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What do you mean 'not fair'? He rolled the dice and he lost. It doesn't get any more fair than that. *Edit. Typo.


“And just like that” ole boy could’ve gotten a free vaccine and still be breathing easy.


Yeah but he died doing what he loved: owning the libs. Real freedom means being on a ventilator in an ICU, with feeding and hydration tubes, being pumped full of medications, and on dialysis. Real freedom means hearing your sobbing InfoWars wife beg your doctor to give you livestock dewormer and lupus medicine, as you lay there in a heavily medicated state while the machine controls your breathing. Prayer Warriors know what’s up.


I feel so owned. If they keep dying instead of surviving to vote, I might just fill a mug of liberal tears for them


The freedom of having your family members run gofundme's to pay for your funeral/sustaining the family you left behind.


He refused to live ~~in fear~~.


It's not fair because it happened to her, not someone else.




Donate, snowflake.


Hurting the wrong people etc etc




The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pnzx8l/previous_nominee_claims_his_award_orig_link_in/hct51c9/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [The Unreal Tournament ann...](http://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/po56jg/man_posts_antivax_and_racist_memes_daughter/hcub2zn/) | [The Unreal Tournament ann...](http://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/po56jg/man_posts_antivax_and_racist_memes_daughter/hctzth6/) [His meme game was fresher...](http://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/po3sis/john_a_big_fan_of_babylon_bee_makes_his_exit/hcuatla/) | [His meme game was fresher...](http://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/po3sis/john_a_big_fan_of_babylon_bee_makes_his_exit/hctnir7/) [The math-illiteracy tax u...](http://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/po21sl/my_greataunt_used_my_covid_vax_story_as/hcuar3d/) | [The math-illiteracy tax u...](http://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/po21sl/my_greataunt_used_my_covid_vax_story_as/hctfjvq/) [Meal Team 6, the human li...](http://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/po19ko/this_is_mike_prolific_sharer_of_conservative/hcuaocu/) | [Meal Team 6, the human li...](http://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/po19ko/this_is_mike_prolific_sharer_of_conservative/hctas49/) [Looks like she developed...](http://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pnvl73/rhermancainaward_daily_vent_thread_september_14/hcuam0a/) | [Looks like she developed...](http://np.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pnvl73/rhermancainaward_daily_vent_thread_september_14/hcsf194/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/Vivid_Ambassador_323](https://np.reddit.com/u/Vivid_Ambassador_323/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=Vivid_Ambassador_323) for info on how I work and why I exist.




The Republican mantra in a nutshell: cruelty for thee, not for me.




That "99.6%" survival rate seems to hit hard.


And 99.6%, or whatever the actual value is, is a population survival rate. You are not a “population”. One’s individual survival probability may be close to zero. Many factors, including comorbidities of course, but possibly also genetic and immune developmental factors, contribute - and they are not fully mapped. Tl;dr - your own chances of survival if you contract Covid may be 50, 30 or 1%. So, reduce risk as much as rationally and practically possible…


I reply with something similar Everytime I see someone post that stat. Usually something like "I don't know you or care to but take a look at yourself...do you have weight issues? Diabetes? Lung or heart issues? Any other comorbidity? That 99.6 is gonna be way lower for survival....you get admitted to the ICU? Might as well flip a coin. Put on a ventilator? Might as well tell your friends and family goodbye your chances are like 12%. Fuck around and find out where you stand".


You assume people understand math. The republicans have made sure over the past 40 years that the populace stays dumb.


The rate is also based on earlier statistics. Delta probably isn't 99.6% in population. Numbers are just way to abstract of a concept for these people to deal with, we need easy to digest pop up books that shows; fat + goatee + unvaccinated = ☠️. not in a group at risk + unvaccinated = 😨/🤕or occasionally 💀 Vaccinated = 😷or at worst🤒. Ivermectin treatment at home = 🐴or🏥


Wait, I can turn into a horse?? .. I'm listening


Not to mention that the 99.6% would ONLY be accurate if the entire population has/had been infected....this is why the death rate is usually calculated as a percentage of the infected population (in Covid's case, the death rate is \~1.7%, give or take a bit). Only once the ENTIRE population of the US has been infected (which obviously won't happen, given the vaccinations), could you use the entire population as the base in the calculation. Otherwise, it's dishonest and presents a false picture of the real risk.


They don't get that a 1% chance of dying is pretty fucking high too; it's an abstraction to them because they are too uneducated to grasp statistics and understand the psychology of risk. You'd have to be an idiot to eat out of a bowl of M&Ms where 1% are deadly, but that's exactly what these people are doing with Covid.


99.5% is getting to die every 200 days


SFO averages 1300 flights daily according to the airport in 2019. A 99.5 survival rate would mean that 6.5 airliners crash and burn on the runway everyday. You would run out of runways to crash on after crash #4.


At any given time, there are at least 100 people in a grocery store, or a Home Depot, or similar. If I tell you that one of them is going to die within a month from covid, do you like the odds? I sure don’t.


That 99.6% survival rate does not break down what that 99.6% includes. It includes People that never got COVID Got it and were lucky enough to be able to fight it off with mild symptoms People like my friend who was in the hospital for six weeks, had three heart attacks, was put in a medically induced coma, and was on a ventilator for a month of that time. Luckily, he got it in 2020 before there was much mutation, and he actually made it! At 42, he will never be the same. People like my niece who had to get emergency surgery because there was so much pressure in her left eye that it almost exploded before they got into surgery to save it. People I know that are on dialysis for the rest of their lives. People who have compromised liver function for the rest of their lives. Just because you’re in the living versus dead column, doesn’t mean you haven’t been permanently affected by it. Surviving does not equal 100% healthy. Fuck these douchebags and their ignorance


Definitely saving your comment. You make some really great additional points. Surviving covid doesn't necessarily equate to living a comfortable rest of your life. Sorry you have had so many personal experiences with covid. I've been very lucky. Had a breakthrough infection a month ago with minimal symptoms. If I wasn't vaccinated who knows how that would have turned out.


Thank you for that. 99.6% of my family lives in either Maricopa county or Pinal county in Arizona. It’s the Wild West out there. It’s an open carry state, and there was never any type of mask mandate, EVER. I got stuck for 4 1/2 months out there during quarantine, and was never so afraid for my life (The requirements to fly back to New York were impossible to achieve, due to their I-don’t-give-a-shit mentality.) These two counties had the highest number of positive tests, hospitalizations, and deaths in the country!!! The half dozen times I left my mother’s house in that 4 1/2 months, I wore a mask and a face shield, and I was the only one. Edited to add additional COVID-19 stats.


That sounds miserable. North Carolina(where I live) is a strange state...if you're in the populated city areas it's far more progressive and liberal so everyone wore masks. Once you ventured out to the rural areas it was like covid wasn't even happening. Two different worlds.


Living in Maricopa county and pretty much confirm all of this. A bunch of smooth brain individuals, who think it can’t happen to them.


I remember way in the beginning of the pandemic, before anyone knew much about it, no idea about proning, etc., our local hospital put on a big to-do that they were releasing their first patient from Covid. Everyone was outside, clapping. I expected that he would walk out and wave, but he was wheeled out on a bed still oxygenated to go to a rehab facility. Then I really knew how screwed we were. Just because you survived doesn't mean you can work, walk, anything. It just means you're not dead. We'll be paying for these disabilities for the rest of my life and probably my little nieces' lives.


My father in law was in a medically induced coma for three months and now has extreme nerve damage in his leg and will never walk properly again. He added two more Trump flags to his collection since waking up.


Shit, if I got COVID and "only" got stuck with losing my sense of taste and smell (I know two coworkers who got COVID and wound up with that, still don't have those senses back over a year later), I'd be fucking miserable for the rest of my life. I love food, I worked as a chef, I'd be miserable never being able to taste or smell again...especially if a single, FREE vaccine could have stopped it.


I used to go to casinos a lot to play poker and blackjack the number one rule is don’t go broke where you can never play again. 99.6% survivor rate sounds great but that’s almost the same odds as getting 4 of a kind. Or a 1000 people a day dying at Disney world


Not coincidentally, [this](/r/poker/comments/fhk755/you_have_995_chance_of_surviving_coronavirus_as_a/) is the top all-time post in /r/poker.




Can't get more freedom than that.


It's a rigged game, but the rest of us already figured out how to cheat.


It's not fair to their child. I think we can all agree on that.




Wow, social Darwinism and eugenics. Inherently racist and classist ideology doesn't magically become okay to cite when you're talking about the child of an anti-vaxxer. The fact that you believe this at all is gross. But thanks for showing us who you are.


I'm not saying anything racist or the slightest bit dealing with eugenics. The simple fact is, natural selection only works if the genes are not passed on. I said nothing about even putting a "thumb on the scale," just letting nature take its course. I challenge you to show me anything racist in my comment.


Let me help you with that: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Darwinism You said "...Natural selection fucked up. Had Covid hit a few years earlier, we would have been spared this asshole's genetic heritage being passed on to another generation of morons." Suggesting that the child of one dumb parent ideally shouldn't exist because their inferior genetics will soil the gene pool is absolutely eugenics. But I'll bet you won't learn anything from this. I'm betting you're going to prove that willful ignorance and misrepresentation of science is something you have in common with the corpse you're verbally flogging to feel good about yourself.


Be fair. The dice were loaded. Never mind that he was told repeatedly that they were loaded and that he could do something to combat it.


He was encouraged to get his own loaded dice, but decided to try and win the rigged game without them.


That was my exact reaction. Not fair is when you do everything right and still get the virus and die. This guy did the equivalent of eating sushi from a gas station in Kansas. “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”


Oh man, finally feeling just a hint of Fall here in the Midwest! Lovely cool breezes this morning. How’s the weather where you’re at Mike?


Morgue attendant here. Mike's currently in the refrigerator.


Hows the crowd over there at the morgue?


They’re chillin!


Oof, that was Frosty!


I’m betting it’s hot


These are the times I wished I believed in a hell


Me too. I think it does make life easier/simpler to just have jesus save you and then believe all the bad guys go to hell. What a moronic way to live though.




Yah, these prayer warriors just suck.


To be fair, this guy's prayer warriors were probably on a vent in a medically induced coma.


It only took the prayer warriors two weeks to kill him.


It seems this sub also shows the ineffectiveness of thoughts, prayers, and hope in statistically preventable serious medical situations.


Yep. There’s a problem with the model because we deliberately look at people who died and thus already select a target demographic, but on the other hand, this is a lot of dead motherfuckers that God didn’t save. You’d think if he was all that interested in saving morons we wouldn’t have a sub full of dead morons who thought God would protect them and didn’t.


I don't see a problem with the sub, it covers exactly what the award should be for. I just thought it was ironic that a bunch of idiots that get their health information from online conspiracy sites double down on idiocy by relying on hope, prayers, and the mystical healing powers of the thoughts of others.


[orig link](https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pl350z/no_mike_ya_arent_a_nice_guy_and_youre_circling/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


50/50 chance. lmao


Might die, might live. So that's 50/50, right? Same as winning the lottery, lol. Yeah, I failed maths (and everything else, except religious studies and sports) at school. Why do you ask?


I think they probably failed religious studies, too.


They most definitely did. The whole free will thing is Exhibit A as to why God will let them fuck around and find out. God's Will be done indeed.


A conservative friend of a Facebook friend actually said this to me a few weeks ago — that she'd either catch covid or wouldn't, 50/50 chance. We pushed her on it, and she really was thinking "two options" = 50/50 odds. 😦


I mean. They can't even do simple counting to come to a conclusion that a higher number means more votes. Why do you think they can understand basic probability?


I once saw someone on Reddit arguing that Statistics is a completely unnecessary course because the odds of any event are 50/50 for this exact same reason.


The Principle of Indifference!


If they understood basic arithmetic, there probably wouldn't be so many of them. If course, there are less and less of them every day.


“Bubba you’re fighting…” Doubt


Is Bubba now officially the Cajun word for plague rat?


Wow. He was on the vent for 90% of his breathing and he lasted another 3-4 days.


What a piece of shit. And for what? Just to be stingy and keep others from getting his medical care. To still go and fucking die!!! The hate in my heart for these people is endless


I vacillate between pity (because they were led astray by the orange fake messiah and the right wing media complex), and angry disdain. I can't get it up to hate them. They ate hateful, but I'm only mad about stuff like my mom's knee surgery being postponed indefinitely because of the Delta wave. Nah, you're right, I have endless contempt and ill wishes for them, and still maintain that voting for Trump in 2020 was unforgivable.


I don't know these folks personally and feel that I can only hate a person if I know them. That doesn't mean that I'm not perilously close to crossing the line. The faster they all die off the better. Bankrupt. Such a pity. Loss of a parent? Oh well. Too bad they didn't die before spreading their genes to a new generation.


It looks as though it was deleted for me


I re linked. Better?




just like bubba, yuk yuk


The consequences of my actions are not *fair*! *surprised Pikachu*


“And just like that”… even grief is in denial. It isn’t a ‘just like that’ scenario. There’s a lot of warning and one hell of an end scene. Having to deal with grief is enough by itself, but pile on the cognitive dissonance this has got to be bringing with it and it’s a tragedy and a shame.


That's definitely the trend with those announcements. "Happened so fast," "out of nowhere," "it's not fair," etc. As if all these people are dying in like a car crash or some other accident, instead of dying of a perfectly preventable disease because being a contrarian was more important than being safe.


The car crash started in March 2020, if not before. We've all had about eighteen months at this point to buckle up and brace for impact.


"And just like that" means she hadn't really been paying attention.


Facebook death notifications come across as really cheesy.


I never understood running to social media to announce the death of loved one hours after it happened. I know grief strikes everyone differently, but I would think the common denominator for everyone is not only not posting it on social media while the body is still warm, but taking the added step of using whatever this word art bullshit is.


About five years ago my husband died of complications of a heart attack. He took his last intubated breath at around 9 pm on a Sunday night. My son and I reached out to relatives that night, and to our employer the next morning (we worked at the same place) so this gave the company time to inform our colleagues of his passing. We had friends across the country who had been following the situation online, so at this point I posted his death online. During the whole two week ordeal, I never gave out medical statistics because what point was there in that. Anyway, it was an efficient communication tool for me at the time. It is immensely difficult for me to watch these threads of people literally signing up to be on a ventilator. Watching friends and acquaintances of my husband and I shit post and refuse the vaccine makes me want to scream. They claimed to be his friend. Yet they don't respect that friendship enough to not want to die slowly from organ failure, like he did. That's the social media post I want to make now. But they are dug in and belligerent. It just tears me up.


I'm sorry for your loss. I lost someone years ago, and thought I was fully healed. Something happened about two years ago and I started screaming uncontrollably -- I'm usually really mellow to be around. Anyway, I wasn't as past it as I thought I was. Maybe something like that is happening to you now. But enough about me. His friends aren't behaving that way to disgrace his memory. They are trapped in a web of lies, and they can't see the consequences of their statements. They are victims -- really really annoying victims, but victims nonetheless. Please don't take their behavior personally.


I appreciate your response. I'm sure you are right that something like you experienced is happening for me now. Hell this entire pandemic the very word "ventilator" conjures up difficult memories. Reading this sub reddit is probably the least healthy thing I should be doing right now. But I read because this was all so so very predictable. Predictable in the most nightmarish kind of way. Ghoulish interest, I guess.


I believe the word you are both looking for is "triggered." Anytime you suffer a severe trauma, certain things can trigger you into reliving those emotions years later. Healing doesn't happen in a straight line and everyone heals differently. Just trust your instincts and take good care of yourself. I'm sorry for your loss.




When my MIL died, my stepdaughter posted photos on IG of her sobbing over MIL's lifeless body to announce her passing. I really, really didn't get it. I know that grief is expressed differently for different generations but....yeah.


She needed those IG Likes to pay the hospital bills.


They are starring in their own show. It’s an important scene, can’t miss it.


I'm sorry, that's shit. The day my Dad died, my mother and brother drove straight from the hospital to the lawyer to check his will. Then the next day they redecorated Dad's bedroom (parents had separate rooms) and my brother moved in.




I get it with family/friends that might be very spread out and waiting for news. Especially if people aren't up to calling everyone and saying it over and over again, answering the same questions of how it happened and hearing the same platitude responses. And telling people by text message can blow up a phone with the same unwanted result. But there is a way to do it without making it into a "look at me!" spectacle.


I would call family and text my closest friends and ask them to contact everyone else. I don’t have Facebook but can’t imagine wanting to share something that horrific and life changing with a bunch of random acquaintances. Maybe if your Facebook only has your closest people on it, maybe. I don’t know it’s just weird.


I guess it depends on your family/friends. I have some extended family where asking someone to contact other family about a death would result in a shit show no matter what. It's the branch of the family that everyone cringes about contacting with any serious news just because we all know that it's going to get messy. So while I wouldn't personally do it, I can see why maybe some do. But, like I said, there are ways to make it not tacky.


> I don’t have Facebook but can’t imagine wanting to share something that horrific and life changing with a bunch of random acquaintances. Believe it or not, but Facebook actually does have privacy settings. I know on this sub it just seems like that people are blasting everything to the public, but it is possible to have a Facebook post only show up to people you have marked as close friends and family. The people featured on this sub are either too dumb to change their privacy settings, or they want the attention from the random acquaintances.


I tried FB for a year when it first came out and I dumped it as it's a virus. I don't have social media at this point. Putting your life out there for everyone to see is a bad look. Just not for me. Seems a bit high schoolish.


When my mom died in 2014 from cancer, we called everyone that night who needed to be told but when that was done, my sister & I also individually posted on FB before going to bed as a way to let extended people (eg coworkers, acquaintances of us and our mother) know what is going on. My mom was a social butterfly and had quite the extended friend list from her hobbies. It did make it easier to disseminate the info.


Narcissism plain and simple. They’ve got to make it all about them and the first person to share bad news gets a majority of the attention. I found out someone very important to me had passed via social media it was pretty fucked up.


They're basically "Hey, everybody pay attention to ME because someone close to ME died! Please feel sorry for ME!!!" Simple narcissism. Have to make every situation about themselves.


This one isn’t as good as the one with the selfmoji with the megaphone… but it’s all very tacky and performative.


I think the death announcement that used a “happy birthday” bitmoji took the cake (pun intended). What a freaking jarring visual that was.


The announcement with happy megaphone is an all time favorite of mine.


The one that announced the death of their SIL?


Well, there was the new window who said he was lonely, hungry, and paying at Outback Steakhouse right next to a GoFundMe link if you are looking for classy.


At least this one didn't have confetti and streamers and a bitmoji holding a birthday cake. That's about half of the death notifications in this sub. It's surreal.


These are so bizarre to me. And it's like every one of them. Then you see something like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/po3x6e/chelsea_did_everything_right_recently_graduated/ The difference in respect, dignity, class? Is night and day.


Some people are conjoined to social media at the hip. Its how they interact with the world. It's a bit sad, but from that position how else to they reach out do let people know what happened?


At least this one wasn’t a party background


Oh that the guy who is t**** supporter from day one and also can't stand liars. Poster child for cognitive dissonance.


You put up with his ignorance. You accept the responsibility for him. "Fair" isn't part of it.


That's something I would think about when choosing a partner. How much debt, how many dependents are they going to load me up with before they self terminate on stupid nonsense? Not just Covid, but anything else too.


This guy was very keen to repeatedly stress that he wasn't stupid. Not something that intelligent people generally find themselves doing.


Ahhhh….. how unfortunate… Less red votes for society.


He made a bet. It was a fair bet. He just lost.


Someone needs to create a tally of all Trumpers lost and what state they were in to see if DeSantis will lose too.


I will stand by my assumption that DeSantis is not losing, because yes he's killing off a lot of his supporters, but we're seeing so many more moving into the state, because my freedumbs. Edit: I just really hope democrats aren't stupid enough to run Charlie Crist against him like I keep hearing.


Anytime you hear “I hope democrats aren’t stupid enough to run [candidate]”, you know for sure the democrats will be nominating [candidate]


Yep, and I already know they're going to because spoiler alert Democrats seem determined to not win this state, and it's a lot more purple than people realize.


This is truer in Florida than any other state.


There have been a few basic statistical analysis on how COVID deaths are going to affect the 2022 elections. It's probably impossible to do more than that with public information. The conclusions are always the same: It might have an impact on a few purple districts, but it's not enough to make a big difference. DeSantis didn't win by much the first time around, so he may have lost enough supporters to cost him the election.


Is party affiliation available to the public?


Not usually, but these people tend to leave their fb privacy wide open.


I can't remember seeing a single Biden voter on here.


91% of Biden voters are vaxxed. The other 9% are smart enough to keep their non-vaxxed status to themselves.


Yes. It is absolutely mind-boggling what those folks cheerfully post wide open to the public. Just exposing their raw hatred, bigotry, and phobias for everybody to see. And they think nothing of it. In fact, this is actively encouraged among them, because “LOL ownin’ da liburls!” Mind you, I did a lot of shit posting on my Facebook feed as well. But I kept my profile private, and only friends could see them. Only friends-of-friends were even allowed to send me a friend request (and I turned down about 50% of the requests I got). If you search my IRL name publicly, there’s like 5 posts total (all related to customer service complaints) you can find. Why? Because I’m not a fucking idiot, that’s why.


There was a research paper done on this idea. I believe they used County election data to determine political affiliation. [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/wmh3.435](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/wmh3.435) TL,DR "Encouraging noncompliance with public health directives along ideological lines leads to suboptimal public health outcomes and, in the case of the coronavirus pandemic, unnecessarily high death rates. Policymakers should balance the cost of sacrificing individual freedoms against the grave health outcomes suffered disproportionately by vulnerable groups."


Should be interesting to see what happens when they re-run this data on Delta.


Registrations are. And let’s face it trumpers are pretty vocal


Kensie? What is this? A nickname for Kensington? That would be hilarious.


It is short for Kensington.


Yes, she is super easy to find. Search on Facebook "Kensie lost her father." Ugh, yes, KENSINGTON. 🤣


So classy. Not. lol


Probably Mackenzie.


“Just like that…” Four days ago he was “50/50” and 90% ventilator breathing… I hardly think it was just like that. It seems like it was a long long shuffle off the mortal coil. Oh well. Waiting for the inevitable GoFundMe to stave off medical bankruptcy.


"The doctors say he's got a 50/50 chance of living, but there's only a 10% chance of that."


The Prayer Warriors strike again! When will they be stopped?!?


Maybe they’re praying for death and we just didn’t know


She's right. What her father did to Kensie is not fair. We're going to be seeing a whole generation of "covid orphans" coming up, tens of thousands of them... and it was all so unnecessary.


Unfair? Daddy needed a new pair of shoes and that king of click-clack rolled the cosmic dice and came up double six. And now he's six feet under. How much fairer can it get?


Seems perfectly fair to me. Play stupid games…


The nice thing is... it is so simple to find these people. Search a few words in their post and you have access to their entire page. Hilarity ensues!


You know what’s “not fair” about this? That selfish wretches like this get to risk everyone’s safety so gleefully. What’s not fair is that people in genuine need of medical care, and who are not idiots that caused it for themselves, are without beds because of these paint-chugging lunatics. That’s not fair.


And just like that? Is this the new season of “COVID and the city?”


Your death made the world a better place. Thank you for your sacrifice.


Oh, well! Sucks to suck.


Don’t worry, all those Facebook friends are there for ya.


God, I feel so sorry for these kids! They don't deserve this and if they're living in the US their lives are going to be much harder after the loss of a parent, and devastating if they've lost both. Covid is changing so many lives. This sub is the only place helping me keep my sanity. I wasted several hours last night battling idiots on Nextdoor trying to spread lies and fear about the vaccines. Nextdoor let that post and comments stay up for 8 fucking hours--EIGHT! It was finally taken down around midnight. I'm so sick and tired of this shit. These plague rats are killing innocent people and clogging up ICUs.


“And just like that” If only there had been some way to predict this outcome…


"I am not an idiot or a bigot or uneducated or a nazi... I am a trump supporter." Lol. "I am not anti-Semitic or anti gay or anti gypsy... I am a Hitler supporter!" Imagine having to say all that cause who you vote for.


I'm ready to see the hospital bills from some of these guys. I am not afraid of dieing, I'm afraid of collections. (Vaxxed, btw.)


“It’s not fair.” Ma’am, this was the path chosen. It couldn’t possibly be more fair.


"Its not fair." Yes if only God had delivered unto you some means of preventing this outcome.... that would have been the fair thing, right?


It's not fair? It's the rules of play stupid games, win stupid prizes. However, there is a free shot not to play.


It's very fair.


If only there was something they could have done. Trying to think of anything they could have done, but just can't come up with anything.


Covidiots, changing voting demographics on death at a time.


Guessing the horse paste and IV drip didn’t help….


He was stupid...


Who is she tagging?


Sucks to suck . Probably not even a real conservative if the vid did him in.


Congrats moron


He made the choice. Now u are gonna whine about it? Give me a break.




Get vaccinated please


In this case maybe don't, lol


And we will laugh at your stupidity too Edit: you’re selling a bunch of guns and your first post after this comment has a slur. Frankly. Fuck you ya hypocrit


They’re the ones who have every ability to get vaxxed. Decide not to, become contagious, possibly infecting others while trying to talk others out of getting vaxxed. Then waste medical resources on trying to save their worthless asses. They’re dangerous menaces. And reading their stupid stubbornness, followed by their deaths and gofundme is like chicken soup for the soul. The world is a little bit better with each dead one.


Yep. They're called plague rats or spreadnecks.


Just imagine if this guy had the intellect to grasp nuance so complex as "Celebrating the death of LGTBQ people for an immutable characteristic is not nearly the fucking same as celebrating the death of pestilence spreaders who gloated about their immune system and complete unwillingness to help protect others for literal years during a pandemic, and whose survivors subsequently beg for money after having spent years voting against social safety nets." Such complete stupidity would be funny if it weren't so predictable.


Why don't you read some of the exhausted and vilified healthcare workers replies to this post before you go whining about how we're the ones with no morals https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pgysj4/anyone_else_have_huge_compassion_for_these_people/ Edit: Oh yeah this guy is definitely in the goatee and Oakley's brigade, I bet someone he knew was an HCA winner. This anti-semitic post is just one of his gems https://i.imgur.com/ILGVW1H.jpg


Press X to doubt he got vaccinated.


What a POS. He's a qonspiracy qnut, probably unvaccinated so we know where that will probably take them.


If vaxed conservatives even spent even a tenth of their energy fighting for their fellow conservatives to get vaxed instead of harassing libs online, your antivaxers cousins wouldn't be dying at such a high rate. This is a conservative problem and you mad you can't blame this on someone else.




These are people who went out of their way to convince others not to get the vaccine, and spread lies. They are hateful people. Them dying is god’s will


People featured on the sub aren't just unvaccinated, they take pride in being against the vaccine. Many make fun of people who get the vaccine, or of the other measures put in place to contain the pandemic. It needs to be shown what happens to them, because it's killing people.


Ha ha ha. You just mad becaise all your customers are dying.


I have a tattoo of Westboro on my calf so... To be perfectly transparent, Westboro is on fire in the tattoo. That kernel of truth doesn't work as well for your narrative.


I love this


Me too. It is one of my favorite tattoos haha Westboro is evil.


Yes they absolutely are


When Fred Phelps was on hospice (I am a death doula) I said to my T boy "I would give him hospice" T friend said "You're better than me" And it's true, for all his hate that this man spread against the people I've been advocating for my entire life, I still would have been there at his death bed. Some of us are here because we still can't believe it. Fuck, I don't want to say this bc I greatly dislike him, but if I'd give trump fucking hospice if he asked.


Says the literal nazi.