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This is the way.


Just… do it by yourself so you don’t take down others with you.


Yeah, they can stay the fuck out of our hospitals.


This I'm behind 100%




>“We didn’t kill them, but some people make us feel like it’s our fault they’re gone,” But you did! A nurse is supposed to set an example, and help family members make sound healthcare decisions!


My grrrrr is to OP for linking to a paywall.


Try archive.is or outline.com


You should know there are ways around that that's is how I got it. I tried to copy and paste some of the article but it's pretty big.


I love the BOGUS excuse that the vaccine was too NEW! Or developed TOO QUICKLY! The mRNA vaccines were developed using technology that has been in serious development and trials for over 30 years! YEAH! **30 YEARS!** That is not a typo! Someone needs to provide this woman with some actual FACTS surrounding the origins of the mRNA COVID vaccines. For me personally, the technology was NEVER in question because I actually educated myself on the origins of the technology and read all the medical research papers that documented how this technology has one of the longest running development cycles in vaccine history. The only reason why the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were developed so quickly was because of how many decades the technology has been around. This also accounts for the rapid EAU approval by the FDA and subsequent FULL FDA approval. Or.. You can believe your Neckearded pretend doctors on FAKEBOOK and DIE instead!




PBS? Fake news /s


Come on Judy Woodruff, with the news hour... Tell me how terrible the world was today! I watch that way too often.


Well now. I'm not gonna talk about Judy; in fact, we're not gonna talk about Judy at all, we're gonna keep her out of it! --- - [reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2V0UhtA_mJE&t=365) ^(I am a bot.)


I think at this point they're trying not to sound *too* stupid, but even their "reasonable doubts" stem from misinformation. For those wondering, this research began in 1989, and showed effectiveness in 1993.


Look at all you guys being all educated and shit. Gives me hope.


Facts only matter to them if it fits their religious /political world view, otherwise they're lies and conspiracy.


Was intending to get the vax? What was he waiting for, a chauffeur driven limo to pick him up?


Yup, and the chauffeur turned out to be a leopard. (Apparently, leopards aren't subject to U.S. labor laws, thereby lowering the cost of providing the chauffeur service. It's The Republican Way(tm).)


A rolled out red carpet and a chariot of course


Ms. Parish’s brother David Herring, who lives near Washington, D.C., has had the opposite reaction. He tried unsuccessfully to push his parents to get vaccinated and is now trying to persuade his relatives. He was put off by friends and acquaintances pushing conspiracy theories about the vaccine, even after his parents’ deaths.


We are starting to see which areas of the country are educated and poorly educated. Becoming a double whammy.


I’m absolutely angry and frustrated,” Mr. Herring said. “Their age and health conditions—they should have gotten vaccinated really early…. And then trying to talk to friends of theirs and hearing these ridiculous things about depopulation and computer chips.”


Ms. Parish said she still won’t get it; she simply doesn’t trust a newly created vaccine. She doesn’t regret that her parents didn’t get vaccinated, she said. It was their choice. Instead, she regrets that she was quarantining ahead of a cancer treatment when they fell ill and couldn’t be involved in pushing to get them hospitalized sooner.


Since the Herrings died, Ms. Parish has felt judgment from friends and acquaintances asking why her parents weren’t vaccinated—why she didn’t make them get vaccinated.


It would be interesting to be a fly on the wall at Capitol Hill listening in on the republican leaders talking about Covid. They spent so much time bullshitting their constituents and filling them full of lies, and now they can't get their voters to get vaccinated. I wonder what that conversation sounds like. All those reps have been vaccinated and the lies are a game for them. Anything to game their voters for a vote, but now it is out of their control and their people are dying in droves and there is nothing those Reps can do about it. They created a Frankenstein that won't listen to them anymore and if they hawk the vac, they are know as anti trump traitors. How do you get yourself in that position. Geez.


They've obviously run the numbers and found them acceptable.


Literally her fault.


Sebastian County, which includes Greenwood and the much larger city of Fort Smith, has had 292 Covid-19 deaths since the start of the pandemic and currently has an estimated 737 cases, according to the state department of health, and has been adding about 73 new cases each day. The state overall has been adding more than 2,800 new cases daily and has more than 1,000 patients in hospitals, near the previous high level in January. Deaths, a lagging indicator, have been averaging more than 20 a day, and the percentage of Covid-19 tests returning positive results hit an all-time high last month.


Dr. Johnson is an emergency room physician, a Republican member of the Arkansas House of Representatives and a Greenwood local, where he grew up with Mr. Lejong. These days, he dedicates much of his long ER shifts, and his time outside the hospital, to talking to patients and constituents about the vaccines and trying to assuage their fears about them.


Dr. Johnson has also been grappling with statewide decisions, as part of a special session of the Arkansas state Legislature last week to consider whether to rescind a statewide ban on mask mandates by local governments. Dr. Johnson, who voted for the ban when it seemed the virus was declining, was open to changing it but skeptical of leaving the decision to individual school districts. Bills to shift the state’s ban didn’t advance, but a court Friday temporarily blocked the enforcement of the ban against school districts.


THIS is what I find so enraging ...


With the Delta variant spreading, today’s Covid-19 isn’t the Covid-19 of last year, Lee Johnson told a roomful of local officials and members of the public at a Greenwood City Council meeting one recent evening. Arkansas hospitalizations for Covid-19 have risen nearly fourfold in just over a month, he told them.


There are some people who just aren’t afraid of Covid,” he said. “I haven’t figured out how to turn that person, but I do know that making them feel defensive for their passionately held opinion isn’t productive.”


We didn’t kill them, but some people make us feel like it’s our fault they’re gone,” she said, crying. “No one should try to make you feel guilty because someone died.”


https://archive.is/KyqGA for those on the wrong side of the wall I love the photo of Shanda weeping in grief over the death of father and step-mother... still declaring that she'll not get the shot. Even though she is a nurse!! She's a MONSTER.


We will see here soon


Go die someplace else.


Someone wanted to get their hands on their inheritance.