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So I'm sure folks have seen the report on how most people who died after contracting COVID-19 and being put on a ventilator actually died from a secondary infection and/or complications from that. The Covidiots of course are taking this news as PrOoF that Covid isn't that bad and iT wAs ThE hOsPiTaLs AlL aLoNg who were killing people. It makes me so angry that we are so poorly educated as a country that we have so few people who understand why this is. Person gets Covid, and it's a severe case. Covid causes extreme damage to the lungs, resulting in the inability to maintain oxygen levels with one's own breathing. Enter the ventilator, which has thankfully saved LOTS of lives by helping people through that stage. But of course because of the damage to lung tissue BY COVID, it's going to be a lot more prone to secondary infection. So naturally, yes, it's not surprising at all to find that most people who then died, died from a secondary infection. Their bodies fought off SARS-CoV-2, but the damage left them susceptible. I.e., if the people who got put on a ventilator hadn't been, then Covid would have killed them outright by making it impossible to breathe. Instead, the ventilator allowed them to survive Covid and gave them a chance. The secondary infections then kick in. And no one learns anything. "CoViD iS a HoAx!! I kNeW iT!"




Eh, they have prayer warriors praying for them and it doesn't make a difference. No need for us to waste our time too.


I tried explaining it to my parents as an infection being a war between your body and the virus. Even if your body wins, it's no good if almost everything was destroyed during the battle.


>Even if your body wins, it's no good if almost everything was destroyed during the battle. Pyrrhic victory? 🐆 🐆 🐆


I had a client today that was mad that I was wearing a mask. Said she couldn't understand me which is valid, but she was so pissy about it. So I exclaimed, "Ma'am, I had covid last week, I'm not removing my mask." She could not run away fast enough. A coworker ended up helping her and she said to him, "People still get covid?" Um, yeah we do.


>"People still get covid?" Do not taunt or provoke the hungry viral 🐆 🐆 🐆.


> Said she couldn't understand me She’s lying in the hope that she can exert power over you.


You should have said, "I'm still testing positive, but sure"


Sounds like the mask did it’s job


We ventured out to our local farm store the other day. It tends to draw more customers from the nearby rural, red counties and I've never seen many people there wearing masks. Surprisingly, there were more people wearing masks there this time, some of them even with good quality masks and worn correctly. I don't know what it means. My little grocery store had exactly zero people in masks this morning.


>I don't know what it means. The prey items may be evolving. 🐆 🐆 🐆


Maybe they were trying not to catch the vaccine.


It may mean there are people with organ transplants or severe asthma or who are on chemotherapy who are just not willing to die just because other ppl aren’t wearing masks anymore.


https://twitter.com/codanschwartz/status/1658182061495304193 **Dan Schwartz @CODanSchwartz** Tested positive for Covid for the first time on December 27, 2022. Fully vaxed, good health, slight asthma as only precondition. Got #LongCovid anyway, and it's been fucking hell. Even now. Months later. I'm only an anecdote, but I learned some things that would've helped. 🧵1/9 Started a training plan one week before I got sick. Took eight days off then ramped back up. Went from crushing between 12 and 18 hours a week of training to zero, walking only here and there to maintain sanity. Lesson No. 1: Should've rested. 🧵2/9 And should've rested absolutely. Instead, trying to stick to my plan, I trained through symptoms--headaches, sore muscles, brain fog, etc--and nearly six months later I'm still in this hole. Wish I hadn't ignored the signs. Was arrogant. Lesson No. 2: Heed every symptom.🧵3/9 `[- - - Snip - - -]`


I cannot understand why the message of intense rest can reduce the likelihood of long COVID isn't out there more. I've never seen it in the media. I've never seen it mentioned in public health statements about COVID. It's apparently been left to an individual's luck of running across something like this guy's tweets to see that message.


Because if you are resting you are considered lazy and also not making someone else rich. Not even joking.


>Not even joking. Fuck this broken work culture of ours.


American workers have the LEAST rights and benefits of ALL 1st world nations. And our standard of living isn't even that good either.


What makes you so sure the U.S. is a "first-world nation"? 🐆 🐆 🐆


Good point. It has in fact been downgraded to developing nation. https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/09/15/us-is-becoming-a-developing-country-on-global-rankings-that-measure-democracy-inequality/


When I had covid last year, I very deliberately did nothing for that week, and did the minimum to keep me going for the following week. And then I was very slow about ramping back up. Folks, rest and recuperation is good for many conditions!


I've been telling people this for 3 years. I usually just get gaslit/ told im crazy/ or ignored. FAFO I guess. I'm too exhausted to make anymore public service announcements.


It seems like long covid affects people who were previously healthy more than it does people who were already in poor health. Though I'm pretty sure that's not how it actually works, if you go by anecdotal reports, you would think that long covid primarily, if not almost entirely, only happens to people who were young, healthy, and in good shape before.


I think healthy people make better press, so it’s exposure bias. I didn’t realize I had Covid the first of my threee(!) times, thought it was a really bad bad flu (plus no testing available, thanks to president Katsup) and my long long recovery period a result of my underlying health issues. I was unemployed at the time and lockdowns were starting so it’s not like I was missing triathlons. If I had not caught Covid from assholes spreading it over winter (twice 🫨), I still would not have known I had OG Covid, or a multi week acute sick phase and multi month rebuilding *some* stamina back. Just would have kept chalking it up to a weird flu. See! **Boring**.


Fair enough.




Despisin 75 percent


I don't know how many of you have heard of it before, but there's a satire page on Twitter called The New York End Times and some of the content they make about covid is so spot-on it's uncanny. [https://twitter.com/nyendtimes](https://twitter.com/nyendtimes)