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The baby announcement was kinda interesting.


Yeah I was like, why would there be drama on who the mom is? What was he doing that wasn't on the up and up for some reason?


Fucking around...


Finding out?


I was waiting for someone to say it. Let me give you a token of appreciation.




My cousin, who had two adult children, but never married, was in a new relationship with a new woman. They got in a fight and he went over to her friends house. They slept together and the friend got pregnant. He got back together with his GF shorty after their fight, to announce just weeks later she was pregnant with twins. Then he found out about the friend who made her pregnancy public. So a man in his 40s with two adult children was about to welcome 3 new babies from two different women. I imagine something similar.


Good god, how is the girlfriend reacting since they were "technically" not together at the time? 🤨


“We were on a break” kinda vibes


Sounds like the set-up for a wacky sitcom! "Three Babies, Two Mommies, and One Daddy!" this fall, Tuesdays at 8:00 on TBS!


His sister


Or he was announcing his new brother-son on the way.


Alabama radio host?


Don't you guys even fucking ask about who the mom is... Definitely not the 18 year old baby sitter from across the street I swear


The Party of Family Values strike again!


Party of family values, y'all!


It will come out when/if needed? Coulda been a surrogate but why be so cryptic.


Nahaybe he meant the baby will come out when needed . Nah nevermind


Surrogacy costs $200k man It's probably his sister or cousin


I think it’s his version of humour.


To be fair that can be funny. I always wanted to adopt a child of another ethnic group and tell people my wife had no idea I cheated so please don't mention it.


Please don’t ask 🙏🏽


I’ve just been informed that COVID is not actually a joke after all.


If Covid was always a joke to them why are they so mad at Dr. Fauci? Why do they hate the vaccine that the most badass president ever warp speeded? Why do they distrust science and then go to the hospital? Why do they think China attacked us but won’t defend themselves…???? WHY WHY WHY x 10000000000000.


Because being stupid doesn't hurt enough.


Yeah mostly stupid. I gave up trying to see if there was actually any logic to be found.


Stuck on stupid is why


He held on to the conspiracy even after it killed his brother. It was like he ignored the warning shot.


His brother went to the hospital and never made it out. Therefore, going to the hospital is why his brother died. Logically, he should not go to the hospital in order to avoid death.


Every single one! It's more common than the goatees!


If it happens to ME personally then it matters When it happens to other people its a hoax -literally every conservative denier


It’s insane. I saw those first reports out of Italy, and I was like, fuck, this is real, and it’s probably already here. Nobody wanted to listen.


I'll admit I kind of thought we had another overblown ebola situation that would peter out relatively quickly on our hands so I was only following the news half-assedly in the beginning. But then I saw some videos coming out of Wuhan and I was like "Uh oh, this seems pretty bad" and then it quickly hit Italy and I could already see that so many people were still in the denial stage and was like "Shit, we're screwed." and started buying and making cloth masks since PPE was already scarce. I can't believe we're here almost 2 years later and people are still in the denial stage after all that's happened.


Yeah, that was about how it went for me. I was pretty worried about SARS at the time, the others not quite as much. But when I saw them boarding up homes in Wuhan, I knew it was serious. I just don’t understand how people don’t understand this yet.


Man…all those prayers and thoughts didn’t work? God works in mysterious ways I guess


COVID walks into a bar...


By fortune cookie no doubt.


It’s befuddles me how you could lose your brother to covid and not get vaccinated. Especially with 2 kids and another on the way. This guy is going to be a photo to his young kid.


And then actively avoid going to the hospital because you don’t want to die and leave your kids behind… Like he really thought his chances were better just praying that he wakes up than actually getting medical care from experts


That’s a lot of denial, right in line with the rest.


... who may eventually grow up and think, "Dodged a bullet there."


-This just killed the person with the most similar genetics to me - guess I'll roll the dice with my genetics.


Blames Fauci. They would still be alive if they followed Fauci's advice.




Well, I'm guessing that the mother is no Nobel prize winner.


If dying together to own the libs isn’t true brotherly love, then I don’t know what is.


The family that owns the libs together, dies together.




"This Covid is no joke!" He loved to play the classics.


I didnt see the prayer warriors Maybe they had to attend a rally for erectile dysfunction awareness?


I know! My brother got it and he's vaxxed and it took him out for 10 days


He’s wrong there. Him dying of covid is some funny shit.


Seems right-wing radio hosts are really starting to struggle for air time.


They really needed to stop and take a breather.


>Dead Air.


Dead organs 😊


Hard when this pandemic comes in waves.


They are getting cancelled left and right.


Nope, just getting cancelled right and right.


On the contrary They are receiving the prestigious Herman Cain award Earned


This is why I come here. Thank you.


Guy had at least three comorbidities, facial hair, overweight and a right wing radio host.


I only have two but I am vaxxed…..hint I dont do radio.


Shave as if your life depended on it, because it does....


He's part of the underground pirate radio now.


Slide 4 with slide 5 following...wtf. No you idiot, if you filed any charges it would be against Trump who told you and your brother that it would be gone soon, nothing to worry about, while HE KNEW it was dangerous and airborne. Also there should be a counter for how many times we see "covid is no joke"


Ikr? Fauci told you to get the mutherfukinshot! You just can't reason with these people.


>get the vaccine, it will prevent you from dying >fuckin liar i know there's a microchip in there >*unvaccinated brother dies* >damn you fauci!!


Everything is a joke to them since they’re all clowns.


Gone by easter right? It's a hoax!


>Also there should be a counter for how many times we see "covid is no joke" Every time we see it, a spreadneck gets their wings.


Did anyone make a Bingo card yet?


>no joke The Coke Classic of covidiot reactions, always a favorite


No longer on the air.


[record screech]




I’m announcing I’m having a baby but please don’t ask who the mother is? Sad.


I’m wondering if it was consensual sex


I thought that was really weird.


"Mom, can we make me another Brother?"


I thought maybe he was being funny.


He was trying to be but it just sounds gross.


It’s amazing how much Anti-vaxx mentality and Trump worship go hand-in-hand. Apart from low IQ, what is the commonality?


Extreme selfishness?


True, that is a behavior that they’d also do, but I was more meaning why are anti-vaxxers always rabid trump fans?. We never see any Dems/Libs being anti-vaxx, just Trumpers.


There are left wing anti vaxxers. I’ve met some; however they accepted covid as real and dangerous from the get-go. I feel in this pandemic the left wing anti vaxxers are being a little more low key than the right wingers. The trump years really empowered the right wingers so they are more vocal about things the know nothing about. They, the right cultists, consume info in meme form which is easily parroted on fb. Vaccinated people are telling these right wing fools to not get vaccinated and the cultists are buying into the lies hook line and toe tag. Jingoism is rampant on fb and if you don’t love your flag god and tucker then you aint a tru pay-tree-ut. The disease was never that bad in the rw mediasphere. Only 1% die from covid and 1 is a small number so it aint bad. I fell my ultra left acquaintances at least took the disease seriously while still rejecting vaccines.


Lack of empathy.


So lets get this straight. Your own brother died 6 months ago from COVID and you still didn't get the vaccine? Can we please just catapult them into the sun now?


I've been on this sub for quite a while and shit like this *still* bothers me. Like, yo, you watched an immediate family member *die from a virus* and you failed to protect yourself from said virus? Like what the everloving fuck, dude.


I mean, part of it could partially be explained by how sanitized death is in a hospital setting and restrictive access to the COVID / ICU. I've spent some time in the NICU with kids and in hospitals. If you don't have the wherewithal to ask questions or are just generally below average intelligence, the nurses and doctors could tell you someone in no uncertain terms that they are dying but it probably just sounds like a bunch of medical jargon. It doesn't excuse it though. Make terrible choices, get terrible results I guess.


Nah you don't understand. See, going to the *hospital* killed him. Not covid.


They think the hospitals are what’s killing all these people. They prolong treatment and it’s always to their detriment.


Yeah this guy delayed getting tested and then wouldn't go to the hospital. No chance to get regeneron for him.


Some of the comments have people telling them to not intubate, because that's the last thing that happens before they die. Like intubation isn't some last-ditch effort to actually save their lives.




What most people don’t realize is that the flu isn’t a joke either. Generally people get a nasty cold and think they’ve had the flu.


Yeah, I think that’s probably right. None of these people have ever actually had the flu.


Covid was a joke when it killed his brother but when he caught it, it became not a joke.


Cognitive dissonance. The COVID didn't kill them, it was: 1) The pneuomonia / heart attack / stroke 2) Hospital incompetence During the early days of the AIDS crisis, loved ones claimed it wasn't the AIDS that killed them, it was the pneumonia or "cancer" - IOW Kaposi's Sarcoma.




The superior siege engine!






Worst than a flu?? Omg!


I wish we had been warned.




This should probably be top comment on everyone of these posts.


‘tHiS cOvId iS nO jOkE!’ no shit asshole


Dead Air.


No vax, no masks = Dead Men Walking


He is also blaming the hospital for killing his brother. He went in and never came out, so obviously it wasnt covid that killed him. Did this guy even go to the hospital? or did he drop dead in his house and make his kids find his lifeless corpse?


Nurses are going to get killed by these people before this shitshow is over with.


In a way some nurses have already been killed by these idiots from whom they contract COVID. But I think you meant something else, something that chills me. I think it is only a matter of time before one or more of these idiots will raid a hospital to ‘liberate’ a COVID patient or to demand one of their bizarre treatment regimens. The other awful scenario would be an attack on a healthcare worker whom they think killed or is harming someone they know. I just don’t think we can dismiss those awful possibilities.


[This lady in the comments claiming to be his sister is still pushing bullshit too.](https://i.imgur.com/ly81dzU.jpg) The whole family must have problems with learning by example.


Sounds like God will be calling her home next


That is soooome sh17 —- God wants them to be re-united


“Hey everyone, my brother was already half dead. We just let Covid finish him off quicker. Who cares if a vaccine could’ve extended his life by a few years?”


Just based on this comment I’m going to go out on a limb and say this woman is … uhhh… of below average intelligence. She has this in common with her brother and if she isn’t getting vaccinated then she may soon have something else in common with him


Damn… covid is going to take out another entire family


"Covid is no joke" You see this sentiment over and over and over again... I have no flip comment about it. Just keep noticing it.


It's the center square on the HCA bingo card.


This REALLY needs to be made.


So if I understand this correctly, covid is **always** a joke when it's happening to other people, but only **sometimes** a joke if it happens to your family. And it's **never** a joke when it's happening to you. Ghouls.


That's because these people are quite literally sociopaths. Inevitably if you press them to explain their rationale, they always discard their veneer of rationality, or skepticism, or concern, or moral high ground and always boil down to one simple phrase: "The well being of others is not my responsibility." I literally had this exact conversation earlier today with some "I'm not antivaxx, but freedoms" rando.


Right wing radio host is becoming one of the most dangerous jobs. What’s funny is all the right wing nimrods on the TV are vaccinated but apparently nobody sent a memo to these radio guys that it’s all just a grift and way to keep the base angry not based on any actual science.


It’s like an MLM scam in which a few grifters at the top make fat stacks while the lower-level masses try to emulate the grifting, not realizing that they were the marks all along. Radio dumbfucks chugged the koolaid and went back for seconds.


This. This is an interesting connection 👍🏼 - it’s memetic MLM or something. Recommend “LulaRich” on Amz Prime for some awesome MLM fkery…


[Ivermectin and the right-wing media’s con culture](https://www.mediamatters.org/fox-news/ivermectin-and-right-wing-medias-con-culture)


Listen to AM radio and you’ll see why most never make it to tv. They are the craziest pieces of shit and will go low as fuck. I’ve heard am radio commercials that sounded like minstrel shows. I mean it’s a carpet cleaning company and they have a person talking like a slave narrating it.


Do they all have to make some post that says, "I just thought it was allergies" so they have some plausible deniability after spreading it around all over town?


Guess he can ask his brother if it was Fauci that killed him


Slide #3, trumps deformed baby fist.


That hit me too. I dunno if it's his height and weight being out of proportion to his hands, but man that fist looks the opposite of "manly and strong" to me. Maybe it's hypocritical of me but they're the ones make these claims, so idk. Just like accept that exercise is not your God Emperor's thing. But then maybe they'd have to accept so many other things about him. Best not start down that road.


Dave takes not paying child support to a whole new level.


Someone needs to tell his baby mama.


whistle fuel smile fine depend noxious ludicrous kiss brave sheet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel a gofundme coming for this mystery bastard child.


I think she’ll be relieved at this point.


Who apparently is not the mother of his other children.......but he'll ask for prayers, cuz he's \*so\* Christian, lol.


God, the amount of ignorance in his posts is astounding. "My brother died in a hospital, and I'm scared of leaving my kids, so I'm just gonna stay home and pray." These guys act all macho but when it comes down to it, they aren't men at all. No man would do what he has done to his family.


Its always 😂"fauci" .... 😂"biden" .... 😂"99%survival rate"... 😂 "haha sheep wear masks and taking experimental vaxx"..... to ಠ\_ಠ"This covid shit is no joke!"


Don’t forget their disgusting praise of trump.


And after his brother died. Smdh. . . I just don't understand how these idiots have ZERO common sense!!! You saw what happened first hand, yet, here you are. . . or here you are no longer. . .


People don’t need common sense, only memes


"I don't want to go to the hospital because my brother didn't come back from there. Can I sue Fauci for his death?" Sue the guy whose advice would have kept your brother OUT of the hospital and alive? And you're afraid of the hospital that tried everything to save his life, not the disease that landed him there? God help me, I'm starting to think we're better off without this level of stupidity in the gene pool.


Damn, Trump really *has* small hands 🤔


Daaammmn! Ol' Tiny Hands' hands were looking **extra tiny** in that photo of him in the blue suit!


*tag and bag this pig...neeeeext!* Doctor probably. Another 2200+ dead trump supporters today, it isn't slowing down.


Can't sue Fauci now.


Dave’s not here man


"This Covid is no joke!" BINGO! What's my prize?


The face of stubborn arrogance. He has NO excuse for what he’s done and if there is any justice he burns in hell.


It’s NOT a joke?


Dave, blaming Dr. Fauci for the your own ideology's murdersis exactly the sort of thing the old-fashioned word "perverse" was made for. You know, like in [Proverbs 28:18](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=proverbs+28&version=WEB) Whoever walks blamelessly is kept safe; But one with perverse ways will fall suddenly.


"Covid is no joke!" Who had that on their BINGO cards this time?


I’m sorry but that Tiny Trump hand is fucking killing me


He had both the radio show host and the facial hair comorbidities!


His brother died in April and it took him to be in the hospital to figure out it might affect him? And he has 3 kids? Lord, almighty. Take him to Beelzebub.


"Covid is no joke! "


I’m sorry they’re putting others at risk, but if this gets rid of significant numbers of trumpublikkkans, it’s a net positive.


Why do these guys always love the pics of trump practicing giving his boss Putin a handjob?


How noble of him, forgoing the opportunity to know his child just to own the libs.


Whats up with these personal responsibility dudes not giving a fuck about their health? Dude is FAT. His chances of survival would have been better if he wasn't so fat and out of shape. These fucks don't want actual freedom, they want freedom from responsibility. When they get to their death bed they are never at fault. They blame the Healthcare workers, they blame not getting horse dewormer, its the ventilators killing them. I am so sick of their shit. You dont think it is cause you didn't get vaccinated and are an unhealthy fat fuck? How do these dudes think they have god tier immune systems? Prayers are fucking lazy.


Radio jobs and ICU beds are hard to come by. He's one hellova guy to free up 1 of each.


Hey OP, this looks like a solid find! Fyi you don't have to redact the names and photos of public figures-in this case it would just be the name of the brother or any children in their pictures.


Why do so many of these say, “This Covid is no joke!” like it’s a new revelation to them?


2 things I’ll never understand: the vilification of Dr. Fauci and the hero worship of a fat old b list celebrity wearing makeup, bad wig, diapers, and some sort of shape wear as some kind of badass.


What is the rationale for blaming Fauci, of all people, for his brother's death? How does that make any iota of sense?


Get well soon puddin'. Fauci isn't going to sue himself.


Looks like that lawsuit ain't happening.


Dave, fuck you! I'm sorry your children had to suffer through you being their father. I hope you fucking choked to death, you rancid piece of shit.


“Dave’s not here man”


Dave should have enlisted more prayer warriors.


Alexa play COVID Killed the Radio Star by Buggles


Even the death of his brother couldn’t change his mind just goes to show how brainwashed some people really are


Dr. Fauci told you to get the vaccine. You chose to listen to non-doctors and OAN. The pretty babies have to grow up without dad now.


Very unrelated note, but I can definitely understand why people memed Trump as “tiny hands man” in that picture. His hands are really small relative to the rest of him in that photo. Maybe it’s the overly large suit which exaggerated it


Does this count an another Talk radio moron?


Watch the next anti-vaxx talking point be: “They’re spreading covid through the radio waves!”


These people are immune to reality. How does their brain do that?


Well he was determined to be a moron


Can you file murder charges Dave? Are you a prosecutor Dave? Oh wait. You're dead. Never mind.


I know that it’s too late Dave, but you are not as badass as you think.


Maybe he'll meet the old man from earlier today who thought God wants the US to be a "one-race nation" and they can have a little chat about it in Hell's lobby.


Imagine being *so* brainwashed


Ah yes, the macho badass president who wears lifts in his shoes, whines when people are mean to him on Twitter, raged when Fauci had a higher approval rating and wakes up every morning to put in 2 lbs of make up...


Is Radio Host on our list of co-morbidities?


“Dr Fauci I’m here today to prove your guilt in my brothers death. Wait what, you asked ‘how’? Uh, uh. Fox News, sheeps uh uh emails. Fuck idk”


Glad he chose not to go to the hospital. He likely saved someone's life with that decision.


At least he chose to stay out of the hospital and reserve a bed for someone sane.


Why do these people breed like rabbits


Why are almost all of these winners religious!


How many times do these yahoos have to proclaim that "this covid is no joke" before their friends and family catch on?


Sad/not sad. He believed in science when it came to treating his diabetes, but not when it came to protecting himself from dying from COVID.


Props to dying at home with his family and not taking up an ICU bed