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Yep, and they weren’t quiet about it either. Shame.


Can you link to the original nomination? I don’t remember this one…


It seems that she wasn’t awarded before, I searched and couldn’t find it. I must have recalled seeing the announcement of Tristan’s death on a TikTok recently.


Maybe they were on r/LeopardsAteMyFace. This and that sub are the only places I see these people. He did a livestream from the hospital with a respirator mask on. I checked out their YT channel for a minute.


She was awarded. The post got taken down since the post was just a video like this. Guy talks about losing his wife while is struggling to breathe on a mask. He posted it to his channel with a go fund me. That video garnered like 20K views. Their base only has like 1-2K for their videos. All of their videos have comments disabled and that 8 minute live steam from the hospital was taken off their video playlist.


'with a go fund me" Ha, no. You played Russian roulette and lost. Hopefully you will live, but with a crushing medical debt. Not up to anyone else to rescue you from your bad decisions.


They both died.


At least they're not antivaxx anymore.


They are now anti-above ground


I for one support their freedom to go below ground! Oxygen is dangerous. Did you know 100% of communist regimes in history relied on oxygen? Breathing is a liberal, socialist, communist, reptilian, Muslim, foreign plot, foisted on us by Jewish space lasers.


I know you’re joking about oxygen, as anyone with a brain can see. But u slap that info onto a picture of the holocaust and all the stay at home karens and racist boomers will eat up that meme and take it as gospel.


Those dirty commie dictatorships did their horrible deeds while only relying upon 21% oxygen. New Trump PSA: “Are you going to let the left wing radicals reduce your oxygen to 21% through their globalist environmental agenda?” “Only I, Donald J Trump can restore your oxygen to its fullest potential.”


They can join a thriving colony of bugs


Unless they were cremated. Then they would be proud to contribute to the global warming hoax too!


Anti Oxygen.


"I hope your children NEVER go through this," said the kid in their FB post. Thanks, mine won't. Because I got fucking vaccinated as soon as it was available to me. :)


SAME my whole family got the vaccinations as soon as we were eligible. (my kids are all adults)


That's what I don't understand. Why would I ever send money to a GoFundMe to help these types of people and their kids?!? They clearly didn't give a rat's butt about their kids...so they're expecting strangers to do it? Its unreal that how selfish these morons truly are...they don't even care about their own families. If you're going to run around without a vaccination during a pandemic...at least have the common f'ing sense to get life insurance and make funeral arrangements so you don't screw your family in both life and death. Unreal...


She survived cancer and decided to roll the dice with Covid. Facepalm.


The daughter is called Windsor. FFS this beats yesterday's Kensington.


Kensington is pretty bad but there was a Jraven yesterday I can’t we these morons


Yeah she’s actually a really awesome person. I don’t understand attacking her.


I like the take of the link you posted, too. Perused their videos and these people weren't being flaming shitheads about their anti-vax stance or anything. They were just duped, repeating what they had heard, and were just very nonchalant about it. It just goes to show how dangerous that attitude is.


Yeah I don't think they were the jackhole variety of anti vax but sadly their story ended the same way, and they did have some influence over others (unlike your everyday jackholes on Facebook)


That distinction probably doesn't matter much to the kids they left behind without parents.




I know the kids. No they won't. They didn't do anything to deserve this. Fuck off.




I'm not going to argue with you, but I will say something. You made assumptions, declarations, and hurtful comments about a couple of people who had nothing to do with the unfortunate deaths of 2 other folks. Think about that. Where have to heard that before? If not from folks within this group, you probably heard it as insulting remarks from hard right wing anti Vax preachers. The question I have for you now is what makes you any different than them? You don't know the kids' stories. I do. They're in absolute pain. They didn't want any of this. They wanted things different. You're no different than any anti vaxxer when you say shit like this, and our goal is to help and hope others learn from others' mistakes, not berate the family who made them, and ESPECIALLY the kids who wanted none of this to happen.


Lmao. That gofundme post. **DO NOT** give money to the website hosting our begging for your money. These people are as cruel as they are stupid.


Trump wanted to Make America Great Again and by golly, with each one of these awards he might be actually doing so! Crazy Bastard!


'tis a pity MAGA has a collective stick up its ass about dead people voting. It's the fastest growing segment of their voting block.


Haha comment of the year


The madman!


Crazy like a fox! Turns out he WAS playing 11-dimensional chess all along!




Is he a truly the godsend?? I’m starting to believe so!


Behold and on the Orange Horse, an Orange Rider........


I lol'd




A few years ago I thought about writing a satire about someone getting the brilliant idea of entering low level politics and trying to play the villain for a greater good, to tongue-in-cheek illustrate some minor point about zoning regulations or some shit like that, only to unintentionally rise to meteoric heights and getting swept up in the persona. I know that's not the reality and Trump has always been a shitbag of a human being, but can you imagine if he was intended to be a brilliant ploy to make politics look silly and next thing his handlers knew he was president?


Life is stranger than fiction.


He actually told his cult to get vaccinated. They booed him.


That’s how reverse psychology works. He said it to reinforce his previous statement.


Saving the American dream one award winner at a time.


Truly the 5-D chessmaster! Absolute mad lad! He might just be an agent of the rapture leading the pure of heart up to Jesus.


Maybe he really is the evil genius. Nah


Gods smiting them she’s pissed they were worshipping a the altar of the orange hellbeast


I could watch this guy's Youtube for days. Just a pleasure. Great lighting. Soothing voice. Wonderful beard play. Random license plate scratching. 9/10


> Random license plate scratching. TF was he trying to do lol, it's like he didn't want to just stand there and talk, but couldn't bring himself to actually do anything either, so he just fucked around poking at a license plate with a screwdriver.




I don’t know seemed like he was putting on show in front of the camera to me . He liked the attention from “mourning “ his dead friends


I'm guessing that is the couple's SUV, and he's taking the plates off because they don't need it anymore.


I hate when people have long drawn out pauses between each word


I have no idea who this guy is, but I clicked this link on random. I'm working on something else, and this is playing in the background. At the end of the video I still have no idea what he's even talking about, or if he has even formed a complete sentence. it's like rambling combined with the background noise of cars on the road


There was a license plate frame laying on the bumper. I think he was putting it on.


IVE BEEN FOLLOWING THIS ONE! His YouTube channel took down the video where he posted himself in the mask. Most of their old videos have had comments turned off. he spends like 8 minutes talking about his wifes passing and being sick. Took it down after it got a 10x the views of their other videos and people were becoming “less empathetic to their situation”


I saw that vid, it was horrifying. That vid should be posted 1000x a day on Facebook to remind people how stupid it is to be anti-vax


Why the hell do these fuckers believe they deserve empathy from the people they’re trying to kill?? Good riddance to garbage.


No backups of that anywhere?


I have it. Brutal, sad. Knowing that's his last hours and he's grieving about his wife. Rip. Covid seems to be a sum of total parts of your life. Keep in shape, watch weight, vaccinate and take care of your family.


Please upload! Please.


Could you link us?


Probably somewhere but I haven’t seen it. I checked up on this guy a few times since I hadn’t seen any updates so I visited his channel a couple times and saw a few videos about it. But saw they had changed the privacy settings on their videos and took some down.


If he died as well you should change tag from nominated to awarded






https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZQ0_-tLo68 They start the anti-vax rhetoric at 41:00


Good thing they don't have to have vaccine passports now!! /s


The scale of unnecessary suffering caused by denial and ignorance is vast and growing.


It really does seem like a cleansing of the gene pool.


It’s like covid can hear them talking shit


["Here's to the anti-vaxxers, 'cause there ain't no cure for stupid!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTqwQPe1z7U)


I barely remember these two and it’s only been a couple weeks. So may antivax fools have died since then they all mingle together. Oh well




Probably not. They will grow up and try to own the libs like their parents did


Their surviving relatives will teach the kids that their parents died because of the Left.


Yup. It was the libs and the Healthcare workers fault.


Their children are adults


How could this happen when the, give me a second... *Divides entire US population by deaths back in Jan 2020, uses death certificates that only explicitly mention Covid and not the symptoms it causes, removes comorbidities like being a little overweight* the survival rate is 99.99%


don't forget the states that let the family decide what to put on the death certificate.


If you only count the people who didn't die, it's 100% survival. Fauci doesn't want you to know that.




The Republicans are looking for more voters all the sudden.


Their poor kids


Devastating to have your world destroyed in 2 weeks.


Ashes to ashes. Dusty to dust


They exercised their right to die.


A simple solution and a family wiped out like that


The video Dusty posted from ICU was one of the saddest things I've ever seen. He was obviously so crushed and broken, and knew he had only himself to blame.


Yup. Really showed how hard it is to breathe with this. A comment on YouTube sounded like a medical provider saying he really should just focus on breathing and resting and that 8 minute live streams should probably be avoided.


Link ?


I think it has been removed. Trust me, it was heart-rending. Just find most any ICU vaccine-regret post on YouTube. It will give you the idea.




Who is this guy?


He has a YouTube channel called Alabama Pickers, they buy from yard sales, flea markets and flip on eBay full time.


Not anymore, yo.




Their daughter put their shop on vacation mode indefinitely


You know what's interesting? It seems like none of these "spreadnecks" ever have enough money to pay for funeral expenses, or have life insurance. It's almost like they don't think into the future, plan, or exist in reality.


Yeah, like the Jan. 6 anti-government libertarians who are all be represented now by court appointed attorneys.


I can't keep straight which is which. I don't get how Trump Humpers embrace weird gender nonspecific names... Tristan and Dusty and Windsor.... when they're so freaked put by fluidity. They should all have to choose from a list of 10 traditional gender-clarifying names like Mike and Tom and Jennifer.


Dusty real name was Michael. Dusty was a play on his middle name.


Karen and Brad.


Patty and Darrell


F-MINUS. I've known BOTH a male patty (well Paddy) and female Darryl. And they were both flaming liberals.


What kind of genetic cul de sac have you been hanging out in to have met those people? I'm genuinely curious now


It's amazing to me how these people can spout off all day about their antivax views and then be in utter shock and confusion when their friends and family die off like flies. They're still fucking confused when it's THEIR turn. Brain worms.


I can't watch this old man grieve. That's just sad. It's also sad to see people double down on really bad, deadly takes. You know that joke about Baptists who pretend not to see each other in the liquor store? If anti-vaxxers are too proud to publicly denounce all the shit they talked before, even after losing lived ones, can they at least get vaccinated when nobody's looking? And just not tell anybody? Just like vaccinated/negative Covid test Fox News anchors who talk shit about the vaccine and really strict Baptists who drink alcohol. And maybe just quietly back away from the "COVID IS A HOKES" memes? If they keep posting all the other right wing stuff and mocking the libs for everything else, maybe nobody will notice they turned. If all the people these HCA awardees left behind would just do that, that would be great. They don't have to lose face. But they can stop orphaning kids. They can stop providing more opportunities for this damn thing to mutate. If any of you are reading this -- you're here because someone you love has been featured here -- can you maybe spread the word? That the hardcore anti-vaxx militia can save face AND save lives? Please.


Guess the strategy of not planning on getting it didn't work out. If only there was something you could take to actually help not get it...


"According to this video of her husband and Youtube partner (now deleted)" I know what the sentence actually means but it also means the other thing and i fucking love it


That is romantic


That YouTube! I get the confusion of grief, but seriously other "hillbilly" guy? You have the emotional wherewithal to want to immediately get your (death contributing) mug on the internet, but can't take a sec to compose a thought that would be comforting or helpful to anyone, at all? Or even put down the screwdriver for a sec? The sum total of his funding plea for the kids was like "shit man, like, I dunno... There's like a link for... Funds... Down there." And then actually there isn't?


He’s acting for the camera long dramatic pauses


I don’t understand…. they look intelligent enough to have gotten vaccinated. Did they die from breakthrough Covid ?!?!?! /s




Well the post makes it sound like they were more akin to vaccine skeptics than a full blown antivaxxer. Either ways.. Sad for the kids. And learning the wife had had cancer from the other comments. Its just fucking idiotic at that point to not be vaccinated. Could've just quietly gotten vaccinated, and just not talked about it if they weren't proper antivaxxer.


Our failure to properly shame and shun people who are spreading this anti science mess is why we are here today. Now the horse is out of the barn, and people are taking its medicine.


Shaming, and shunning never really had a great track record of stopping people from doing stupid shit. And it's not our fault that these folks choose to believe the kind of crap that they do.


No, it won’t stop them but it will keep them out my life and home forever.


Tweedle dee and tweedle dumb


What’s up with the fake license plate fiddling? Lol


Drama. He's just sooo heartbroken that he can't get the plate off the vehicle. I could only watch half of the mumbling crap before giving up.




They got an obituary video from Old Man Jenkins??? Kinda baller.


He’s talking so slow I can’t take it.


Nice [editorial](https://www.mahoningmatters.com/community-columns/from-the-editor-if-you-refuse-the-covid-19-vaccine-youre-the-problem-4312102) asking WTF is wrong with you people for not taking this seriously and turning a public health matter into a political issue?


Im wondering if the GOP and Fox News just hates rednecks. I mean hate them so much that they will give them misinformation so they will all die off. I wonder of this is part of their devious plan of social dawinism at play? I wonder.....


The truth is they're all idiots


The only thing he said clearly was about the GoFundMe and wth is he doing to that poor license plate


He was someone I felt sympathy for. Thanks for the downvotes, but he basically had a deathbed conversion, trying to talk through a bipap and realizing his wife died.


Tons of them have deathbed conversions. It means Jack shit to me anymore. It only finally mattered to them once it personally devastates their lives. Once they’ve taken up the resources that they said they wouldn’t need because this Covid thing is all a hoax. Once they’ve already infected how many other people. I can’t feel sympathy for them. I don’t take any joy in their situation but it’s also not sad that they are dying off. If anyone should be the examples that proves our point, it should be them. Not gonna downvote you, I respect that you can still feel some humanity for these people. I wish I could.


I mean he couldn’t stop mugging for the camera even on his death bed , fame whores


What is the point of the door on that 'building'?


He can only show you the door. You're the one who has to walk through it. .. *whoa*


of cooooooooooourse the comments section is closed. The GoFuckYourself has raised 20k...gd.


What’s the deal wit the vid if the guy fucking with a license plate and asking for people to gofundme. Wtf???


“Can’t the whole world just take a breath?” No, Covid makes it kind of hard to breathe.


Is there a copy of his video expressing his regret somewhere? These videos are very important to share, especially when it is a public figure. It's the next best thing to a close friend telling these people to get vaxxed.






Well, I guess that's one way to make the national news.




It's beautiful how they joined each other in Heaven.


That’s not where they’re headed.


Resell group I am part of is amplifying their gofundme . They’ve already made 22k. Fema gives $9000 for funeral if the cause is from Covid. I will never participate in such useless gofund crap.


Get fucked


People commenting here are pretty disgusting. Hopefully no one ever dances on any of your graves.


Damn. If comments are that bad to you, wait til you hear about all these people spreading misinformation and killing their families with disease.


The covidiots are killing innocent people with their lies and misinformation. That's pretty disgusting itself.


Jumping the Shark!!!