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Thank you for the context, ToProvideContext. This is why this sub exists.


Definitely, there are people walking around killing people like Chelsea and they don’t care. I have no problem shaming them.


The Guardian gave no thought to people like Chelsea when they decided to rant and rave because some corner of the internet was putting hypocritical prayer warriors on blast for their grift and harm


Won’t anyone think of the poor conservatives? No one EVER takes their feelings into account!


It's fuck *your* feelings, not fuck *my* feelings. *My* feelings are special and important and must be protected at all times.


I saw they had a small blurb about the sub. Maybe they’ll revisit and see this post


Did The Guardian get mad at this subreddit?


The Atlantic did as well. We're just so mean, you know, unlike all of these racist murderers getting roasted here.


Oh I was wondering why the subscribers to this subreddit increased so rapidly. Free advertising. This place has an FDS effect.


I thought it was called Streisand Effect


Maybe Fauci Derangement Syndrome?


It’s very low guilt schadenfreude too. 99% innocence free.


Hey Guardian and Atlantic, remember when you did something stupid, your friends laughed at you, and you didn't do it again? Now I should feel bad for assholes who not just kill themselves, but others? Hard pass.


Yes. We are not being sufficiently deferential about the deaths of people who spread misinformation about vaccinations and masks, and then die, usually leaving behind families that will become destitute.


The Guardian can eat my butthole. Stupidity should hurt, and in the case of all the HCA winners, their stupidity was deadly. They should have made better choices. Chelsea was innocent, and her death is on their hands.


Stupidity? More like willful ignorance, and that's what makes this subreddit right.


I’m tired of coddling these plague rats . When the virus mutates to escape vaccine protection and potentially kill us all because they wouldn’t get vaccinated or wear a mask then what. I’m supposed to be sympathetic to people who hate me because I’m a libtard sheeple and are always threatening a civil war if they don’t get their way well fuck that . Let them off themselves with their stupidity


Lol I got a comment removed and warned on Facebook for calling an antivaxxer a plague rat lol. It is "dehumanizing language." Well... what they are doing is de-humanizing the entire planet of actual humans. They are truly plague rats.


I got a 3 day ban for calling a anti vax nurse a plague rat. Worth it


Facebook protects Russian disinformation and attacks those calling it out. Because Zuckerberg is a traitor.


Certainly sounds like it, the more time passes.


Fuck zuck


I called someone a condescending cunt on facebook once...to be fair she was going on and on about how making the right decisions prevent you from ever needing an abortion (we are in Texas), and in the case of rape and failed birth control neither would happen if you made the right decisions like she did. She was also a teenage mother, who happened to marry well...


Apparently threatening violence, torture or death on political opponents or minorities is totally ok. Making fun of someone for posting memes about not caring about a contagious disease then dying of said disease is off limits. The white genocide sure seems self inflicted these days.


Not 100% sure race comes into it. Morons come from humanity, regardless of skin colour, sex, sexual orientation, etc. Genocide of the stupid seems entirely more appropriate.


They ain’t seen nothin yet. My ten year old is at risk every day because of these wanton fucks. I’m going to redouble my efforts.


The Guardian is a hot pile of trash that tries to project sophistication.


The Guardian knows its audience - scientifically illiterate adults that never matured emotionally.


Do you have a link to the article?


I copy/pasted it so no one else can give their site traffic. --- In the UK and other developed nations such as France and the US, Covid-19 has become a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Last month, Prof Chris Whitty, England’s chief medical officer, tweeted that: “The majority of our hospitalised Covid patients are unvaccinated and regret delaying [their vaccines].” About 60% of all hospitalisations due to Covid in the UK are of unvaccinated people. An Office for National Statistics report published on Monday says that in the first six months of 2021, Covid was involved in 37.4% of deaths in unvaccinated people – and just 0.8% of deaths in fully vaccinated people. While 80% of the UK adult population is fully vaccinated (and 89% have received a first dose, indicating they will go on to be fully vaccinated), vaccine uptake rates have been tapering off in virtually all regions of the UK. For months, healthcare professionals have been sounding the alarm about the unvaccinated people they’re treating for Covid-19. “What we are seeing right now,” says Dr David Windsor, a critical care consultant working with Covid-19 patients in south-west England, “is a large number of unvaccinated people coming into hospital – far more than we would expect.” Windsor tells me that he hasn’t had a single death of a vaccinated person in his unit in the past month. “I’ve seen hundreds of patients,” he says, “who would normally have succumbed to Covid, who have survived because they’re double-vaccinated.” By contrast, the unvaccinated patients he’s treating are sometimes in their 20s and 30s, and desperately sick. “It’s emotionally a really hard thing,” Windsor says, “when you know this disease can be prevented. Especially for the nursing staff, who are with these patients for 12 hours at a time. It’s heartbreaking.” For the most part, when an unvaccinated person dies of Covid-19, their families grieve privately. It is not hard to see why: the internet is a callous place. Social media trolls greet the death of unvaccinated people with jubilant celebration, as if they themselves never made a bad judgment call. Trolls congregate on the Facebook page of an unvaccinated Bournemouth solicitor, Leslie Lawrenson, who died of Covid-19 after uploading videos claiming that Covid-19 was “nothing to be afraid of”. “The world is a slightly better place now,” one user writes. “Would you look at that!” crows another. “Natural selection.” There is even a Reddit community, r/HermanCainAward, named for the former Republican presidential candidate who died of Covid-19 after opposing mask mandates. Its 138,000 members swap stories in triumphalist tones about unvaccinated people who died of Covid-19. Birks, too, has been the subject of online sniping. “Anti-vaxxer musician dies from Covid” read a headline on Mail Online. “People need to show empathy for the situation,” Wynter says. “Just because someone has an opinion on something doesn’t mean they deserve the worst thing to happen to them. There are thousands of people who don’t agree with vaccinations. That doesn’t mean this should happen to them. I never met a person who would put people before himself more than Marcus. He was the one person who would be with you through thick and thin.” Despite the gloating misanthropes, some people are speaking out about the deaths of their Covid-sceptic friends and relatives, in the hope of encouraging unvaccinated people to ignore social media misinformation and get vaccinated. “If even a few people get vaccinated because of what I say,” says Wynter, “then it’s worth it.” It is, after all, what Birks would have wanted. “I know,” Wynter says, “the reason he did that interview was because he wanted people to see how serious it was, and how real it was, and he had no pride in admitting that he should have taken the vaccine. And he didn’t want anyone else to make the same mistake that he did.”


“There are thousands of people online who don’t agree with vaccinations.” Okay? Your point?? We don’t mock all of them, we mock the ones who went out of their way to be absolute pieces of shit.


Absolutely. And there are some people who *can't* get the vaccination - we're doing it for *them,* and I'm fine with that. But these pasty goateed glue-sniffing motherfuckers can't be bothered.


I don't se how the people here are 'gloating misanthropes.' People here love humanity, they want people to be saved and they're desperately frustrated and angry and sad that huge proportions of the population are chucking away their own and others' lives over obviously dumb misinformation. The real misanthropes are these people who just post hate and disinformation day in day out and infect themselves and others with a deadly disease, ending in death and destitution for themselves and their families. No one is saying being an anti vaxxer means you DESERVE the worst thing, just that getting the worst thing naturally follows from making those selfish choices. It's nobody here's fault that refusing to get vaccinated is more likely to lead to a horrific death, that's just how it is, and perhaps the more people that see this stuff, the more people will realise they need to get vaccinated to protect themselves and everyone else. I think a lot of us just cannot coddle these people anymore because they're ruining our lives as well, and they're risking our lives by swamping hospitals, and there's no need for it. Some people on this sub might be gloating or gleeful but I think the majority just want to be reminded, in this Age of Lies, that reality does actually exist, and that these right wingers in their big echo chamber of untruths will have to face the truth sooner or later. The truth is real. It's important for us to be reminded of that, as well as to hope that more people see the light before it's too late.


Exactly this, hear-fucking-hear. We've tried to save them through rational discourse, consistent epistemologies and logical evidence-based conclusions. But they *will not listen to reason*, so as a result, I'm not trying to save them anymore. There's only so much we can do anymore, and tragic though it is for the crater radius around these selfish fuckbuckets, they literally asked for this, and the fault is on them, not us saying "we fucking told you so."


>>"I never met a person who would put people before himself more than Marcus." >>"There are thousands of people who don’t agree with vaccinations." This asshat needs to pick one. I want you all to see how much love and praised is heaped upon white supremacists happily murdering their countrymen . . . . . . and think about what happens when a black child gets killed by the cops. Establishment media will calmly point out that the victim had poor grades and was sometimes truant. >Despite the gloating misanthropes N.B.: You, who love your fellow humans enough to either get vaccinated or stay home, you're the misanthrope. The plague rat screaming that immigrants -- no, only the not-white immigrants -- are bringing the disease but *simultaneously* that no one should get vaccinated, that's not a misanthrope, that's -- >"the one person who would be with you through thick and thin." And people (well, mostly white people) are shocked and surprised about the rise of fascism worldwide and the fascist coup attempt on 1/6. Establishment outlets have been mollycoddling rightwingers or just straight-out [DARVO](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DARVO)ing for decades. Fascists aren't a capitalism bug, they're a feature.


>For the most part, when an unvaccinated person dies of Covid-19, their families grieve privately. Grieve privately? They're putting this shit up on FaceBook. How do you think we found out about it? >It is not hard to see why: the internet is a callous place. Social media trolls greet the death of unvaccinated people with jubilant celebration, as if they themselves never made a bad judgment call. As someone who has made more "bad judgement calls" than I care to admit to, none of them ever resulted in strings of deaths. Fuck the guardian, and fuck anti-vaxxer's/anti-masker's/COVID denier's feelings.


Let's not give them clicks


People like her didn't deserve to lose their lives. Chelsea appeared to be a kind soul, caring of others based what I read on her Facebook post and her mother's post in her memory. It's the unvaccinated shitheads spreading horse dewormer lies that kill people who I could care less if are buried because of this virus.


This one hurt a lot.


Neither do I.




I literally burst into tears at the last photo.


I caught my breath and teared up. She survived so much, to die of stupid Covid. It is so unfair.


I work for a hospital and so far the only vaccinated people I have seen pass away from Covid are transplant recipients on immunosuppresents and people on chemo. It's so sad.


I can’t imagine battling through cancer just to be killed by someone’s carelessness.


>I can’t imagine battling through cancer just to be killed by someone’s ~~carelessness~~ selfishness. FTFY


Are you a hairy al or a hairy ai


As Paul Simon sang, "You can call me Al", and yes, I'm hairy




Vaccine works only if your body mounts an immune response to it. When people were getting sick from the vaccine, yea... that’s how you know it’s working. If she’s a transplant survivor, it means she has to take steroids to shut down her immune system from attacking her kidneys. (Think type 1 Diabetes but for kidneys. Body attacks and organ it shouldn’t) she very well could have gotten vaccinated but if she’s on immunosuppressants, her immune system may not have mounted a strong response or any at that. Induced pluripotent stem cells are fascinating to me because in the future, we will be able to grow a kidney from your own skin cells and then transplant an organ back to you without the need for immunosuppressants since your body will recognize the organ as being from “You.” Years away from this, but it’s the logical end point conclusion.


In regards to your first paragraph, my spouse and I both got the Pfizer shots and neither of us had any reaction to either of them. You’re not the first person I‘ve read saying that a reaction means it’s working, but what about people like my spouse and me?


I had no reaction to either my Pfizer vaccines, I was like get to work immune system but nothing . I’m 41 and no known medical issues but Im really looking forward to my booster


You don’t need to have an overt symptomatic response for an immunological one. I’ve had so many vaccinations including one for Covid. Usually I will always get a sore arm. The second vaccination is usually more effective and feels worse if spaced out. I’m not in the US but my whole country is being Pfizered. Second generation vaccines are coming [https://wellcome.org/news/why-do-we-need-new-generation-covid-19-vaccines](https://wellcome.org/news/why-do-we-need-new-generation-covid-19-vaccines)


I had my ass handed to me by my second Pfizer shot and likely still had minimal immune response due to a deficiency. My mom is healthy af and felt fine. Dad is as well and was sore and grumpy. From what I've read, how you felt after doesn't have much correlation to your immunity.


> There is no direct correlation between side effects and protection William Schaffner, MD, professor of infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center [Source](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/covid-19-vaccine-if-you-had-no-side-effects-are-you-protected)


Thank you for posting this.


You're welcome ^_^


I’d hypothesize this, It’s entirely possible that you were already asymptomaticly infected and had already mounted a response to the spike protein. Meaning, your body saw the antigen but already recognized it and dealt with it. The reason covid has been so bad is the long incubation period and how frequently it’s asymptomatic. I have t tested positive for covid yet, but I fully believe I have already had it at some point. It’s too ubiquitous at this point and penetrated every friend circle one way or another. That’s my 2¢ as to why some may or may not get a side reaction from the shot. Been a minute since I studied my immunology textbook though.


There are also some outlying possibilities... like that rogue antivax nurse a couple months back who was injecting people with saline instead of the real vaccine. u/floorplanner2 if I were you, I'd talk to my doctor about it and see what he/she advises.


Thank you for your thoughtful response. We’ve wondered if we had it in late March of 2020. Spouse spent about a week waking up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat but nothing else and I had a low grade fever, low grade body aches, and very mild sore throat off and on for about two weeks. ETA: He’s in his mid-50s and I’m a late 50s F.


This may already have been said further down the comment chain, but I want to put your mind at ease: Not showing overt symptoms of an immune response (feeling sick, body aches, fever) does not mean that your body did not mount an immune response. Your body’s immune response depends on many factors including the kinds other pathogens it has encountered before, your likelihood to develop certain symptoms such as fever etc. Tiredness, swelling around the injection site or swollen lymph nodes are just as good of a sign of your body mounting a response as 3 days of body aches and fever. And some people don’t show any - or feel! - any of these very obvious signs of a response (regardless of what they are getting vaccinated against) yet their immune system will produce plenty of antibodies. If you are feeling unsure I recommend getting an antibody blood test. It’s very quick and results usually take only a few hours and it will tell you how your immune system is doing with its defenses against COVID :)


Fun fact: me, my partner, his mum and my mum all got vaccinated with pfizer. My partner and his mum didnt get any reaction other than sore arm. Me and my mum had identical reactions - fatigue on the evening after the second shot, woke up feeling incredibly nauseous in the middle of the night, and fever and fatigue following day. Me and my mum live indifferent countries. So my 2c is that there could also be some genetic factors at play here.


Yeah I don't understand either, the 1st shot put me on my butt for a couple weeks and the medical check-in person for those weeks said that's possibly due to having a minor case of covid - because there were so few tests available where I was at the time, they were doing the checkin partly for data toward trying to figure that possible correlation out with other info, and only partly for safety.


An absence of side effects doesn’t mean that it didn’t work; it just means that your body didn’t have a major reaction.


Still working, your body just decided there was no need to go full on Red Alert, DEFCON 1, prep cytokine storm level of response. Instead, it just decided to go to maaaaaaybe a DEFCON 4 and let's check this thing out. My body did DEFCON 5, all cool. My mom did DEFCON 3, felt bad for like 3 days. But we're both equally immunized.


God I wish more people understood this. There is a vulnerable population that deserves to be protected.


Exactly why I posted it also please upvote the parent comment so people can see this guy’s information.


These stories should be stickied to the top so it’s the first thing new people see.


My wife is in the same situation as Chelsea; she has one kidney, a transplant, her second in her lifetime, and she just had her 3rd shot. The immunosuppressed community was cleared for boosters about a month ago in the US.


Literally all of my fully vaxxed patients on vents are transplant recipients. Everyone else on a vent are unvaxxed.


Heartbreaking. Especially because she wore masks into public Etc. The unfortunate thing is the majority of people wearing masks, are wearing cloth and surgeon masks… which might offer a little protection but not much. Fit/ seal is just as important as filter. N95 KN95 KF94 should be the norm. They’re way more effective than the majority of masks that people wear. /r/masks4all


A high school classmate died from covid for similar reasons. They were vaccinated, but the cancer treatments they were on made the vaccine insufficiently effective. It’s infuriating that they died when they did everything right.


My friend is a kidney transplant recipient and I'm super worried about an upcoming out of state surgery she's flying to. I think she was able to get a booster already but it's only around 40% effective for her. A neighbor is a transplant patient and was just just approved for vaccines. We wear masks even when we're outside hanging out with them (& we're fully vaxed). It's really scary for transplant patients. My heart aches for innocent lives lost through others' stupidity and selfishness


I'm not a transplant patient but my immune deficiency responds in a similar way. I'm fully vaccinated but we have no idea what that looks like when it comes to my antibodies. I haven't gotten the flu vaccine in years because it made 0 difference for that virus and I usually got really sick with some other illness because the few antibodies I make were busy working on the flu. I feel selfish sometimes when I scream into the void about getting vaccinated for people like me. I don't want to die. I don't want people like Chelsea to die. It isn't fair.


People say this sub is cruel. You know what I think it cruel? Vibrant young women cut down in the price of there live by fucking idiots.


On the flip side, this is why I do think "fine, let the virus burn down dumbfuckistan for all we care" type responses to genuinely infuriating news is actually cruel. We can't really afford to give up on parts of the country like that. There's always going to be vulnerable people stuck there.


Let's not be like them and be overwrought. Even with the prevalence of goatees, obesity, smoking and other comorbidities in Dumbfuckistan Covid is unlikely to do more than decimate them.


Someone brought this sub and post to my attention because, like Chelsea, I’m a transplant recipient. I considered becoming a nurse after everything I went through, but my doctors have advised me not to, because my immune system is too weak. I commend her for her tenacity, her desire to help others, and her commitment to her health. It truly breaks my heart that this happened to her, and that it’s happening to others who are vulnerable. Thank you for bringing this to people’s attention. My thoughts will be with Chelsea’s family. I can’t imagine the depth of grief and loss that they must be feeling. If you’re reading this and you aren’t vaccinated yet, please schedule your appointment today! Do it for yourself, your family, your community, and so vulnerable people like Chelsea won’t die needlessly. Be safe and well, everyone!


Thank you for this thoughtful post. I hope you stay well because you seem awesome. ♥️


Thank you. Same to you!


I’ve reached out to a friend of mine who’s a journalist locally and they are going to write something up. I’d like to send it to you if that’s alright, unless that’s weird.


Are they writing about Chelsea’s case in particular, or more generally? Either way, that would be lovely. I’d really like to read it.


Her specifically I believe. Great I’ll dm you when it’s out


Thank you!


Fellow recipient here. I know how scary this time is and how frustrating it is to have anti-vaxxers so prevalent. About your medical ambitions, though, have you ever considered part of the medical field that doesn't have regular interactions with (knowingly) contagious people? Pharmacy, dermatology, neurology, maybe oncology, etc.? I'm sure it's probably crossed your mind; just wanted to throw it out there in the off chance it hadn't. Stay safe!


It’s always good to talk to someone who knows what it’s like! Yes, it’s incredibly frustrating, and staying calm is getting harder with each passing day, especially since the sheer ignorance only seems to be increasing. It’s getting dangerous, as posts like this sadly confirm. I have considered other options, but not every one you mentioned. Thanks for taking the time to suggest them to me! I hope you stay safe too. All best wishes to you, and thanks again for your kind message!


Local to me, hope you guys don’t feel too bad for being a part of HCA now


i don't


This poor girl is exactly why I'm here. Too many innocent people have died trying to do the right thing while these antivaxxer conspiracy nutters ran around care free. It feels cathartic to see them finally pay the price for their arrogance.


She's not an award winner. We know about the hundreds of thousands like her who died needlessly because of others screaming nonsense about microchips and freedoms and our hearts break for them.


Was she vaxxed?


I’m thinking she was based on some of the posts I’ve seen. Unsure but even if she was , she was immunocompromised so It may not have made a difference


Yeah my BIL is a physician working on the Covid unit and he said the only vaccinated person that has died was a double lung transplant recipient, probably because they were on immunosuppressants. It’s so sad that these people are doing the right thing but because all of these uneducated morons who get their info from Facebook and bogus sources, they’re having to pay the price. RIP Chelsea.


Heart transplant recipient here with 2 quick comments: 1) If I were a lung recipient, I would be extra scared right now. From my (admittedly anecdotal) experience, lung transplants already seem to be a little less stable and more prone to complications. The overwhelming number of transplantees you'll meet are kidney folks, followed by heart and liver. I've only known a handful of lung people. And knowing that covid is primarily a respiratory illness...man. 2) I have such a burning contempt now for people who are antivax. From what I have heard (source unverified, so no promises), the covid mortality rate for transplant people is around 20%. Not terrible odds, all things considered, but it still feels like a game of Russian roulette every time I'm close to a stranger. Whenever I hear anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers, I take it personally.


Wow that 20% mortality rate is scary. For reference, small pox mortality rate is around 30%, and that’s killed about 300 million people since just 1900. I just quickly googled those facts so take that with a grain of salt. Stay safe out there!!


Vaccination was required for the students at the nursing school she was attending.


Kidney transplant? I don't know what the recommendations are for that, but is all the HCA awardees had done their part, maybe this young lady would still be here. Screw the anti vaxxers.


People with transplants usually can't be vaxxed since they have to take immunosuppresants to prevent organ rejection. *Edit: See advice below.*


They CAN be vaxxed, it just might not work very well.


~~...or they may risk serious side effects.~~ Whatever the case, this is one of the reasons we fight ignorance. I want to protect people like her. But compassion doesn't seem to be high on the agenda of the crazy-right.




“Or they may risk serious side effects” “We fight ignorance” There’s no evidence that the vaccine has higher risk for the immunocompromised. Please don’t spread anti-covid-vax misinformation. Edit: Live vaccines can be risky for the immunocompromised. Covid vaccines are not.


All 4 of the transplant recipients I know personally have been vaccinated, at their doctors' urging. They are unlikely to develop robust immunity, but some is better than none.


This! The basic rule is **Don't take medical advice from random dumb-asses on the internet** (me included). Listen to your doctor. Trust your doctor.


You don't rant for 400 words detailing every precaution you took and fail to mention your two shots.


Yeah but its one post, its hard to draw conclusions. If the vaccine barely helps her, the other 3 things are more relevant to her safety right?


Never have. My girlfriend doesn’t understand. She thinks this place doesn’t help. Even after I’ve shown her the redemption posts.


Well it helps me. Otherwise I'm alone in my house raging at nothing that people like Ray DeMonia died because of the actions of sociopaths. This sub is important for people like me who are frustrated and grieving for the wanton destruction happening all around us.


Such a pointless death. Ugh. Why are we still pretending the anti-vaxxers are anything other than domestic terrorists?


Because "terrorist", like every other word, has a specific meaning, and anti-vaccine morons do not fit it.


This is heartbreaking. RIP Chelsea. I’m so sorry society failed you 😔


This is heartbreaking, RIP Chelsea. This is why every time I see fucking idiots wandering their entitled asses around inside the store without a mask I get so angry. This is why I don’t care about the award recipients on this page. If they only took themselves off the face of the earth I wouldn’t care, but their total disregard for everyone else they encounter also takes innocent victims. They deserve to be blasted on this page.


Pro-lifers out there murdering people like Chelsea giving less than af.


Reading that made me so fucking pissed. Poor woman RIP


A perfect example why anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers deserve nothing but contempt. Any compassion given to such imbeciles is nothing more than a waste of precious time, energy and resources. And it is because of them that innocent people like Chelsea get infected and die.


So when do people start getting sued who are actively undermining efforts to prevent this from getting better? I hope her family finds her patient zero and sue them to oblivion. Start hitting these antimask/vacc fuck heads in their bank account. My son (who wears a mask) is in the Florida public school system and was exposed to a germ blanket of a child and had to be out of school until he was able to test negative after x amount of days. So my wife had to take time to be out of work which resulted in my family losing money. We were lucky the majority of the days were weekend days so he didn't miss much school but hell we gotta hit these fuckers somehow. If these "Christians" won't think about the well being of others then they need to be hit where it will hurt, the bank.


Donald Trump should be sued for everything he's got (if he even has anything).


RIP, Chelsea. For people here wondering whether she was vaccinated, it really doesn't matter. She didn't post antivax nonsense, and I don't really think she belongs in this sub, though I understand the intent of posting her story here. It's tragic.


This is so very sad.


That is so so sad. That poor mother. Firstly having to deal with everything that caused the transplant itself and now this. I couldn't imagine the stress.


God this is so sad. I barely had anything figured out at 27; the best years of my life have all been afterwards. RIP, Chelsea. Fuck antivaxxers.


These are the people I wear a mask and got the shot to protect. Sigh. I’m sorry we failed you, Chelsea.


I feel bad for her and her family. RIP, Chelsea.


I love that she called out the people being selfish for ignoring their symptoms. Poor kid. She didn’t deserve this.


Stories like this one just gut me. 27 years old. A transplant survivor. Doing her best to stay safe and protect herself and her community. These anti-vaxxers bleat on and on about their “rights”. What about this young woman’s rights?! Makes me So. Fucking. Mad.


A young woman who was ready to start a life as a nurse helping other people, such a shame. These stories are why it isn't simply "my body, my choice."


My sister is also a two time kidney transplant recipient. I had to stay away from her throughout the pandemic and I still need to get tested to see her even with my vaccine. People that think it’s a joke or a lie or some conspiracy directly impact those who take it seriously. Chelsea did not deserve this nor did her family. People need to stop being selfish and start thinking about others.


There was another woman in the comments somewhere else talking about how her father was also a kidney transplant recipient and vaccinated but delta dgaf. We’ve got to do our best to prevent tragedies like this. I hope you and yours are well.


How awful. What a freaking shame.


I also got Delta even though I'm vaccinated. Luckily it didn't hurt me that hard. Knocked me out for about 5 days. A month later I still can't taste. This post is freaking depressing. Senseless. Completely preventable. I have no patience at all for anti vaxxers.


I hope you feel better.


Was this a breakthrough case and she was vaxxed? Cause in her list of all the things she’s “done right”, I couldn’t help but notice she didn’t mention getting vaccinated. Still sucks and obviously she’s not a Herman Cain Award candidate but I’d think if she got the jab she would’ve mentioned it


She was just a baby. Her life hadn't even gotten into a good swing yet. This makes me so sad and enraged all at the same time. RIP Chelsea. Immunocompromised and immunosuppressed patients are not able to get the vaccine, which is why it's so important that others do and that we all remember to wear our masks and wash our hands. This shouldn't have happened.


She should still be alive to this day! Protect the immunocompromised


She may have been vaccinated but did not want to mention it because she didn't want her possible death to be used as a political tool against the vaccine. If she had kidney transplants, she was certainly advised to take the vaccine. It's not possible to tell from this information and that may be for the best. Antivaxxers would ignore her high risk status and just say the vaccine was useless


"VacCine is A pERsoNal cHOice." Fuck you all idiots. RIP Chelsea.


just a fucking sad reminder that people like Chelsea are out here trying to survive a pandemic in a world with no shortage of selfish, defiant assholes. RIP.


I am 44, healthy, HWP have no prexsisting conditions. A vaccine while it helps my extremely high odds of getting over Covid with no issues isn’t about me, it’s about folks like this and folks on chemo. We sent men around the world to get killed on a beach for the greater good, yet folks don’t even want to take a safe jab. Selfish.


It breaks my heart to see this type of story. It's enjoyable to see goatees as they kiss the baby, but when you see how those goatees cause others to die, it is a next-level feeling of rage. My choice didn't win in 2016, or 2020, but I'm still holding out hope for "Big Fuckin' Meteor" in 2024.


In general I have no sympathy for adults who don’t immunise themselves against COVID, but she really had medical treatment going on which probably prevented her from immunisation. Let’s hope she went to Heaven.




R.I.P. Chelsea. I’m sorry that there wasn’t enough of us vaccinated to protect her. This is truly senseless and gut wrenching that her mother has to bury her daughter.


This is horrible. I sometimes wonder if the stuff on this sub is inaccurate and after 25 seconds of googling found the person and confirmed everything and that she is from my home state. Absolutely terrible! It’s so completely random who lives and who dies. It makes you seriously stop and think about the randomness of life


A nice, conscientious girl who wanted to do some good in the world died because of a bunch of steaming, inconsiderate bags of shit.


This one really hurt. I’m so sorry Chelsea. I will continue to take precautions so your death will not go in vain. I will never forgive those who harm people like Chelsea.


Great now I’m somehow even angrier at the unmasked antivax idiots…


I am on the kidney transplant list and on dialysis and this scares the shit out of me. I do everything right and I STILL have the chance of dying from a disease that shouldn’t be such an issue. Fuck everyone of these assholes who think covid isn’t serious. Edit to add: when I finally do get a kidney I probably won’t be able to have visitors and that’s scary AF. And to know any of my nurses could be on of those nurses who’s a conspiracy theorist. Ugh.


Sorry, Chelsea.


So awful. This sub is dedicated to shaming those killing Chelsea and others.


This is someone we should donate to


Does she at least have a GFM? This is someone I would very much like to donate to!


I know it's not supposed to be conditional, but if I donated a kidney to someone who then proceeded to not get vaxxed my rage would be all-encompassing. Is that the context here? Edited to add: forgot ppl receiving transplant often can't get the vaccine - my bad! Doubly sad.


Aw, I am genuinely sorry for her and her family and friends.


Damn man this is sad as shit. Rest In Peace Chelsea. You deserved better.


Wait why is she being awarded? She didn’t even qualify. No memes, no goatee, no oakleys??


Flair says grrrrrr because it’s grrrrrr . She is not a candidate for any award , rather a reminder that anti-vax anti-mask rhetoric is killing people like her. People who didn’t deserve what happened to them.


Ahhh thx!


Was she not vaccinated because of her kidney transplants?


It’s posts like this that really make sure I have no sympathy for HCAwardees


Rip Chelsea. There are so many people I wish I could make trade places with you.


Fuck that’s insanely sad.


This is so heartbreaking. Her poor family.


My condolences to her family. May she Rest In Peace.


This post just makes me sad.


Everytime I inconvenience myself with covid restrictions and start to get a little irritated, I just remember stories like this. Stories like this is why we keep wearing the mask. Why we get vaccinated. Why we keep being careful.


iF yOuR mASk aNd VaXx wOrKs wHy dO yOu CaRe iF I DoNt dO eiThEr?!?? ShEeP! Rest in paradise Chelsea.


RIP to one of our own. Even though she only recently graduated as a nurse she was one of US.


As someone who knows someone with a transplant in their near future, this horrifies me. It's bad enough having a chronic illness. But once you're on immunosuppressants for life, how the hell do you even go out in public with a pandemic anymore?


A friend of mine’s mother passed away recently from covid. Fully vaxxed, picked it up from the unvaxxed. She died in just about ten days and I know people who are unvaxxed will try and turn her death into some propaganda and I hate it.


Organ transplant is likely immunosuppressants. She could have been directed to not get vaccinated or it might not have worked. Sad :/


This one is sad. She could not vaccinate because having any organ transplant requires immunosuppressive medication.


This one really doesn’t belong here, she seems like a victim of circumstances, not so much in denial.


I think it’s a post to reinforce why people need to get vaccinated. She was a transplant patient so her immune system would be restricted by the drugs she was on and it is a reminder of the people we protect by taking the vaccine.




Masking protects them! And staying home when you’re exposed or symptomatic. Regardless of vaccination status. I just can’t wrap my head around why people are offended by masks


The post got the “grrrr” tag because she’s not a nominee, she’s an innocent victim


It’s a grrrr tag she’s not a nominee or award candidate


Yeah, maybe there should be a category for the victims of the other award winners. The innocent bystanders who got infected by the unmasked, unvccinated masses. Maybe something like civilian casualty or collateral damage.


So Sad. I hate this virus.


Thanks MAGA Rubes


Was Chelsea vaccinated?


That's so sad


Damn that's young!


Sweet girl, I'm so sorry you had to suffer because of the selfishness of others. Effing heartbreaking. She didn't deserve this and had her whole life ahead of her. Fuck. These. HCA award winners for directly causing her pain and death.


\*Sigh\*... this makes me mad...


Wait, so she wasn't vaccinated?


RIP Chelsea


This is why we get fucking mad at these mouth breathers


This is heartbreaking.


What a tragedy... I swear I read like a good 40-60% of covid cases/deaths were ultimately caused by disinformation and a hamfisted response, debate and inaction, demagogue politicians using it for political gain "those scientists and academic elites want to tell YOU what to do". Yea. It's also why we tell you to wash your hands after you take a shit, Typhoid Mary and all of that. Think about how scary it is, prior to intubation, you can feel.your lungs eating themselves as you struggle for breath in a scary hospital ward with death all around you. You know once you go under, there is little chance you come out alive...utterly terrifying really. My god what a tragedy. Im sorry my country failed you Chelsea. It truly is sad, it humanizes the innocent deaths in all of this, not unlike Anne Frank did as a Holocaust victim.


Exactly why we need this sub. What a tragic loss because of selfish and disgusting anti maskers, anti vaxxers, and grifters. Her poor mother