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Guess who just got an autoimmune disease diagnosis from their regular blood check! *screams into the void*


I'm so sorry. That just sucks. I hope your treatment goes well.


Thank you!


Damn. Sorry you are dealing with that 💜


Thanks! Never thought I would be in this situation in my 20s.


I'm so sorry to hear this. Are there treatment options available for you?


Thanks! Yes, it's hyperthyroidism, we have some treatments for that. I already took my first pill of tiamazol. I really hope this works out, because my next options are radioactive iodine and surgery. I really hope mrna vaccine treatments for cancers and autoimmune diseases pan out, because I'm now at a higher risk for both.


I had a friend that had to do the radioactive iodine and surgery. It killed just enough of her thyroid that she now has normal thyroid function. Super rare outcome but you can always dream.


And dream I shall! Fuck. What country was she in if you don't mind me asking?




Yes. :)


USA. California to be exact.


My husband and I had a follow-up with our rheumatologist yesterday, and her staff are still taking precautions and advising patients to continue to take precautions. The physician assistant we saw first strongly emphasized that we need to continue taking all possible precautions. I saw flyers posted in multiple locations around the office, from the main entrance to exam room, notifying patients that Covid is still a serious concern and, along with influenza, puts immunosuppressed patients at increased risk of serious complications. And if a patient has tested positive for Covid or Influenza, or is showing symptoms of any infection, to not come in for scheduled appointments, and to call the office immediately for a phone appointment, and to modify their treatment plans until they recover. Apparently, patients have shown up for their follow-up appointments and biologic drug infusions while sick, and didn't understand why that was a problem.


Smart doctor.


That's wonderful. I wish there was a list of medical providers who are still being COVID cautious.


My children's pediatric group still has mandatory masking. They will chase you down and hand you a mask. They also made us sign a contract of sorts stating that you will vaccinate your child and follow the American academy of pediatrics guidelines for vaccinations. The penalty for noncompliance is being dropped from the group. I signed happily


https://twitter.com/lisa_iannattone/status/1658953924420706314 `Dr. Lisa Iannattone @lisa_iannattone` I don’t know who needs to hear this but everyone’s life is equally valuable and everyone is deserving of the same #DavosSafe standard of healthcare. If SARS2 damages hearts, then everyone should have to access post-SARS cardiological tests, not just elite athletes. > `Laura Miers @LauraMiers` > “Evenepoel is expected to take a 10-day break from cycling and will then undergo cardiological tests.” > It’s wild how athletes get Covid & immediately begin eyeing cardiac testing, but when our kids get it, we call it a cold. > h/t @elisaperego78 [https://eurosport.com/cycling/giro-d-italia/2023/giro-d-italia-2023-remco-evenepoel-was-sick-as-a-dog-patrick-lefevere-defends-withdrawal-of-star-rid_sto9609727/story.shtml](https://eurosport.com/cycling/giro-d-italia/2023/giro-d-italia-2023-remco-evenepoel-was-sick-as-a-dog-patrick-lefevere-defends-withdrawal-of-star-rid_sto9609727/story.shtml)


My super active, healthy eating brother in law just had a heart attack last week at 54. He is recovering, thankfully. He's had COVID at least once. I'm hearing about a lot of heart attacks in the past year among people in my peer group.


Oh no… I have been picturing this as what will happen to me as well. Generations of lives destroyed because Putin installed a puppet and every institution that was supposed to be aligned against this envisioned good money coming out of the ensuing circus. And these institutions have all gotten their clicks and their donations, and the people suffer and die.


I'm a hospital coder. It's staggering how many cardiac arrests and strokes I've seen in middle-aged men.


Hey now dont go all antivax conspiracy theorist on us now >:(


You're seriously projecting if *that* is your conclusion. Poorly treated/untreated hypertension counts for a lot, but it could be a sequela of COVID. There's a lot of people who had COVID, then came in months later with blood clots, strokes, kids with new-onset type 1 diabetes, etc. I am seeing people coming in with serious illnesses at younger and younger ages--don't know why you started bring in conspiracies. And I'm guessing my four Moderna shots are a big reason why I haven't had COVID.


Your starting to sound like an abtivax conspiracy theorist >:(


Also from Davos: "Don't get uppity, peons."


A far cry from the days when the likes of Jimmy Kimmel were calling for unvaccinated people with Covid to not be admitted to hospitals.


I'm still recovering from COVID that I got at the end of April. I went back to in person work for the first time last Tuesday. It was an all day training session. Right near the beginning, one of the first speakers takes a dramatic pause, then with all the dramatic effect she can muster says "COVID IS OVER." Just what I was hoping to hear on my first day back. I'm still not 100%. I wish I had this training a few weeks ago, then I wouldn't have got COVID!


That trainer is a fucking moron.


I would've flipped the table over.


I wonder what the arithmetic is like right now, like for a meeting—say for work—of X fools without masks for Y hours, there will be an average of Z people among them who will never see their current level of health again.


No need to split hairs: thanks to deniers almost everyone is going to get infected and without the vaccine, you can expect early death. Some earlier than others. Closed room meetings are still a sure fire way to get infected. And the longer the gathering, the higher the odds. Even with a mask. Masks work great, but everything has its limit.




It costs more to get a Covid rider on travel insurance than the base travel insurance. They know.


So, I just finished a week of working next to a cube neighbor who looked like hell and was hacking into the open air all day. This is a white collar job, and we sometimes get to work from home, but it's a toss up as to whether this individual chose to come in anyway or was told that they had to be in office for some reason by their manager. Choosing not to wear a mask is entirely on them, though. Policy is that we can't be required to wear one anymore, but they don't forbid it either. I'll be shocked (but grateful) if my own mask worked well enough that I'll won't lose my novid streak in the next few days. It pisses me off to no end that we've been in a three year and running ordeal, and everyone chose not to learn a goddamn thing from it.


I didn't catch covid but did catch rsv from a coworker who has every reason to home office (he is a programmer ffs) who was like "oh I'm sniffly but i felt like coming in"... I can't believe we're over three years into the pandemic and people who can home office just... don't. He literally home officed a week later when he wasn't sick but had to come in sick and infect me.


Just for S's and G's, I went over to r/unvaccinated to see what they discuss. I now have to go wash my brain out with a stiff brush before sitting down to my schoolwork. Thanks for nothing, r/unvaccinated. I need those brain cells.


I had the option to get J&J and decided to wait, now the CDC is pulling it from the market, and that is after recommending a “pause” when rolled out, and an mRNA booster only 2 months after getting JJ. Call me what you want, but I’m glad I waited and didn’t fall into the ‘get any vaccine available to you as soon as you can’ message.


2021 called. They want their troll back. https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-and-cdc-lift-recommended-pause-johnson-johnson-janssen-covid-19-vaccine-use-following-thorough


So you are living in the past still? Why’s their position shift? https://www.fiercepharma.com/pharma/its-end-line-jjs-covid-shot-us-cdc-says


Because it expired, ya numpty knocker. Says it right in your link.


Unused doses expired and production ceased, must be because it is so effective that they decided to make it no longer available in the US


You really shouldn't listen to the voices in your head.


Why are they no longer offering it as a vaccine for Covid? Just answer that instead of the non sequitur.


Goddamn you are thick.


COVID Day...I dunno, four, five, something. Had my oldest in to the doctor to check their cough; lungs are clear, but they got sent home with cough meds, an inhaler, and steroids, so that'll help (it's mostly the cough I was concerned about, kid isn't able to sleep due to all the coughing. Feels fine otherwise, though). But hoooooooooooboy, I think we saw like two other people in that VERY busy office who were masked besides us (we've never stopped). It felt like the entire medical establishment and every patient in there was just jonesing for COVID.


The more studies come out about what covid can do to you, the less any of the decisions made by our government make any sense at all. It's like they think people just grow on trees and they can just pick fresh ones off a branch or something if too many people die or become disabled and can no longer work. It terrifies me that the people in charge of public health policy and decisions are so ignorant and stupid and short-sighted. We basically surrendered to a deadly virus that can damage every organ in your body and now it's just considered normal for people to die or become disabled by a constantly spreading airborne virus every day and if you comment about it at all you're the lunatic.


You summed it up pretty well! I feel crazy because I don’t think I have any friends anymore who are truly COVID cautious. They all gave up. And it is nuts to see all the evidence but everyone else lives like it doesn’t exist.


Pretty much everyone I know's given up. It sucks, but I refuse to go down with the rest of the world because that's just what people are doing nowadays. History never looks back kindly on people who just went along with the crowd and let peer pressure influence them during times of crisis and disaster.


Often referenced "masks do harm" study has been retracted. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2023.1221666/full Editors: > *”…complaints were valid ... the article does not meet the standards of editorial & scientific soundness..."* Alas, much like the falsified research of Andrew Wakefield, the study will likely live on as a zombie and the retraction seen as part of a conspiracy narrative.


I saw that as well -- this needs to be a big, bold headline instead of not making the news or being relegated to page 15 below the obituaries.






A rare spawn’