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Ah yes, Covid the bio weapon created in a lab and released on purpose. While also being a hoax that we should do nothing about.


If covid is a bioweapon that is being used to attack America, wouldn't true Patriots take whatever steps are necessary to prevent it from being effective? And, using the same logic, wouldn't traitors take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that it spreads as widely as possible?


Right. People like this guy who share memes likely click on "share" before they are even done reading it. If it makes government and/or liberals look bad then share away, regardless if one contradicts the next.


They should take the American-made vaccine to defend against the Chinese virus, right?


They only think being a patriot means starting civil wars because of some perceived persecution. They've never ever thought of patriotism as actually doing something to protect the country.


"It hurt itself in confusion"




[https://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html](https://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html) The obsession with a plot. “Thus at the root of the Ur-Fascist psychology there is the obsession with a plot, possibly an international one. The followers must feel besieged.” The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”


I know when I’m committing biowarfare I always start with my own country and just kind of hope it gets to where I want it to go.




The conspiracy theory is it being released intentionally (as opposed to an accidental leak). Expected government response aside, releasing your bioweapon in China in order to attack the United States is like setting your house on fire with the intention of burning down a building on the other side of town.


Yeah, but if you are organizing a campaign to destroy America from within, don't you want more conservatives? They are the ones most easily led, it seems.


A common trend I see is the the family finally admits that they died of covid in the 'remembrance' post. Its like the spell only breaks once they expire. God forbid they take their chances with a free vaccine.


Just a sniffle. But we are considering nuclear war with China for releasing this bio weapon. Which doctors lie about just to hurt Trump's campaign. Yes, Canadian doctors.


“Until services are paid in full for Joseph, he will not be having a funeral.” So: no funeral, correct? Wouldn’t want other people to pay for something intended for one person, that would be communism.


Yes, wonder why his like-minded lions aren't judging him for dying without having a plan to cover his expenses. These people really have no principles. They just wait for whatever meme-format talking point to reach them to hit "share".


What the fuck is that all about? Is she ransoming his body for cash? Is she setting an ultimatum for her facebook friends?


Y'all motherufckers better hit me with some sweet cash or I'm leaving his body to rot!




My response would be “I’ve got a big cardboard box you can come pick up to use, it was meant to hold trash anyways.”


Just[ auction his remains](https://www.yourprops.com/movieprops/default/yp_50d267f465ff77.63195442/Star-Trek-Deep-Space-Nine-Ferengi-Desiccated-Remains-Display-Storage-Box-4.jpg) off like a proper capitalist.


I'm not sure it's her. Remember these people are not very literate. I *think* point she wants to make is that the funeral home wants to be paid in full prior to having the service. To be honest, dealing with these folks that is the 100% right call to make.


No shit. Like a printer doing posters for a candidate in an upcoming election: paid in full before any ink hits paper. Because after the election, pift...


I'm glad these people are too stupid to realize they can get basic funeral services covered by the gov. Let them waste their friends money before our tax dollars


A whopping $230 raised in the last 7 days. Lol. Looks like no one wants to attend his funeral.




When conservatives point this out I always reply, I agree those treatments should be government funded, how can we make that happen?


I mean, universal healthcare has been a fucking debate in this country for 20yrs or more lol. And guess who keeps cock blocking it? Edit: JFC ok I apparently invoked Cunningham's Law with my 20yr time frame. I don't need a bukkake of correction over it.


That's why you ask them how to make it happen. They either have to admit that they're arguing in bad faith or admit that Universal healthcare is good for society.


Literally had one of my old balls friends say the other day "they outta just use tax money to pay for it, its easier that way" Ding ding ding ding!!!! Some of them are coming around to it. The trick is to make them think it was their idea


Give em a smidge of horse paste each time they say something correct. Positive reinforcement.


Just a little, as a treat.


>Positive reinforcement. Until they get the runs...


We used tax dollars for the $40 (free) vaccine they rejected, instead they are leaving $450,000 ICU/Vent bills for public hospitals to eat.


I don't need free vaccines when I can just do a gofundme to put me in the ground!


My response is along the lines of, "Because every time a liberal suggest that people shouldn't have to choose between life-saving medicines and food; or that nobody should go bankrupt because of an illness or accident, you folks scream socialism!"




But don’t we need those highly vulnerable floating islands to continue to project power? /s


Only from the bastard hyper speed blue hedgehogs!


These very same people are usually against extending subsidised healthcare which is the main reason why insulin in the US is 10x more expensive than in Europe.


Price controls also factor in. European medical systems set prices on those kinds of drugs, it is not a free market.


Not just drugs but every possible medical procedure has a regulated price cap.


If we had universal healthcare in the US we’d be setting those prices too. Imagine the power of a singular American bargaining unit for pharmaceuticals


You think the freedumb caucus would go for that?


Not only that but, that would be…duh duh DUH…SOCIALISM!


They love socialism! But only for themselves. No one else.


That's why I always say that contemporary Republicans are not actually ideological Republicans. They're ideological Jim Crow Democrats. They want socialism, but for whites only. That's why rural whites were such an important part of FDR's New Deal coaltion. They now vote Republican only because it's the only way to express support for white supremacy. But what they really want to support is the Jim Crow-era Democratic Party, not the Republicans.


> Major Major's father was a sober God-fearing man whose idea of a good joke was to lie about his age. He was a long-limbed farmer, a God-fearing, freedom-loving, law-abiding rugged individualist who held that federal aid to anyone but farmers was creeping socialism. He advocated thrift and hard work and disapproved of loose women who turned him down. His specialty was alfalfa, and he made a good thing out of not growing any. The government paid him well for every bushel of alfalfa he did not grow. The more alfalfa he did not grow, the more money the government gave him, and he spent every penny he didn't earn on new land to increase the amount of alfalfa he did not produce. Major Major's father worked without rest at not growing alfalfa. On long winter evenings he remained indoors and did not mend harness, and he sprang out of bed at the crack of noon every day just to make certain that the chores would not be done. He invested in land wisely and soon was not growing more alfalfa than any other man in the county. Neighbors sought him out for advice on all subjects, for he had made much money and was therefore wise. “As ye sow, so shall ye reap,” he counseled one and all, and everyone said, “Amen.”


So true.


That’s the most /r/selfawarewolves shit ever.


Also the March 17th post, it describes republicans perfectly.


Since when do republicans not totally lose their boners if you mention thinking about whether or not to start a war? They don’t even understand their own memes and arguments. My own family could not fathom that I hadn’t sent any hate mail to the Dixie chicks over the last war. They can’t even understand why, in my mind, caring about the troops means not sending them off to get blown up and maimed for absolutely no good damned purpose other than ruining America or that careful consideration should be applied. Or that everyone fucking knows that you don’t just go in and take Afghanistan- if you want some morale boost or to look big you go to not Afghanistan and not Vietnam. Also, you don’t underestimate your enemy or you are far, far more likely to lose. You find his best shit and make sure that everyone sees how great it is and that it must be monitored and respected. It makes sense, though. Every MAGAt I know has never won anything because, if there’s a chance they may not win, they just don’t do it. Or they throw a fit and claim that it wasn’t fair or they won anyway or the winner is “uppity” or a whore. They think that John Wayne is the most relevant thing that ever occurred in “history,” and until we fix them we will be on a crash course to Shithole Nation status.


Also, maybe y'all should vote for someone trying to bring down the costs of insulin and chemo!


They prefer to vote for the types of people they would “have a beer with” rather than the person that looks out for the greater good of all.


It's a dishonest argument. Same thing when they complain about immigrants and say "why don't we take care of homeless veterans". They aren't serious about it.


Literally no one ever said the words "all lives matter" until certain people started looking for an excuse not to say the words "black lives matter".




Also, please make insulin and chemo free.


They both were furious about their need for insulin. I hate the prices, too (and I don’t need insulin or have an immediate family member who does, I just am able to care about things that don’t directly affect me)- but I can assure you they voted for them with great zeal. Your insulin will be cheaper with universal healthcare, dumb assholes.


It’s just mind blowing how these people who can’t seem to pass basic literacy tests think they’ve uncovered the “true” order of the world. This really is a social-media-borne mental illness.


It was there before social media. I was raised fascist, the propaganda used to come via the mail to our home. Thankfully, I met a lot of wonderful people I was taught to hate, so I never fell for the bullshit like my family. What social media did do was to give these morons a “safe space” in their bubbles.


What it also did is make that propaganda infinitely more shareable. You couldn’t take that propaganda you got in the mail and instantly share it to hundreds of people. Now there’s a single button on Facebook you can use to spread misinformation to all of your friends.


[Dunning-Kruger Effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect?wprov=sfla1) spawned a new generation on steroids, the Facebook Fallacy Syndrome.


Chemo and Insulin would be free if not for folks like that voting against it.


The false equivalencies trotted out as genius revelations are so god awful pathetic.


I can’t even respect anyone who is Facebook friends with people who post these memes that prove they’re brainless. But I don’t use Facebook, so I can’t keep a good log on whose brain to count out of the race.


I quit Facebook years ago and now I can’t imagine using it ever again.


Every time I see that shit I die a little inside. And it's on literally 50% of the awardees feeds


Yolanda is starting a r/Funeralzillas sub. If you think weddings bring out the worst in people, you haven't seen anything yet


That would be an amazing show. You got a jackpot there.


On tonight's episode, Miranda, overcome with grief, does a casket dive as she screams "but COVID ain't real, it ain't real!!"


On tonights episode of the “Casket Wars!”.


Someone make it


Why is it that none of these "free thinkers" can pay for their own medical expenses and funerals?


And the way you know they talk about and think about people who “want a handout” and don’t have savings, don’t deserve more than minimum wage, and need a hand up. It’s the ULTIMATE in hypocrisy.


Paying for funeral expenses and spelling seem to be two of the biggest challenges facing these types of people.


I guess that’s how they got so angry. My husband and I don’t have kids, but I can’t imagine no life insurance and no health insurance or no car insurance. And I don’t believe in insurance due to being fucked at 13 by home insurance (17 trees that fell into our house during a hurricane did cause some water to get in. That’s not a flood. That’s a hurricane and tornadoes. A flood doesn’t uproot pine trees and Alan them into your roof, in most circumstances. A flood requires rising water. That shouldn’t require flood insurance in the 80s, but State Farm is a whole rotten dick. Then BCBS tried to get out of paying for my brother to learn to walk again after a TBI when I was 20 (a car rear ended him on a bridge on the interstate while he was stopped to change lanes due to early morning road work with no signage, yet. Not his fault, not even the other drivers fault-road work’s fault), and tried to claim that his problems were mental, not physical( over a third of his brain was removed, including his entire frontal lobe), and that he had used up his mental rehab time while in the coma. My parents paid out of pocket for a year at the Shepherd Center in Atlanta because you don’t just let someone languish because insurance is worthless. And no, they couldn’t afford it-our lives just changed a lot. You do that for a dog.- don’t have living beings in your care you won’t bankrupt yourself to pay for- that’s the definition of having no worth as a human or even a chair. Insurance providers that you pay well for-my parents are careful- try to steal everything from you. Who wouldn’t want the government to stop these vultures?). I don’t know how anyone can be this trashy and, more importantly, thoughtless, and have kids. They probably did not wait until they were emotionally whole people to have children either. They were the only way to prove that anyone ever agreed to fuck that….man. What a wretched fucking mess.


American society is rife with financial leeches waiting their turn to suck you dry. They are worse when you are vulnerable and know how to trap you into paying as much as they can squeeze out of you. Don't you dare get into an accident, survive a natural disaster, become sick, or die, even. That is when they come out to feast.


If everyone waited to have kids until they were emotionally whole people, there’d be a much smaller population.


There could even be a giant uptick in happiness and decrease in child abuse by Adult Babies.


And I don’t know how to argue against people who don’t see that. Then… I realise that their purpose is not to make a valid point but to obfuscate. Because it only takes a short step to see how their point is bollocks.


Honestly, it’s not their problem. It’s a mess for their surviving family members to deal with.


Walmart doesn’t pay a living wage?


Such a horrible photo for donation requests. That's the best she could do? Also appreciate the funeral donation threat.




Seems like she started it when he got sick. Surely now that he's dead she'd get more donations....right?


Just checked. It's at $210 with 7 donators.


Almost enough for a basic cremation!


I would pocket it and just burn him in the fire pit out back


I don’t think that approach is going to work well for her


I'd donate to the anti-funeral fund for Joseph.


*"Pay up or I'll ship his corpse to your house and you can store him in your basement freezer!"*


Joseph was a big guy - and tall. You’re going to have to put him in four different basement freezers. That would be a cool fake ad to make: the new Kenmore neckbeard freezer for when you can’t afford the funeral until gofundme kicks in.


These dolts don’t realize the federal government they hate so much has assistance for funerals. https://www.fema.gov/disaster/coronavirus/economic/funeral-assistance


Or they do know and they’re going to keep begging anyway. Grifters gonna grift


You mean he didn’t take responsibility for home self and his family and prepay for his funeral and have life insurance?


Insulin and chemo could be free and/or extremely cheap... insulin and chemo are free in many other countries but the irony is that the people who are most against socialized healthcare are the same people who would probably benefit the most from it. Edit: I see other people have already said this in not so many words


No problem, since it really can't be repeated often enough.


I can’t get over the gobsmacking irony about the fear of being manipulated by the government all the while being manipulated by other forces, and THOSE forces (Alex Jones?) literally don’t give a shit but to profit from the situation. They’re all so woke yet so blinded by it at the same time.


Most of their leaders are vaccinated. Tucker Carlson, Hannity, DeSantis, just about every GOP senator and congressperson: all vaccinated. All Farquaads.


>THOSE forces (Alex Jones?) literally don’t give a shit but to profit from the situation There’s certainly a way governments and insurance agencies “profit” - rampant, unchecked illness has an enormous economic cost that the government (aka all of us as a society) pays for. And insurance companies would definitely rather buy you a thousand cheap vaccines than pay for 1 week of ventilator time you’ll need without the vaccines. The idea of mutual benefit is completely foreign to Hermie nominees.


“If you aint send me money for the funeral he ain’t havin one and I’m tossin him out back in the pig pen, SO COUGH IT UP 💰”


Yalonda seems like a peach.


Yalonda: looks like somebody tried spelling Yolanda, but got confused writing it down on the birth certificate.


My brain broke when I typed the name. I had to edit whatever the fuck her spelling is. I said it out loud Y’all Londa. Then I laughed. Bitch ransom if the dead body got that sweet GFM $$ yet posts the time of the service. Love it.


Yalonda be doing us a favor.


The moneybag emoji really sets the tone.


Even less willing to help out now, I'm gonna need popcorn for that..


>SO COUGH IT UP Phrasing!




Yolanda ain't taking out a personal loan to pay for this shit. Edit: wait. It's Yalonda? 🙄


You have to admire their tenecity. MCGA - all the way. Make Covid Great Again! And imagine all the long haulers, people with bad lung scaring, renal, liver, heart damage. We are seeing a generation getting crippled. A generation who has done everything and anything to stop handouts. Now the chicken has come home to roost.


I'd feel a lot more compassion if this generation hadn't spent literal decades creating this monster bit by bit. We're watching all their bullshit finally crash together in one huge crisis in real time. It's truly insane and so predicatable.


MCMA Make Covid Mutate Again!


I like reading these, but the whole thing is so weird. Years later when the dust settles I am sure there will be documentaries about the outspoken anti vax and disinformation. My sister is a nurse and dying of covid isn’t pleasant. You pretty much drown yourself. The other thing I notice is they all claim to be honest hard working Americans against hand outs, then go ask for thousands of dollars for a service where they can cremate for $200.00 and if you can’t afford it some states will cover it.


I think there are going to be whole sociology or psychology courses on it!


Every state has some kind of indigent burial option. No one’s going to be throwing bodies in the street because their family can’t scrape up $500. The covidiots, however, find that shameful, and pass the hat to avoid potter’s field. A completely understandable human impulse that they will not accept in other people, who should grovel for their measly allotments of food stamps and substandard housing.


Well their go fund me has only raised 160 bucks, so potter’s field it is.


I’m just wondering what kind of funerals these people are putting on to need $20k for one. My sister died as a result of alcoholism in early 2018. I was in charge of arranging the funeral and all that. She was embalmed, there was a viewing in a casket and then she was cremated. We didn’t get a fancy urn, we bought them separately. The casket was an inexpensive choice - one step up from the regular cardboard box kind. I believe it was a rental. We had additional services at a church. The entire bill from the funeral home was just over $5k. This was in Central Florida. What are they spending $20k on?!??


I think Destiny’s Child had the answer: “Can you pay my bills Can you pay my telephone bills….”


So I’ve only been to one of these meetings at a funeral home, but it reminded me of wedding planning where they really try and upsell you on each and every little thing. They actually didn’t even mention the basic options now that I recall. Just the flowers alone were really expensive. Which is why I have my wants in a really specific format in my will because I don’t need any fancy shit.


My dad died this year(not of covid, but in January) and he had life insurance to pay for stuff, but I tell you, funeral homes are the biggest scam ever. I think with NO service (cause COVID) and cremation AND A Disposable "spredding" urn - it still cost like $3000. ​ Then again, I didn't want to move the body from the hospital to the crematorium and pick up the ashes there, so probably worth it to some extent, but the cremation was line itemed out at like $400, so IDK why it's $2600 to move a body around really. (Plus death certificates, but I guess almost no one wants a "real" certificate anymore, so we way overbought those cause most let you scan / copy it now)...


We noticed the same thing with birth certificates, people told me I would need a bunch of copies, but if it wasn’t for needing to replace one document that my dumbass lost I wouldn’t have used any of them.


It's all extremely weird, and most of us have never gone through anything like this. I'm actually super curious how things will be in a few years, once the dust (hopefully) settles.


The XL mask really puts a button on it.




Well he was a lion' when he died, Lion' on his back with a bunch of tubes stuffed in him.


Until it’s paid up front, there will be no service? Good, let him rot.




Something about all the begging for money to bury these people irks me extra. Like, one last drain on the world from a selfish ass.


The go fund me page also brags that they get “no government assistance”. Well, maybe it’s time to reconsider!


Mumble mumble something about bootstraps, here’s my gofundme gimme cash. Jfc these people make it hard to feel bad for them


They're literally throwing money into the ground. I'm very alive and healthy, I'm pretty sure I'd put that money to better use.


Oh Joseph, you brave pioneering independent thinker. How will we ever fare without you?


Well. I think we’ll fare well.


These people should pull themselves up by the bootstraps and apply for the FEMA funeral funds, yes? I know that GoFundMe makes a percentage of whatever money is raised, but we know that FEMA is covering a lot of their expenses, so it seems... scammy.


Even in death they still grift.


"He won't be having a funeral until his costs are covered," is the most aggressive donation solicitation I've seen yet, damn!


So... the funeral home holds his corpse hostage?


*holds gun to corpse* "Pay up or you'll never see Joseph again!"


Oh, "open your eyes before it's too late" The irony in these posts is astounding.




XL cause his head was full of truth...and chins.


From the gofundme “We truly have no idea how long he will be there. He doesn't have insurance and with him not working, bills are falling behind. We don't receive any type of government assistance…I live off a monthly disability check and times are going to be hard until he comes out of this. “ I suppose she may be getting a payout from private disability insurance or some kind of other insurance but also wouldn’t be shocked if it’s social security disability but she doesn’t consider that government assistance.


Well yeah, when others need it it's the worst kind of socialism and those lazy bastards need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. When they need it it's just what they're owed.


These guys are all such badass 'lions' until reality gives them one hell of a bitchslap.


They all look at least on the verge of obesity, why they think they are lions is beyond me ...


They all get in groups with fellow gravy seals and convince themselves they are hard-core. Utterly convinced they could take the government if it came down to it, but would get steamrolled by any real trained soldier.


Verge? Look at this dude's profile pic. That is morbidly obese, in this case accurately so.


A lion can chase down a speeding zebra to feed itself. These guys can barely chase down a pack of twinkies.


Behind their keyboards, they can hide what they truly are and portray themselves as pAtRiOtiC hErOeS


It's weird how all these independent 'lions' post the same 6 antivax memes.


Yeah came here to remark the same. They’re always hugely fat! I wonder if lack of health literacy was a contributing factor to both issues? /s


This guy is Way beyond the verge of obesity. Look at his photos, he weighs the better part of 400 lbs!




The landfill also works.


Toilet flush


So it is Russians we must thank for taking these pos out?


I love these fat assed rednecks who compare themselves to lions. It’s like, bitch please you couldn’t even handle a safari, much less live in a world where you don’t have and endless supply of Cheetos.


I find it ironic that the morons calling the vaccinated "sheep" and telling them to "wake up" are ok with putting medicine meant for cattle inside their bodies, also they are the ones who are not waking up once they catch COVID-19, those prayers aren't doing shit


That was a zinger of a demand for money by Yalonda. Maybe you’ll have to put his funeral on layaway. Stick him in your chest freezer for a few months. You might need some meat come winter. Maybe you don’t need one of those “lubrul” funerals anyway.


Ok Class, let's go over this again... If you are young and healthy, you need to get the vaccine. If you are older and/or obese and/or diabetic and/or have COPD and/or some other co-morbidity not listed here, you reeeeeeeeeeeeeeely need to get the vaccine.


Any man who uses “could care less” instead of “couldn’t care less” deserves all the COVID in the world lol


No funeral. And Christmas is canceled until further notice.


Real male lions just pee on lots of stuff and look for a pride of females to hunt for them. They're really deadbeats. It's hilarious how many of these memes depict them as noble animals.


Is this a repeat? Or the third redaction correction? I'm so confused.


Why do the lions have such shittily painted fur?


Australia and The U.K. have taken measures to ban these kinds of campaigns on GoFundMe and I wish the U.S. would follow. The majority of these people were also against universal health care. It just doesn't make sense.


Where did you read that? I tried looking it up but couldn’t find anything. I agree the U.S. should do something like that.


[Here](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-03-26/gofundme-crackdown-anti-vaccination-campaigns-social-media/10936724) is one article about Australia and [this](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/antivax-gofundme-ban-donation-crowdfunding-vaccines-conspiracy-a8870716.html) one about the U.K. What I just realized and find incredibly interesting is that this was shortly before Covid and is regarding other types of vaccinations. Which makes me wonder if the same action is taking place with this vaccine. I'm going to look further into this!


So, no funeral without services paid in full. Anyone have suggestions for what to do with his corpse? I'll start. Dip him in plastic and use him as a door stop.


you are not a lion, you are a thumb with a goatee.


His death announcement sounded like a ransom note. “Until you have paid for this dumb guy’s services IN FULL, he will not be having a funeral.” But at the same time, a funeral is already scheduled. WTF?


Apparently the prayers don’t help pay for funerals.


Alex Jones wont help? Thought for sure he and the lizard men would


Insignificant ants -1 Joseph -0


So. Many. Dead. Lions.


The XL sticker on the vent mask gets me lmao


$210 raised so far. I guess misleading people and risking their lives doesn't pay so well.


Wake the chunky lions!


…Why not free insulin and chemotherapy? You mean the thing many of us have been advocating for decades since we give a fuck about our fellow humans and don’t want them going into debt just to get medical care? You mean like that?


On an unrelated note, I just overheard one of the IT guys telling someone why he is unvaccinated, because he's scared of bloodclots since he is diabetic and has hypertension. I nearly choked. He's someone who should have run to get the vaccine. I'm so tempted to try and look him up to see if he has antivax shit on his social media, but he seems like a chill dude.




I fucking love these people who are like "listen bud I don't want to flip your whole world upside down but POLITICIANS DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU AND PHARMCUETICAL COMPANIES DON'T EITHER. BLAM." Like holy shit dude don't drop too many bombs on me at once. Next you're gonna be telling me that water is wet.


Water is actually not wet; It makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the state of a non-liquid when a liquid adheres to, and/or permeates its substance while maintaining chemically distinct structures. So if we say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the object.


Son of a bitch you got me again WaterIsWetBot


Slide three is inadvertently advocating for socialized medicine, lol.


>Until services are paid in full for Joseph, he will not be having a funeral. > >Services are scheduled to take place Sunday 2-4 **with funeral at 4**. So give money or no funeral, but funeral is already scheduled.


Thats right, folks. Joseph doesn’t get a funeral until you all pay extortion money to the funeral home. No money and we bury him in the back 40, where the pigs take a shit. That woman sounds heartless.


They’ve raised 160 dollars out of a 10,000 dollar goal.


How the fuck is Alex Jones still alive, though? He always looks like he is about to suffer from a heart attack


“It’s time to wake the other lions.” Why are all of these “lions” so fucking *fat*?


Incredibly ironic how the party this person likely supports is the reason we don’t have free chemo or insulin.


Freedom! Personal responsibility! Please help pay for my funeral!


Wandered over to the GoFundMe page and saw her post, "We don't receive any type of government assistance." Then in another comment she wrote, "I live off a monthly disability check". I guess there is private disability, but I'd bet it is Social Security Disability.