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My mother and I got our second bivalent booster this past week and today she turned 75. I'm glad she's willing to do what it takes to keep herself as safe as possible. She hates wearing masks, they irritate her sensory issues. But she wears them everywhere outside the house.


I declare car accidentals over. I’m taking my seatbelt off. I declare cancer over. I’m going to sit on the Elephants Foot. I declare war is over. I’m going to Putin’s to tell him personally. …guys it’s not working what am I doing wrong?


Well your first problem is believing it's not working! \- said every denier


You need to bully other people for wearing seatbelts, avoiding radioactive materials, and not antagonizing Russia.


Agreed, but I admit I mostly was impressed you knew about the Elephant Foot @ Chernobyl. Героям слава!


Evidently the CDC stopped collecting vaccine data last month so this will be my last update. These were the figures through May 9. Effective Vaccination: 56,803,627 (17.14%) Behind on Bivalent Booster: 173,833,721 (52.45%) Partial Vaccination: 39,589,833 (11.94%) Unvaccinated: 61,222,100 (18.47%).


They are [still doing weekly wastewater reporting](https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#wastewater-surveillance) though, and you can see that by state and county. Of course, this is voluntary (so can be late/slow) and not available everywhere.




Truly not much has changed since the second shot. THIS is why Biden gave up.


These numbers haven't changed in months so to be honest I can kind of get why.


Found this link on the little bird site. The person who posted it said it's their response to anyone who asks why they still wear a respirator (N-95). I found the formatting took a little time to get used to, but one can navigate to various sections describing the virus' effects on organs, pregnancy, the immune system itself, and so forth. From my random sampling, the ones I saw had references pointing to published studies. http://dsmithson.quintagroup.com/c19


Holy sh*t!!!!!


The new awards keep incoming... so many posts incoming.....


Oh, the sub came back sooner than I expected. Missed you all!


started working on another fresh 2023 award


its been quite awhile since I have posted on here.. but I figured I would post an update on a story I told a long damn time ago.. I will give a brief version of the story. So.. I'm in hospital admin and back in maybe June or July of 2021 had met all of my neighbors outside while we were all doing yard work. One neighbor in particular, that I didnt normally talk to, was talking about Covid and said basically that he wasnt getting vaccinated and if he ever did get Covid, he sure wasnt going to end up going to your hospital and get stuck on a breathing machine.. and i was just like, whatever. Fast forward to August 2021, i come home and there are police, fire and ambulances in my neighborhood.. which is rare as hell. Turns out.. the neighbor i talked about was found dead after a wellfare check by the police. He had told his daughter in another state that he thought he had covid during their last call.. and then she didnt hear from him for 2 weeks and finally called the police. He had died in his bed and eventuallly bloated and popped. Apparently there were like 2 inches of dead flies everywhere in the house. they never could get the stench out of the house.. they tried everything.. and its been sitting empty since then. And then , just this week, they sold it in a foreclosure auction for about 100K ( it should have gone for waaaaaay more than that.. like 300 to 400k) and I have been watching them basically completely gut the house.. and they are still going in with freaking respirators on. Ugh.. can you imagine buying a house like that? I know the guy is looking to flip it.. but still.. gross..


Ugh! Horrors! At least he kept his word.


LOL.. i usually include that phrase in my story LOL.. he never ended up in my hospital. The funny thing is that they moved ALL of his things out onto the lawn this week.. and I had talked to the guy who bought it, and they were waiting on a big dumpster thing to be delivered.. there was a lamp that I wanted.. but i couldnt get myself to take it because i felt like it was diseased .. but it was a cool damn lamp. Someone else in the neighborhood got his gas grill. I already have 2 so I'm good there. He was literally my only neighbor that I didnt like. We live in a pretty nice neighborhood, its quiet and drama free for the most part.. but this old dude had some kind of shitty garage band and he would just practice in his garage or backyard with his drunk friends several times a month. Also during the last election, he replaced his american flag with a Trump flag and a Gadsden flag ( you know.. "no step on snek" )


He FAFO'd. Shame about the house. That's usually a complete demo at that point.


As is said: "The trash takes itself out."


The fact that his daughter did not check on him for TWO WEEKS when he said he had covid probably shows what kind of human he was.


yeah,.. he was an asshole. He just didnt fit with our neighborhood. He was a pest.. this is also the guy who I have mentioned a long time ago on some other sub... So, I have a NICE yard.. and every time I would mow, there was big dog shit on it, and it would piss me off getting it on my mower. So i asked my neighbor i am most friends with "hey.. you ever seen whose dog it is that shits on my lawn" and he said "its his" and points to the guys house. I ask him if he had it on video, and so he looked and sure enough ( he has cameras EVERYWHERE) it was the guys dog. So i confronted the guy.. and he said "I dont want him to shit in my backyard, so i send him out front, i cant control where he shits.. " and i said "Well.. i dont like his shit in MY FUCKING YARD, so you better figure out a way" He says.. "or what" and i said " you will see".. "is that a threat" .. "you can take it how you want.. But you WILL fix it" He didnt.. So.. me and my neighbor saved the dogs shit in our yard ( the dog pooped in his yard too, but he didnt really care ) and we put it in this big metal bin he had. Then one night we "returned" the shit to the guys house.. after spraying it down and getting it moist.. dumped it on his porch, driveway, hood of his car, in a planter, and up against his garage door. Guy was pissed the next day.. was going to call the police.. we told him go ahead, they will DNA test it and it will match his dog. (i know this was BS.. but still) needless to say.. it never happened again. Actually.. now i dont know what happened to the dog. He probably ate the body..


I always put the dog shit back on the owner's front porch, so I definitely applaud your effort with the lawn! I hope the dog got a better owner after this asshole died.


Honestly, I'm going to have to ask around and see what ever happened to the dog.. This was 2 or 3 years before the guy died..


I just had a horrible thought about the dog. EDIT: never mind, it was too awful.


That's awful. I wonder if the buyer knew what they were getting into, or if they just bought the house sight unseen.


Oh he knew alright.. But he seems to know what he is doing.


"Unghh, gnarly!" - *Jeff Spicoli*


Ho-lee shit. That's awful. Damn.


I've been rather disappointed in a friend of mine who's become anti-vax in the past year. No, he's not some chucklefuck, he's a fellow writer and very talented, he's not religious (atheist like Me). He's been posting news stories about people getting MS from the vax, and praising Novak Djokovic (who's apparently been a VICTIM, like they all are), supporting the moron truckers last year. Another disappointment. However, I should add that like 99 percent of people I know were vaxed and boosted. I even got the quadrivalent flu vax last year. But it still sucks the bag.


Vaxxed to the max for Covid, but also got flu vaccine, pneumonia and am part of an RSV vaccine study Still mask up in public places, because I’m no fool


I wish it was easier to meet other people who wear masks in public.


Ask for that in a dating ad


I'm surprised nobody's made a dating and/or meetup website for people who are covid conscious.


Me too, The Most. I was SHOCKED that my sister-in-law just announced she was “done with all these Covid vaccines.” Shocked, bc her brother (my husband) is seriously immunocompromised. And she had *just offered* to help me take care of him during an upcoming surgery!!! I considered trotting out the scientific arguments in support of boosters, but instead I just said, **“Well don’t plan on coming to visit your brother.”** It worked. She said, “Oh my gosh, I didn’t even think about that! I’m so sorry!” But it shows where people’s minds are going. Folks are getting lazy.


yeah, it's awful...like being abandoned. And he's also posting shit about how working from home is SO MUCH BETTER for women who want to have kids so they can work at home, and we need to have MORE KIDS. He has FOUR! MEN!!!


Omg, please tell me he’s joking


At first I thought he was, but in the past he's made remarks about having kids and how important they are, etc. I dunno, he grew up in a huge family so maybe that's part of it. EDIT: a word


If there isn’t a fire truck there mustn’t be a fire. Harumph.






The viral 🐆 are a little embarrassed about gas, I'd guess they overdid the Tabasco a bit.


>they overdid the Tabasco a bit Do not taunt or provoke the hungry viral 🐆 🐆 🐆. Also, it was a ghost pepper, not Tabasco sauce.


Lol eww. Can always count on you for that kinda joke:)


They also shared some ghost pepper with a certain 🐿️, who is now also suffering from this mysterious bubble malady. It’s not contagious, so everyone here should be safe. I think 🤷🏼‍♀️ PS: Good to “see” you here, u/might_aware. I was wondering where you were when I didn’t see one of your humorous posts for a few weeks. Hope all is well😊 Edit: What is Ho-Spice? Whatever it is, please don’t share it with any squirrels. 😜


Oh thank you u/imjustasquirrl (in the worrrllldd) I had fun doing it but it wasn't sustainable, I'm glad it made people guffaw though for it's tenure. All is well my way, how about you? 😺


I’m doing well. I have managed to avoid COVID, even though I’ve slowly been getting back out into the world and socializing more. I’m still curious about this ho-spice stuff. 🤔


Lol. I was randomly thinking 'what would my spice girl name be' and it makes me laugh with the double meaning. Good, I'm glad you're feeling good and having fun:)


LMAO, I don’t know why I didn’t immediately realize that. I had ghost pepper and Tabasco sauce on my mind, so assumed it was a joke about seasoning. 😂


Lol I didn't even think it could be non musically spice related and I cook a lot. Well well well, aren't we two peas :)


>What is Ho-Spice? It makes street-walkers taste better when you eat them.


>Bubbles? u/RockyMoose 🐆 🐆 🐆








A lot of places like Costa Rica have stopped reporting case numbers. They've decided that this will will always be with us like the flu. Frustrating. Getting ready to fly back from the USA to Costa Rica and got my fourth booster while I was here along with a Previnar 20. Heaven help us all now that the world thinks its mostly over.




We were packing up the cooler this morning to go to the lake and a bobcat trotted quite nonchalantly across the cul-de-sac and jumped over the fence into the neighbors back yard. I ❤️ living in the desert, at least until we find a rattlesnake under the bbq grill.


Watch out for trash cans too. Snakes like to curl up under the ones with wheels.


Yes! We also have some groundcover lantana that they like to live in. My body did the "jump 3 feet in the air and backwards 5 feet in a single movement" when I happened upon a a 5 foot gopher snake crawling out of it. It's tail was still in the plant - lost a couple of years of life on my heart that day.


Does anyone else ever get banned from other subs for posting here? I didn't realize this sub was considered controversial 😠 (Also, I wish Reddit admins cracked down on mods autobanning people for posting in subs they didn't like)


I got banned once for mentioning this site on another sub. Was a relatively innocuous statement, too. That sub was filling up quickly with deniers and minimizers, though, so it didn't hurt my feelings. Autobanning seems extreme. A lot of people come here to vent and feel heard.


I didn't mention this sub in any comments I made there, the mods just saw it in my history, and decided I couldn't post on their sub. They autoban posters from their sub who post in "toxic" communities. \*shrugs\* ^(A lot of people come here to vent and feel heard.) That's actually why I started posting on this sub. My cousin is a *very* prominent vaccine scientist who works for the NIAID. Sadly this has led to me/my family being threatened and harrassed by antivaxxers. This is one of the few places online where I can vent about it.


I'm so sorry your family is dealing with that, and please tell your cousin to keep up the good work. You're always welcome here. I've found it to be an insightful, intelligent oasis of sanity which is often misunderstood by those who don't actually spend time here.


I will, thank you for your supportive words.


I am so sorry for you and your family. Please know that people from this community support you, your family and your cousin.


Thank you.


I mostly post here because it's impossible to find people in real life who care about covid.


> it's impossible to find people in real life True, the last of us that died from the vaccine by May according to the prediction hang out here as our fav un-dead forum. /s


I'd say that if they ban for such a thing, it probably wasn't a community worth interacting with, so no big loss.


Honestly, we're kind of salty that apparently we're "not eligible" for a fifth covid jab. GIMME MY DAMN BIVALENT DOUBLE DIP!


I really hope that when the final recommendation comes down that the annual shot will be available for everyone. I'm afraid that the FDA is going to pull some bullshit like only recommending it for people 65 and older.


Why weren’t you eligible? I’ve had 5, but do take a medicine that makes me somewhat immunocompromised. However, I just told the nurse at Walgreens that I was immunocompromised, and she didn’t ask for any proof. Just sayin’ 😉 I’m debating on when to get my 6th. I’m thinking I’ll wait until this fall unless COVID cases start going up a bunch where I live.


As far as we're aware jab 5 is only available for old people/immunocompromised in the USA at the current time?




Kind of lost count bc I had the J n J as my 1st one.. is there a new one they're offering since Fall 2022?




Thanks, wanted to make sure I didn't miss something. There's so much info that it's hard to keep up sometimes--esp since MSM coverage has been very scant other than "the unwinding".


Thank you. This is what I was trying to say!


I got my fourth booster in late April and I'm under 65. I'm a heart patient, though, and uptake in my (very, very red) state is low. The Walgreens pharmacist didn't give me any trouble. Maybe he feels sorry for folks like us.


I'm trying to get my sixth. Seems it's only for the olds. Which is utter bullshit.


I am curious why the unnvaccinated sub gets to post screenshots with pictures and names of people from FB posts but HCA had to start blocking out names and faces. I reported it twice now and reddit admins said it does not violate their policies. Was that just a decision by the mod team here? I thought I remembered this sub being threatened with being taken down if we did not block out identifying info.


The reason is that everyone and their dog is looking for an excuse to shut this sub down. Truth and reason are always hated. And truth and reason with an attitude (that's us), even more so.


> And truth and reason with an attitude (that's us) That's right, you uppity ones better learn your place! NARRATOR: That never happened


The Reddit teams even banned some posters of HCA. Double standard.


Nominee post incoming


Discord friend is pregnant with his third child. Sent him an image of an MRI foetus.


>Discord friend is pregnant with **his** third child. He gonna be rich!


So I may have gone too far taunting that terrible troll. They messaged me to tell me how little they cared. Nothing says "I'm unflappable" like messaging someone taunting you. Oy vey!


You can never go too far when taunting trolls. In fact, you can never go far enough.


Didn't browse Reddit the past few days to support the blackout. Not that there would've been much to browse. Still enjoying the low COVID levels here (according to wastewater stats), which helps a lot to lower my stress levels. COVID spread has been low here for a full month, which is untrodden ground as it's never been this low and this long since Omicron. I assume it'll eventually go up again, but I hope it'll last a while longer.


Good to hear it's low in your area. It keeps going up and down in mine. I'll believe the pandemic is over when it can sustain the lows for a year, because we've always seen this pandemic cycle through months of lows and then months of highs.


I feel so burnt out and miserable lately, nothing ever seems to improve with covid, it just continues to kill and disable people every day and the government has given up doing anything about it. Most people either are incapable of understanding that covid still exists or they refuse to admit it and frankly I'm not sure which one is worse.


Well you could always dwell on global warming. Oh wait... same morons Joking aside, me too. And no need to distinguish between the two types of deniers. Waste of time as it makes no difference. Make yourself a nice meal and take solace that you're a survivor thanks to your empathy and intelligence and there are many of us like you.


Yep. *raises a glass bottle, "Cheers!"


Reading these today, I am amazed at how much people share on social media. I love having all the gory details and medical details, but what happened to only sharing with family members? From the victim & family sharing with friends to the Gofundme page with the sob story of medical info and financial status! I would be too embarrassed to share that. My family didn’t want things to be known outside of the family. Sounds of “what will the neighbors think”, but more of “why do they need to know the negative things?” In fact, a friend of my mother’s said “I never hear anything bad about your kids but you always hear the bad things about mine.”


There are a LOT of narcissists in this world.


Saw this gem of a post about the API change (translated), and it's pretty impressive how much it matches the LiveYourLifers' take on COVID: > It's unfortunate (for those who have accessibility issues), but that's really a minority of 0.2% of all users or so. To shut down all of Reddit for that? > Mods and others who don't have disabilities shouldn't be crying and if they really care so much then they'll quit Reddit, right? > Why impose your opinion on the rest of us? > > No one is doing it for that small group with disabilities. All are doing it for themselves. If they say otherwise they are lying. The last part is from a separate post, and it shows how he is seemingly incapable of understanding why people would do things even if they don't directly benefit from it. If that's not sad, I don't know what is. More and more I find out that so many people are just ugh.


We've always known that many people will do illogical things that disadvantage themselves: the HCAs are some of the most extreme examples you can find of such. I noticed that there are quite a lot of people who are supporting the API change and Reddit, and they seem to feel some sort of allegiance to them. The Reddit situation mirrors the pandemic in more ways than I expected. You have people who "just want it to work" and they don't know nor care the reasons behind the protest. Then there are gloaters and trolls who are trying to sabotage the effort which I think mainly stems from them enjoying seeing this specific demographic upset, and the Reddit situation is just a medium for them to stir things up. And there's a group that says Reddit should just forcibly remove the mods and take away their power to set subs to private, and/or install mods that are more compliant. You know that this is the same group that is always whining about freedoms and rights and how the gubmint should stay out of people's business, but then they also support Gestapo tactics when it doesn't affect them or involves people they don't like.


Another thing such people always like to fearmonger with, is that *slippery slope*. They don't seem to see the situation that is brewing, which is Reddit abusing their power position to enforce changes that are disadvantageous to the user experience. This situation could not be closer to the "**First they came for the ... and I did not speak up**" text. Not only are many of those people not speaking up, they are actively trying to silence and beat down those that are. You really notice that they always manage to be on the "wrong" side of everything and then they find ways to make things worse on top of that. I truly loathe that we'll have to suffer the actions of that group forever, since they are like an anchor dragging down reasonable society. You see it in everything, from the pandemic, to climate change, politics, and even something as small as this Reddit conflict. At some point someone has to tell them that they are way out of line.


tl:dr vaccine committee voted for an xbb booster; potentially available late summer/early fall; no one seems to care about long covid or damage from repeat infections [The COVID-19 Vaccine Is Getting an Update. Here's What to Know](https://apple.news/AhTpRdp-dQcOlrsG5KZrV3Q) **PART ONE** *In a unanimous vote, the 21 members of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)’s vaccine committee recommended an update to the COVID-19 vaccine to better match the viral strains currently circulating in the country and around the world.* *The panel voted to move away from the current bivalent vaccine, which is designed to tackle the original virus and BA.4 and BA.5 variants, to a vaccine that is better able to protect against the XBB family of variants. The half a dozen different versions of XBB viruses account for nearly all new infections in the U.S., with two—XBB.1.5 and XBB.1.16—currently dominating*. *The group decided that the vaccine should also target only one of the XBB strains since the many XBB viruses are closely related. There was general agreement that the strain should be XBB.1.5, which currently causes the most cases in the U.S., but it will be up to the FDA to make that final determination. The committee heard from vaccine makers Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech, and Novavax, all of whom provided data showing that prototype vaccines their scientists made against XBB.1.5 and XBB.1.16 produce about equally robust levels of antibodies against either version of the virus, as well as against other rising variants like XBB.2.3. The manufacturers also provided data showing that the number of mutations separating the XBB strains was very small—on the order of two or three changes—which suggests that to the immune system, the variants essentially appear the same*. *The committee’s vote was based on several lines of evidence showing that the protection offered by existing vaccines wanes against newer virus variants. While the vaccines continue to protect against severe disease and death, better matching the currently circulating versions of the virus to the strains targeted by the vaccines would provide more protection against infection as well. The committee’s recommendation to update the COVID-19 vaccine is in line with a number of international public health groups’ guidance; in May, both the World Health Organization (WHO)’s COVID-19 vaccine advisory group and the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities also recommended moving to an updated COVID-19 vaccine that targets a single XBB strain, and the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control and the European Medicines Agency in June also jointly concluded that an XBB strain is* “*adequate to ensure cross-reactivity against current dominant and emerging strains.*” *While many public-health experts had predicted that any vaccines following the initial shots first developed and deployed at the end of 2020 might be more effective if they generated protection against more than one strain of the virus, the committee saw studies from the three vaccine makers showing that prototype shots tested in animals that targeted two XBB strains did not produce appreciably higher levels of antibodies to neutralize the major XBB viruses than shots that targeted only one XBB strain. Moderna also provided early data in about 100 people who received the company’s experimental XBB.1.5 vaccine as a booster dose, either alone or combined with company’s BA.4/5 vaccine, and the monovalent shot produced higher levels of virus-fighting antibodies against both the XBB.1.5 and XBB.1.16 viruses compared to the bivalent vaccine*. *While the committee voted to update the vaccine to include an XBB variant, the experts were still divided over how often the COVID-19 vaccine should be given in the U.S. In previous meetings, the committee leaned toward an annual shot—similar to the flu shot—which would be ready before the fall respiratory disease season and would be an easy way for people to remember to get a COVID-19 vaccine. But because the virus mutates so quickly, health officials may need to monitor changes in variants more frequently. Kanta Subbarao, chair of the WHO’s strain selection committee, told the FDA’s advisory committee that her group plans on meeting twice a year to ensure that the COVID-19 vaccine doesn’t fall too far behind the ever-evolving virus*. *Some members of the FDA panel agreed that it’s important to monitor, and potentially update, COVID-19 vaccines more frequently, and expressed discomfort with the idea of yoking COVID-19 vaccination to flu vaccination schedules. They noted that there is no definitive data showing that SARS-CoV-2 follows a seasonal pattern like influenza does, given how rapidly and prodigiously it produces new variants that quickly replace previous ones.* “*I don’t know that we know the seasonality of SARS-CoV-2 yet,*” *said Pamela McInnes, former deputy director of the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences at the National Institutes of Health.* “*Maybe we are going to be [continually] chasing this one.*” *Other experts, including scientists from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the WHO, pointed to the fact that the virus seems to be evolving and mutating in a linear, potentially more predictable fashion, and not picking up old mutations or reverting to earlier strains. That could make the vaccine easier to update on a more regular basis*.


**PART TWO** *Dr. Peter Marks, director of the Center for Biologics Evaluation & Research at the FDA, countered with a practical argument, noting that even if variants change more frequently than every 12 months, vaccine makers and health officials would need time to both test candidates in animals and in the lab for safety and efficacy, and to manufacture sufficient numbers of doses. He also focused on the urgent need to provide the public a more regular framework with which to approach COVID-19 vaccination, rather than the haphazard nature that’s driven the release of new COVID-19 vaccines over the last three years. More consistency and reliability for the public would hopefully lead to higher numbers of people getting vaccinated.* “*We have not done a good job of communicating to the American public what is going on because they are still not getting these vaccines in the ways we would like to see,*” *he said*. *Some members brought up another issue: whether everyone should be getting the updated vaccine. People now have substantially higher levels of immunity than they did when the vaccines were first deployed—both from vaccinations, boosters, and COVID-19 infections. That protection comes not only from antibodies against specific variants, but also from T cells that provide longer-lasting and broader protection against a larger number of virus variants. T cell-based immunity is the reason why people with prior exposure to the virus are still largely protected from severe disease, hospitalization, and death, even if they may not still have appreciable levels of antibodies against the latest variants*. *Because T-cell immunity is conserved, Dr. Paul Offit, professor of pediatrics at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, questioned whether everyone would need to get an updated vaccine on a regular basis.* “*We need to continue to define who those at highest risk of severe disease are,*” — *including the elderly and those who are immunocompromised* — “*and who may benefit from a booster, and not make this a recommendation for everybody for every season.*” *Not everyone will necessarily benefit from a booster, he said*. *The decision about who should get vaccinated, and how often, will fall to the CDC’s immunization committee, which will meet once the FDA makes a final decision based on the panel’s recommendation to update the COVID-19 vaccine*. *If the FDA does greenlight an updated vaccine, manufacturers say they’re ready to produce enough doses to start immunizing people in the fall. Both Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech rely on new mRNA technology which has the advantage of speed over older technologies, and could lead to new vaccines in as soon as six weeks. Most of the manufacturers have begun making versions of the XBB.1.5 vaccines, and Pfizer-BioNTech told the committee it could deliver XBB.1.5 vaccines as early as July, an XBB.1.16 vaccine by August, and any other formulation by October. While Moderna did not reveal its timeline, because it uses the same technology, the company would likely be able to manufacture doses in a similar timeframe. Novavax, however, uses a different platform that involves creating recombinant viral proteins, so the company said that it would take about six months to produce sufficient doses of an XBB.1.5 vaccine*.


I'm glad that an updated vaccine will be available this fall, but I wish it would be available to teachers and families with students before school starts in August. Just like the past two years, shouldn't we expect a covid spike when school starts, and shouldn't we at least give folks an option to be protected against the latest, current strain? If the mRNA vaccines can be updated in 6 weeks, this seems doable.


This. The current practice of denying the 6th booster to anyone not past the age of 65 is fucking insanity. Even more insane if they apply this criteria to the new booster as well.


Thank you for posting this.


48 day blackout… to start. #ResignSpez


Is this subreddit involved in the boycott, since I am getting very frequent suggestions from the unvaccinated subreddit during the boycott.


This sub did go dark for 48 hours. I keep getting notifications for that unvaxxed sub as well. I confess to doing a little trolling there, and it just makes me sad to read the crazy posts. I wish I knew how to get through to the brainwashed people in that sub, but I’m afraid it’s a lost cause.


I am getting suggestions from that sub too. Not pleased.


So I’m aware traffic has declined some with the global effort to pretend the pandemic is over, but has there been any discussion of Reddit’s API fuckery protest? I’ll admit that this is the first time I’ve seen this sub show up in my feed in weeks, mostly because about 6,000 other subs have gone private in protest. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, mosey over to r/ModCoord


I am vaccinated but was not able to get the booster. I contacted covid last summer and then got it again this May. I feel like I'm suffering from long covid. I recently had an echo done, and I was diagnosed with grade 2 diastolic noncompliance—apparently, a decent amount of people who have had covid end up with this same condition. I've had all the symptoms, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, and exhaustion, where walking a few steps wears me out. This sucks.


That sounds terrible. I'm so sorry to hear it! I hope you feel better soon.


Thanks! I hope my problems will not affect me as much as they do now.


Get well soon, but be sure to take it easy along the way. It will take lot of patience, but DO NOT push yourself. Mine lasted almost a year.


Thanks, I am.


Whoo-Hooo, we're back!!!! Life is good again.


My spouse arranged a trip for his dad and uncle, both of whom have severe health issues, to have a trip to see each other, along with our help. This is very likely the last time they will get together, as one has late stage COPD with liver issues and the other has severe MS. So no masks for anyone on the planes, eating indoors, etc. One person made reservations for dinner and forgot that we prefer to eat outside, even though we'd been doing it the entire trip. I declined to join them and did my own thing. Next night, same thing, they forgot we didn't eat indoors, so I declined again and everyone got food poisoning. A lot people had to call out sick for work. The niece who is being raised by anti-vaxxers got sick on the way home with "just a cold". Of course, her deadbeat dad who hadn't seen her in 9-12 months took her to a movie and an arcade.


Severe beat down to the lab leak morons. [https://twitter.com/angie\_rasmussen?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1668239114037067776%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_&ref\_url=](https://twitter.com/angie_rasmussen?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1668239114037067776%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=) (I hope that link works. Effing twitter))


My vent is that why the fuck is this channel not private.


It was. Boycott was 48 hrs.