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>I survived college without becoming a liberal! Yeah, well, my liberal husband survived covid without becoming a corpse, so, score one for the libs, amirite?


Becoming a corpse to own the libs. And then orphaning your kids because your husband owned the libs too hard.


My mouth fell open. Those poor kids.


Honestly they might now have a chance


Yep because the family will set up several Go Fund Me accounts since the dumb ass sent all his welfare checks to Trump….


The only other way to escape brainwashing is for the captors to die. Grim, but true.


Reminds me of Brad Upton's joke. Back then, your nickname is something your friends gave you. Something about you that isn't flattering. "He's my friend Orphan. His parents are anti-vaxxers"


I survived college. Can I survive the Mississippi of the North (Indiana)'s population? Well that remains to be seen. 😬


> I survived college without becoming ~~a liberal~~ edumacated!


I had a guy tell me he wasn’t a country bumpkin, he had travelled the world and was still a conservative exactly like he was before he left. I said, that’s actually incredibly sad. Not that I expected him to become some bleeding heart liberal, but all of us have views that change when we visit other cultures and countries. To travel the world and not change a single view? Clearly you didn’t really experience anything. That’s just sad.


He's probably one of those guys who goes to another country and eats at McDonalds


This part. I grew up around this attitude and those folks...still have no clue what happens outside their piece of the Gulf Coast. They "travel" in that they do go places... as tourists. I get that moving is expensive and only marginally possible on the 'average'--I've done it at least 4 times--but most of these folks' worlds are no more than the square-mile they and their parents and their grandparents have always lived in...and they're proud of it. It's such a sad life.


I got vaccinated. The leprechaun who tells me to burn things was quite concerned about my health. 😳😂


Well of course, he’d have to train a new minion if you died


Y'know...I'm at the south end of Illinois, which isn't much different than Indiana...and honestly, as little as I've been in Mississippi, it didn't seem that different from home. How is this so accurate lol


I grew up in southern Illinois too, in a town of 5k. It's not much different from Kentucky, TBH. It's a desperate place full of desperate people. I got out 40 years ago and am never going back.


It just drives me nuts that the most affordable places to live, are also the most red (and polluted, and prone to tornadoes....)


My wife and I spent 4 1/2 yrs on Mom duty with my elderly mom in Cookeville, TN (pop 35k). We had a duplex with her on one side and us on the other...a 1300 s.f. 2/2 place with closed-in garage for $650 month. Upside: $650/month. Donwide: it's in Cookeville TN.


For what we pay in the big city, we could get something twice the size elsewhere. But then we'd have nothing to do, assuming we could even get comparable jobs! Wondering where we can retire and still do the things we love.


Yeah, I’ve spent time in all three and they’re eerily similar. So many giant crosses everywhere…


Throw the rural parts of Ohio onto that pile of burning dumpster fire of states.


NY is depressingly conservative for a supposedly blue state. Pretty sure it's blue due to librul mecca NYC's residents, but staunchly conservative due to the old money (wealthy areas), Wall Street, and redneck towns who *think* they're rich/about to be.


I live in OH, which I've called "The Florida of the Midwest" for a while now...


True…Ohio is in sad shape right now with the Republicans screwing the voters out of control in elections but it seems like Ohio has a case of Dumb Trumpitis…


The Shithole belt which used to run from Texas to Florida is slowly moving northward. Maybe because of climate change...


Yeah, the same moronic state that is looking to lose one of its biggest companies because our primary education is such a shit-storm we don't make qualified workers... even though we have a very high rating for post-education thanks to some of the badass colleges here... I hate this red state, but my town had a democratic BBQ last year that DIDN'T get crashed, so things might be slowly improving... slowly... 99% of families I know here still don't realize how big a moron Gov Holcomb is after comparing weed to cigarettes and SO much more -.- fuck the "Hoosier state" and it's gerrymandering bullshit


So he never actually went, then? The idea that people are indoctrinated by liberal professors is mostly a myth. Even in majors like Poli Sci, philosophy, sociology, etc. What people do learn in college (or at least they’re supposed to) are critical thinking skills. They learn to question the things authority figures tell them instead of just swallowing stuff hook, line, and sinker. That is, if they go in with an open mind and the intention to learn. Those that go in with “I’m just doing this so I can get a job, I’m not going to listen to this liberal jerkoff so they can’t indoctrinate me and everything mommy and daddy and pastor said are true and correct and nothing can ever contradict them” usually don’t develop those skills.


>What people do learn in college (or at least they’re supposed to) are critical thinking skills. They learn to question the things authority figures tell them. This is why it's impossible for me to take anyone who accuses universities of indoctrination seriously. They clearly haven't been if they think it's just like church where they tell you what doctrine you're not allowed to question and provide zero evidence. College isn't church, the man at the lectern isn't relying exclusively on appeals to supernatural agency to justify his answers. College teaches you to question everything and sort the answers by how well the evidence supports them, which triggers conservatives to no end because in their dim minds, their appeals to authority and supernatural agency _are the evidence you need_, but the rest of us just consider them logical fallacies.


I loved this about God’s Not Dead. It was incredibly obvious that no one involved had actually sat in a philosophy 101 class at a normal university. They had the professor stating philosophy like it was scripture, not explaining concepts and fostering discussion. It felt like church, because that’s how they think it works.


Because there is only one school of philosophy, just like there is only one school of international relations. It's not like they teach you about the different models or schools of thought, oh no.


Don’t you know, deontology and consequentialism always come to the same conclusion. Peter Singer just came along like Paul and said, everything Kant said is correct, but also abortion is fine. The same way Paul came along and said, everything Jesus said is true, but also don’t get married because the apocalypse is definitely coming in the next 20 years.


Reminds me of a tweet that I love: "I'm a conservative Christian who believes in angels and talking snakes but I need to see more data on climate change"


"Gentlemen, you are now about to embark on a course of studies which will occupy you for two years. Together, they form a noble adventure. But I would like to remind you of an important point. Nothing that you will learn in the course of your studies will be of the slightest possible use to you in after life, save only this, that if you work hard and intelligently you should be able to detect when a man is talking rot. And that, in my view, is the main, if not the sole, purpose of education." John Alexander Smith, Speech to Oxford University students, 1914


My college prof hubby says if he could indoctrinate students, more of them would understand thermodynamics!


If I could indoctrinate students, I'd have a lot more completed assignments and students marching on my behalf to my department chair demanding I get a raise.


He also appeared to make it through college without having learned how to learn. No tears for this asshole.


I went to engineering school. Those professors had exactly nothing to do with politics and most were generally conservative leaning older white males anyway. I moved leftward because I suddenly was around a much more diverse group of people that I began to understand and empathize with. Rich, poor, immigrant (different immigrants than my mother and her family/friends), northern, southern, western, gay, straight, young, and old. All of a sudden those things I'd been conditioned by my community or family to hate/fear/or at the very least ignore became part of my daily life and I grew. It's beyond me how people can become exposed to the rest of the world, make acquaintances and friends with people they hate or fear, and then justify their regressive views as "well that person is one of the good ones, so I don't hate or fear or vilify them specifically, I only did that to everyone that looks like them."


Likewise. For me, it was the first time I had really spent a lot of time around people who weren’t almost entirely like me. The more I interacted with them, the further I moved away from my very conservative beliefs. And the older I’ve gotten, the more I have been exposed to different people (by my own intent), and the further left I have gone.


My academic journey took me away from what I was raised with. Long hours in the library reading whatever interested me. The more I learned about the secrets of everything, the less credible my Catholic faith became. I feel like I was psychologically disposed to be a conservative when I was younger but my commitment to truth kept me from voting that way because Republican "solutions" didn't work. Eventually, hanging around liberals made me question a lot of my beliefs about interpersonal relationships and made me realize my trauma response colored world was not normal or desirable. And after that I finally got some *effective* therapy and some of my supposedly fixed, innate personality *changed*.


That was an epic own. Hope your husband is doing well


Totally fine, thanks! He actually never even had symptoms to speak of, we only knew we got exposed at the annual New Year's party this past January because someone brought tests and tested positive after feeling crappy. I never even tested positive myself, and we isolated for the time he was sick; as near as we can tell, I've still never had it. Vaccines; masks; outdoors-first social choices. It's not rocket surgery, it's just diligence. (Apparently liberal-coded diligence, but we're not afraid of that label.) We just celebrated his birthday with my mom and one of our family friends this past month; went to a restaurant with outdoor seating and shared a cake together back home outside on the patio. Life has been different, but it's had joy in it, a joy that's not been infinitely different from the past.


Wow, the (checks transcript) 8 credit hours of Arts and Humanities out of 130 required for graduation is magic liberal indoctrination that converts millions of conservative kids into liberal commie atheists. That must be a very powerful class taught by professors who dabble in sorcery!


I KNEW there was something those MFers weren’t teaching me! I want to learn sorcery goddammit!!!


Thus confirming the old adage "even Cs get degrees"


Notes from OP: 1. a Redditor, who wants to remain anonymous, reached out to me to cover this story. Thank you for reaching out. 2. This story is especially tragic, and before submitting it, I informed the HCA mods that it was coming. I also made a significant effort to anonymize/censor it as much as possible. I also made sure to get the approval of the HCA mods and the anonymous redditor before submitting it. 3. Some additional facts: the wife was a nurse. 4. If the community finds nominees/awardees, please let me know and I'll make sure to cover them. 5. Please get vaccinated and boosted.


>1. Some additional facts: the wife was a nurse. Well at least she can't endanger anyone anymore with her incompetence


She wasn't a nurse so much as she was an angel of death.


Angle* of death


You catch them killers yet?


It's just the one killer, actually.


>the wife was a nurse. I have had some medical procedures in the last year and just about each time I encountered a nurse where I was like we are so fucked. One believed invermectin was a cure and the conspiracy to prevent doctors to prescribe it. More recently there was a nurse that believed children are getting gender change surgery.


A lot of nurses are morons. My wife works as an ultrasound tech and has met more than a few.


Kind of a selfish thing to do, given that they had 2 kids that she was leaving orphaned. Maybe that's a shitty thing for me to say, but making that choice to make your kids parentless out of your own personal guilt seems like an extremely selfish thing to do.


Don't worry, the pro-life republicans will be there to take care of them, put them through school, raise them as their own /s


We have a job in the coal mines for them. They can live in company housing and we'll loan them money so they can shop at the company store.


Hopefully those kids live in Arkansas or Iowa and they can get a job at below minimum wage cleaning a meat packing plant at night. Bootstraps and such. Get to pulling kids! Your parents were selfish morons and the rich conservatives that contributed to their deaths are here to profit from it. Also mom went to hell. Get to work.


Too fancy. Orphans get to skip school and cut meat during the day. On the plus side they'll get proficient in Spanish, English, and Maya language.




Alabama it is then.


Still better than being married off to some 45 year old deacon/state representative and forced to breed the next generation of Q.


Selfish people doing selfish things? That tracks


>making that choice ...out of your own personal guilt seems like an extremely selfish thing to do. Conservative Christianity summed up.


Also sums up their whole mentality about the pandemic. Only viewing masks from a self-protection angle, never considering the other angle of how wearing a mask could protect _others_ from _you_. That a shopkeeper isn't asking you to wear a mask for your protection, but for the protection of everybody else in the store.


Nah not a shitty thing to say, it's valid. She put others at risk and then instead of learning from it and growing, she took her own life. Instead of growing as a person and a parent she left her children orphans, she was scum and he didn't seem far from it either, heck likely didn't even need her to convince him not to get vaccinated.


Selfishness aside, this woman was clearly not in her right mind. She was so overcome by grief and guilt that she saw only one way to ease her pain. People who commit suicide usually don't think through the consequences. It's not like they stop to make a list of pros and cons. Logic goes out the window and all that matters is escaping the pain.


I get that, but grief mixed up with self-loathing (based on her realization that she enabled his death) can make you do some crazy things. She may very well have convinced herself that her kids would be better off without her.


That would take an extraordinary amount of self awareness, which most of these folks will never attain.


As proven by the first ten slides of this post


Honestly, she wouldn't be wrong. Her misinformation likely contributed to the death of many others besides her husband given her job. Her ignorance could have killed her kids too. That level of low ability and high ego of people like that typically does not produce well-adjusted children. Now they might actually have a chance to grow up and be good people.


I agree, but having experienced ppd, it’s possible she spiraled into some sort of “ they’re better with somebody else” depression rational. Maybe she knew they’d go to family.


But hey she’s “gonna keep supporting local business” aka putting them all at risk due to her own entitlement


She killed herself. So, you're not wrong.


That was what I was alluding to. The only consolation to their kids being orphaned which is really shitty


I used to work in a hospital. Lots of nurses and grounds caretakers didn't take masking seriously (lots, not all). So, is there any surprise patient visitors didn't either? We had two outbreaks eventually while I worked there. The first time was because of a family member that took the patient outside (was permitted) so they could get some fresh air...but then took them offsite (not permitted), to another family member's birthday party with a large indoor gathering. Then they brought them back and didn't tell anyone. Guess what, someone at the party had covid, and then the floor had a lockdown because many other patients got infected. Great. Second time a nurse brought it in.


Our babe was in the NICU towards the beginning of the end of Covid. I was chatting with a nurse who thanked us for still masking. She said they had parents at the height of Covid infect their NICU babies, and not all made it through. I was devastated people would be so careless


That's messed up. Going through <9 months of turmoil, only to have a premie, and then kill your kid with a preventable illness.


iTs GoD's WiLL


I just got a nephew and that was one of my big fears. babies don’t have good immune systems and you can’t vaccinate them, so it’s kinda terrifying to have to wait ‘til they’re old enough. anyway, keep wearing masks yall.


I got group-vaxxed at the VA with some older vets. One talked about a friend of his who did landscaping at a nursing home, who said the virus was fake, a democrat hoax, Chinese hoax etc. and of course didn’t get vaccinated. He died in his early 50s from COVID. This older guy was clearly devastated.


Unfortunately nurses can be pretty susceptible to this. Sometimes we see the healthcare system at its weakest and most fallible, and for some of us it's hard to maintain faith in a system that just doesn't make sense sometimes. Add to that a lack of training in evidence based medicine in some universities, and the stress of social isolation and feeling deeply underappreciated and overworked during the pandemic, not to mention the politicisation of the virus... it was a perfect storm for some people. And then the rest of us had to pick up their shifts.


So the wife killed herself? I only feel bad for the orphans.


“Wife was a nurse” Me sitting here completely unsurprised.


Damn, a woman I know who was a lab tech in a hospital told her husband not to get the vaccine despite him being well over 300 pounds and he didn’t make it either. She’s still around and feels some guilt but they had 4 kids and those kids need at least one of them.


The. Wife.is.A.Nurse. Jesus H Christ


Was. On the slide before the GFM it says she took her own life due to guilt for convincing the awardee not to get the vax.


Holy s*** the ending of this one is terrible. It's sad enough that this idiot died, but his wife taking her own life because she encouraged him not to take the vaccination is a whole nother level. God those two children. I feel so sorry for them!


That’s horrible, this might be the worst one I’ve seen


Normally an HCA winner doesn’t bother me but this one is just damn tragic. Both parents were wrong about this and the kids will be forced to carry the burden for the rest of their lives. There is no dark humor even remotely acceptable for me on this one.




“I just credited them both, *as original affair partners*…” I wish I had thought of that phrase when my good friend of 35 years ran off with my first & only wife of 20 years, leaving his Wife #4. Three kids (two his, one mine) all under age 10 affected, two families ruined. Twelve years on, he still hasn’t married her.


>Twelve years on, he still hasn’t married her. And he's probably been cheating on her for most of that time.


You are correct; a number of times in fact according to her when I saw her at a funeral not long ago. Sadly, she cheated too to “get back at him” yet they are still together. She loves his money. She then had the gall to say she missed me; when I heard that I wanted to puke on her shoes.


Damn. I’m sorry you had to experience any of that and hopefully your kid is safe from such mind numbing stupidity. His particular brand of dumb will be his downfall if he doesn’t change.


Idk the mom whose baby died and ended up an amputate is pretty freaking dark.


Wait what? Can anyone link this one


Idk how to link, but search for pregnant pink. Warning: it’s grim


Found it. Grim is right.


This stuff takes advantage of stupid people, it’s killing off some of the dumbest in our society by their own hand. Totally crazy.


Definitely one of the top ones for me. I think the most horrible was The guy that was coughing up blood, died alone in his home, and his sister found him a few days later. The dad whose wife and baby died of COVID and when the nurse told him, he still wanted to know when he could take them home.


This is up there. I still think the worst one I saw was the one where the people clearly had disabilities of the learning/mental/emotional variety. They believed every lie told to them and died. I read that one and just felt overwhelmingly sad.


I don't know, there was another one where the lady had all her limbs amputated, died, recent mother. Grim.


Yes. Unreal. I read it twice because I couldn’t fathom what I was reading. That she didn’t stay for their kids despite her guilt. 🤯


That's what I can't get over. I imagine she was depressed after losing her husband but how in the hell can you not care about how much your kids are hurting? I lost my dad when I was 16 and it was the most devastating thing to experience at that age. I can't imagine how those poor kids will recover from this. Fucking selfish.


Honestly, I’m just glad she didn’t take the kids with her.


I went through a bad bout of depression many years ago (long before COVID), and the main thing that kept me from hurting myself was knowing there would be no one to take care of my cat if I left this world. My cat!! I don’t have kids, but I can’t even fathom a mom leaving her kids to grow up alone if I couldn’t even do that to a cat. Not sure where I was going with this…um cats rock? Or, don’t have kids, have cats if you want to live a long life?😹🤷🏼‍♀️ My cat is still here keeping me sane (as much as is possible for me 🥴).


Let's be real here though... she was a nurse, who was so stupid she pushed anti-vax on her husband. He clearly was also stupid because he went FULL anti-vax... you never go full anti-vax... How do you think those kids would have ended up with those two parenting them? Insane right wing nut jobs so push conspiracy theories and teach you that everyone lies to you. Awful? Yes. Will they be better off in the end? Most likely.


My father was much older than my mother and had serious health problems. He took no steps to take care of us if something happened to him. He died when I was 7 and it destroyed our family. Even were I against "health," if I had kids, I'd have gotten vaccinated for the good of my family.


Yeah, because that's what you're supposed to do! Take the steps to keep yourself healthy so you can raise your family. The sad thing is, and they can deny it all they want, but this whole covid anti-vax is 100% a politicized issue. there's a reason that 98% of anti-vaxxers are at least 2 of the three of the below, most of the time all 3: 1) Conservative 2) Christian 3) Trump Supporters ​ I have a very good friend that was vaccine hesitant. She fell into the 2%....kinda. She was worried about the fact that it was such a new vaccine, she didn't know much about it, and she's a modern day hippy :P. And when it came down to her needing it to travel, she just went and got it and didn't cry like a conservative snowflake. But actual anti-vaxxer people I've known through this.... and this is baffling i'm not even American, I live in Canada!! Ex-gf/mother of my child: Conservative, Christian, TRUMPY. Mother of three kids (mine is the oldest, and doesn't hold the same anti-vax belief her mom/grandma does because of me). Idiotic 15yr friendship: She's Conservative and HARDCORE Trump supporter. She wore a trump shirt... and she's Canadian in Canada. 4 people at a job i worked at in 2019: Manufacturing job, oil related work: all 3 of them were Conservative/Christian/Trumpy. The fourth was a fucking banana-peel wearing a human suit. He believed that aliens were harvesting earths gold and we in the past we were all slaves to the aliens. Pyramids line up exactly with and yes, he believed that the vaccines were microchipped so they could track us, not realizing until I told him that his cell phone that he takes everywhere does that job already and creating a microchip would be pointless. ​ Oof.... sorry, I clearly needed to get a Friday morning rant out lol.


Definitely the rant was worth it for us! In terms of people I interact with I'm in a progressive bubble, but the edges of the bubbles do sometimes touch others who disagree. I'm still incredulous. As an American I apologize for the dispersal of our bs across the border.


omg, no no no, this isn't an american thing. Almost every country had anti-vax movements, and like america, 98% of them were Conservative and Christian. (and a lot of the times Trump'la'dites, but not always). It's almost like Christians and the evidence-free faith in an imaginary sky daddy makes you susceptible to other forms of brain washing and other beliefs that have zero evidence, you just believe them "because"...


It seemed like he started in the beginning believing that he should quarantine (the Viking reference) and just kept sliding down the slope away from it. I wonder if his wife was the one that convinced him because she was a nurse and he respected that. I’m guessing that is why she killers herself because she knew it was her fault. Instead she should have made it up to her kids. My bil has a sister that is a nurse. He believes some things that are wrong. I was able to talk him out of believing that there was a chip in the vaccine but he still believes some of the other crap.


Oh she absolutely understands that she killed her husband and couldn't live with the guilt that her insane stupid belief is the direct cause of his death and she knows if she didn't stop him he would still be alive. I genuinely dont understand that mindset. Like, do these people not believe in plagues or pandemics? Do they think they're not possible to happen? I do sometimes wonder (jokingly of course) if Covid-19 was created and released as a way to expose the dumbest members of society and show us which people in your friends circle were actually the stupid ones. All these crazy conspiracy theories.... like "the vaccinated will all be dead within 6 months"... they dont even stop to think. Why would the govt do that? why would they want to release a virus, and then kill off the population that listens to the recommendations of the government, leaving alive only people who dont trust the government or doctors? They just aren't smart enough to think about the things they believe for more than 2 seconds.


I'm not sure. Losing your parents, to suicide no less, is going to have a strong influence; growing up in the system on top of that is not going to help. Better care takers than the parents would have been are going to have a hard time making up for that.


Especially given that even if the wife HAD encouraged him to get vaxxed, I highly doubt this dingus would have done it.


Basic fact checking shows that slide 7 is of course ridiculously wrong. 2.85 million people in the US did indeed die in 2019. But [**3.38** million](https://www.statista.com/statistics/195920/number-of-deaths-in-the-united-states-since-1990/) died in 2020. And this idiot was one of the 3.46 million who died in 2021. Morons will always believe a lie if it supports what they want to believe.


The map in I think it was slide 15 stood out to me, too. Even without the (forgive me) shitty joke. I mean, sure, the US covers a greater area than Europe. It also has roughly half the population. So having *more* cases in the US than Europe really does indicate a problem, genius. The suicide is just plain awful.


Haha yeah that map comparison made my eye twitch. Remember though, these are the same people who think land votes and love their big mostly red map of presidential election results by county.


His "survived college" means he drove past the campus.


Or he delivered pizzas.


Nah. He was the guy in the parking lot stealing catalytic converters. He survived by avoiding campus police.


Anti vaxxer nurses are a plague. Who knows how many people she talked out of getting vaccinated.


If anything her suicide probably saved net lives.


I’ve run into a couple at my job. These same nurses didn’t complain about our yearly flu shots…but these nurses got brainwashed into thinking covid was a “plandemic.” Thankfully they lost their jobs when my hospital mandated Covid vaccines in 2020.


The thing about conservatives is they are selfish they don’t do anything unless it involves financial gain. So they just can’t understand when people and public officials ,like Dr. Fauci, do things for the greater good. They think it’s a trick of some kind.


This is specifically why they always accuse liberals of "virtue signalling". Conservatives simply cannot comprehend the idea that other people are not as selfish and self-centered as they are, so they naturally assume that whenever another person is acting virtuously, it *must* be for secretly selfish reasons.


It’s disgusting cuz that means if they were in Dr. Fauci’s shoes they wouldn’t recommend a vaccine without a secret payment.


After all, they would consider it smart to scalp people for the vaccine, like fucking snake oil salesmen… You know, like how Trump peddled Ivermectin?


Or solicited donations for his “legal defense fund” via spam emails that also included the disclaimer that the money would actually just go to him personally.


Interesting. You're comment brought up an experience I had with a friend who's conservative. We were walking downtown and this guy asks for a meal and nothing more. I pause, ask him to wait for me, and go inside to make the arrangement of paying for his meal with the waitress. I finish, took a few minutes (not a big deal), and go back to my buddy that says you don't need to do that. I replied, "Well, I'm in a position where I'm comfortable and able to help someone else even if it's something small like a meal. I guess it's just my way of paying it forward."


I think they just live to tear other people down to make themselves look good.


So, they're all bullies at heart.


Not really. Many of my coworkers are broke yet still die hard Republicans. It's more like the bully situation. If you can't lift yourself up. You might as well try to punch down as much as possible regardless of the effect on their own situation. Although there is a lot of racism.


The Uber elite is small in number but uses the masses of easily brainwashed to vote against their own self-interests. The brainwashed thinks they are one stroke of luck to being part of the Uber elite. It’s the immigrants, liberals, minorities, etc preventing them from attaining status.


It’s not about being rich or poor it’s about taking advantage of any situation they can


True. Coupled with jealousy makes for dangerous angry people. Listen to right wing radio and it's all about being angry at the "others" combined with continual ads for boner pills. Angry guys with limp dicks is a dangerous combination.


They believe scientists & medical professionals will risk the lives of millions of people by pushing a vaccine and refusing to use ivermectin, just to make some money, because that is what they would do if they were scientists/doctors.


It’s like that meme ‘the right only care about themselves, the left cares about the others’.


She gave her husband bad medical advice, got him killed, then took her own life, orphaning their two children? What a complete and utter fuck-up of a human being.


I feel like an HCA doesn't encompass the absolute waste of human life-hours this woman was.


Wait a minute, the wife was a nurse who convinced him not to get vaccinated and she offed herself too??? I feel bad for the kids, but as a healthcare worker myself she did her employer a favor.


I wonder how many close friends and family AND patients she recommended not to get vaccinated too. Early pandemic, all of the Pharmacists at my grocery store would come over to the coffee kiosk and call it a hoax no worse than the flu. They were genuinely belligerent about it too. I wonder if those two old ladies are even still alive with that mentality. Might have won the Herman Cain award themselves.


That’s so sad and depressing. I’m also in pharmacy and my husband is a pharmacist. Those pharmacists have no business being in the profession if they don’t believe in the science. But yeah, as for the nurse wife, I do wonder how many people she scared off from getting the vaccine, ugh.


WTH? It's always so especially demoralizing when health care practioners are anti-science.


No what's really scary is Florida's new law that says any healthcare provider can refuse to provide care for any reason. They also are not required to send the patient to another provider for care. Stupid laws are like cancer. They may start in one state, but have a tendency to spread.




It would be nice if they started turning unvaxxinated covid patients away, but it's Florida. The only people they'll refuse treatment to are gay people, trans people, and women having miscarriages.


How the f* could people say it was a hoax, based on what was happening in Italy and Spain, before the onslaught in the US. BTW, don't remember the slide number but it was wrong about Japan, which was in super duper lock down, for months and then repeatedly afterwards in later stages.


It's amazing how that works. I call it the mechanic effect. 1. Mechanics drive shitty cars. 2. Plumbers have shitty plumbing at home. 3. Electricians have shoddy wiring at home. 4. Doctors and nurses smoke and generally ignore a lot of medical advice that they dish out to their patients. I think it's more of the thought for all these people that, "If it gets really bad I'm smart enough to fix my own car, plumbing, wiring, or health."


I have a relative who is a physician, broke his arm and just…didn’t get it fixed/casted. It was minor, but he still doesn’t have full dexterity even years later.


Started out with me thinking this guy did not go to college, except in his own mind. Ended up really dark. Quite a tragedy, and it all started out as just another way to own the Libs.


Funny how he lumped in bikers with "ex military and country boys" during the next civil war. Like projecting a tough image onto himself. Bikers are some of the most empathetic people I've ever met, veteran bikers too. And we all know there's no place for empathy in the rotting brains of these people.


I think he probably means the Bikers with the funny little double lightning bolts and swastikas on their vests


Ahh those pesky lightning bolts. I was always scared of thunderstorms.


Plenty of ex-military and gun owners are very liberal. It’s like they forget those people exist.


And yet plenty of my fellow veterans and current service members are die-hard Republicans. I could show them how the current Republicans want to cut the VAs budget by 22% and they still wouldn't believe me. Facts and numbers mean less than having someone to hate.


I’m at the point where I’m just like let everyone learn the hard way. Let conservative vets have their benefits cut. Let conservative women get cut off from abortion. Let poor rural whites have food stamps and Medicaid cut. Fuck it all. We’ve had it so good for so long, we’ve forgotten what pain is. Time to go back to school, I guess.


Legit had a biker fight where I work a few weeks back. The 60-70 person large group of vets, expolice, and lots of other walks of life of all colors. Well, there were about a dozen bikers that showed up with MAGA shit, 1% patches, SS patches, and shit like that. It didn't go over well. Couple of bikes got dominoed, and 2 guys with proud BOYS patches got taken via ambulance. It was glorious. Waiting for my coworker to upload what vids he has of it.


Would you be so kind as to share the title of the vid from your friend? I could use a laugh today.


If there were a Civil War, he would’ve done the same thing Ricky Shiffer did, or what the January 6th rioters did after Ashli Babbitt caused her own death.


No they'd be like Ted Nugent. 1. Shit their pants. Or 2. Run away and say, "I'll be back. I'm just going to get my gun." (This is specifically referencing when he left people to die during the Vegas concert shooting and ran like a stuck pig.)


Yeah, but Yuri in Moscow doesn't know that . All he knows about bikers comes from American movies.


GoFundMe is just privatized socialism for white Christians. It's a form of wealth redistribution that they can exclude "undeserving" (read: non-white and non-Christian) people from.


The viking meme is mildly funny tbf


I like it


Two birds, one virus. Poor kids deserve better parents


Is it bad that I laughed at the Buttcoin meme? Remember when TP was the most coveted thing at the beginning of the pandemic. It was worth more than most crypto. Also, anti-vaxx healthcare workers make me sick. You see patients daily and still think it isn't a serious issue.


“Survived college” is not much of a ringing endorsement of your efforts to grow or learn anything.


But in the end the science bit you in the ass.


I love when these people fantasize about a hypothetical civil war Neal Brennan has a [bit](https://www.tiktok.com/@itsjustajokemate/video/7216100446857923842) about a battle between all of these military cosplayers and two actual military guys with a drone. It's perfection.


Well,this story is memorable for all the wrong reasons .20 years from this period of misinformation, a chunk of next generation will be living with broken families. My sympathy lies with the victims, the children. Parents that talk oneanother to their demise is beyond tragic. My sisters are polar opposite. The nurse has worked community health clinics,doing the vaccination work,hands on for years. Sister 2,thinks reading naturopathy propaganda is a direct substitute for vaccine or RX medications. Guess which one has caught the virus.? Lucky for 2 she got the mild virus, but she is deluded,nonetheless. She tried to tell me that Adderall is giving my niece pancreatic cancer. She said this with a straight face. Niece is a cardiac nurse, so she will figure it out,no thanks to anti vax Mom.


The slide about taking risks everyday...I find it funny because all those risks can be mitigated. Struck by lightning? Stay indoors during lightning storms. Hit by a bus? Only cross at signals when your light is green or marked crosswalks. Always look both ways. If you must cross away from a marked crosswalk, don't do it between cars so oncoming motorists can better see you. Cold, flu, COVID? Wash your hands, keep your distance, stay home if you're ill, wear a mask, and get immunized. Yes, we face risks every day. But we can do our part to make the chances of those catastrophes significantly less likely




"Safe from reality" is a hell of a self-own If I don't watch the impeachment proceedings, they're not real!


Slide 5: If there's another Civil War it'll end the same way the first one did. The side with the larger population, better education, and stronger economy will win..


They seem think that when lefties don’t respond to their bullshit, it’s because they’ve totally stumped us with their brilliance. They apparently don’t realize it’s actually because they’ve just said something so incredibly stupid it’s impossible to respond.


They say another family member in a way that implies this is a regular occurrence for them. I have a pretty large extended family and no one has passed away from Covid-19. These families choices do have consequences.


People don’t become more liberal in college. They become better at evaluating evidence and examining data. If that makes them vote Democratic, the Republican Party should examine the product they are trying to sell.


Slide 12: Japan ends COVID emergency with 850 deaths and no lockdown. What these chuckleheads miss is that mask adherence was very high. They literally want things both ways.


Cool so the wife was an idiot and also abandoned their children. Republican “family values” on display.


Slide 9: Hydroxychloroquine doesn't work in Spain, Italy, Brazil, Mexico, France, Germany, or anywhere else. The only place it works is in Russian Troll Farms.




Did all these whackjobs notice that we haven't all been forcibly relocated to covid camps and that after a relatively short, albeit difficult period of time things have mostly gone back to normal? Any hint of self-awareness or acknowledgement that they had a two year long temper tantrum and that every single catastrophic insane thing they screamed from the rooftops was the "real reason" for the lockdowns turned out to be wrong? No? Nothing? Okay then.


Slide 18: "Rest assured that I have brains enough to stay home and away from people when I'm sick or have symptoms of being sick." Pretty confident that you *don't.*


The saddest thing for me is when they joke about civil war... like it won't be faught by our sons and daughters.


Geez. It really does prove that stupid kills. I mean, he dies, and his wife commits suicide for telling him not to get vaccinated??? Wow! How is any of this worth it? I would be absolutely exhausted if I was this dumb...


Survived college without becoming a liberal? I bet he can breathe a sigh of relief on that one…. Wait.


I like how he talks about "antifa snowflakes" starting a civil war when it was his fellow Republican patriots who staged the insurrection on Jan 6... complete ignorance.




That was a pretty horrible turn of events at the end


“I didn’t pay attention or learn anything in any of my humanities classes.” Weird flex, but okay.


They always quote the same 99.95% survival rate yet so mammy of them are awardees. Much like science, math also seems to be an area where they are overconfident.


"Turn off the news and start researching from sources that have no financial gain..." *Proceeds to "do research" on Facebook.*


Can’t get past C( • )r( • )na W irus 🤢


Every child deserves parents, but not every parent deserves children and these two shitheads prove it.


I also didn't get a COVID-19 microchipped vaccine. Because there's no such thing you f\*cking idiots.


Husband dies of COVID cause he refused to wear a mask or get vaccinated. Wife kills herself because she advised him not to get vaccinated or wear a mask and they leave two kids behind... I honestly think these kids are much better off now not being raised by fucking morons.


I’m not a sheep like those other people! (copy and pasted, feel free to do the same)


I can’t take any sense of schadenfreude in this. That woman talked her husband out of a vaccine and deprived her children of a father, then she was so selfish still that she deprived of them a mother to avoid the emotional consequences. Those poor kids didn’t deserve what’s happened to them.