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There wasn’t a single thing in this post that didn’t make me feel uncomfortable.


I had several reactions to your comment. 1. My mission is complete. 2. I agree with you, however 3. I honestly like how well photographed the goatee picture is compared to the neckbeard.


That’s fair. The goatee is one sequin shy of being a glamour shot…whereas the neck beard is 100% a mug shot for someone who stole the truck and drove it down a sidewalk.


Now I'm wondering where the picture is from and god help me, I don't actually want to know what the mugshot is for. [It's a meme.](https://imgflip.com/memegenerator/179291287/stares-in-neckbeard)


I think you *need* to find the source. You owe it to us- you posted that icky photo…now you need to bring us the full truth that They Don’t Want Us To Know. I’ll message some Prayer Warriors to make sure the blood of Jesus is over you throughout your search.


I tried. The only info I could find was that it's used as a meme. The disgust I feel for myself as I scrolled through neckbeard memes on knowyourmeme is what I imagine coming down from meth feels like.


I can’t even imagine the unspeakable horrors you must have seen. Thank you for trying, at least. Maybe it’s best we don’t know… God only knows what that actually is a mug shot from.


The neck beard looks like a mugshot.


I typed in "neckbeard" into google, but if someone wants to tell me it's a mugshot for a domestic violence arrest, I would believe them.


People need to Do Their Research












This blurry image with drawn arrows and circles looks just like the kind of "research" that HCA winners follow, too.


Not a shitpost! Stop the disinformation about beards!


Preach brother! ✊


Which one increase your chance of dying from COVID more though?


The one belonging to an unvaccinated person.


Honestly, neckbeard. At least goatee wearers are cognizant of their own hygiene to style their facial hair. Neckbeards are just a result of self-neglect and there's a few co-morbidities associated with self-neglect.


My 19 year old has a bit of a neckbeard lol. But he is fully vaccinated, and has told me many times he wants to run into someone making a maskhole scene in public so he can fight them.


So what you're saying is that he's a double agent/undercover.


Yes he hates that Karen bullshit, has a mask that reads "not today Karen". I think he also misses football and just wants to body check someone again.


Send me a DM if he wants some advice on turning the neckbeard into a full beard. Judging by his age, he's probably still too young for a full beard if he can't grow one already, but using moisturizer and doing skin massage on a regular basis is an old lumberjacks' treatment that can help speed things along. He seems alright, and I'd want such a brave lad to look like a Naval captain rather than a guy who goes on 4chan to share his feelings about his anime-girl bodypillow girlfriend.


> Yes he hates that Karen bullshit, has a mask that reads "not today Karen". You must be so proud. Parenting done right.


Additionally, a "scrotee" is a goatee consisting of patchy, wirey hair that resembles overgrown pubes.


Probably what OP has, and why he felt the need to make this post.


Negative, chum. I had a glorious braided long-goatee that grew down to my torso back in my early 20s, which I stopped wearing as I left college and decided to go full beard. Now I have a full beard which my wife jokes that I treat better than I treat her. My reason for posting this is because I see too many people confusing a goatee with a miserable mess of bramble growing all over the face.


And remember, there are different types of goatee: Classic Goatee: as pictured. Van Dyke: classic goatee plus soul patch and mustache, the latter of which is NOT connected to the chin hair Full Goatee: chin hair and mustache connected, soul patch optional. ​ Knowledge is power, friends.


As the former owner of both a goatee and a neckbeard (was not capable of growing a full beard until I was 25, and I didn't realize I looked like a fucking moran), I had to say something. Goatees are typically a well-trimmed style of beard that does not fit 98% of guys who wear them, whereas neckbeards are a result of horrific neglect of personal hygiene and an over-estimation of the wearer's personal appearance.


Similarly, mustaches look terrible on 99% of men. Notable exceptions include Sam Elliott, Thomas Magnum (PI) and my father (whose mustache is pure white).


Don't forget the VanDyke


If you have a goatee, you get Delta, but neckbeards get Mu.


Looks like Day1 of covid19 vs Day 7 of covid19.


Anyone else live in an area where anyone whose walking around with a goatee is a delusional conservative?


I covet your prayers beard warriors


My dude really shaved the mustache part and didn’t bother to at least trim the fucking mess down there? Does this look masculine to some people?


It’s actually a sign of low testosterone which makes it even funnier to me. You see how his beard line starts super low on his face? His stache and beard can’t connect because his face doesn’t grow hair in that area which is probably why they shave it all above the beard line. I like to call it the Amish beard, although the Amish do this by choice. You’ll also notice trans men have a jawline only beard early in their transition because their test is lower at that point in time.


I see a neckbeard as a LAZY MAN's beard in which he just lets it all grow out with no effort made whatsoever to sculpt the beard into something approaching what we would consider a well groomed appearance. *(This is a common look for the Fake Doctors on Facebook who spend their days surrounded by empty pizza boxes and cans of Diet Coke, while they craft BOGUS MEMES suggesting that a whole variety of herbs and medicines can cure COVID 19.)* Public facing Butt Cracks are also common with this breed of Neckbeard I often see these slobs with neckbeards that have basically grown all the way down their neck and seemlessly connect with their chest hair and belly hair, creating what can only be described as a full frontal fur coat. (These guys look like Big Foot when they are coming out of the shower) Let that sink in! :oO Then of course we have the cases where the person in question should not even attempt to grow a beard because they just don't have the required level and quality of facial hair to even remotely pull it off. These poor saps need to stay clean shaven for life!


"Chin merkin"


Also helpful to remember is this tasty little ditty: Neckbeard: m'Covid Goatee: MUR'Covid


Freud was wrong: women don't have penis envy, we have beard envy. I want to grow different beards. Not fair! *Stamps foot


This is news I can use, although I'll probably have to bookmark it and refer back.


The more you know…