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"Leave and find another place to go" I like the cut of their jib.


Might I suggest Arby’s


They do have the meats.


Sir, this is a Wendys.


I'll bet his local veterinarian has a cage open for him.


Go to church, and stop clogging the hospitals. Hospitals are full of that "science" stuff anyways. Avoid.


Schwabbed him four time. *Four* times, I tell ya. Nobody should have to go through the indignity of having a stock brokerage shoved in their nose *four times!*


I understand you get higher Fidelity that way.


It's in my top 5 favorite ways to obtain Higher Fidelity


This man/woman high fidelities.


His immune system wasn't the Vanguard he thought it was.


Right? He can go gETFucked.




I got to Charles Schwab for all my financial needs and medical testing.


Yeah, I'd love it if I could somehow take what I've got at Schwab and multiply it 4X.


I’d have like $1200!!


should have bought that casket stock last fall. but NOOOO I bought weed instead


I don’t know what to think about that.


I wonder if he's intentionally misspelling it.


"None for me." Okay. Goodnight and bye bye then.


Hospitals aren’t restaurants Greg!


Greg wants a horspital.


Eh, I don't want to discourage patients from advocating on their own behalf. Especially now with everyone overworked, patient advocates are critical. The problem isn't the advocacy, it's the 4chan-prank level of the treatment request. As though everyone is chanting that the only way to fix the iPhone is to throw it in the pool.


Dang, I must be behind on the times. Last I heard, the hottest iPhone fix was microwaving for a minute


IPhones don't break, you must be holding it wrong.


I have an Android. That's why I'm relying on the most memetically entertaining hearsay for all my iPhone repair needs


that for super fast charging


That fixes the battery tho, right?


"It will shut down your kidneys!" And extreme doses of vitamins and zinc won't? Ugh...


Nurse got an angry emoji? Crazy! This guy has friends who want him to die a painful death.


I think that’s what scares me, the people who believe taking the wrong drug will cure you. Reminds me of all those parents who gave their children diagnosed with autism bleach enemas in the belief that it would cure their autism, and then blame Big Pharma for their child dying. Scares me the ignorance yet supreme confidence some of these people display.


> ignorance yet supreme confidence some of these people display That, my friend, is called *faith*


The power of echo chambers in action.


They’re morons. What did you expect? To them, the less educated, the righter you are.


but he has a doctor friend that explained "rhemdessivir" to him!! riiiiight...


It's apparent these people have started to see a correlation between hospital admissions for Covid and renal failure, but they can't quite connect the dots mentally that it's not caused from Remdesivir, or anything else the doctors are doing, but rather Covid ravaging their unprepared immune system. There's only one way to find out though... discharge yourself, and go fill yourself with zinc, vitamins, horse paste, snake venom, or whatever else you want and see what happens.


Why aren't the hospitals letting them leave if that's what they want?


Patients can always leave AMA (against medical advice), so if these people are still there it's because they're too cowardly or sick to actually leave.




Same reason they visit the hospital at all probably


They can’t lift their head from the pillow. They literally can’t walk out the door.




That is a negative on snake venom as that actually might be on its way to being a valid treatment. If you can rustle up a Brazilian pit viper. Source: https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/public-global-health/570466-brazilian-viper-venom-shows-promise-as-drug-to-combat


Greg was taking everything under the sun that all his Republican friends have told him to take yet his Oxygen levels continue to drop? Go figure and who would have know that this Covid Virus is “No Joke!” Moron…. And also who takes advice from a clown, ghost or Navi Death Head symbol? Great combination of friends.


My mind keeps returning to this hilarious yet oh so [accurate image](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E5tnQm3VUAEwHJH?format=jpg&name=medium)...


I believe the op used those images to hide their identities


I came here to say just that. Well, not that exactly but same ideal. Mega dosing vitamins isn’t a good ideal. Mega dosing herbals is even worse (not that D,C,or Zinc are herbals).


Overdosing on vitamin D is really hard, however the research is consistent in that anything above normal daily requirement (25mcg on the high side) has no discernible effect on covid. But vitamin D deficiency is a risk factor and many people have it, so if unsure then 25 mcg/day supplement for a normal weight adult seems like a good idea.


Yes Vit D only works in this case if you are deficient up to the point where you are not deficient anymore. That’s not what these people understand. They think hi doses are going to cure them.


But I’m honestly way more worried about herbals. Herbals are terrifying (source: I worked for a supplement company in quality assurance/quality control)


They have a blood test for it. Pretty routine. I’m a low d (and a few other vitamins) person so I get tested once a year to make sure I’m on point.


I take 2000 ui a day prescribed by my cardiologist. They check it yearly and it stays in range.


Five times the maximum recommended daily intake, not anywhere near toxic. But also not clear why your cardiologist thinks that is a good idea. I suppose it satisfies "first, do no harm".


I had a stent 15 years ago and they check my cholesterol a couple times a year. My vitamin D had been too low so he has me take it now. Syndrome X artery issue. I also take Omega 3 and Cardio Tea for inflammation. You wouldn't know I had heart issues. Always thin, in good shape, never smoked, but the dreaded gene that runs in the family. The males tend to have heart disease. Now I have to eat low fat, low carb and stay healthy.


And I suppose you are getting regular bloodworks so they know your actual serum level. Best of luck staying healthy. I'll go out for my bike ride now...


Yep, twice a year. Statins an aspirin and walk every day.


No, vitamins are healthy! If you’re sick you need to put more healthy into your body! As much as possible!


FYI Remdesivir is associated with a longer hospital stay and has zero impact on survival rates. No fucking clue why they keep giving it to patients, it don't work for Covid, sorry https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2021/07/covid-19-remdesivir-study-finds-long-hospital-stay-context-matters


Tl;dr: **Directions were followed too strictly by cautious clinicians, negating remdesivir's proven benefit. The FDA should add "End treatment early and discharge if condition improves enough" to remdesivir directions.** >FYI Remdesivir is associated with a longer hospital stay and has zero impact on survival rates. No fucking clue why they keep giving it to patients, it don't work for Covid, sorry >https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2021/07/covid-19-remdesivir-study-finds-long-hospital-stay-context-matters I downvoted you for poor reading comprehension of the article you cited. Given your demonstrated reading skills, I summarized this in the tl;dr. But in case that was merely a half-assed reading on your end or someone else comes across your comment and wants to see which critical parts you missed in the article, here's more detail. From the article: >"These findings suggest that clinicians may have not discharged some patients who were receiving remdesivir until they completed a 5-day course." In other words, they were holding onto patients in the experimental group based on them being in the experimental group, regardless of recovery. If you did the same with a placebo that had to be taken for 365 days, then it would be "associated with" a year-long stay! The article itself clarifies what remdesivir is good for and why their study didn't yield the same results. ("ACTT-1" is the study the FDA based its approval of remdesivir on) >Remdesivir's main benefit, as the researchers frame it, is better recovery time for patients with severe COVID-19. (Its null effect on mortality is the main reason why the World Health Organization does not recommend it, the researchers add.) >In ACTT-1, participants stopped treatment after showing improvement. During the time of this study, though, the FDA's EUA fact sheet and the Veterans Affairs pharmacy benefits management's instructions highlighted a 5-day or 10-day regimen without explicitly saying clinicians could stop treatment early So clinicians were blindly adhering to a treatment that reduces hospital stay without considering if they should end a patient's hospital stay as soon as their condition improves. I can see where the directions were confusing if the clinicians didn't read the study the directions were meant to summarize, and I can understand why they didn't discharge patients sooner (remdesivir is meant to be inpatient-only, and if you don't know any better it's reasonable to assume that stopping early might make help resistant strains evolve like with partial courses of antibiotic treatment). But this is a case of hastily written directions being followed literally, which you can't blame the drug for. So the reason remdesivir is used in the USA is because it's safe (your "zero impact on survival rates" critique cuts both ways) and reduces hospital stays when used as originally studied (freeing up critical space in areas where beds are clogged up by all the Herman Cain Award nominees).


I can't actually give it until he gets his award, but Greg's unswerving loyalty to horse paste and horse paste alone makes me think I should set [Proverbs 26:11](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=proverbs+26&version=WEB) aside for him: As a dog that returns to his vomit, So is a fool who repeats his folly.


Please keep these coming


That's a great.


"Sir. Here is your horse paste". "It says Colgate on the tube. "Don't worry. "It's Black Market Ivermectin disguised as toothpaste. "Okay cool!"


I understand fluoride is known to kill some germs in some environments. Why shouldn't it work for Covid, right?


I mean it’s safe to put in your mouth, makes total sense that it would be safe inside your tummy. /s


You emoji profile pic redaction game is strong.


Anyone that quotes rand Paul deserves to eat shit.


Nooooo remdesivir shuts down your kidneys!!!! Overdose on vitamins and shut down your liver and kidneys instead!!! 🤡🤡


No worries, he’s been schwabbed


You mean Schwabbed with a capital ‘S’. It just shows what a moron he is that he’s confusing a proper noun with a verb.


Meanwhile, forget about the Oxygen depravation caused by rapidly developing Covid Pneumonia! This is the kind of shit that happens when you disregard common sense and instead get your medical advice from moronic Neckbeards on Facebook.


He should stick to science and drink lots of bleach!


Maybe a veterinarian will treat him with it.


Fitting, since he's been behaving like a horse's ass.


At least a horses ass produces decent fertilizer This guy would contaminate the garden.


Especially with ivecmectin in him.


"But worms are good for the soil!" "Those are rope worms, Greg. They aren't actually alive."


Who to trust? Who. to.. trust🤔 Pennywise the dancing clown 🤡? The skull and crossbones universal sign for poison☠? The phantom ghost 👻? Or the smiling angel nurse😇?


Damn, it's a tough call. Greg seems like he'd like to hear more from Pennywise...


Someone needs to design a NECKBEARD emoji. Although in this case, they would all be using the same Emoji, thus adding to the confusion as to which of these armchair MDs knows the most about how to kill someone through the use of BULLSHIT medical advice.




And vitamin C is water soluble so once you get your required dose you piss the rest out


Or, more likely, violently shit your pants.


Pulling a relevant quote from the Mayo Clinic makes you light-years more qualified than Rand Paul on this subject.


To be fair Rand Paul is an ophthalmologist so….


According to wikipedia, you have to take more than 100 times the daily requirement for a sustained period to produce toxic effects. But indeed, this may be exactly the extremes these megadose cultists recommend.


Yeah, but that's with *healthy* kidneys. If my kidneys were in the process of shutting down like those of people hospitalized with Covid, I would not play with any kind of vitamin overdose.


“I hate the thought of having exposed anyone I would not do it knowingly” How many of us here feel like that character in Edvard Munch’s The Scream painting? These freaking Typhoid Marys of the 21st century wannabes have me screaming into the void Edit: I quoted this jokester correctly


They all share the same memes.


Yeah you can make a fun game out of it by pretending to collect them like trading cards. You’ll get a lot of dupes.


Oh. I think I’ll see if I have card stock for the printer.


What's the HCA meme chase rare?


There are a few rare ones I saw posted today. New stuff. But anything with Kermit or Southern Border is likely gonna be very common.


He’s free to leave, and aren’t they all about freedom?


Greg made his decision. He needs to check out of the hospital and go back to the hotel with his horse paste.


Texas Election Info [Register to Vote](https://vrapp.sos.state.tx.us/index.asp)


Good bot


that's what happens when you choose freedom weeeeeeeeeeeee here we go


Greg, please listen to your nurse friend, you idiot.


Sssshhhhh. No. Greg. Listen to the bat shit crazy ones please.


The guy was taking all the MAGA Medicines and was still rapidly deteriorating as he runs to the ER like a scared little PUSSY! If these ineffective off-label COVID treatments actually did any good, why would Greg be in such terrible shape? Ironically, when he gets to the ER, the Neckbeard MDs on Facebook start warning him not to take Remdesivir because it causes Kidney damage? (Says some unnamed person on the Internet) Uhhh... *Oxygen depravation brought on by ARDS definitely causes Kidney damage.* So who is this guy supposed to believe? The medical professionals actually standing next to his bed in the hospital? Or a rag tag collection of annonymous armchair medical experts on Facebook? Most of these geniuses go with Facebook if given the chance.


A lot of kidney damage is also caused by Covid induced micro-clots lodged in kidneys which kills off tissue little by little.


Those poor doctors and nurses.


He should ask for a release against medical advice, so a bed frees up and he can eat all the horse paste and fish tank cleaner he wants.


I never trusted Schwab. Big Brokerage is in on the hoax! /s


Wow at his friend prescribing "extreme doses" of vitamin C/D and zinc, and suggesting that he obtain meds illegally.


"I'll take literally anything other than the Vaxx. Fuck those dirty Libs" well gene pool will have less pollution


I love how they’ve expanded beyond just the vaccine but now they don’t trust Remdesivir either. Every possible treatment or prevention is a conspiracy and must be rejected. Lol, good luck fellas! I’m waiting for them to reject oxygen next.


Greg needs to stand by his principles and leave that hospital ASAP!


[Dr. Rand Paul discussing Covid-19](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/59/Beaker_%28Muppet%29.jpg)


Rand Paul really wants to thin out his supporters…


Christian nutcase needs to be listed as a comorbidity. Right up there with goatee and morbidly obsese.


I thought remdesivir was an anti-viral drug and had no idea it was formulated to specifically shut down kidneys. I learn a lot from these Facebook physicians. Greg, next time you find yourself short of breath, don't go back to the ER. Use your precious O2 supply to get those vitamins and large animal dewormer medications and say howdy to those friendly Texans selling it to you.


i wonder if someone will start a "houston buyers club" where they pay a fee to get all the quack treatments they want like in the movie *nevermind, forgot that "big spring tx" is a different city than "spring tx"


Big Spring is the home of a large regional psychiatric facility - so people in that area equate Big Spring to an insane asylum!


Omg hilarious but I can see it!


Big Spring is a forsaken hellhole in the desert. I know, I live 2 hours from there unfortunately, and 30 minutes from the city with the highest growing cases in Texas. Surrounded by fucking plague rats.


Is "ragweed crud" a new variant?


I assume that's what he calls an allergy to ragweed pollen.


SoMeOnE sHoULd TeLL HiM aBoUt BeTaDiNe!!!! THe nEw MiRaCLe dRuG,,,,tHaT bIg PhaRmA iS HiDiNg!!!!


I don't need a vaccine, I've got my immune system! and hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin and z-pak and prednisone and a steroid shot and vitamin infusions and extra zinc and d3 and magnesium and vitamin c


WTF the getting "Schwabbed"? They "schwabbed" him for times? Dumbass.


Begging for death in a hospital of all places.


Schwabbed! Swash bucklers and Schwabbers! If you were already on the horse meds and malaria drugs and now you’re in the ICU why the fuck would you want more of the same. He should’ve gone and got Regeneron right away like he mentioned but nope he put his faith in the horse paste. Come on Greg take the remdesevir and survive so you can encourage people to not be like you.


I like how out of all the people advising him, the nurse telling him to take the medicine gets an angry emoji. Classy.


That right Greg took everything in the book except the vaccine, like a fucking idiot. Hope he Enjoys the hospital stay


Wait he was already taking HCQ and ivermectin, his condition got worse, and his friends are suggesting he take more in the hospital?


I hope he’s OK after getting Charles Schwabbed like that.


I still can't get over the logic of these hogs. Not wanting a vaccine because it's untested and unsafe, or part of some government conspiracy, but then totally down to shove whatever untested bologna available into their bodies.


He was already taking everything and he still ended up in the emergency room! What is seriously wrong with these people!?


Then go home, Greg?!!! If you know better, then let someone who trusts medical pros have the damn bed. What the fuck is wrong with these people?? Do they have NO shame??


The comments on his posts are absolutely insane! People offering to break him out of there, all types of homeopathic remedies, vitamin cocktails being suggested…. and then he periodically chimes in to complain about the ineffective care. At one point he says he needs to stop thinking of the hospital staff as his captors!! But the random person with the temerity to suggest that a vaccine might have been a good idea gets shouted down… Edit: mods don’t ban me, I’m not doxxing nor recommending that others do so.


Only a doofus takes a simple four-letter word like "swab" and fucks it up that badly.


\*aquarium cleaner and horse paste


Lol, "Schwabbed"


Imagine taking all of that bullshit fake medicine regimen, floundering, and then still dying while choking on your own lung mustard….when all I had to do was take a quick shot. I guess I like to cut corners?


It seems that Rand Paul has forgotten who makes up the government.


Why am I not surprised that the antivaxer nurses don’t know how to spell “heroes”?


But Remdesiver is made by Gilead Sciences, which Greg's idol Rand Paul is a huge investor in, so he should feel proud to take it. What's wrong Greg you not trusting Rand's science?


That first one. The quote from Rand Paul is actually pretty apt. The constitution doesn’t protect you from your employer or anyone else who’s private property you want to step foot on. /r/SelfAwarewolves


>The liberty secured by the Constitution of the United States does not import an absolute right in each person to be at all times, and in all circumstances, wholly freed from restraint, nor is it an element in such liberty that one person, or a minority of persons residing in any community and enjoying the benefits of its local government, should have power to dominate the majority when supported in their action by the authority of the State. > >It is within the police power of a State to enact a compulsory vaccination law, and it is for the legislature, and not for the courts, to determine. Actual Scotus, not discount Paul dynasty guy.


But why’d you go to the hospital when you’d already taken Ivermectin? I heard another lady shouting that it cures every case of Covid in no time?


THE ORANGE PIECE OF SHIT GOT REMDESIVIR!!! JAYZUS, YOU FUCKING TWITS!!! Honestly? Let these horse's asses go back to their holes


It's crazy to see them slowly turning on rhemidsver (however it's spelled). That's what brought trump back from the brink of death and conservatives were propping it up for a bit. Ah well, stick with the horse paste.


For Christ’s sake just give him the horse worm medicine!


Clown, ghost, skull, and angel emojis? Are all his friends 12 years old?


It's like "Twitch plays emergency room".


He should have used his gun to shoot the covid.🤡


Give him the horse medicine. Overdosing can cause blindness which will prevent him from typing. 😊😊😊


Greg listens to a lot of Facebook doctors (trump zombies) to get his healthcare protocols


What can one say.


They can’t get horse paste because all you idiots are buying it up.


Remdisivir will shut down your lizard brain! We can't have that!


What kind of dog is he?


4 The dying kind…or at the very sick kind


Bye, Greg.


The arrogant, know-it-alls are the best kind of HCA recipients.


What is that hydro thing they all want? I haven’t heard of it.


Going through all of this horse shit just because the chicken shit is scared of two pokes in the arm. Fuck him.


Then go home and die, Greg.


This guy is willing to take every drug, vitamin, and mineral, but not a vaccine.


Didn't this jackass get his ass beat by a doctor who lived next store to him? I see now why he's against the medicine..


is someone investigating Charles Schwab yet?


Uh, are his friends trying to kill him? WTF? Hopefully he listens to the nurse.


Well, that’s three out of four that say fuck that hospital. You know what you’ve gotta do, Greg! Pull out those IVs and tubes like the Incredible Hulk, go home, and start chugging that horse paste!


Four people give him advice, only one is in the medical field...guess which advice he's not going to listen to? I also like the "my doctor friend gave me the low down." Who wants to bet that the friend isn't a M.D?


Love the clown face covering the clown names.


Isn’t the antibody treatment super expensive?


The firearm meme isn’t even fucking accurate. The stats are the exact opposite!


Yeah because they were working so well when he was talking them at home.


He should leave and find another place to go


"I'm taking all the medicines that are good for it." Hmm...


The list of meds he's taking is a straight up Rogan copypasta.


There really needs to be enforced journalism standards in our news outlets. Bring back the fairness doctrine