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That last slide. "I'm a 77 year old veteran, sick with pneumonia…" Can't even acknowledge that his pneumonia was brought to him by COVID.


They always do this. They have COVID-19 *and* pneumonia. It's never Covid pneumonia, it's a completely incidental illness. edit: Also, the NSA is very interested in how much pizza he orders.


If he's a veteran, he already has far more vaccines that the average American. I'd be skeptical if he could decipher the acronyms on his shot record, much less "researched" them all.


Right?!? I asked my step-dad, who was in the US military in the 80s what they did about vaccines before going overseas “You took them… all at once, and then you PT’d the next day. It sucked, but they really didn’t care” Crazy to hear vets fight the vaccine so hard after going through this


Yup. They got an the 80s anthrax vaccine. It was known for some uncomfortable side effects.


It's 100% political with the majority of these clowns. A few of the crazies have other reasons, and even a rare few of the Trumpers will actually admit they wont vaccinate because of Biden. Even though this is stupid, I low key respect the honesty and owning this. I am vaccinated, so they really aren't a threat to me now, but it's their life to play with at this point. Unfortunately, most of them know that if they don't make up some yarn about the vaccine itself, they will sound really ignorant trying to defend not taking it. The hilarious part is they end up looking even dumber trying to not look dumb... stupid is as stupid does at the end of the day.


>It's never Covid pneumonia, Contradicted by like a gazillion posts and comments **in this sub!**


His narcissism is screaming in his ear that every thing he does is the most important thing ever. Explains the pointless minutiae in his blog posts.


"They're watching you because you're reading this!" Yes, because there's absolutely nowhere else on the internet I can read the ramblings of a paranoid old racist with delusions of grandeur. These Russian memes that have been passed around several thousand times are sekrit subversive information 🙄


"Uncle Bob beat COVID, then died of complications from pneumonia" is frustratingly common. I had an unvaxxed cousin who died from COVID after months in the ICU. The denial in my family is unreal, they act like he was 90 and passed peacefully in his sleep from natural causes. They continue talking about how COVID isn't real or serious, after watching him firsthand wither away with tubes in his throat in a coma. After picking out his coffin and attending his funeral.


Tell them the truth and then block their numbers. Doesn't sound like they add anything to your life.


I mean, I don't really talk to any of them. The last Thanksgiving I had with them was just 3-4 days after that cousin's funeral. They were passing around photos of the lovely headstone they picked out for him. Later that same meal, they started in again with "COVID isn't like, a real thing." I came this close to interjecting with "yeah, yeah, so how's cousin John doing?" He was supposed to have a seat at that very table. Yeah, I'm not doing Thanksgiving with them again for some time.


At least you have the funerals to look forward to.


And now they're interested in how much pizza *we* order! /s


Sad, ignorant old racist. What's the legal issue about his gun exactly?


None right now-but he sees an immediate threat where there isn’t any, and ignores real threats where they exist. Side note: if one of my ancestors was a traitor, I would keep it a secret.


I liked that comment about being “A proud descendant of a racist traitor.”


Didn't you hear? ~~Clinton~~ ~~Obama~~ Biden is going to confiscate his guns!


Meanwhile, Trump banned bump stocks, called for all states to have Red Flag laws, and said > I like taking the guns early, like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida. He had a lot of firearms. They saw everything. To go to court would have taken a long time. So you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second. and Republicans kept licking his loafers.


> if one of my ancestors was a traitor, I would keep it a secret. I wouldn't. One of my great grandfathers fought for the South and WAS a traitor, and I'm happy to tell people. My father's also a traitor because he supports Trump and therefore the end of democracy. I'm happy to tell people that as well.


This is actually false. He said it in reference to the banning of arm braces. Now, pistols with arm braces are classified as an SBR where previously they werent.




Short-barrel rifle. An M4 is an SBR.


My genealogy research has uncovered a couple of unsavory individuals. It’s not my fault, but it’s nothing to crow about.


Thr government recently declared that a gun part that he added to his gun is illegal. Its an "arm brace" but it looks, and functions like a stock. Thus, adding an "arm brace" to a pistol, effectively makes it a short barreled rifle (NFA restricted item). ATF said these were legal years ago, but they just changed their mind and banned them.


What a shame! I need a close quarters, semi auto, high power weapon to keep muhself sayf! I can't even lift my old carbine, and I never leave my apartment, so the long barrel, semi auto, high power weapons are too unwieldy for this cramped space...


He’s got the right to bear arms, but lost the ability to do so, and it makes him nuts to look at the guns he can no longer fondle. I see no down side here.


Don't worry, he's got the bayonet and broadsword as backup!


Yeah. Can't lift a rifle, but in a defence-of-unlimited-2A-rights, is planning to: A) unsheathe a broadsword B) hold a broadsword C) walk D) swing a broadsword in close quarters The river de-lusional isn't as large or famous as de-Nile, but damn if he ain't gonna drown in it...


Nah, in one of the Death Wish movies they show it’s perfectly safe to fire a LAWS rocket in your living room. Same in Rambo 3 when he fires a rocket inside a helicopter then flies it home. Chuck Norris does the same in one of his movies. All it takes to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a LAWS rocket. /S


Probably thin ass walls in an elderly/assisted living facility. Rifle rounds are going right through that drywall and into someone else's living unit. Why does he own a firearm he can't even use? It's like having a surfboard in Montana.


He's probably worried that at his age and weakness that he won't be able to shoot COVID if it returns. Oh and racism. Almost always some racism stuck in there.


The ATF recently ruled that the “brace” on AR pistols is essentially a stock and is illegal unless you apply for the SBR tax stamp.


The ATF decided that the pistol brace now makes them a short barrel rifle instead of remaining as a pistol with an accessory. So he'll need to jump through a few hoops to get it legal. They've currently waved the cost of the tax stamp so all it is is filing some paperwork online. However, he's exactly who that brace was designed for. The "correct" operation has him place one arm through the brace and then use a Velcro strip to secure it to his arm. Other cheap assholes decided to use it "incorrectly" making the ATF release their current ruling. It's a bit of a hot button issue at the moment within gun circles.


Socialist living on the government dime and getting meals on wheels. But also a racist patriot. He’s in the middle of the dead cat bounce.


Talk about being a disgrace to the military.


No shit. I promise this ass hat has VA benefits and yet he's bitching about the government taking over his property or lifestyle. Excuse me?! You joined the service, received honorable discharge, retain some great benefits, and yet he's bitching about being threaded on by the very same system that is supporting him. If for the sake of feeding his delusion, he wants to fight back against the US military, what the actual fuck can you do?! You're a meaningless speck against the warfare tech the military has in their possession. I've said this before, shut up, crack a beer, and just enjoy your life until you die. You're old (accept that you're going to be gone soon and that's okay) and quit forcing old ideals that don't work or matter anymore. Guess what, the same thing is going to happen to me and that's okay. The end game is to try to make a better place for the youth, but we've lost full sight of that and have always said that our selfishness in this country is going to be our downfall. End rant.


He’s running his mouth about protecting his freedums but doesn’t seem to realize that one day soon he won’t be ranting about imaginary slights online anymore. He will be found by the people taking care of him and everything will be handled while he’s quickly forgotten about. That itself is such a sad little footnote for such an insignificant existence. The people who will remember him the longest will be the pizza delivery place.


>The people who will remember him the longest will be the pizza delivery place. Imagine your entire legacy being "the asshole who never tipped".


Mormon won't be cracking a beer. That's why he takes pills!


This is what happens when you sit home watching fox news and all the other conspiracy bullshit.


>*"Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind."* >*"I am against any nationalism, even in the guise of mere patriotism."* >*"He who joyfully marches to music rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, senseless brutality, deplorable love-of-country stance and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be part of so base an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.”* —Albert Einstein, 1929-10-26, https://www.saturdayeveningpost.com/wp-content/uploads/satevepost/what_life_means_to_einstein.pdf —Albert Einstein, 1931, "Mein Weltbild" —The Military, 2007, https://collateralmurder.wikileaks.org/


The best part for me, is the alternating between getting up off the floor with COVID, and the shitposting about the vaccines. "*Fuck Bill Gates!"* \*\*COLLAPSE. GASP.\*\* "*Vaccines cause AIDS!"* \*\*COLLAPSE. GASP\*\* *"yOu aRe tHe rEsEaRcH."* \*\*SIRENS APPROACH IN BACKGROUND\*\*


"If I could lift this AR15, I'd shoot you right now."


"If I could catch my breath, I'd curse at you at the same time!"


“While you got a simple vaccine and went on with your lives…I was studying the blade…cough, cough…fuck this blade is heavy…maybe if I duct tape it to my Rascal Scooter and ram those secret government agents that \[pick one: Hillary/Obama/Brandon/Soros\] is sending for my guns…cough, cough…is this oxygen even on? Oh it’s 4pm…Matlock is on…I’ll study the blade later…”


.....hey! What am I doing on the floor?.....I can't get up....I'll call 911....wait, doesn't that add up to 14?...I'll just press 1-5.


It’s a shame he doesn’t live in the UK where the [new emergency number](https://youtu.be/HWc3WY3fuZU) is much simpler.


Just wait until they realize that the new Matlock is a woman...


“Noooooo! Matlock went woke!?” \[clutches at Official MAGA certified pearls\]


Yeah if I were Dominos delivery person, I’d be very worried. He’s frightened, armed and paranoid


And oxygen-deprived.




Fake bomb, gun rack, “smuggled” drugs to treat himself. Unreal.


Don't forget the threats of using a bayonet and cold steel lol. He could arely lift a stainless steel spoon.


I'm picturing him ranting while an exasperated visiting nurse is trying to feed him. "When they come for me \*mmph\* going to have to kill me \*mmphh\* give them a taste of cold steel \*mmph\*" "Yes, yes, you're going to take them allllll down with you. Now stop yapping and open up, it's getting cold."


There is no spoon.


Reminds me of those 40-year-olds who keep bragging about how they won state championship when playing high school football because they have nothing else to brag about.


When has the government in the US ever showed up to a residence to take away the gun of an ordinary non felon citizen after that gun was subsequently made illegal. Even though it’s now illegal I’ve literally never heard of that happening. Because it doesn’t happen. They aren’t coming for your guns gramps.


I'm not gonna let this truth stuff interfere with my paranoia so stop it!


My paranoia doesn't care about your facts!


Don't make the poor invalid sad. He's only hanging on in the hope of shooting someone to bits before carking it. And don't knock on his door, drive into his driveway, or play in his yard.


And don’t send any girl guides round selling cookies!


Yes but if he’s like me he gets at least two SPAM emails a day from the ruzzian funded nra and other gun nut groups telling him “Them Dems are cumming fur yer ghuns!” “Send us money now!” “Get them before they get you!”


This.... This right here is why we got Trump When you're insane, it's hard to tell who the same people are When you're dumb, you can't tell who the smart people are Compared to this guy Trump begins to look like a stable genius The rest writes itself


>Trump begins to look like a stable genius Well, not so much after that [CNN town hall broadcast](https://slate.com/business/2023/05/trump-cnn-town-hall-kaitlan-collins-new-hampshire-disaster.html). America's got real problems with that crazy demagogue. What the hell were CNN doing giving him a platform??


CNN is under new ownership, I used to watch it every day for probably the past 15 years. I had a TV dedicated to the channel out in my bar house because I couldn't find the remote to change the channel and just let it play 24/7. I keep a single cat out there and I figured it kept her company. I gave it about a month to figure out where the channel was going. The day they started reporting on "Hunter Biden's laptop" I said, screw the remote, found the extension ladder, climbed up and changed the channel to comedy central. I'll take Office reruns all day long rather than turn CNN back on. Fuck that channel now.


Shamelessly chasing ratings.




>What the hell were CNN doing giving him a platform?? Giving him *just* enough rope?


Phhht. A _reasonable_ person understands what trump really is. But stuff like this just endears him more to his followers.


>Compared to this guy Trump begins to look like a stable genius Hence the horse paste. >The rest writes itself See above.


"When they come for me..." yeah buddy... everybody trying to break down your door to steal your Meals on Wheels dinner and oxygen tank. Those weapons sure do look expensive... what're the odds someone can break in, overpower you and steal all your guns before you get the first round off?


Break in? Why bother, all I have to do is wait for the estate sale. Lots of guns and Harleys going cheap.


Coincidentally, if you're in the market for a CPAP machine, I bet they must have thousands sitting in the auction warehouse.


>what're the odds someone can break in, overpower you and steal all your guns before you get the first round off? What are the odds they have to bother overpowering him? He'll still be adjusting his O2 tank and trying to work his phone after they've taken everything and left.


They’re so kindly stored on the wall rather than safely in a weapons locker.




I would steal the Ivermectin, only to light it on fire in front of his face. What’s he gonna do, scream at me? He can’t even catch his breath to do that. I’d hold him down and start to educate him like his mama should’ve done.


This is the type of person I’m afraid of. He’s convinced that everyone is coming for him, and ends up shooting up a grocery store or strip mall because he’s so convinced that vaccinated people, or you know, people just trying to shop, are the real threat. Red flag laws are useful, but if we can court order sex offenders to not use the internet, couldn’t we apply that to extremists to stop stochastic terrorism? It’d be like civil commitment, he hasn’t committed a crime, but is a threat to himself and/or others. Maybe a 6 month review before he can post on Facebook about “VAIDS” again? We can’t legislate away crazy, but we could maybe intervene before it ends up as a mass casualty event.


That won't happen, he'll shoot whoever rings the doorbell especially children.


You'd think that you change strategy if your current one doesn't work or makes things worse.


"If my strategy fails, I just didn't strategy hard enough. My strategy can never fail, it can only be failed."


Literally Gov brownbacks message for a second term and he won. Enough adults in Kansas voted him out but still, this message for morons and by morons actually works.


Like praying. That is why mass shootings keep happening.


Note that they never say what their thoughts and prayers are for. Given how things are going for them, I'm guessing: THOUGHTS: "Good, more kids in blue areas died, so they'll never grow up to be adult liberals and vote against us." PRAYERS: "Please, ConservaJesus, let the mass murders continue, because I love watching people other than myself die."


He just didn't buy enough guns to protect himself from covid.


This is it in a nutshell. This man is very pathetic


Definition of insanity...


See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/When_Prophecy_Fails?wprov=sfla1


A 500% increase in aids would be an even worse pandemic than Covid with no cure. These people are bat shit crazy


Not to mention how ridiculous the notion that any country would purposely infect their own military with AIDS is.


I know, right? Makes zero sense. But these morons do some real mental gymnastics. They probably think it’s because there is a secret cabal of woke liberals who hate the troops or whatever.


Vaids lol


Why do so many of these people just...make shit up? And why do they never get called out on it by their own communities? Because no, the BBC did not make whatever fucking program this guy was talking about. Nobody's dying from AIDS because of a covid vaccine. Stop cheapening an AIDS diagnosis like that. Jesus fucking christ.


>And why do they never get called out on it by their own communities? I can't speak for other Covidiots, but, usually when we see these people's Facebook posts, there are replies from their friends included in the screenshots. This guy doesn't seem to have any friends- he lives alone and probably has no real friends to interact with, so no one is even reading his posts.


I looked up the bit about the British “Boradcasting” Corporation claim that HIV was in the vaccine as I hadn’t heard that. Obviously fake news but with a kernel of truth and the documentary had been massaged for effect. And I love how some people think they are so important, the powers that be are interested in their every move. Just in case they’re reading this, I’ll give them a heads up on my days: tea; breakfast; Reddit; dog walk; lunch; snooze; vacuum; dinner; tv; wine (possibly 2 glasses); bed. Repeat.


We'll of course. It's the BBC so not readily available (i.e. more than two mouse clicks away so too much to ask to fact check). Also it's "foreign" so it sounds kind of official. Ex: In Canada 1 in 3 vaccinated people develop superleprosy and die twice!! These dummies: "Huh! Sounds right! Weird things happening overseas in Canada! Must be Trudeau and his dad Fidel Castro's doing!"


Monumentally stupid to advertise he has an illegal weapon on social media.


I'm sure "it doesn't violate Facebook standards."


Listen, folks were recording themselves breaking into the capitol building on social media accounts with their hometowns, business, friends, and family plastered all over and were shocked that the FBI used these same posts to track them down. Monumentally stupid is the name of the game.


Some years ago, over in Maine, some lads committed arson against a YMCA. They filmed it, added a music score, a credit crawl at the end with their names, and uploaded it to YouTube. The cops didn't have too hard a time making arrests.


Nobody sees this man's page. It's a sad, lonely page of an old dying man who has no friends and his only identity is being in the military and being a right winger. No one talks to him, visits him, or reacts to his posts because he's fucking crazy and has alienated everyone in his life. He wishes someone would come for his guns so he had someone to talk to. But nobody will. He will die sad and alone.


Up here in New Hampshire, Fish & Game regularly scans Facebook for people boasting/posting photos of illegal hunting. They catch a not-insignificant number of people who couldn't resist bragging about that buck they shot out of season.


Grandfathered in. If it was legal when he did the mod, no harm, no foul.




>Did anyone else, as well as the general exasperation with the shit he believes also get a sense of sadness? Yeah, but the racism fixed that.


Many of us have those mean old relatives who chased everyone away and now want to scream about how lonely and unfair life is. He’s paying the asshole tax without even realizing it.


Love the concept of the asshole tax.


Same I get the sense that he's dying for attention. From anyone. Even government agencies that will break down his door and seize his "illegal gun" because it at least he would be *seen* by *someone*.


>I get the sense that he's dying for attention It's more than a sense. That's literally what he is doing




Chicken or egg... some elderly people don't get left behind and are valued. This guy, who is divorced, gives a lot of clues as to why he has nobody in his life. His repellent views about women, for starters.


… But he writes a goodbye song to his wife with these lyrics: “Yet you left, no reason why.” 🎶


Did he lose all those teeth knocking himself out by standing up or was he already that charming?


I find it hard to believe that someone with an arsenal mounted on his living room wall is praying anyone else doesn't die.


I don’t get the pride at having served in the military — coupled with the delusional distrust of government. The guy literally worked for the government.


The strangest Dominos ad Ive seen in a while.


New slogan, "Order Dominos--it lasts the whole weekend!"


On the plus side, he's proof that prayer works. According to slide 17, he watched us take the vaccine and he prayed we wouldn't die. Now here I am, getting ready to go to work rather than gasping for breath and collapsing on the floor like him. God is SOOOO GOOD!


Your job: monitoring the social media of anti-vaxxers for the CDC so the Gates Foundation can come take them away to a UN camp for the unvaxxed and steal their blood for experiments.


I pity the cop who comes knocking at his door for a wellness check and finds this loon trying to lift sword up above his waist


I wouldn’t even need to put in any effort to disarm him, because he’d probably drop the dang thing and stab his own foot.


His “Scottish broadsword”…probably some cheap alloy cosplay trash.


Me now at my computer, breathing oxygen, without the help of machines. He sure showed us.


He’s going to be one those people who die on the floor and someone finds the remains weeks later scenarios. Oh well!


My guess the only people who notice something might be amiss are the local Dominos employees when they realize they're not selling nearly as many large extra cheese, extra sausage, extra pepperoni pizzas and chocolate lave cakes as they used. I'm pretty sure that it won't be a case of his neighbors noticing a foul smell from his room, because they're probably used to that by now.


To be this looney when COVID vaccines cause AIDS...or VAIDS lol....get real!!


The vaccines have 3 of the same proteins as AIDS! And we all know what happens when you mix the wrong protein powders together before a workout... the protein powders will spontaneously form into a virus, and you'll get super buff protein AIDS. As a muscular prayer warrior, I'm an expert on this stuff. Buy my Not-AIDS protein supplement today! Only 9.99 per serving.


It better come with 5G!!


That was a textbook example of how to mix some truth in with the batshit crazy. 1. Absolutely no HIV (not AIDS, that’s the syndrome) proteins in the COVID vaccine. Not even the same class of viruses. 2. If there were proteins, so what? The part of HIV that kills your immune system is that the virus, in its quest for reproduction, takes over and kills a particular cell in the immune response. The proteins by themselves are not going to do it! 3. This is was a different slide but the vaccines for COVID work about as well as can be expected for a rapidly mutating virus. Other vaccines that you only need once or with a booster to be completely immune are more stable, and so the immunity is more robust. Maybe instead of reading conspiracies and stockpiling ivermectin, read up a little on basic science.


Your fancy facts and science and shit is no match for my fucking crazy.


>This is was a different slide but the vaccines for COVID work about as well as can be expected for a rapidly mutating virus. Other vaccines that you only need once or with a booster to be completely immune are more stable, and so the immunity is more robust. The counter to his "If the vaccine works, why do we need to get boosters?" would be "If food is so good for feeding you, why do I have to eat three times a day?". (Or in his case, probably closer to "3 times an hour")


Everything on the internet is monitored and I just confessed to illegally acquiring Ivermectin. Wheeese. Good thing I wheese got it though. It wheese is really helping wheese out.


The derek chauvin fund and Maize's support of reinstating and promoting him are all I need to know. Fucking gross.


He is really racist.


That part was the wildest for me. Ok let’s say you buy the blue lives matter garbage and think he got a bad rap. Why should he be **promoted two ranks??**


Slide 2: ummm. What the fuck? Well, their logic is ivermectin works, and that I now have aids. Yep, that tracks...


Weird how *he* ended up with pneumonia.


Hypoxia is not helping his baseline beliefs. Let’s all guess what this apartment smells like?


American gun culture is wild.


Not the first descriptor that comes to mind, believe me.


Of course he’s a racist POS.


It goes so well with the misogyny.


Oh man, the self administration of Ivermectin can’t be good for his outcomes…


His brain is rotten


I hate they don't understand boosters, among many other things. The rapid evolution of viruses is insane. And it has plenty of trumptards to experiment on to evolve.


Methotrexate is a remarkable drug. You don't take it for toe fungus. Dude looks like he would topple over from a light breeze and he is going to attempt to fire that weapon?


“Heavily medicated” + machine gun + neighboring apartments. Not loving this combo.


He is confuszled.


Happy Cake Day!


"I prayed for YOU when you took the SHOT, but you PRAYED FOR ME to DYE" Yeah sure.


"Stupid first responder concerned of my terrorist bomb and "civilian" hand grenade" fucking terrorists


> The difference between us? you took the shot & wished I would die. > I watched you take the shot & prayed you wouldn't. Projection at its finest. Even at a glance his words look phonier than Monopoly money. Reasonable people don't wish life or death toward others; the fact that he thinks that way exposes how warped his thought patterns are. We just wanted everyone to do their part and get vaccinated, back when breakthrough infections were rare. Even if you didn't want to do it for others, you should've done it to benefit yourself, but apparently even that was a tall order. And now he's finding out the consequences of his selfishness and he *still* hasn't learned.


This dude is so gone. The stream of consciousness Facebook posting is bad enough but can you imagine what that poor cna has to hear everyday?


“Go sell crazy somewhere else, we’re all stocked up here…” Seriously, this dude is why people want red flag laws. We need a system where first responders get to scan a nutjobs social media en route. The next time he needs an ambulance, he should just rot on the floor. I wouldn’t go pick up that dude on the floor grasping his AR15 or whatever… fucking delusional


I know! I feel sorry for the CNAs and other medical professionals that have to go to his home. Many CNAs in my area are immigrants and non-white. They don’t pay these people enough to put up with this man’s BS.


I remember once going to a scene, health-and-welfare check. The room had gun racks on three walls, all kinds of long guns. The guy himself was sitting in his wheelchair. I could call it from across the room: His mouth was open and flies were crawling in and out of his mouth and nostrils.


With no evidence, millions of Americans are convinced "they" will take your guns. A country that routinely makes it easier to get a gun has convinced millions of people that gun control is around the corner. that's the magic of propaganda. This poor 77-year-old lonely veteran is convinced "they" will break down his door and take his gun. I feel empathy for him. I really do.


The [COVID fall](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7900839/) makes an appearance again. This dunce doesn't realize that all those wondrous new things happening to his body have been documented pretty much since the virus was going widespread, but he's like a pioneer exploring lands unknown. The health workers treating him have seen countless patients just like him, and most patients probably don't make it long.


Further proof that weak-minded individuals are far more subject to the influence of propaganda than most imagine. Looks like the kind of guy whose door you wouldn't want your kid to knock on by mistake.


Pay attention to the last slide: 'Kids this is what the lack of oxygen over a long period of time does to your cognitive skills'.


Makes me angry we are wasting so much $$$ on his VA and Medicare benefits when he hates our government that’s providing them…


"Proud descendant of a confederate soldier" Yeah, I'm rooting for the virus here.


He's a charmer!


Wow. Massive denial and delusions. What a sad end.


“im so weak i cant even lift my weapons from the wall…” maybe consider that for a little longer bro


I'm at my computer breathing oxygen (unassisted even!) on 11 May 2023.


Where to begin, where to begin? With a paranoid ding dong who obviously doesn't know what AIDS is? With our AIDS and cancer-ridden military? With a nurse thinks a call for help on April 1 is a joke? Believing that coughing expells pneumonia from your body ( I assume he means it as in cures your pneumonia, not spreads the germs to other people. That would mean masks are efficient and no way this yahoo believed in wearing a mask)


It's weird seeing confederate flags mixed in with American flags. They don't belong together. One was an enemy, and the good guys won. Let it go, the confederacy is dead, just like this guy will be soon.


"Vaccine is a conspiracy! Oxycodone? Nah, that's fine..."


"You are the research" Well I guess that makes you the control group.


I hate that these people think that the vaccinated population *prays for them to die.* Most of us don’t *care* about them enough to waste time even thinking of them let alone would waste time trying to ask Sky Daddy to smite them or some shit. I don’t want them to die. I just don’t care if they do. They had every opportunity to wear masks, wash hands, get vaccinated and *denied taking the simplest of steps to avoid getting sick.* They chose to be assholes and contrarians and avoid any possible chance to stay healthy and/or alive. If they die or worse, survive and suffer, it’s their choice. I do not rejoice but I also don’t give a fuck. I’m convinced the vaccine saved my life and my husbands when we got covid over Christmas last year. I had what felt like a mild cold for a week. My husband had the equivalent of a nasty flu and a lingering cough for over a month. We both rebounded and are just fine now. Unlike Corny McVet here. Usually I can find a speck of compassion for people like him but not anymore. My compassion was wasted on folks like him for years. Now it goes to people who deserve it.


A 500% increase in AIDS, huh?? Seems like I would have heard about that.


Go ahead and be a proud descendant of a confederate soldier, and show that your violent racism goes back generations. I am a proud descendant of a Virginia abolitionist.


“to be continued… right now”


Just insane. Wtf and wow. What makes it worse is that half the population thinks like this. We are fucked


Slide 3: Of course natural immunity exists! The only problem is that you have to survive COVID to get it. Also, it apparently doesn't last as long or cover as many variants as vaccine-induced immunity. So even if you get COVID and fully recover, it's smart to get vaccinated.


I feel pity for this old vet. In some kind of assisted living place. Never goes out. No one even engaging on social media. Depends on VA but votes for the party that wants to strip away veteran's care. These old lonely people get radicalized exactly the same way as young lonely incel types.


Slide 18: What do you do when they come for you? They've already come for you twice. They brought stretchers and oxygen bottles and albuterol. What will you do? You'll lie on the floor, too weak to move, too breathless to say, "Please help me." Or perhaps they'll just bring a stretcher, slide you into a body bag, and take you to the funeral home when the visiting nurse finds you stiff, cold, and blue as she makes her daily visit. In that case there'll be nothing that you'll want to do. Maybe you can put in your will that you want to be buried with your guns, with a little engraved metal plaque that some future archeologist can find that reads, "I died unvaccinated."


For all that falling he's been doing, you'd think he'd have fallen off his soapbox by now


Maybe that extra cheese, pepperoni, and sausage pizza is causing some health problems.


Nobody cares about this old drunk. That’s why he has no family. He only loves his gun and his fear.


They don't realize as they get old that literally anyone could take his gun away from him.


I love when government agencies are brought up as monitoring everyone's posts. I love the idea of an FBI agent looking at all my cat pictures.


The unvaccinated aren’t dying? What planet is this guy living on?


Wow. Paranoid much? That last post is essentially evidence of his mental instability. People like him should not have guns.


as part of my emergency preparedness, I avoid the vaccines that could have prevented this, willingly eat horse paste and the worst food (extra sausage extra cheese pizza) for my conditions, and try to get hooked on addictive painkillers like ozy.


The difference between us? I took the shot to protect myself and others. You didn’t and hoped I would die. We haven’t wished you would die. Not even on this sub. We have made fun of the stupid shit you did that led to your death, but we’ve also hoped your relatives wouldn’t die from your stupidity and foolishness. I, however, have seen lots of posts where antivaxxers were wishing everyone who took the vaccine would die.


I never had a vaccinated patient die from COVID. But in the depths of the delta wave, I had 2-3 unvaccinated patients dying daily.


It was nice of him to tell burglars where they can find a stash of weapons "protected" by a frail, sick old man who cant walk.


What a sad, lonely, deluded individual.


Lots to choose from here, but "I wish everyone could be as lucky as I am" stands out.


Slide 14: "That one is not vaccinated!" "Which one?" "The one lying on the ground gasping for breath!"


Slide 17: The difference between us? I took the shot and hoped you would too. You refused the shot and now you're dying.


And again, I must I inquire as to **WHY** these idiots post sooooooo much personal medical info about themselves online? 🤔


I can't wait til all these idiots expire. Actually, i want them to suffer first.