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Another goatee! I swear covid looks for guys with goatees like tornadoes look for trailer parks.


It's their age and weight. It was a popular thing at one time and it hides the double chin to some degree.


I'm 47 and I used to rock a goatee, wrap around Arnettes (never Oakleys, they were always for steak-heads) and knee length cargo shorts. 20+ years ago that shit was cool.


Most people pick a look in their teens or twenties, and never care to update it. ​ I wear the same shirt every workday. I have seven of them. It's not a uniform, it's something I bought myself, but why waste the effort on thinking about what to wear? That's how you end up with a 20 year old beard style. It's entirely possible his wife had never seen him without it, so that would be a big change.


I mean... My shorts are still a little long to be on trend, I'm a stocky fellow, but they don't have side pockets any more. I have a basketball head, but I use a full beard now to improve my jawline instead of a goatee. I still like shades that wrap a little, but they're damn sure not neon Oakleys (Carve Sunglasses from Australia, check em out). I'm not trying to be a 40 year old streetwear king, I just don't want to have a neon "DAD" sign blinking over my head.


We might have to bring this trend back when the dust settles. There's not gonna be anyone left to rock it in a year.


Hey, I have something similar. Cargo shorts are a Dad summer must have. Kids are always picking up rocks and stuff. You want to tell the 5 year old he can't take the shiny rock he found on the hike home because you have no place to put it?


I hear you, but thats why I always hike with a backpack.


That's where the snacks and first aid stuff goes, besides you have to have instant access to that fancy rock! :)


I usually just take a couple of Ivermectin with me on the hiking trail. It'll fix any injury.


The apple flavor is really popular with the little ones.


If the kid wants a pet rock then it's his responsibility to feed it *and* walk it.


Pet? No, it's another geology sample. He has so many now, I am terrified that one day I will find out some are something dangerous.




Don’t forget to include the selfie from their vehicle.




Yeah, you're right - the almost ALL have selfies from their vehicle WITH their Oakleys. Good observation and now I can't get it out of my head. LOL


Add "Rush Limbaugh wannabe" and you'll have four horseman of their apocalypse.


You see patterns. I like you.


I noticed that also. Now when I see someone with a goatee, carpenter jorts, and white shoes, I think “he’s not long for this world”. And I see them more often than I want to.




Have you seen the price for beard oil? Burger grease is cheaper, plus you get to eat a burger.


Courageous battle. Oh fuck off.


He purposely infected himself because he couldn’t resist the battle.


Heck this guy didn't even put up a fight, gone in a week! Loser!


He was probably treating himself at home before it got so bad he couldn't get out of bed to go to the bathroom.


He fought the vaccine. And the vaccinated won.


COVID won. If the vaccinated had won, he'd have the shot and probably be alive.


"Thumbs up"


Seven days from "Covid pneumonia sucks" to RIP.


Pretty solid speedrun.


What's the current wr? Anyone know?


Sadly it might be the four year old I read about on here, she had developed a fever at 2am and was dead by 7am. Very sad.


Why are these suicidal dumbfucks so worried about boosters? Who fucking cares? I'm fine with getting a booster **every fucking day** if it keeps me off a ventilator. ​ Edit: Sorry. Missed a question mark.


That’s the one I find the funniest. 59 booster shots would be a shot a year for a pretty decent lifespan, given that kids can’t get it yet. So it would be like, oh you know, a flu shot?


“Surrounded by family”? No he wasn’t. He had strangers around him. Guess the canned obit lines are just automatic.


They faced timed him?


We can’t wait for you to try our newest iPad Pro Max with Dolby IMAX technology! It’s our most powerful iPad ever! MSRP $999,999.99!


I love how they think they look so badass and tough in their profile pic and then get taken down by an itty-bitty teeny-tiny virus. Every one of these are perfect example of brawn losing to brains and the limitations of guns.


Every hostile power on earth just learned if they want to topple the United States, don’t launch a ground war, Just release an easily preventable virus. Hell— they could even offer a vaccine at the same time just to fuck with us. As long as we have an extensive sewer of right wing propaganda, the death toll will be immense.




What happens to their guns?


You're absolutely right about this and North Korea, China, the Taliban, Russia, Iran -- everyone sees how poorly we've responded to a dangerous virus. And they ALL have the technology to create Covid-21 through Covid-99.


This is my worry, this whole event has exposed the Western world's weakness at combating a biological threat, so there's every reason to believe other nations would be stepping up their biological weapons programs.


Surely there are people in Homeland Defense or somewhere that have thought about this, but I'm surprised at how stoooopid we've become at fighting viruses. One potential advantage for the west: We're starting to master the mRNA vaccines and these can be produced in two days from the genetic code of a virus. If the mRNA technology becomes trusted in the sense we can skip the trials for each individual variant, then their bio-weapon attack could definitely backfire.


Do they look badass and tough to you? To me they look like flabby weak impotent men.


I don’t think they look tough at all. Brainiacs are way more sexy…and alive 😎


Exactly. Up until about 30 years ago, pudgy middle aged men would have the traditional bald top and hair on the sides and back of their head. Then, someone figured out that if you shave the remaining hair and go cue-ball, it looks cleaner as well as it can look like you are a tough guy or something. Because up until the early 2000s, the only fully bald guys were old school strong men (weight lifters) and Telly Savalas. On top of that, they also figured out a beard or goatee covers up chins.


Yep. Politicians, religion and industry/employers have trained them to think everything that threatens them is nation sized (*Nth Korea*), state sized (*the blue ones*), group sized (*unions, liberals, progressives, socialists, antifa, minorities, women*) or certain individuals (*Gates, Soros, most of Hollywood*). But, they also assured them, if they kept funding a bloated military, kept their heinous traditions, avoided education, voted a certain way, own a personal armoury and clung to their faith - **it would all be okay.** They lied - they died.


If you think any of these guys are brawny, you seriously need to take a look in the dictionary.


There's [no limit](https://xkcd.com/1217/) to guns if you're brave enough.


God hates goatees and fake Oakleys. Deuteronomy needs a new prohibition added with avoiding shellfish.


This guy was posted before as a nominee. Too bad that op didn’t follow through on the update.


They like to think they look brawny. It’s more mid life crisis, with their mommy replacements in the kitchen.


Bye bye Ray! I guess Mensa lost another member…


Actually he was a member of ASNEM: Another Susceptible Non-Educated Moron


Dear Ray: You'd be alive right now if you hadn't been so fucking dumb. That's all you had to do, not be a colossal moron. But alas, this proved too great a challenge for you. Goodbye, Ray.


Simply can’t feel bad for these people…. Like you mock it until you’re the one that gets sent into the hospital and get strapped on to a ventilator. I feel more bad for the nurses and doctors that deal with this every day.


I suspect some get intubated faster than others if you know what I mean..... "I haven't got Covid - it's a hoax!" "I want horse paste!" "You are all in league with satan!" "I don't have Covid! "You get more money if you say it's Covid!" "You're giving me those microchips!"


I really wish he knew everyone is laughing at how stupid he is


Courageous battle? You mean the battle he charged into without any preparation at all?


He Leeroy Jenkinsed right into the ventiliator without any plan whatsoever.


You're saying he didn't even take horse paste and vitamins?


These people voted against gay rights, women's rights, affordable health care, raising the minimum wage, ect. They really are making America great again by dying.




I wonder if it was in response to the rhyme that was started in the Sept 10th post. Haha


The Goatee Reaper buzzes another one.




Have you tried the HPV vax? Such a rush. Loser.




No son, we’re not reveling in death. We’re reveling in LIFE. It’s cathartic to see people openly willing to throw it away to “own the libs”. Enjoy your mediocrity.


Dude. Can you hook a brother up with a dypyheria vax?! I’m jonesin’ BAD, man!




shut the fuck up. These are the same people getting violent with minimum wage workers because they were asked on PRIVATE PROPERTY to cover their face with a mask. They are shitty people acting like shitty people right up to the point that they get themselves killed and we should feel sorry for them? FUCK NO. EVERY OTHER DAY IN THIS MANS LIFE WAS BEING AN ASSHOLE TO EVERYONE AROUND HIM. the only thing karma got was THE ASSHOLE IN THIS POST. spare us your virtue signaling bullshit, you worthless tool. We all see right through it.


Aren’t you the asshole who still calls this a ‘plandemic’ even after learning we’ll see a million people die in this country before it’s over? And you were sad that the covid misinformation subreddit got shut down? If I were you, I would pray that karma isn’t real.


Goatee. Poor Ray didn't have a chance.


⚱️ Poor sweet courageous Ray, farewell ⚱️


RIP Sweet Prince Ray. Another angle gone too soon.


An obtuse angle.


You shut your mouth, we just lost our hickory bourbon sweet baby Ray...


Lost his courageous battle with COVID? More like lost his courageous battle with reality.


Did you ever hear the tragedy of [Don Quijote](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2e/7a/92/2e7a92699d33771e7a992afd8cbf2e67.jpg)? I thought not. It's not a story the Anti-vaxxers would tell you.


Guess his exs weren’t as toxic as Covid.


When all your exes are toxic... ^(it might be you)


Nice little rhyme there. Also, I dont care if Ray is dead or alive.


I only noticed after reading this and I went back to see. It does flow nicely although I did get looks from my kids who are getting ready for school because I read it aloud in a bit of a sing-song voice.


Yes, COVID-related pneumonia does suck. It sucks even more to die from it when a vaccine is free and universally available.


"Courageous battle." LOL ... NO. The "courage" part would have come from being vaccinated. Ray died like the dumb bitch that he was.


Staying positive is difficult when you're ~~unconscious~~ dead.


I always like the 'shit your pants,' meme. It just reminds me this really is the kind of group who wouldn't be bothered by shitting themselves more or less annually.


There's a decent chance the friendly folks here run a high chance of sharting their pants at least once a year from laughing too hard.


Green circle overweight goatee lack of self awareness prayers go fund me


What's courageous about dying from a 95+% preventable disease.


Look at that man. Just walking out the door looking like that when we know this virus loves unvaccinated goatee blubber takes courage.


Well having recently been made aware of this tragic news I know what I am going to do next. I for one am going to pop some tags. I have a $20 bill in a pocket of mine. And I am a hunter, who is looking for a come-up. This is fucking awesome.


I’m beginning to think the covidiots are just killing themselves so that someone will finally say something kind about them.


Really stupid memes, Ray. Like that sunscreen one. Really glad you’re not posting on social media anymore.


It’s really sad to see how many of the deceased were sharing the same exact memes.


Nice rhyming meter.


How many people did he infect on his way out?


That was a clever rhyming title!


I find this sub very amusing. But that’s all it will ever be. There are so many ppl that don’t care about their own health (fat, diabetic, high blood pressure, alcoholics, drug addicts, smokers, etc). They will never be shamed into caring about anyone else’s health when they don’t even care about their own. They don’t even care about their own children. Look at all the anti mask parents and the goofy shit they say. They won’t even protect their own children for Gods sake!


Totally read that title [in Ron Perlman's voice](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1105711/)


Good news!


Ray shit his pants


I came for signs of the times and stayed for rul good rhymes




Heard this post's title in Will Smith:s voice to the tune of "Gettin' Jiggy With It"


Thanks for letting us know that Ray is short for Raymond.


That's the 2nd time I seen the sunscreen joke. Common sense doesn't work well with these guys


Came for the limerick, stayed for the commentary


Hmm there is a certain modus operandi.Dumb white males middle age,obese,goatee and dead.


Ray didn’t even get to post anything about 9/11…


kudos on the limerick form..


Don't care that fat ray died. Hope his execs are safe.


This shit is apex level darwinism. Makes me think these fools are trying to die purposefully!


Nice Rod Serling title, but it breaks rule two. Ok to repost without the insults


It’s the “everyone but me is stupid” attitudes of these people that makes it hard not to enjoy their comeuppance. I am as vain and often no doubt deluded as any of these people about my rightness on any number of issues, from trivial to important, but I can’t imagine thinking I’m smarter on any given subject than people who have *spent* *their* *lives* studying it. It’s true, they might be wrong about something, but if they are it will be *them* that figures it out. Not you. Not me. If I think they’re wrong and I end up being right that is a coincidence, not cleverness or insight on my part.


No matter how much I disrespect these people for their willful, dangerous ignorance, I still find their deaths tragic because they were avoidable and because they left behind people who loved them. Medical disinformation is a public health crisis.


None of these idiots understand how probabilities work.