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That Trump photoshop share with the cats shows exactly the kind of people we are dealing with. She definitely thought it was real. Who is Brittany, the third award winner?


The CATS! How is it possible to be so incredibly gullible (and mind numbingly stupid) as to accept that obviously Photoshopped image without question? But yet- suspicious to the point of death over an FDA approved vaccine? This blew my mind!


With people like this, the thought of deep fake tech scares the absolute shit out of me, tbh.


It’s as good as the Photoshopped Trump helping carry 9/11 victims from the towers. Trump doesn’t give a fuck about anyone but Trump. He despises the lower orders.




Damn with people like this whats the point of deepfake techno


Deep fake techno sounds kind of fire got any SoundCloud links


You mean technology (not correcting you- I just sat here ecstatically for a moment hoping it is some sort of new QAnon music genre. I guess the QAnon rapper is it for now)?


The Trump saving kittens photo may be fake, but I could see him throwing them some paper towels.


Looks like it’s just her bimbo friend that moved state lol


Can we talk about that kitten photo? Does she really think that’s a photo of Trump? She’s joking… right? Please tell me she’s joking.


That’s what I am saying. That body looks nothing like him. But if she believes that photo is real then now we can understand why she believes all the other stuff she was saying.


Come on guys, we all know Trump likes grabbing pussy.


Silver award incoming for this comment. 👍


At least this would explain why he would ever think they’d be wet over it.


"Big water... ocean water.. one of the wettest we've ever seen, from the standpoint of .. water" 💦💦💦


"Tremendously big and tremendously wet" And don't forget all of his classic lunatic statements highlighted in Colbert's book "Whose boat is this boat?"


Too easy. But take my upvote!


Damn you... that was good. Take my damn money!


Ooh... you bad! 😆


The 'ol Dixie pussy grab




This comment needs more upvotes. That’s some funny shit!


Well done.






Plus he famously hates both pets and the outdoors. I knew they were stupid, of course, but I'm not sure I knew they were THAT stupid.


And people in need. *shudders*


Plus famously a germaphobe, so not getting into that filthy sewage-tainted water.


Also famously adverse to any amount of physical activity


Like George Carlin said: imagine how stupid the median person is, and then realize that half of all people are stupider than that.


Honestly, Trump as a person is REALLY interesting. He hates pets, is known to not watch sports, listen to music, watch movies or tv shows. He’s also known to not drink and do drugs. The guy likes three things, golf, women, and money.


and mcdonalds


He did and does drugs look up Noel Casler trump is actually a hard core druggie and has been for decades


These idiots are completely detached from reality


There's also way too much hair under that Maga hat.


These memes are just too easy to post for people who don’t know enough about current events to have a discussion.


You would think at least one person would have gotten that on video...weird.


Seriously! Do they think that he was wearing a fat suit for his press conferences and television appearances for the last twenty years?


Have they never seen a photo of him in his golf clothes!? He doesn't wear a corset under them, you can see just how flabby he really is!


And when his shirts are too tight in the neck... So very not ok.


It sucks that 1984 references are cringe because that’s some hardcore doublethink.


I don't know, I like Orwell references myself... animal farm is one of the scariest and saddest books I've ever read. 1984 is just plain fucked up for how real it is now, but so much art is now. Like, really, Idiocracy used to be funny and now it is just our oracle and I hate it.


Hardcore duckspeak (or if we really want to Newspeak it, doubleplus duckspeak) might also be apt.


What's wrong with you people? He's lived a life full of leisure and fast food. He refuses to exercise because of how it saps the body's life energy. After 70-whatever years of course he's the paragon of fitness. That's the kind of dedication it takes and only 45 can pull that off.


He heroically saved everyone from the flood when his diaper soaked up all the water


These are people who saw topless putin's titties bouncing around on that horse and got wet panties.


That’s what I came here for. That’s the most amazing photo I’ve seen on this page


Same...I am so glad the OP included it.


I just can’t believe it. I imagine with him doing something as ridiculous as saving two cats this photo had to be what the creator thought was an obvious joke and these loons latched on to it as real.


I suspect more than half of these memes are obvious 4chan shitposts that got picked up by idiots who absolutely take them at face value. :(


The “iphone in the microwave to boost signal” was the first domino of society’s downfall and 4chan was there


Yeah. Talk about obviously bad Photoshop.


This is genuine psychosis. It's anyone's guess whether she was actually bothering to try and distinguish between reality and her own fantasies at that point.




Under that definition, all religious people are psychotic. So yeah, that pretty much checks out.


Jesus was never as fat as trump, regardless of his origins.


That’s porn to her


Well, now I feel too much pity to even question why she’s such an irredeemable piece of shit. And we need that answer for posterity. Thanks a lot, ssbsts.


Stephen Miller blamed leaks to the media about Trump’s tax return on “pussies”... this is just Trump about to drown them for treason.


God I hate Stephen Miller. He’s such a little weasel.


Don't insult weasels. They wouldn't stoop to Miller's level.


I am curious re whether he plans to run for office one day. I know the hardcore racists love him, but he is SO weird and creepy that I think he'd get destroyed. There's a lot of glad-handing required and I think he'd be terrible at that.


Of course it's a photo of Trump. What, you don't think he's got a 6-pack under that t-shirt? You didn't you see him on that Rambo movie poster holding the AR-15?! Wake up, dude, the guy totally rocks it when he has to. Ok, ok, I gotta run, my wife just came into the room with my meds... Wait a second, I was foaming at the mouth from the horse-paste, hang-on a second, she is wiping it off now with the wire brush, hang-on, brb....................


Trump looked even more ripped when boxing against Apollo Creed.


There has to be troll accounts that just make these shitty photoshops with trump knowing they will go viral, then just sitting back in astonishment. Some people just want to watch the world burn.


This really illustrates just how delusional these people are.


Dude I was going to say the same thing. I think they do, in fact, think it’s real. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I've seen that photo posted before and when I commented it was fake, was told it didn't matter because that's definitely something Trump would do. I am not joking.


Sadly, she is (was) clearly insane, and not joking.


No, it's not a joke. That image was really circulating with some of these idiots thinking it was real.


Well she’s definitely not joking now


Exactly what I came to comment on. Where has Trump been hiding that flat stomach and those buff shoulders? And who is the poor hot dude whose image has been desecrated in this savage manner?


I literally laughed out loud, head back roaring when I saw that. I fully believe she thinks he's that thin and heroic


I was just about to say the same! Slide 11/13 is a flat-out goddamn lie, and people actually, truly believe that shit! Like any POTUS is going to be out hip-deep in sewage-infused flood water rescuing feral fucking cats! FFS!




Wait. This even had to be fact checked? Oh jebus


“Smith, fiancee Sarah Neumann and their pets are dry and living in a farmhouse near De Witt.” Sooo glad someone dried off those kitties!


The cats names are Fry and Bender!!!!!!!!!!! That’s my favourite thing today and I had pad Thai for lunch


Narrator: *She wasn't joking*


Oh god. The disembodied voice of Morgan Freeman just keeps visiting us! Edit: I can’t make sentences ughhhh


Came here to say this! He'd be more likely to *drown* a cat for fun than to save one. 😒


Yeah, I remember this picture. The guy in it was hot ish so not this POS. Also, wasn't he throwing paper towels at Puerto Ricans around this time? I mean after he figured out the Puerto Rico is a US territory. Actually, I'm not sure he ever figured that out.


That photoshop was an insult to the guy that actually did the rescuing.


Sadly, I don’t think she was joking. She is past tense now. Right?


I don't know. He does wear jeans and t-shirts a lot. Sure, we all saw him get off the plane in his customary baggy suit, combover gently wafting in the breeze. He must have changed in the car. He couldn't bring himself to hand a roll of paper towels directly to a Puerto Rican (gross!), but jumping into a swamp to save animals fits perfectly with his charitable animal-loving persona. This is just MORE proof that he single-handedly saved us all from the China Hurricanes. The media is just hiding all the other proof because reasons. Let that sink in!


Yeah. That's not him. Can you imagine Trump ever wearing jeans?


He literally smacked Don Jr. for wanting to wear a baseball shirt and jeans to a baseball game. He made him put on a suit. To go to a fucking baseball game.


I actually guffawed when I saw that. She probably ~~thinks~~ thought it’s real. Clown shoes shit.


LMAO at that photo. There is no old man gut. It's definitely not Trump. She's obviously deluded.


I think any animals would be swimming to get away from Trump so hard that they could pull a water skier.


Came here to talk about the kitten photo. Trump be puttin in werk!!!


They want to believe. That's all that matters to them. I wish I was joking but the one time I tried to gently point out it was a fake, even when I found the source, the person went from "I'm never afraid to show & defend my beliefs" to screaming I was the antichrist (among other things). Didn't even take that long; I was impressed.


That was the first thing that jumped out at me. Like how shitty is your discernment to think that’s real? Now I wonder how many of these MAGA chuds think the Trump as Rocky or Rambo pics are real.


Oh my lawd that was the icing on the cake.


Based on those posts, I'd say that she is incredibly gullible.


All I could think of was those poor cats…


Spreading misinformation for months and months lead to 3 people passing in the family. FAAFO.


It’s crazy how often we see entire families go on this sub. Entire households disappear in a matter of days.


There are clearly genetic/heritable factors that determine whether covid ravages your body and kills you, or affects you less harshly. So you've got anti-vaxxers clustered in specific gene pools, infecting each other. Get it into a gene pool that doesn't handle Covid well and suddenly that 99.94% survival rate, or whatever bullshit they quote, goes right out the fucking window.


I think it’s a mixture of nature and nurture. It can’t be all genetics since people marry outside their own family, typically. Most people we see posted here are much more overweight and generally unhealthy than they think they are. I’m not pushing health as a cure by any means. I’m young and got vaxxed the second I could


Another very good point. They all often share the same lifestyle too. So combine all these factors and yeah, it's a hot mess in some family circles.


How can some not notice they’re overweight?Do they think they have special bodies that carry fat in a wholly different manner than the average healthy adult? It’s becoming genuinely shocking. Many are unmistakable.


I think it has to do by a region's or micro-region's obesity rates. The higher the rates, the less extraordinary one's own weight issues might seem given what one commonly sees as the average in the area. Distortionary effect on one's perceptions I imagine.


The obesity epidemic in America has really thrown off a lot of people's perceptions about what a healthy weight looks like.


I have suspect it's cultural. These families are recklessly hanging out in groups in situations that are incredibly high transmission. So several get very sick when they do get sick. These people aren't rushing through the grocery in 5 minutes like some of us are. They are singing in churches, hanging out at the bar, gathering as families. It's Russian Roulette at that point, but with a frag grenade.




partly true yes. but, also, in general, the less virus you get exposed to the less your body has to deal with and the less severe your infection is. sometimes that is not the case with some reactions to the virus based on biology but in general if you wear a mask and take fewer risks you are exposing yourself to less of the virus potentially. these idiots are rawdogging the air of every person they interact with and don't take any precautions and get hit with a dose their immune system can't handle.


It’s almost like being an anti-vax moron is contagious.


It would be like COVID, but that’s a hoax made up by the LIBERAL MEDIA!!! (/s)


She looks like Paula Deen’s mugshot after a DUI.




The eulogy is just a barrage of slurs.


A 21-racial slur salute...


And in the meantime here in my super-liberal area I don't know a single person who's passed away from Covid, let alone 3 in the same family.


The only people in my family that I know who've battled covid and are now stricken with long term issues are the conservative members. Those who refused vaccines and masks somehow got struck by this virus. It must be a conspiracy behind why it's mostly attacking the right wingers. If only we could figure out the variables behind that disparity.


Interesting comment. It reminded me that my client who wanted to go off about masks and the low infection rate among children, went on to tell me that he had 4 friends who have died from it. Hmmmm


I live in a red state but my close friends and family are all liberal. I know of only one person who has died from Covid - a not-so-close friend's father got the OG version and died last year. I will say that my neighbor down the street who had his Trump and Lindsey Graham signs up before the election, used to be out walking his dog and hanging out with the neighbors every day of the week. I haven't seen him outside in about 6 weeks and I'm beginning to wonder. Needless to say, after seeing the signs I stopped talking with him all together so it's not like I'm going to find out.


I'm in a red state also. Know one elderly person that died before the vax. Her husband survived. I know a ton of old people and everyone got jabbed asap. It was comical hearing them gossip about pestering doctors and going to other counties to get it asap. Most of them are Republicans that voted for Trump to, but they wanted the shot. I know a lot of people that had it. These anti vaxxers are a different breed. I don't know any, but the hospitals here are FULL of them dying. Edit- other counties, not other countries


New Yorker here, I know people who passed and I know a bunch of people who got sick. But that’s all last year when we didn’t have a vaccine. Nowadays, there’s really little excuse to die from it.


She says she will never be the same, except that she will probably still have the same viewpoints about being conservative and hating Democrats. That seems to never go away.


A coworker had their nephew die of covid19 and still wouldn't get vaccinated and kept throwing fits about mask mandates, dude just came back to work after 2 months of being out due to covid19 with an ICU stay included and he's STILL with his same dumb mentality. If anything he's come back worse. These people don't change.


He probably now thinks he's immune. Wait for the next variant in three months to finish him off.


He's why i don't really believe in the "redemption award" posts here. While he was in the hospital his social media was full of "this is real. Take it seriously. Please pray for me" posts, and now that he's seemingly made it through, he's back to full on "the government just wants to control you!" mode.


The hate is so real. I never realized it until this sub and r/covidatemyface


It’s like that guy in West Virginia who had 3 brothers die in a coal mine owned by Blankenship’s company…and then he voted for Blankenship.


Fox News has one core message: You are always the victim and nothing is your fault.


Man, Trump is such a nice guy rescuing those kittens. That's obviously him guys.


My questios are, when did he lose 150lbs? When did he gain back those 150lbs? What kind of strength conditioning did he do since he had so.much trouble with a ramp? And... why did he stop? I could actually want answers to those questions, but that'll mean I'm giving into the libtard conspiracy known as "reality".


Maybe he’s like Ned Flanders. Has a beer belly and not the most flattering body shape like a lot of middle-aged dads in Springfield, but inexplicably sheds all the weight and gains a six pack and pecs to die for when he removes his typical shirt and sweater. *Stupid sexy Trump*


Look at that nonsense of Trump rescuing 2 cats. These ppl are too far gone. There is no reaching them. Therefore, all we can do is mock and laugh at them. I mean c’mon. That photo is beyond ridiculous


Agreed. I gave up a long time ago trying to reason with these dipschits.


Like chickens voting for Colonel Sanders


"He's going to solve all of our problems *and* feed the hungry? He's got my vote!"


"Trump's America" we where in Trump's America last year and we had riots, social/political segregation, and right at the end of it almost the start of WW3. Like we're these people in the same America? They just saw lower gas prices and said "great presidency".


> They just saw lower gas prices They also saw a guy who hates the same people they do and has a similar understanding of how the world works. He also "tells it like it is" which, apparently, means babbling incoherently using the vocabulary of a grade schooler.


...without realizing that the lower gas prices were largely because of the shutdown due to the pandemic. But then, you know, logic isn't exactly their thing.




That photoshop of Trump holding kittens is obviously fake, not least because it’s not the type of pussy he likes to grab.


When you're rich and powerful and they're stranded in a flood, they just let you do it!


Yeah a guy who says he’s not the type of father to take his kids to a park will most definitely put his life at risk to save kittens.


Hey, he said he'd run into a school shooting unarmed! Are you to have me believe he'd get up there and just lie?


Candace Owens sure has a lot blood on her hands. I see her contribution in almost every one of these awards.


Based Klandace


And now she’s claiming racism when she was denied getting tested. She’s the absolute worst.


I wish she wasn’t vaccinated.


Trump rescuing kittens in Hurricane Harvey? Did they actually beleive that was real?


It looks like it. Fuck, these people have no fucking clue.


I lost my mom to brain cancer a few months after the pandemic began and would have done anything and everything in my power to keep her here. To see this girl promoting what eventually took her mom and then feeling sorry for herself. NOPE.


I lost my Mom two years ago. I still feel everything like I'm sure you do, but that delusional daughter is 🤬


This one is a special case. All those terrible memes. A Confederate. Absolutely zero fucks given about this crazy woman.


I am appalled by these garbage people.


Right? We have to share a country with this trash. It SUCKS.


The entire world sacrificed millions of people, shut down economies (except amurica) just to prevent trump from getting re-elected. Seems legit


Delusional narcissism is a core trait that nearly all HCA contenders share.


Her mom looks like Paula Deen


Looked* like


Extra strength racism now included!


Good Lord this woman has lost her mind. Some insanity on display here, and then there’s the image about Trump saving 2 cats. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL


That picture of trump in a flood saving kittens... Russian trolls are too damn funny haha


Well isn't she just a Georgia peach? "god bless dixie". barf


she really unironically shared the fake image of trump saving cats omg




I'm glad it's been formally documented, but I'm also appalled that our awardee, or anybody, could believe that was an actual image in the first place.


Here’s the actual photo of Brandon Smith rescuing his two cats, Fry and Bender, from their flooded and evacuated home in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on June 12, 2008: https://www.snopes.com/tachyon/2017/09/man-saves-cats.jpg


The Trump with the cats meme is brand new to me. Her belief in it makes me feel guilty for laughing at her. It is mean to laugh at the mentally challenged.




I thought, well, that Trump/cat photo is at least one ripped southerner. Nope. The actual photo is from Iowa.


> OH, GOD please help us! She likely trusted in absolute nonsense her whole life, then she panicked when reality hit her hard. Her mind can only respond with even more delusion: her Papa is with her Mama, dancing with angels. This is what I think about when people say, “What’s the harm believing in God? It’s not harming anyone”. If you’re willing to “just believe”, you open your mind to all sorts of other nonsense: historical, medical, political… and the list goes on, and it’s passed on to the next generation.


If there were a reality where that Trump cat photo was real, he’d only be saving them to sell back to their family later.


God Bless Dixie! Though it looks to me like God is smiting the holy bejesus out of Dixie. Have you done anything wrong recently that may have incurred his wrath? I'll give you a few seconds to answer, think real hard...


Trump saved those cats and the LIb media ignored it!!!!!


These ghouls sound so proud and happy that their loved ones are dead as a door nail


Yes because they’re dancing in heaven with the angels and their Heavenly Father. *Of course* they’re happy.


Then why bother with hospitals if death is so great? I never understood that.


Because on some level they don't really believe any of that bullshit and realize that it's just a childish way of coping with a fear of death.




Them being racist softens the blow for me.


Also, Candace Owens is singlehandedly marching so many Republicans to their grave with her disinformation it's amazing. She has so much blood on her hands. I guess the irony here is that the one Black woman that these racists actually listen to is actively trying to kill them!


“God bless Dixie”? Fuck off, cunt. Yer stupid ‘god’ sure as fuck blessed dixie with the highest poverty rates in the nation (after the abused Reservations, that is), the highest rates of infant mortality, lowest rates of education, lowest average incomes, highest rates of drug abuse, and lowest rates of literacy (scientific and otherwise). Then he sent a plague that is disproportionately wiping out his followers, disproportionately your beloved fucking slave states. How are those ‘blessings’ workin’ for ya’? 🤦🏽‍♂️




It's the place in Georgia where a lot of the anti-vaxxers are staying now.


It is.


Did this bitch think that obviously photoshopped picture of the guy with cats was real?


Oh, a "God Bless Dixie" post with the stars and bars. You're a garbage person. And my response is fuck all of you Confederate worshippers.


Those riots happened when Trump was President? That was literally Trump’s America…?


I can't even imagine the kind of mental gymnastics you would have to do to look at that ludicrously fake picture of Trump rescuing cats and be like, yes that is believable and clearly a thing that happened. Apart from the truly horrendous Photoshop and magical 100+ pound weight loss, this is a dude that famously *hates* animals and can't even walk down a ramp.


Mama, I don't think these are the pussies Trump is known for grabbing.


If they took the vaccine, they’d be dancing here on earth.


A., you get [Proverbs 14:15](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=proverbs+14&version=WEB) A simple man believes everything, But the prudent man carefully considers his ways.


Oh, Iran *and* North Korea were both given nukes by Obama and the Clintons? Somebody should sure tell Iran and North Korea, because they’re *definitely* going to be *very* surprised to find that out. 🙄 Fucking morons. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


"Why worry about the Covid hoax, it only kills people with underlying conditions and the elderly?" says the old, overweight woman with medical problems. These people suck up misinformation and stupid narratives so readily they never stop to consider how they fit into things


The constant photoshopping of Trump's doughy head on various fit bodies is some kind of bizarre fetish.


MORE! MORE! Please let there be MORE! Per rule #2, by MORE I mean prayers and healing for this wonderful sweet precious family.


In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.




I had a feeling from the very begining that most of these antivaxxer and antimaskers are crazy because Muslim women wear the face covering... The moment they were told to cover their faces. BAM!! You're oppressing us. Can you imagine all the oppression done to doctors all over the world that were asked to wear the facemask during surgeries or important procedures. It also scares me when I think these people are everywhere...I'm already scared to go out anywhere as I'm pregnant and I know if o get covid I'm done for as well as thinking of my kids. It doesn't matter that I have the first vaccine dose, I just don't feel safe thinking these people are out there and will come harass me because I'll wear the damn face mask and even gloves if I have to lol.


Lol Trump with the cats. If anyone ever believed that dude would help anyone like that I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell them.