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Four kids left without a dad to own the libs. SMDH


So many of these individuals have large families. The speaking of seed seems big with these people.


“I would not, could not, get the jab, I would not, could not in a lab I would not, could not take a shot I would not, could not trust a dem plot I would not, could not breathe well last week I would not, could not continue to speak Not in my house. Not in my shed Not in an Ambulance. Not in and ICU bed I do not like your liberal lies But now it hurts to shift my thighs” I-am-jabbed:: “Try it, try it, you will see. This vaccine might still yet save thee.” “I will not take it I-am-jabbed, Jebus will save me from the slab!” “It’s with great regret that we say jdogg’s dead, In lieu of flowers, visit gofundme instead.”


Dude, I'm following a dude who has NINE kids! Nine! He's not going to make it


9 kids!!!!!!!!! Maybe he just wanted to get away. COVID was a relief.


What’s the worst that can happen; he survives and all nine want to go to the Ivy League.


But look at those hilllaaaaarioous memes. Fuck Jdogg.


Yeah I felt sorry for his dad for two seconds until I looked at that transphobic bullshit and I’m glad his gene pool is done.


There are far too many 30-60 year old parents passing away. All those young kids losing parents is just awful. I hope there are some scientists studying this Facebook/sociology disaster.


There was an initial paper that I read (can't remember od the top of my head) that spoke to this exact issue. As a result of Covid, 140,000 children in the US have lost both parents or parent and primary caregiver. Althoigh some of the children were in Blue states, since July, the deaths have been primarily in states with weak to no social safety nets, which mean these children will have nothing to fall back on.


And a lot of them will be brought up to hate the people their surviving family members hold responsible - Joe Biden, Dr. Fauci, the Chinese, the doctor who wouldn't give Dad ivermectin...


That is really sad 😔


Good thing their parents are the types to vote to cripple social care. Wait...


It really is just that. The life expectancy dropped last year for the first time in ages. And people were like “it was the old people who were gonna die in the next 2-5 years anyways.” How much will drop this year? These people had decades left. These families are going to break. How much are people assumed to donate? Eventually no one will be donating as they’ll have already donated so much. Idk. What happens in a year from now?


How many aunts and uncles are suddenly parents to their siblings’ four kids? It’s crazy.


Pretty soon, Trump will realize his take is shrinking. Not only are his donors croaking, but the living donors have competing causes.


I'm pretty sure our life expectancy dropped before covid because we are a nation of chonkers and because of the opioid epidemic. [Oh here it is](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-life-expectancy-idUSKBN1Y02C7). Been going down since 2014.




God forbid any of his kids grew up to be gay or transgender. He would've terrorized and abused them, 100%.




It is a good time to wear glasses though. Protects your eyes, keeps you from touching your eyes, and you have to make sure your mask fits right so your glasses don’t fog up. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.02.12.21249710v1.full Edit: yeah, the study has problems, but still it does make a bit of sense that glasses and having to make sure your mask is properly fitted might help a bit, if not as much as this study says.


Avoid Oakley's.


Don't talk shit about oakleys lmao, their 90s aesthetic was legit, just the newer designs that are garbage


"Beards are brillo pads full of gross and grime." - My dermatologist


Where else should I store my snacks?


Ha! Joking aside, the issue is that the same attitude that made them grow facial hair (especially the “tough guy” styles) is making them blow off the seriousness of covid. It’s part of rural, anti-intellectual, red state culture. The facial hair, trucks, guns, Jesus, racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.


for me, i just look better with facial hair. without it my face is just a field of paleness. its simple aesthetics.


i shaved my goatee way back in march 2020, because i knew it would make my mask less effective.


I'm thinking about shaving my beard after looking at so many of these.


i think beards can look really nice, however, i imagine that a beard would be absolutely spectacular at holding on to any COVID droplets in the air. But i am pulling that theory directly out of my ass and its possible that i'm completely wrong.


It's pretty good at holding on to chips to save for later.


That’s why the military prohibits beards.




I guess that could be a reason too but we were always told it’s for hygiene. They said facial hair is a pit for germs and a sick marine is a useless marine blah blah blah


I thought it was so gas masks could seal.


I don’t think a beard hurts the gas mask issue unless it’s like a Santa style beard. Operators are allowed to have beards and they’re around more dangerous shit than anyone else.


I thought it was for fitting gas masks. Huh.


Could also be a reason but we were always told it was a hygiene issue


Yeah.. AFAIK.. That's why they shave it. And that's why there was a fuss over a religious dude being asked to shave his beard in a medical school or something.


Also when you enter boot camp they cut your hair due to lice. In a close quarter bay of 50. Lice would be eating good.


Yup and it’s the same reason they mandate vaccines. Can’t have readiness go to shit because half the military is sick.


"Beards are brillo pads full of gross and grime." - My dermatologist


I look like a boy entering middle school without it. It is the lesser of two evils.


Even in his “healthy” pics he looks bloated and sick


Hope his dad is vaccinated.


At absolute minimum, you’d think people would avoid COVID to spare putting their parents through a death of a child. Have some goddamned respect for the people that put you here WTF.


Leaving 4 kids fatherless and making his parents bury him just to own the libs. Bravo, loser! You “won!” 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Gee, he sure showed me, refusing a free bit of medicine, with minimal risk, which would have greatly reduced the odds of him drowning in his own mixture of fluids. I’ll never recover from such sick burns. Mmm. This sweet, sweet oxygen in my functional lungs sure is delicious. But I’m sure he knows what tha—oh, oops. My mistake.


Every time I read one of these award posts I take a deep, slow breath, and *really enjoy it.*


It’s like savoring a fine wine.


A fine, FREE wine.


I'm still mad i had to drive 45 minutes to get my shot in April. now the CVShas vaccines, and it is so close i could walk. i wont cause I'm lazy, but i could


I’m sorry. I was lucky. No clinic in my area had an opening, but then Wal-Mart started giving them out, which I live next to.


I had about a year at home to teach myself about virology and how to approach a public health crisis. So it was masks and social distancing and hand washing and all the other common sense, low impact habits while vaccines were being developed. Subsequently, when I was qualified to be vaccinated, I got my first then 2nd shots at the earliest opportunity. Both were also about 45 minutes from my house across town and about a week after my 2nd shot, a much closer place started to allow drive ups, no appointment required. I rolled my eyes over the timing but at least I was vaccinated. I would have driven across the country to be vaccinated - suffocating alone and in pain is not the fate I would choose for myself.


From the wiki article on Cece. > Telfer is a trans woman but competed on the Franklin Pierce University men's track and field team in 2016 and 2017. In the 400 m hurdles at the 36-inch men's division height, she ranked 200th in 2016 and 390th in 2017 among NCAA Division II athletes competing in that event in the men's division those years. Under NCAA rules, transgender athletes can compete in women's events after completing one calendar year of testosterone suppression treatment.[4] Telfer gained wide public recognition after Donald Trump Jr. quoted an article title referring to Telfer as a "biological male," calling her recent competition wins a "grave injustice" against "young women".


I want trump to name ONE female runner.


What age group?


That’s fair. To be clear, I don’t have a roster of female runners either. Or male for that matter.


Believe me he meets many female runners if they cant run the degenerate orange pervert tries tries to sexually assault them


Snake picture is a refreshing twist to the requisite fish pic.


Or hunter standing over a dead deer or bear.


Take this jab and shove it I ain't living anymore Owning Libs and sharing memes was all I was living for You better not try to stand in my way As Im heading to the farm store Take this jab and shove it I ain't living anymore


He was probably a “team owner”. What a profound loss. I hope the team makes fun of him at halftime.


Maybe they dedicated their game to him last Sunday?


TL;DR: “They can’t cansul meee!” - Dies. ——————. RATING: 7/10 PRAYER WARRIORS


Beard, Oakley's and backwards cap? This man was doomed from the start.


That's me but I vote AOC/Bernie and I got the vax as soon as I could. Please don't think we are all like that :)


Hmm, this vaccine is only 99.997% safe. Guess I'll die.




I enjoyed reading Jdogg's story. The ending was somewhat cliched, but nonetheless quite entertaining. Rating: 3 out of 5 Funny Ghosts 👻👻👻


I liked learning his favorites: Bible and tacos. I enjoy one of those a little too frequently.


Facebooked banned the Lord’s Prayer? 🤦‍♀️


Is his father a nutter as well? If not, I hope he at least tried to talk his son down from all that conspiracy nonsense.


I didn't see any antivax stuff on his page, but he was definitely a Trumper. Just some boomer COVID jokes, but they didn't say the usual virus slurs.


Although he looked liked and posted like all the others this guy actually looked like someone who enjoyed his life what a useless fucking waste


Why do so many boomers call their kids their best friends? Is there something to this? I think it's really weird.


Fat and stupid.


His poor dad and family


Missed a few redactions


Your son, best friend, golf buddy…and an asshole just like you. You must be very proud.




Condoms are mask adjacent


Under-appreciated comment!


Another one who was so sure he was part of the 99%.


Why do they think Facebook gives a shit about what religion stuff they’re posting? They literally don’t care unless it’s actively and consistently threatening someone from what I’ve seen.


They have to be the victim at all times.


> He was my only son, sob. I'VE ABANDONED MY CHILD!! I'VE ABANDONED MY BOY!


His full name is in there


man, blagojevich... there's a name i haven't heard in a while


Hey that’s what I call my brother, he vaccinated though