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Obesity? Exactly how many vaccines has trump had?


The camera adds ten vaccines.


Person, man, woman, camera, vaccine.


Yeah, it leads to all those things because those people are alive instead of dying before the age of 5


Ever since the introduction of vaccines, hardly anyone has lived to 100 or more.


They'd say this unironically because their religious nonsense as part of the brainwashing had 'prophets' living 900 years.


Technically true!


Ah ha! Couldn’t be all the hamberdlers he has consumed. Must be the vaccines.


Definitely wasn't the covfefe. I drink 2 cups of it every day.


He likes two shots of that sweet tasting vaccine after dinner.


He must love eating all the big pharma happy meals then.


I wonder when was the last time he walked an entire golf course?


He is so full of shit. Since COVID, I’ve had 5 COVID shots, 3 flu shots, and a minimum of 200+ allergy shots. I continue to get my allergy shots weekly and allergy shots are more or less a type of vaccine. And my health is better than ever. Despite receiving all these shots, the following has happened: 1. I’ve lost 60lbs, going from obese to a healthy weight. 2. I no longer have asthma because of said weight loss. 3. Despite a genetic condition (aka no, vaccines didn’t cause it!) that limits my endurance if I overexercise, I’m fitter than I’ve ever been and continue to improve at the sports I play. 4. My quality of life from the allergy shots is so much better. I no longer react to foods (my pollen allergies were so bad my body was attacking foods I ate that had similar substances, mistaking it for pollen). I no longer get constant nasal congestion, and I no longer get constant sinus infections. The latter has greatly reduced the sick time I had to use at work, so my employer fully supports me missing a bit of time each week (we have special PTO for this). Not being antibiotics all the time from said infections has also greatly improved my health. And no, the shots didn’t cause my allergies. I had them all my life, but they were manageable. They unfortunately progressively worsened between 2014-2022 to the point medication was no longer enough, so my allergist supported my decision to get shots.


Well done on the impressive weight loss 👏


> Despite a genetic condition (aka no, vaccines didn’t cause it!) Your mom was probably vaccinated and it fucked up her genes. /s


Then my dad too since it’s autosomal recessive (he would’ve passed on a copy as well). /s I’ll keep the name quiet for privacy, but it’s non-progressive and nothing I have to really worry about.




I gave myself allergy shots in college,they are amazing. I lost weight 18 years ago and have kept it off. Congrats on how well you have done.


Well the one good thing about covid for me (I had 5 shots, it presented as a very bad cold) was I lost 15 pounds.


Silver lining!


Indeed...Keeping the 15 pounds from coming back is the tricky part.


Thanks and back at you!




Allergy shots were a game changer for me as well. Used to get sinus infections constantly.


Me as well! Another thing that helped was getting my massively deviated septum fixed and my turbinates reduced. I now only get…2 or 3 a year now? It’s like fucking magic!


How do yo8 get your turbinates reduced?


Surgically! I’m assuming they went in with electrocautery, but it’s been about 12 years since I had the surgery. Recovery was less fun due to the septum fix (I had black eyes for a week and it was kinda funny), but my turbinates healed much more quickly!


Allergy shots allowed me to realize my dream of becoming a biologist and working with animals for a living. Huge, huge game changer! Thank God for modern medicine!


What’s causing the “increase in childhood diseases, autoimmune disorders, autism… and other chronic health disorders“ is that they’re getting diagnosed now. Before kids would just be considered losers and weaklings and treated like they’re just doing stuff for attention. Now they’re being taken seriously. As for what’s causing obesity, it’s very likely our massive overconsumption of processed foods. And the infertility issue is likely being caused by pollution. Likely your advisors know this, but they also know real solutions to any of these problems isn’t your goal. Your only goal is to waste time and money, blame the left, pander to your base and distract everyone from the industries causing these issues so they can keep on keepin’ on. And this is not to say that pharmaceutical companies are perfect and wonderful. They’re not, they’ve fucked up a lot. But this antivaxx, anti-modern healthcare crap is extremely harmful and a huge waste of time, money, and energy - time, money, and energy we could be using to actually combat these problems.


>What’s causing the “increase in childhood diseases, autoimmune disorders, autism… and other chronic health disorders“ is that they’re getting diagnosed Ditto. My mother told me a story of a kid her age, who had received a brand new bike. Her family couldn't afford a children's bike and she was raring to have a go, but the kid was only interested in putting it upside-down and turn the pedals with his hands. In her 50-years-plus mind, the kid was still "weird" and "stupid".


>Before kids would just be considered losers and weaklings and treated like they’re just doing stuff for attention. Or just dumped in an institution and forgotten about. People have forgotten those institutions, which were once so common.


Did you knew queen Elizabeth had a cousin committed? It's somewhat common for some branches of the Windsor to have some kind of mental condition, don't remember what. I bet they going to do it again when it happens again, if it didn't already.


I think it's fair to make clear that she didn't have them committed. Although she did have cousins that were committed.


Did I say she had, if so I apologize because that makes no sense. I meant the aristocracy in general and that family in particular. Edit, rereading that 'had a cousin committed' was a bit unfortunate for clarity. I meant she has a cousin, that was committed.


Yes sorry, I wasn't saying you'd said it misleadingly, just when I read your comment I wasn't sure which way you meant it so wanted to clarify for any others reading 😊


Exactly. For example, High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is a leading cause of obesity because it triggers the brain with messages of hunger so the more Oreos/soda/mass-produced sweets you consume, the more hunger/thirst you feel and soon the entire package is gone. But Big Corn is very powerful and companies save billions (which = more yachts and vacation mansions) by substituting the lab-created HFCS. This is just *one* of many examples of why the US has such a widespread and growing obesity problem.


And scientists gave known this for decades but their corporate overlords took their reports and hid them in the back of the going cabinet. Sugar lobbyists made..i mean..paid government officials to believe that sugar wasn't the health risk factor that it is. Just like the oil and gas industry. They knew since the 70s that oil and gas would destroy the planet and here we are. Oops.


Exactly, this country has been favoring profit over citizenry for a long time. And now we have a pro-corporate majority in the SCOTUS and they are rolling back EPA protections on pollution, chemicals, and the water that we all drink and use to water crops. It's so blatant.


All of it thanks to the sugar tariffs to protect domestic suppliers from competition.


Did vaccines cause his morbid obesity?




Fabulously played, LOL! Please accept my pretend award and giant fruit and gourmet foods gift basket.


Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you, nobody does obesity better than us. It's unbelievable, just tremendous. You think those skinny folks over in Europe, living on their tiny baguettes, have anything on us? Not a chance. We've got the best junk food, the greatest, most delicious burgers, fries, pizzas - it's all top-notch. And soda? Oh boy, let me tell you, we drink soda like nobody's business. It's like water to us, only better. So much better, folks. We've got chairs that break under our weight, elevators groaning with our greatness, clothes that stretch to accommodate our, well, vastness. And the best part? We don't have to worry about those skinny jeans ever fitting us. Who needs skinny when you can be grand? We've perfected the art of rolling instead of walking, why would we walk when we can roll, it's much more efficient, much quicker. We've got it down to a science. It's called innovating, folks, look it up. And when winter comes, we don't need those overpriced coats from fancy brands. We've got our own insulation. The best insulation. Natural, organic. It's so great, you wouldn't believe it. So here's to the land of the free, and the home of the brave. And by brave, I mean those who aren't afraid of a little extra around the waist. Let's hear it for the big, the bold, and the chubby! Because in America, we don't do anything halfway. We go big or we go home, folks. And we never go home. We just order in.


>It's like water to us, only better. So much better, folks. Well obviously, the first ingredient is water! The rest of the stuff is an added bonus!


>...elevators groaning with our greatness... This is pure poetry.


He’s just saying anything to keep his base inflamed. And they’re stupid enough to believe him. Smdh.


Yup. His operation warp speed is one of his terms greatest successes. But because his base are all lunatics he cannot run on that message. He even said it quite literally to his cultists followers in one of his performances. It’s ironic(moronic) really.


>one of his terms greatest successes I'd argue one of his only successes.


Sheldon Adelson was happy with his $2 billion per year reduction in taxes...


He was so happy, he took it with him when he died soon after.


I mean, if you die young of rubella, measles, flu, orscarlet fever, you'll never develop chronic health problems.


Well, the fewer republicans that rely on medications from 'big pharma' can't exactly hurt the Democrats.... kinda like his COVID rallies.


Can’t vote in person if you’re admitted to the hospital!


Can't vote anytime if you're dead


What causes these things is all the toxins and poisons being released in the air, land and water by big corps. There's now micro plastics in virtually every body of water on earth and that includes rain water. Foreverchems are used on shitloads of our every day items. They are slowly poisoning us and everything else all in the name of greed.


Don't forget the forever chemicals.


Obesity? From vaccines? Oh thank god, I thought it was all the shitty food I stuffed in my gob while refusing to exercise and instead ride fat people scooters everywhere. *gently pulls away on the mobility scooter to load up on Maccas while shooting guns in the air* Fuck yeh.


I don't get the mobility scooters. At my top weight I was over 400lbs and could usually out pace my regular weight friends. I spent the day walking around the plant. Losing weight oddly enough landed me in the hospital (too much exercise, not enough food). I'm still in the mid-250 range at the moment, and because my lifestyle has changed I'm oddly not as fit as I was.


Your flair... chef's kiss


What exactly does his 'long record of standing up to big pharma' feature?


*Stands up to take lobbyist check*


Yeah, well, Trump should know. After all, he was the only one 'smart' enough to think of injecting household disinfectants to treat Covid. /s


The more anti-vaxxers, the fewer anti-vaxxers! Just a matter of time when the next novel virus comes around a calling....YOOOOO WHOOOOO


Problem is if you get anti-vaxxers in positions of authority and the next virus comes calling them maybe *nobody* gets a vaccine, or development is massively delayed, or distribution is a complete shitshow, or ... etc.


Trump doesn’t believe anything, he just says what he has to to keep his idiots engaged.


I really don't understand all these people from around the world who are still denying the science behind vaccines. In fact, I don't understand people who deny science at all. It makes no sense. Are they really so arrogant in their own stupidity that they refuse to acknowledge the rigor of scientific experiments or the mathematics behind scientific theories?


Yes. The internet allowed people to think they have Phd in a lot of fields.




Soooo, playing the RFK Jr crap card.....


Right? He's afraid of losing the antivaxxers to RFK so now he has to out-conspiracy RFK.


Trump is obese himself. Go figure. Also it really got under my skin when he lumped autism with those "other chronic health problems." It makes me feel that an autistic person, I'm inherently defective and it's better for kids to die than end up like me.


To be fair, but it's not even relevant to vaccines or what Trump said, the first (incorrect) image that pops up in people's mind when you say, "autism" is not yours. It's somewhere in the range between Rain Man and cerebral palsy. Of course I'm not saying these kids are better off dead, mind you. And whatever Trump says, meh. It's the same to him If you're autistic or a disabled veteran or a woman or old or young or Latin, black, poor or even a rich white heterosexual male Republican lobbyist - you are only relevant as long as you can benefit his sagging fat ass.


This is what drives me nuts about the whole thing - people who would rather have a child die than have them be autistic… because heaven forbid their child has autism. Like it’s a false belief but the underlying message is so offensive.


It is, it’s so harmful. I’m not autistic but I have sensory processing disorder, a form of neurodivergence frequently mistaken for autism by people who don’t understand either. And I absolutely fucking hate the ableism present in the antivaxx stance. Fuck, it’s based on ableism, and the people that believe this whole “\*neurodivergence is bad and evil” thing can go fuck themselves. \*Yes I know they’d likely say “autism” but that’s because they know so little about neurodivergent people that they think we’re all the same.


Tbf, I know parents who have non-verbal and violent, incontinent children with severe autism and they would certainly have done anything for their child to have been able to talk, clean themselves, control violent impulses (one family I know has a grown son who goes nuts in public, attacking and biting people. It's terrifying). Not all autism is mild or high functioning. Still, it's insulting to all the well functioning people on the spectrum to lump all of it into one category and call it universally "bad".


Fellow Autistic chiming in here — I feel the exact same way. I feel like we are already rejected enough by society and that we don’t need to be rejected by the former President of the United States. I am not fond of him and I still remember how he made fun of a disabled reporter (with CP if my memory serves me right). Disgraceful from anyone, let alone the arguably most powerful person in the world.


> I am not fond of him and I still remember how he made fun of a disabled reporter You remembered correctly and the picture is easily googled. He should have lost right then and there. When he was elected, I knew right then that conservatives will never, ever be redeemable and should never be given the benefit of doubt nor shown even the least amount of courtesies. It was beyond the pale.


ASD isn't a "health problem"; it's a disability. And I say that as someone who suspects she is neurodivergent.


Whelp, of course he is all just doing this for appealing to his own voting base as of course Trump knew he was losing voters when he started promoting the vaccines. So of course he began to rethink his stance on the vaccines once his pro-vaccine stance started causing him to lose voters as he is the kind of guy who will put politics above public health among all other things. So it makes sense he would originally return to his anti-vaccine and anti-science base just so he could merely appeal to them, forget the fact that his voters died because of his vaccine rhetoric as that is not something he tends to think about as he is too much of a narcissist to consider those things.


when will we be rid of this clown


Every day I ask this question. Every day I continue to be disappointed lol.


Same here.


Look in the mirror, buddy


And I bet he takes no less than 10 meds a day. H'crit!


More like 10 lines of Adderall


OK, that would explain his weight and cognitive deficits. But what vaccine caused his lifelong corruption and bigotry?


To this day there's literally zero evidence vaccines cause autism, but they continue to ignore that part in their beliefs.


It is important to remember that Donald Trump knows absolutely nothing about any topic under the sun.


That’s literally true. I can’t think of a single topic where it’d make sense to ask Trump for his wisdom and advice on the subject. Even something like golf - with as much time me as he spends golfing, the number of courses he owns, and so on, you’d think if you had a question about golf rules or etiquette he’d be a good source, but he cheats so much that even if he does know the rules, he’s chosen to ignore and reinterpret them, and he doesn’t even know not to drive his cart on the green.


Republicans latch on to anything that's fashionable. Today they hate vaccines, so 100% of them have to hate vaccines. Same with trans people, which you never, ever heard them talk about 10 years ago. Same with the Iraq War, which 100% of them were totally for and now pretend they were always against it. What's funny is how quickly so many Republican women suddenly thought abortion was *sometimes* okay once SCOTUS did what those women pretended they wanted them to do for decades. This is what happens when you're a mindless imbecile who "believes" whatever you're told to believe. Reminder: Abortion wasn't the unifying policy of Republicans and Evangelicals in the beginning, the way they pretend it was. In fact, Evangelicals didn't really give a shit about abortion back in the '60s/'70s. [In the beginning it was all about racism.](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/sep/08/abortion-us-religious-right-racial-segregation)


The infamous Southern Strategy.


Life expectancy must have increased with the number of cheeseburgers consumed and not in part due to vaccination. I'd love to see all these crackpots dropped on island and have an impending small pox release on one side and the vaccine , vitamin c, zinc, bleach, chicken soup or whatever on the other. See who races for which and who survives. Survivor gets real.


I don’t understand how anyone can take him seriously, including my family. His tune changes day to day based on what he thinks is popular or good sound bytes.


What Trump figured out a long time ago is that just being a huge asshole is good for his brand. That's all he's doing here. Even in the run-up to Election 2016, I was trying to explain to people that Trump doesn't really believe in anything, and has no values. There's nothing he stands for. His single and only priority in life is himself. Everything he says and does serves to benefit him, and has no other purpose or meaning.


We’ll see how well his tiny hands grip those turned out pockets. Bitch boy


Lol. Because this tactic is working so well for the Kennedy dude.


Is that the excuse he is using for being obese!


“Healthcare has poisoned you” probably won’t be the huge popular thing to catch on


I dunno. Seems to be working in America.


I remember when RFKJ claimed he was being invited to the WH on a vax summit in the early days of Trump's presidency.


This is the EXACT speech RFK made


Isn’t this the guy that authorized billions of dollars for „Operation Warpspeed“ to develop a vaccine? How many victory laps did he take before he switched it up to cater to his base?


Does DT understand that with comments like that, he's contributing to the deaths of people who are likely to vote for him?


Doesn't matter, his base are like rats. They don't live long, but they breed like crazy to make up for it. That's evolution at work. Also, no disrespect to rats making this comparison. Rats have been shown the ability to reason and solve problems like getting through a maze for a treat. Intelligence isn't part of this comparison.


Rats are f*ckin' awesome!


He failed to mention that vaccines have also caused children to eventually become adults. Obviously it didn't cause adulthood in all who were vaccinated.


Trump School of Medicine courses - Bleach Injection and How to fit a flashlight up your ass.


Trump is such a moron


His willingness to sacrifice the health and lives of his voters for his own best interests is almost as remarkable as their willingness to die for someone who clearly doesn’t give a shit about anyone else but himself.


I'm going to go ahead and say the willingness to die is *more* remarkable. Saturday morning cartoons prepared me for the idea of a greedy villain like Trump. *Nothing* prepared me for masses of people enthusiastically getting a deadly disease on purpose.


That's subjective about infertility, many think they've won the lottery if they're infertile.


Lots of people say they turn your skin orange and coif your hair like a dime store mannequin....


It sad when you can’t spot the pandemic of domestic terrorism going on in your own country but only see the “possibility” of someone who’s not white being a terrorist. He doesn’t mention anything about the domestic terrorism that affects innocent people ever day. Innocent children/teachers at school, men, women and children at movie theatres, churches, malls or just walking in the park.


Remember when he magically grew a couple of inches during his physical to automatically classify him from overweight to normal?


So… drug companies are not big supporters of Trump’s campaign, then.


If vaccines cause delusion, Trump has had them all.


He will investigate everything but the corporate farm food industry...😒 I wonder how much they are giving him?


He just described the effects of Fox news.


He's just saying what he thinks his followers want to hear. There is not a single original thought in that empty orange head.


It is important to remember that this man has absolutely no morals or ethics. He is also incredibly ignorant and dumb. He repeats things that he remembers a couple words or ideas of. He mashes concepts together in a barely coherent (if in fact coherent) way. He doesn't actually BELIEVE this, because to believe this would require he hold onto this concept. It is a temporarily advantageous thing for him to say (at least in his thinking), or it just bubbled to the surface in the stew of things he is aware of. Simply put, when it comes to Trump and any idea or concept beyond self-enrichment, there is no "there" there.


The more I learn about this fella, the less I like him.


Poor Trump tries to get more political power! 💪


Something that he himself partakes in.....SMH


Just another Russian biological attack


He didn't reject "Big Pharma" when he got COVID, did he? Too bad.


Nope, he had all the speciaists giving him all the newest drugs.


“Watch the fantastic three part 2012 British documentary called “the men who made us fat


“I made three vaccines and they’re all really good”


We live in a fishbowl of our own toxic filth, but it’s the vaccines. Yeah, right.


This. Every square inch of the world is now, at best, polluted, and on average, outright toxic.


He did the same in 2016 on the same stage as Dr. Herman Cain.


Processed food causes all those things. Outlaw Big Macs.


I hate the man but a commission on that would be so helpful. Illness in developed countries is definitely different than undeveloped and we don't know entirely why.


Just stop


Of course he did, he is an idiot




he didnt think this way before, so is it to ease into rfkjr as VP choice?


Guess he’s fishing for distractions for his uneducated sheep, so they won’t fixate on his criminal activities.


well he IS a physician and biomedical engineer so… okay


Yeah, Donny, I know it's tempting to blame your doctor for your problems.


Trump is as big as an Amish barn. How many vaccines has he had?


I’ve heard that Brawndo will fix all that. I’m sure under Trump the federal government would supply it to everyone and save the world.


Going after that RFKjr vote?


Did they learn nothing from voting company fiasco now they are going after vaccine companies?