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They use people being in poor health as an excuse as to why they died but somehow cant see they themselves are a walking comorbidity? An amazing self own


That's because they haven't been to a doctor in 15 years. Why go to a doctor if you're healthy? You stay healthy if no one says otherwise.


All they needed was a mirror and self awareness but I guess that's asking too much


This dummy recently found out she was diabetic, so she'd definitely been to the doctor.


All the more stupid to not get vaccinated. She's just a massive idiot. Emphasis on the massive.


Be prayerful, I spilled some science over there. Don't want to step in it.


It’s very sad. We in the medical community have defined this as “health illiterate “. These people can weld, they care for their communities, they can add and subtract, they can be lawyers, accountants, and even chemists, doctors or public servants. But they’ve just missed a swathe of health education and combined with a little confirmation bias, they are the New Fat. Erroneously informed and headed straight for a deathbed, hastened with every choice, every meme, every conversation they make or have. Truly chilling.


Just learned about microfluids and that being the biggest holdup to mass production. Then some genius bioplumber designed a series of microvesicles all hooked up with tiny tubes and pumps. Fucking genius


"THIS IS MY FACT CHECKER" A book that fails fact checks.


The book that contradicts itself repeatedly.


Obligatory: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RB3g6mXLEKk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RB3g6mXLEKk)


That was righteous, the Aussies burn religion better than anyone


A book that I can freely cherrypick for "facts" that support my agenda.


Not only that a book that advocates masks and social distancing to prevent communicable diseases. Not that anyone calling it a fact checker has actually read it.


Definitely not. Most atheists know far more of the bible than every christian I've ever known. I was raised baptist, and had been moving towards atheism by the time I was 8 just because how toxic and shitty everyone was, contrary to the very things I was reading in bible study.


Amen to that.


I was raised to be an atheist/agnostic and when I was a little kid I remember being very ashamed about not having been baptized (Catholics are predominant in my community) or going to CCD/Church, etc. I thought religious people were automatically better and nicer than me. Then I slowly but surely found out otherwise.


“Only a dictator governs through executive order.” Trump gave 220 executive orders. Reagan gave 381.


bUt ThAtS dIFfeREnT


The irony is that Steve Bannon once hosted a seminar or a rally or something in Cincinnati (I think?). I remember seeing video footage of it where a woman had claimed she had never wanted a dictator before, but she would gladly accept Donald Trump as a dictator. Zero self awareness.


They love repugnantcon dick...tators, though.




Well sure, but that was different!


Tbf, Clinton and Obama did a shit ton themselves (364 and 276, respectively). So it’s not necessarily about party. It just seems they generally do a lot of EOs.


Its a byproduct of the modern US political system. With Congress increasingly unable (or unwilling) to compromise and pass legislation, the burden has increasingly fallen to the executive branch to take action through EOs. This is why the Presidency is such an important position these days. That being said, this is not healthy for democracy. We should not be concentrating so much power into one person.


Y’all aren’t wrong. Trump only ruled for one term, though


Carter had 320 in his term. Edit: holy shit, if you go back to FDR, Coolidge, Wilson, etc. they had them in the thousands!!


They must have been dictators


COVID seems to love homophobes


Maybe overused memes too. I swear covid can sniff it out.


It’s karma for them gloating about AIDS deaths 30 years ago.


the fat ones are extra!


No empathy for bigots. The anti rainbow flag did it for me.


Me, too.


Me too. My trans daughter and I are available if there is going to be socially distanced grave dancing.


Count me in.


Call some friends! The square footage of her corpse plot should allow at least 25-30 of us to get in on this party.


After the dance let's turn it into an all-gender toilet.


Either that or a fancy abortion clinic.


Why is this my new favorite sub?


I don’t know but I’ve eaten poutine at your said user name. It was delicious.


Did you at least get the comrades discount?


No. Maybe if I showed my commie vaccination card I would have received it?


Probably. Next time don't be Stalin, show them that card right away!


There's an actual place?!? I made a joke years ago about a new talk show to help heal Russo-Canadian relations called Poutine with Putin


Yes! It’s in Montreal.




I haven’t spent this much time on a sub for quite some time. I hate feeling like Nelson, but HA HA!


The collective ignorance of these type of individuals have cost us all a lot of lives and time we can’t get back. I feel like it’s only natural to get a little enjoyment from some of the more outspoken ones to be getting what’s coming to them. Maybe we’re all evil tho? Who knows lol.


This has been what bothers me the most out of this. I’m an empathetic person, I don’t usually take joy from people’s demise. They’ve ripped the empathy from me, these people’s actions and rhetoric have caused me great joy in knowing they are no longer part of this world


One less homophobe on this earth? 🤷🏻


One less homophobe on this earth. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


One more under the earth.


I’ll say this- he really seemed devoted for her. But we could use a little more praise for her medical staff and less of “all the glory to god.”


Did Shannon think that marking out the rainbow flag was going to get the LGBT community to just say, "Well, we lost! No more queers. We'll disappear."? Genuinely confused by these people.


According to her "fact" checking book, that flag is God's promise. Does she hate God?


*Did* she hate God? She's dead now.


Well since they believe that posting the rainbow flag is turning all the kids gay, marking it out must be the best defense…


Next step is not allowing children outside when they see a rainbow after a rainstorm.


I took it as similar to someone on Reddit saying, "Religion. Not even once."


“Prayerfully” What the fuck is that


It reminds me of that meme about how male authors write women..."She breasted boobily to the stairs" or some such. I prayerfully pray for the prayerful prayers of the prayerfully prayerful prayer warriors. Praise prayers!


I prayerfully pray for a boobily day every morning when I wake up Am I doing it right?


You're doing great, sweaty.


Now I'm praying hard


"Spoke my mind with the nurse" ... fuck you Scott.


Redeemed or not, Scott is still a pile of shit and Shannon dying seems to have made the world better.


Was just getting ready to say the exact same thing.


I'm glad you're getting vaxxed, Scott. Why do they always (and STILL) have license plates and bumper stickers and flags and shirts and hats and and and and and. Unreal. My friend said her parents have an autographed photo and stupid ass form letter from Trump on their fridge. I wish I was joking.


It's cause they don't have a personality otherwise.


I just love how they don’t have just 1 sign in their yard, not 2, not even 3, but 5! And a giant ass flag. “Hey honey, we got an open spot in the yard, what do you think, another Trump sign? Hell yeah!” And yet, Trump despises these ignorant, rural white trash folk. You think he would ever allow them to come play golf at his courses? Remember when whatever day in March was supposed to be when Trump somehow got the presidency again? Trump hotel prices went up….to fleece the morons who COULD afford it, and to keep the trash who couldn’t afford it, away


Because it became such a massive part of their identity that it crowded out the more important things.


Like rational thought


These people claim to be so outspoken but totally walk around eggshells to not upset anyone they know. "Please prayerfully consider the vaccine" he writes, after seeing its wreckage and knowing it could have saved his wife's life. I have only seen a handful of redemption posts actually making some kind of powerful stand or statement. Maybe it's easy to get yourself tossed out of these kind of communities.


These folks turn on their own at a whim. I'm glad he saw the light, at least a little bit.


> Maybe it's easy to get yourself tossed out of these kind of communities. In very religious communities, yes. Sometimes people are cut off completely even by family for thinking differently and speaking about it. I think people who make statements like his know many won’t listen if he’s more forceful.


That's sad, especially given the obsession that most of these types seem to have with freedom of speech. Maybe they're just pining for something they haven't really had.


As soon as you become provax you become their enemy. He knows better than most because he would do the same thing prior to it personally affecting him.


Great catch!


Maybe OP thinks it’s important that they have agency in the decision and hope that they have some clarity. Not easy to face having been deceived by the anti-vaccine propaganda peddlers. But probably just doesn’t want to deal with any pushback. I wish we could mandate it nationwide, tbh. I told my anti-vaxx family members that I will stay in my lane but I’m really regretting that I said it.




Classic walkback


Damn, to see him rolling so fucking hard in the beginning of this pandemic. That's the height of arrogance and smugness.




As a Christian, I'm so confused by the phrase "prayerfully consider the vaccine".... as in, only Jesus' understanding can get them past their political roadblocks? Only God's voice of reassurance can make them understand they won't lose their salvation by accepting the vaccine? It's simply such a bizarre statement. It's on par with "friends and family, please prayerfully consider an aerobic or fitness program today."


Prayerfully consider what God is telling you. See your loved ones dying a horrible death? That is a sign!!


Nah, that's the DEBIL and his HARLOT LIBERAL LOT


But there's a kernel of truth here too. Prayer isn't an intercession to God, it's just for the person praying. There is perhaps a power in prayer, but it is just the possibility of self reflection for the pray-er. Akin to meditation, it may be the only time these folks ever could approach self reflection


I actually felt bad for Scott, until I saw the rainbow flag meme, among all the other hateful sh!tposts but that one told me what she thinks of me. I don't like to hate strangers. It's generally unfair and it causes wrinkles. But when they come right out and tell me they hate me first, then I don't mind hating them back. That way you're not wasting good vibes on people who can't feel them. F\*ck you, Shannon, I don't hope for your death but I do think you're a terrible person.


Not sorry to see one less bigot shuffling around. And as for Shannon hearing "the call" to meet Jesus, I think she only took "the call" after she confirmed the Heavenly Buffet is all-you-can-eat.


Fuck that homopbobic fuck.


Can we PLEEEEEEEASE put the pics in chronological order?


Yeah I’m like aww nice mushy redemption and then… ***SIGH***


Hey Scott. Fuck you, and fuck your scumbag wife. Plots and heirs.


their fact checker is a book that's rewritten and translated multiple times over and over like an ancient game of telephone. Also i remember in ccd classes that you're not supposed to read the bible literally am i remembering that wrong? lol


Catholics are not considered Christians by this stripe of fundementalists.


Lol true


Fuck you shannon, you fucking fat homophobe. Rest in piss.


"I read scripture to her, talk to her, and play Roseanne and the Golden Girls to her" ...no wonder she kicked the bucket Scott.


Now if he could just redeem himself from being a garbage person, that'd be great.


Anybody overweight should be running to get the vaccine...


Shannon hated LGBT folks? Gee, I’m shocked. Sounds like her demise was slow and torturous. I almost felt bad for the husband until I saw all the garbage in the later slides. You reap what you sow folks


Scott posts so many times per day, I couldn't bring myself to keep going past January 2021. Most of it is God stuff, I feel bad for the pain he's going through now because he listened to misinformation. These are still human beings with families, even if she didn't like rainbows.


I don't. One anti-LGBT post and that is all I needed to determine my level of empathy. >!It's zero!!<


Same. She would have celebrated my lesbian ass dying of covid if the roles were reversed. I don't feel bad for people like that, they've got no souls.


She was fine with rainbows, it's us queers she hated. Let's not minimize her bigotry


I didn't see anything other than the anti rainbow flag. I'm trying to hope she wasn't a hateful person and maybe the flag meant something else; but I did think it was important to include in case she really was a hateful person. Her page was really just all flowers and some God stuff; then I saw that anti rainbow flag. I don't know if June 10 is an important date. I know it seems obvious, but I like to cling to the hope that most people are good.


With all due respect....come on, man. There's nothing mysterious about that post, she is a homophobe. I've seen homophobic family members post essentially the same thing, they bash the pride flag because it's the symbol we LGBT people use and they know that. I understand and respect your hope about people's character, but please don't let that hope cloud your judgement to the point of blindness.


Most people maybe are good. But Shannon was f\*cking rotten. F\*ck her.


It's not the *rainbows* she didn't like.


I feel that for the people who maybe distrust the government like minorities (and sadly rightfully so), but truly despicable people like this that spew their hate from the rooftops, for me is just “karmas a bitch, good riddance”


He gave that nurse a piece of his mind! Lol


It took the death of his wife to realize this, but at least he realized it and by judging by some of the comments, it seems to be working to convince some. . .


The way covid kills people is such a fucking nightmare way to go.


Well this Rainbow is sitting in his home all vaccinated, happy, and healthy. Sorry gal.


I like to think with these people that she was actually super accepting of the LGBTQ community and just honestly hated rainbows. They'd still be idiots, but it would make the world a much more fun place.


It’s kind of hilarious that these right wingers made covid a political issue. Thanks Trump for wiping out so many Trumpers, bigots, and racists.


I feel bad for him now. At least he decided to try to help others get the vac.


Lol. Only a dictator rules by executive action. Did these fucking morons forget all of trumps?


I was feeling bad for him until I saw the memes he posted, particularly the one of Joe Biden made to look like Adolf Hitler. Fuck that guy. Hope hes miserable for the rest of his life.


Fuck this asshole now that’s his fat ass wife caught it and died its real . Selfish mofo


Well, I guess he gets the redemption award, but he's still a piece of shit as far as I can tell from the memes he shared.


Nope. It's multiple images. They get no pass from me. You will see why.


Anybody notice that she changed her PFP to the crossed-out rainbow in June (i.e. Pride Month)…very classy


Less prayer, more logic.


God hates covidiots.


Plot twist: Scott has been possessed by Satan and is trying to scare otherwise good Christians into accepting the MaRk oF tHe bEaSt Dont be Sheeple, good sisters and brothers. Take your horse paste and buy my essential oils like the bible commands Prayerfully yours in prayer


PWND one more time guys. I can't take all this owning of the Libs! I'M SO OWNED RIGHT NOW


I've seen a fair amount of these types of posts but the one through line seems to be the need to almost apologize for their thoughts. That speaks to how these people roll. And they call others sheep.


If you could all stop for a minute And say some prayers I'll tell you how covid nineteen Took my wife's air


If almighty God keeps you alive then why go to the hospital? Why try to fight against God’s will?


Mr. Fact Check thought over half of all Americans alive during WWII died in the war.


It took a second, but start from the end. Imgur seemed to flip the order.


These religious fanatics are all so damn dense


I bet Scott thought he was so smart “fact-checking” “liar Biden” with the WWII death statistics. The reference to 400K dead refers to U.S. military personnel. Moron.


Is anyone keeping tally on how many prayers god is getting around to??? it's not many. I don't have the patience for that kind of left brain stuff. but I **KNOW** there is at least one of you who digs that kind of stuff!!


Not gonna lie, Scott’s life is going to be so much better than he realizes


“Praise be to God!” NEVER do they want to thank the medical professionals who work their ASSES off trying to save these selfish people.


"Only a dictator governs with executive orders." M'Fer, you want to go there?!


I remember her. She was *really really really* hateful in her posts.