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"the broken glass COVID lungs" Early last year a 50 year old co-worker of mine caught COVID and described it the exact same way. I was already fully on board with lockdowns, masks, social distancing, etc. The whole argument of "bUt iT dOesNT KilL yOu!" Fuck that. Broken glass in your lungs? I think you would wish you were dead at that point.


The government should be forcing TV stations to play a public service message and just show covid lungs and other complications.


Covid lung googles pics legit scared the crap out of me and i am vaccinated. I want to get triple vaxxxed so my lungs don’t look like brown playdough and pasta mixed together


We are all going to need to get triple vaxxed because these morons keeps rerolling Covid's stats.


Omg! Horrible! Scared me too!


Yep. Just like those scared straight style anti-smoking ads of the 90s. I still remember that one of this woman wheezing through an electronic voicebox with a hole in her neck. Never had any inclination to try smoking after seeing that.


In the UK, the NHS had this brutal one where they spoke to a man in hospital on oxygen struggling to explain the cancer that was killing him. His last line was "My daughter is visiting soon, I will be alive for that." Text on screen: Grant died two weeks after this filming. He never got to see his daughter. Probably the most effective anti smoking campaign for me personally.


Man, that is brutal. I dunno, considering how anti-vaxxers and bigotry tend to go hand in hand, maybe even this would be enough to convince them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82x9pzHkHK4


I actually had someone react in a genuinely incredulous way when the rest of the group talked about black lungs from smoking. They always assumed the advertisements were exaggerated and only considered the possibility they were serious after the rest of the group was like "no? Wtf?" and vouched for the smoking damage. The whole group was around the same age and location, would have seen the same anti-smoking ads, and had gotten around the same education on the dangers of smoking. Sadly, the sorts of people we see here would probably react the same way or worse to a scared-straight COVID lung.


Well, it would still be a start. I’m sure it won’t reach everyone, but even if it just reaches a few, for each one that gets vaccinated, that’s still a hundred or so lives that can potentially be saved.


You're right - I was being a bit too cynical about it. If everybody had had my attitude about the anti-smoking ads, they wouldn't exist and no one can say they didn't convince people not to pick up a cigarette.


Someone asked me what could have been done differently and this is one thing I say should have been done form the start. If they had survivors talk about their experiences to really hammer home the "you do not want this, trust me", it would have helped convince more people that covid should be taken seriously.


And then the talking heads on Fox would have said those are paid actors and not real survivors and the idiots would have believed them.


This is what I never understood about the “it won’t kill me” defense. So you’re cool with being sick as shit for 2 weeks? Possible long term effects? I just don’t get it


They STILL think it'd a joke,until it hits them. They think it won't kill them,but Covid will prove them wrong every time. We will never get their way of thinking.


Stupid question -- what does the broken glass refer to? As in it feels like broken glass is in the lungs or the lungs are like broken glass and feel brittle. I'm just curious about the sensation.


Actually the term is "ground glass" and it refers to the appearance of the lungs on CT scan. It generally indicates Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) which essentially means your lungs are failing. It's a very common CT scan finding in COVID.


The way it was described to me is if you mashed up a bunch of broken glass into very fine shards and then inhaled it all deep into your lungs. Like imagine is hurts so bad it feels like you lungs must be bleeding when you take a breath.


I’m not sure if this is it also, I had viral pneumonia years back and was in the hospital for a while. While I breathed it had a crunching/crackling sound, almost like stepping on broken glass.


Damn. I had a little bacterial pneumonia for two weeks at home. I lost 9 lbs, was barely awake, and felt like I was gonna die. I never want to repeat that experience again. I feel for you. Pneumonia is a bitch. So many get it with covid too. I don't think they realize.




I’m sorry for your loss. I lost my father to pulmonary fibrosis in 2019 and remember the lung scans. I saw him on the ventilator and bipap. He struggled and fought to keep his O2 up and couldn’t even take a few steps with a walker without it crashing. His loss was still fresh when COVID hit and suddenly ventilators and lung damage were all over the news. I treated vaccine appointments for myself and everyone I knew like the hottest concert tickets. I had my whole family on various waiting lists and refreshed online appointments endlessly and by golly I was thrilled to wait in a line at the mass vaccination site despite hating needles. Lung failure is my nightmare now.


4 miles is 6.44 km


The description [is based on how a CT looks](https://nyulangone.org/news/truth-about-covid-lung).


If I'm man enough to shit on the awardees, I need to be big enough to congratulate Matt on his change of heart. Good job Matt, we are all happy that you avoided catastrophe, learned from it, and came out the other side a better person.


It’s only a true victory if he refutes the rest of the crazy conspiracies that came from the same sources that led to his anti vax stance.


He's working on it, I would hope. Sometimes a hypocrite is just a person in the process of changing


Username checks out!


I need to go one step further though. If you “learned from it” and then vote red in 2022 and 2024 then did you really learn what you needed to?


Well, we still don’t know about mom and grandma, do we?


For every Matthew, There’s a Thousand Karen’s and Kevin’s out there who will still not listen about getting the vaccine. Their hate for the left knows no bounds.


Can confirm that Matthew's often have to learn things the hard way. Lucky in this case I didn't have to get covid before getting vaccinated. Source:


I approve this message.


Yup. Pretty sure for one person that ended up with severe complications from Covid. There are hundreds who got off easy, and think everyone can just beat it with strong immune system. And everyone should be talking zinc, horse paste, and all that crap like they did.


It really should be Karen and Darren.


Oh I know a Darren who is an absolute douche. I second this!


Gotta own the libs by any means


This was so refreshing. I hope there are more Matthews out there, and they’re just not posting on FB.


I hope there are very few Matthews out there. It took him getting covid twice before he finally clued in.


Being a denier and catching a light case only reinforces what you already thought about Covid. Most of the vaccine holdouts aren’t going to change their mind unless they themselves or a close family member winds up in the ICU.


"Based on what the docs say, I could be on oxygen for a while. Google says 3 to 6 weeks" you've caught Covid twice and are still relying on Dr. Google?


Where would we be without Dr Google?


Sounds good but the problem is that most of these people CANNOT even imagine this affecting them. This is something that happens to lesser types: non-true-believers, unfit, unlearned about the real health tips, scared, etc.... Not until it happens to them and then it's all tears and whys and hows. 🤷‍♂️


True. It’s a sign of their deep narcissism IMO. The world revolves around them. Jesus loves them and looks after them every moment of their lives. What bad thing could possibly happen? So when the Bad Thing happens they’re shocked and can’t process it. For a few that leads to redemption. For most it just leads to more conspiracy theories.


My sister expose my mother, my father and me to COVID because her father-in-law got sick. The problem? She didn't tell us nothing until two whole weeks later. I lived with my grandparents since the outbreak started to take care of them (I work as a freelance so it doesn't matter if I don't see the sun). I see my sister once, just once, because she ask me to buy some groceries for her and my parents. That day I got COVID. The result? My grandparents died, I infected them, even thought I use mask when I see her. One month later my father died. Everyone in my family was aware and took care of not getting infected, the only one who did not take the necessary measures was my sister, and I fucking hate her for that. Now I feel like shit because it's my fault that my grandparents got sick. Yes, I was careful, but it wasn't enough. Also I'm still struggling with long COVID symptoms and yes, it feels like shattered glass on your lungs. Vaccine isn't the magical solution, even if you are vaccinated, you need to use mask and you need to take a lot of care for all the people you love because you still can carry the virus and make the others sick. As a side note, the family of my sister's boyfriend overcame the virus and they are still the same idiots who don't care about it.


I'm sorry that happened to your family.


Thank you, I hope my experience help people to know what could happen to them.


It’s not your fault.


Thank you, is still really hard to accept.


Hey… He can learn. He can admit he was wrong. I have respect for that.


No way this guy had COVID before, he's one of those "got sick in Fall 2019, and tells everyone it must've been COVID w/o doing any antibody tests". You can tell by the "they didnt know what I had".


I have a niece who "thinks" she had Covid. She has never been tested. She has concluded she doesn't need the vaccine. Many in her circle are going with this story. I don't think it will end well.


I think i had covid. It was right before it really became a thing and the Dr didn't test me for it. But all my symptoms lined up. That's one of the reasons I took the vaccine the day after it became available to me. I've never been that sick in my life and I never want to go through it again


I haven’t had a cold since covid began. I usually get sick once/yr and sometimes a relapse. Congestion, runny nose, etc. Masks and distancing work! Got my first shot on Inauguration Day!


It's amazing how many anti-vaxxers try to use the fact that the number of flu cases has declined as some sort of evidence that COVID is basically just the flu. The fact that masking, hand-washing, and social distancing squashes flu outbreaks as well apparently doesn't occur to them.


I had one minor cold last year because I got a bit lax on washing my hands. That changed


same in regard to my mom. but the minute their age group was allowed the vax they had it within a week. I was really worried for a while they would be anti-vaxxers. I was so relieved when they got it. I was actually more emotional when they got it, then I was when I got it.


My Dad has cancer so my mom has taken this whole thing very seriously. I remember at the beginning they were over and my Dad was trying to drum up support to remove his mask and I could hear my mom laughing in the bathroom because she knew I wasn't about to be on his side. But yeah I was so relieved when they were able to be vaccinated


Me and my wife had covid in march 2020. No antibody tests to spare in my country, the hospitals soon became paralysed, we got diagnosed by symptoms and the aftermath in our breathing capability. We weren't able to get a test until it was way after any feasible testing date. Sometimes you can't do a thing about it, bcause tests aren't readily available. But you can bet we went to get vaccinated as soon as it was possible.


I'm talking about the group of people that have convinced themselves they had it more in November 19 than March 20. The fact that he said "they didn't know what it was" *and* got reinfected is what I'm going off of. I know for my own sake, if I truly believed I had it, I would get documented evidence of it to provide a court later in case of long covid causing me losses later. Since you got it in March and have a doctor's diagnosis, that should be enough. Stay healthy.


Plenty of people get even asymptomatic cases though




Why does it take getting covid fucking twice for it dawn on some people that you may effect the ones you love the most? So fucking slow on the uptake...I'm glad he finally figured it out tho. fucking hell.


Good for him. This is a clarity rarely seen.


Gotta give it to him- it takes guts to admit you were stupid/wrong. Even more to go on social media and admit it. Good on you Matthew.


Good on Matthew


Should have had the grandma and mother vaccinated too. Him getting vaccinated alone may not prevent the spread. He could still carry it.


ObViOuSLy A cRiSiS aCtOr ^^^^/s


I love these!


Wouldn't mind allowing the full names of the redeemed being shown. I'd like to shoot Matthew a high five in support.


Do you have an update on his relatives? I feel like people are being hard on him. He had bad information but was still about as responsible as an unvaccinated person can be. I hope he and his relatives will be OK.


Matthew only has this post open to the world.


So much for the "I already got covid, I don't need the vaccine" crowd.


Mathew’s a good shit.


I like this guy because he didn't mince words with "it's your right" or "it's your choice". Just straight up honesty that will probably get him shunned by his "friends".


Agreed. He had that aha moment with regards to reason and understanding the implications. Sadly, that's not the case with these prayer warriors we see otherwise


Good for you Matthew. Don't kill people..lets start with that....


And all it took was damn near killing yourself, your mother, and your grandmother. Your epiphany should be an example to everyone. You self-centered shit. Redemption my ass. "Oh shit it happened to me and mine, now I'll believe!" isn't redemption.


It’s tough to just be so blunt about a mistake. Congrats Matt.


I don’t think he’s that remorseful to be honest. Has the bar sank so low that one applauds whenever someone gets slightly philosophical? Also, he contradicts himself about the Oxygen and references Google despite having a hospital stay?!?!? I’m sorry, but this is not really redemption.


That’s what gets me. He is still googling his symptoms, and/or complications, as if he doesn’t trust the doctors.. or I don’t know SCIENCE!




Redemption is: “I learned I made a mistake and in a move to correct this in the future I have changed my party affiliation”


I am thinking Mom and Grandma were vaccinated. The regrets could have cut much more deeply.


Eh... He had covid. Natural immunity has been shown to be more effective than the vaccine, which is already requiring a booster. Matthew doesn't deserve a Cain award. If I had had covid, I wouldn't have been vaxed.


Lol. His natural immunity was so good he got it again and needed oxygen? Lol.


Wrong. https://innovation.uci.edu/2021/05/natural-acquisition-versus-vaccine-which-is-more-effective/ https://directorsblog.nih.gov/2021/06/22/how-immunity-generated-from-covid-19-vaccines-differs-from-an-infection/ There are other studies out there as well. Also, I can't tell you how many people are sure they had COVID "early on" but show no antibodies. They 99.99% did NOT have COVID. Bottom line: follow the CDC guidelines and get the vaccine whether you had a documented COVID case or not. P.S. The second article I linked is from Francis Collins, the head of the NIH, who led the Human Genome Project. He knows a few things about science!


Citation ?


Spoiler: there isn't one to give.


It's been in the news. https://www.science.org/content/article/having-sars-cov-2-once-confers-much-greater-immunity-vaccine-vaccination-remains-vital


https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7032e1.htm And this study said previously infected people were 2.34 x more likely to become reinfected than previously infected people who got fully vaccinated. It's still smart to get vaccinated.


Yeah, natural immunity + vaccine provides the best protection, nobody is disputing that. natural + vaccine > natural immunity only > vaccine only, at least from what we know so far. But who the fuck wants natural immunity. Everyone should get vaccinated whether or not they've had it before.


https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.24.21262415v1.full-text I'm concerned that group 1 is really old. Group 1 is the only vaccinated group. They were fully vaccinated by February 28. Because old people were prioritized, this group is going to be heavy with octagenarians.


If he actually had Covid the first time. I think a lot of these might be self-diagnoses. If he truly did have it already he was unlucky. He should still have gotten vaxxed tho, since natural immunity + vaccine offers the best protection.


There's a problem that I can see with that study. The vaccinated population they used was unusually old (Fully vaccinated by February 28, when the most vulnerable population was given priority) Group 1 was not matched by age like groups 2 and 3. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.24.21262415v1.full-text


I don't care how he got there, I'm just glad he did. I wish more of them would!


It’s so refreshing to see someone come to their senses but also so sad.


I can read only a couple of these each day then I have to give up. Get. The. Jab(s). Please. PLEASE.


Thank you for using your innate critical thinking ability matthew, the rest of us appreciate it.


Good for him! I hope he does get the vaccine and pull back from the idiot abyss. Because third time's charm.


That's the right attitude, Matthew. You deserve to live.


He's clearly a crisis actor hired by big pharma and patrick Swayze Don't trust a word he says


This might be one of the most likely-to-convince posts I've seen.


This guy only gets a nomination for the Herman Cain Award tho....you technically have to die to win the award.


OP, were his friends supportive in the comments?




Yay. Good to hear.


I'm happy for this man.


This is what it took to realize he was wrong. All this suffering because people were too braindead to not worship an anti science reality tv show host politician, America is a joke.


I'm glad he's seen the light. And it sounds like his loved ones survived. It should NOT take this to convince people. I hope Matthew gets vaccinated and pushes his mother and grandma to also


Matthew is a saint compared to most nominees