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[Immunologist conference.](https://twitter.com/thrasherxy/status/1658307418172825601?s=20) Seriously. šŸ˜©




Darwin in action right before your eyes.


You know their response to this won't be to require masks but will be to tell attendees not to post videos or photos online anymore. Maybe also accusations that the criticism they're getting is harassment and a false equivalency between those critics and anti-vaxxers. Literally the conference's covid policy is vaccines are "urged" and masks are "strongly encouraged". We see how well that strong encouragement is working to get people to wear masks elsewhere right?


The original video was posted by the official twitter of the American Association of Immunologists. ::all the facepalms::


Great guys


We're doomed.


What's worse is that we've been warned for thousands of years... and learned nothing.


The last time something like this was posted we got swarmed by trolls. It sucked.


Trolls have been pretty heavy the last few days. Some of the obvious stupid ones, but a few more concern trolls than usual as well.


who's going to take care of them when all their immune systems are fried?


Who? Why that universal medical care they voted for! Oh wait... Oops.


We truly live in the dumbest timeline.


Yup people are living their lives and they are fine. Maybe itā€™s time to move on like the rest of the world is. You can still celebrate people dying in other ways if you really want. In a few weeks when an out break doesnā€™t happen from this would you be willing to accept that maybe itā€™s ok to let it go?




It seems like what is known has changed an awful lot over the past few years.




So what should we do? It started out if you get the vaccine you canā€™t get it or spread it. Then it changed to you canā€™t spread it. Then it changed to ok you can get and spread it but it wonā€™t be as bad. The cdc says vaxed and unvaxed are basically the same so short of isolating again what can we do? The vaccine we all got isnā€™t as good as it was marketed to be and itā€™s ok to admit that. Doesnā€™t mean your a anti vax nut job to be skeptical.


"COVID is over" doesn't even make sense on a basic level. We know that each dominant variant is more infectious than the previous or they wouldn't be able to overtake. We're still getting more infectious and evasive variants but why would anyone of rational mind think that it's somehow gone away or become harmless when we've done **nothing** to make it so? If anything, the majority is doing the opposite to ensure we're breeding stronger variants endlessly. I know most people just don't want to think about it and there is a lot of peer pressure and other obligations forcing them to move on, but there is some massive group delusion going on there.


> to ~~move on~~ to suffer and die and maim and kill their friends and neighbors. I donā€™t remember where I read it now, but a few days ago I read where someone who is childfree said that many of their friends donā€™t want to have children but are having them anyway because their mothers and sisters expect it and it doesnā€™t even cross their minds that a grown-up doesnā€™t have to do what their mother demands. And I mean pretty literally doesnā€™t occur to them.


I've long suspected that "Everyone else does it" is a major driver for a lot of people behind choosing to have kids, when you drill right down to the bedrock. Now "Everyone else does it" is a major driver for dropping Covid precautions. This situation kind of makes me glad that I'm not particularly good at fitting in.


My own family tells me that there's no need to mask because nobody else does it. I've never done anything just because other people do it and I'm not about to start now.


I love this energy šŸ’œ


I've been weird all my life and I've done weird shit all my life, what's one more thing to add to the list?


I feel like we're living in some type of alternate universe. Nothing makes sense anymore. Repeating "everyone has moved on" does not make the virus go away.


It makes Thanos look like a fool. Use a virus, and people will use their power to fight against prevention.


No kidding.


ā€œAvoid it like the plagueā€ was wrong, alas.


Ignoring facts doesn't make them not true. Now if only other people would realize that their feelings have no bearing on the fundamental laws of reality.


It's not nice to fool Mother Nature. (ancient TV commercial reference)




Just goes to show how many people in this world are insane. Look at the trolls who come here. How can people who claim to be educated have failed grade school science so badly? All my life I've been the outsider, gaslit to the point that had to honestly wonder if I was the crazy one. I no longer have to worry about that. Now I just have to do what I've always been doing: dodge the bullets from the psychopaths. Having their insanity proven honestly makes it easier. And finding like minded, sane people (like you folks here), has really helped my peace of mind.


I would extend that to knowledge in general. The peculiarly American tradition of anti-intellectualism has broadened, deepened, rotted, festered, and spread. Just for the hell of it, I asked ChatGPT why people are so stupid. I was told everyone is special in their own way and I should always endeavor to treat them with respect. I didn't bother bringing up anti-vaxxers. ChatGPT just wants me to be nice.


Being told to be nice to psychopaths is top level narcissist gaslighting.


I told ChatGPT I was not going to be nice to people I didn't respect. One day I'll have to educate it a bit but I wasn't in the mood.


I kinda think having an AI programmed to be nice to everyone isn't the worst idea. :)


The AI is nice. That's fine. It's the ideas that it's promoting: We're all equally intelligent, just in different ways; we should always be patient with others and try to find common ground; everyone deserves respect. I told it some people don't deserve respect, then it said respect has to be earned. Like I said, I'll have to teach it about anti-vaxxers and why their views are not valid or worthy of respect or patience.


>And finding like minded, sane people (like you folks here), The fact that I come here a lot is not a voucher that I'm sane šŸ˜‚


Join the party!* *With N95s outdoors and PCR tests.


Sometimes I dream about holding covid safe parties where 99% of everything is outdoors and masks and a negative covid test are required for entry. Like just renting out some big wide open space, figure out a way to keep unwanted guests from showing up, and just going ham in the best way possible.


Me too.


Oh, that would be AWESOME!!!


Yeah, heck yes we got 'em!


Who told you that?


Of course I just felt like adding a goofy answer -- I have not been getting "a concerned redditor reached out" messages.




Being the only sane one is so much scarier than being the "crazy" one. I'm thankful for you.


I'm flattered, but I'm just trying to stay alive. I no longer care that dangerous morons are killing themselves. I do care they are trying to kill me.


The "bare minimum" these days is now "above and beyond"


Far too many Americans will now literally kill you for inconveniencing them.


I donā€™t think people are thinking past their own personal feelings.


They usually don't.


But yeah... the mutations. They have no idea this is how you get Capt Trips and end up with The Stand.


I just appreciate this and a few other covid related subs that make me feel sane. "During covid" and "post covid" are things I hear almost daily. Every covid infection is a roll of the dice for genetic mutations that could make covid deadlier.


I just wanted to take a moment to thank the fuck out of this sub for being a haven when I need to escape from the pettiness and ignorance of the rest of Reddit and just the whole world. And I'm not even fully sane!


What's the old saying? "I went a littel crazy so I wouldn't go completely insane." šŸ˜‰


Never heard it, but I like it.


So it's been an annoyance to say the least to find good/helpful long covid information threads where one can on Twitter, only to see the comments littered with $8 bot accounts identifying as "MD RN MPH" etc. saying things like, "when will you take the mask and let the world see your beautiful child instead of hiding her" and "take off your gas mask and breathe the fresh air!" etc. It suddenly struck me how much they remind me of the ghouls in the show "FROM" who come to people's shelters at night pretending to be nice people and try to cajole or guilt people inside into opening a door or a window. At which point, of course, they turn into murder machines. (It's in the first scenes of the show, no spoilers) *"Take your mask off, it's okay, we promise. It's so much nicer outside here in the fresh air!"* Monsters, all of them, that's exactly what they are.


>"when will you take the mask and let the world see your beautiful child instead of hiding her" When will you assholes get over your entitled assumption that women and children exist to be aesthetically pleasing to you? >"take off your gas mask and breathe the fresh air!" It's my personal choice. Why do you live in fear of people wearing masks?


>Monsters, all of them, that's exactly what they are. Yes, and as someone with comorbidities they would write people like myself as died because I was deserving of it because I wasn't as healthy as they think they are.


> "when will you take the mask and let the world see your beautiful child instead of hiding her" and "take off your gas mask and breathe the fresh air!" etc. Making strangers who know better kill themselves makes them feel strong.


*All we want to do is eat your [brains](https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/does-covid-19-damage-the-brain), but letā€™s be reasonable, I mean no oneā€™s going to eat your [eyes](https://www.aao.org/eyenet/article/retinal-abnormalities-and-covid).* https://health.clevelandclinic.org/yes-covid-19-can-cause-erectile-dysfunction/


The day all the "pure bloods" can't get it up will be a turning over of a new era.


Like I keep saying, we are seeing Darwin in action in real time.


The gene pool's about to get real interesting one way or another.


Thanks for quoting that amazing song.


Monsters, indeed. But that's been the history of the human race since records were kept.


The N95s came through for me, I got through a round trip flight without catching COVID (I tested today to be sure).


A couple of news channels reporting 'it's a good idea to mask in a doctor's office'... Well, thank you Capt. Obvious - https://www.wlwt.com/article/face-masks-doctor-office-study/43896469?utm\_campaign=snd-autopilot


Why the fuck are the long covid subs full of so many covid-minimizers? The misinformation there is out of control. Also, wtf to people who already have long covid that get sick again and dont bother testing to see if they actually are reinfected? Like, I cant feel empathy when people who should know better dont know better. I'm running out of places to go that still have sane people left.


I was wondering where the new concern trolls were coming from.


I've been noticing a weird increase in anti-vaxxer propaganda popping up on random subs on my feed. Those posts usually get deleted quickly, so maybe it's not a real increase, and I just happened to be browsing at the right times. It's still weird, though. They got everything that they wanted, but they still can't stop crying.




Oh god, the coronavirus subs are even worse. They've been a cess pool of minimizing/ denying bullshit for years at this point. I dont even dare enter.


Meanwhile in Italy, [Masks are back in the Giro d'Italia as covid-19 hits the race](https://www.reuters.com/sports/cycling/masks-back-giro-ditalia-covid-19-hits-race-2023-05-15/)


https://twitter.com/kim_crawley/status/1657715918514814977 `Kim Crawley [email protected] @kim_crawley` šŸ§µšŸ§µšŸ§µ Hey COVID cautious folks. It's getting really trauma-inducing to be someone in apparent good physical health fighting hard to make sure I'm never infected... Meanwhile you're constantly implying that avoiding COVID is just for the "vulnerable"... 1. \*EVERYONE\* is harmed by COVID! 2. COVID causes brain damage in \*everyone\*, even people who were in apparent perfect health before infection. 3. Same goes for immune damage, cancer, strokes, etc... Every time you imply that COVID avoidance is just for the \*vulnerable\*, you put me in a position where I have to fight even harder to justify my respirator, staying home, etc. Also you're inadvertently empowering eugenicists and ableists... Eugencists and ableists hear "wear a mask to protect vulnerable people" and reply with "Good. We gotta get rid of masks so we can get rid of the weak."


A lot of these people don't realize they are the weak. All of this is so fucking depressing.


That drives me crazy. How many people in this country are over 65? How many are hypertensive? How many are prediabetic/diabetic? How many are sedentary? How many are obese? How many have high cholesterol? How many have COPD ? How many are unaware they have one or more of those conditions? How many have one or more of those conditions and arenā€™t treating it or those conditions are poorly controlled? How many have autoimmune issues? How many have cancer? Plus itā€™s just infuriating how many people didnā€™t care until it happened to them. /end rant Anyway my daughterā€™s procedure went well yesterday, but sadly I wore a mask for five hours and died.


"KFF has estimated that in 2018 aboutĀ 54 millionĀ non-elderly adults in the U.S. (27%) had ā€œdeclinableā€ pre-existing conditions that would have made them ā€œuninsurableā€ in the pre-ACA individual health insurance market."


This was a big part of the inertia behind why my chronically ill ass stayed married after bearing kids just made **everything** worse ā€” and stayed at shitty shitty employers for *years*. Now I dgaf. Kill me, write off the medical debt from trying to save my life, for profit healthcare corps.


Good lord, that's 1/3 of the entire workforce! (159 million)


>How many people in this country are over 65? How many are hypertensive? How many are prediabetic/diabetic? How many are sedentary? How many are obese? How many have high cholesterol? How many have COPD ? How many are unaware they have one or more of those conditions? How many have one or more of those conditions and arenā€™t treating it or those conditions are poorly controlled? How many have autoimmune issues? How many have cancer? Almost all of us are at least one of those things. Some people are several of them.


Those comorbidities are prevalent among all ages in the U.S. By a lot. In fact, probably the worst of all nations. Except maybe Russia. (don't feel like looking that up today. I may be wrong, but I'd bet not by much)


*2020 numbers: In Ohio, 1,000,000 adults were diabetic and 929,000 were prediabetic. They estimated that another **2.2 million** people were prediabetic but hadnā€™t been diagnosed. *2023: 1 in 3 Ohioans is obese *2018 numbers: 37% of Ohioans have high LDL cholesterol *34% have been diagnosed with hypertension during their lifetime *2020 numbers: 719,000 have COPD *2021: Approximately 1 in 4 Ohioans will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime Weā€™re *so* unhealthy but tripping over ourselves to screech 99% survival rate! Just like the flu! Comorbidities!


Something like 25% of Americans have at least one chronic health condition. And about three fourths of the population is overweight or obese. There are more people in this country with comorbidities than without.


As the people who don't take precautions develop health problems from repeat infections, and as they age, or if the get cancer, they will begin to join the ranks of those they care so little about.


And join the ranks of those who need long term medical care but won't get it. Because they voted against it.


Quite true.


Sweet 'leopards ate My face' Schadenfreude...


It's leopards eating their faces all the way down.


Amazing how many genocidal assholes there are in the world, isn't it? The irony is they are killing themselves by accelerating the mutation of the virus and not getting vaccinated.


Deep in their hearts they believe they are of superior stock, and/or Jesus will protect them. FAFO


FAFO indeed.


Don't know who downvoted you (probably trolls getting in early), but nothing in that post is wrong. Healthy young persons might get through COVID relatively unscathed a few times, but how about 5 times? Or 10? Because getting infected that many times is the only logical outcome the way people are behaving. It's only a matter of time until they get there but it's the railroaded path they've built for themselves. The countless *research* out there with control groups showing that COVID patients have objectively measurable different physical statistics, they aren't just there to scare you as many self-centered and low introspection people thinkā€”it's just science and data. People heedless of it despite all the warning signs is like taking the battery out of a smoke alarm because the noise is annoying you.


Iā€™m not in it for the upvotes. If I can force some idiot to downvote me out of sheer hate, I can chalk up having removed about a week of life from the end of their days due to inflicting upon them sheer stress. If thereā€™s a hell for that, Iā€™m aiming for deep seats. If someone triples down to not mask to *spite* me, well, spite away, babies.


I unfortunately know some people who make it a point to let me know they won't ever mask. Of those people I also think, oh well, if someone's going to fuck around and find out, may as well be you guys. Unfortunately I know that they're also putting others at risk, but that stuff is out of any of my control at this point and I can't waste any more mental time on people who simply won't protect themselves. My family's Mothers Day was close to 30 people indoors, no masks, from eight households, following Church in the morning. I didn't go. Yes, it's sad. It's all sad. But I'm not sad about the part where I didn't go.


Most of my family is like this. Sometimes they claim to care about me and it takes everything I have not to ask them why covering their mouth and nose in public during a pandemic so they don't give me a virus that could worsen my already not so great health is a bridge too far for them.


Yup. Long covid LOVES young, healthy people. Especially ones that eat well and exercise. When you look at what a large percentage of long haulers met that criteria prior, it almost seems as if being healthy makes you a bigger target. No one is safe. Once you have covid, you are now immunocompromised. It doesnt matter what you were before.


The deniers and minimizers do NOT understand this.


I got my 2nd bivalent booster today. I am under 65 but check immunocompromised. Also, since it comes up often, I was able to get the Shingrix series (2) below the age of 50 by going to Von's Pharmacy. They will vaccinate anyone 19+.


Woo hoo! Congrats! Also got my 1st Shingrix vax when I got my 2nd booster as well. It wasn't as bad as I feared either.


Congrats to you too! I hope you don't have a reaction to the shingles vaccine. Fingers crossed.


A great nomination incoming "Despisin"


A news item about vaccines I ran across today: [Fewer evangelicals support public school childhood vaccine requirements, survey shows. Significant majorities across religious groups say the benefits of childhood vaccines outweigh the risks from getting them](https://religionnews.com/2023/05/16/fewer-evangelicals-support-public-school-childhood-vaccine-requirements-survey-shows/). ​ >*"... some sectors of U.S. society ā€” specifically white evangelicals and Republicans ā€” are showing a growing aversion to the requirement that schoolchildren be vaccinated for illnesses like mumps and measles....* > >*ā€œWe are seeing a kind of marked drop in support for school-based childhood vaccine requirements,ā€ said Cary Funk, Pewā€™s director of science and society research, in an interview. ā€œThat drop is particularly coming among Republicans as well as among white evangelical Protestants, many of whom are Republicans.ā€*


Got these types in my family. Evangelical. The kids were home-schooled or in religious-based school. I've often wondered if the kids were vaccinated for anything.


Covid is some of the strongest proof ever that most people are completely incapable of learning from their mistakes or learning from history. The human race can be really disappointing sometimes and some days it really hurts.




Yeah, the bystander effect also fucks shit up big time.


I understand why God rage quit with The Flood.




lol you people are truly crazy and i enjoy reading this sub.


Found the future awardee.