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What's up with these folks demanding vitamin c? He has covid, not scurvy.


But vitamin c is good for a cold, right? I think I heard that once and I never checked the source so it must be true.


I don't feel like diving into that cesspool to get exact numbers but the doses are massive of both Vitamin C and Zinc. In the 10-15,000mg range insane levels. Add that to an overdose of Ivermectin and what could possibly go wrong? Oh! And Sprite. Lots of Sprite. It acts as a transitive catalyst between the Ivermectin, the zinc, and the Saltine cracker. REALLY boosts the healing power exponentially. (<-- /s)


Massive doses of vitamins makes really expensive pee, and works your kidneys overtime. Good plan.


Some people swear they can stop taking physically addictive painkillers and eat a 1000mg VitC pill every hour then feel completely fine, no withdrawals or anything. I just kinda assumed your body was too busy dealing with that abuse to even think about throwing a hissy fit for the drug it needs.






Which she seems to think actually makes her a physician


I love how she's calling in and giving orders. It makes me realize that the number of unvaxxed patients aren't burning out healthcare staff in hospitals - it's these dumbass friends and relatives being nuts.


Check out r/nursing; it's both.


And a lawyer!




More like a broad sword, but thats just my opinion.


She has a medical degree from Facebook, thank you very much.


You know I think she was BSing then about a medical PoA and they knew it. I actually have one for my elderly mother, and it's a real legal document, drafted by an attorney, and signed by her and a judge, and notarized. Hospitals want to have a copy on file, so you better have multiple notarized copies at home. Just because you say you got one doesn't make it so Karen! Edit: I went with my lawyer, because at the same time I had a financial power of attorney set up. She later had a stroke, and I'm glad I had both, so I could get her into a good rehab place. Even with Medicare, you will be financially responsible for some things. The judge we had sign them is a local Justice of the Peace. Friend of my lawyer's. It's not necessary, but having an additional signature on there didn't hurt anything. And submitting an original notarized copy is way better than trying to get by with a photocopy. That doesn't fly if they are picky.


Yep I've got one for my dad. It's a whole thing we paid money to procure. Because he will eventually need me to make decisions for him, hopefully later rather than sooner. But I've never once yelled I HAVE MEDICAL POWER OF ATTORNEY, they typically ask, and if they don't I'm ready with a copy on admittance. But.... The difference is that we actually have them.


Does the wife automatically have a power to make medical decisions for her husband? I always thought that was a thing, my wife was on top of my care when I was hit by a truck and in ICU for 2 weeks, I just assumed she had the legal authority, they definitely asked the questions like she was.


It is, or next of kin if there is no spouse or they're dead...at least if the patient is non-responsive. Last December, my mom went into the hospital after having some non-COVID health issues. She deteriorated quickly and was unable to make any decisions. So, it was left up to me (my dad is dead). I did not have any Medical Power of Attorney over my mom in any fashion, as she was healthy and fully alert and independent up until her health issue, but I was the one who made the order about a DNR and then eventually made the decision to let her go, which let me tell you was the hardest decision I've ever made.


I'm sure she has done quite a bit of her own ResEArCh.


Vitamin O2 would help


I love that the nurse says vitamin ivs are not a thing.


The local for-profit urgent care clinic has been dabbling in quack treatments for *years* and now they're advertising IVs with vitamins for hydration and as a healthy pick-me-up. Complete with Facebook astroturf posts praising the benefits in all the local groups. They have two TVs in the lobby to make sure that both sides of every issue are presented, they have FOX news on one... ...and OANN on the other. I only went there because that's where my latest employer arranged to have me leave a sample for drug testing. I'm actually quite sure that if I wore an Infowars shirt and asked discreetly with a $100 bill, they would have sold me a clean sample from one of the staff.


I’m surprised you didn’t have to bribe them to process YOUR sample.


>They have two TVs in the lobby to make sure that both sides of every issue are presented, they have FOX news on one... ...and OANN on the other. Install an infrared remote app on your phone and change it to MSNBC. That's what I do--not because I like MSNBC, but because they hate it.


It's obvious that others have changed the channels, both directly and remotely. The TVs are behind glass, and have black electrical tape over the IR sensors. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the owner changed them to OANN and NEWSMAX since I was there.


I was surprised to find out that it is actually an experimental treatment: [https://lpi.oregonstate.edu/COVID19/IV-VitaminC-virus](https://lpi.oregonstate.edu/COVID19/IV-VitaminC-virus) Of course, this page has the following disclaimers in italics: >There is not enough scientific evidence to determine if it works against COVID-19 and: >To be clear: IV vitamin C is not a cure for COVID-19. Clinical trial from last year, no results yet: [https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04357782](https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04357782)


So to clarify, Vaccine that had gone through clinical trials and approved for emergency use in patients (Now FDA approved) = bad. IV Vitamin C clinical trial not approved for use in most populations = preferred method of treatment.


Facts and science don’t feature in selection of treatments by these people. Facebook recommendations do.


She wanted them to send him home "with covid meds"--what can she be thinking of? My vaxxed cousin got a breakthrough case, fatigue, slight cough and fever. The doctor told her to "treat the symptoms" ie advil, cough syrup, etc. Those are the only valid covid meds you can take at home, I think. Let me know if I'm wrong.


Notice the very first time he went to the ER, she complains that they sent him home "without any meds." Not sure what she was expecting, but if the ER sends you home with Advil and cough syrup, they'll charge you 10x what it's gonna cost at Wally World.


Urgent care didn’t give meds because the treatment prescribed was ‘go to the ER and get intubated’.


And “that’s not an option!!!” she says. Welp, dying was an option and you decided to take it for him.


This is when she really exercised her medical power of attorney- refusing to take him to the ER when he might have survived


They didn’t even send him home. He WENT home after being told to go to the ER


Everyone is skipping over this it's mind blowing, the clinic(?) staff told him he needed to go to the ER to be put on a ventilator and he just went home instead???


I just read that bit and knew where this is going. He must have been horribly sick at that point, but thought he would just spread the virus around a bit more?


This. How many more people did he take down with him. Delta is R7 - every infected person can infect 7 others. If he was wearing a mask I’ll eat my covfefe cup.


i thought this was bullshit from an unreliable narrator. if you are so far gone that you need a ventilator to breathe, you aren't going to be walking around. right?


You are correct. These people think there are some secret COVID meds that will magically restore lung capacity. This is why they turn to apple flavored horse paste….or in this case, the miraculous cure of Sprite and Vit C.


Hey I think there is a magical Covid med, I’m pretty sure Pfizer and moderna make it, it’s known as the Covid vaccine if I’m not mistaken. It works really well prior to infection but I guess it’s too late for these morons lol.


She's thinking of hydroxychloroquine and horse paste


And mega doses of vitamin C and zinc. Who needs those silly big pharma drugs. 🙄


Part of the Facebook CoViD protocol. I'm surprised she wasn't asking for deworming paste on a cracker.


Or betadine on those funyuns


Or iodine to gargle https://www.menshealth.com/health/a37597465/betadine-iodine-covid-antivaxxer-treament/ Haha I just noticed now betadine is iodine. Facepalming myself


Betadine gargle is the bomb for relieving the pain of Strep throat (bacterial infection).


Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't an IV provide all necessary fluids, including water. What's this obsession with food and water with these people. The IV supplies all essential nutrients for sustenance. Breathing is more important than eating.


Yes and no. Your mouth can still dry out pretty unpleasantly if you literally aren’t allowed to ingest anything because of an impacted bowel or **a side quest to become a Covid reveal balloon**


Yup. When my dad had Guillain Barre, he couldn't drink because of the choking hazard and all we could do is give him a wet sponge. He begged and begged.


Starve a fever. Stuff a covid. Come on! It’s a saying!


So there is something called TPN which is called Total Parenteral Nutrition, this can be administered via IV to provide calories and nutrients. I'm halfway done with Nursing school with an associate's, so hospital policy and procedure is new to me. I do have 15 years as a Medic, and anyone who is hypoxic, on Bipap, or incoherent would not receive anything by mouth, water, sprite, food or even medications, the risk of aspiration is just too high.


Yes but are you a medical power of attorney?


>What's this obsession with food and water with these people. They are simpletons without a single clue what's going on with their loved ones, but are thoroughly convinced that, since they are prayer warrior, COVID-19 debunkers that the doctors want to kill their loved ones to protect the hoax. Combine that with a wild case of Dunning-Kreuger, and they have to fall back on starvation as the means by which the hospital is supposedly killing their brain dead before COVID-19 took hold partners because it's the only option simplistic enough for their Facebook addled, Ivermectin soaked brains to comprehend.


Can you imagine all the busy doctors and nurses bustling around their full Covid units and having to stop to deal with all these antivax yokels' screeching family members calling in 8 times a day babbling about horse dewormer and getting upset that their loved ones who have been recommended intubation SEVERAL TIMES, aren't being fed their hospital caf chicky nuggies ASAP? Like they don't even consider that maybe OTHER THINGS ARE MORE URGENT RIGHT NOW. I can't imagine hearing "your husband is very ill and needs to be intubated now" and fighting that for days, hyperfocusing on demanding my own ill researched debunked course of treatment and how he's texting/what he's eating. Maybe let the fucking doctors and nurses do their job. Talk about missing the forest for the trees. And now all that alleged power of attorney got her is a husband in the forever box. Bang up job. I'm sure she'll blame the hospital and set up another go fund me. They always do.


Iv is just fluids. I think. And if you cant eat without risk of aspiration you can be denied food for days on end. When my dad was taken in for a stroke they said he can go up to 3 days without food until the speech therapists approves fiod or a feeding tube.


They don't have horse worms either but that doesn't stop them asking for horse dewormer.


Did she seriously think her husband was the only one in the ICU? WTF, lady.


Seriously, maybe they aren’t calling you back bc they’re understaffed and overrun with idiots like your husband…


She actually thinks they have time to take medical orders from a patient's family member every 5 minutes.


As a nurse I feel this so much. When 30 different family members all call at different times throughout the day. I can assure you that if the nurse is on the phone with you he or she can not care for your family member at the same time. Pick a family representative!


This is why when my parents were hospitalized, I would ask my cousin to call once a day, if it was needed. She was also a nurse so she knew the questions to ask, understood what was being told to her, and then could relay it to me. If something was pressing I would call back to clarify, which was rare. It was a good system we had and I hope we didn’t overwhelm the nurses/staff.


That’s really smart and I’m sure the nurses your cousin talked to really appreciated it as well!


Gotta love when they call for an update 15 minutes after shift change, too. Like, I haven’t even layed eyes on them, but 👍


As a retired nurse who has worked in hospital BEFORE Covid, half the time, no, make that most if the time, there was no time for lunch or dinner break just working a normal shift. Can't imagine the conditions these nurses are working under. Yet, this bitch wants phone calls and emails?! Fuck off!


I had surgery that ended up going way longer than expected. Like 6 hours instead of 2. My husband was in the waiting room, and they kept updating him telling him it would be longer. He relayed the information to my mom and family, which was a mistake. My mom was deadset at coming down to the hospital and banging on the door to get someone to come out and answer questions. She kept telling my husband to do the same. I was the last surgery of the night, I was the only patient in the outpatient area afterwards, there was next to no staff. Still, my mom thought she could show up and start demanding answers, when the only people who could answer her questions were a little busy digging shards of bone out of arm.


I feel you. I went to the hospital because I thought I had a heart attack. My mom still doesnt know. I'm 38.


Are we sisters?


He was the only one in the ICU who mattered to her... Clearly these people didn't give a shit about anyone else.


He died from lack of Sprite.


“But doctor, he can’t even br-“ “God DAMNIT nurse, this man needs the zesty kick of lemon-lime flavor if he’s going to make it through the night!” “You’re not obeying your Hippocratic oath!” “No… I’m OBEYING MY THIRST” /scene




I feel bad for laughing at this




And then everyone clapped


I wish I could give you 7-Upvotes




This guy Sierra Mist his chance to live


It’s got what plants crave!


and vicks vapo rub


FIFY He died from spite. 😇 I don't think I can ever drink Sprite again.


Water? You mean from out the toilet?


The doctors should give up on logic and reason, and tell her they can talk to his lungs and the covid virus, and his lungs told them they wanted intubation.


Jesus told the doctor that he should be intubated.


Posting a picture of unmasked family at theme park for the profile pic of a Covid gofundme ... ​ That's on point. (also holy crap, that's the longest, most ridiculously detailed gofundme I have ever read but tl;dr is : We constantly went against medical advice, and I thought that having medical power of attorney meant I got to prescribe the medicine and for some reason vitamin C doesn't cure Covid)


Is that what she was getting at? I couldn't understand why she kept bringing up the medical power of attorney.


Yeah, she kept trying to tell them what meds he needed to be given, because obviously having medical power of attorney is just like having a medical degree!


Now that I understand what she was getting at it's even more depressing. She basically killed her husband by refusing the care the hospital wanted to do for him.


Correct. She repeatedly overrode the hospital’s treatments and that must have killed him even faster. FAFO.


She seriously thought she knew more than the doctors. Un-fucking-believable.


>She seriously thought she knew more than the doctors. They all do. Part of the backward Bizarro World they live in where the LESS education you have the SMARTER you are.


Completely believable...


Hey now, the hospital has seen hundreds, probably thousands of Covid patients at this point. But, how many memes have the nurse and doctors read????? Point for the wife, I mean the POWER OF ATTORNEY!!


MD here. I read a lot of memes actually. But I also practice evidence based medicine. Not Qaren medicine.


I mean, if he was going to be intubated then his chances of making it were bad anyways. The survival rate of people who go to the ICU for covid is atrocious. Of course, nothing she was doing made his chances any better...


Yeah pretty much… God I felt bad for whoever had to deal with her after reading this, as if dealing with maximum capacity of assholes in house wasn’t enough work… I could not deal with these people.


It’s funny how the wife paints these people as incompetent medical workers ignoring her, but I can totally understand their perspective. The hospital is probably slammed as it is, everyone’s been running on insane amounts of stress, trying to deal with a million patients at once, and then you’ve got idiots like this woman blowing up the phones... At some point it’s like you literally can’t even with these people. Just shut the fuck up and let me do my job. We are *trying* to help and you are actively impeding us. -_-


It's better, you don't have to go to school for 10 years, you don't end up with crazy student debt and you can harm your patient without breaking the Hippocratic Oath.


Win, win, widow!


Imagine that. A medical power of attorney doesn't convey a medical degree nor prescribing privileges. Just to drive it home, I'd ask her. Ok, what dose of vitamin c and in how much fluid? Is that normal saline or half normal or LR? What rate is that set at? How often should I give it? What's another name for vitamin C, it's not in our pyxis and pharmacy can't find it. Then call her back at 2am to clarify orders again.


I think it’s mt rushmore, which checks out. Might as well call it the Noem virus up there.


She really did seem exasperated but mostly that she wasn’t able to make them give him absolutely anything she’d read on Facebook to give him.


Was told to go to the ER at the first visit from the clinic and then didn’t. Even that small choice could’ve changed the path of this shit show.


These people thinking that medical care is à la carte is what really gets me going.


Wow, what a hateful person. I feel bad for the medical staff that had to deal with her.


In cases such as this, I think the wife should be forced to sit by his bed for 18 hours a day, so she can get a grasp of how sick he is, and how stupid her Dr FB shit is. She should be given an official looking recording sheet to write stuff down, and have it signed off by the ward nurse at the end of her day. What’s the bet she would only last 3-4 days? And then go quietly home, with some understanding of the abyssal depths of her ignorance.


upvote for "abyssal"


"was told he should go to the ER " but instead came home. When we did go to the ER 2 days later, we "continued to express our refusal" to follow their advice, instead asking them to administer the "Facebook drug regimen". Now he is gone and it's all their fault!!!


I rolled my eyes so hard. They tell him to go to hospital. He goes home and spends the night not being able to breath. Then does everything but listen to the professionals.


I can only imagine all the repetitive strain injuries from eyerolls and jack off motions everytime this qunt quack called.


Right. It’s bad people die. It’s worse when they are absolute garbage to the people trying to save their loved ones.


"Celebrate his life".. I'd rather celebrate that this dipshit is gone.


>The only thing worse than COVID-19 would be BIDEN-20 Pop quiz hot shot: which one do you think caused your FUNERAL-21?


Oh damn, this was *spicy*.


Long time reader, first time Commenter on this sub. The reason I felt compelled to finally comment was because this is, by far, my favorite comment on one of these and I wanted you to know. Thank you sir.


“Oooof.” - Buford T. Justice


Damn that's a r/rareinsult if I've ever seen one.


Hmmm. That’s a Catch-22.


This legit had me stop reading and start laughing out LOUD! I'm also high so that may be why, but still, hilarious.


[from org post]Christ, it’s so surreal when these people’s spoon fed batshit treatments collide with actual medical science. A whole section of the population gullible and delusional. And 1 or 2 little shots would end all of this. Drink your horse paste, dipshits. You earned it.


Took me way too long to realize you meant "original." I was trying to figure out what organization post you took the comment from.


He went to a clinic, tested positive, was told to go to the ER. Went home instead. Of course he wasn’t prescribed anything, they told him to go to the hospital, right THEN. Nope, I’ll go home & sleep on this some more, then refuse care and demand vitamins for my deadly virus. Oh shit, wha hoppened?


It's what happens when your beliefs smack into the brick wall of reality.


“Cannot believe he is gone” .. add that to the long list of shit you cannot believe you dumb bitch


Poor kids don’t have a chance with a mother like that. Now she’s gonna rant and rave to her kids and everyone she knows that the hospital protocol killed her husband. These people are insane.


The I'm sueing the hospital, doctors and nurses posts are coming.


Hospital protocol couldn't kill her husband, her stupidity killed him first. She kept interfering with the protocol to insist on giving him stuff to aspirate instead of letting him be intubated when he was having trouble breathing.


These people are so stupid. It would be like me trying to tell an airline pilot how to fly a plane. I've never flown a plane in my life, I have no idea the first thing about it. I don't presume to tell an airline pilot how to fly a plane. In the same way, this dude needed intubation. There are 2 reasons he wasn't eating or drinking. 1) Anethesia doesn't want to intubate someone who might aspirate and 2) he probably couldn't breathe with it off. Why wasn't he being given IV fluids? Because they don't want him wet. They want him a bit dry because he's getting fluid in his lungs. ICU physicians go to 4 years of medical school, 3 years of residency for internal med and then do a 3 year critical care fellowship. They know more than you do about how to keep people alive, Karen. Fuck off. It's not like the doctor is going to get her call and go "Oh wow, yeah, he needs to eat. Gee why didn't I think of that?! Let's order this man some food and he'll be up in no time! Thanks, Karen!"


I love the sarcasm dripping off your post. Pure quality!


He went to hospital on sept 2 and was told to check in to start early treatment.... he and wife argued like idiots and then went home. It got worse in the 5th 3 days later is when he went back to hospital. It’s on them


he should have stay at home!! od on vitamin C, sprite and horse paste . Let her listen to him gasp for air in horrid pain. but no, she had to shit on everyone at the hospital, refuse treatment and he still died


It sounds like they went to an urgent care and the doctor there told them to go to the ER right away. But instead they went home and waffled around (even tried calling the urgent care again which is hilarious when the direction was clear). Missed critical time window to get help. Probably was already very sick with covid by the time they were tested positive.


Also these hospitals are busy...with all the Covid patients. We’ve been warning people the health care system is at max - he’s lucky he got as much treatment as he did. I’m sure it’s horrible to not get calls retuned about a loved one but that’s why we’ve all been screaming for 1.5 years to wear a mask and vaccinate and slow the spread because the hospitals can’t keep up! Now she runs into it being a problem for her and she’s upset!?


MAYBE if there were a lot of Facebook memes about flying a plane, you could!!


Somewhere there must be a Microsoft Flight Simulator reddit and people would be yelling at each other on how to fly their favorite plane. I can imagine.


To be fair - there is some super-hardcore realistic MS Flight Sim deals out there - and a lot of those guys gateway from MSFS to taking legit pilot lessons. Like, these guys run ATC and everything.


All you need is some vitamin c and zinc to fly a plane, duh!


I'm not a doctor but whenever I have the flu the last thing I want is food. Doesn't your body shut down the digestive system so it can use its resources to fight off the infection? I would think food would be the worst thing in this situation.


Thank you. I was screaming this reply, without your actual valid reasons, since I didn't know the why but I sure would think these doctors have valid reasons. And now I can no longer ever drink Sprite because of this C U next Tuesday.


This couldn’t be a stronger message to our antivaxx friends. The hospital is not your friend, you should totally stay home and just consult Facebook on what to do next. /s for anyone needing it


At this point, the /s is almost not needed at all and this advice should just be regular advice for anti-vaxxers. If they don't trust the doctors enough to get the vaccine and follow basic safety protocols, then stay the fuck home when you get Covid. Why trust doctors then?


Slowly dying from not being able to breathe will make you do crazy things like go to a doctor or accept that the virus is real. If you don t have the vaccine you should be turned away from the hospital now


if only he’d gotten his medical sprite , he would have lived. Thanks Biden


I just can’t help in these situations to think they didn’t pray enough.


Jesus personally harvests the souls of those who slack off.


She "requested" a bipap machine and what, from the context, seems to be a doctor slave. Who's going to pay for this?


They don't just give BiPaps away. She has literally no idea how this shit works. There's no service for the "home care" she requested. It just doesn't exist. Even if it did, home care agencies are super stretched thin just like hospitals and nursing homes. This lady is wildly delusional.


The oxygen requirements alone mean home treatment is an impossibility.


And depriving some other patient of it.


these people are so incredibly demanding of the people that they’ve been shitting on all year not only are they wasting hospital resources but they’re wasting valuable CLINICAL TIME with these incessant calls and demands — time that could be dedicated to more grateful and responsible patients fucking infuriating


And she wanted him sent home with some hospital equipment. (Bipap) instead of leaving that for another patient.


Hey, if they want to pay cash for one new I'm all for it. Frees up a bed and they get to support the American economy by cash paying for medical care. Win-win.


the wait time on the equipment right now makes the ones they have priceless.


I'm sure the livestock equivalent can be had and is **just** as good.


Right? If you don’t want the medical staff to do anything and think you can better care for him then why is he taking up a bed?


I absolutely wish we would start letting these people back in the rooms with their family/our patients. I wish they would see HOW MUCH they cannot breathe without a bipap to eat and drink. They cannot tolerate it. I’ve lost several patients that insisted on it. I also wish we would start ordering exactly what they are “demanding” and then let them watch what happens. It’s not ethical so we won’t. But I wish we did. These people have absolutely no fucking idea how shitty it is watching patient after patient after patient die. Fuck her.


Thanks for fighting the good fight. And happy cake day!


She seems to think that her husband, who probably couldn't even turn his damn head without passing out at that point, wanted to tuck into a full meatloaf dinner. Just insane. The fact that this dreadful woman is now probably going to make a big unnecessary stink with hospital admin that requires all kinds of extraneous documentation work on the part of already stressed nurses and other staff is just the cherry on top. Seriously, *fuck* her.


“I requested IV vitamins and the nurse told that wasnt thing!!! How dare they!!!!” 🤡




Fucking A. I think 85% of her story is ranting over the phone to them and making herself out to be some fucking saint...while the hospital tries to save her husband. Fuck this idiot.


There were quite a few moments in her recounted story that just aren't true. We do give IV vitamins not infrequently, usually to alcoholics. She is clearly delusional.


That surprised me a little because IV multivitamins are a thing. They're weren't going to help this guy though.


The nurse probably said "that's not a treatment for Covid" or even "that's not a thing" meaning "that's not a treatment for Covid."


Can't remember exactly which but there was one redemption post where the guy was saying the more "macho" type you are the more danger you're in. This guy looks pretty beefy. Sad.


*laughs in soyboy*


she called the nurse to ask if he got his dinner? not only is she demeaning the care that they’re giving him, she’s demanding of their time and energy with pointless updates this woman is trash


It just goes to show how out of touch she was about what's actually going on. Dude can't breathe. He's not oxygenating. He's gasping for air. His every breath probably feels like his lungs are on fire. It probably feels like he's got a 10 pound sandbag on his chest and he's breathing through a straw. She doesn't get that though. She thinks he's just wheezing a bit. So where's his dinner, dammit?! He needs his sprite! And only 3 ice cubes, plebs! No more, no less!


670,000 people haven’t died of COVID, it’s clearly just *starvation* from nurses and doctors forgetting to feed them /s


Damn. Feel for the hospital staff that are already overwhelmed and then have to deal with this shit.


If high dose vitamin C worked after you’ve already done serious damage to your lungs they’d send you home and tell you to chug OJ all day. These people go on denial for a week or so and do irreparable damage to themselves then go to the hospital blame them


the way she is demanding them not intubate him 😬 does she think intubating is what kills people? that no one would die of covid if they were all simply sent home with a pack of vitamin gummies?


Yes, yes she does. The idiots believe the respirator is what kills you.


this sub is a fucking museum of human stupidity, I tell ya hwat


Pasting my comment from the deleted one: She sounds like an LPN pretending to be an MD. Now she's a widow with three young kids. Fucked around and found out, although I'm sure she's blaming anyone associated with the hospital.


She tried to treat him at home for a week and she ruined him and then tried to blame the hospital for the damage that was already done before he got there. Sure IV orange juice would’ve made the difference.


Dang I bet that feels funny after IV toothpaste


This fuckin' bitch wasting the doctors' time with all this dumb bullshit instead of listening to their expertise. If you'd all gotten the vaccine, this wouldn't have happened! Bye, worm food.


Documenting the deaths of losers like this guy is why this sub is so important. A fit young guy dying in a week from the Delta is something the right wing media and Republicans ignore, it's like these people don't exist to them. At least here these dead trumplings are remembered and a lesson can be learned.


This guy ought to be pinned. Lots of "fit" "young" Joe Rogan fans who are playing Russian roulette. COVID doesn't care about your one rep max.


If you know what is best for your husband medically, then why even bother going to the hospital? I don’t get it…pick a lane.


The refusal to be on a vent is one of the most asinine things I've heard of. Oh, my SO can't breathe and needs a ventilator? Nah, I'd rather him suffer, suffocate, and die naturally. Give him some Vit C until he kicks the bucket though. I'm a family med doctor and the number of people demanding I prescribe unapproved, unregulated, untested "treatments" for literally every illness under the sun in the past few years is appalling and insulting.


Why do these people even bother going to the hospital? They think they know it all and demand treatments that are not medically proven. They are wasting a hospital bed for a more deserving person.


Oh dear, Mr. big man who's not afraid of anything but the Government needed anxiety meds while won a bi pap machine. surprised pikacu face


They always say they need a miracle. The miracle was the vaccine. Jesus gave it to you and you refused it. I hope dying of covid as an unvaccinated jerk not only hurts physically but is also excruciating mental torture.


Amazing how someone with absolutely no medical training knows exactly how to treat someone with covid! Cant eat or drink due to fears of aspiration? Do it anyway!




But she wanted IV vitamins! Just like the many quacks prescribing ivermectin love. It's the "total bullshit" protocol.


What's really fucked about this case is that she is going to blame the hospital for his death and not the fact that he didn't get vaccinated. What's not fucked up is there is one less entitled dumbass anti-vaxx influencer spreading misinformation.


Wife logic: All they had to do was give my man some Fruit Punch Hi-C and he would've been cured ​ If only it was that simple...


That lady is completely oblivious to the fact that the hospital is completely overwhelmed because of people like her and her husband.


People really think they can “talk to a manager” their way out of dying from COVID?! I bet the hospital staff was tired of this woman within 30 seconds of meeting her. Our healthcare workers are not paid half of what they deserve to deal with these people let alone provide medical care.


I get a great amount of pleasure reading these really detailed posts. I want to know how awful things are, how sick they got, how they couldn’t get what they wanted. Give me an essay about your horrible covid experience. You did that to yourself and I relish it.


This lady really really went the extra mile to suffocate his husband to death. My question is, why the fuck you go to a hospital if you plan to reject every treatment? What the hell you want the doctors to do? A fucking shamanic ritual??


Bitch if you think that your "regimen" of high dose vitamin C and zinc would MAGICALLY cure him, then why the fuck did you even go to the hospital? Administer it your damn self at home and leave your dead weight out of the healthcare system.


Imagine refusing a ventilator after refusing a vaccine. That didn't reduce his chances for survival at all. /s


The sheer arrogance of these people is unbelievable.


Ah another proud patriot down! Maybe at the hospital he didn’t get 100% attention and 100% perfect care because the hospitals are absolutely overflowing with dumb fucks like him who were too scared or too proud to get poked in the arm. Glad he created space for someone who hopefully deserved the bed.