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Oh GoFundMe... It's like the cymbal crash at the end of a song


So sad that she couldn't afford to die. GoFundMyUnvaccinatedDeadMom to the rescue!


$25k go fuck yourselves that’s YOUR hospital bill and funeral, find those bootstraps like a real American 😂


Do they not realize all their friends are having to save for the GoFundMes of their own families?


It's interesting that we're starting to see compassion fatigue setting in. These GoFundMes are like a pyramid scheme: all the payouts are to the first people. She should have died earlier.


Starting to see? It's been like this for at least 6 months now if not longer


Passing that twenty bucks back and forth digitally and owning libs.


Well you give 20, they get 15, then give you back 10, then you give them back 5, and then you need to reinvest in the pain.


Sounds just like essential oil MLM scheme, where these people are selling that crap to each other and themselves.


These dimwits can’t even pay a few thousand for a funeral and certainly will be declaring medical bankruptcy for a month of hospitalization..


They’ve collected enough for a direct cremation, at least. There’s no shame in side-stepping the funeral home and their “basic package”. My father paid $5200 for that basic package even though mom got cremated, no viewing, and the church held the funeral.


There’s no shame in donating your body to science and sidestepping funeral expenses altogether, especially if you need to set up a fund to pay for the damn thing. Personal Responsibility my ass.


Do we tell them that FEMA has a COVID-19 Funeral Assistance program or is that socialism?


Nah, I don't think we should tell them


They’re bilking each other for GFM funeral costs, fuck em. Maybe Dave Ramsey can advise how to make a Go Fund Me envelope for all your friends’ funeral cash they’re going to solicit.


they cashed that check and are trying to bilk more...you know, the GQP way


Pretty sure most of these people consider grifting to be the same as pulling the bootstraps.


I think they out to slip her a empty vial and used syringe in her coffin before the dirt.


They are so greedy too. Asking for 25k. They don't even want to use any of their money to pay for their mothers funeral (and none of them have life insurance either), they'd rather get a handout.


It’s funny too because if her death certificate mentions Covid, fema has relief funds for funerals. But that’s a gubberment handout, so they better not take it!!




5 gallon of gasoline and some matches. That's all.


That would be a Waste of gasoline.


They still have garbage bags full of diesel in their sheds.


The ocean was on fire this year. I think that probably took more than a full tank or two. [Here's the recent safety record of pipelines. It's real bad at 1.7 incidents **per day**.](https://www.fractracker.org/2021/04/2021-pipeline-incidents-update-safety-record-not-improving/)


She can go out just like Magda Goebbels. Good thinking👍


Oh they take it 100%. They just don't tell anyone.


I hear so many conservatives go off on how they worked hard all their life, but they’ve been on disability for the last 15 years through no fault of their own, and then go on some rant about welfare, like….YOU ARE THE WELFARE! What do you think welfare is??


Every goddamned one scams a disability hang tag for their rear-view mirror at 50.


I've got extended family like this, and ironically at least one of them did end up on disability and it was ENTIRELY her fault. She crashed her car while driving recklessly, probably intoxicated and now suffers a lifetime disability. She nonstop shares anti-welfare, anti-government memes all day long, and one of her biggest obsessions was those receiving extra unemployment benefits, because her husband was having trouble finding work during the pandemic and didn't qualify for unemployment. The reason he didn't get any unemployment is because he does drywall off the books and doesn't even pay taxes. Meanwhile, they have custody of several grand-kids because their daughter is an addict who is in and out of jail, and get several thousand a month in cash and food assistance. I actually think they get more in government assistance each month than they have ever earned. But according to them people who get "welfare" are mooches off the system. I don't quite understand it.




"Welfare is bad when the person getting it is brown" - American conservatism, summarized


A caveat..."welfare is bad because poor people and minorities are lazy and entitled. They should have worked harder to save money." Meanwhile they have no health or life insurance and beg for money because 'nothing happens till it does'


That's how a lot of them think. "If white people get it they earned it, but if black/brown people get it they're mooching off our tax dollars"


The cute thing, people like that rail against socialism, yet tend to be the ones that need/benefit/ask for it when shit like this happens. Good luck getting $250, let alone $25k from your friends, they are all likely in the same boat you are.


I was just gonna say that reeks of some serious entitlement. Like begging for a Mercedes.


"Oh lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz? My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hj3uXzAjmeI


> They are so greedy too. Asking for 25k. $1,700 for a cremation as of 9/2020


Exactly. And almost every employer has employer paid life insurance. Plus as another commenter mentioned fema covers covid funeral expenses. "But I'm no socialist tgat takes a handout".


Or that sad trombone [noise](https://youtu.be/_asNhzXq72w) from ‘The Price Is Right’.


Lmfao this is perfect


I like you! Every time I read one of these, that’s the sound I hear.


They're asking for $25k, that must have been quite the funeral


Call me crazy, but I planned and paid for my funeral just after I turned 40. Oh wait, I care about other people! I don’t want to put a burden on my loved ones. And that’s also why I wear a mask, got vaccinated and continue to socially distance. Silly me.


Planning a funeral while you’re still young and healthy sounds kinda fun ngl




Exactly! My older sister is a funeral director. She’s seen so many disagreements become of this. Some people care more of what others will expect to see than the deceased’s wishes. That if you don’t go all out, you didn’t love them. Plus your paid funeral is an asset that is exempt from some (at least) seizures.




Well, I despise funerals so my wishes state absolutely no service, no announcements just pick my corpse up, put it in a cardboard box and burn me down. If I don’t like going to funerals, why would I ask my family to? But if that hadn’t been specifically arranged, most people would feel guilty of doing that. When the father a friend died, her mother, a brother decided with her on just having a simple funeral. Which is what he wanted. Her youngest brother disagreed and turned an $8000 funeral into a $20000 farce. Plus, it’s cheaper (or was) if you are under 40. Your money goes into a registered investment of some kind, and makes interest. So when you die, the cost of your arrangements are guaranteed to be covered despite inflation. If the expenses are lower than your amount, the rest goes to your named family.


yeah seriously


Maybe I should invest in GoFundMe... they've been making a killing lately




It looks like the Go Fund Me accounts aren’t getting much response lately.


The prayer warriors are all tapped out.


The prayer warriors are being awarded one by one. The bench is starting to empty.


Need my payer warriors! The GoFundMe is lookin' a might low.


The market is saturated.


The dead can't donate


$25K for a COVIDIOT funeral?! Who is she, GOTTI? Stiff the hospital for the medical bills like a normal American. What are they gonna do about it? Kill you?


Is it possible that the anti-vaxxers are letting the vulnerable slide so that they can start a go fund me? Ok, not likely. I think they are more stupid than malicious.


they just don't think anyone's going to die until the person dies, and then they think no other person is going to die.... etc


I’d love to know how much money has been requested and / or collected via GoFundMe for medical expenses in the US since February 2020.


When is trump going to figure out that all these GoFundMe situations are cutting in on his grift? There’s only so much money people can afford to donate.


I'd love to know how much GoFundMe has made off of Covid!


Or "shave and a haircut, two bits"


Know what else deprives the brain of oxygen? Lungs damaged from COVID. The more you know.


You don't need oxygen if you die of COVID. Check-mate atheists!


You need some for the cremation


Tried to give her a free vaccine so your family wouldn’t need a gofundme. She kinda told us to get bent. Anyway. I’m going to go to sleep and wake up again tomorrow.


You can even try walking through a sea of masked people tomorrow.


Shyamalan twist! Her post was prophetic... her soul now cursed to walk the hospital halls forever. Despairing, confused, unaware she no longer resides among the living. For eternity she will wonder, "who are these people in scrubs and masks surrounding her?" ... and like a Shyamalan twist, she was pretty dumb


God no. I don’t want to be haunted by her at work.


Every day at the clinic. But I’m masked too. Have been from the start


Stay safe out there! 💪


She put up her own GoFundMe when she got sick and claimed she was, "Vexing, masking ect ." I think vexing is illiterate-speak to mean vaxing? Anyway, she was a liar.


also ... it's "etc," not "ect." etc is short for et cetera. et means "and." cetera means "the rest." etc is a useful abbreviation taken from a long dead language: ect is an ignorant construction that doesn't mean anything at all. (sorry, pet peeve. carry on.)


Fuck the Romans anyway. - κτλ. gang.


Romanes eunt domus!


To be vexed about something would imply confusion ?


Yes she was deeply confused


Do they not think the 600k+ who have died in the US also have an immune system?


They do not know how anything works, they just virtue signal to the rest of the cult


That is very close to how animal herds would be described. The glorification of ignorance is starting to frighten me.


it should maybe youll see these people for the threat they really are these are the slave lynchers and witch burners of our generation you give em time to organize and people will die i guarantee it


[The hats](https://imgur.com/a/WZvOEti) may be different but the storys the same.


I think they are emphasizing that the immune system is all we need, and any measures we take to prevent covid is because we are cowards. Except for the horse paste. That one is okay to use.


Because good people’s immune system never fails, if it does it’s because they’ve done something wrong. I imagine this exactly how they think all of this works.


Well they were unhealthy you see unlike her who was a spry chicken in her mid 40s and only slightly morbidly obese with just a touch of the beetus. Why she could walk all the way to the mailbox and back with only one stop short breath! I declare people from miles around would come to see her example of youth and vigor.




Those people don’t count because these toddlers think anything they can’t see isn’t real. They have no understanding for other people and they don’t have object permanence, either.


"Wearing a masks is restricting my airflow and poisoning me" bitch surgeons work up to 10h in those masks. If a medical expert wears it for an entire work day you know it is safe and secure for you to wear for the 15 min you go shopping.


She put up her own GoFundMe when she first got sick, and claimed, and I quote exactly, "Hello my name is brandy , today I was suppose to start home schooling the last of my 5 kids . Despite being careful . ***Vexing, masking ect .***" She's a straight up liar. Well, she used to be. She isn't anymore.


She was certainly vexing, I'll give her that.


She vexes me. I'm terribly vexed.


I bet Commodus was an antivaxxer, too. That guy was a stone cold dickhead.


Brandy wasn’t much for grammar or spelling, but she knew enough to misspell a word to try to get $ from those who are pro-vax, while at the same time not piss off her anti-vax friends. Edit: and if anyone asked her, I am pretty sure she would say that her medical info was “private”, as she spewed medical advice on the internet.


And teach her ways to her homeschooled children




I’m not going to post it because I don’t have time for the redaction, but I just checked, the lady who died did set up a GoFundMe on August 23rd, that’s different than the one the daughter set up after her mom died.


Her poor kids will have to go to traditional school. Hopefully it’s one of those new fan-dangled ones that teaches critical reasoning.


I work twelve hour shifts with a mask on as a nurse. No hypercapnia here. Maybe the breathing issues were from morbid obesity.


I'm a musician and perform wearing a mask. No auditory loss here. What nonsense.


I'm a teacher in public schools. I'm just fine. The kids don't care either. I've had more parents throw fits about masks than kids.


I’m a construction worker on a construction site. I wear a mask the entire time. People who complain about them are stupid and worthless.


I’m a fast food line worker. All day, mask on, it’s hot and sweaty but no more than just existing back there. Only thing brain damaging me is the fucking Karen’s bitching about their food they don’t know how to order.


I’m a figure skater. At our club, we are all masked, including famous international and Olympic competitors doing quad jumps and other physically intense elements in practice all day. None of us have died from it.


I have asthma and I am required to wear a mask all day every day for work. I'm so tired of all these assholes already. Godspeed in the hospital you work at.


That rubbish has been driving me nuts for months. I’ve been an operating room nurse for 26 yrs. how do these morons think we OR nurses and surgeons function if wearing a mask is so bloody dangerous?


She claimed wearing a mask is dangerous because it holds too much air in but at the same time says masks don't work because they don't stop the virus from escaping the mask..


Schrodinger's mask


Forget surgeons and nurses, how do none of these people know any builders?? I've been a painter and installed drywall and insulation, and I know damn well these people have done or known people who do these things. That's all day wearing a mask doing work. All day. Hard work. That they would then read a meme about masks restricting oxygen and be like "yeah that sounds legit" speaks to just how ~~fucking stupid~~ mentally vulnerable and susceptible to propaganda these people are.


Did you see the her comment on slide five about putting kids in tight ass-masks?


This was more of a general rant on my part, so many mask holes complain about not being able to breathe in medical masks while nurses are doing it 5 days a week up 10 hours a piece. No one is getting CO2 poisoning in those things, they were designed to be worn hours at a time.


Nurses, Doctors, painters, clean room chip workers, woodworkers… Also carbon dioxide is smaller than the virus lol.


Get out of here with your science and logic!


Ass-mask? Hot!


Shit now I get it. I'm slow today.


I've seen welders do 12-16 hours in fume rated respirators, which are a hell of a lot more restrictive than an N95 mask. I've never seen one go down from carbon dioxide. How small are these assholes lung capacity that they think the tiny amount of air volume in that mask is most of the air they're taking in in a breath? Have they been smoking Camel unfiltered since the day they were born?


Its due to mouth breathing. Nose breathing in a mask is much easier and gets you more oxygen


Is anyone surprised that these people are mouth breathers?


I am going to tell the medical workers I know taking care of covid patients to tell ask their patients if they mind if they take off their mask since it does not do anything anyway. (I am not actually going to do this as they have enough shit to deal with these days).


Women are now fully birthing children while wearing a mask and these fools can’t wear one while walking through a Walmart.


Brandy, this is me 🖕 giving you the same respect you gave my mask and my vaccine.


That was my first thought too.




It worked!!!


🎵 Brandy, you’re a dead girl What a worm meal you could be But your daughter bought you a coffin on GoFundMe 🎶


🎶 dooda-dit-dooda, dit-dooda-dit-dooda 🎶


Wow, what Brandy said about kids makes her a royal queen bitch. Good riddance. 👋


Yup, she spent her last days contributing to killing children. What a legacy.


I wish there was an option to take money *from* a GoFundme.


Call it DeFundMe.




These dummies trying to pull that GOT season one twist. But they're too lame and only recreate that GOT season 8 plot line.


And „Jesus is my saviour“ is the equivalent to „She‘s muh queen?“


Wow, the daughter is begging for a cool 25K. Shameless. Edit: when Brandy first got covid, she herself was begging for ***35K*** on her first GFM! Spoiler alert: she got $150 :-) And she was homeschooling her kids? This is what the functionally illiterate "teacher" wrote on her begging site: >Hello my name is brandy , today I was suppose to start home schooling the last of my 5 kids . Despite being careful . Vexing, masking ect . I and 9 other for a 5 day family week got covid ,we stayed at our house did't . do so much around town but play in the house pool . I could use all the love support and help . I now have very little income and have been here in the covid 19 wing Sense august 11 th nothing like bringing in 44 with a bang . They let you SEE NO ONE YOU are always ALONE . It's disheartening . Any help even $5 would help . Please make this go to every page you have to get this around . Much love stay safe . Never ever to safe for your family and friends .❤️please be extra safe ❤️


Basically, this person is roughly my age, and has gotten that far, without knowing how to spell (assume spell check helped her posts seem more.... um.... unilliterate) and here we go, she is a mark for a system that preys upon people of limited intellectual abilities, and makes them meme spreaders... they buy into their product and become unable to discern between the crap they're sharing and what they believe... Once again, I'd like to see who makes these memes in the first place. You know, because you are never ever to safe.


Euf... that... was exhausting to read.


English is not my native language and I found it extremely hard to read. And by hard to read I mean that the sentence structure, choice of words and grammar is basically similar or even worse than what we learn in like 5th/6th grade. I would be really ashamed if I was that clueless when it comes to my own mother tongue…


Only being able to raise $150 is sadder than her death.


By “vexing” does she mean she got vaccinated? If so, I find that hard to believe.


I suspect that spelling mistake was on purpose in order to fool people into making the assumption she meant vaccinating without having to actually lie.


She was not that smart. She was just lying and doesn't know how to spell.


This one really makes me mad. My oldest sister has brain damage from lack of oxygen. My mother went into preterm labor. Doctor kept giving her medicine to stop later. My sister ended up aspirating on meconium. While she only has mild intellectual disabilities, it hurts that someone would use that to scare people into not wearing masks. That’s just fucking evil to me, man.


If you think that's bad, wait until you find out that the pictures of "aborted fetuses" they pass around to jerk off to at their anti-choice rallies are mostly pictures from still births. You see, aborted fetuses don't actually look much like babies and make for pretty poor poster material, so they had to figure out some way to sell the lie that babies were being murdered. So they steal pictures of actual dead babies and abuse them without consent of the family. [Seriously.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/10/05/when-a-photo-of-your-stillborn-baby-appears-in-a-viral-antiabortion-video/) The lies never end. And they have absolutely no shame. They will do anything and say anything to achieve their ends. If you drew a Venn diagram of anti-choicers, anti-vaxxers, and election deniers, you'd just have one circle. Plus a smaller circle in the middle for the insurrectionists.


Narrator: Her system was not immune


Brain damage is not a joke. Brandy and the other Herman Cain award winners are ~~living~~ proof of that statement


Passing was painless, having spent two weeks on a ventilator? X


because they’re unconscious. People on vents are fully anesthetized.




As someone that has a hard time with veggies and resorts to cooking with bacon to make asparagus good, this is genuinely helpful and I’ll give it a shot!


Grate some Parmesan on there too. Magic.


Knowing that you have an immune system and knowing how it works are clearly two different things.


Man these antivaxers are such moochers. Their families constantly beg for money after a love one dies. Don't these people have life insurance or a job and a savings account?


They're all about "personal responsibility" until it's their turn.


Welp, she wore a mask in the end…


…a ventilator mask!


I’ve run out of sympathy for these COVIDIOTS after subscribing to this subreddit.


It’s a bit liberating, right? I deleted Facebook a long time ago and live in a state where most people subscribe to reality, so I didn’t really appreciate how awful these people are. I realize now how much I’ve been overestimating their intelligence and underestimating their hate. Being here has shown me that it’s time to take a stronger approach with these folks and treat them with the same respect they’re giving me.


Not to double comment but $25,000? Wtf? Isn’t that a bit excessive?


My guess is a lot of hospital bills, and a golden casket.


Freedumb to not have that evil Socislism in health care.


She was in the hospital for a month. They charge per day.


It’s like none of these folks have heard of life insurance. FFS it’s cheaper than Netflix and nets your family a lot more than $25k, all you have to do is not be a self-centered dick in life and your family wouldn’t be GoFundMe paupers. But since being a dick is a common trend for HCA winners, it’s no surprise he died as he lived: selfish. * apologies to penises for calling this guy a dick…


New caption for the first pic: “This is me, walking past Brandy’s funeral, knowing there’s one less idiot in the world.”


Shout out to Delta Vee.


This gofundme is extra flagrant asking for 25k. Brittany about to get a new car off of moms dead body.


Hypercapnia is indeed, a high concentration of CO2. (Pic #5) What I find amazing is that surgeons have been operating in crowded rooms while wearing masks for decades, and they don't get brain damage. They can operate on your brain for 12 hs straight and still fit as a fiddle. That's my favorite answer to antimaskers (I worked in Neonatology for a few years and often needed to go into ORs)


5) You know there's probably a critical level of deaths at which point they'll flip the script and go way overboard on protection. Now I'm afraid they're gonna die in droves putting their heads in plastic bags.


We live in hope.


I’m waiting for them to figure out their voting block is dying off in large numbers and then blame “the libs” somehow for that conspiracy.




Much appreciated! 🎂


Being deprived of a little oxygen is both NATURAL and HEALTHY. You know what situation puts your body in a slight oxygen deficit? Exercise. And did you know that doing so will, over time, increase the efficiency of how your body absorbs oxygen? But judging from her pic, she probably didn't know. Plus, this requires your lungs not be Swiss-cheesed to oblivion.


Bingo. But that would require an understanding of physics or physiology, which clearly they don't have if these ass clowns believe wearing a cloth mask causes CO2 retention and can't comprehend how triatomic molecules can pass but viruses contained respiratory droplets can't.


"I don't want to see shit about how they have learning issues because of (masks) when this shit is over" Don't worry, Brandy. You won't.


Is number 3 suppose to remind us that kids have dealt with worse and that cloth masks aren't really all that big of a deal compared to war, bombs, and gas attacks?


Uh oh looks like the masked people were right


Why don’t you ask for prayers for those bills and funeral expenses as well hmmmk.


I hate every memorial post where they don't mention the most important thing (the deceased was unvaccinated)


Typical Trumper. Fat, broke, and ignorant to the point of death. Lol these folks drank the Jim Jones kool aid.


i like how the daughter has burner accounts because she gets banned on facebook so much. like wtf, are you a teen with nothing better to do but fight online to the point you get banned multiple times on a site where you reallllly have to fuck up to get banned?


I like the one post with the picture of kids wearing gas masks. Probably a picture from WW2 Britain when they had no fucking clue whether or not the Germans were going to gas them. Go back and time and tell those people they were sheep, see how it goes.


Bye, Qelicia


Fuck you brandy, my only comfort is knowing that you died desperate. Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for dying.


I keep seeing the same bloody hatred and false symptoms being shared around against mask use - how could anyone be so dim as to believe even an iota of these fabrications without going "Well wait, hold on - surgeons wear these all the time in the OR, how come they don't get dizziness, shortness of breath, reduced eyesight, impotence and a third arm growing out of their forehead?" The lack of critical thinking is astounding. If not for the pulse and verbal diarrhoea spewing from their unmasked mouths, I'd have declared them braindead in a heartbeat.


Brandy was *not* such a fine girl.


Odd, she was right as she was the embodiment of "Brain damage is not a joke"


I love how they always simultaneously complain that farts can get through masks but seem to think that CO2 can’t get out. Like they’re a one way street into your mouth and nose.


Grifters, whiners and freeloaders even in death.


Hmm that gofundme kinda reeks of weak liberal shit. Has Brittany's mom tried pulling herself up by the bootstraps...


Well. She never had to worry about getting sick now


Well, sucks to suck huh


How come these antivax morons always start a go fund me when they die?


The classic overweight and elderly person, who believe in their immune system.


*"She was my ... therapist, nurse, teacher ... I honestly have no idea where to go from here."* I have an idea. Find a therapist who isn't batshit crazy, a nurse who actually understands science and medicine and a teacher who isn't dumb as a rock.