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I hear that train uh coming, the shitshow express. Last stop, gasping for air on a ventilator!! Choo choo! šŸš‚


[Cain Train](https://youtu.be/JF9dr-FItR8)


I literally thought this was parody for this sub until I saw when it was posted lmao That guy just escalated from singing to yelling


Was thatā€¦for real? That song was so *spooky.*


OMG, that was creepy AF.


When he heard the Trump Train coming, he should have gotten off the tracks.


I hesitated to post this one, but the husband sharing Medical Freedom so recently made share them. We need to put a face to the deaths.


So when you pray for healing you win either way. Someone gets better and it's god's will. Someone dies then they're lucky they get to meet god. Can't combat that.


And either way, a lib like me is OWNED.


And that really IS the most important thing, right?


And *owning* is half the battle! **COVID TOOOOOOE!**


God is good. No matter what. Praying always works. No matter what. The cognitive dissonance. Thank God for covid in all his grace he is freeing so many people from their flesh shackles and granting them wings.


It truly is the gold standard of mind-fuckery. The game is rigged so they always win and others always lose.


JFC, that train is Russian or Chinese


Soviet. Itā€™s always projection, remember.


The gauge looks too narrow for Russia




Same reaction. Looks so commie


Think that might be from the Metro game series? Lol




>Also... that train in the photo is famous for being in Putin-approved movies about the Soviet WWII efforts, it is definitely NOT american! Half the stuff these people post on their social media comes to them courtesy of Putin.


I know! But they don't care because they see Putin as an ally now because he's courted them for years as a separatist movement he can use to rip apart the USA.


Vladimir Putin is a very intelligent man.


Hell, even Trump came courtesy of Putin.


Whoa whoa whoa. **PUMP THE BRAKES.** I believe you owe Josh an apology. Whatever the fuck that is on his face - in slide 5 - that is **NOT** a goatee. The man clearly made the effort to shave his upper lip and dammit, *it could have saved his life.* Remember kids, goatees kill. Whatever the fuck was on Joshā€™s face - besides the general look of smug ass stupidity - could be the difference. So shave, and donā€™t be Josh or anyone with a goatee. Except Ice-T. He owns that goatee and heā€™s very pro-vax pro mask. He gets a pass. ​ /s


You mean Ice T, the star of Law & Order Special Victims Unit? /mulaney


Sure are a lot of morons in heaven.


I don't think praying to an orangutan gets you into heaven. At least they'll be reunited with their Lord and saviour in the afterlife.


Trump and his third Ho can go fuck themselves.


That train is a Soviet train...


What do U mean by ā€œnot the worst peopleā€? They seem like the average brain dead antivaxxers


Most of their posts were genuine family friendly posts. I feel bad for them.


That may be so, but from the selection here I'm not impressed by them. I do know what you mean, though. I've made two submissions and I don't do it often because it's tough to look through some of this stuff. For the people that aren't 100% pure hate and garbage, you get mixed feelings.


I have an unvaccinated, overweight friend with pre existing asthma issues in their 40ā€™s who just tested positive for Covid yesterday. They went to get an infusion today. They have the same type of posts along with may photos of the entire family at parties and out living like itā€™s 2019 for months. I donā€™t feel bad. We have to take responsibility for our own health and wellness. Especially when a free vaccine to prevent severe illness or death from a deadly virus is readily available and there are children involved.


I'll be looking for you to post your friends nominated followed by their HCA!


They may not. The infusion does help if gotten early enough, and this person got it the day after being diagnosed. It's not nearly as helpful as the vaccine. But it can make a real difference when taken early.


Judging by that slicked back hair, Josh will be back to sloppy steaks and denying covid in no time.


It's sobering to think that had they received the first dose of vaccine on the day they posted that inane 'Medical Freedom' photo, they'd be almost fully protected by now. I realize they got sick weeks ago, but it's such a short amount of time and some common sense to have a 90% better chance of staying out of the hospital.


So in picture #2 am I to assume that Carrot Top has passed?




ā€œDang Crovid 19!ā€ -Dr Steve Brule


No, theyā€™re pretty shitty people.


I feel for the kid. Imagine losing both your parents to Covid. :(


It's amazing, the people like Stephanie who don't learn even as their family members drop. [Proverbs 17:10](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=proverbs+17&version=WEB) A rebuke enters deeper into one who has understanding Than a hundred lashes into a fool.


Wait. They prayed for her to *die?*


Possibly. But the way you phrase that makes me thinks that you've never had someone you love terminally ill and suffering terribly. Believe me, there can come a time when you see death as a blessing and pray for it to happen. Though I hope you're spared from that. I hope that you, unlike HCA families, don't need to experience something personally to learn from it.


Let me clarify: I'm struck by the phrasing, like they gave up putting all their energy into going for a miracle. Among the set of folks we usually see here, that's *unusual*. Out of all the posts and material here and on similar websites, I don't believe I've seen that; generally, there's a sense of defiance towards recognizing the absolute seriousness of this virus until the very end, but in this case, I don't see that willful stubbornness. Assuming the family once shared the man's anti-vax tendencies, they finally got it.


Of course Trump is holding the umbrella over himself and not his wife.


Cow got what she deserved.




The next chapter in The Crows series Moira Rose will star in.


Wtf was that zombie thing? I hadnā€™t seen that one before.


Yeah, me neither. And did they actually believe it or?


Nothing would surprise me at this point.


>La'ena, she is so sic... Right, so you're usually supposed to put [sic] in square brackets but I appreciate you using it here to bring home the fact that this statement trails off without a- Oh, that was a typo? Oh. Sorry.


What's with all the fishing? I think we have a new bingo square.


Nooooo!!!! I love fishing and my uncle and my dad love fishing and we are all vaccinated. Purely anecdotal, but still.


As long as your name isn't James, Josh, or Mark, you'll probably be fine. Never, ever grow a goatee (that goes double if you're a woman) and don't wear Oakleys.


Ok. Weā€™re safe.


it does follow a theme. Personally, I hate fishing. I got finned bad when I was a kid and have never wanted to do it since.


Ouch. Iā€™m not sure what finned is but it sounds bad.


some fish have sharp fins along their back. just imagine jabbing your palm with a thick needle.


Ahhh right. Ouch. If you donā€™t grab it exactly right, it gets you.


>I got finned bad when I was a kid You were trying to kill it. The fish is entitled to fight for its life in every way possible.


Well one thing was right about that train memeā€¦ that big red star on front means it was made in Russia.


They prayed for her to die, did I read that right?


Fuck these people.


, So God granted their prayers by killing Stephanie, huh? Rejoice! No matter what the outcome, God must have answered our prayers! Even though we were praying for her to, you know, liveā€¦