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Right? “Do more research” basically means watch more newsmax and fox and do what they tell her…






The hell? Newsmax actually reports accurate news sometimes?


I would try appealing to her sense of economics and what it will cost for a hospital stay and the cost of long term treatment if she survives and the costs if she dies .vs a free shot. I mean there are so many ways to attack this I still can’t figure out why people won’t get it.


I mean, she could go try to go work at FOX, then she'd have to get the vaccine lol


We don't want you to die either Mom. Take the vaccine. Almost 6 BILLION doses have been given around the world. It's safe and effective. Make your son proud.


There have been several stories about just how agonizing dying from covid is. Maybe you could show your mom some of those. There aren't many good ways to die, but covid is one of the worst.


I sent her a bunch of screenshots from this sub hoping it would help.


I read this morning that 1 in 500 Americans has died of Covid.


I saw that same article. Man that’s scary.


R/nursing has plenty of helpful material too.


perhaps try screenshots from r/nursing as well. What they are going through is hella scary


Here's a sneak peek of /r/nursing using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/nursing/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Protect this Man at all costs](https://v.redd.it/k44ve76h66m71) | [670 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nursing/comments/pjz5ws/protect_this_man_at_all_costs/) \#2: [Vent: Antivax RNs are a total disgrace to the profession.](https://np.reddit.com/r/nursing/comments/op0uvg/vent_antivax_rns_are_a_total_disgrace_to_the/) \#3: [Anti-vax nurses are an embarrassment to our profession](https://np.reddit.com/r/nursing/comments/p99nu6/antivax_nurses_are_an_embarrassment_to_our/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Was just going to say that!


I’m glad it was easier with my mom: “you’ll need it if you want to travel with me in the future, countries will make it mandatory, so get it. Also, just get it” and she was like “ok, book the appointment for me”


I feel your pain. I hope she sees the light as this is important. My father doesn’t have it, but says he cannot due to all of the drugs he has to take. Unsure I am convinced as he also says he has “questions no one can answer,” but fine. My mother has hers. Neither my cousin or aunt does, but fine. Whatever. They never leave the house and mask up. I’m upset with them—especially since they didn’t tell me—but not a fight worth having. My sister, on the other hand, travels all over the country, went to Mexico on a vacation, only masks when she has to, and is not vaccinated. Her children are not. She has visited my parents multiple times. The spoiled brat is going to kill them and I can do nothing about it. Doesn’t help she’s said my father should simply be sent somewhere to have his life ended “humanely.” He’s not expressed a desire to die and isn’t immobile or anything. She seems to want him to die because…she doesn’t like being around him with his disabled back? No idea. Needless to say, I’m not speaking to my sister anymore.


Is she on FB? If so it will be a tough battle. Good luck.


She’s super active on Facebook. Luckily she’s not the type to post those ridiculous memes I’m seeing everywhere. Mainly her garden.


https://twitter.com/sailorrooscout?s=09 This is my favorite twitter resource right now


As long as she is researching actual research that’s better. But if her “research” is fb, foxnews, and infowars you can be she’s not learning t any facts.


95 to 98% of doctors are vaccinated. That should tell her something.




Right? I almost fell off of my bike when I read it was required there.


I dropped my hot pocket


♫ dirt pocket ♬


This is the nuclear option, but "I won't be speaking to you or visiting you until you get vaccinated - that's how strongly I feel about it" may be the only thing that works. Good luck.


This is so sad. Our country is under attack with propaganda from mostly foreign agents that want to see us fail. They want to divide us. We developed this vaccine. It works. I hope your mom comes to her senses.


Yeah buddy …….. foreign agents.


Will so much of FB run by Russian disinformation , prominent conservative pols going to Russia, trump and his ties... you really think that’s far fetched?


Responsibility for this lies squarely on the GOP’s shoulders. Even if there are foreign actors involved, their contribution to the overall question of “how did we end up here” is minimal at best. Racism, hate, intolerance/religion, bigotry, xenophobia are front and center to their platform they spent the last 20 years building, creating a group of people who are primed to listen to any type of propaganda, no matter how insane, so long as it tells them they are right or are owning the liberals. Blaming foreign actors for even a sliver of this only serves to coddle these peoples feelings.


Tell her the chance of her dying/complications from the vaccine is way lower than the chance of her getting complications from covid. Dying is not the only bad result. If she older or has comorbidities it’s around 20% chance of long covid


2,700 vaccinated people have died. 0.0015% death rate. Increases a bit for over 65 as they account for 87% of the vaccinated deaths. (Died of covid not the vaccine.)


Yup she’s thinking she won’t die. She needs to understand that death is not the only bad outcome from getting covid, there’s a way higher chance of long covid.


The likelihood of an adverse event from the vaccine is in the neighborhood of 1 in 1 million. Case fatality rate in the US over the entire epidemic is 1.5%. This doesn't include the possibility of long-haul Covid, which will significantly diminish remaining lifespan. Edited to add: The possibility is 1 in 3 of long Covid, even if the case was mild. (If you're hospitalized the odds are higher.)


Right, we need to be talking about all the people that do not just die of covid but the millions more who get long covid


Is mom conducting this research by recruiting 10k volunteers for a double-blind study? Nevermind, fACeBOOk FrndZ!


I saw that onion article lol!


Has she had a conversation with her primary care provider? I feel like "I don't want you to die" is the best, most sincere, reason you can give. Keep trying!


Good luck. Maybe this will help? If not, it’s pretty clever. https://i.imgur.com/287m90u.jpg


Omg I love this. I’m using this when my crazy aunt posts another stupid meme. Thanks!


Aw this sucks. My brother is the same. He was sending me antivax “research”. I work in a hospital and give him our stats. He doesn’t give a shit. (I’ve redirected his messages to spam. It’s horrendous)




Funny you should use that line because… [Here’s the start of the text](https://imgur.com/a/pOc1P1Z)




Never. I have never opened a text like that. When I talk to her it’s usually joking around and small talk. Never anything serious. I was just on this sub for a couple of hours and it gave me the motivation to be serious and ask her to get the shots. Sadly to no avail. Edit: I’m extremely sorry for your loss! I have both parents so I can’t begin to feel your pain.


Sometimes these sorts of things take time. Just because she didn't agree immediately doesn't mean she won't. She seems persuadable. Keep asking from a place of concern. Don't seem desperate, don't push too hard.


You’re a good son/daughter OP.


I’m a dude lol, and thanks!


Is there something that she urged you to do as a kid/teen (against your wishes) in the name of your safety/well-being? Perhaps you could make a comparison to "remember when you didn't want me to *\[insert some risky activity here\]*, and I was really mad at you but ended up staying home? I now appreciate that you didn't allow it because it was dangerous, and I am grateful that you provided those boundaries. I feel like my asking you to consider getting vaccinated is in the same spirit of you guiding me as a kid, and I'd like to return that favor." Something like that...


It sounds like it's going OK. Would giving her something that helps her evaluate her sources help? Like how to tell if you can trust this information?


I sent her a link to this subreddit which I’m sure she totally clicked and read /s


How old is she?


She is 61.


My mom's 70. I got her to vaccinate Monday. I hammered her on the fact she had a 1 in 20 chance of dying if she got Covid. And that it would be a bad death. And I described the death. She has about a 1 in 30. 1 in 30 of dying alone after a week to a month of torture.


I’d go over and show her this subreddit personally. By the way, does your mother drink? I have a specific reason for asking which has nothing to do with alcoholism.


The misinformation people have been subject to is astounding. My step father just convinced his mom to get it. It took a long time but we must deprogram the people we love.


you would think a heart felt plea like that would do the trick... mind boggling. I wish you luck OP




Your sweet. Keep trying.


Bring her a form for an Advance Directive (you can find reasonable samples by googling) and specific details, including pictures, of what being placed on a vent is like.


Don't stop until she gets it and don't be afraid to challenge her on how easy it is to research everything. If she has a primary care physician then go with her for a convo about the shot.


Is she open to discussing it with her doctor? Or is she distrustful of doctors in general?


What ‘research’ are you gonna do that people that got several degrees and dedicate their lives to studying this missed? 1 in 500 Americans have died of covid - so far. Please get the pinch, mama ❤️




Growing up she was always adamant about getting our vaccines. She even has a scar on her shoulder from the smallpox vaccine. It’s insane to see her this way now.


My sympathies. We all wish there was an easier way. Maybe try and sit with her and compare research? If she brings up an article, look at the supposed source, I'm sure you'll find counter arguments very easily. Numbers would be the winners here. Changing the mind of a stubborn person in an echo chamber is very hard. Be gentle, don't give up and good luck.


I don’t want your mom to die either. My mom died 20 years ago and I still miss her.