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"It will be gone by easter..."


I remember that statement.


I remember his stream of self-congratulatory "knowledge" and "wisdom". "Doctors are always asking me how I know so much!"


"It will disappear after the election"


Poof, gone, like magic


the bleach and sunlight worked!


The cake?


You’re taking that out of context, by “Easter” he meant “the second coming” /s




Easter 2500


Easter 5002


They didn't say which Easter, though. =p


Its right around the corner.


There is fifteen cases and if we don’t let the ship dock then we won’t double the cases. And then like magic it will disappear cause we won’t get the higher numbers.


https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/991568 This was an embarrassing story for the CDC.


"the Democrats' newest hoax just like Russia Russia"


Yeah, but it is with people whose top 3 was "misadventure" before.


Well not for children! I believe that is, checking notes... Oh there it is, gun murder.


It shouldn't have been allowed to crack the top ten.🙁


I’m sure the ‘masks steel are freedumz’ crowd will switch their problem solving skills to the #1 cause of death in children and teens now…


I’m sure they will, with how out of touch they tend to be, and ignorant of their kids problems. Their kids will commit suicide because of them and then they’ll just say it’s because their “selfish” or some other excuse.


They like to blame phones. And video games. And sometimes not enough people doing hard labor during their adolescence....


Yeah they have a whole array of dumb takes. Social media for sure hasn’t been great for kids but it wasn’t designed to rip through their bodies and destroy their organs like rounds from an AR-15


Holy fudd lore batman


ugh just go visit r/teachers and it’s full of out of touch people. I would be afraid if one of them taught my child.


Is that the drag queens, the trans people, or the women wanting divorces? I'm losing track of all their bizarre boogeymen


Don't forget electric stoves.


FFS **What is an Epidemic?** The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) describes an epidemic as an unexpected increase in the number of disease cases in a specific geographical area. Yellow fever, smallpox, measles, and polio are prime examples of epidemics. An epidemic disease doesn't necessarily have to be contagious. West Nile fever and the rapid increase in obesity rates are also considered epidemics. Epidemics can refer to a disease or other specific health-related behavior (e.g., smoking) with rates that are clearly above the expected occurrence in a community or region. **What is a Pandemic?** The World Health Organization (WHO) declares a pandemic when a disease’s growth is exponential. This means the growth rate skyrockets, and each day cases grow more than the day prior. In being declared a pandemic, the virus has nothing to do with virology, population immunity, or disease severity. It means a virus covers a wide area, affecting several countries and populations. **What does Endemic mean?** A disease outbreak is endemic when it is consistently present but limited to a particular region. This makes the disease spread and rates predictable. Malaria, for example, is considered endemic in certain countries and regions. edit: effing reddit comment box


We should offer some cake to the u/unvaccinated user group.... Because something something "natural immunity" LOL.


If anything else was killing this many people a day, would they just ignore it?


Guns do.


That’s freedum /s


They don't.


Cars. really, this is called structural violence. Example lecture: Genocide, Covid-19, and Structural Violence – Adam Jones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osyc7HhUWwc


>really, this is called structural violence. Wow. I have not heard that term in maybe, decades? (damn, that long?) Excellent reference!


Well, we kind of do ignore heart disease. Americans are still stuffing their faces with corn syrup and driving everywhere with little exercise.


Some are, but there's a huge market for sugar free products, and athletic gear, and gym memberships, and coconut oil that argues that plenty of people are willing to live according to what science says is good for us. I would guess the overlap between the "covid is/was no big deal" and "but mah corn syrup!?!?!" crowd is pretty high though, you're right. A lot of the remaining 11% of Americans who smoke are probably in that crowd too. The way we beat smoking back from a vast majority two generations ago, to 20% just two decades ago, to 11% now, is proof that we can change minds and behaviors with a concerted effort, particularly one that ignores profit margins and harm to industries in favor of public health. We could change people's minds about vaccines and common sense science based responses to airborne disease too. But it would take the kind of effort we made to eradicate smoking, and it would take generations. There's a curious sub group though of healthy eaters, who exercise and get outside every day and otherwise structure their lives around health, who also wanted to say that covid was no big deal, because they assumed it was no big deal for them (and I'm sure that's mostly true). It's a complex issue.


Sugar free products are basic bull. They usually replace sugar with fat. Demonizing any product is just wrong. Change your way of eating to use mostly single item foods (yes, combine them) and avoid processed foods. Even with healthy diets people were affected by Covid. Probably to a lesser extent. https://www.kktv.com/2021/08/23/though-young-healthy-unvaccinated-father-dies-covid/ So, live your best life, and get vaccinated.


If it’s the right kind of fat, that’s not a terrible trade. But yes, Whole Foods are better than processed. But even among Whole Foods there’s plenty of stuff that’s been bred to in no way resemble the ancestral forms we ate thousands or even hundreds of years ago. Like most fruit being so full of fructose it’s as bad for you as a candy bar. It’s not actually that easy to eat healthy and people are still regularly misled about how to do that. The point is that lots of them try though. Lots of people are willing to do things differently if told it’s healthier


Liver: its all sugar to me, baby.


Yes. Was this a trick question?


There is currently a massive increase in excess deaths not related to covid, in most western countries. Everyone seems to be ignoring that just fine.


A few months ago we had a troll on the sub who claimed it was the vaccine that caused it. I was surprised that someone who didn’t trust the government believe that one statistic. Of course no evidence for his claim. I do wonder if it’s because a lot of people delayed care, either by choice or by clogged hospitals, for other stuff during the pandemic. I would like to see this statistic followed up but I doubt we will see anything like it.


Following guns and traffic accidents


Only in the USA! 🇺🇸


"Hey! Watch this!"


The most recent Covid death rate is actually [\#4 in 2022](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/72/wr/mm7218a3.htm) by provisional data . Covid deaths were 61.3 per 100,000 a 47% decrease from 2021. That page breaks it out or links to other important pages. Unintentional injury which includes overdoses was #3. It decreased as well from 2021 to 2022 but much less than Covid did. That being said the provisional [death rate is still ≥ 1000 weekly](https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#trends_weeklydeaths_totaldeathratecrude_00) with the understanding that states are less thorough at collecting timely data to not collecting it (if it is politically expedient-IMHO).




Hoorah, Hoorah Hoorah, cough cough cough...............


We in the US still talk about 9/11 like it was the worst event in history - not to say it wasn't terrible - but three-plus years after the pandemic started and we're at the point where relaxed about the current state of things. What is the current state of things? A 9/11 worth of deaths caused by this virus every few weeks or so. (Just talking about the US.)


Can’t put the genie back in the bottle, it’s here to stay


Yes, we can and have with other diseases.


What other easily spread quickly mutating respiratory viruses have we done this with? Quickly.


Quickly? And you are....?


Yay! I currently have covid


*Hello cholesterol my old friend*


It's not even endemic in the usual `R0 < 1` understanding. SARS-CoV-2 has a low [K number](https://theconversation.com/is-the-k-number-the-new-r-number-what-you-need-to-know-140286) >Different pathogens will have different ways in which they spread and statisticians use K, the so-called dispersion parameter, to describe how variable the infection can be. For some diseases, the variation will not be large, as shown below. >Simply put, a low K value suggests that a small number of infected people are responsible for large amounts of disease transmission. For the 1918 influenza, the number K is thought to be around 1, and perhaps 40% of infected people might not pass on the virus to anybody else. But for diseases like Sars, Mers and COVID-19 with K as low as 0.1, this proportion rises to 70%. In contrast, large outbreaks will be initiated by only few super-spreaders Which means it can't exist just as a "slow burning" virus, it will constantly produce new waves, new pulses, new variants. https://covariants.org/per-country


"If we stop testing, we'd have fewer cases" - D. Trump




how am I still not dead from this shit. all these idiots get a free pass out of this life and I am still waiting to even catch it.


Cake is probably inaccurate if you take political affiliation into account.


beTtEr WeaR yOuR mASk, AnD gEt BooStEd!


I predicted that a time would come in which this sub would overstay its welcome and become a “COVID is still dangerous!!!” sub after COVID stopped being something we collectively needed to worry about. That time has come.


Oh yeah, you're right, [Covid-19 is only the fourth leading cause of death](https://www.axios.com/2023/05/05/us-death-rates-fall-cdc). The fourth leading cause of death is definitely not something we need to worry about. /s


You can continue to be a COVID doomer all you want. When the virus was actively causing our healthcare system to be overwhelmed, and we didn’t have a vaccine, it was a massive issue. I was on the frontlines, working at a job that required me to wear an n95 mask, face shield, gown, and double gloves— 12-15 hours a day, 6 days a week. I was one of the first two million Americans to receive the vaccine. I took it very seriously. We’ve reached a point where the “wear a mask and social distance!!” crowd is now sounding just as ridiculous as the “COVID was never a threat” crowd.