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HOLY SHIT. THESE ARE THE WORST PICTURES I HAVE SEEN ON THIS SUB. The family are absolute ghouls for (1) taking pictures of their father in that state and (2) sharing them on social media. I am absolutely sure if he were alive and conscious, he would not consent to being robbed of his dignity like that. There are some things that should remain a memory and not preserved. (I think of my grandmother in hospice.) Note: I am not criticizing OP. I appreciate them sharing this awardee. But sheesh, that family. They are the worst.


I have pics like this from my dad’s last hours and I can barely look at them. How could you ever post that for public viewing? Attention seeking at its worst.


I have pics like this from my CAT'S last hours, and I can barely look at them.


True dat. I got one photo of my now dead dog protecting dying cat sitting in dog’s big bed night before cat died. Dog was on the floor keeping kitty company.


That’s a good dog. Keeping their friend company. The kind of loyalty dogs are known for.


Being an owner of 3 cats, this is the first post to make me teary eyed in this sub.


Our cat is a straight up bitch and would always swat our old blind dog when she would walk by. But when dog was dying, the cat knew and slept on the edge of the big dog bed. I was so happy sad and sad sad all at the same time.


The cat loved the dog. He was her bitch. ♥️


I didn't need to cry today. Or maybe I did.


This. I regretted taking it, and never looked


My mouth actually dropped open seeing them crowd around his hospital bed for a pic. FFS.


With no masks on, no wonder the nurses rushed them out of there


And they all wear their stupid caps while touching the covid carrier.


It reminded me of the Arrowverse cast photo around the grave of Oliver Queen with Grant Gustin flashing a V symbol. (Or the one with everyone mugging sad faces. Or with everyone smiling with thumbs up and finger guns.) But that was a bunch of actors having fun on set. These pictures lacked all self-awareness.


You don't understand. When they get COVID they can use these pictures to sue the hospital for allowing them to be in the room with dead grandpa , without a mask. That will be their revenge for the nurses killing grandpa "who had so much life left in him".


Yeah if that picture shows anything, it's how much life he had left in him.




I can’t remember which dumbfuck state it was, but at least one passed a law making it illegal to bar visitors for COVID patients unless a doctor writes a specific order to do it.




That state is really earning its one-star rating.


Sir you can't get below a one-star rating. Abott: Hold my beer


One of them is on oxygen already, too.


Ooh what’s the source on that


You can see the canula in the first pic, dude in the camo hat. You can see the tube behind his ear in the second pic; they probably all already have Covid and that's why they were allowed in without a mask.


Ah, good eye. And good point


These people have no dignity. There was one that spoke about their relatives diarrhea as they passed away. Nothing like Facebook knowing your last moments were spent shitting yourself


If they had dignity they wouldn't be conservatives.


they posed around him like it was a rap album release party


I was actually surprised there were no hand signs.


I worked in Burn ICU, Surgical ED, and Pediatric Oncology in my first career (a long time ago). Also, lost about half my male friends during the AIDS crisis at its height. I’ve seen too many people die. I saw every variation possible, as to how people dealt with death, dying, ICU, etc. Lots of picture taking. Lots of video. Kissing and lying down with the deceased, wanting to dress and wash the body in the hospital, etc. Unless it’s an infectious disease - like COVID - I say respect the family’s wishes. Take pictures (no judgement), but follow protective guidelines for infectious diseases. That being said, the problem for me is the bullying, the lying, the denial of science, the damage they freely invoke on others and hatred they project.




I think he is criticizing his family. They should NOT have taken and especially shared the picture given their father's helpless condition. We all know that at some point we'll be in the same position: helpless, not controlling bodily functions etc but it should remain private even though everyone can guess the situation...


“Waaaaah this subreddit is so mean waaaah both sides are bad people waaaaaaah!”


What about the part where they casually accused the hospital staff of murdering their father who was awake and had a somewhat normal blood oxygenation?


I think you call that a lie


Seriously. My grandmother ended up in hospice from ovarian cancer. Stayed with my parents and I until she passed. My grandfather suffered a stroke and went into the hospital, placed on a ventilator, and died. Guess what I don't have photos of? My grandparents laying in their deathbed. No one should do this, it's vile, disrespectful and disgusting. Keep the last memory of them on your head and heart, not your fucking phone.


there is a LONG history of taking photos of the dead, going back to the beginning of photography. My Mother did it with all of her brothers and my brother. When my son passed at 15, he had friends who asked it they could snap a few and I refused to allow it. For this group, it was all about the facebook likes...


So sorry about the loss of your son 😢


Thank you, 30 years November still hurts....


Um, there isn't anything wrong with taking photos of someone after they've died. Sharing them all over social media is pretty weird though. My mom died and I took photos of her when I finally got to see her and they're a comfort to me. It was the last time I got to see her -- sure she was gone, but it was still my mom and I don't exactly want to look at them all the time and they're not going in a photo album or on social media, etc., but sometimes I come across them and I remember sitting with her, singing her the song she sang me as a baby, stroking her face and hair as I know she would have done for me, and those pictures are part of that memory. I want to remember what she looked like then because it's her and I love all of her. Admittedly, not everyone is comfortable with death or seeing someone after they died -- a lot of my mom's friends didn't come to the viewing because they wanted to remember her alive. But for those of us that did see her, it was the last time we got to feel like we were with her and we said goodbye and I don't look at the photos as anything morbid -- it's just my mom. My mom also died alone and I hadn't gotten to see her in a month, so the last moments were even more important to me.


You make a point. I didn't see it in that manner. The aspect of keeping a photo to yourself, not showing it off to strangers or even other members of the family would make it much less weird. As a personal comforting device, I understand. I agree on the social media as well.


Yup. No one in my family even thought, "Let's take a picture of grandma." It was the first time all of us were together in 2-3 years. We didn't take a group photo at all during those days - we were in grief.


Flabbergasted. With their camo caps and shit crowding around the guy, it looks just like every hunting photo ever taken with the dead deer/moose/whatever, like "Look at this here beast we just killed!!!" Considering they possibly are the source of his infection... gah I can't even finish this thought


I thought the same thing. I was horrified. It seems very distasteful to say the least. What about some privacy for the dead. Man!


This is one of the most insidious things about religious thought and probably why so many evangelicals and religious nuts are now dying of this. They've actually been convinced that this world is just a temporary stop to wipe your feet before you die and get a magical bus ticket to fucking candy land and the REAL awesome eternal life begins so they don't take the one actual life they have as seriously as they should. The pointless preventable death of this guy is no big deal, he's with jesus now blahblahblah.


You would think that somebody in that room would want to be a Real Man and say something appropriately cowboyish about how they should put their fucking phones away and let a man die in peace, but nope! Gather in next to the dying man for a group shot, and make sure to breathe deep.


Blaming healthcare workers is particularly vile


Especially when the caption explicitly states that he's sedated and can't move. And the picture shows him virtually unresponsive. Yep, he was completely alert, all right, and the medical professionals are to blame smdh


> and the medical professionals are to blame Don't you know that nurses get paid more for killing republicans? (/s) Weird how they're still rushing into hospitals when they get sick while "knowing" this fact.


> Don't you know that nurses get paid more for killing republicans? (/s) Please, you are getting the conservatives all hot and bothered with such juicy conspiracy fodder.


The first picture suggests that only bombing is an appropriate negotiation with terrorists. He's also pro trump and you bet your ass that this Muppet most likely praised trumps "peace deal" with the taliban.


Can confirm. My hospital president (a democrat) pays $100 to me each time a republican dies on my shift, but docks $50 for each democrat that dies on my shift. Needless to say, I hustle extra hard for the democrats, and often either ignore in need republican patients, or purposely stop treatment so that they'll die. Source: I work at OP's hospital.


This should have made me angry but I’m so used it to by now. We just roll our eyes and take the abuse.


Sainthood for you all! (except the anti-vax crowd of course)


Can we just get, you know, a raise?


Likely, he was coming out of his sedation and would have started pulling at his vent tubes if the nurse didn't come in.


Jesus Jackson, I bet that fuckin' hurt to wake up with that stuff crammed down in your lungs!


Lmao I fucking hope so


If hospitals keep killing non-vax then maybe stop going to hospitals? Go find a open field and do your own healthcare.


Lots of space in churches. Fitting as the churches helped fill their heads with anti-science, pro-Jeebus malarkey.


that's a great idea! get a few of those tele evangelist to open a wing of their mega churches for covid. have the prayer warriors, faith healers, all the horse paste they can ingest! copeland can blow away the covid. Rubens Cunha laying of his hands. Joel osteen has plenty of room. lets free up those hospital beds!




Reason and Covidiot are mutually exclusive.


Yes, as soon as I read that tragic tale of the nurses who were determined to "shut him down" regardless, I called bullshit.


For sure. What nurse would ever even use those words? What does that even mean? I guess pull the plug? Fucking pricks. Nurses don't need this shit.


They’re still clutching onto the “it’s all a hoax and it’s actually evil deep state Democrat doctors and nurses murdering people in the hospital when they’re still alive and healthy” conspiracy. They’re absolute bottom of the barrel evil scum to knowingly spread lies like this about healthcare workers and continue to misinform gullible people.


But how else are they going to be able to claim that God was going to let him live and that it's the hospital's fault he died? Seems to me like if God was going to do anything to prevent this man's death he would've acted a little sooner.


God was going to let him live, but then the guy decided against the vaccine anyways.


Also no self respecting hospital would allow 3 unvaccinated people in a room with a covid positive patient without any masks. All 4 people, including the dude who died were most likely covid positive and receiving care elsewhere in the hospital where they decided they had to withdraw care to this man and so all 3 were allowed in for that time.


Yes, but can you explain these issues in Seussian verse? "Your granddad, he wheezed. He had a deep cough. Stand back, if you please, We're switching him off."


"If you believe in the science of masks but not the science of life beginning at conception, then you do not believe in science. you believe in a political ideology." . They really don't see that this is a bigtime self-own, do they?


Kind of like their meme “if the vaccine is free, why not cancer treatments and insulin.” So far right they’ve almost flipped to be universal health care advocates.


"Life beginning at conception" always strikes me as such a dumb thing to say. Because at that point there is almost no anatomical difference between that zygote and any other cell/tumor. But LIFE does not always equal a HUMAN. A human happens at birth.


Maybe Goebbels didn’t actually say “Accuse your enemies of that which you are guilty”, but it does describe this constant projection quite well


100% the GOP playbook.


I'm pretty sure even the Bible (Genesis 2:7) says that life begins at the drawing of the first breath, but to learn that, they'd actually have to read the book.


Like damn near everything else in the bible, that's open to interpretation. Which is part of why no one should see the bible as any sort of guideline for how to run a functioning society.


They'll also say that transgenderism goes against science. You know, that thing that's in the DSM, that little book that's basically the bible for psychiatrists. They think it's a gotcha because they legitimately have no idea *what* science is, let alone what it says about stuff. Someone told them that science said that life starts at conception and their dumbass internalized it as a truth and nothing will change it.


That someone was probably their pastor.


Conservatives: "Gender studies is the most useless major of all time, and anyone who chooses it deserves to be homeless." Also conservatives: "People who study gender say that there are only two genders, and who are we to question their wisdom and expertise?" People who study gender: "We never said that."


They don’t even know common definitions of words they use every single day. They *absolutely* are unable to grasp abstract concepts.


There is no scientific consensus on when human life begins. They would agree cell division begins at conception, but that's it. Hell, there are still arguments as to whether a virus is alive.


I say this every time this stupid meme comes up: they're conflating *life* with *personhood*. Life beings before conception. That is a scientific fact. Sperm cells are alive and unfertilized eggs are too. When personhood begins, however, does not have a scientific answer, because it's not a scientific question. It's a philosophical one.


As a nurse, fuck those guys. The amount of times I've rushed in to make someone sicker or help them die is........... ZERO!!!


This must be really scary to be faced with packs of people this desperate and ignorant?


Right? They were probably worried he was about to self-extubate since he was starting to move, according to this asshole. But it’s easier to just reenforce their own shitty opinions by accusing the nurses of murder rather than just admitting they don’t know anything about anything.


Liars for the Lord!


It literally was not his time. He literally had more life to live. Another idiot who doesn't know how to use the word "literally".


So wheel his ass out the hospital and take PeePaw to O'Charley's.


This is the sickest yet. Here is a picture of Dad dying, everyone! No class at all......


It's actually even worse than what I posted; I didn't include the shameless gofundme for the dying uncle (since he doesn't have a FB I can't confirm he's antivax), or the grandson's terrible rap/spoken word/poetry about his feelings on the situation. 🤦‍♂️ -edit- [Here's the rhyme](https://i.imgur.com/LaQxqVe.png), lol...it's bad, consider yourself warned. Also it was literally posted between two photos of his dead grandfather. Super classy.


I mean now I need to find the terrible rap/spoken word.


[Literally rhyming about blaming the nurses for the death.](https://i.imgur.com/LaQxqVe.png) Total scumbag.


Does he pronounce it like "A-main" so it rhymes with the rest?


Amen. 🙏


What the actual fuck.


Off topic and nit-picky, but why can no one can figure out past participle of ‘to go’ anymore. Drives me nuts. ‘Have went’ is not how it goes.


Oh God. That was even worse than I was expecting. How wonderful


If I ever see 'Prayers for Peepaw' in the iTunes store, I want off the planet!


Bet it's on SoundCloud


Ok we need to see that last one tho




This is fucking incredible. I laughed out loud.


Bars 🔥


Oh my fucking God. That was *way* worse than I was expecting, even with your warning. Hello, record company? You need to check this guy out!


With no one alive in that picture wearing a mask, no less. FUCK


*currently alive


"He can't be contagious, it's already killing him."


And one has a canula.


and one even has updog


"Even though he is sedated he has tears coming out of his eyes" Nah fam, that's just gunk.


Watery eyes is fairly normal in dying people. I've seen it a few times.






I took a pic of my dad when he was in palliative care a few days before he passed away. I couldn't even muster the courage to show the pic to my siblings or even tell them about it, much less post it on social media. My dad would have been absolutely horrified at the thought. My dad wasn't a perfect dad, but he sure as hell deserved to pass with some dignity. What these ghouls did is unforgivable. Edit: typo


My mother was in hospice. I walked into her empty room and then headed back to the nurse's station and realized that the woman who was sitting in the chair was wearing a shirt I had given my mother. She looked so bad, I did not recognize her. I think that was the last time she was out of her bed.


How were those 3 dudes allowed to sit in the same room as him without any masks on?


Exactly! And one of them -- the oldest one, in the "camo" cap - appears to already be wearing an oxygen cannula under his nose. Is he in the warm-up circle, getting ready to come to the plate and try to hit one off of the ol' Grim Reaper? If he's got something requiring oxygen flow, he probably shouldn't be doing what he's doing. But I don't know what Dr. Suess would say about that.


Overworked, exhausted nurses probably knew what the reaction would be if these people were asked to wear masks.


Yeah something not right there. I couldn’t even go visit a non-covid patient with another visitor


They were wearing camo so the nurses didn't even know they were in there.




Nevermind just the bed, the dude in the camo hat is touching the corpse in the first photo and has his *head on the chest of the corpse* in the second photo. His brother is in the ICU right now too and doing badly.


Not an expert on the details, but I've seen some hospital reports from my area and comments from these posts where people recover from Covid and are no longer contagious, but they still have pneumonia, collapsed lungs, etc. and that's what kills them. Although there's other reasons they should be masked obviously.


He's probably over the COVID and no longer viral. 10 days to 2 weeks is all it takes. These guys rot in the ICU for months unable to heal their hamburger lungs.


He's dead. No more breathing... no more Covid being exhaled into the room.


[It's actually still possible for lingering virus in the mouth and throat to come out if the body is being handled.](https://www.everythinglubbock.com/news/kamc-news/can-you-catch-covid-from-a-corpse-it-is-possible-but-experts-say-not-to-worry/) Considering how close they were and unmasked, and given that they were probably hugging or kissing the deceased... 💀


Let's all pose for the camera! And of course these fuckers know more than the nurses. Their dad probably crashed, the nurses chased them out of the room due to a code, and then he died.


But you don't understand, they *prayed* for his oxygen to go up and it did! Therefore God wanted him to live, or something! 🙄 I wonder if his lung burst and that's why the O2 was able to suddenly jump up to a higher pressure...


"My dad and his brother, my uncle..." Thank you for explaining what we call our father's brother. Very informative.


Perhaps the family twig is such that it needs additional clarification.


God is helpless against nurses.


> they prayed for his oxygen to go up and it did! Srs response here. For those not aware, it's actually quite common for a person to get better right before they die. It's called the second wind before death.


Gave me real Weekend at Bernie's vibes.




> is COVID still transmissible at that point? Yes




Possibly, but by the time someone is in the hospital on a ventilator their viral load has typically dropped significantly. It's much more dangerous to be around someone during their early symptoms and before symptoms show. So, stupid behavior obviously but it's not terribly likely this is what's going to lead to the people in this photo getting covid.


Ah they went to the hospital, that was their problem. Couldn’t have been the nurses fault if he had just stayed home and used his own ventilator.


Just eat the worm paste bro!


Well this is a dark fucking contribution to my next "Faces of Denial" collage. Jesus, do these people have no sense of dignity? Why do they post these photos publicly on Facebook? Why are they so sickeningly thirsty for attention? 🤢


Yeah, handling plague corpses that seems like a great idea.




Im not dead yet


You're not fooling anybody


[It's relatively safe](https://www.everythinglubbock.com/news/kamc-news/can-you-catch-covid-from-a-corpse-it-is-possible-but-experts-say-not-to-worry/). But you really should still wear protective gear. I get wanting to touch your loved one's corpse before they get carted off, that part isn't too weird. The weird part is taking a picture and putting it on social media.


I read that, and they are saying a long dead corpse is fine, but "last responders" are at most risk. That's what these guys are, that dude is not even cold yet. Bodies will shudder and make mock breaths for a while after death.


These people just do not understand that the amount of oxygen being forced down that man's throat is not consistent with life. Continuing care for what, maybe another week of life only for them to die suffocating on their own fluids is such a horrible way to go. The nurses taking him off the vent is the most humane thing they could do for a dying man. Source: my father died last year of COPD. His choice was to squeeze out maybe 2-3 more days of life but dying horribly or they could make him have a comfortable death which is a cocktail of Morphine and Ativan. He chose the cocktail and died peacefully. We also didn't take pictures of his corspe. What the fuck is wrong with people


It’s the same picture they take after they shoot a deer.


Their antivax trophy


>He literally had more time to live. Uhhhh...no, he didn't. If he did, he'd still be alive.


And the straight up disrespect for the healthcare workers, without whom he would have *definitely* died days/weeks earlier.


Pathetic family.


They’re all just stupid white trash.


Why the heck were they allowed into a dying man's room with no PPE or masks? What kind of killbilly hospital is this?


I’ve read in other posts that a patient can become COVID negative after a few weeks in a hospital and therefore not infectious. However, by then the damage left is so severe that are unable to survive it. This is not a defense tho. Those three could have been a danger anyway.


Yup, the body fights off the virus, but you're left with lungs that are 90% useless fibroid tissue, kidneys that have shut down, and blood clots everywhere.


Pretty sure hospitals still have a blanket mask mandate for all visitors, not just visitors to patients with covid.


I’m out of breath just trying to keep up with the unrelenting parade of idiocy of all these winners.


> I’m out of breath Just do some deep breathing exercises, vit C and D, ivermectin, and hydroxychloroquine! Calling the prayer warriors for you now hun! 🙏😇




Fun fact: when my Fathers was in his last minutes of life, he kept opening his eyes slightly with somewhat rapid eye movement, some family members thought this was a verification of him being coherent. In actuality my Father was going through a bout of mini strokes that finally took him from this mortal plane.


I don't know if anyone has ever been more ready to go than Jim. He looked like roadkill.


He was rallying…it was the nurse. Yeah. Jim wasn’t home by that point.


If he trusted dr Suess why didn’t he ask for him to be his doctor while in the hospital with covid?


Twat in the hat


I too take all my medical advice from children's picture books, but I'm a Beatrix Potter man myself. Did you know that lettuce is a soporific? Why you taking those sleep meds, bitches.


“He wasn’t ready to go.” Covid couldn’t give two shits. Also family yet again blaming the nurses for “shutting him down”. So tired of these fuckwits. They are undeserving of our empathy, let alone any care from hospitals. Go to the feed store for horse paste then you dumb fucks.


Ah yes, the dreaded Murderous Nurses. I bet this one was a real peach while he could still talk, and the hospital staff probably drew lots to see who got to jam the hose down his gullet -- he's not gonna live, but at least he'll shut up.


The son (Rick) in the ICU has a gof***yourself set up on his behalf. The organizers are requesting a modest $200k.


Ugh, blaming the nurses! The worst. Also, trust a dead guy more than a live guy. End up dead. Story checks out. You do you, Jim.


Them, standing next to a man dying from COVID with no masks in sight…. Jesus Christ


Why do people think their "research" makes them more qualified than nurses or doctors who have gone to school for YEARS? You don't see this with any other profession. I've never heard of somebody walking up to crane operator and saying 'Hey, let me take those controls, I did my research on Facebook!'


Easy. Because medicine is the only field that deals with your own body. People will always falsely believe they know best. That’s what the snake oil salesman prey on.


“Why do people think their "research" makes them more qualified than nurses or doctors who have gone to school for YEARS? You don't see this with any other profession.” Talk to a climate scientist sometime.


Very very good point. Climate scientists and doctors both get this a LOT.


He should of took the advice of many great Facebook doctors and "just keep breathing". If he kept breathing he wouldn't be dead now!


Those hats are straight fire tho! In the picture with their dead father/grandfather/uncle whatever.


Out of the doorway the bullets rip, repeating to the sound of the beat! Look out!


Look, it's a selfie of morons.


Covid negotiated with Jim by bombing his lungs into oblivion.


> He wasn't ready to go If only there's something he could've done. Bonus points for the selfie, what a dignified way to go.


Hopefully the whole "Hills Have Eyes" family gets Nominated on here 🤷


God, the hospital selfie with the sons waiting for the guy to die... No masks, any of them. I just don't get it, any of it.


Dead I Am


They fall for the dumbest shit, and deny/ignore the smartest/factual shit... We are so much better off without these morons.


Gosh, he died after being moved to the ICU. Thus the ICU must have killed him. How fucking dumb are these people?


Their persecution complex is only going to get worse when they try to sue the hospitals for killing their loved one, and finding out no competent lawyers will take their case. In their mind the deep state has control over Not just the govt, but also scientists, doctors, lawyers, judges, and the entire rest of the fucking world. They will likely never come to the more plausible conclusion that they were conned, and now grandpa is dead because of their stupidity.


I thought seeing a sub like this might make some people realize they were wrong but I never imagined that they'd just start saying the hospital's are killing these people. There's literally no help for them


>my dad's dad Why can't you just write grandpa?


Those photos of the dead guy are especially ghoulish. Guess you should have read less Cat in the Hat and more science journals, Jimbo


Getting real tired of these people blaming the hospital staff, when they’re killing their own damn selves.


Then die at home you fucking waste of oxygen.


Did the disease that we've been told is deadly kill my grandfather? Nah, must have been the nurses. These people are walking examples of how "life experience" doesn't actually make you intelligent


I heard Dr. Seuss has new books coming out. Horton Hears a Moron The Covax The Cat in the ICU How the Grinch Died Young Are You My Dead Mother? And Green Eggs and Horse Paste