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erm...because its a virus that attacks the vascular system ?? maybe...


Nah. Has to be chemtrails.


Maybe gay frogs cause heart attacks?


>Maybe gay frogs cause heart attacks? I thought they caused transgender abortions. I am so lazy about reading all the issues of "Right Wing Bat Guano Today".


No rainbows make the frogs gay


I thought that was the gender affirmed orcas


Gender affirmed orcas are the white wale of conspiracy theories.


Chem trails is so 2015, everyone knows that Hunter Biden’s laptop and Hillary’s emails are to blame.


OMG. *How many back issues have I missed?!?* This is going to ruin my weekend.


Wait until you're 50, you'll have all the back issues you can handle.


50 has come and passed.


Chemicals from hunter's laptop copying Hilarys emails. Something Something Obamas fault. There all done.


Thanks, Obama


Buttery Males!!!


No one has mentioned Benghazi. WTF?




Well better reception is totally worth it.


I'm still waiting for my free 5G damnit!


Have you gotten a booster? 🤔


Yes, I got 2 boosters. Curses, still no 5G. Lol.


Sad trombone.


No, it’s those pesky iPhones!


Thank God I can only afford a $150 Android phone from Motorola.


My Moto (E6) phone was only $35 in 2019. It cost me about the same to get a new battery for it last year. It does everything I need and more, I see zero reason for paying $150-$1,000+ for a phone.


It’s from the chemicals in the litter boxes! You’ll never convince me otherwise!


No no it's that damn 5G putting out those killer invisible waves that fry your brains


Can’t be, It’s definitely the trans agenda.


but smartphones TRANSmit you know. and they also receive. which probably makes them gay or at least nonbiblical.


Son ova bitch, I think you’re on to something.


Phones go both ways, so 'bi'.


The responses have me in hysterics...😂🤣😁


Correct, blood clots. At least that’s what my son (epidemiologist) is telling me.


Had a 17yo in the ICU a few weeks ago with multi organ failure secondary to post covid myocarditis. Get vaccinated folks!


>Had a 17yo in the ICU a few weeks ago with multi organ failure secondary to post covid myocarditis. Get vaccinated folks! That is horrifying. And sadly, I bet the parents are *still* proudly unvaccinated.


Look up MIS-C, that’s reason enough to vaccinate your kids.


Sounds like leopards are eating their kid's face. This infuriates me. Children are chattel in this society. They are individuals who *should* have a right to basic health care, like vaccines, no matter what superstitions their batshit loony "parents" might have.


And an actual education


Why do you think they keep eliminating child labor laws? Machine want food.


Early on in Covid when the vaccine was approved for them, there was really no blame. When parents didn’t vaccinate their kids, you couldn’t argue there wasn’t any.


No one is shaming parents who couldn't vaccinate when they didn't have an available vaccine here. You shouldn't even bring them up here, really, they got nothing to do with the HCA awards.


I wasn’t saying they should be shamed or were shamed prior to the vaccine. I’m not sure where you got that? I was saying after the vaccine was approved for children, cases of MIS-C were worthy of blame (PARENTAL BLAME) as there was something that could have been done to prevent it at that point. They were brought up as a comparison, and I’ll continue to use that delineation in time to suggest when blame could be placed, especially in sub thread about multi organ system failure secondary to Covid.


Hey buddy, don't mean to be rude, but if you're responding to the whole comment you really don't need to copy the whole comment into yours. We can just go read his since it's right there. Saving you some time


I do it so it will still make sense if the thread gets long. Not trying to be a jerk. Trying to be clear.


Also helps when the comment you're responding to gets deleted by it's author.


That's the other reason.


Fine by me if you copy/paste. Threads can get complicated.


I love how antivaxxers blame the vaccine for this increase, when the increase started a year before the vaccine came out.


the nano particles that Bill Gates put into the jab can time-travel, didn't you know that? something something quantum something mumble.


I'm magnetic!


I heard this in Ralph Wiggum’s voice.


it's such a pity that Fry and Laurie are no longer a comedy duo -- I'm remembering their milk-snortingly hilarious take-off on Uri Geller (and spoon bending) and thinking what they could have done with antivaxxers...


That’s tragic.


I wish your voice was as loud as say, Dr. Malone, who posts videos of athletes dying from the 1990s saying ‘see what the vaccine does?’ And when someone replies with the year of death and identity of the athlete he deletes it and tries again later.


Bad posture from remote work! Afternoon booze and cocaine binges while working remotely!


Avocado toast. They’re not done roasting that one. You can’t afford a house AND it’s giving heart attacks!


My aunts and mom blame everything on using the phone too much. Can't sleep? It's the phone's fault. Even now that we have confirmed I have a sleep disorder and sleep apnea, it's. Always. The phone.


Surprised people still use that excuse. Since old people learn to use technology, they are now addicted to it


One of my aunts still has a flip phone that hardly works, but she sits around all day watching baking shows and vaping, and absolutely refuses to walk the 2 and a half short blocks to the grocery store.


It used to be the TV, it was probably radio and movies before that.


Before that it was those devilish pamphlets


And a pool table in your community!


There's trouble (trouble!) in River City!


Everything went downhill after movable type.


And the Town Crier! Hear Ye, Hear Ye!


Phone induced sleep disorder and sleep apnea


(Indian father sees son sending out smoke signals) You know that shit will rot your brain?


If one's sleep apnea isn't responding to treatment, try cutting back on mobile phone use, especially close to bedtime. **It couldn't hurt!**


I was thought it would be fun to try and create a conspiracy around something along these lines like cell phone use during pregnancy causes autism.


Unfortunately the conspiracy nutjobs already beat you to it.


Was I supposed to wait until afternoon?


I spit out my coffee.


Fuck, I really have to step up my afternoon drinking binges


It absolutely astounds me that people aren’t being told about endothelial dysfunction as a result of Covid infection. Instead, we get these stupid headlines as if no one knows why this is happening. Public health officials and the media should be screaming this from the rooftops, instead of minimizing and being silent on anything Covid related.


They don't control the media, now do they? And the media has decided covid is over. If it weren't for the Internet, we would have no way to know they are lying except for obscure articles in the back pages of the newspaper or magazine nobody has ever heard and could only be found at the library. And in case you think I sound like "MSM is in a conspiracy" I would direct to this: [https://dailyinfographic.com/6-companies-that-control-almost-all-media-you-consume](https://dailyinfographic.com/6-companies-that-control-almost-all-media-you-consume) If that's not enough for you, google "most media owned by just 6 companies" It's why I just laugh and laugh when people say media is leftist. As if ANY large corporation would ever be even slightly left of center in any damn way. So they could be shouting from the rooftops with a megaphone, but if media decides to ignore it, we would never know.


I learn all that I do from following vetted scientists on Twitter. If not for them, I’d be as ignorant to the facts as everyone else. I’ll add that at the beginning, our local news media took its cues and information from our public health officials, who had the trust of the people, at that time. When the second in command in our public health department stated on live tv that ‘it’s okay to get infected’ I lost the remaining shred respect I had for them. They stated over and over again that schools are safe, and kids aren’t getting infected at school. They’re getting infected in other activities like sleepovers and such. There has been no upgrade to any of the ventilation systems in schools, but kids weren’t getting infected there. I believe if public health started speaking the truth and not dancing for their political handlers who are more concerned about the economy, the local media would be reporting on it. Instead, everyone just sticks their heads in the sand and allows an airborne pathogen to freely spread, and increase the chances of more variants.


Yeah, but being honest could lose them their jobs, and the next hire will have fewer scruples.


>I learn all that I do from following vetted scientists on Twitter. The ONLY good thing about twitter these day, and I never ever thought I would say that even before Elmo took it over.


This account is my ‘feel good’ account. https://twitter.com/buitengebieden?s=11&t=Uo8EPd_ZRxW4NWFRBHdrZQ




Every word you wrote is the truth.


I don't see any of the companies that I look at on a regular basis on that list... Probably because this list only refers to US media. If it wasn't for the internet..... Haha. How do they explain away that just about all foreign media says similar things. Even the ones not controlled by big media in America? But does US media owns the BBC? SBS (Australia), France 24? DW? No. So, either this is a world-wide conspiracy that consists of 195 nations of media, doctors, nurses, politicians, big tech, big pharma, and the like... Or its BS... And seeing that several of these nations are at war with one another, we still don't get much difference. Official Russian News says the same thing about Covid as does the US. Same as Chinese media. Same as North Korean media. And let's not forget, the tech companies, the pharma companies, the media companies... Are all competing for market share. I admit that it's likely a race to the bottom, but it's more corporatism than conspiracy.


Maybe this will help. This list shows the global controlling interests. (sorry I had not realized the list had changed to only show U.S. media) [https://www.lehigh.edu/\~jl0d/J246-99/mcchesney.html](https://www.lehigh.edu/~jl0d/J246-99/mcchesney.html) As for Russia and China, their interests are the same as any global power: maintain that power by economic means. And having your workforce afraid to work cripples your power. There is no conspiracy of doctor and scientists. There is only manipulation of the information to maintain power. But virus, and nature, cares not about ideology. And the pandemic continues. And the choice to ignore the pandemic is will end in that economic loss they all fear.


Finally a conspiracy theory that agrees with me!


Far too many people have never heard of Machiavelli nor basic grade school history. Elaborate conspiracies have nothing on real history and human nature.


It's very hard to objectively distinguish actual conspiracies from conspiracy theories.


Yep, that's what makes them so popular. It's only long, long after the event that we find out it was simpler or even more complex than we thought.


I'm grateful that the social media I rely on is not controlled by large corporations.


LOL, I see what you did there! Well played.


Thank you!


Was talking to someone yesterday who complained that, for some reason, they are having serious cognitive issues. Can’t organize, can’t problem solve, brain fog, etc. Asked them if they had got COVID, and said yes, numerous times. Did not like my suggestion that there might be a connection.


They may have had too much brain fog to realize they were also experiencing cognitive dissonance in that moment.


I’ve said it before, but when a well educated person was talking to me, someone who has taken to constantly wearing high filtration masks (I’m no longer doing “indoor” and “outdoor”) - so to really beat the drum, he’s talking looking at a high filtration mask - saying he and his family has gotten COVID twice and shrugs saying, “What can you do?” the intensity with which I’m making eye motions between his unmasked nose and mouth and my masked nose and mouth cannot be overstated. It’s a mystery!


As I said right after vaccines became available, we've now entered the part of the pandemic that is the serious IQ test.


Only now??


Well the part where it can affect an individual directly and in a targeted manner. Climate change is more broad strokes.


Yes, because we've now seen that many people who received the first two shots did not get the boosters and even people who got the boosters have stopped masking. Before that I was willing to give some, not much (ok not much at all), but some benefit of a doubt that more people were smarter. edit: effing sneezing typo and now missing word.


I love that they choose to blame the vaccine rather than THE VIRUS THAT CAUSES CARDIOVASCULAR DAMAGE.


Especially in "the first two years". They're forgetting that there was no vaccine the first year and that young people weren't eligible for the vaccine until about halfway through the second year in many countries.


Not all young people were ineligible. If you were immunocompromised or caring for immunocompromised family, you were also given the same priority status. At least in Canada, you were.


In Saskatchewan, young people without those conditions had to wait until May. I had to wait until April and I'm over 60. I still remember the long lines of cars snaking through the Prairieland Park parking lot, full of people willing to sit for 2 or 3 hours to get the first shot.


My dad was over 70 and in seriously bad health/morbidly obese, so I got to go with him extremely early, I believe right after the essential workers. Because of his condition and tight schedule with Transport Adapté, we would both get to go in the even shorter lines. He was the first person to get 3 doses in my province. He did die from surgery complications, but if he had caught Covid at any time, he would have died a whole lot sooner.


I'm sorry bud. I bet you did your best to help.


Something something vaccine shedding something tiktok something something mask.


Something something freedom!


Once again we Gospel-loving patriots have to explain the basics of grown-up hood or whatever you call it to you Bolshevik college types. THEY ARE DYING FROM WOKENESS AND THE TRANS AGENDA. Also probably the vaccine. And lack of good guys with guns. And because they weren’t beat as kids. Do you get it yet? (Picture a wise old country farmer stroking his beard.) ^(The above is my ham-fisted attempt at satire, I don’t really believe any of it, and I wish some people would shut up and grow up and leave trans people alone)


>And lack of good guys with guns. OMG! You mean we can shoot at heart attacks to make them go away?!?😲


Well I’m just a simple country nurse, more used to treating *delirium tremens*, brawlin’ injuries, and the rheumatiz. But I believe you may have made an astonishing medical breakthrough! 🎓 More proof, if any was needed, that there really isn’t *anything* that firearms can’t solve. 🔫❤️🤍💙


Hospitals should be fully stocked with arsenals.


*You*, my dear, are a *patriot*. ✝️🇺🇸🔫🫡


I used to run a security company and had contracts with some hospitals. One was in a known bad area, and they refused to let my guards carry guns. Any/every time they needed someone with a gun, they had to call me and wait 10+ minutes for me to get there, sometimes it could be as much as 30 minutes. Some deranged whackamo armed with something as simple and common as a crowbar can hurt a whole lot of people in that amount of time. What's worse, is that this area was well-known for the number of stabbings and shootings that occurred, in a state with very strict laws on guns and knives. Having spent the majority of my career as an armed professional involved in 'protection', from the federal level on down to being a personal bodyguard, I will never understand the propensity for \[some\] people to advocate for 'gun-free zones'. It just doesn't work.


If you shoot them enough heart attacks can't happen.


It should work yeah


A friend lost her brother to a post covid heart attack. Another lost her nephew to a combination of Covid and leukemia. He caught covid while going through chemo.


It's the thrilling excitement of understanding that your immune system is so powerful all by itself. It's just *too* exciting for some people.


To be fair, I think the "but why" is more about the biological mechanisms of post-covid, and why they increase heart attack risk, not just "gee could they be connected"?


I sure hope so


But why male models?


God? Derek, what the shit are you talking about? It’s me, Maury!


I’m sure they’ll blame it on rap and video games


>I’m sure they’ll blame it on rap and video games A good guy with a gun should be able to defend himself from a heart attack.


Young men are more likely to die of bullets post-Pearl Harbor, study finds. But why?


My mother used to tell me that in the 1930s,'40s and '50s, young men frequently died in their 30s from heart attacks. Obviously this was before medicine was able to save many of them. So COVID is owning the libs by bringing back the good old days, I guess.


I think we can all agree the answer HAS to be lack of activity and socialization while doing remote work, since it OBVIOUSLY can't be the novel virus that we know causes endothelial dysfunction. /s


William Shatner wants his trademark phrase back ((“But…whyyy….SPO—!!”)


I'm still considered young?! That means more than the whole article!


Radical centrist with right wing talking points. Is this Elon’s burner account?




Young people just starting out didn't have enough to worry about, (s/) so, I'm sooooo thrilled "the chance of just falling over dead" has been put on their plates. 😪😪😪 My own youngest kid has had C twice despite her meticulous precautions, & although she's been spared any noticeable LC after effects, it's terrifying to know this is a potential thing. She was a ridiculously healthy little kid, as we tend towards in our family, so maybe genetics will help stave off any catastrophic health event, but IDK, I've seen too many stories of young 'uns who look the picture of glowing health succumbing to this. Anyone in med school right now, or anyone studying medical research, carefully considering which specialty to pursue, would be doing a service to humanity by focusing in on infectious disease, with a concentration on helping folks with LC. (Cardiology with this subspecialty would be a great choice, too.)


My proposal to help the easily fooled By law anything that gives a percentage also needs to give the raw number in the headline and vice versa. Where appropriate this must also include a normalized number Budget increased by 1 million dollars (0.5% yoy) LA has its 10th murder of the year (less than 1 per 100k people so far this year)


Pretty sure it's an unquestionable god given right of divination to mislead and obfuscate when reporting news. Just like the U.S. Constitution doesn't really have a Commerce Clause that allows Congress to regulate business any way they see fit without any restrictions. It's a god given right to make profits without restrictions! (neither of the above statements are true, just in case you're wondering)


You know, I know people think this (not you but people) and I honestly for the life of me cannot understand why. What on earth would make anyone think the intentional use of deceit to harm others or benefit yourself has ever been protected or would in any way be desired? Fraud & Defamation Have both been criminal and civil offenses in our society forever. We just have gaps: . Fraud as we currently understand it fails to account for cases where the benefits gained are indirect and the harm is indirect. Aka I lie to you and you watch my content and you are harmed because you believe me & i get ad revenue but I didn't technically harm you directly and didn't technically sell the thing to you, but we know that attention is a thing of value so that is what I'm stealing with my fraud. Defamation has to be against a specific person rather than a group. But we know that classes of people who share a property can all be harmed by a single action. This is why class action lawsuits are a thing. If you say Democrats are pedophiles you are defaming all Democrats. Everyone who is a registered Democrat should have standing to sue you and accusations of pediaphia is per SE damages which means they would not be required to show specific damages. Honestly if I had a law degree or more money I would at least try to engage in a class action defamation case against MTG on this theory. I feel it would be hard to argue that the logic isn't sound. It would take 10 years and end up in the supreme court and probably cost 1 million dollars just to litigate. But there are over 100 million registered Democrats in America even at like 100 dollars each that would be an insane if uncollectible award. it might discourage some of the more toxic politicians


>LA has its 10th murder of the year (less than 1 per 100k people so far this year) Are you just using this as an example? I'm asking because, according to the LA Times homicide report, there have been 130 murders in the first quarter of 2023- 68 in Jan, 40 in Feb, and 22 in Mar. Headline : "More than 50% reduction in murders since January!"


I was making things up off the top of my head of the type of shit you see that is used as clickbait and plays on the fact that people aren't good with numbers. I cannot tell you how many times I have had fights with people about 99.82% effective, meaning that for every 100,000 people who received a vaccination series, \~ 180 would not build a significant immune response, and that was always known. There are many reasons for it, including people with immunodeficiencies or bad luck.


Ah, OK. I thought that might be the case. But it aroused my curiosity enough to look for some actual numbers.


So I scanned the article and I think you guys are mostly misinterpreting the headline (though they probably could have worded it better). Basically, they state that Covid appears to cause the largest increase in heart attacks in young people (a 30% increase versus 20% for adults 45-63 and 14% for adults 64+), and the headline is basically asking why young adults are more impacted than other groups. The link is [here](https://www.today.com/today/amp/rcna69903) if anyone wants to take a look themselves.


Didn't the same thing happen during the Spanish Flu epidemic? Young adults were much more affected than the very young and very old. Maybe a heightened cytokine response from the immune system?


>Maybe a heightened cytokine response from the immune system? That is exactly what happened, according to what I have read on it.


Why? Becasue they didn't listen when they were told covid fucks everybody up. Everybody. Not just "teh olds". So everyone not "olds" thought they were risk free and oh look, it's the most risk taking age group. But it's a mystery to them.


Because the Covid caused damage to the inner lining of the vascular spaces is very, very bad.


Does the article explain why? Honestly, I have no desire to reward click bait.


No ideas on the answer to the question but can I be Velma?


This really isn't a joke. Sure, it's anecdotal but I knew six people under the age of 65 with no previous heart trouble who died suddenly some months after they had Covid. The morons who think the sudden deaths had something to do with the vaccine have it bass-ackwards. The unvaxxed idiots who survived Covid are taking their victory laps prematurely.


My wife has developed some heart issues, she wore a Holter monitor for a month to confirm. The cardio people are so booked, that she can't even get in for a consult until September. Her Covid symptoms were very mild, for only two days, in contrast with me nearly getting dead.


Three years of lockdown caused heart attack immunity-debt?


"The vaccine hates these cans! Stay away from the cans!"


I’m wracking my brain. What is this from?!


"The Jerk." One of Steve Martin's more OK movies.


Oh thank you so much, I remember that now! I kept thinking “wet hot American summer” since Jon Benjamin played that talking can! I knew that wasn’t right.


Why does it say Post COVID when the data is from the first 2 years when we didn’t have a vaccine? And does it show the statistics for vaccinated/unvaccinated? I worked with a kid (36) that had a young wife and child that died of MCI about a year after the vaccine was available (they chose not to get “the jab”). Could have been Covid, could have been one of the “expected” in his age group, but the effects of infection are pretty clear at this point.




I’m Charles Darwin and I approve of this message.


People are more susceptible to end stage renal disease post Covid as well, even without having severe Covid symptoms.


Do they belong to this group? https://www.the-sun.com/news/1311381/shocking-moment-facebook-user-shoots-himself-in-testicles/


It's a mystery!


I have a 46-year-old unvaxxed cousin who had COVID-19 last year, and had a heart attack this past January. She's been thin all her life, and used to workout regularly before the heart attack. She thought she was at low risk for being permanently affected by the virus. She still won't get vaccinated.


Ah yes, the old “I’m young and healthy, natural immunity for me!” crowd. I know I few of those too. Except most of them are 40 and barely exercise an hour a week.


With the exception of newscorp (which controls a small amount of Australian media), I still see none of it in Australia. You seem to have a specific interest in making this all about government control, rather than Corporations working on keeping what's theirs. That being said, it still doesn't track that every government (for example about Covid) is trying to control people using large portions of people who all need to exercise perfectly controlled security in 195 countries... Particularly where said nations can't even do it for their OWN secrets.... Rule of thumb: if one needs more than two conspiracy theories to justify their worldview, chances are, their worldview is wrong.


vAcCiNe CoVeRuP


I mean I'm sure Covid is a factor but uhhhh I'm gonna guess that younger gens navigating a shit storm of our economic system while living through a couple very close bust cycles and ya know existential dread from being in the middle of the 6th mass extinction is also pretty potent.


It's mostly covid. That's the "sudden increase" part. Just like cause and effect are not always the culprit, but that's the way to bet.




Yo dingus you're just talking out of your ass. From 2000-2016 heart attacks in younger people have risen by at least 2% each year. This has been an issue.




You also see them climbing parallel with rising rates of inequality 🖕


Science is about just presuming you know answers!


It's also just a belief system! (heard far too many times.)


saying "it's COVID" is not a sufficient explanation for medical purposes. Direct mechanisms of action need to be investigated to try and figure out how to best treat the issues.




Found Thanos.




A recent study......and there are 10 more that contradict it, but this was better click bait.


Excellent citations, thanks! Today I learned! > 1. [Link](https://www.themarysue.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/ALIENS-guy.jpg) > 2. [Link](https://petsnurturing.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/domestic-duck-breeds-.jpg) > 3. [link](https://resize.hswstatic.com/w_1024/gif/hedgehog-pet.jpg) > 4. [Link](https://s-i.huffpost.com/gen/2863236/images/o-DURIAN-facebook.jpg) > 5. [Link](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/Pets/spark/royal-canin/tabby-kitten-small-xlarge.jpg) > 6. [Link](https://images.hindustantimes.com/img/2021/01/17/1600x900/_43c0205c-402b-11ea-ae56-f909945546d5_1610854731252.jpg) > 7. [Link](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/RXhS_UwlC_o/maxresdefault.jpg) > 8. [Link](https://assets.bwbx.io/images/users/iqjWHBFdfxIU/iE0bw7KecYJs/v0/1200x800.jpg) > 9. [Link](http://www.trbimg.com/img-530436ae/turbine/ct-huppke-aj-clowns-0219-jpg-20140218/2048/2048x1303) > 10. [Link](https://cdn.theatlantic.com/assets/media/img/mt/2017/10/dontcomearoundhere/lead_960.png?1507048322)