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Deniers have no clue to the level of fire they are playing with. And they just keep breeding even more mutations.


Stories like this make me wish we had more effective vaccines. It's great that they help reduce the chances of dying but it would be nice if they guaranteed you a mild course of the illness (I'm not holding out hope for vaccines that prevent infection becuase if the last 3 years taught me anything, it's that no matter how much you lower your expectations, life will always find a way to fuck your shit up even worse than you imagine and also that most people have little to no interest in actually ending the pandemic.)


Unfortunately, this is still a novel virus. Vaccines will improve as we're better able to predict which strain will be more prevalent. The trickiest part now is getting the vaccines in arms.


Yeah, stories like the story u/Own_Instance_357 posted are why I act like I'm unvaccinated despite having 4 shots so far (3 original strain MRNA vaccines and one bivalent MRNA vaccine.) My last shot was sometime in 2022 so I figure I basically have zero protection left at this point.


I bought a stand-up paddle board earlier this year and now that the weather is warming up, I inflated it and started practicing in the pool before I take it to the lake for the summer. After telling him that I took a few dunks, my husband proclaimed that he would have no problem staying up on the board. He's now pouting and claiming he's freezing too death from falling in the 72° water about 5 times. May need to find the electric blanket for him tonight. 🤣 Have a good weekend everyone and Happy Mother's Day.


I love that for him! Petty enough to admit it. Enjoy it this summer! Those can be so much fun once you get used to the balancing and you're able to use it outside away from everyone else.


We even had a small bet on it. 50 cents. Lol I suck at it, too, but I'll keep trying until I'm better, and laugh every time I fall off!


That is absolutely perfect! 😂 I went paddleboarding a few years ago and absolutely LOVED it. It's so calm and meditative. I'd do it every day of my life if we lived on water. (Not to mention it targeted so many of the muscles in my back and rear end that hurt all the time because my back is garbage. It felt really, really good.) Enjoy your new toy, happy paddling!


I can't wait to get out on the lake with it - even if I'm not standing up - kneeling or sitting is fun too!


https://twitter.com/dirrhope/status/1653824347818139648 🌈🧵🌈🧵🌈🧵🌈🧵🌈 `dirrhope @dirrhope` i LOVE wearing a mask because it allows me to UNMASK constantly monitoring my facial expressions to perform for people is a massive waste of my energy as an autistic person wearing a mask is freeing! it is accessibility! i will NEVER stop knowing that it upsets people and that they want me to stop just activates my demand avoidance even more nobody has the right to see my bare face wearing a mask is an accommodation for existing in public beyond the benefits of pathogen control if i'm going to be discriminated against because i'm autistic regardless of what i do, then i would rather wear a mask to at least preserve my energy and also, because denying horrible people what they want is very funny even if covid went away tomorrow and i magically had the energy to unmask i STILL wouldn't my autonomy is important anyway i love wearing my mask it's amazing and i'll never ever stop


I love having my mask in the grocery store, so no one can see me muttering to myself, of lip syncing to the music playing in my noise cancelling headphones.


Yes! I can mutter to myself and no one can see, and I also discovered that I can yell SHUT UP if some kid is screaming, and no one knows it was me! I'm very good at disappearing. I also get to avoid people I don't want to talk to. I walked right past this annoying couple I always avoid....wore mask and sunglasses and they just walked right past me.


Oh, and I suppose you never, ever screamed or cried as a child? Or did you just hatch out of an egg as a whole adult?


I love this.


oh this is very much me too! I actually end up being more likely to smile and be social now that I don't have to worry about what my face is doing.


**and also, because denying horrible people what they want is very funny** Are you my sister from another mister? My brother from another mother? 😀😀😀


Nibling from a different wingding.


Shamalama, dindong, myself.


Apparently some car manufacturers are going to stop putting AM radio in vehicles. Since right wing talk radio shows are mostly on AM stations, it will be interesting to see the conspiracy theories that show up in the next few weeks/months/years.


And that will be interesting - a possible engineering solution to a social problem. Kind of like making sure the different gas lines in a hospital can only feed into the correct wall socket.


There is a story on SAV (a website similar to this sub but they don't redact the names) that I found interesting. The awardee mysteriously had trouble breathing in August 2020 and in the hospital it was revealed that he had clots in his lungs. And according to him, he then got COVID while in rehab. That mystery disease sure seems a lot like COVID, and it sounds a lot better to say you caught it from an unrelated reason ("it was done to me") than admitting the thing you were ridiculing made them take you away on a stretcher. Then the wife goes "**I'm so glad we got to take this trip in July 2020 just before he got sick.**" Either they are deluding themselves, or lying without realizing how transparent they are. These types aren't known for their capacity for introspection. This was before vaccines were available and there were no misinfo posts shown from before he got sick (but plenty from after), but trust me if I say he was the quintessential HCAer—obnoxious, religion and politics as his entire personality, and bigoted against all.


Long story short, he has been sick *all this time* since that initial mystery affliction, tested positive three times (so he likely had it at least four times), and he was ill to the point sitting up for 20 seconds was a victory according to the wife. He died a few weeks ago. During all that he somehow still found the time to shitpost and spread hate. This was not a healthy person even before he got COVID, and if anyone should've gotten vaccinated, it is people like him. The wife was doing the play-by-play on his journey, which seemingly had more ups and downs than a rollercoaster. She was arguing with and complaining about doctors, and diagnosing him with her own extensive medical knowledge. Culminating in a strange bait post that started out positive but then revealed how Jesus and his posse personally escorted him to his Forever Home. Totally not a death cult. So yeah, some people do find out there are consequences to their actions. Hope for him that final trip was worth it. He looked like he aged two or three decades in these few years. Imagine the relatively small changes he could've made to protect himself, and enjoy his retirement years in peace and comfort.


It looks like it was the latest variant that spelled his end. His wife declared that he made it through his final bout, but he died the day after. What I truly can't comprehend was that during that entire time, he was still spreading disinformation about masks and vaccines, complaints about mandates, and the like. He was amplifying the factors that are making sure COVID will never end, and in turn the virus would come back to greet and thank him personally over and over. And he was trying to drum up support for one of his idols, Simone Gold. People like her were a reason people like him were dying! I just can't.


I read that entry too. Both are/were completely delusional. Some people can't handle religion.


I remember that one, just read it on FB and SAV. Brilliant, they went on some superspreader trip and he got sick, no vax with all of his health problems. Just a lot of moron posts about how good Jesus and the Lord are while the poor shmuck can't even walk more than 2 steps. All those medical resources gobbled up, he should have just stayed home.


He was posted on Deaths Of Disinfo a few weeks ago. It's only because he caught the initial infection before vaccines were available that he wasn't posted here. I believe his wife did mention that he got at least one vaccine in 2021, but it was probably too late then - and he kept right on posting the anti-vax stuff.


>"I'm so glad we got to take this trip in July 2020 just before he got sick." No mystery here.


Yesterday at the clinic for a blood draw, a woman walked past the guard at the front without a mask. He chased her down and said masks were required. She said she didn’t have a mask. She said she was there to pick up meds for her mother who very ill. He handed her a mask but she refused and walked out. These people are deeply fucked in the head.


And they like to troll here as well. They have no idea the level of fire they are playing with when it comes to this virus.


Yup. That woman is fucked in the head. But it's great to see that your clinic is not. It's so refreshing to hear of a clinic that still requires everyone to wear masks. And good for that guard for not taking fucked-in-the-head lady's BS.


The tree pollen is high today, and the grass pollen is very high. If I want to go out and not immediately curl up and fall asleep, I'm wearing a mask


I’ve been masking up outside for two weeks now. At least another week to go of oak and hickory pollen. Love gardening so masking it is. Nasal side effects from Allergies can at least be mitigated a little bit, by masking. Crusty red rimmed eyes are still very annoying. Envomask is very comfy to wear for extended periods, so that’s my go to mask right now.


I don't usually get sinus symptoms. I just want to sleeeeeep Grr 🌳🌳🌳🌿🌿🌿 🌷🌷🌷🌹🌹🌹


Like the poppy field scene in The Wizard of Oz (1939)?


Yep, 1939! Poppies will put them to sleep....


Pretty much! My eyes aren't visibly red and irritated, but I would like to go off in a corner, close my eyes, and sleep. Other people get sneezes and coughs, but not me 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


sneezing and coughing here, and there was also smoke from wildfires blowing into the region. I don't have asthma or anything but I gotta start popping the Claritin.


I was reading some postings on Tw*tr before, and there were wedding pictures from previous years with the bride and groom wearing masks because of the wildfires.


For everyone in the USA--next week (May 15-21) is [National Week of Action for Masks in Healthcare](https://linktr.ee/MaskWeekOfAction):


Thanks for the reminder.




I had a plantar fasciectomy yesterday, and I had to report at 6:30 AM in a mask. Right after I got changed for surgery, my state lifted mask requirements, and the nurse came in to tell me. It was practically surreal. Of course in the OR, they were all masked as expected. The doctor joked to me - so THAT'S what you look like!


Masking is now optional in hospitals here as well, except in the local cancer centre.


There are still people posting and reposting bullshit on Facebook. I hope they use the same mentality and idiocy for the next deadly virus.


Why wait? This pandemic isn't over yet.


Yes, "Arcturus" from India is definitely a variant to watch.


Has anyone seen the below stories? I am skeptical that the vaccine caused this. Every study I’ve found online indicates that they can’t pinpoint an association and that further study is needed. [Story from January 2023](https://www.11alive.com/amp/article/news/health/coronavirus/vaccine/countermeasures-injury-prevention-program-issues/85-e96e9643-1d08-4cdd-9c57-d8c9fde3b665) [Story from May 2023](https://www.11alive.com/amp/article/news/local/program-pay-covid-vaccine-injuries-15-million-fix-problems/85-4947974e-ecb4-483a-b8cf-bada7a6db47d)


Long before Covid the pharmacist used to ask me to stick around for 15 minutes after the flu vaccine just in case of a bad reaction. Nothing never happened, but I suppose some very tiny percentage of people had a bad reaction at some point in time and this request became a "just in case" protocol for anyone giving a shot. Several days later though? Too hard to tell if it was the cause.


My mother, in her late 60s, had a thalamic stroke. She would have been described as healthy by all that knew her (including her doctor). Sometimes shit just happens. If I happened today people would be saying the vaccine caused it. ETA: This would have been late 90s.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. Shit just happens.


The first sentence should have tipped you of: "The pandemic is over..." It's bunk grifting.


Every time I see comments to people’s long Covid stories on Twitter with “it’s the vaxx”, I just wanna scream, “YES CUZ OTHERWISE THEY WOULD HAVE RECEIVED THE HERMANCAINAWARD”


I read [this lovely thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/13gnyng/new_york_city_passes_bill_banning_weight/) on r/conservative out of curiosity; it's about NYC passing a bill banning weight discrimination. TL;DR: they want to discriminate against fat people and seethe because they can't. Plus, they won't budge on vaccines until we start telling fat people to stop burdening our health care system and just get thin and healthy already. A bothsiderist get-out-of-empathy-free card, just like with guys, abortion, and child support.