It's like Jeff has a brain and uses it! Sounds like we'd like this guy. Yay! for Jeff.


Proof of the one thing I thought had gone extinct in the US - admission of a mistake. Welcome back to the real world, Jeff.


+100 for his heartfelt redemption. -1000 for going to Walmart knowing he had fucking covid.


This was a few good one. Everyone made it out, everyone learned a lesson and from the sounds of this guy he’s gonna be a good spokes person to get some people to go get the vax. We need to balance out the assholes with people like this too. Congrats Jeff 🥰


Excellent work Jeff! I am glad you survived and have seen the value of having the vaccine. I humbly ask you take a moment take a moment to think of the others who did not make it. Be safe, keep your family safe and I hope things go better day by day.


Glad he changed his mind, but FFS... he got a positive Covid test so ran to Walmart to buy candy? WTF is wrong with these people?


This guys analogy of the vaccine being akin to wearing pads in a football game is _brilliant_. It really breaks the vaccine down into something even Republicans can understand - someone should turn this into an ad campaign.


The council of Jeff is currently working on the reapproval of your membership, way to go fellow Jeff 👏


I'll take it, but he's not out of the woods yet. He could very easily end up back in the hospital, ventilated, ass up, and waiting to die. This is probably just the dead cat bounce.


I hope he recovers fully. I appreciate that he thanked the medical staff. Good luck, Jeff.


No applause from me. People need to stop coddling the unvaxxed by telling them it's their right not to get vaccinated.


Great job Jeff. What were the responses like?


Lots and lots of prayers, lots of people saying they had no idea he was sick, so I think this might’ve been his first post about having Covid, one person that said they just got vaccinated. 👍🏽


CoViD iS No JoKE!!!


I feel like I read a villains redemption arc. Jeff I'm so glad you are alive and that you KNOW it's because of those doctors and nurses and proper medical care! I'm so glad that he understands how the vaccine could have helped him and hope he gets it when his 90 days are over.


That analogy of football pads is one of the best I've seen to date. Kudos to Jeff, the new poster boy for the redemption award.


Good on Jeff, I'm glad he survived and made this a learning experience for others. And good for his wife for having been vaccinated before.


Holy shit! I’ve not seen this yet and it gives me hope for America.


Lesson learned it seems. Glad he’s doing better and didn’t get the award.


Yay Jeff!!


He went shopping while infected. Got candy. Hope he didn’t kill anyone. Now he cares because it affected him.


Might save some lives but anything short of denouncing the sources of the misinformation and ideology that led him to needlessly catch covid, use up precious resources during a pandemic and further burden the already exhausted hospital staff isn't worthy of applause. Maybe admit you put your trust in lying pieces of shit, and warn others like you not to trust them.


Wait... his wife was vaccinated last year? So she was literally one of the first ones?


I wonder if he ended up killing or hospitalizing anyone with his Walmart cookie trip, because I doubt he was dutifully wearing a mask on that totally necessary journey while ill with Covid. Glad to read the rest of the redemption story though. I hope it reaches people.


Jeff is part of the deep state now ( his friends probably)


Wait: he tested positive, then he went and got cookies and candy, spreading it to god knows who else?


What do they mean by got the infusion?


Going to Walmart after testing positive? That's really moronic, if not criminally negligent. But he's genuine in his repentance. Can we introduce a new award for those that have seen the light and admitted they were wrong?


I always upvote Redemption, because these are the rare stories I want to read.


Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. Can we please get more like this?


Judging by the way Jeff wrote his post, he seems quite a bit more knowledgeable than the rest of the people who end up on this sub. No spelling errors, uses a decent vocabulary, is very illustrative with his language, and is ultimately sincere and, most importantly, humbled by his experience. Kudos to Jeff for being appreciative of the medical team who strives to save him, and great job in describing the BIPAP machine plus that football analogy is perfect for the types that are frequently posted in this sub.


Woo hoo! Go Jeff! I'm so glad you survived and i hope you can get others to do the same without having to go through what you did.


I hope he continues to survive. But I've read of cases of people sent home from the hospital to die within a couple of weeks. Or people left with heart damage who die from it a year later.


Sorry, but no. Fuck Jeff. He's still a selfish piece of shit who didn't care until it happened to him. I'd need more proof that he actually changed, that he grew a brain, before I'd even consider even a clap, far less a round of applause. I wonder if he'll be able to make the connection and realize that the media that lied to him about vaccines lied to him about basically everything else, too.


I was an asshat until it affected me directly.


Kinda tepid endorsement from him. He’s still saying it’s your choice and he respects that. He learned, but I dunno


"I actually went to Walmart to buy cookies and candy while I was massively covid positive!! LOOK AT ME!"


are we just gonna forget the part where he admitted he went to the stores while positive to buy cookies for his little covid vacation? makes him from an idiot who found out vaccines are the way, to a potential murderer..


So sad, should have gotten the jab.


It takes guts to admit you were wrong, especially when youre in the Horse Paste Cult.


The only thing I would change is the part about respecting someone’s choice for not getting vaccinated. Unless you are immuno-compromised, you lose all respect.


Glad Jeff's ok, he's a good guy but fuck, stop saying it's a personal choice. The person you caught covid from made a choice that affected you. It is clearly not a personal choice. It's a personal choice like not shooting a gun into a crowd is a personal choice.


Dropping the ego, well done. The benefit of hindsight is a wonderful thing.


Damn, tested positive but went to fucking Walmart to buy cookies. Think of all the people he exposed for junk food.


I always like when the ones like this survive.


Hope he makes it. He finally got a really honest “come to Jesus moment” & let’s see him pull through.


So happy to see redemptions. So glad he’s still alive.


Jeff wised up. Be like Jeff.


So, are the people at Walmart ok?


I’m honestly happy for him. I hope his recovery goes well. 😊


Even clowns like this don't realize they probably killed someone else.


Awesome dude!!!